Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 7. Environmental Psychology. Issue 43 – 2017


Content of Issue

UDC: 159.96+613.8
V. Berezianska

Personality adaptation of oncology sick people. Transactional analysis approach
Taking into consideration that malignant tumors take the second place in general structure of death rate, this article focuses on study the adaptive strategies of an oncology ill person and his or her scenario disposition which can consciously or subconsciously predetermine oncologic diseases. Correspondingly, transactional analysis becomes the method which implements the assigned tasks. Therefore, 4 psychological methodologies have been used, two of them were developed in transactional analysis. 25 persons who are currently undergoing treatment at Kyiv oblast oncological hospital took part in the research questioning. As a result, it is cleared out that the most dominating drivers are: “Be strong”, “Be perfect”, “Make others glad”, so, it is specified that for the selected group it is common to overload themselves with a big amount of tasks, to ignore their own needs for the sake of other people’s needs, to set unrealistic standards of quality and accuracy of performance; guess other people’s wishes and needs to satisfy them. Also it is revealed that prevailing strategies of adaptation for oncology ill people are “Brilliant skeptic”, “Responsible workaholic”, that shows people under research like those who are very careful in relations with other people, seldom initiate contact, critical, reliable at work, diligent, responsible, often do not know when to stop and to take a rest. An available correlation of “Try hard” and “Almost everything is ideal in my life” drivers simultaneously show striving for ideal and inaccessibility of this ideal, which becomes for our respondents a source of growing subjective expectation of stress. In such a way the chronic personal tension is made, which lies in dissatisfaction with one’s life and personality that is favorable to disease personality of oncology ill person, transactional analysis, drivers\directives, strategies of personal adaptation

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Skyba A. Prohnozuvannia sotsialno-psykholohichnykh ta sytuatsiinykh chynnykiv aktyvatsii zlochynnykh dumok i namiriv u sferi informatsiinoi bezpeky / A. Skyba, O. Khorina. // Ukrainian Scientific Journal of Information Security. – 2015. – Vol. 21. – Issue 2. – P. 165 – 173. 2. Stiuart I. Osnovy TA: Tranzaktsiinyi analiz: Per. z anhl. / I. Stiuart, V. Dzhoins. – K.: FADA, LTD, 2002. – 393 s. 3. Joines Personality Adaptation Questionnaire, JPAQ. - 4. Taibi Kahler «The Process Therapy Model - The Six Personality Types With Adaptations» -

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 10-20 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922
Vernik O.

Tutoring as a way of ecologizing the family and educational environments of a teenager’s life activity
The article analyzes the problem of the ecologization of the life of a teenager that relation with his learning activity. It is argued that a decrease in its success may be a consequence of both a deformation of the relationship with the family, with school educational environments, and the negative influence of personal factors. A prerequisite for improving the school performance is the elimination of the above reasons through the restoration of the relevant relationship. One of the key figures in this process can become a tutor, since its functional location allows it to be equidistant from the “interested parties”, establish a parity and trusting relationship with the young man. Thus, it is proposed to consider tutoring in this context as a way of ecologization the family and educational environments of a teenager’s life activity. personality, teenager, life activity, environmental friendliness, tutor, family environment, educational environment

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Andreeva E.A. Evoljucyja klassycheskoj modely t'jutorskoj dejatel'nosty y ee sovremennye formy // Vestnyk povolzhskoj akademyy gosudarstvennoj sluzhby. 2011. № 2 (27). – S. 131-136. 2. Andrejkovec E.M. T'jutorstvo kak tehnologyja upravlenyja yndyvydual'noj traektoryej razvytyja studenta // Sovremennye nauchnye yssledovanyja y ynnovacyy. 2014. № 10. Ch. 2 [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenyja: 27.02.2017) 3. Achkasov M. Vybyraem repetytora [Elektronnyj resurs] / Maksym Achkasov. – Rezhym dostupu: 4. Pedagogyka /Pod red. P.Y. Pydkasystogo. - M.: Pedagogycheskoe obshhestvo Rossyy, 2002. – 5. Pedagogyka: Uchebnoe posobye dlja studentov pedagogycheskyh uchebnyh zavedenyj / Vytalyj Aleksandrovych Slastenyn, Yl'ja Fedorovych Ysaev, Aleksandr Yvanovych Myshhenko, Evgenyy Nykolaevych Shyjanov. – M. : «Shkola-Press», 1997. – Rezhym dostupu: 6. Perevozna T.O. Do vyvchennja psyhologichnyh skladovyh t'jutors'koi' modeli osvity u vyshhij shkoli // Visnyk Harkivs'kogo nacional'nogo universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina Serija Psyhologija. Serija «Psyhologija. №1095. 2014. – S. 39-41. 7. Romanova E.S. 99 populjarnyh professyj. Psyhologycheskyj analyz y professyogrammy. – SPb. : Pyter, 2003. – 464 s. 8. Rudenko O.V. Repetytor – profesija aktual'na/ Oleksandra Rudenko; uporjad. I.M. Rozhnjatovs'ka. – K.: Shk. Svit, 2011. – 128 s. 9. Tkach T.V. Novi sub’jektni smysly suchasnogo osvitn'ogo prostoru osobystosti / Tamara Tkach // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii': zbirnyk naukovyh prac' Instytutu psyhologii' imeni G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrai'ny. – Tom 7, vyp. 37. – S. 186-194. 10. Shvalb Ju. M. K opredelenyju ponjatyj sredy y prostranstva zhyznedejatel'nosty cheloveka / Ju. M. Shvalb // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii'. Zbirnyk naukovyh prac' Instytutu psyhologii' im. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K., 2006. – T. 7, vyp. 8. – S. 182-190.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 21-30 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922
Vovchyk-Blakytna O.O., Gurleva T.S.

The child and the living environment: the ecologization of space
The article defines the developing, environmentally oriented environment, which uncludes elements that promote the development of the functional state of the human body, the activation of its psychological resources, the resistance to negative influences, the achievement and maintenance of emotional comfort, and induce the processes of self-development of the person. The family environment is considered as a part of «person-life environment» system. The attention is focused on the information space, which is a kind of life environment and can potentially destructive, or constructively influence the development of individual’s self-improvement, harmonize or destroy the internal picture of the world of the child, youth, adult. To be realized as a person and develope civil society with economic prosperity, spiritual level and ecology-orientedal approach to internal and external world, it is necessary some things. Living environment (family, educational, informational ) environment must be well organized, safe and contained the potential for recreation and personal development throughout life. Information space should not hinder the development of a family environment but positively integrated into it to help baby grow well and feel like a family member and citizen of their country. life environment, child, environmentally oriented, developing environment, man-made environment, family environment, ecological system, information space, mass media

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

Shvalb Yu.M. Ekoloho-psykholohichni vymiry sposobu zhyttia / Yu.M. Shvalb // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zb.nauk.prats In-tu psykholohii im. H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy – K., – T.7. – Vyp.5.– Ch.2. – S.294-301. Еkopsykholohycheskye aspektы razvytyia yndyvydualnosty / Pod red. V.Y. Panova. – M.: Psykholohycheskyi Ynstytut RAO. – 1977. – 147 s. Vovchyk-Blakytna O.O. Yakist zhyttia – umova ta rezultat mizhpokolinnoi vzaiemodii v simi / O.O. Vovchyk-Blakytna, T.S. Hurlieva // Ekolohichna psykholohiia : khrestomatiia / za red. I.I. Shlimakovoi – Kharkiv : Vydavnytstvo «Disa Plius», 2016. – S. 227-233. Vovchyk-Blakytna O.O., Hurlieva T.S. Dialoh mizh doroslymy i ditmy yak umova podolannia nehatyvnoho vplyvu sotsiokulturnoho seredovyscha / O.O. Vovchyk-Blakytna, T.S. Hurlieva // Aktualni problemy psykholohii : Zbirnyk nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. Ekolohichna psykholohiia, 2013, T.VII. Vyp. 32. – S.39-47.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 31-40 (pdf)


UDC: 159.93
Kyrpenko T.M.

The volitional function in the process of self-development person
The article studied areas of research on the problem of volitional regulation image of a person's life. Were represented of research on the problem of strong-willed regulation. Are described individual features of manifestation the will. Were identified of importance and function of volitional regulation. The values and functions of volitional regulation are theoretically designated. Will is the basis of behavioral and social self-control in the process of mental regulation of the vital activity of the individual. Under the mode of life is understood a stable standard form of the vital activity of the individual and communities, typical interactions of the individual with society, and group relationships with other people. It is about habits, traditions, stereotypes of behavior that determine the interdependence between the individual and his environment. It is determined that in the process of life activity an individual style of volitional personality regulation is formed that determines the success, effectiveness and quality of her way of life as a whole. It is stated that in the vital activity of a person, its internal volitional efforts are the defining ones. The urgency of the problem under and the prospects for further research in this direction are determined. Prospects for further research from the theoretical and practical point of view is to consider the formation of volitional regulation in childhood and high school years in the family and in social interaction. Self-change awareness has been identified as the main criteria for the development and self-development. personality, will, self-development, self-control, persistence, lifestyle, motivation, life activity

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Ekoloho-psykholohichni chynnyky yakosti zhyttia v umovakh rozvytku suchasnoho suspilstva : Kolektyvna monohrafiia / za nauk. red. Yu. M. Shvalba. – Kirovohrad : «Imeks-LTD», 2013. – 208 s. 2. Ilin E. P. Psihologiya voli / Ilin E. P. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – S. 17–195. 3. Selivanov V. I. Osnovnyie podhodyi k psihologicheskomu issledovaniyu volevoy aktivnosti lichnosti / V. I. Selivanov // Eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya volevoy aktivnosti. – Ryazan, 1986. – 138 s. 4. Shvalb Yu. M. Vozvraschenie k zabyitoy teme: problema voli v psihologii / Yu. M. Shvalb // zb. nauk. pr. AktualnI problemi psihologIYi. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2014. – Tom VII. EkologIchna psihologIya. – Vip. 37. – S. 186–199. 5. Boekaerts, M. & Corno, L. Self-regulation in the classroom: A perspective on assessment and intervention. Appplied Psychology: An International Review, 54(2), 199-231, 2005 6. Corno, L. Volitional aspects of self-regulated learning. In B. J. Zimmerman & D. H. Schunk (Eds.), Self-regulated learning and academic achievement.  London: Lawrence Erlbaum. – 2001. - pp. 191-225. 7. Kielhofner, G. “Volition”. in Gary Kielhofner. Model of Human Occupation: Theory and application (4th edition ed.). Baltimore: Lippencott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 33–50. 8. Kuhl J., Beckmann J. Historical perspectives in the study of action control // Action control: From cognition to behavior / Ed. by J. Kuhl, J. Beckmann. Berlin. N.Y. – 1985. – Р.178–185. 9. Silva M. N., Markland D. A., Minderico C. S., Vieira P.N., Castro M.M., Coutinho S.S., Santos T.C., Matos M.G., Sardinha L.B., Teixeira P.J. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate self-determination theory for exercise adherence and weight control: Rationale and intervention description // BMC Public Health. – 2008. – Vol. 8. – P. 234–247.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 41-48 (pdf)


UDC: 159.937.2+159.942
Klimanska M.B.

Psychological features of perception of apartment houses
The article presents the results of empirical research aimed on defining the features of emotional perception of typical apartment houses in Lviv. The selection criteria and procedures of research design are described in details. The survey was carried out with the using of projective interpretative method by showing the pictures of typical houses and recording the stories of respondents. The data analysis was carried out by using content analysis (with the help of QDA Miner Lite v.2.0 program). According to the survey results, the 95 indicators (subcategories), which make up the overall image of a house, were verified. The subcategories were united in 9 categories (unequal by their size): features of emotional perception, special needs of the residents and the level of their satisfaction, social characteristics of the occupants, activities, type of the building, psychological climate of the house, the indoor physical features of the house, environmental details, and time perspective. The perception’s peculiarities of 6 typical apartment houses of Lviv were described. It was determined, that regardless the type of the building, its psychological climate which is determined by the architectural features of the building and satisfaction of social needs are the important aspects of the house’s perception. The possible psychological problems that may become as a result of improper design of living environment are described perception of the house, emotions, needs, psychological climate of the house, cooperation, social characteristics of residents

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

Dzhekobs D. Smert y zhyzn bolshykh amerykanskykh horodov / D.Dzhekobs, [per. s anhl.] – M.: Novoe yzdatelstvo, 2011 – 460 s. Kyivskyi standart // Dostupno z: (Tsyt. vid 1.03.2017) Mylhram S. Eksperyment v sotsyalnoi psykholohyy / C.Mylhram, [per. s anhl. N.Vakhtyna, S.Levandovskoho y dr.]. – SPb.: Yzd-vo «Pyter», 2000. – 336 s. Lynch K. Obraz horoda / K.Lynch, [per. s anhl. V.Hlazыcheva] – M.: Stroiyzdat, 1982. – 328 s. Smolova L. Psykholohyia vzaymodeistvyia s okruzhaiushchei sredoi (ekolohycheskaia psykholohyia) / L.Smolova – SPb.: SPbHYPSR, 2010. – 711 s. Strakh i nenavyst spalnykh raionov. Pochemu typovaia zastroika rossyiskykh horodov prevrashchaet ykh v hetto // Dostupno z: (Tsyt. vid 1.03.2017) Shteinbakh Kh., Elenskyi V. Psykholohyia zhyznennoho prostranstva / Kh. Shteinbakh, V. Elenskyi. — SPb.: Rech, 2004. — 239 s. Kaplan R., Kaplan S. The Experience of Nature: A Psychological perspective / R. Kaplan, S. Kaplan – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. – 340 p. Newman О. Creating defensible space / O. Newman. – Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research, 1996. – 123 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 49-60 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Klymenko I.V.

The interrelationships of tolerance to uncertainty with separate indicators of the socio-psychological adaptation of cadets – would be law enforcement officers trained in the psychological support program
The article presents the results of the study of the interrelationships of tolerance to uncertainty with separate indicators of the socio-psychological adaptation of cadets - would be law enforcement officers in the context of the psychological support program. The problem of tolerance to the uncertainty and adaptability of the personality is the subject of studies of a wide range of sciences, including the socio-psychological spectrum. This formulation of the problem is often due to the fact that tolerance to uncertainty and adaptability are interrelated socio-psychological phenomena characterizing the personality. As several researchers have pointed out, tolerance is the driving force of personal growth and social adaptation, which characterizes the attitude towards the world, towards oneself, filling the sense of behavior, actions and positions of the individual. In this regard, we consider tolerance to uncertainty as a necessary psychological characteristic of modern policemen, an important condition for their socio-psychological adaptation. The study found that among cadets who study in the context of a psychological support program, certain components of tolerance to uncertainty actualize such components of socio-psychological adaptation as acceptance of oneself, acceptance of others, emotional comfort and external control, and also reduce their maladaptation. In the group of cadets who study within the framework of the ordinary program, tolerance to uncertainty actualizes only emotional comfort and escapism. Thus, the interrelationships of tolerance to uncertainty and socio-psychological adaptation of cadets included in the psychological support program indicate the need for further development of a program of psychological support for the study of cadets, aimed at optimizing tolerance for uncertainty. cadets, higher police education, psychological support program, socio-psychological adaptation, tolerance for uncertainty

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

Gusev A. I. Tolerantnost' k neopredelennosti: problematika issledovanij. / A. I. Gusev // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2007. – № 8 – S. 75 – 80. Gusjev A. I. Tolerantnist' do nevyznachenosti jak chynnyk rozvytku identychnosti osobystosti / A. I. Gusjev avtoref. dyss. ... kand. psyhol. nauk. - Odesa, Pivdennoukrai'ns'kyj nacional'nyj pedagogichnyj universytet imeni K.D. Ushyns'kogo 2009 - 20 s. Leonov I. N. Vlijanie tolerantnosti k neopredelennosti na strategii sovladajushhego povedenija / I. N. Leonov // Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov ser. Serija: Akmeologija obrazovanija. Psihologija razvitija. 2015. T. 4, vyp. 3. S. 259—261. Ljubart T. Psihologija kreativnosti. / T. Ljubart, K. Mushiru, S. Tordzhman, F. Zenasni - M.: Kogito-Centr, 2009. - 216 s. Selina I. A. Formirovanie tolerantnosti policejskogo kak aksiologicheskaja problema / I. A. Selina, B. N. Selin // NAUKA. TEORIJa. PRAKTIKA. - 2015 - №2 - S. 75-77 Shamionov R. M. Adaptacionnaja gotovnost' lichnosti — sub#ekta social'nogo vzaimodejstvija / R. M. Shamionov // Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Serija: Filosofija. Psihologija. Pedagogika. 2015. T. 15, vyp. 4. S. 106—112. Shamionov R. M. Sootnoshenie tolerantnosti k neopredelennosti i adaptacionnoj gotovnosti lichnosti k izmenenijam / R. M. Shamionov // Vestnik rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. serija: psihologija i pedagogika Izdatel'stvo: Rossijskij universitet druzhby narodov (RUDN) (Moskva) № 3 - 2016 - S. 28-39

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 61-70 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9.072

Value-sense regulation of social boundaries and reliable authenticity of the individual
The article highlights the concept of “reliable authenticity of the individual”. Determined specifics proper regulation of social boundaries and reliable authenticity. The leading factor recognized is value-sense regulation. Important properties, which form the basis of this phenomenon, there is a certain age and sex, neurodynamic properties constitutional and physiological characteristics, traits, features of cognition, value orientation of man, including responsibility, stability, endurance and stamina, discipline. Psychological nature reliable authenticity of the individual is reflected in the scientific literature in concepts such as excess activity, a byproduct of intellectual initiative, initiative, selfless risk and suprasituational activity initiation mental activity, goal-setting, personal choice, and the man as the subject of life, the subject of professional activity and family relations. Reliable genuine personality realized through psychological mechanisms related to the diagnosis of external and internal reality. Internal factor secure authentication is a professional diagnosis of reality as a basic mechanism of mental activity. Its effectiveness depends on the authenticity, social maturity, adequacy and sufficiency of individual professional, critical factors of professional conduct, risk of mental and physical well-being. External factor reliable identity authentication process to ensure it is a mechanism for continuous assessment of critically important in terms of professional activity risk behavior. With its focus on optimizing estimated regulatory compliance, secure identity authentication requirements established and accepted norms, the outer ring mechanism for continuous assessment introyetsyruyetsya psychological mechanism in the inner ring of continuous assessment, which serves more power Super-Ego, which leads to the actualization of subject-activity reflexive regulation of professional conduct in line with the established requirements of reliable authentication. authenticity, reliability, reliable, authentic identity, social boundaries, value-semantic sphere of personality

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Ball G. O. Osobistіsna nadіynіst’ u gumanіstichnomu tlumachennі: psikhologіchnі, etichnі ta pedagogіchnі aspekti /G. O. Ball // Profesіyna osvіta: pedagogіka i psikhologіya: Pol’s’ko-ukraїns’kiy shchorіchnik, IV.  Kiїv; Chekstokhova, 2003. - S. 461-474. 2. Baryshkov V. N. Tsennost’ kak kategoriya teoreticheskoy filosofii / V. N. Baryshkov. / Immanuil Kant i aktual’nye problemy sovremennoy filosofii: Sb. nauch. Trudov. - M., OOO Izd-vo «Ekshen», 2005. - S. 134-140. 3. Vrigt G. Kh. Logiko-filosofskie issledovaniya. Izbrannye trudy. / G. Kh.Vrigt / Perevodchik: E. I. Tarusina, A. S. Karpenko i dr. - M.: «Progress», 1986. – 593 s. 4. Kagan M. S. Filosofskaya teoriya tsennostey. / M. S. Kagan. - SPb.: Petropolis, 1997. - 206 s. 5. Kotik І. O. Mekhanіzmi refleksії u protsesі rozvitku sub’єktnostі lyudini/ І. O. Kotik: Dis…kand. psikhol. nauk: 19.00.01. – K., 2004. – 206 s. 6. Kotik І. O. Eksperimental’ne doslіdzhennya nadіynostі osobistostі y grupi v napruzhenikh і ekstremal’nikh umovakh zhittєdіyal’nostі / І. O. Kotik, S. V. Sarichev Problemi suchasnoї psikhologії: Zbіrnik naukovikh prats’ Kam’yanets’-Podіl’s’kogo natsіonal’nogo unіversitetu іmenі Іvana Ogієnka, Іnstitutu psikhologії іmenі G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraїni / za nauk. red. S.D.Maksimenka, L.A.Onufrієvoї. – Vip. 33. – Kam’yanets’-Podіl’s’kiy: Aksіoma, 2016. – S.291-313. 7. Kulagin B. V. Osnovy professional’noy psikhodiagnostiki. / B. V. Kulagin - L.: Meditsina, 1984. - 250 s. 8. Paramonova S. P. Dinamika moral’nogo soznaniya. / S. P. Paramonova.  Perm’: Izd-vo Perm. gos. tekh. un-ta, 1997. - 209 s. 9. Pushkin V. G. Problema nadezhnosti. Filos. ocherk. / V. G.Pushkin. ? M.: Nauka, 1971. ? 191s. 10. Sarychev S. V. Sotsial’no-psikhologicheskie aspekty nadezhnosti gruppy v napryazhennykh situatsiyakh sovmestnoy deyatel’nosti / S. V. Sarychev, A. S. Chernyshev. – Kursk: Izd-vo KGPU, 2000. – 164 s. 11. Tatenko V. O. Lіder ХХІ. Sotsіal’no-psikhologіchnі studії. / V. O. Tatenko. ? K.: Vidavnichiy Dіm «KORPORATSІYA», 2004.? 198 s. 12. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskakh smysla: Sbornik: Per. s angl.i nem. /Obshch. red. L.Ya.Gozmana i D.A.Leont’yeva. ? M.:Progress, 1990.? 368s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 71-83 (pdf)


UDC: 159.97:616.89-008.441.3
Litvinchuk M.L.

Modern views on the problem of psychological dependence of addicts
In the article the problem of psychological dependence of addicts. The purpose of this article is to reveal contemporary views on the problem of psychological dependence of addicts. Psychological dependence in the literature as mental desire for the drug and ability to achieve mental comfort in intoxication. That attraction is not always recognised and occurs in the early stages of anesthesia and remains for life. Subjectively, the need for a change in state of consciousness may be due to development needs, in the acquisition of a new psychological, or even spiritual development. Dependent behavior is typical for those who does not find within itself a worthy goal, and constantly feels the source of inner discomfort. Psychological dependence applies to all types of drugs. Psychological dependence on drugs in the initial phase, supported by passion and does not cause physical suffering in the absence of the drug. But over time, she begins to act in such a way that only the introduction of a certain dose of a narcotic substance provides a comfortable condition, and his lack of «breaks» not only the body but also the mind. Dependent behavior is typical for those who does not find within itself a worthy goal, and constantly feels the source of inner discomfort. Moreover, painful experiences is enhanced during the stress of critical situations. Considering the individual for each dependent of the individual world model that explains the nature of her psychological dependence, possible improving the psychological and psychocorrective measures in the rehabilitation process, which undoubtedly will increase its effectiveness. attraction, addiction, mental comfort, psychic protection, mental condition, demand, compensatory mechanisms, euphoria, sedation

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Moskalenko V. D. Zavysymost: semeinaia bolezn / V.D. Moskalenko – M. : PER SЭ, 2006. – 352 s. 2. Luryia A.R. Osnovы neiropsykholohyy / A.R. Luryia. – M.: Yzdatelskyi tsentr «Akademyia», 2003. – 384 s. 3. Leontev A.N. Deiatelnost. Soznanye. Lychnost / A.N. Leontev. – M.: Smыsl, Akademyia, 2005. – 352 s. 4. Frankl V. Chelovek v poyskakh smуsla / V. Frankl ; [ Per. s anhl. ] – M. : Prohress, 1990. – 368 s. 5. Fromm V. Anatomyia chelovecheskoi destruktyvnosty / V. Fromm. – Litres, 2015. – 253 s. 6. Lytvynchuk L. M. Psykhokorektsiina robota z khvorymy na narkomaniiu zasobamy mystetstva: teoretychni aspekty ta perspektyvy / L. M. Lytvynchuk // Horyzonty osvity. – 2014. – №. 2. – S. 114-118. 7. Chernetska Iu. I. Suchasnyi stan ta shliakhy rozv’iazannia problemy resotsializatsii narkozalezhnykh osib v Ukraini ta za kordonom / Iu. I. Chernetska // Naukovi zapysky [Nizhynskoho derzhavnoho universytetu im. Mykoly Hoholia]. Psykholoho-pedahohichni nauky. – 2014. – №. 4. – S. 220-226. 8. Sorce V. Manuale per gli Operatori del Progetto “Terra Promesa” / V. //Sorce Caltanissetta. – 1992. – 180 p. 9. Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide / Third edition / National Institute on Drug Abuse National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011. – 76 p. 10. De Leon G. Community as a method: Therapeutic Communities for special population and special settings / De Leon G. – Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishiers, 1997. – 140 r. 11. Winklbaur B. et al. Association between prenatal tobacco exposure and outcome of neonates born to opioid-maintained mothers / Winklbaur B. et al //European addiction research. – 2009. – T. 15. – №. 3. – S. 150-156.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 84-94 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9 (075.8)
Lyuta Lesya

The dynamics of travel requests in modern society
The article analyzes the institutionalization of tourism on the basis of the dynamics of travel requests. The results obtained during the survey of managers of tourism. Demonstrated that the current stage of development characterized by the appearance of tourist interest. Polіmotivation is characteristic of modern tourism. Tourism is once again becoming individual. Tourism singles changes the group in the early twentieth century, now bucking the trend. Investigated that the complexity of the manager is the ability to distinguish from a large range of current aspirations one that will be dominating and its contents relate to existing tourism product. It is proved that tourism develops as networked. Initially formed a network that unites adherents around her, and then there are new organizational forms. demands of tourists, tourist interests, the organizational forms of tourism, institutionalization


Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 95-102 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9: 316.6
Ovchynnikova A.

Psychological competentions of specialists of socionomics specializtions
The problem of psychological competence as a component of professional competence of experts socionomic professions. The study highlights the main scientific approaches to the definition of the concepts of «competence», «professional competence», «psychological competence.» The structure, components, content, and features of the manifestation of psychological competence of specialists socionomic types of professions. competence, professional competence, psychological competence, profession socionomic type


Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 103-115 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.6:316.645
Paniotova D.

Interdependence of the ideology of liberalism and conservatism with the importance of careing on the environment - empirical verification on the example of Ukraine, Poland and Switzerland
The article deals with the problem of interrelation between ideological commitment and the importance of caring about nature and environment. This problem was considered taking into account moral values ??of liberalism and conservatism on the examples of Ukraine, Poland and Switzerland. The analysis was based on European Social Survey. The results shown that interrelation of ideological commitment and importance of caring about nature and environment occurred in Ukraine and Switzerland ideological commitment, conservatism, liberalism, importance of caring about nature and environment


Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 116-126 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.6
Rudomino-Dusiatska O.V.

Organizational-methodical bases of research of identity of a person as determinants of ecologically-oriented daily activity
The article discusses theoretical positions and the program of empirical research of the identity of a person as a factor in the organization of their daily activity, which does not harm the environment. It is noted that the psychological condition of the ecologically-oriented stile of life is the ability of the individual to self-determination. An important component of self-determination is the identity of the individual. The main aspects of identity are social identity, oriented to social categories and groups and personal identity, focused on the uniqueness of human experience. Universal manifestations of the identity of the individual in everyday life are personalization and psychological «appropriation» of the objects of the life environment. The hypothesis about the existence of differences in the manifestations of personalization and psychological «appropriation» of the objects of the life environment in a person with a predominance of social or personal identity is substantiated. These differences cause the ecologically-oriented daily activity in the first case and the lack of the ecologically-oriented daily activity in the second. Presented are: procedure of operationalization of initial concepts and research provisions, its methodological tools, expected dependencies between the selected variables psychology of life, personal identity, social identity, personalization, psychological “appropriation”

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

Gold D. Psihologija i geografija: Osnovy povedencheskoj geografii. Per. s angl. / D.Gold – M.: Progress, 1990. – 304s. Dzhems U. Psihologija /U.Dzhems. – M.: Pedagogika, 1991. – 369 s. Pavlenko V.I. Predstavlenija o sootnoshenii social'noj i lichnostnoj identichnosti v sovremennoj zapadnoj psihologii /V.I.Pavlenko // Voprosy psihologii. – 2000. – № 1. – S. 135 - 142. Rudomіno-Dusjats'ka O.V. Ekologo-psihologіchnі aspekti doslіdzhennja osobistіsnoї ta socіal'noї іdentichnostі ljudini /O.V. Rudomіno-Dusjats'ka // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії. Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – 2016. – T.7, – vip. 42 – S.182 - 193. Hejdmets M. Psihologija sredy: stanovlenie i poisk / M. Hejdmets // Tendencii razvitija psihologicheskoj nauki. / Otv. red. B.F.Lomov, L.I. Ancyferova – M.: Nauka, 1989. — S. 242 - 254. Chernoushek M. Psihologija zhiznennoj sredy. / Per. s chesh. / M.Chernoushek – M.: Mysl' 1989. – 174s. Altman I. The Environment and Social Behavior: Privacy, Personal space, Territoriality and Crowding – Brooks Cole, Monterey, CA, 1975. – 256 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 127-135 (pdf)


UDC: 159:343.95:343.138
Savchenko H.V.

Socionomic features of professional-psychological readiness for judicial activities article considers current issues of psychological nature of enforcement activities of judges
Expands socionomic content of judicial activity. Identify key psychological determinants of professional competence of judges. Outlines ways of creating professional-psychological readiness lawyer to judicial activities. It can be noted that communication as a judge, as the subject socionomic professional activity, due to the peculiarities of professional communication - including the prediction of possible variants of behavior, the presence of individual “techniques for” dialogue of, establish psychological contact with elements of role behavior. In these circumstances psychological requirements personality judge not only High, but for providing the presence of specialists of the aggregate qualities rarely combined within one the person (empathy, velocity response and analytical mind, restraint and communicative role, etc.). Of course, the absence of some of them can be compensated by individual Guest style activities, but not always, i do not complete extent. This makes special demands on the professional and psychological training of judges acting basis of his psychological preparedness socionomic features enforcement activities socionomic profession, judge, law enforcement activities, professional competence, communication, interaction, professionally important qualities

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bandurka A.M. Yurydycheskaia psykholohyia : uchebnyk / A.M. Bandurka, S.P. Bocharova, E.V. Zemlianskaia – Kh. : yzd-vo Nats. un-ta vnutr. del, 2002. – 596 s. 2. Basova N.V. Pedahohyka y praktycheskaia psykholohyia / N.V.Basov. - Rostov-na Donu: Fenyks, 2000. – 416 s. 3. Vasylev V.L. Yurydycheskaia psykholohyia : uchebnyk dlia studentov vuzov, obuchaiushchykhsia po spets. «Iurysprudentsyia» / V.L. Vasylev– [5-e yzd., dop. y pererab.]. – SPb. : Pyter, 2004. – 654s. 4. Dulov A. V. Sudebnaia psykholohyia: uchebnoe posobye / A. V. Dulov – [2-e yzd., yspr. y dop.] – Mynsk : Vыshэish. shk., 1975. – 464 s. 5. Diachenko M.Y., Kandыbovych L.A. Psykholohycheskye problemy hotovnosty k deiatelnosty. -Mn: Yzd-vo BHU, 1976. - 173 s. 6. Kvachakhiia M.M. Systema umov optymalnoho vykonannia slidchoi roboty // Suchasni problemy derzhavy ta prava. – K.: Vyd-vo “Lybid” pry Kyiv. un-ti, 1990. – S.172 – 174. 7. Klymov E.A. Psykholohyia professyonala. – M.: Yzd-vo NPO “MODЭK”, 1996. – 400 s. 8. Kolbaia H.N. Sootnoshenye predvarytelnoho sledstvyia y sudebnoho razbyratelstva / H.N. Kolbaia – M. : Yuryd. lyt., 1975. – 152 s. 9. Kony A.F. Yzbrannыe trudы y rechy / A.F. Kony; sost. Y.V. Potapchuk. – Tula : Avtohraf, 2000. – 640 s. 10. Konovalova V.E. Pravovaia psykholohyia : ucheb. posobye dlia studentov yurydycheskykh vuzov y fakultetov / V.E. Konovalova – Kh. : Osnova, 1990. – 198 s. 11. Korniev M.N., Kovalenko A.B. Sotsialna psykholohiia: Pidruchnyk. – K., 1995. – 304 s. 12. Maksymenko S. D. Zahalna psykholohiia : navch. posibn. / S. D. Maksymenko, V. O. Soloviienko – 2-he vyd., stereotyp. – K.: MAUP, 2001. – 256 s. 13. Platonov K.K. Kratkyi slovar systemy psykholohycheskykh poniatyi. - M.: «Vysilaia shkola», 1984. - 174 s. 14. Radutnaia N. V. Narodnыi sudia: Professyonalnoe masterstvo y podhotovka / N. V. Radutnaia – M. : Yuryd. lyt., 1977. – 144 s. 15. Sytkovskaia O.D. Psykholohyia uholovnoi otvetstvennosty / O.D. Sytkovskaia – M. : Norma, 1998. – 285 s. 16. Shadrykov V.D. Problemы systemoheneza professyonalnoi deiatelnosty. - M.: “Nauka”, 1982. – 133 s. 17. Shepitko V. Iu. Psykholohiia sudovoi diialnosti : navch. posibnyk / V.Iu. Shepitko – Kh. : Pravo, 2006. – 160 s. 18. Iurydychna psykholohiia: Pidruchnyk / Za, Ie.M.Moiseieva. /Kol.avt. Aleksandrov D.O.,Androsiuk V.H., Kazmirenko L.I. ta in. – K.:KNT, 2007.-360s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 136-147 (pdf)


UDC: 159:9
Tamara Tkacz

Psychospo?eczny charakter zmian na przesrzeni ?ycia
W tek?cie przedstawiona zosta?a analiza, kt?rej zasadnicz? konkluzj? jest stwierdzenie, ze cz?owiek na przestrzeni ca?ego ?ycia pod?ega zmianom i sam niekt?re zmiany wprowadza. Aspekt nieprzewidywalno?ci ?wiadczy b?d? o rozmaitych mo?liwo?ciach ukierunkowania ?ycia przez sam? osob? doros?? czy przez charakter interakcji z otoczeniem. Wyra?na przewaga pro ces?w asymilacji sprawia, ?e cz?owiek nie modyfikuje swego sposobu zachowania pomimo zmieniaj?cych si? okoliczno?ci i ogranicze? wynikaj?cych z wieku. Kon tynuuje na przyk?ad m?odzie?czy styl ?ycia w wieku ?rednim, nie bior?c pod uwag? mo?liwo?ci fizycznych ani ogranicze? spo?ecznych. Charakterystyczne przystosowania obej muj? szeroki zakres zmiennych opisuj?cych liczne sposoby zachowania wobec zada? i wyzwa? o charakterze rozwojowym, spo?ecznym i indywidualnym (cele i d??enia). Pozostaj? one pod wp?ywem ?rodowiska, podstawowych tendencji oraz aktywno?ci w?asnej podmiotu. okres doros?o?ci, zadania i wyzwania ?yciowе, kryzysy normatywne i nienormatywne, procesy asymilacji i akomodacji, rozumieniе ?wiata, okre?laniе sensu w?asnego ?ycia, autonarracjа i historiа ?ycia


Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 148-157 (pdf)


UDC: 159:9
Shwalb Y.M.

Complicated life circumstances as an object of psychological practices
The article proposition an ecosystem approach to understanding complicated life-circumstances as a variety of life situations. The situation is seen as a complex cognitive construct that combines the person’s conception of the structure of living conditions and the perceived contents of meaningful life goals that ensures the formation of a task-oriented life program. Social work, and even more so psychology can not be limited only to indicators of the financial and economic state of a person who finds himself in difficult life circumstances. We must accept the thesis that complex life circumstances are one of the forms of the life crisis of the individual. This crisis covers not only its internal Self, but also the social being of person. The initial position of our work: the situation does not exist as an objective reality, but arises as a reality of conscious conditions of activity and life of the individual. In this respect, the consciousness functions “on the material” reflection, and its product becomes the structuring of fragments of objective reality, presented as a current situation. Such a mutual definition - situations through consciousness and consciousness through situation - presupposes the existence of a general principle of their structure. In our opinion, this principle is the principle of organization, which implies the structuredness of the elements, their relative internal consistency, functional integrity and spatio-temporal limitations. Two organization can enter into a relationship of interdependence and mutual cooperation, only if its meet the criteria of mutual congruence and adequacy. It is shown that complex life circumstances arise as a result of a certain event as an unforeseen situational factor that makes the further realization of a sustainable way of life impossible. It is proved that the basic psychological condition for overcoming difficult life circumstances is subjective readiness of an individual to self-change and development of new strategies of activity. Life situation, event, difficult life circumstances, awareness, personality, behavior strategies, life activity


Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 158-169 (pdf)