Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 7. Environmental Psychology. Issue 41 – 2016
UDC: 159.922.7:316.6
Arnautova Vіktorіya Volodymyrivna
Competitor of the Department of Applied Psychology and Social Work, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk
Determination of the socio-psychological characteristics of the socialization of pupils of educational institutions closed
This article describes the case of empirical research methods, social and psychological characteristics of the sampling procedures and studies to determine the socio-psychological characteristics of re-socialization of pupils of educational institutions closed. It was found that the use of student-centered approach allowed to define a partial, total and destructive levels dezataptovanosti inmates held in closed institutions, as well as to differentiate these levels according to the degree of manifestation, distribution and temporal characteristics. It is shown that the institution of closed type is enhanced feeling of ambivalence, and there are conditions for the acquisition of unformed self-concept, resulting in a range of self-assertion constructs such as the self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-control.
Keywords: teenagers, closed educational institutions, socialization, re-socialization, antisocial behavior, maladjustment, personality-oriented approach, psychological correction
1. Bovt' O. B. Problemi doslіdzhennja іndivіdual'no-psihologіchnih jakostej osobistostі jak vіktimogennih chinnikіv / O. B. Bovt' // Materіali І Mіzhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf., 1-15 list. 2004 r. – T. 52 : Psihologіja. – Dn. : Nauka і osvіta, 2004. – S. 40–43. 2. Borishevs'kij M. J. Psihologіchnі determіnanti osobistіsnoї samoreguljacії povedіnki / M. J. Borishevs'kij // Rozvitok pedagogіchnoї і psihologіchnoї nauk v Ukraїnі. 1992-2002 : Zb. nauk. prac' do 10-rіchchja APN Ukraїni. – H. : OVS, 2002. – Ch. 1. – S. 516–527. 3. Gar'kavec' S. O. Motivacіjna sfera osobistostі ta pravovij konformіzm jak projav vplivu socіal'nih utvoren' / S. O. Gar'kavec' // Teoretichnі і prikladnі problemi psihol. : Zb. nauk. prac' SNU іm. V. Dalja. – Lugans'k : SNU іm. V. Dalja, 2005. – № 1 (9). – S. 71–79. 4. Goshovs'kij Ja.O. Paradigma genetichnoї psihologії: rozvival'nі ta deprivacіjno-resocіalіzacіjnі aspekti / Ja.O. Goshovs'kij // Naukovі zapiski Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. akad. S.D. Maksimenka. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2006. – Vip. 29. – S. 23–31. 5. Gris' A. M. Deformacіja socіal'noї іdentichnostі jak kriterіj dezadaptacії osobistostі / A. M. Gris' // Problemi zag. ta ped. psihol. : Zb. nauk. prac' Іn-tu psihol. іm. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / Za red. S. D. Maksimenka. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2007. – T. ІH. – Ch. 7. – S. 7–15. 6. Zhigarenko І. Є. Osobistіsnі osoblivostі uv’jaznenih ta їh vpliv na proces adaptacії do umov pozbavlennja volі / І. Є. Zhigarenko // Aktual'nі problemi psihol. : Zb. nauk. prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni / Za red. S. D. Maksimenka, M. L. Smul'son. – K. : DP «Іnform.-analіt. agentstvo», 2010. – T. 8. – Vip. 7. – S. 73-90. 7. Zavac'ka N. Є. Problema socіalіzacії ta socіal'noї adaptacії osobistostі / N. Є. Zavac'ka // Vіsnik ChDPU іm. T. G. Shevchenka : Zb. nauk. prac' u 2-h t. – Chernіgіv : ChDPU, 2006. – Vip. 41. – T. 1. – S. 114–119. – (Serіja «Psihologіchnі nauki»). 8. Krivonіs T.G. Teorіja і praktika osobistіsnoї psihoterapії / T.G. Krivonіs. – K. : Vidavnichij Dіm «Slovo», 2012. – 280 s. 9. Lichko A. E. Opredelenie ponjatij «psihopatii» i «akcentuacii haraktera» / A. E. Lichko // Psihologija individual'nyh razlichij / Pod red. Ju. B. Gippenrejter, V. Ja. Romanova. – [2-e izd.]. – M. : CheRo, 2000. – S. 288–318. – (Serija: Hrestomatija po psihologii). 10. L'ovochkіn V.A. Konceptual'nі pitannja reformuvannja krimіnal'no-vikonavchoї sistemi Ukraїni / V.A. L'ovochkіn // Problemi penіtencіarnoї teorії ta praktiki. – 2002. – № 7. – S. 3–13. 11. Maksimova N. Ju. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі aspekti problemi gumanіzacії sudochinstva ta krimіnal'no-vikonavchoї sistemi / N. Ju. Maksimova. – K. : ZAT «VІPOL», 2005. – 100 s. 12. Sin'ov V. M. Pedagogіchnі osnovi resocіalіzacії zlochincіv / V. M. Sin'ov, G. O. Radov, V. І. Krivusha, O. V. Beca. – K. : MP Lesja, 1997. – 272 s. 13. Socіal'na, pedagogіchna ta psihokorekcіjna robota z nepovnolіtnіmi, zasudzhenimi do pokaran', ne pov’jazanih іz pozbavlennjam volі : Metodichnij posіbnik z pitan' socіal'noї reabіlіtacії u gromadі nepovnolіtnіh zasudzhenih / Avt. uporjad.: T.P. Avel'ceva, Z.P. Bondarenko, N.V. Zimіvec', V.І. Lazarenko, V.P. Ljutij, N.Ju. Maksimova, T.P. Cjuman; Za nauk. red. І.D. Zvєrєvoї. – K. : Nauk. svіt, 2006.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 14-23 (pdf)
UDC: 378.015.31:504:378: [159.9 + 347.96] - 051
Borets Y.V.
senior lecturer of the department of psychology of the Academy of the State penitentiary service
Environmental value-semantic orientation of the civil competence of future psychologists and lawyers
The author examines the attitude of future psychologists and lawyers to the problems of modern ecology. Found that even where there is good awareness, erudition and sensibility in environmental issues, there is no relevant support lacks of skills and abilities to realize it in practice, in the realities of civil life, in the sphere of formulation and solution of modern environmental problems. To examine the environmental attitudes towards global environmental change was used the questionnaire I. V. Kriazh. Analyzed three criteria for the respect of specialists socosani professions to environmental issues: global concern of environmental problems, denial of environmental problems and, as an alternative of concern, material and financial priorities. Empirical evidence shows that future lawyers are less concerned about global environmental problems (except for male lawyers), than psychologists. Future lawyers not only less concerned than psychologists, but they are somewhere in the individual indicators deny environmental problems. The problem is, in the opinion of the lawyers, but they do not recognize on a global level, they are likely concerned about the future lawyers at the regional level, in local, state, and not in healthand scale. Female lawyers are indicative of the recognition of environmental problems, i.e. global environmental issues for them is very tangible.
Keywords: ecology, environmental crisis, ecological consciousness, biocentrism, internality, relevance, behavioral and activity of disposition
Kriazh Y. V. Psykholohyia smыslovoi rehuliatsyy эkolohychesky relevantnoho 1. povedenyia : dys. d-ra psykhol. nauk : 19.00.01 / Yryna Vladymyrovna Kriazh. – Kharkov, 2013. – 462 s. Leontev A. N. Deiatelnost y lychnost / A. N. Leontev // Khrestomatyia po 2. psykholohyy lychnosty : v 2 t. / red.-sost. D. M. Raihorodskyi. – 2-e yzd. dop. – Samara, 1999. – T. 2. – S. 165–196. Maksymenko S. D. Teoriia i praktyka psykholoho-pedahohichnoho 3. doslidzhennia / S. D. Maksymenko. – Kyiv : NDUP, 1990. – 240 s. Petrovskyi A. V. Psykholohyia. Slovar. – 2-e yzd., yspr. y dop. / A. V. Petrovskyi, 4. M. H. Yaroshevskyi. – Moskva : Polytyzdat, 1990. – 494 s. Petrovskyi A. V. Razvytye lychnosty y problema vedushchei deiatelnosty / A. 5. V. Petrovskyi // Vopr. psykholohyy. – 1987. – № 1. – S. 15–26. Skrebets V. O. Ekolohichna psykholohiia u viddalenykh naslidkakh 6. ekotekhnohennoi katastrofy : monohrafiia / V. O. Skrebets. – Kyiv : Slovo, 2004. – 440 s. Yermakov T. I. Indyvidualne rozuminnia kontseptu “Ia” yak kliuchova 7. kompetentnist osobystosti v umova
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 24-33 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.2-057.36
Bukovsky Olga
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the cathedra of environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko
Actualization of combatants’ internal resourses using the methods of the interactive
The article deals with the psychological and social rehabilitation, habilitation and readaptation of demobilized soldiers; analyzes the current state of the rehabilitation system in Ukraine and ways to improve it at national level on the basis of international experience. Psychosocial rehabilitation of combatants presented as a system of psychological, educational and social measures aimed at recovery, correction or compensation of mental functions, personal and social status of servicemen who got psychological trauma. The main tasks of social and psychological rehabilitation are: determining the extent and nature of mental, individual personality characteristics of military behavior; assessment of intellectual, perceptual, emotional, volitional capacity of servicemen, their level of disability; determining the appropriate measures of individual and group psychological rehabilitation of servicemen; reduce mental tension to a level corresponding to optimum efficiency, eliminate negative mental expressions using the integrated use of psychological, psychotherapeutic, medical and physiological methods; of professional and psychological rehabilitation, and at the loss of life - professional reorientation; Diagnosis of mental states, analysis of the dynamics of change; evaluating the effectiveness of psychological rehabilitation of servicemen. Marked as the main rehabilitation process the updating of internal resources of combatants that will help them to return to civilian life. The important tool of this approach are justified methods of interactive influences on which bases training program. This program is based on multivariate model BASIC PH and aims to update the internal resources of the combatants.
Keywords: resource rehabilitation, habilitation, readaptation, combatants, the meaning of life, life perspective, interactive impacts of PTSD
Laad M. Mnogomernaya model' BASIC PH v psihologicheskoj praktike. 1. [Elektronnij resurs] Psihologi na b 17. ru. - 2014. Rezhim dostupa: Nazvanie s ehkrana. Leskov V.O. Osoblivostі reabіlіtacії vіjs'kovosluzhbovcіv pіslya 2. prohodzhennya sluzhbi v rajonah zagostrennya vіjs'kovo-polіtichnoї obstanovki u zarubіzhnih kraїnah / V.O. Leskov // Zbіrnik naukovih prac' № 35. CHastina ІІ. – Hmel'nic'kij: Vidavnictvo Nacіonal'noї akademії Derzhavnoї prikordonnoї sluzhbi Ukraїni іmenі B. Hmel'nic'kogo, 2005. – S. 94–96. Praktichna pedagogіka. 99 skhem і tablic' / avtori – uklad. N.P. Navolokova, 3. V.M. Andrєєva. – H.: Vid. grupa «Osnova», 2009. – 117s. – (Serіya «Zolota pedagogіchna skarbnicya»). P'yuselik F. «YA vizhu, chto zhdet Ukrainu. Nuzhno dejstvovat' 4. nemedlenno», - amerikanskij psiholog o reabilitacii ukrainskih bojcov. [Elektronnij resurs] – 2015. Rezhim dostupa: /http: // – Nazvanie s ehkrana. SHlіmakova І.І.Kul'tura іnteraktivnoї vzaєmodії pedagogіchnogo 5. spіlkuvannya v ekopsihologіchnomu kontekstі / І.І. SHlіmakova// Praktichna psihologіya ta socіal'na robota. –2007. - №8. S. 18-24.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 34-42 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:316.614.5(045)
Varava Liudmyla Anatoliivna
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of theoretical and applied psychology Mariupol state university, Mariupol
Аwareness of family myth as an organizing component of the living space of personality
The article discusses the awareness of family myth as one of the components of the organization of personal living space. It gives the components of mythological thinking, which manifest themselves in unspoken division of subject and object, subject and sign, language and speech, singular and plural, spatial and temporal relations, as well as their beginning and principle, that is their similarity and essence that allows to interpret the text as mythological one. The article defines the features of mythologizing the family stories that shape ways of implementing a given standard in the behavior and constructing of own actions in relation to the present and future as the modeling everyday living space. The correlation of the functionality of the social cultural and family myths is analyzed. It is shown that family myths provide specific for each case coordination of perception and behavior, which in its turn shapes the identity of individuals in the family system and is implemented through values and norms. The basic meaning of the myth is that it establishes harmony between family members and society as a whole, and therefore ensures the internal consistency of the life space of personality.
Keywords: awareness, family myth, the living space of personality, the essence and functionality of the family myth, the introspection of situation
1. Andrienko, O. V. Social myths: definition, structure and main characteristics / O. V. Andrienko // 2. Bart, R. Mythology today [Text] : [transl. from French] / R. Barthes // The System of Fashion. Articles on the semiotics of culture. – M. : Izd-vo named after Sabashnikovs’, 2003. – pp. 474-477. 3. Gadzhiev, K. S. Mass. Myth. The State [Text] / K. S. Gadzhiev // Questions of philosophy. – 2000. – No. 6. – pp. 3-19. 4. Losev A. F. Supplement to «the Dialectics of myth» (new fragments) [Text] / A. F. Losev // Questions of philosophy. – 2004. - No. 8. – pp. 117-133. 5. Savelieva, M.Y. Lectures on mythology of culture [Text] / M. Y. Savelyeva. – K. : PARAPAN, 2003. – 272p. 6. Freidenberg O. M. Myth and literature of antiquity. / O. M. Freidenberg. – M.: Nauka, Main editorial Board for Eastern literature, 1978. 605 p.; 2nd ed., Rev. and publ.,corr. and add. M., 1998. Incl. description of the archive. 800 p.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 43-50 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:316.614.5(045)
Vernik O.L.
doctoral student, senior researcher Laboratory Environmental Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv
The ecological crisis as a resource ecologization of life activities personality
The article deals with the problem of building ecologically oriented life activities. There are two approaches that proposed to point out before study of ecologically: nature-centered and anthropic-centered . Traditional - nature-centered - approach associated with safety of nature. That interpretation is most common in the industrial, business, social-politically spheres. Through the media this interpretation implemented in everyday consciousness. The ecological crisis is often defined in the scope of nature-centered approach, as a situation of worsening or destruction of established connections and relationships between certain structural components of the ecosystem. Fighting with ecological crisis understood as human activity aimed at minimizing contamination to levels which the ecosystem can handle itself. Hence the role of environmental psychology in this approach is to develop and implement technology of active learning of forms and methods appropriate behavior and activities. In the context of anthropocentrism it states that human is the main driving force of change on Earth, but not only one from factors of change in nature. Main in this approach: ecologically - is not that man ruined and trying to fix or return to the original state. Ecologically - is that it can build. Thus the ecological crisis becomes a condition, factor, resource to develop own life activities as ecologically.
Keywords: life activities, ecological crisis, personality, resource for ecologization, anthropic-centered, nature-centric
1. EdwART. Slovar termynov MChS. – 2010. [El. resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: 2. EdwART. Эntsyklopedyia sotsyolohyy. – 2009. [El. resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: 3. Beitson H. Korny эkolohycheskoho kryzysa / Эkolohyia razuma. Yzbrannыe staty po antropolohyy, psykhyatryy y эpystemolohyy. – M. : Smыsl, 2000. – S. 454-459. 4. Dediu Y.Y. Эkolohycheskyi эntsyklopedycheskyi slovar. — Kyshynev: Hlavnaia redaktsyia Moldavskoi sovetskoi эntsyklopedyy.. 1989. – 406 s. 5. Kravchenko S.A.. “Sotsyolohycheskyi эntsyklopedycheskyi tolkovыi slovar. Bolee 12 000 poniatyi”. – M.: Yzd-vo MHYMO-Unyversyteta, 2013. 6. Krysachenko V. S. Ekolohichna kultura: teoriia i praktyka: Navch. posibnyk. — K.: Zapovit, 1996. — 352 s. 7. Kriazh Y.V. Psykholohyia hlobalnыkh эkolohycheskykh yzmenenyi: monohrafyia / Y. V. Kriazh. – Kh.: KhNU ymeny V. N. Karazyna, 2012. – 512 s. 8. Levyn K.Dynamycheskaia teoryia deistvyia / Dynamycheskaia psykholohyia: Yzbrannыe trudы. – M. : Smыsl, 2001. – S. 87-237. 9. Obrazovatelnaia prohramma populiaryzatsyy prykladnыkh psykholohycheskykh tekhnolohyi v Ukrayne: «Kak pomohat эkolohychno?» / [El. resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: 11. Shvalb Iu.M. Prostorovo-psykholohichna orhanizatsiia seredovyshcha buttia i zhyttiediialnosti // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Intsytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – Tom VII. Ekolohichna psykholohiia. – Vypusk 40. – S. 198-207
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 51-60 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922
Vovchyk-Blakytna O.
senior researcher Laboratory Environmental Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv
Optimism as a basis for the choice of a strategy to overcome the consequences of traumatic situations
The problem of search of psychological resources for overcoming of consequences of traumatic events is examined in the article. Potential of optimism as bases for the choice of strategy to overcoming of consequences of traumatic events, caused a failure on CHAES . It is emphasized that subjective well-being determined by position of personality in an own living situation, by base persuasions, and a willingness to accept challenge from life and it becomes an effective mean the of overcoming of consequences of traumatic events. It is the citizens with the experience of vitality and their local communities, accompanied by professional social and psychological assistance, are able to gradually build their internal and externally-oriented interaction and corresponding lifestyle, which may be extended to other social environments, enriching them.
Keywords: optimism, psychological well-being, basic life belief, resilience, environment, community
Zamyshliaeva M.S. Optymyzm y pessymyzm v sovladaiushchem povedenyy 1. v yunosheskom vozraste [Эlektronnyi resurs] : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.13 / Zamyshliaeva Maryna Serheevna. M. : RHB, 2006. 237 s. (Yz fondov Rossyiskoi Hosudarstvennoi Byblyoteky). Rezhym dostupu do dys. : Muzdyibaev K.К. Optimizm i pessimizm lichnosti (opyit sotsiologo-psiholog2. icheskogo issledovaniya). // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2003. # 12, s. 87-96, 3.Nosenko E.L., Zayva O.O. Pohodzhennya, zmIst ta formi viyavlennya gu1. moru yak resursu psihologIchnogo podolannya // Visn. DnIpropetr. in-tu. Ser. PedagogIka ta psihologIya. – D., 2004. – #7. – S. 22-31. Shvalb Yu. M. Ekologo-psihologichni vimiri sposobu zhittya / Yu.M. Shvalb 3. //Aktualni problemy psihologiyi: Zb. nauk. prats In-tu psihologiyi im. G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini – K., – T.7. – Vip.5.– Ch.2. – S. 294-301 Yakovenko S.I. Psykholohiia liudyny za umov radioekolohichnoho lykha. - K.: 4. Chornobylinterinform, 1996. 6.Cloninger C.R., Zohar A.H. Personality and the perception of health 2. and happiness // Journal of Affective Disorders. 2011. Vol. 128. P. 24–32.7. Kahneman D, Tversky A. Сhoices, values and frames — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. — 840 8. Janoff-Bulman R. Shattered assumptions: Towards a new psychology of 3. trauma. New York: Free Press; 1992.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 61-69 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:316.334.3
Volevakha I., Volevakha D.
candidate of psychological sciences, docent of fundamental, age and social psychology chair of Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T.G. Shevchenko
4th year student of speciality “Psychology” of Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T.G. Shevchenko
Socio-cultural and age factors of environmental worldview of personality
The research is devoted to revealing socio-cultural and age factors of environmental worldview of personality. The environmental worldview is regarded as the generalized system of beliefs, concepts, ideas, mentalities, attitudes about the world around the individual and his place in it, formed in the human mind during the spiritual and practical development of nature environment. It is an important factor in ensuring the survival of the human population, harmonizing biological interaction of the human with the environment. University students of Ukraine and the United States of two age groups were surveyed to identify and compare the level of ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes towards the environment, as well as a number of environmental worldview orientations. The research revealed marked differences in environmental worldview of Ukrainians and Americans. Ukrainians compared with the Americans are more willing to accept the new environmental paradigm and ecocentrism postulates, but also they have rather a high rate of anthropocentrism. Instead, the Americans demonstrated higher rates of environmental apathy. The results, in the authors’ opinion, can be explained primarily by different socio-cultural, economic and environmental situation in the countries. In its turn, the combination of high rates of ecocentrism with high anthropocentrism in Ukrainians can be explained by the internal conflict in their minds: on the one hand, the difficulty of the environmental situation and unwillingness to live in a polluted environment lead to the emergence of new ecological values, and on the other - economic survival in the raw-oriented economy is only possible when expanding exploitation of natural resources. Age factor, according to the results of the research, does not influence significantly environmental worldview of personality.
Keywords: environmental worldview, ecocentrism, anthropocentrism, the new ecological paradigm, the dominant social paradigm, socio-cultural factor, age factor
Vorontsova I. A. Formuvannia pryrodookhoronnoho svitohliadu u shkilnoi ta 1. studentskoi molodi. / I. A. Vorontsova, S. V. Vlashchenko, S. V. Razmietaiev / Ekolohichnyi visnyk, 2010. – №2 . – S. 19. Kriazh I.V. Proekolohichni ustanovky yak proiav ekolohichnoi sturbovanosti 2. osobystosti / Kriazh I. V., Andronnikova K. A. // Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina. Seriia: «Psykholohiia». – 2012. – № 1009. – Vyp. 49. – S. 36-40. Kriazh Y.V. Psykholohyia smыslovoi rehuliatsyy эkolohychesky relevantnoho 3. povedenyia: Dys. na soyskanye uchenoi stepeny dokt. psykhol. n. po spetsyalnosty 19.00.01 – obshchaia psykholohyia, ystoryia psykholohyy. Prylozhenyia / Kriazh Yryna Vladymyrovna. – Kharkov, 2013. – 82 s. Molotova O.M. Formuvannia ekobioetychnoho svitohliadu – faktor 4. optymizatsii diialnosti osobystosti // Multyversum. Filosofskyi almanakh. – K.: Tsentr dukhovnoi kultury, 2004. – № 44. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: Pashchenko O. V. Formuvannia ekolohichnoho svitohliadu pidlitkiv v 5. umovakh dytiachykh pryrodookhoronnykh ob’iednan // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats “Teoretyko-metodychni problemy vykhovannia ditei ta uchnivskoi molodi”. – Vypusk 18 (2014). – Knyha 1. [Elektronnyi resurs]. –Rezhym dostupu: Poleshchuk P. V. Metodyka razvytyia эkolohycheskoho myrovozzrenyia u 6. shkolnykov: avtoref. dys.. na poluchenye nauch. stepeny kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.02. / P. V. Poleshchuk. – Omsk, 2004. – 21 s. Skrebets V.O., Shlimakova I.I. Ekolohichna psykholohiia. Pidruchnyk dlia 7. studentiv ta vykladachiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. – K. : Vydavnychyi dim «Slovo», 2014. – 434 s. Slovnyk-dovidnyk z ekonomichnoi heohrafii. 9-10 klasy / T.V.Bulycheva, 8. K.O.Butkaliuk, T.A.Hryniuk ta in. Za nauk. red. V.H.Shchabelskoi. – Kh.: Vyd. hrupa “Osnova”, 2004. – 112 s. 2014 EPI. GlobalOverview [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: 12. Anderson M.W. New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale [Електронний 13. ресурс]. – Режим доступу: Kopnina H. Evaluating education for sustainable development (ESD): using 14. Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Attitudes toward the Sustainable Development (EAATSD) scale [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 70-80 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:316.334.3
Serhii Volevakha, Iryna Volevakha
candidate of psychological sciences, docent, Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Computer Technologies, Chernihiv
candidate of psychological sciences, docent, Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T.G. Shevchenko, Chernihiv
Features of perceptions of external social environment of ukrainian and the usa grassroots community organizations’ participants
The article is devoted to revealing features of external social environment of Ukrainian and the USA grassroots community organizations. Leaders and members of the US and Ukrainian non-profit self-governing associations were surveyed to identify their perceptions of the organizational empowerment, relationship of their organizations and the external environment representatives, their access to external resources necessary to perform organizational activities.
Keywords: external social environment, psychological empowerment, civic organizations, meaningfulness, competence, autonomy, impact, resources
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 81-91 (pdf)
UDC: 159.92: 316.64
Harkavets S. A.
doctor of psychology, professor, professor department of psychology Volodymyr Dahl Еast-Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk
Psychological problems to de-ecologization of modern human life
The article deals with the psychological factors that cause de-ecologization of social space of the existence of the individual in times of social change. We consider values, motivations and influences that are forcing people to obey the will of another, exchanging the satisfaction of security needs to de-ecologization of modern life. It is established that intra-psychic manifestation of the negative modulation of the person (aggression, hostility, anger, resentment), enhance decolonization of social space of its existence and development. It is argued that the most important negative consequence of social change in Ukraine for a significant portion of its citizens, has become the articulation of the concept of «corruption» that has acquired values and meanings as on the instrumental level, it contributes to the achievement of relevant objectives or permit the existence of acute problems. However, the reverse side of this process acts as de-ecologization of social space of human life. It was determined that the power and wisdom, when they are combined, give the mind the universality, and that the individual’s cognitive growth can lead to overcoming its de-ecologization of modern life trends
Keywords: influence, de-ecologization, individual, motives, the need for security, modern life, values
Harkavets S. O. Pobudova eko-oriientovanoi systemy koordynat zhyttie1. diialnosti liudyny za suchasnykh umov yii isnuvannia / S. O. Harkavets // Aktualni problemy psykholohii : zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – Ekolohichna psykholohiia. – T. VII, Vyp. 37. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2014. – S. 40-47. Harkavets S. O. Sotsialno-normatyvnyi konformizm osobystosti u psyk2. holohichnomu vymiri: [monohrafiia] / S. O. Harkavets. – Luhansk : Vyd-vo «Noulidzh», 2010. – 343 s. Harkavets S. O. Formuvannia destruktyvnykh tsinnisnykh oriientatsii ukrain3. skykh hromadian pid vplyvom transformatsiinykh zmin / S. O. Harkavets // Visnyk Chernihivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu : zb. nauk. prats. – T. 1, Vyp. 121. – Chernihiv : ChNPU, 2014. – S. 78-80. – (Seriia «Psykholohichni nauky»). L’ovochkina A. M. Osnovy ekolohichnoi psykholohii: Navchalnyi posibnyk / 4. A. M. L’ovochkina. – K. : MAUP, 2004. – 136 s. Maslou A. Motyvatsyia y lychnost / Abrakham Maslou. – SPb. : Pyter, 2007. 5. – 352 s. – (Seryia «Mastera psykholohyy»). Nazaretian A. P. Antropolohyia nasylyia y kultura samoorhanyzatsyy: ocherky 6. po эvoliutsyonno-ystorycheskoi psykholohyy. M. : Yzdatelstvo LKY, 2008. – 256 s. Skrebets V. O. Ekolohichna psykholohiia : onkopsykholohichnyi praktykum. 7. Navchalnyi posibnyk / V. O. Skrebets. – K. : Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 2011. – 336 s. Terner Dzh. Sotsyalnoe vlyianye / Dzhon Terner. – SPb. : Pyter, 2003. – 8. 256 s. − (Seryia «Kontsentryrovannaia psykholohyia»). Chaldyny R. Psykholohyia vlyianyia / Robert Chaldyny. – SPb. : praim-EV9. ROZNAK, 2002. – 256 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 92-99 (pdf)
UDC: 81.23:159.922
Hirchenko О.L.
candidate of psychological sciences, associate Professor of ecological psychology and mental health department of Chernihiv Shevchenko National Pedagogical University
Chernihiv region students’ language for daily communication
The article concerns the relationship of language and national identity. It demonstrates that the concept of “identity”, “identification” is an essential part of the ethnicity problem study and a fairly new notion used in various sciences such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, ethnology, political science, geopolitics. Content essence of the “identity” concept in the classical tradition and modern visions of domestic and foreign scientists has been also analyzed. Nowadays the study of identity crisis notion in modern transition societies has become popular and one of the new directions in the research of identity phenomenon is its multi partition. The study of research since the origin of ethnic psychology allows toconclude that a language performs the leading role among all these factors. The relationship of the language and national identity is one of the main problems in the study of ethnic psychology due to a special place of language in a number of major nation components and above all to the fact that the language has always been regarded as one of the major factors of national identity. The empiric research has shown that the absolute majority of respondents (according to methodology “Types of ethnic identity”) are the dominant positive type of ethnic identity. But there is a substantial statistically significant difference between Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking parts of the sample. Statistical significance of differences demonstrated that there are no distinctions between the severity of cognitive component. In other words the language of everyday communication does not affect this figure. The statement about the language as a determinant of national identity has not found its confirmation.
Keywords: identity, identification, ethnic group, people, nation, language
Anderson B. Voobrazhaemye obshchestva. Razmyshleniya ob istokah i 1. rasprostranenii nacionalizma / B. Anderson ; [per. s angl. V. Nikolaeva]. – M. : «Kol’n-press-C», 2001. – 365 s. Badmaev V.N. Fenomen nacional’noj identichnosti (social’no-filosofskij analiz) 2. : dis. … kand. filos. nauk : 09.00.11 / Valerij Nikolaevich Badmaev ; Volgograd. gos. arhitekt.-stroit. un-t, Kalmyckij in-t social’no-ehkonomicheskih i pravovyh issledovanij. – Volgograd., 2005. – 292 s. Vygotskij L. S. Myshlenie i rech’ / L. S. Vygotskij. – 5-e izd., ispr. – M. : 3. Labirint, 1999. – 351 s. Gellner EH. Nacii i nacionalizm / EH. Gellner ; [per. s angl. T. V. Brednikovoj, 4. M. K. Tyun’kinoj] ; red. i poslesl. I. I. Krupnika. – M. : Progress, 1991. – 456 s. Golovin S. YU. Slovar’ psihologa-praktika : slovar’ / S. YU. Golovin. – 2-e izd., 5. pererab. i dop. – Mn. : Harvest, 2003. – 976 s. Danilyuk І. «Movnі konflіkti» ta konstruyuvannya etnіchnoї і nacіonal’noї 6. іdentichnostі / І. Danilyuk // Socіal’na psihologіya. – 2005. – № 3 (11). – S. 43-51. Kol’ev A. N. Naciya i gosudarstvo. Teoriya konservativnoj rekonstrukcii. / A. 7. N. Kol’ev. – M. : Logos, 2005. – 800 s. Kononenko V. Mova. Kul’tura. Stil’ : naukove vidannya / V. Kononenko ; 8. M-vo osvіti і nauki Ukraїni, Akad. ped. nauk Ukraїni, Prikarpats’kij un-t іm. V. Stefanika. – Іvano-Frankіvs’k : Plaj, 2002. – 460 s. Lisenko O. M. Problema nacіonal’noї іdentichnostі : pedagogіchnij, 1. socіologіchnij, fіlosofs’kij analіz [Elektronnij resurs] / O. M. Lisenko ; Prikarpats’kij nacіonal’nij unіversitet іmenі V.Stefanika. – Rezhim dostupu : - Nazva z ekranu. Ogієnko Іvan (Mitropolit Іlarіon). Ukraїns’ka kul’tura / І. Ogієnko ; uporyad. 9. M. S. Timoshik. - K. : Nasha kul’tura і nauka, 2002. – S. 239-240. Ol’ P. A. Naciya (genezis ponyatiya i voprosy pravosub”ektnosti) : [monografiya] 10. / P. A. Ol’, R. A. Romashov. - SPb. : Izd-vo yurid. in-ta, 2002. - 144 s. Pogorel’skaya S. Vnutripoliticheskie aspekty novoj germanskoj vneshnej 11. politiki / S. Pogorel’skaya // MehiMO. – 2001. – №7. – S. 12-16. Poznyak D. Problema ukraїnomovnogo spіlkuvannya sered molodі 12. pіvdennogo skhodu kraїni / D. Poznyak // Socіal’na psihologіya. – 2007. – № 3 (23). – S. 67-77. Rutkevich M. N. Teoriya nacii : filosofskie voprosy / M. N. Rutkevich // 13. Voprosy filosofii. – 1999. – № 5. – S. 23-28. EHrikson EH. Identichnost’ : yunost’ i krizis. / EH. EHrikson. – M. : Progress, 16. 1996. – 450 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 100-107 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Honcharenko J.V.
Socially-psychological features of quality of personality life area
The psychological features of quality of personality life area are observed. The concept content of personality life area is disclosed and structural elements of life area, such as biology, social and psychological area are determined. It is noted, that the environmental psychology interference of biological, social, psychological area on personality and personality to given areas in the system of relations «A human being – The world» is considered. The main characteristic of personality life area the quality of life is appeared. The problem of the quality of life is a multi-level and complex phenomenon that provokes the existence of different, contradictory each other points of view on the issue of the quality of life in modern scientific literature. These contradictions related to the fact, that the quality of life, being a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, can be considered as a quality in the life of society, the quality of life of a particular social group and the quality of life of the personality. There are qualitative indicators of quality of life, fixing the presence or absence of individual properties and quantitative, which reflect the degree of their expressiveness; traditional or objective indicators, actually-existing facts and conditions of social life that are not related to the evaluations of the people of these conditions and subjective indicators, based on estimates by the people in their life by various indicators. The quality of life by the subjective- environmental approach is considered. This approach the objective and subjective appraisal of conditions and spheres of personality life activities is included.
Keywords: life area of the personality, the environment, area, quality of life, the subjective quality of life
Kachestvo zhyzny lyudey y okruzhayushchaya sreda. GEO-4, ynformatsyonnыy 1. byulleten’ 2. – Union Nation Environment Programme, 25.10. 2007. [Эlektronnыy resurs] – Rezhym dostupa: Kondrashenkova S. V. Fenomen kachestva zhyzny s tochky zrenyya subъektno-2. sredovoho podkhoda // Vestnyk KRAUNTs. Humanytarnыe nauky. 2012. #2 (20). URL: subektno-sredovogo-podhoda Kulaykyn V. Y., Zadesenets E. E., Zarakovskyy H. M. Kontseptsyya kachestva 3. zhyzny kak ynstrument upravlenyya sotsyal’no-эkonomycheskym razvytyem Rossyy [Эlektronnыy resurs] // Rossyya: put’ k sotsyal’nomu hosudarstvu: materyalы Vseros. nauch. konf., Moskva, 6 yyunya 2008 h. — URL: Kulaikin.pdf Palamarchuk O. M. Psykholohichni vplyvy protsesiv ekolohizatsiyi na 4. formuvannya sotsial’noyi yakosti zhyttya [Elektronnyy resurs] / O. M. Palamarchuk – Rezhym dostupu do resursu: Surykova Ya. A. Problema kachestva zhyzny s pozytsyy subъektno-sredovoho 5. podkhoda // Vestnyk ChHPU. 2012. #12 S.98-109. Tytarenko T. M. Zhyttyevyy svit osobystosti: u mezhakh i za mezhamy 6. budennosti / T. M. Tytarenko. — K.: DP Spetsializovane vydavnytstvo “Lybid’”, 2003. — 376 s. Shvalb Yu. M. Ekoloho-psykholohichni vymiry sposobu zhyttya / Yu. M. 7. Shvalb // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi: zb. nauk. prats’ Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K.: Milenium, 2005. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya – Vyp. 5. – Ch. 2. – S. 294-301. Shvalb Yu. M. K opredelenyyu ponyatyy sredы y prostranstva 8. zhyznedeyatel’nosty cheloveka / Yu. M. Shvalb // Ekolohichna psykholohiya / Za red. Shvalba Yu.M / Yu. M. Shvalb. – Kyyiv: Stalker, 2006. – (Khrestomatiya). – S. 490. Shyryaeva O. S. Psykholohycheskoe blahopoluchye lychnosty v 9. эkstremal’nыkh uslovyyakh zhyznedeyatel’nosty: dys. kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.01. — Khabarovsk, 2008. — 216 s. Shyriaeva O. S., Karabanova S. V., Surykova Ia. A. Ot vыzhyvanyia k 11. polnotsennomu funktsyo-nyrovanyiu: novыi vzghliad na эkstremal-nost // Estestvenno-nauchnыe y humany-tarnыe pryorytetы nauky y obrazovanyia: materyalы mezhrehyon. nauch.-prakt. konf., Petropavlovsk-Kamch., 8–12 fevr. 2010 h.: v 2 ch. Ch. 2. — Petropavlovsk-Kamch.: KamHU ym. Vytusa Berynha, 2010. — S. 296–302.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 108-116 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:316.6
Gorban G.
Тhe socialization of an individual and sustainability of an educational space
The article analyzes modern conditions of the socialization of an individual. The article states that an active expansion of the information space changes the conditions and forms of knowledge gain and complicates the “information – knowledge – cognition – education” ratio. It reviews a general characteristic of a process of personality socialization in the educational space. Socialization is analyzed as a systematic totality of three processes: the process of assigning the social content; the acquiring process of the value system as an individual’s development; the process of broadcasting these values as the modeling of the social environment. It is shown that developing modern strategies which can be implemented in the educational space of educational institutions is a necessary condition for effective socialization. The model an individual’s socialization is the foundation for developing such strategies. The study presents a working model which reflects components of the socialization process. The necessity of building an educational space in accordance with the principle of ecological compatibility as the defining factor of effective socialization is substantiated. It is emphasized that it is crucial to shape a form of ecological consciousness in the education subjects not only regarding the outside world but also concerning one’s own personality, developing harmonious relationships with other people, and organizing one’s way of life. The main avenues of inquiry of an individual’s socialization in the frame of the environmentalization of the educational space are determined. It reviews a general characteristic of said process in an educational space. The study presents a working model which reflects components of the socialization process. The necessity of building an educational space in accordance with the principle of ecological compatibility as the defining factor of effective socialization is substantiated.
Keywords: socialization of an individual, the principle of sustainability, educational space, social environment
Bauman Z. Tekuchaja sovremennost’ / Z. Bauman. – SPb.[i dr.]: Piter, – 1. 2008.– 240 s. Vesna E. Socializacija i individualizacija: Zakonomernosti i mehanizmy / 2. E.B. Vesna. – M. : MPSI, 1997. – 200 s. Har’kavets’ S. Sotsial’no-psykholohichni vplyvy ta protses sotsializatsiyi os3. obystosti v umovakh transformatsiynykh zmin / S. Har’kavets’ // Visnyk Kyyivs’koho natsional’noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. – Psykholohiya. – 2014. – #1(1). – S. 27–30. Horban’ H.O. Upravlins’ka diyal’nist’: ekolohiya vidpovidal’nosti / H.O. 4. Horban’ // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi: Zb. nauk. prats’ / In-tu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / Za red. S.D. Maksymenka. – Zhytomyr: «Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I.Franka, 2010. – T.7: Ekolohichna psykholohiya. – Vyp. 23. – S. 49-53. Dubovskaja E.M. Tranzitivnost’ obshhestva kak faktor socializacii 5. lichnosti[Jelektronnyj resrs] / E.M. Dubovskaja // Psihologicheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – T. 7, № 36. – S. 7. – Rezhim dostupa: Leutina A.L. Socializacija detej v sovremennyh pedagogicheskih issledo6. vanijah / A. L. Leutina // Voprosy obrazovanija. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 152–173. Kobazeva Ju.A. Issledovanie processa socializacii sovremennyh podrostkov 7. v otechestvennoj psihologii / Ju.A. Kobazeva // Psihologija obuchenija. – 2007. – №5. – S. 47–55. Korjagina N.A. Tvorcheskaja aktivnost’ kak faktor socializacii lichnosti 8. / N.A. Korjagina // Psihologija XXI stoletija / pod red. V.V. Kozlova. – Jaroslavl’ : MAPN, 2008. – T. 1. – S. 351–354. Marcinkovskaja T.D. Problema socializacii podrostkov v sovre9. mennom mul’tikul’turnom prostranstve[Jelektronnyj resrs] / T.D. Marcinkovskaja, I.V.Chumicheva // Psihologicheskie issledovanija. – 2015. – T. 8, № 39. – S. 10. – Rezhim dostupa: Miljohin A.V. Aktual’nye problemy socializacii starsheklassnikov v 10. obrazovatel’nom uchrezhdenii / A.V. Miljohin // Psihologicheskaja nauka i obrazovanie. – 2011. – №3. – S. 122–128. Miljohin A.V. Problema socializacii starshih shkol’nikov v uslovijah 11. sovremennogo obrazovanija [Jelektronnyj resrs] / A.V. Miljohin // Psihologicheskaja nauka i obrazovanie. – 2011. – №3. – Rezhim dostupa: Moskalenko V.V. Sotsializatsiya osobystosti : monohrafiya / V.V. 12. Moskalenko. – K. : Feniks, 2013. – 540 s. Moskalenko V.V. Problema vykhovannya v konteksti sotsializatsiyi os13. obystosti / V.V. Moskalenko // Sotsial’na psykholohiya. – 2005. – #2. – S. 3–17. Mudrik A.V. Socializacija vchera i segodnja / A.V. Mudrik. – M. : MPSI, 14. 2006. – 431 s. Orban-Lembryk L.E. Vplyv kryzovykh i stabil’nykh periodiv zhyttya lyu15. dyny na protses yiyi sotsializatsiyi u suspil’stvi / L.E. Orban-Lembryk // Psykholohiya i suspil’stvo. – 2003. – #2. – S. 55–65. Petrovskij A.V. Problema razvitija lichnosti s pozicij social’noj psihologii / 16. A.V. Petrovskij // Voprosy psihologii. – 1984. – №4. – C. 15–30. Fel’dshtejn D.I. Glubinnye izmenenija sovremennogo Detstva i obuslovlen17. naja imi aktualizacija psihologo-pedagogicheskih problem razvitija obrazovanija / D.I. Fel’dshtejn // Vestnik prakticheskoj psihologii obrazovanija. – 2011. – №1(26). – S. 45–54. Fel’dshtejn D.I. Social’noe razvitie v prostranstve–vremeni detstva / D.I. 18. Fel’dshtejn. – M. : Flinta, 1997. – 158 s. Shamionov P.M. K voprosu ob jekologicheskoj socializacii lichnosti / R.M. 19. Shamionov // Jekopsihologicheskie issledovanija – 2 : monograficheskij sbornik / pod red. V.I. Panova. – M. : URAO «Psihologicheskij institut» ; SPb. : Nestor-Istorija, 2011. – S. 355–361. Shvalb Ju.M. K probleme opredelenija jekopsihologicheskih sistem / Ju.M. 20. Shvalb // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії : zb. nauk. prac’ Іn-tu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / [za red. S.D. Maksimenka]. – K., 2003. – T. 7: Ekologіchna psihologіja. – Ch. 1. – S. 426–433. Shvalb Yu.M. Psykholohichni modeli sotsializatsiyi osobystosti / Yu.M. 21. Shvalb // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi. Ekolohichna psykholohiya. – 2015. – T. 7. – Vyp. 38. – S. 503–517. Jadov V.A. Vzaimosvjaz’ cennostnyh orientacij i social’nyh ustanovok / V.A. 23. Jadov // Samoreguljacija i prognozirovanie social’nogo povedenija lichnosti: Dispozicionnaja koncepcija. – M. : CSPiM, 2013. – S. 78–88.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 117-126 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.2
Dubinina D.
the teacher of the cathedra of environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko
The psychological components of students’ ecological competence
The article tells about the psychological components of ecological competence. The nowadays environmental situation shows the need of inclusion the individual into the problems of ecological situations and ecological formation of a competent individual must be one of the main tasks of education. A distinctive feature of ecological competence serving its real manifestation in practice, that includes professional, or particular environmental situation. According to most researchers, to be ecologically competent - means to act ecologically consciously in any sphere of life (educational, health improving, etc.) on base of previously obtained knowledge and experience. Ecological competence considered from different sides: as the personal characteristics of the professional level; as compliance with ecological imperative in finding the solution of environmental problems; as a system object, based on the integration of theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of ecology; as the application of knowledge about the environment and human activities; as the integral indicator of ecological culture; as the system integral quality of the individual, which characterizes the ability to solve problems and challenges at different levels. Also, the article presents the results of empirical investigation of the components of ecological competence that singled D.Yermakov: motivational value. The combination of interests, needs, values; cognitive (the system of ecological (natural science, legal and practical) ;. emotional and action-behavioral (ability to use this knowledge on practise in professional activity at all); reflexive.
Keywords: ecological competence, ecological components of competence, activity-behavioral component, cognitive component, emotional, strong-willed, reflexive, environmental education
Alekseev S. V. Razvitie issledovatel'skih sposobnostej u starsheklassnikov 1. kak uslovie formirovaniya ehkologicheskoj kompetentnosti / S. V. Alekseev // Vestnik MGGU im. M. A. SHolohova “Ehkopedagogika”. – Vip. 5. – C. 231–236. Gagarin A.V. Ehkologicheskaya kompetentnost‘ lichnosti: psihologo-ak2. meologicheskoe issledovanie /F.V.Gagarin.- M.: RUDN, 2010.-160s. Ermakov, D. S. Formirovanie ehkologicheskoj kompetentnosti 3. uchashchihsya: teoriya i praktika / D. S. Ermakov. – M.: MIOO, 2009. – 180 s. Olіjnik N.Y. Formuvannya ekologіchnoї kompetentnostі studentіv 4. gіdrometeorologіchnogo tekhnіkumu u procesі navchannya іnformacіjnih tekhnologіj: avtoref. dis. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. ped. nauk : spec. 13.00.02 “Teorіya tametodika navchannya (іnformatika)” / N. Y. Olіjnik. – Harkіv, 2005. – 19 s. Skrebec' V.O. Ekologіchna psihologіya u vіddalenih naslіdkah 5. ekotekhnogennoї katastrofi. Monografіya / V.O.Skrebec' ─ K.: Vidavnichij dіm «Slovo», 2004 ─ 440s. Formuvannya ekologіchnoї kompetentnostі shkolyarіv : nauk-metod. 6. posіb. / [N. A. Pustovіt, O. L. Prucakova, L. D. Rudenko, O. O. Kolon’kova]. – K.: 7. Pedagogіchna dumka, 2008. – 64 s. Formuvannya profesіjnoї kompetentnostі fahіvcya sferi poslug і turizmu: 8. navchal’no-metodichnij posіbnik / [V. T. Lozovec’ka, L. B. Luk’yanova, L. V. Kozak ta іn.]; Lozovec’koїV. T. – K., 2010. – 382 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 127-134 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:88.6
Zhurov V.V., Biyenko N.A.
Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Psychology of Chernihiv regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute named after K.D.Ushinskyi;
Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Psychology of Chernihiv regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute named after K.D.Ushinskyi
The Analysis of the Concept of Life Sustainability
The consideration of the concepts of life sustainability and their analysis is topical in two ways: firstly, the analysis of adaptive human abilities in complex everyday life – that is personality resources; secondly, the analysis of human capabilities to survive in trans ordinary situations and resist them. The resources of variant one are called potential resources in literature and they are everyday human capital. According to scientific sources these resources are divided into individually psychological and socially psychological, and that is the value of everyday life. According to variant two nowadays existence is carried out under the conditions of nonexistence, and that generates a number of clinical syndromes. Most of studies and researches in this area are aimed at preventing and overcoming clinical pathologies that arise as a result of trans ordinary situations. But in these sources, little attention is paid to overcoming personality stress, although trans ordinary existence has become the norm of life. Modern psychology tries to comprehend personality resources, but there are several concepts of life sustainability that hardly correlate with each other. Thus, the integral vision of the problem has not been found in the literature yet. It seems that these concepts exist on their own, and trans ordinary situations are daily routine and happen by their own laws. The purpose of the article is to analyze the majority of current concepts of life sustainability and try to combine them into one model that will improve the awareness of the problem and influence the work of practitioners constructively. We carry out the analysis of the concepts according to the principles from simple to complex ones and from a pure theory to practice. The first concept to be analyzed is the concept of Gumilev L.M. that is defined by the term passionism. The essence of this concept is the desire to achieve goals and readiness for tension and sacrifice for the sake of our own purpose. A person should have a strong type of nervous system and should not be neurotical to suit this concept, though a person cannot meet these requirements. A.G. Maklakov introduces the term “personality adaptive potential” into the scientific field. This concept says that adaptation has two levels - personal and individual, so the amount of certain personal qualities defines the adaptability of a person. During the long psycho trauma when a person runs out of physical and mental resources, adaptive potential decreases. D.A. Leontiyev introduced the concept of “personal potential”, which is the basic characteristic of an individual and is the core of the personality. This is an individual indicator of personality maturity. The personal potential manifests itself in self-identity, which leads to overcoming internal difficulties and external obstacles by an individual. The questions to overcome difficult life situations by people and the discovery of resources to deal with stress have been worked out within the humanistic psychology. It is called doping behavior, and is now the most developed and psycho technically implemented problem. The article deals with the techniques of passive and positive doping. The analysis is also given to the latest theory of S. Muddy, the essence of which is the concept of “hardiness”, that is - sustainability, life stability. This concept reflects psychological vitality and expanded efficiency and is the integrative quality of a personality that consists of the following components: commitment, involvement, control and challenge. The result of our analysis is the integrated model of qualities and personality characteristics to master trans ordinary situations. The model consists of three hierarchical blocks, each containing qualities or human characteristics to master trans ordinary situations. These blocks are individual, personal and instrumental. The arrows in the picture show the connections between them. The main conclusion of the article is that the attempt to analyze the concepts of life sustainability has not been completed, but to some extent theoreticians and practitioners make contributions to the awareness of the problem.
Keywords: adaptive abilities; personality resources; trans ordinary situation; psychogenic posttraumatic disorders; coping strategies; passionism; personality adaptive potential; hardiness
Aleksandrova L. A. K kontseptsyy zhyznestoikosty v psykholohyy. Sybyrskaia 1. psykholohyia sehodnia: sb. nauchn. trudov. Vыp. 2 / Kemerovo: Kuzbass VUZ yzdat. – 2004, S. 82-90. Antsyferova L. Psykholohyia formyrovanyia y razvytyia lychnosty / Moskva : 2. Nauka. – 1981, 365 s. Bila I. M. Samozdiisnennia ta samoaktualizatsiia osobystosti (Praktychna 3. psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota) – 2014. – № 3. – S.29-32. Vasyliuk L. Psykholohyia perezhyvanyia / Moskva: yzd. Mosk. hosud. 4. universytet, – 1994, 200 s. Maddy S. Teoryia lychnosty: sravnytelnыi analyz./ Moskva: Rech. – 2002, 5. 539 s. Mahomed-Эmynov M.Sh. Transformatsyia lychnosty / Moskva: 6. psykhoanalytycheskaia assotsyatsyia. – 1995, 496 s. Maklakov A.H. Obshchaia psykholohyia / Sp.b. yzd. «Pyter», – 2001, 592 s.7. Soloviova S.L. Resursы lychnosty / Med. psykholohyia v Rossyy – эlektronnыi 8. nauchnыi zhurnal. – 2005, № 2. Reshetnykov M. M. Psykhycheskaia travma / Monohrafyia. Sp-b. Vostochno-9. evropeiskyi ynstytut psykhoanalyza. – 2006, 322 s. Tarabrya N.V. Praktykum po psykholohy postravmatycheskoho stressa / 10. Spb., yzd.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 135-150 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Kyrpenko T.M.
junior researcher Laboratory Environmental Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv
Influence of volitional processes on the regulation of behavior in extreme conditions of life activity
The article analyzes the study of volitional qualities of personality. Defined theory will in the domestic and foreign psychology. Is solved the relevance of the research topic. Topical issues of theoretical and applied research of the person in extreme conditions of ability to live and crisis situations studied. It is stated that a strong-willed self-control is very important for adaptation and self-control in extreme conditions. We study the the psychological mechanisms willed self-control in an extreme situation. Is noted that the willed self-control plays an important role in the self-regulation and adaptation to extreme conditions. Article reveals the essence and content of the willed self-control. Identified the relevance of the investigated problem and the prospects for further research in this direction. It is stated that the willed self-control is important in adaptation and self-control in extreme conditions. It was determined that the main function of the will is the conscious regulation of the activity of ability to live in extreme conditions. Is ascertained that insufficiently studies on the structure of strong-willed regulation of activities of ability to live in extreme conditions, its types, kinds. Prospects for further research from the theoretical and practical point of view, we consider the problem of the formation of strong-willed regulation in childhood and school years in the family and social interaction, study of the structure of strong-willed regulation of activities of ability to live in extreme conditions. despite the understanding of the essential role of social interaction in the development of strong-willed regulation, empirical and theoretical work in this area is not enough.
Keywords: personality, will, an extreme situation, adaptation, self-control, consciousness
1. Bozhovich L. I. Problemyi formirovaniya lichnosti: Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi / Pod red. D. I. Feldshteyna. 3-e izd. – M. : Moskovskiy psihol-sots. ins-t, Voronezh : NPO «MODEK», 2001. – S. 18—56. 2. Borishevskiy M. I. Razvitie samoregulyatsii povedeniya shkolnikov. Avtoref. diss. doktora psihol. nauk. – M. : AST, 1990. – 40 s. 3. Ilin E. P. Psihologiya voli / Ilin E. P. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – S. 17–195. 4. Leontev A. N. Volya / A. N. Leontev // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. – Ser. 14, Psihologiya. – 1993. – № 2. – S. 3– 14. 5. Kuhl J., Beckmann J. Historical perspectives in the study of action control // Action control: From cognition to behavior / Ed. by J. Kuhl, J. Beckmann. Berlin. N.Y. – 1985. – Р.178–185. 6. Selivanov V. I. Osnovnyie podhodyi k psihologicheskomu issledovaniyu volevoy aktivnosti lichnosti / V. I. Selivanov // Eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya volevoy aktivnosti. – Ryazan, 1986. – 138 s. 7. Silva M. N., Markland D. A., Minderico C. S., Vieira P.N., Castro M.M., Coutinho S.S., Santos T.C., Matos M.G., Sardinha L.B., Teixeira P.J. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate self-determination theory for exercise adherence and weight control: Rationale and intervention description // BMC Public Health. – 2008. – Vol. 8. – P. 234–247. 8. Shvalb Yu. M. Vozvraschenie k zabyitoy teme: problema voli v psihologii / Yu. M. Shvalb // zb. nauk. pr. AktualnI problemi psihologIYi. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2014. – Tom VII. EkologIchna psihologIya. – Vip. 37. – S. 186–199.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 151-158 (pdf)
UDC: 378 : [159.923 : 502/504]
Kolomiets L. I.
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi, Vinnytsia
The ecological compatibility of the high school educational area as a primary factor in the professionalization of future specialist
The author analyzes the content, structure, components of the definition „the educational environment”, considers the main approaches to its interpretation in modern psychological and pedagogical sources. The paper examines the effectiveness and productivity of education environment for the personal and professional development of future specialists. The essence of ecological compatibility of higher school in the context of modern approaches and paradigms (ecological-humanitarian, ecological-psychological, ecological-facilitating) is revealed. The author considers the higher school and the process of higher education as important components of the students’ living environment that determine personal and professional formation, shape the main age-related formations, necessary competence, maturity, develop the adaptability of subjects of life activities, provide their self-actualization and self-development. The paper defines the educational environment of the higher school as an open ecological system which is a part of students’ living environment, develops on macro-, mezzo- and micro levels on the principles of openness, dynamism, variability and dialogicity. The system like this is formed by the subjects of educational activity, each of them fulfills his/her own professional functions and makes efforts for the achievement of the common productive result, is ready for changes, innovations, a constructive dialogue, reflexive responses to urgent inquiries and needs.
Keywords: system „personality – environment”, educational environment, ecological compatibility, ecological educational environment, higher education, professional training, primary professionalization of future specialists
Bojarov E. N. Jekologija informacionnoj obrazovatel’noj sredy / E. N. Bojarov 1. // Astrahanskij vestnik jekologicheskogo obrazovanija. – 2012. – №3 (21). – S. 78-84. Burkova L. V. Obrazovanie i jekologija lichnosti / L. V. Burkova // Osvіta ta 2. rozvitok obdarovanoї osobistostі. – 2013. – №10. – S. 9-12. Gaba І. M. Osvіtnє seredovishhe: socіal’no-psihologіchna paradigma / 3. І. M. Gaba // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії : zb. nauk. pr. Іn-tu psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / Іn-t psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – Kiїv : Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2010. – T. 7 : Ekologіchna psihologіja, Vip. 22. – S. 27-31. Egorova4. T. G. Obrazovatel'naja sereda kak pedagogicheskij fenomen / T. G. Egorova // Vestnik Shadrinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta. – 2013. – №2. – S. 51-56. Kalmykov A. A. Problemy formirovanija jekologicheski sovershennoj lichnosti 5. / A. A. Kalmykov // Vvedenie v jekologicheskuju psihologiju. – M. : MNJePU, 1999. – S. 112-117. Lapshina L. V. Profesіonalіzacіja : sutnіst' ta struktura ponjattja / 6. L. V. Lapshina // Ukraїns'kij socіum. – 2005. – №2/3. – S. 54-58. Lushin P. V. Ob jekologichnosti psihologicheskogo vozdejstvija: 7. jekofasilitativnaja logika / P. V. Lushin // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2010. – №.6. – S. 7-9. L'ovochkіna A. M. Teoretichnі zasadi bezperervnoї ekologіchnoї osvіti / 8. A. M. L'ovochkіna // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії : zb. nauk. pr. Іn-tu psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. S. D. Maksimenka. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2005. – T. 7 : Ekologіchna psihologіja, vip. 4. – S. 185-193. Rodzhers K. Svoboda uchit'sja / K.9. Rodzhers, D. Frejberg. – M. : Smysl, 2002. – 527 s. Tjumaseva Z. I. Jekologija, obrazovatel’naja sreda i modernizacija obrazovanija 10. : Monografija / Z. I. Tjumaseva. – Cheljabinsk: Izd-vo Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, 2006. – 322 s. Shvalb Ju. M. K opredeleniju ponjatij sredy i prostranstva zhiznedejatel’nosti 11. cheloveka / Ju. M. Shvalb // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії. Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. S. D. Maksimenka. – K., 2006. – T. 7, vip. 8. – S. 182-190. Jasvin V. A. Obrazovatel’naja sreda: ot modelirovanija k proektirovaniju / 12. V. A. Jasvin. – M. : Smysl, 2001. – 365 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 159-169 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Komar T.
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi, Vinnytsia
Psychological foundations of ecological compatibility in interpersonal relations of adolescents
The theoretical analysis of the problem of interpersonal relationships formation in teenage years in the article is presented. The elements of interpersonal relationships are disclosed. The analysis of the mental condition of the ecology, the ecological compatibility of the group and the concept of ecofacilitation is done. The psychological foundations of the friendship, love, admiration, platonic affection concept are revealed. In the experimental part the psychological features of intimate relationships and their formation in teenage years are analyzed. The new approach to the study of love in teenage years, which reveals the relationships of love and color are suggested. The psychognostic program of love and friendship study and the results of experimental research is represented.
Keywords: teenage years, friendship, love, ideal friend, interpersonal relationships, intimate relationships, ecological compatibility, ecological group
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 170-179 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9.07:316.6
Kryazh I.V., Baieva K.O.
Environmental concern as condition of environmentally responsible behaviour
There are revealed three parameters that describe functioning of regulation systems of environmentally significant behaviour: personal norms to take pro-environmental actions, perceived behavioural control, and the attitude toward global ecological changes. The environmental concern considered as concern by global anthropogenic ecological changes acts as the meaning centre of such regulation system. Influence of environmental concern on pro-environmental behaviour in private-sphere is mediated by readiness of the subject to act in a role of the defender of environmental norm. Environmental concern is directly connected with personal pro-environmental norms and perceived behavioural control (environmental efficacy and internal locus of control) and influences the coping-strategies corresponding to global ecological changes. Influence of environmental concern on the problem-focused coping is mediated by control beliefs. Influence on the meaning-focused coping is mediated by personal pro-environmental norm. The expressed braking influence of environmental concern on strategy of de-emphasizing the seriousness of ecological change is direct. Results of research specify in two different mechanisms of regulation of environmentally responsible behaviour. In regulation of pro-environmental actions in private-sphere the basic role belongs to personal environmental norms. In regulation of the behaviour toward global environmental issues are solving control beliefs. In both cases ecological concern is a starting point for pro-environmental intentions.
Keywords: environmental concern, environmentally responsible behaviour, perceived behavioural control, pro-environmental norms, environmental efficacy, coping-strategies
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 180-190 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9+343.9
Lanovenko I.I.
Academy of Labour, Social Affairs and Tourism, Kyiv
Conceptual bases of deviation and delinquency research in anomic society (system analysis)
In the article on the basis of existing interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the origins of deviant and delinquent behavior as a consequence of social crisis (economic, political, social, spiritual) their pathogenesis in the context of understanding of the human health according to the natural foundations of its existence is analyzed. The human in the discourse of bio-psycho-socio-psychological interaction with the world is considered as its result and as its creator is able to the destructive or positive creative activity towards the formation of their own habitat, the impact of community being in which it is included and impact on social development in general. It is stressed that special research attention should be paid above factors of social life that disturb the harmony of relations of person with the world acting on the destructive choices of directing expression in the realization of personal harassment as a result of anomie and taking into account its specific social, psychological, biopsychic consequences. Special attention is paid to the ecosocial and ecopsychological factors of the adaptation and disadaptation in the context of the “painful” condition of society, including problems of biopsychic and psychological factors of person’s dissocialization, its deviant and delinquent activity. One of the important foundations to overcome the negative biopsychic effects of anomie is determined to overcome cultural (spiritual) crisis, path of which is seen in the formation of ethical responsibility for natural laws inconsistent with the way of life organization. The general conclusion about the need for environmentalization view of modern researchers of deviant and delinquent behavior is done, the revival of the corresponding to the human nature of peremptory norms of life organization in order to maintain a progressive sociogenesis even in difficult conditions of social crisis.
Keywords: society, anomie, deviant behavior, delinquent, disadaptation, the way of life, biopsychic development, naturalness, spiritual
Abbanyano N. Mudrost zhizni / N. Abbanyano; per. s ital. A.L. Zorina. – SPb.: Aleteyya, 1996. – 320 s. Adler A. Ocherki po individualnoy psihologii / A. Adler; per. s nem. – M., «Kogito-Tsentr», 2002. – 220 s. (Klassiki psihologii). Golovaha E. I., Panina N. V. Sotsialnoe bezumie: istoriya, teoriya i sovremennaya praktika / E.I. Golovaha, N.V. Panina. – K.: Abris, 1994. – 168 s. Dril D.A. Uchenie o prestupnosti i merah borby s neyu / D.A. Dril. – SPB. Izdatelstvo «Shipovnik», 1912. – 568 s. Dyachenko N.V. Otritsanie i preemstvennost v razvitii kultury / N. V. Dyachenko. – Harkov: Osnova, 1992. – 171 s. Zdorove – 21: Osnovy politiki dostizheniya zdorovya dlya vseh v Evropeyskom regione VOZ / Vsemirnaya organizatsiya zdravoohraneniya Evropeyskoe regionalnoe bjuro. Kopengagen. Evropeyskaya seriya po dostizheniyu zdorovya dlya vseh, № 6, 1999. – xi +310 s. Integralnaya individualnost cheloveka i eyo razvitie / pod red. B.A. Vyatkina. – M.: Izd-vo «In-t psihologii RAN», 1999. – 328 s. Kaznacheev V.P. Fenomen cheloveka: kosmicheskie i zemnye istoki / V.P. Kaznacheev. – Novosibirsk: Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, 1991. –128 s. Kostenko O.M. Problema № 1 suchasnoi tsyvilizatsii (v ukrainskomu konteksti): Monohrafiia. – Cherkasy: SUEM, 2008. – 112 s. Lanovenko I.I. Ekologicheskie aspekty psihologicheskogo zdorovya v kontekste izucheniya deviantnogo povedeniya / I.I. Lanovenko // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Ekolohichna psykholohiia: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats / Za red. Maksymenka S.D. – T.7. – Vyp. 20. – Ch.1 – Zhytomir: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. – S. 233-236. Merkulov I.P. Kognitivnye tipy myshleniya / I.P. Merkulov // Evolyutsiya. 11. Yazyk. Poznanie. – M.: Yazyki russkoy literatury, 2000. – 272 s. (Yazyk. Semiotika. Kultura). – S. 70-84. Rayh V. Psihologiya mass i fashizm / V. Rayh; per. s nem. – SPb. – M., «Universitetskaya kniga» ATS, 1997. – 377 s. Samsonov, A.L. Na puti k noosfere / A.L. Samsonov // Voprosy filosofii. 2000. – №7. – S. 53-61. Fromm E. Anatomiya chelovecheskoj destruktivnosti: Perevod – M.: Respublika, 1994. – 477 s. Shnajder G.Y. Kriminologiya: per. s nem. / pod. obshh. red. i s predisl. L.O. Ivanova. – M.: Izdatelskaya gruppa «Progress» - «Univers», 1994. – 504 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 191-201 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.2:502/504
Liovochkina A.M.
doctor of psychology, associate professor, assistant professor of social work department, psychology faculty Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The problems of overcoming the social and psychological consequences of the Chernobyl disaster: history and modernity
The article is devoted to the analysis of the social and psychological consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. In the present study indicates that in extreme and catastrophic situations in people life suddenly changes: they may lose not only health but also the environment of its existence, work, family, relationships, and with it - confidence in the future. Analysis of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster and identify ways to overcome them help in solving the problems of today’s emergencies. In particular, the situation concerning the implementation of anti-terrorist operations in Eastern Ukraine; social and psychological assistance to refugees and displaced temporarily from the occupied territories and help people who have received disability. Scientists had studied specific psychological phenomena in post Chernobyl area. These effects primarily include the so-called «Chornobyl syndrome». By «Chornobyl syndrome» include: the rental unit; position «victims»; feeling lost health; «Symptom evacuation»; «Symptom exceptionalism»; «Sense of lost future» and symptoms of learned helplessness. To overcome the «Chornobyl syndrome» topical use of psychological techniques and technologies aimed at personal growth, in which a person becomes more open to experience, more effectively solve their problems. It’s improved psychological adaptability and reduced vulnerability. All of the overcoming of negative symptoms, which prevent the successful development and socialization.
Keywords: social and psychological consequences of the Chernobyl disaster; «Syndrome Chernobyl»; victim’s symptom, a symptom of learned helplessness; personal growth
Moliako V.O. Psykholohichni naslidky Chornobylskoi katastrofy 1. [Psychological consequences of Chernobyl disaster]/ V.O.Moliako// Bezpeka zhyttiediialnosti. – 2006. - № 3. – S. 26 – 29. Osypova A.A. Obshchaia psykhokorrektsyia [General psychocorrection] / 2. A.A.Osypova. – M., TTs «Sfera», 2000. – 512 s. Panok V. H. Monytorynh sotsyalno-psykholohycheskoi sytuatsyy v zone 3. Chernobыlskoi katastrofы [The development of the creative personality in terms of environmental crisis] / V. H. Panok – K.: Chernobыlynterynform, 1997. – 143 s. Rybalka V. V. Rozvytok tvorchoi osobystosti v umovakh ekolohichnoi kryzy/ 4. V.V. Rybalka [The development of the creative personality in terms of environmental crisis] // Naukovo-prohramno-metodychnyi posibnyk/ za red. O. V. Kyrychuka i V. V. Rybalky – K.: UkrNTI, 1993, Ch. 1 Rezultaty eksperymentalnykh i naukovo-praktychnykh doslidzhen. - 129 s. Rybalka V. V. Rozvytok tvorchoi osobystosti v umovakh ekolohichnoi kryzy/ 5. V.V. Rybalka [The development of the creative personality in terms of environmental crisis] // Naukovo-prohramno-metodychnyi posibnyk/ za red. O. V. Kyrychuka i V. V. Rybalky – K.: UkrNTI, 1993, Ch. 2 Prohramy tvorchykh hurtkiv i fakultetiv ta metodychni rekomendatsii. - 197 s. Skrebets V. O. Ekolohichna psykholohiia u viddalenykh naslidkakh ekotekh6. nohennoi katastrofy: monohrafiia [Ecological psychology in remote eco con-Ecological psychology in remote eco consequences of technological disasters]/ V. O. Skrebets – K.: Slovo, 2004. – 440 s. Shvalb Yu. M. Dynamyka myfolohem postchernobыlskoho soznanyia [The 7. dynamics of post-Chernobyl myths of consciousness] / Yu. M. Shvalb // Aktualni problemy psykholohii. Ekolohichna psykholohiia: Zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K.: Lohos, 2006. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia – Vyp. 8. – S. 155–165. Yakovenko S. I. Psykholohiia liudyny za umov radioekolohichnoho lykha. 8. [Human psychology in terms of radio-ecological catastrophe]/ S. I. Yakovenko. – K.: Chornobylinterinform, 1996. – 173 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 202-210 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922
Liovochkіna O.V.
Graduate student of psychology department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The experience of solitude teenagers and its impact on quality of life
Traditionally, adolescence is the most difficult in the educational process. Adolescence is filled with experiences that are contradictory, strong and often confusing for most adolescents. One of these experiences - is loneliness, which is defined as a mental condition which reflects the experiences of his separateness, subjective inability or unwillingness to feel adequate review, adoption and confess other people. Important significant results obtained from the use of Q-sort methodology. Adolescents with high level of loneliness tend to avoid group interaction, remain neutral in the disputes and conflicts and make compromises. They also have inner desire to acceptance of group norms, standards and ethical values. Loneliness in adolescence is accompanied by discomfort, anxiety, sadness, despair and hopelessness. However, at some point, the teenager begins to realize that it is time to change anything, including itself and its relationship to the world. Personal growth starts with the awareness of this fact. So, adolescent loneliness can take both positive and negative. Negative emotions cause loss of self-esteem. If experience is positive, adolescents will have an interest in researching themselves. This interest encourages activities that promote personal growth. Teens need psychological support that will be given specialist and contribute to their personal development. This development should be implemented mainly through the adoption and understanding of themselves and others, openness to emotions and experience of interpersonal communication
Keywords: the experience of loneliness; the level of subjective feelings of loneliness; personal growth; indicators of personal growth; self-concept; the quality of life
1. Bratčenko S.L., Myronova M.R. Lyčnostnыj rost y eho kryteryy [Personal growth and its criteria]/ S.L.Bratčenko, M.R.Myronova // Psycholohyčeskye problemы samorealyzacyy lyčnosty. SPb., 1997, c.38-46. 2. Krajh H., Bokum D., Psycholohýa razvytýa [The Psychology of Development]/ H.Krajh, D.Bokum — 9-e yzd. — SPb.: Pyter, 2005. — 940 s. 3. Liovočkina O.V. Samotnisť pidlitka jak psycholohična problema [Loneliness of adolescent as a psychological problem] / O.V.Liovočkina – K.: 2015. 4. Osypova A.A. Obščaja psychokorrekcýa: učebnoe posobye dlia studentov vuzov [Common psychocorrection: a manual for university students] /A.A.Osypova – M.: TC «Sfera», 2000. – 512 s. 5. Sokolova O.N. Osobennosty perežyvanýa odynočestva v podrostkovom vozraste [Features of experience of loneliness in adolescence] / O.N.Sokolova // Psycholohýa, socyolohýa y pedahohyka. – 2014. 6. Chьell L. Zyhler D. Teoryy lyčnosty [Theories of personality] / L.Chьell., D.Zyhler. – [3-e yzd.] –SPb: Pyter, 2005. – 607 s. 7. Erikson E.N. Childhood and society (2nd ed.)/ E.N.Erikson – New York: Norton, 1963.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 211-219 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:364.14
Lyuta Lesya
assistant professor of social work department, psychology faculty Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Institutionalization volunteer movement in network society
The article analyzes the social network as a resource for volunteerism. The emergence of free time encourages people to engage in social activity. Voluntary and unprofessional participation in the charity was the beginning of Volunteering. Institutionalization any professional activity began in a similar way. The development and institutionalization of social phenomena starts with personal interest. Popularity networks are a response to large-scale globalization processes in the world. Society goes back to more natural forms of life - community, community network. As a result, there is a weakening of the government and its formal component. Social networks can be contrasted to the social structure as emotional and rational; informal and formal; natural and artificial; individuality and depersonalization. The rapid development of the media caused a shift from a rigid hierarchical social structure to a horizontal way of life. A striking example of this process illustrations are modern voluntary organizations that operate as organized network. Each individual may be involved in a number of social networks. The mass volunteer movement was possible only due to the internal potential participants who were already included in the network.
Keywords: volunteer movement, social network, network society, the in-, social network, network society, the institutionalization of social phenomena
Kastel’s M. Informacionnaja jepoha: jekonomika, obshhestvo, kul’tura / per. 1. s angl. Pod O.I.Shkaratana. - M.: GU VShJe, 2000. – 608 s. Kudrinskaja L.A. Dobrovol’cheskij trud: sushhnost’, funkcionirovaanie, 2. specifika / L.A.Kudrinskaja // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. – 2006. - №5. – S.15-22. 6
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 220-228 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.73 : 614.876
Maksymov M.
Ecological information space as a condition of development of the child’s creativity
In the article the problem of the impact of information space on personality development. It was found that modern information space too powerfully affects the personality of children absorb their attention and emotion that prevents the development of other mental functions and reduces creativity. Reveals that neutralization of the negative aspects of the impact of information space on the possibility of implementing the creative potential of the child is to its greening. The necessity of determining the impact of the technologies of information and communication space in the direction of its greening
Keywords: ecology, the creativity of the child, the child's personality, information space development
1. Abdeev R.F. Fylosofyya ynformatsyonnoy tsyvylyzatsyy / R.F. Abdeev.-M.: VLADOS, 1994. - 336 s. 2. Aktual'nыe problemы ynformatsyonnoho protyvoborstva /Pod obshch. Red. A.Y. Hurova. M: Moskovskyy hosudarstvennыy unyversytet, 1999. — 334 s. 3. Arlыchev A.N. Soznanye: ynformatsyonno-deyatel'nostnыy podkhod / A.N. Arlыchev/ M.: KomKnyha, 2005. 132s. 4. Hessen S.Y. Osnovы pedahohyky: vvedenye v prykladnuyu fylosofyyu. Berlyn, 1923 5. Maslou A. Motyvatsyya y lychnost'. SPb.: Evrazyya, 1999. S.77–105 (s sokrashch.) 6. Novaya tekhnokratycheskaya volna na Zapade. Pod red. P.S.Hurevycha. M.:Prohress, 1986. Dayzard U. Nastuplenye ynformatsyonnoho veka. c.343-344 7. Pavlova E.D. Sredstva massovoy ynformatsyy – ynstrument skrыtoho vozdeystvyya na soznanye: sotsyal'no-fylosofskyy analyz. Monohrafyya / E.D. Pavlova. M.: Nauka, 2007. 12,9 p.l.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 229-237 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.73
Маksymova Nataliia
doctor of psychology, professor, professor of social work chair psychology department of Кyiv national university by Taras Shevchenko
Divorce of parents as an existential problem of child development
The article deals with the divorce of parents as determinant of an existential crisis in the life of a child. Elucidate the mechanism of occurrence of variations in the behavior of children in case of divorce of parents: the inability to meet basic social needs - need for security, which violates its ecological living space. Children of school age lose progress in studies, discipline, they become aggressive, they can commit escape from home, thefts, hooliganism. Frequently they get psychosomatic disorders, such as stomach pain, headache, insomnia, phobias, total excitement and locomotory unbrakeness or vice versa, depression, apathy. But divorced parents seldom understand, that child’s behaviour of health worsening is connected with their divorce. Article discovers the mechanisms of deviations appearance in children’s behaviour, particularly the influence of melancholic, guilty and fear feelings, which arise as the result of basic social need (need of security) deprivation. Article discovers the mechanism of this deprivation during parents’ divorce. Article discovers the conditions which allow to prevent children’s deviant behaviour during parents’ divorce. Article shows that child’s negative feelings can be compensated by accurate parents’ policy during divorce, beginning from message to child about divorce. Parents must understand that their divorce has buried their family conflicts, and they must co-operate anew to upbring children and to help them to go thought parents’ divorce. It is proved, that former couple seldom can provide normal functioning of divorced family without assistance, so, the psychological assistance is necessary.
Keywords: ecology of living space, children, family, divorce, crisis, feelings, deviant behavior
Маksymova N.Ju. Simejne konsultuvannya. – К.: DP „Bydavnychij dim 1. Perconal”, 2011. – 304 s. Figdor G. Deti razvedennih roditelej: mezdu travmoj i nadezdoj (psikhoanal2. iticheskoe issledovanie). – М.: Nauka, 1995. – 376 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 238-246 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.2:159.942
Mandzyk T.M.
PhD-student of the Department of Psychology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
The relationships of place attachment and pro-environmental behavior
In this paper examines the relationship between place attachment and pro-environment behavior. Despite increased awareness that problems with the environment exist and that human activities are often the cause of these problems, individuals frequently fail to choose behaviours that will help lessen their impact on the environment. Place attachment, the emotional bond that an individual has with a specific setting, may play a role in an individual’s choice to engage in pro-environmental behavior. This is particularly true for behaviors which directly benefit the place that the individual has a positive attachment with. Analyze of different studies shows that place attachment can be positive predictor of place-specific pro-environmental intentions. Examining the impact of place attachment on pro-environment behavioral intentions was found that a positive emotional attachment to a place strongly influenced the intentions of residents to engage in place protective behaviors. Also this paper aims at exploring place attachment and it association with the environmental perception. Place attachment is related to the evaluation of the environment as a good place to live: the higher people evaluate characteristics of the physical and social environment, the higher the likelihood of attachment to place.
Keywords: place attachment, pro-environmental behavior, environmental culture, values, emotional connection with the place, place identity, environment
Список використаних джерел Altman I., Low S. Place attachment. A conceptual inquiry / I. Altman, S. Low. 1. - New York: Plenum Press, 1992. Fe ´lonneau M. L. Love and loathing of the city: urbanophilia and urbanophobia, 2. topological identity and perceived incivilities/ M. L. Fe ´lonneau // Journal of Environmental Education. – 2004. – Vol. 24. – P. 43–52. Fried M. Continuities and discontinuities of place. Journal of Environmental 3. Psychology / M. Fried // Journal of Environmental Education. – 2000. – Vol. 20. – P. 193–205. Halpenny4. E. A. Pro-environmental behaviours and park visitors: The effect of place attachment / E. A. Halpenny // Journal of Environmental Psychology. – 2010. – Vol. 30. – P. 409-421. Kaltenborn B. P. Effects of sense of place on responses to environmental 5. impacts: a study among residents in Svalbard in the Norwegian high Arctic / B. P. Kaltenborn // Applied Geography. - 1998. – Vol.18(2). – P. 169-189. Local identity processes and environmental attitudes in land use change: the 6. case of natural protected areas / M. Bonaiuto, G. Carrus, H. Martorella, M. Bonnes // Journal of Economic Psychology. – 2002. – Vol. 23. – P. 631–653. Mesch G. S., Manor O. Social ties, environmental perception, and local 7. attachment / G. S. Mesch, O. Manor // Environment and Behavior. – 1998. – Vol. 30. – P. 504–519. Place attachment and place identity in natives and non-natives / B. Hernandez, 8. M. C. Hidalgo, M. E. Salazar-Laplace, S. Hess // Journal of Environmental Psychology. – 2007. – Vol. 27. – P. 310–319. Rollero C., De Piccoli N. Place attachment, identification and environment 9. perception: An empirical study / C. Rollero, N. De Piccoli // Journal of Environmental Psychology. – 2010. – Vol. 30. – P. 198–205. Stedman, R. C. Toward a social psychology of place: predicting behavior from 10. place-based cognitions, attitude, and identity // Environment and Behavior. – 2002. – Vol.34– P. 405–425. Tuan Y. Topophilia: A study of environmental perception, attitudes, and 11. values / Y.-F. Tuan. – New-York: Columbia university press, 1974. – 260 p. Uzzell D. Place identification, social cohesion, and environmental 12. sustainability / D. Uzzell, E. Pol, D. Badenas // Environment and Behavior. – 2002. – Vol.34– P. 26–53. Vaske J. J., Kobrin K. C. Place attachment and environmentally responsible 13. behavior / J. J. Vaske, K. C. Kobrin // The Journal of Environmental Education. – 2001. – Vol. 32(4). – P. 16 - 21. Walker A. J., Ryan R. L. Place attachment and landscape preservation in rural 14. New England: a Maine case study / A. J. Walker, R. L. Ryan // Landscape and Urban Planning. – 2008. – Vol. 86(2). – P. 141-152.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 247-255 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.7:159.954
Martseniuk M.A.
candidate of psychological sciences, docent, Department of Psychology Mukachevo State University
Psychological support during child development through verbal creative means
The article considers and analyzes the process of verbal creativity as a form of psychological support during child development. Psychological support is a system used by professional psychologist, aimed at creating social and psychological outlook for emotional well-being and successful development, education and training of the child in situations of social and pedagogical interactions, organized inside educational environment or family. It has been emphasized the unique role of the family and child-parent relationships for the formation and development of speech, language, verbal creativity in different periods of life. Different forms of verbal creativity have been highlighted, along with the importance of verbal creativity during child’s mental development. The verbal creativity is seen as an activity that is absorbed only through cooperation between child and adults. At the same time, the development of any activity is mediated by verbal creativity, and is virtually impossible without verbal means. In childhood, word in the context of the conversation, includs father or mother who share their stories through lullabies, fairytales, etc. The verbal creativity of a child is formed between verbal and in pre-verbal periods. It represents the extremely powerful and important aspect in the process of mental development formation. It has been noted that verbal creativity serves as a diagnostic tool, indicator of emotional state, level of child’s cognitive sphere, family upbringing style and child-parent relationship. With the development of a child, verbal creativity takes new forms.
Keywords: psychological support, verbal creativity, mental development, psychological counseling, cooperation, imitation, joint activities, human culture
Alekseeva M.M. Metodika razvitiya rechi i obucheniya rodnomu yazyiku doshkolnikov: Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyissh. i sred. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy [3-e izd., stereotip.] /M.M.Alekseeva, B.I.Yashina - M.: Izdatelskiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2000. - 400 s. Bityanova M.R. Organizatsiya psihologicheskoy rabotyi v shkole/ M.R.Bityanova. – M.: Sovershenstvo, 1998. – 298 s. Leontev A. N. Deyatelnost, soznanie, lichnost. // Izbrannyie psihologicheskie proizvedeniya: V 2-h t./Pod red. V. V. Davyidova i dr. – M.: Pedagogika, 1983. T.2. – 320 s. Hoziev V.B. Psihologicheskoe konsultirovanie roditeley: uchebnoe posobie / V.B.Hoziev, M.V.Hozieva, S.V.Dzetovetskaya. – M.: Izd-vo NPO «MODEK», 2008. – 504 s. – (Seriya «Biblioteka psihologa»).
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 256-266 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.2:502/504
Meytarchan S.
lector, Department of psychology and pedagogy, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Politechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine
Environmental psychology training of the future engineers
The article deals with the formation and development of environmental psychology as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge about the psychological aspects of the relationship between humans and the environment. It’s substantiating growing interest in it due as aggravation of global environmental problems humanity and psychological needs in promoting the implementation of the concept of “sustainable development”. We are considering the multiplicity of the term “ecology”. It’s analyzing the relevance and importance of psychological and environmental training of the future engineers in the process of teaching “Environmental Psychology”. It reveals the importance and necessity of environmental awareness of students of them focus on the ecological lifestyle of the individuals.
Keywords: environmental psychology, ecological awareness, ecological lifestyle
Hlebov V.V. Jekolohycheska psykholohyia: ucheb. Posobye / V.V. Hlebov. – M.: RUDN, 2008. – 243 s. Deriabo S.D., Yasvyn V.A. Jekolohycheskaia pedahohyka y psykholohyia / S.D. Deriabo, V.A. Yasvyn. – Rostov n/D.: Fenyks, 1996. – 480 s. Kalmykov A.A. Vvedenye v jekolohycheskuiu psykholohyiu / A.A. Kalmykov. – M.: Yzd-vo MNJEPU, 1999. – 128 s. Lovochkina A.M. Osobystisno-oriientovanyi pidkhid u protsesi vykladannia ekolohichnoi psykholohii / A.M. Lovochkina // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia / In-t psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. Kyiv, 2008. Vyp. 15. - S. 179-182. Odum Ju. Osnovy jekologii / Ju. Odum. – per. s angl. – M.: Mir, 1975. – 740 s. Panov V.I. Metodologicheskie aspekty jekologicheskoj psihologii / V.I. Panov // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. T.7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia / In-t psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy. Kyiv, 2005. Vyp. 2. Ch. 2. S. 77-88. Panov V.I. Jekologicheskaja psihologija: Opyt postroenija metodologii / V.I. Panov. – M.: Nauka, 2004. – 197 s. Skrebec V.A. Metodologija jekologicheskoj psihologi v ukrainskih i rossijskih issledovanijah // Gumanitarnyj vektor. - Serija: Pedagogika, psihologija, 2014. – Vyp. № 1(37). – S. 84-93. Skrebets V.O. Suchasnyi stan ta priorytetni napriamy rozvytku ekolohichnoi psykholohii v Ukraini // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. nauk. pr. T.7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia / In-t psykholohii im. H.S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy. – K. 2005. Vyp. 5.4.2. – S. 235-245. Skrebets V. O. Intrapsykhichne seredovyshche yak yavyshche onkolohichnoi psykholohii v ekopsykholohichnomu konteksti / V.O. Skrebets // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia / In-t psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. Zhytomyr: Vyd- vo ZhDU im. I.Franka, 2011. Vyp. 26. - S. 511-521. Shlimakova I. I. Suchasni pidkhody do vyznachennia zmistu ta struktury ekolohichnoi svidomosti / I.I. Shlimakova // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykholohii: zb. nauk. pr. Skhidnoukrainskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. Volodymyra Dalia. Luhansk, 2011. - № 1 (25). - S. 170-175. Jasvin V.A. Psihologija otnoshenija k prirode / V.A. Jasvin. – M.: Smysl, 12. 2000. – 456 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 267-275 (pdf)
UDC: 159.34: 23 (156)
Mykhalchuk N.O., Nabochuk O.Yu.
doctor of Psychology, Professor, the head of the department of Practice of English of Rivne State University of the humanities, Rivne, Ukraine;
Candidate of Psychology, the Head of Education Department of Rivne State administration in Rivne region, Rivne, Ukraine
Psychological training of the development of ecological culture of senior pupils
The article deals with the analysis of current trends and approaches in the field of science related to the consideration of ecological culture of the person. A training program of the development of ecological culture of senior pupils was proposed. It is noted that the environmental culture is analyzed in psychology from different points of view. The first one relates to the consideration of ecological culture of the person as a leading factor of doing modern lifestyle ecological. The second approach deals with the ecological culture as a complex of mental structures of the person and, above all, shows the relationship of a man to the surrounding reality, the activity of other persons of society in general, as well as the consequences of these activities. The third approach involves the development of human ecological thinking, creative potential of his/her personality, which determine the development of ecological culture of the person. The authors of the article describe the “Training of the development of ecological culture of senior pupils”, which has the purpose also to facilitate the formation of personal qualities of pupils in age 15-17 years old, a sufficient level of which will enable them to engage constructively with the outside world, to demonstrate willingness to protect and improve the living conditions of the environment, which, in turn, promote successful adaptation of pupils to the environment during age crisis.
Keywords: ecological culture, ecological lifestyle, man’s relation to the reality, environmental thinking, creative potential of the person
Bauer M.J. Ekolohični znannia u konteksti formuvannia svitohliadnych 1. cinnostej suspiĺstva: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kan. filos. nauk. : spec. 09.00.09 «Filosofija nauky» / Mychajlo Jozefovyč Bauer – K., 1998.– 21 s. Gagarin A.V. Prirodoorientirovannaya deyatel'nost' uchashhixsya kak uslovie 2. formirovaniya e'kologicheskogo soznaniya : dis. ... doktora ped. nauk : 13.00.01 / Aleksandr Valer'evich Gagarin. – M., 2005. – 193 s. Karpenko Z.S. Aksiolohična psycholohija osobystosti : [monohrafija] / 3. Zinovija Stepanivna Karpenko. – Ivano-Frankivśk : Lileja – NV, 2009. – 512 s. Kozlenya E.I. K sushhnosti voprosa ob e'kologicheskom soznanii / E.I. 4. Kozlenya // Aktuaĺni problemy psycholohiji : Zbirnyk naukovych prać Instytutu psycholohiji imeni H.S.Kostiuka APN Ukrajiny / [za red. S.D. Maksymenka]. – K. : 2005. – T. 7, vyp. 5. – S. 214-218. Kochergin A.N. E'kologicheskoe znanie i soznanie: Osobennosti formirovaniya 5. / A.N. Kochergin, Yu.S. Markov, N.G. Vasil'ev. – Novosibirsk : Nauka, 1987. – 221s. Ovsyannikova O.V. E'kologichiskoe soznanie: sushhnost' i puti stanovleniya 6. / O.V. Ovsyannikova, A.V. Guseva, O.V. Yakovenko // E'kologicheskoe obrazovanie: koncepcii i metodicheskie podxody / [otv. redaktor Mamedov N.M.]. – M. : «Agenstvo «Texnotron», 1996. – S.24 Skrebec V.A. E'kologicheskaya psixologiya : [uchebnoe posobie] / Vasilij 7. Alekseevich Skrebec. – K. : MAUP, 1998. – 144 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 276-293 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Milushina M.A.
Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social work of Dnipropetrovsk national university of Oles Honchar, Dnipro
Peculiarities of codependency among college students: trends, problems and results of the research
The article considers the role of the codependency phenomenon in the educational space which requires active subjects who are capable of continuing education. Because the continuing education will be a means of protecting people in case of unemployment and other changes in their working lives. One of the reasons that impede the formation of such an “adult” position is the impact of the phenomenon of codependency. This phenomenon is a personal deformation of representatives of the helping professions (teachers, doctors, educators, psychologists, etc.). The principal causes of codependency among students were mentioned. Among them: a violation of the child’s psychological territory at an early age, cultural influence and attitudes of teachers. Teachers’ behavior is often subordinated to the Karpman Drama Triangle. The triangle includes such three roles as: Persecutor, Rescuer and Victim which are acquired during childhood. The teacher often uses the role of Persecutor when he or she considers himself better, stronger, smarter than others (students). Using such roles in the pedagogical activity involves of students automatically into the role of the Victims. These results confirm the presence of codependency among students. The majority of them have a high level of codependency, which will have a negative impact on their professional activity and interpersonal relationships in the future. The research hasn’t found significant gender differences in codependency in college students.
Keywords: codependency, educational space, subject-subject interactions, the Karpman Drama Triangle, violation of the psychological territory, cultural influence
Moskalenko V.D.Zavisimost’. Semejnaja bolezn’ / V.D Moskalenko. – M. : PER SJe, 2009. – 352 s. Papush M. Psihotehnika jekzistencial’nogo vybora / M. Papush. – M. : Institut Obshhegumanitarnyh Issledovanij 2001. – 544s. Perlz Fric. Teorija Geshtal’t-terapii / F. Perlz. – M. : Institut obshhegumanitarnyh issledovanij, 2001. – 384 s. Uajnhold B. Osvobozhdenie ot sozavisimosti / B. Uajnhold, Dzh. Uajnhold; perevod s anglijskogo A.G. Cheslavskoj. – M. : Nezavisimaja firma «Klass», 2002. – 224 s. Shajdukova L.K. Privychki. Pristrastija. Bolezni / L.K. Shajdukova. – M. : Progressivnye biomedicinskie tehnologii, 2000. – 88 s. Karpman Triangle [Electronic resource]. – access mode: Milushyna M. Foreign studies of the codependency phenomenon // Research Journal “Humanities and Social Science”, Volume , vol. XX, 22 (2/2015), April–June 2015, 2015, P. 51-62. Smalley S. Treating co-dependency: shifting the focus to individual autonomy. Focus on Family, 1984, November/December, 13-14. Wegschnider-Cruse S. Choice-Making / S.Wegschnider-Cruse. – Pompano Beach, Florida: Health Communication, 1985
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 294-302 (pdf)
UDC: 159: 922.2-057.874
Munasypova-Motyash I.A.
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the cathedra of environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko
Relationship of senior pupils’ eniromental dispositions with components of self-regulation of their activity
In the article the indicators of senior pupils’ environmental dispositions are reviewed. The results of empirical research of senior pupils’ environmental dispositions formation, development of their regulatory processes (planning, modeling, programming, results assessment) and regulatory and personal characteristics (flexibility, independence) are given. Ambiguity in the relation to the nature of the studied pupils is revealed though the collaborative (Clb) ecodisposition has rather high average value, the indifferent (Ind) ecodisposition is presented in ecological awareness investigated at rather high level too. It is possible to notice either indifference tendency in the relation to the nature or ecostandard behavior. It is admitted that senior pupils’ environmental awareness is closely connected with their self-regulation of activity and behavior. Pupils with high indicators of a collaborative ecodisposition have developed planning, programming, results assessment and independence. So, senior pupils with stable and autonomous styles of self-regulation activity and a high level of regulatory processes development (planning, programming, results assessment) have econormative behavior. Seniors with a low level of regulatory processes development (planning, modeling, results assessment) and regulatory personal characteristics (flexibility, independence) can show ecodeviant behavior (have high indicators of indifferent, sovmissiv, sovmetral and nesesitiv ecodispositions).
Keywords: environmental awareness, environmental dispositions, self-regulation of activity, planning, modeling, programming, results assessment, flexibility, independence
Gunzunova B.A. Lichnostnye aspekty samoreguljacii sostojanij v 1. professionalnoj dejatelnosti pedagogov [Elektronnij resurs] // Vestnik BGU, 2009. №5. URL. – Rezhim dostupa: Kirillov S.N., Egorova E.V. Jekologo-jekonomicheskaja ocenka 2. predotvrashhenija i likvidacii posledstvij chrezvychajnyh situacij [Elektronnij resurs] // Vestnik VolGU. Serija 11. Estestvennye nauki. 2011. №1. URL. – Rezhim dostupa: Morosanova V.I. Individualnyj stil samoreguljacii: fenomen, struktura i 3. funkcii v proizvol'noj aktivnosti cheloveka: monografіja / V.I. Morosanova. – M.: Nauka, 1998. – 191 s. Morosanova V.I. Oprosnik «Stil samoreguljacii povedenija» (SSPM): 4. rukovodstvo / V.I. Morosanova. – M.: Kogito-Centr, 2004. – 44 s. Munasipova-Motjash І.A. Vzaєmozvjazok ekologіchnoї svіdomostі ta 5. kompetentnostі starshoklasnikіv z osoblivostjami samoreguljacії їh dіjalnostі / І.A. Munasipova-Motjash // Vіsnik Chernіgіvskogo derzhavnogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu. Serіja: Psihologіchnі nauki: zb. nauk. prac. prac / gol. red. Nosko M.O. – Chernіgіv, 2015. – Vip. 128. – S. 183 – 187. Skrebec V.O. Ekologіchna psihologіja u vіddalenih naslіdkah ekotehnogennoї 6. katastrofi: mongrafіja / V.O. Skrebec – K.: Vidavnichij dіm «Slovo», 2004. – 440 s. Skrebec V.O. Ekologіchna psihologіja: pіdruchnik / V.O. Skrebec, І.І. 7. Shlіmakova. – K.: Vidavnichij dіm «Slovo», 2014. – 456 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 303-311 (pdf)
UDC: 316.6:159.922
Otroshchenko N.P.
Algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of depression in mental disorders caused by man-made accidents
In the below literature review the clinical manifestations of depression, resulting in victims with radiation accidents, diagnostic algorithm and medical care for non-psychotic depression associated with the Chernobyl disaster.
Keywords: depression of the victims as a result of accidents at nuclear power plant, Chernobyl disaster, Clinical Features, diagnostics, treatment
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 312-320 (pdf)
UDC: 504.03:172:316.7(477):159.9
Palamarchuk О. М.
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi, Vinnytsia
Psychological aspects of ecologization of the professional activities of business entities
The leading factors of the contradictions between the economic business entities goals and ecological society problems in the article are disclosed. The key aspects of the ecologization phenomenon of business entities are presented. It was determined that the personal position of a businessman occurs as a core of a structural organization of psychological readiness for eco-oriented innovation and appears in a form of free environmentally directed expression of will of the entrepreneur. The main motivations that influence on the development of the eco-oriented activities of the business entities are characterized. The value of the eco-innovative directions of business activity is showed, and it provides the creation and introduction of different kinds of ecological innovations that will cause the changes in the business process in general and business individuality as well. Psychological analysis of the structural model development of ecological orientation of business entities in the modern lifestyle is conducted. The relation between consciousness environmentally-oriented, environmentally-oriented outlook, environmentally-oriented values, ecological culture, ecological knowledge and ecological activities is determined. The algorithm of formation of ecologically-oriented business model is suggested.
Keywords: ecological crisis, business entities, ecological lifestyle, environmental control, ecological innovations
1. Beznosov V. N. Formyrovanye эkolohycheskoho ymydzha promыshlennыkh obъektov / V. N. Beznosov, V. B. Rodyonov, A. JI. Suzdaleva // Эkolohyya proyzvodstva. – 2007. – #1. – S. 22-26. 2. Boboshko V. Y. Razvytye malыkh predpryyatyy v sfere эkolohycheskoho byznesa / V. Y. Boboshko // Эkonomyka pryrodopol'zovanyya. – 2006. – #4. – S. 102-114. 3. Burkov V. N. Mekhanyzmы upravlenyya эkoloho-эkonomycheskymy systemamy / V. N. Burkov, A. B. Shchepkyn; pod red. S. N. Vasyl'eva. – M.: Yzdatel'stvo fyzyko-matematycheskoy lyteraturы, 2008. – 244 s. 4. Hlazachev S. N. Эkolohycheskaya kompetentnost': stanovlenye, problemы, perspektyvы: uchebnoe posobye / S. N. Hlazachev, O. E. Perfylova. – M.:RYO MHHU ym. M.A. Sholokhova, 2008. – 128 s. 5. Ivashchenko S. H. Kontseptual'ni osnovy formuvannya ekolohichnoho myslennya ta zdibnostey lyudyny buduvaty harmoniyni vidnosyny z pryrodoyu / S. H. Ivashchenko, M. I. Drobnokhod. – K.: MAUP, 2000. – 76 s. 6. Kryazh I. V. Dynamika ekolohichnykh ustanovok osobystosti u suchasnomu sviti / I. V. Kryazh // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Ekolohichna psykholohiya. zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – Zhytomyr: ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya – Vyp. 20. – Ch. 1. – S. 215–221. 7. Syvkov A. L. Эkolohycheskaya polytyka kompanyy / A. L. Syvkov // Эkolohyya proyzvodstva. – 2007. – #11. – S. 74-78. 8. Shvalb Yu. M. Ekoloho-psykholohichni vymiry sposobu zhyttya / Yu. M. Shvalb // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K.: Milenium, 2005. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya – Vyp. 5. – Ch. 2. – S. 294-301.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 321-331 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.76-056.49
Pedorenko V.M.
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi, Vinnytsia
The features of motivation of aggressive behavior of social depryvative teenagers
The features of motivation of aggressive behavior of social deprivation teenagers are shown in the article. Different ways to define the meaning of “aggression”, “aggressive” are analyzed. Different types of aggressive behavior, especial ways of their manifest are described. The basic theoretical concepts of aggression are represented. The role of the factors are depicted which influence the forming of the aggressiveness of teenagers, such as: the peculiarity of up-brining in the families and at boarding-schools, the influence of children of the same age and of the juvenile subculture, media, the influence of juvenile crisis, the level of self-appraisal of teenagers. The analysis of the situational factors of aggressive behavior of teenagers is developed. The gender differences of developments of aggressive behavior of social deprivate teenagers and those who are brought up in families are researched. The influence of basic socialization agents, such as: parents, on formatting the children’s aggressive behavior are analyzed. The features of prevention of aggressive behavior of teenagers are described.
Keywords: the aggression, the aggressive behavior, the social deprivation, the motivation, juvenile crisis, family, residential homes, the self- appraisal, the types of aggressive behavior
1. Bjeron R. Agressija / R. Bjeron, D. Richardson. – SPb.: Izdatel’stvo «Piter», 2000. – 352 s. 2. Goshovs’kij Ja. Temporal’nіst’ jak chinnik resocіalіzacії deprivovanoї osobistostі / Ja. Goshovs’kij // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії: zbіrnik naukovih prac’ Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. akad. S.D. Maksimenka. – K.: 2004, T. 7, vip. 3. – S. 50–58. 3. Maksimenko S. D. Genezis sushhestvovanija lichnosti / S.D. Maksimenko. – K.: Izdatel’stvo OOO “KMM”, 2006. – 240 s. 4. Psihologija. Slovar’ / [Pod obshh. red. A.V. Petrovskogo, M.G. Jaroshevskogo]. – M. : Politizdat, 1990. – 494 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 332-340 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.6
Rudomino-Dusiatska O.V.
senior researcher Laboratory Environmental Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv
The personal identity as a factor in the ecologization of human life activities (formulation of the problem)
The article deals with the psychological content and personal factors of ecological vital activity of the human. Such vital activity provides the balance between the satisfaction of human needs and preservation of the environment. Relevance of the topic caused by the intensification of the destructive effect of modern human vital activity on the environment. The destructive impact is determined by increasing a variety of ways «including» natural resources in the vital activity processes. These methods are not only methods of vital activity. They acquire an independent social, cultural, technological importance, thus opening up the possibility of unlimited growth of human needs. However, the emergence of life as a non-ecological can resist the human ability to recognize their needs, conditions of their satisfaction and growth. A hypothetical factor of such awareness can be personal identity - the experience of a person of his integrity, identity, authenticity. This assumption is based on the consideration of the identity of functions - protective and organizing (E. Erikson), which ensure the independence of human from the pressure of external circumstances. Identity functions can be manifested in acts of personalization of conditions and objects of the vital activity in the actions of their psychological assignment and protection. Therefore, there are internal prerequisites of greening of the human vital activity with the development of personal identity.
Keywords: psychology of the vital activity, objective and subjective factors of the vital activity, personal identity
1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaia K.A. Stratehyia zhyzny / Abulkhanova-Slavskaia K.A. – M.: Mыsl, 1991. – 300s. 2. Bozhovych L.Y. Psykholohycheskye zakonomernosty formyrovanyia lychnosty v ontoheneze / Bozhovych L.Y. // Voprosы psykholohyy. – 1976 – № 6. – S.45-53 . 3. Buiakas T.M. O problemakh stanovlenyia chuvstva samoydentychnosty u studentov-psykholohov / Buiakas T.M. // Vestnyk Moskovskoho unyversyteta. – 2000. – №1. – Seryia 14. – S. 56-63. 4. Dorfman L. Ia. Voploshchenyia y prevrashchenyia kak formы vzaymodeistvyia yndyvydualnosty s myrom /Dorfman L.Ia. – //http// shtml. 5. Karpynskyi K.V. Psykholohyia zhyznennoho puty lychnosty / Karpynskyi K.V. . – Hrodno, 2002. – 167 s. 6. Maslou A. Psykholohyia bыtyia / A.Maslou. – M., K., 1997. – 304 s. 7. Nalchadzhian A.A. Sotsyalno-psykholohycheskaia adaptatsyia. Erevan, 1988. – 263 s. 8. Orlov Iu. M. Voskhozhdenye k yndyvydualnosty. – M.,1991. – 287 s. 9. Petrovskyi V.A. Lychnost v psykholohyy: paradyhma subъektnosty / Petrovskyi V.A. – Rostov-na-Donu, 1996. – 512 s
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 341-351 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9.07
Sarayeva N.M., Sukhanov A.A.
Doctor Science (Psychology), senior lecturer, professor of the Transbaikalian State University, the department of theoretical and applied psychology;
candidate Science (Psychology), senior lecturer of the Transbaikalian State University, the department of theoretical and applied psychology
Sub-extreme Ecologically Disadvantaged Living Environment as a Limiting Factor for Human Mental Activity
The authors discuss the results of long-term studies of mental state, psychological adaptation and vitality of the population of children and youth born in Transbaikal region — one of the regions of ecological trouble in Russia. The article provides methodological bases of research. The authors emphasize that the study of psychic phenomena involves the analysis of connections in the system of «man vs. living environment, natural and social». The empirical studies have established that the studied group of the above-mentioned categories shows lower psychological status and psychological adaptation indices at different levels. A special adaptation strategy is realized in the ecologically “polluted territories”, which is the minimizing adaptation, typical for a man who stays in any complicated conditions of living environment for a long time. Relying on the thesis about the necessity to provide energy for adaptation processes and about insufficient energy genesis of the residents of “polluted” territories with reference to the results of empirical studies, the authors formulate the conclusion that sub-extreme ecologically unfavorable environment is a limiting factor in human mental activity.
Keywords: living environment, ecological trouble, sub-extreme conditions, population of children and youth, mental state, psychological adaptation, vitality, decrease in indicators
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 352-364 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9: 378:614
Tsialiuk N.A.
candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor of the department of human ecology, faculty of socio-cultural communications, Belarusian State University
Emergency situations and humanitarian technologies
The article deals with a question of application of humanitarian technologies in education. It is dealt with mechanism of creating technology “Raising of motivation of students in humanities to study life safety”. It is described the mechanism the difficulties of applying this technology within the existing education standards. It is shown that the use of student-centered approach in education enables increasing the level of motivation to study life safety and security of the educational environment.
Keywords: humanitarian technologies, education, emergency situations, life safety, surrounding environment
Silant'eva, M.V. Sovremennye «gumanitarnye tehnologii» v kontekste rossijskoj dejstvitel'nosti / M.V. Silant'eva // Slavjanskij mir v tret'em tysjacheletii. Rossija i slavjanskie narody vo vremeni i prostranstve. – M., – 2009. – S. 406-418. Kuznecova, N.A. Rasshirenie gumanitarnyh tehnologij na osnove kompe tentnostnogo podhoda / N.A. Kuznecova [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 20.04.2016. Bukalov, A.V. Socionika: gumanitarnye, social'nye, politicheskie i informa cionnye intellektual'nye tehnologii XXI veka / A.V. Bukalov. – SMiPL. – 2000. – # 1. – S. 14 Omarova, G.N., Zhumakanova L.T. Gumanitarnye tehnologii obuchenija/ G.N. Omarova, L.T.Zhumakova // Vestnik KASU. – 2010. – # 1. – S. 138. Kurochkin, A.V. Gumanitarnye tehnologii: problema vybora metodolog icheskih osnovanij / A.V. Kurochkin [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 20.04.2016. Spirina, I.A. Gumanitarnye tehnologii kak kljuchevaja sostavljajush haja v obrazovanii / I.A. Spirina [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa. URL: Data dostupa: 20.04.2016. Mitin, A.E., Filippova, S.O. Gumanitarnye tehnologii: obosnovanie osnovnyh polozhenij primenenija v obrazovanii / A.E.Mitin, S.O.Filipova // Znanie, ponimanie, umenie. 2013. # 3. S. 255-262. Shhedrovickij, P.G. O razrabotke ponjatij v proektirovanii novogo pokolenija gumanitarnyh tehnologij/P.G.Shhedrovickij [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 20.04.2016. Solomin, V.P. Gumanitarnye tehnologii kak innovacija v obrazovanii/ V.P.Solomin //Vestnik TGPU. – 2011. – Vyp. 4 (106). – S. 124-127. Grishaeva, Ju.M. Gumanitarnye tehnologii v jekologicheskom obrazovanii studentov vuza / Ju.M.Grishaeva //Materialy kruglogo stola «Jekologija cheloveka na puti stanovlenija gumanitarnyh obrazovatel'nyh tehnologij»/ Vestnik mezhdunarodnoj akademii (russkaja sekcija) spec. Vypusk. – 2011. – S. 13-19. Kurochkin, A.V. Chto takoe gumanitarnye tehnologii / A.V. Kurochkin 1 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: Data dostupa: 20.04.2016. Zakonomernosti razvitija i konceptual'nye podhody obuchenija v oblasti 1 «Bezopasnost' zhiznedejatel'nosti» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data dostupa: 20.04.2016. Har'kova, A.A. Mnogochislennye podhody k ponimaniju sushhnosti ponjati1 ja «jekstremal'nye situacii»/ A.A. Har'kova [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: – Data obrashhenija: 21.04.2016. Jekstremal’nye situacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: http://1 – Data dostupa: 21.04.2016. Ponjatie jekstremal’noj situacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostu1 pa: – Data dostupa: 21.04.2016. Metodika «cennostnye orientacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 1 – Data dostupa: 21.04.2016. Jekologo-psihologicheskie faktory sovremennogo obraza zhizni: Monografija 1 /pod red. Ju.M.Shvalba. – Zhitomir. – 2009. – S.64.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 365-373 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:502/504](075/8)
Nikolai Teplyakov
Psychosemantical analysis of perception of the environmental space at the level of everyday consciousness of personality
The article analyzes the specifics of perception of environmental space at the level of citizens’ everyday consciousness. .Environmental disasters do not have the geopolitical boundaries and, therefore, there is an urgent need to develop at the level of the individual and public consciousness of environmental consciousness with its main structural component - environmental responsibility. Psychosemantic method of classification was developed with followed construction of the cluster tree. Children’s drawings, photographs, logos, pictures and graphics, which depict scenes of everyday life, scenes of ecological disasters, human misery and abuse of nature have been proposed as the material for classification. As a result of the classification of images the common group similarity matrix was built on the basis of which the cluster tree was constructed. Four orthogonal clusters were identified. The perception of the surrounding reality by our subjects are mainly built on formal grounds and leaving behind brackets the psychological components of environmental stress of one or another of a living space. The research has shown that mankind has not only adapted to the surrounding environmental mayhem, but began to treat it as a space in which one can meet their vital needs. Formation and development of environmental consciousness of the individual should be based on the historical, cultural and ethnic bases of society.
Keywords: ecological space, everyday consciousness, environmental consciousness, environmental disaster, psychosemantics, method of classification, clustering tree
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 374-385 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
E.Yu. Titova
Senior teacher, Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology of Zabaikalsky State University
Ethno-cultural features of teenagers’ relation to the nature
The article considers the problem of interrelations in the «Man-Nature» system. The attitude to nature is analyzed from interdisciplinary positions. The results of empirical study of ecological perceptions and subjective attitude to nature at the teenagers belonging to different ethnic groups (Chinese, Russian and Buryat) are presented. Ethno cultural features of subjective attitude to nature at teenagers are described.
Keywords: interactions and relationships in the «Man-Nature» system, ecological consciousness, the structure of ecological consciousness, subjective attitude to nature, the levels of subjective attitude to nature, ecological representations, ecological education and upbringing
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 386-397 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.019 (043)
Tishchenko L.V.
candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology of Mariupol State University
Analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the category “life”
The article examines the natural scientific, religious and philosophical aspects of the category “life”. Special attention is paid to the phenomenology of life from the perspective of psychological science. It gives a detailed analysis of the main theoretical methodological approaches to the definition of the category “life” in home and foreign psychology. The dependence of the content of the phenomenology of life from a paradigmatic perspective is shown. The article determines the fact that within nomothetic approach of natural scientific paradigm, life is considered as a process, as a social historical fact, as the specific quality of individual existence. In its turn, the ideographic approach of humanitarian paradigm views life from the standpoint of activity, describes the activity of the individual as the conscious and purposeful transformation of the objective circumstances of his own life, as an initiative establishment and realization of life relationships in accordance with natural and social dynamics. The possibilities of advanced theoretical, methodological and applied psychological researches of the phenomenology of life within the ideographic approach are analyzed.
Keywords: the category “life”, scientific paradigm, nomothetic approach, ideographic approach, life activity, life creativity, life strategies, resilience, life path of personality, life projects, life plans, life realization
Abul’hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Strategija zhizni / K.A. Abul’hanova-Slavskaja. – M.: Mysl’, 1991. – 297 s. Vasil’eva O.S. Izuchenie osnovnyh harakteristik zhiznennoj strategii cheloveka / O.S. Vasil’eva, E.A. Demchenko // Voprosy psihologii. – 2001. – № 2. – S. 74–85. Karpinskij K.V. Zhiznedejatel’nost’ kak forma aktivnosti sub#ekta zhizni / K.V. Karpinskij // Metodologija i istorija psihologii. – 2010. – Tom 5. – Vypusk 1. – S. 184-202. Leont’ev A.A. Dejatel’nyj um / A.A. Leont’ev. – M., 2001. – 289 s. Leont’ev D.A. Zhiznetvorchestvo kak praktika rasshirenija mira / D.A.Leont’ev // І Vserossijskaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija po jekzistencial’noj psihologii (materialy soobshhenij). – M.: Smysl, 2001. – S. 100–109. Titarenko T.M. Zhittєvij svіt osobistostі: u mezhah і za mezhami budennostі / T.M.Titarenko. – K.: Libіd’, 2003. – 376 s. Shvalb Ju.M. O sootnoshenii kategorij «zhiznennyj put’» i «obraz zhizni» lichnosti / Ju.M. Shvalb. – Jekologija zhiznennogo prostranstva cheloveka. Izbrannye trudy Ju.M. Shvalba. – K.: Izd-vo JekoPsiLab, 2015. – S.51-63. Shvalb Ju.M. K opredeleniju ponjatij sredy i prostranstva zhiznedejatel’nosti cheloveka / Ju.M. Shvalb. – Jekologija zhiznennogo prostranstva cheloveka. Izbrannye trudy Ju.M. Shvalba. – K.: Izd-vo JekoPsiLab, 2015. – S. 11-21. Istorija i filosofija nauki (Filosofija nauki): uchebnoe posobie // pod redakciej prof. Ju.V. Krjaneva, prof. L.E. Motorinoj. – M.: Al’fa-M : INFRA-m, 2011. – (2-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe). – 416 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 398-406 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Tkacz T.V.
profesor, Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza, Rzeszów
PsychospoŁeczne traumy jednostki we wspołczesnym Świeczie
W prezentowanym tekście chciałabym zasygnalizować pojawiającą się w niektórych grupach społecznych tendencję do postrzegania świata społecz¬nego jako struktury wrogiej, pełnej zagrożeń i w dużym stopniu zamkniętej. Przed taką rzeczywistością jednostki muszą się bronić, a to sprawia, iż odczuwają lęk przed przyszłością niezadowolenie z dostępnych im form spo¬łecznego życia, różne rodzaje frustracji i społecznego przymusu. Przekonania o płynąncych z zewnętrznego świata zagrożeniach, towarzyszą poglądom, iż to również jednostki posiadające pewne nieatrakcyjne społecznie cechy, owe niebezpieczeństwa prowokują. Do tych cech zaliczają badani np.nieudacznictwo życiowe, słabości fizyczne, lenistwo, brak szczęścia. One prowokują zły los i nudne lub biedne życie.
Keywords: apatia psychospołeczna, bierność, psychospołeczna trauma, styl życia, nieufną strategią życiową
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 407-415 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.019 (043)
Diana Chyzhma
Ph.D in Psychology, Assistant professor of the HSEE, “Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda”, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi
The problem of will in the context of original provisions of scientists
The article covers the problem of individual’s will, which today in modern psychology is one of the most complicated issues. With a number of properties, in particular, such as awareness, activity, effort will becomes a particular side of the human psyche, a product of particular functions of the brain and is characterized by a personal sense as an important determinant of human activity. Particular attention is given by the author to the original provisions of the scientists in the context of various psychological approaches to the problem of will, in particular, motivational, regulatory and approach of a free choice. Based on the analysis of scientific works of the national and foreign scholars is made an attempt to characterize them. The analysis allowed to identify the most significant positions of scientists: some of them indicate that the will stands as a step in mastering the mental processes and it is manifested in the own motivational process development i.e. the attention focuses on motivating function of the will, on its motivational component; while others argue that the will is a mental mechanism through which a person regulates the own mental functions and acts as a conscious mediated by goals and motives of the objective activity formation of the state of optimal mobilization, the best mode of activity and concentration of this activity in the right direction; the third emphasize that will has close links with the functioning of cognitive processes and it is regarded by them as a spontaneous, not determined free choice of activity and behavior.
Keywords: will, personality, behavior, motivation, regulation, strong-willed regulation
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 416-426 (pdf)
UDC: 159.97 (073)
Chuchrii I.V.
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi, Vinnytsia
Psychological characteristics of the influence of negative social facts in the emotional experiences of teenagers
The theoretical analysis of a problem of emotional reactions appearing at a teenager, especially the experiences of negative emotional conditions in the article is carried out. On the results of the scientific analysis the internal nature of emotional experiences, the interconnection of social situation of personality development with its emotional stability and the influence of negative and crisis situations to emotional reactions and experiences of teenagers as well is established. According to the experimental research, it is found that the most of investigated teenagers experience unfriendliness and the rigidity on the general average background level of emotional experiences is also characteristic for them. Part of test subjects with high levels of anxiety, aggressiveness, hostility, rigidity and frustration are in need of psychological support and psychocorrective assistance.
Keywords: youth, emotional conditions, emotional personality properties, anxiety, depression, frustration, aggression, rigidity, crisis.
1. Bondarenko L.I., Taglin S.A., Bazhenov A.V. Psihoanaliz i kul'turologija: Ucheb. – metod. posobie /I.L.Bondarenko, S.A.Taglin, A.V. Bazhenov//. – Har'kov: HGU, 1991. – 220s. 2. Il'in E.P. Jemocii i chuvstva. / E.P. Il'in// –2-e izd. – SPb.: Piter, 2001. – 783s. 3. Kuzіkova S.B. Teorіja і praktika vіkovoї psihokorekcії: Navchal'nij posіbnik /S.B. Kuzіkova/. – Sumi: VTD «Unіversitets'ka kniga», 2006. – 384s. 4. Zagal'na psihologіja: Pіdruchnik/ O.V. Skripchenko, L.V. Dolins'ka, Z.V. Ogorodnіjchuk ta іn. 2-ge vid., vipr. І dop. – K.:Karavela, 2012. – 464s. 5. Psihofiziologich: Uchebnik dlja vuzov /pod red. Ju.I. Aleksandrova. –3-e izd., dop. i pererab//. – SPb.: Piter, 2008. – 464s. 6. Sannikova O.P. Jemocional'nost' v strukture lichnosti / O.P. Sannikova. – Odessa: Hors, 1995. – 364 s. Frejd z. Vvedenie v psihoanalіz: Lekcii /Z.Frejd/. – M.: Nauka, 1989. -456s. 8. Frejdzher R., Fejdimen D. Lichnost': teorii, jeksperimenty, uprazhnenija / R. Frejdzher, D. Fejdimen/. – SPb.: projm – EVROZNAK, 2002. – 864s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 427-435 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.019 (043)
Shwalb Yu.M.
doctor of psychology, associate professor, head of the laboratory Environmental Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv
Socio-cultural determinants of development ecological consciousness: Historic-psychological aspects
The article deal with the culturally-historical forms of ecological consciousness specification as the essential additive of humans’ lifeway. The base of such analysis is an idea that the interaction between human and nature is determined by the life support mechanism. Based on it, there are three environmental consciousness step set off: the step of spontaneously balance, the step of environmental-oriented management, the step of economical expedient wildlife management. The typical mental, intellectual and estimated constructs were bringing out on each of step. They organized the entire psychological system of interaction between a person and nature. There is argued that the main transformation factor of the system is the appearance and extension of social development civilizational vector. There is approved, that we are on the beginning of shaping of new type of pertain to nature, which based on principals of nature etization and environmentalization of human`s live being.
Keywords: environmental consciousness, lifeway, life being, life support, mental, anthropo-nature system, civilization factors
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 436-450 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.8: 159.91
Shlimakova I.I.
candidate of psychological sciences, associate Professor, acting as the head of ecological psychology and mental health department of Chernihiv Shevchenko National Pedagogical University
Young people’s inner harmoniousness conditionality on the mechanisms of intrapsychic effect
The author considers the psychological essence of the term «harmony». It is shown that harmony is an ecopsychological category which is a dynamic state reflecting the manifestation of consciousness in the individual’s actions, the order and coherence of his or her internal «I» with the natural, social and object world, as well as self-regulation of the proportionality system in the main spheres of life by the individual. It is determined that trapsin effects, in particular self-regulation, are of great importance for the individual’s internal harmony. The author presents the results of empirical investigation of the subjective internal harmony amond the students of the psychological department and cadets who have different levels of self-regulation. It is empirically proved that the students who will psychologists and cadets consider themselves be harmoniously developed personalities, boys-cadets feel themselves subjectively more harmonious. The vast majority of those who have been examined have a high level of self-regulation, which is characterized by the awareness and interconnectedness of regulatory parts. The author determines the ties between self-control and internal harmony. It is shown that those people who have a high level of self-regulation feel themselves more internally harmonious. It is empirically proved that the feeling of the individual’s harmony depends on the level of self-regulation.
Keywords: psychological harmony, harmoniousness, influencing, psychical self-regulation, young people
Varіj M.J. Zagal'na psihologіya: navch. posіbnik dlya stud. psihol. і pedagog. specіal'nostej / M.J. Varіj. – L'vіv: Kraj, 2005. – 954 s. Estetika: Pіdruchnik / L.T. Levchuk, D.Y. Kucheryuk, V.І. Panchenko; za zag., red. L.T. Levchuk – K.: Vishcha shk., 1997. – 399 s. Konopkin O.A. Psihicheskaya samoregulyaciya proizvol’noj aktivnosti cheloveka. Strukturno- funkcional’nyj aspekt // Voprosy psihologii. – 1995. – № 1. Kulikov L.V. Psihogigiena lichnosti. Voprosy psihologicheskoj ustojchivosti i psihoprofilaktiki: Uchebnoe posobie. – SPb.: Piter, 2004. – 464 s.: il. – (Seriya «Uchebnoe posobie»). Morosanova V.I. Samoregulyaciya i individual’nost’ cheloveka. / V.I. Morosanova; In-t psihologii RAN; Psihologicheskij in-t RAO. – M.: Nauka, 2010. – 519 s. Motkov O.I. Lichnost’ i psihika. Sushchnost’, struktura i razvitie. – Samara: Bahrah-M, 2008 - 160 s. Tatenko VO. Socіal’na psihologіya vplivu : monografіya / V.O. Tatenko. – K.: Mіlenіum, 2008. – 216 s. Shevchenko І.V. Іdeya garmonії yak princip lyuds’kogo zhittєvporyadkuvannya : avtoref. dis. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. fіlos. nauk. : spec. 09.00.03 / SHevchenko Іrina Vіktorіvna K., 2004. – 20 s. Shlіmakova І.І. Ekopsihologіchna sutnіst’ fenomenu «garmonіya» u svіdomostі students’koї molodі / І.І. Shlіmakova // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії. T. 7. Ekologіchna psihologіya / Іn-t psihologії іm. G. S. Kostyuka APN Ukraїni. – Zhitomir, 2011. – Vip. 26 . – S. 581-589.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 451-459 (pdf)
UDC: 378: [159.922.7:502/504]
G. Shulga
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi, Vinnytsia
The Conflictological Competence as the Personal Prerequisite for the Formation of Ecological Compatibility Pedagogical Interaction in the Professional activity of Future Teacher
This article is devoted to the problem of formation of the conflictological competence as the personal prerequisites of sustainability of pedagogical interaction in the professional activity of future teacher. The definition of “educational environment”, “environmentally friendly pedagogical interaction”, “conflictological competence” are determinate. The article presents the theoretical generalization of the solution of the research problem that involves determining the principle of sustainability, sustainability pedagogical interaction and conflictological competence of future specialist. The article shows the environmental bilateral cooperation creates conditions for the development of all significant system components. The conflictological competence is a measure of the quality of professional competence of a future teacher, it requires the ability to provide shaping, guiding influence on the development of personality. It was found that most prospective teachers do not know how to respond to a conflict situation and how to transform them into effective educational impact on children. The number of methods of the formation of conflictological competence of future teacher of initial classes are described and identified in the article. The accentuation of attention on the ecology of pedagogical interaction of future teachers of initial classes will provide an opportunity to improve the quality of future specialists, will contribute to the formation of conflictological culture.
Keywords: the principle of sustainability, the sustainability of pedagogical interaction, conflict, conflictological competence
Gaba І.M. Osobistіsno-rozvivajuchij potencіal osvіtn’ogo seredovishha VNZ / І.M. Gaba // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії: Zb. nauk. prac’ Іn-tu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni/ za red. S.D. Maksimenka. – K., 2012. – T.HІV. – Ch.1. – S.57-65. Grimak L.P. Rezervy chelovecheskoj psihiki / L.P. Grimak. – M.: Izd-vopolit. lit-ry, 1987. – 286 s. Grishina N.V. Psihologija konflikta / N.V. Grishina. – SPb.: Piter, 2008. – 544 s. Zabroc’kij M.M. Pedagogіchna vzaєmodіja: ekologіchnij vimіr / M.M. Zabroc’kij // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії. Ekologіchna psihologіja: Zb. nauk. prac’ Іn-tu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni/ za red. S.D. Maksimenka. – K., 2006. – T.VІІ. – Vipusk 9 – S.77-84. Lozhkіn G.V. Psihologіja konflіktu: teorіja ja suchasna praktika: Navchal’nij posіbnik. / G.V. Lozhkіn, N.І. Pov’jakel’. – K.: VD «Profesіonal», 2006. – 416 s. PanovV.I. Psihologicheskie osnovy dvuh teorij obuchenija / V.I. Panov // Uchitelju o psihologii. – M., 1997. – PanovV.I. Jekopsihologicheskij podhod k probleme razvitija na pozdnih jetap ah ontogeneza / V.I. Panov // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії: Zb. nauk. prac’ Іn-tu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni/ za red. S.D. Maksimenka. – K.: Mіlenіum, 2003. – T.VІІ. – Ch. 1 –S.331-333. Rogovaja O.G. Formirovanie obrazovatel’noj sredy kak faktor povyshenija kachestva jekologo-pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija / O.G. Rogovaja // Izvestija Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A.I. Gercena. – 2006. – №17 (Tom7). – S.35-45. Skrebec’ V.O. Ekologіchna psihologіja: Navch. posіbnik / V.O. Skrebec’. – K.: MAUP, 1998. – 144 s. Skripnik M. Najproduktivnіshe seredovishhe dlja formuvannja empatіjnogo stavlennja do іnshih / M.І. Skripnik // Upravlіnnja osvіtoju – Kvіten’. – 2009. – №8 (212). – S.11-18. Shvalb Ju.M. K probleme opredelenija jekopsihologicheskih sistem / Ju.M. 1 Shvalb // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії.: Zb. nauk. prac’ Іn-tu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni/ za red. S.D. Maksimenka. – K., 2003. – T.VІІ. – Ch. 1 – S.426-433.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 460-468 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Yakovenko S.I.
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, first Vice-Rector, Kyiv Institute of modern psychology and psychotherapy, Odesa
The mental state of a person in a hybrid war as a sociogenic disaster
The mental state of a person depends largely on his assessment of the quality of daily life, the likely threats to well-being and personal safety. It is often based not on its own sensory impressions, but on the subjective picture of the world emerging through the media, and point of view compared with other people. The impact of media on public mental state was quite noticeable after the accident. Attempts to hide the danger should have prevented a panic, while promotion of a friendship between peoples should have increased involvement of human and material resources. Inadequate information, hiding or misrepresentation of facts leaded to incorrect response to the events, and therefore the worst environmental disaster in history became forgotten, and elimination of its consequences became unbearable burden for Ukraine. A similar situation occurred during “hybrid war” when the disinformation and hostile propaganda became a weapon that split people and raises hate
Keywords: hybrid warfare as a form sociogenic disaster use are examined experience the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident
1. Aleshchenko V.I. Psykholohichne zabezpechennia myrotvorchoi diialnosti viisko-vosluzhbovtsiamy Zbroinykh Syl Ukrainy: / V.I. Aleshchenko. – Kh.: KhUPS, 2009. – 316 s. Vladymyrov A.Y. Rossyia v uslovyiakh Chetvertoi myrovoi voinы. Tekhnolohyy voinы myrnoho vremeny // Platsdarm. – 2003. – №1. – S. 90-99. Про морально-психологічне забезпечення бойової діяльності військ РФ можна дізнатися за посиланням (див.: Lainbardzher P.M.Э. Psykholohycheskaia voina. Teoryia y praktyka obrabotky massovoho soznanyia. – M.: ZAO Tsentrpolyhraf, 2013. – 445 s. 4. Onishchenko N. V. Ekstrena psykholohichna dopomoha postrazhdalym v umovakh nadzvychainoi sytuatsii: teoretychni ta prykladni aspekty. – 2014. – 584 s. Prykhodko I.I. Zasady psykholohichnoi bezpeky personalu ekstremalnykh vydiv diialnosti / I. I. Prykhodko [ Tekst ]. – Kh.: Akad. VV MVS Ukrainy, 2013. – 745 s. 6. Porivniannia pohliadiv ukraintsiv ta rosiian na zbroinyi konflikt na Donbasi rezultaty opytuvannia v liutomu 2016 roku. El. Resurs: / http: // Skrebets V., Panok V., Yakovenko S. Psykholohichna fenomenolohiia ekolohichnoi katastrofy. Monohrafiia. – K., 1998. – 302 s. 8. Skrebets. V.O. Ekolohichna psykholohiia u viddalenykh naslidkakh ekotekhnohennoi katastrofy. Monohrafiia. – K.: VD «Slovo», 2004. – 440 s. 9. Ekoloho-psykholohichni chynnyky yakosti zhyttia v umovakh rozvytku suchasnoho suspilstva : Kolektyvna monohrafiia / Za red. Yu.M. Shvalba – Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2013. – 208 s. 10. Khochesh myra, pobedy miatezhevoinu! Tvorcheskoe nasledye E.Э. Messnera. – M.: Voennыi unyversytet, Russkyi put, 2005. – 696 s. 11. Iakovenko S.I. Sotsialno-psykholohichna dopomoha pry nadzvychainykh sytuatsiiakh ta krytychnykh intsydentakh / S.I. Yakovenko, V.I.Lysenko; NAN Ukrainy. In-t sotsiol. Tsentr sots. ekspertyz i prohnoziv. – K., 1999. – 224 c. 12. Iakovenko S.I. Psykholohiia liudyny za umov radioekolohichnoho lykha. Monohrafiia. / S.I. Iakovenko [Tekst]; In-t psykholohii APN Ukrainy. – K. : Chornobylinterinform, 1996. – 172 s. 13 Ianytskyi O.N. Еkolohycheskye katastrofі: strukturno-funktsyonalni analyz / O. N. Yanytskyi – M.: YS RAN, 2013. – 258 c.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(41): 469-481 (pdf)