For Authors
The journal «Actual Problems of Psychology» publishes articles and short communications on scientific research, technical developments, perspective business and innovation designs, know-how in areas corresponding to the subjects of the periodical. The journal also publishes scientific, technical and thematic materials, announcements of conferences, out-of-print scientific publications of the specified topics, profile and specialized exhibitions.
Journal Topics:
- Questions and problems of general psychology and history of psychology
- Recent developments in social psychology and deviant behavior
- Problems of the psychology of creativity and giftedness
- Problems of the psychology of learning and teaching
- Problems of organizational and management psychology
- Problems of psychological assistance and counseling practice
- Problems of cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics and psychosemantics
- Problems of Environment and Ecological Psychology
- Problems of health psychology and psychophysiology
- Developmental Psychology preschooler. Child development in terms of pre-school and primary education
Instructions for Prepairing Article
A special file of metadata presents on three - Ukrainian, Russian and English - languages. This file contains:
1) article title, author (s) and initials of the author;
2) the name of the institution, full postal address, telephone number, fax number, email address;
3) abstract - no more than 250 words;
4) keywords - at least 3 and no more than 8 words;
5) Information about authors - full name, title, affiliation, degree, academic title, contact information (phone number, email address).
– The article may be published in Ukrainian, Russian or English.
– In the beginning of the first line on the left indicates UDC. Centered - title of article.
Down the middle - first and last name of the author, academic degree, rank, position, place of work (unabridged), e-mail the author. Then necessarily served three Ukrainian annotations (lines 10-12), Russian (10-12 lines) and English (20-22 lines) languages, and keywords (keywords) in three languages (3-8 words); before each abstract should be submitted as author name and title of the article.
– The paper - printed sheets from 0.5 (at least 12 pages).
– File format - WORD (doc, docx). Page format - A4. Margins: left - 2.5 cm, right - 2 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm.
– The recommended font - TimesNewRoman, size - 14, line spacing - 1.5
– Графіки, рисунки (тільки формат JPG) і таблиці (формат WORD) можуть бути безпосередньо в тексті або міститися в окремих файлах. Ілюстрації мають бути підготовлені та масштабовані таким чином, щоб розміри букв тексту на ілюстраціях не перевищували розмір букв основного тексту статті більш ніж на 50%.
– Charts, drawings (only format JPG) and table format (WORD) can be directly placed in the text or in separate files. Illustrations should be prepared and scaled so that the size of the letters of the text in the illustrations do not exceed the size of the letters of the main body of the article more than 50%.
– The number of figures should not exceed 4.
– Fractional numbers submitted through the period (0.001).
– Distinguish between the text hyphen "-" and a dash "– ".
– REFERENCES issued as required by WAC Ukraine (Ukraine Bulletin WAC. - 2009. - № 5). References are indicated in square brackets [12, p. 24]. The list should include all the authors, which you specify in the text.
– Transliteratsiynyy list of sources used by the author is made via sites:,,.
rules of this unit REFERENCES see here.
– Both lists sources submitted 14 letters / 1.5 intervals.
For publication should be sent by e-mail read:
– The electronic version of the article (file name - your name).
– Information about authors (surname, first name, middle name, title, degree, academic status, place of work or study; email address; dom. Address, contact telephone numbers) - appear on a separate page at the end of the article in Ukrainian and English .
– Review of the supervisor (for graduate students and students).
Editors reserve the right to reject materials that do not meet the requirements and have not undergone peer review. Editors do not necessarily reflect the position expressed by the authors of articles, and is not responsible for the accuracy of these data and references.
Responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the materials published by the magazine, is the author.
For additional information necessary to contact the executive secretary of the relevant volume publication.