Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 7. Environmental Psychology. Issue 40 – 2015


Content of Issue

UDC 159.98(045)


Mariupol State Univerity, Mariupol


Language: Ukrainian

The article analyses practical experience of working with metaphors in counseling and therapy practices. The efficiency of usage of metaphors as a diagnostic, therapeutic and correctional methods are given. The article defines the features of therapy effects on the search for personal resources of the client as the possibilities of conscious, aimed changing of target and behavioral patterns for the expansion of the model of the world. It is emphasized that the metaphor gives the opportunity to establish individual, subjectively stipulated completeness of the concept of happiness. A variety of functions of metaphors allows personality to understand own limitations and to reconstruct an image of the desired result of future. It is noted that the meaning of many metaphors has been revealed in the accompanying text. The mechanism of psychological metaphor as a correctional tool means that through the transformation of the problematic metaphor into the resource one, the positive change in the emotional state of the personality becomes possible.

Practical experience gained in the process of conducting training-seminars and psychological consultations, shows that the work with metaphors changes the state of the personality, opens the access to his resources that gives the possibility for positive transformation, development of self-awareness, ability to find new solutions to old problems, new perspectives.

Thus, it is possible to consider therapy metaphor as one of the effective tools of psychotherapy and counseling, as well as the way of personal and creative growth and self-development of clients.

Keywords: metaphor, counseling and therapy practices, experiences, functions of metaphor, analysis and interpretation of visual metaphor.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):10-20 (pdf)


1. Arutyunova N. D. Language and the human world. Text: monograph / N.D. Arutyunova. - M: Languages of Russian culture, 2004. - 896 p.

2. Belicheva V. I. Psychocorrection in everyday life. / V. I. Belicheva - SPb.: Rech, 2004. - 295 p.

3. Belikh S.L. Metaphor as a means of broadcasting of the representation in correctional interaction / S.L. Belikh // Second international conference on cognitive science: Abstracts: In 2 v. - St. Petersburg, 9-13 June 2006, SPb., 2006. - P. 202-204.

4. Bolshakova L.S. Cognitive mechanism of creating visual metaphors (on the materials of English music videos) / L.S. Bolshakova // Modern problems of science and education. - 2008. - No. 2 - P. 119-123.

5. Vorkachev S. G. Concept of happiness: the conceptual and image components / S.G. Vorkachev // Izvestiya AN. Series lit. and lang. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 64-72.

6. Lakoff J. Metaphors we live by / J. Lakoff, M. Johnson // Theory of metaphor. - M.: Progress, 1990. - P. 387-416.

7. Svirepo O.A. Image, symbol, metaphor in modern psychotherapy. / O. A. Svirepo, O.S. Tumanova. - M., 2004. - 285 p.

8. Trunov D. Use of metaphors in psychotherapeutic work / D. Trunov // Journal of the practical psychologist. - 1997. - No. 1. - P. 14-20.


UDC 159.922


G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the psychological aspects the inclusion personality to the new social networks. We consider the internal and external factors of this phenomenon and analyze the motivational structure associated with it. We suppose one from fundamental causes the rapid dissamination of new social networks is the striving to alienation in the modern man. We propose to consider the alienation in context of Erich Fromm's approach published in his work "Escape of Freedom".

We propose to study the IT phenomenons as tools to the activation of base mechanisms of self-alienation. In totalitarian society it is authoritarianism and destructiveness. In particular, we can to find it in the trolling and cyber-bullying phenomenons. Main mechanism of democracy is conformity. This process is seen when people unconsciously incorporate the normative beliefs and thought processes of their society and experience them as their own. This allows them to avoid genuine free thinking, which is likely to provoke anxiety. The new social networks give to the modern man a many tools for conformity. It's top-lists, repost of messages, selection of "friends" in context of interest and biography, button "like", count of views and subscribe, emoji, retweets and etc. It's good help for pseudo-desires, pseudo-thoughts and pseudo-feelings.

We also note that self-alienation is not the single way of inclusion in the new social networks. The other side is connected with the use of social networks as tools for self-creation and self-projecting of the personality.

Keywords: Аlienation, Authoritarianism, IT, Freedom, Motivation, Needs, Personality, Conformity, Self-alienation, Social Networks, Social Media.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):21-32 (pdf)


1. Balick, A. (2013). The Psychodynamics of Social Networking: Connected-up Instantaneous Culture and the Self (The Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture Series). Karnac Books, 224 p.

2. Ballick, A. (2013). The Real Motivation Behind Social Networking, Tilt Magazine Therapeutic Innovation in Light of Technology, Vol. 3, 24-34

3. Burke, М., Marlow, C., Lento, T. (2010). Social network activity and social well-being // Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1909-1912, NY, USA. - Link:

4. Gewalt im Web 2.0; Grimm, P./Rhein, S./Clausen-Muradian, E.; Hrsg: NLM, 2008. - Link:

5. Hampton, K., Lu, W., Shin, I., Purcell, K. (2015). Psychological Stress and Social Media Use. / Pew Research Center. Social Media and the Cost of Caring. - Ел.ресурс:

6. Kern, S. (2011). Cyber-Mobbing: Erscheinungsformen, Folgen und sozialp?dagogische Handlungsans?tze, GRIN Verlag, 92 p.

7. Kluemper, D. H., Rosen, P. A., & Mossholder, K. W. (2012). Social Networking Websites, Personality Ratings, and the Organizational Context: More Than Meets the Eye? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(5), 1143-1172.

8. Wiltfong, J. (2013). Global "Sharers" on Social Media Sites Seek to Share Interesting (61%), Important (43%) and Funny (43%) Things. - Link:

9. Andrienko E.V. (1999) Social'naja psihologija [Social Psychology] - M.: Akademija - 328 [in Russian].

10. Vernіk O.L. (2012) Psihologіchnі aspekti "trollіng-dіjal'nostі" // Psihologіchnі perspektivi. Specіal'nij vipusk. Problemi kіberagresії. [Psychological aspects of trolling // Psychological perspective. Special issue. Problems of cyber-bullying] - K. : Promdruk, T. 1. - 128-134. [in Ukraine].

11. Fromm Je. (2009) Begstvo ot svobody. [Escape from Freedom] - M. : AST - 288 [in Russian].


UDC 159.922


G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv



Language: Ukrainian

The article presents the results of the analysis of problems related to social and psychological characteristics of functioning of the family in megapolis. Attention is focuses on the significant processes of family lifestyle transformation during globalization changes. The definition of the family as a socioecological system, which is characterized by codetermination of development of all its members proposes.

The authour explores the positive and negative aspects of modern family lifestyle in a metropolis, the options of self defense tactics and outlined the main lines of implementation of psychological support for family.

Keywords: metropolis, family environment, activation of internal resources, environmental orientation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):33-42 (pdf)


1. Balakyna A.A. Osobennosty otnoshenyia k Druhomu zhytelei mehapo- lysa, krupneisheho y maloho horodov [Tekst] / A.A. Balakyna // Rossyiskyi psy- kholohycheskyi zhurnal. 2011. T. 8. № 5. S. 50-55

2. Rudomino-Dusyatska O.V. Ekologichno-orientovaniy sposib zhittya yak predmet psihologichnogo doslidzhennya // Aktualni problemi psihologiyi. Zbirnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologiyi im. G.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini / za red. Maksimenka S.D. - K., 2012. - T.7, vip. 28 - S. 192 - 199.

3. Chernoushek M. Psihologiya zhiznennoy sredy. - M., 1989. 174 s.

4. Shvalb Yu. M. Ekologo-psihologichni vimiri sposobu zhittya / Yu.M. Shvalb //Aktualni problemi psihologiyi: Zb. nauk. prats In-tu psihologiyi im. G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini - K., - T.7. - Vip.5.- Ch.2. - S. 294-301.

5. Khalyl Dzhebran. Prorok. - Sofyia, 2008

6. Berry B.J.L. (1976) The Counterurbanization Process: Urban America since 1970 // Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, no 11, pp. 17-30.


UDC 159.922.8


Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo



Language: Ukrainian

Elements of living space in adolescence and early adulthood are defined in the article. Main components of the living space of senior pupils and students are highlighted. It is notes that school-aged children's living space is not limited only to significant close and beloved ones. Something else also exists in their living space: objects and situations with which the subject constantly contacts, interacts, and often not by their own will. The influence of internal and external on causal dependency of living space is analyzed.

Attitude toward own living space of the respondents of different age (between pupils and students) and sex is determined. It is proved that

self-acceptance as a subject who is actively engaged with own living space creates conditions for greater life satisfaction. The analysis of evaluative and dynamic component of living space descriptions in terms of life satisfaction is made. It is determined that the default problems are unsatisfactory relationships with significant people, dissatisfaction with the abilities to recognize and control own living space. It is proved that teenagers put to important elements of their living space everything that is related to their home, family and loved ones, which give care, comfort and support. Offset in descriptions of elements of living space by the students is moved in the direction of new elements in living space such as a personal self-development and employment.

The differences in the desire to change own living space by teens and youth, indicates the active process of growing sense of subjectivity.

Keywords: components of the living space, adolescent, youth, subjectivity, life-satisfaction, evaluative and dynamic component.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):43-54 (pdf)


1. Abul'hanova-Slavs'ka K. O. Strategіja zhittja / K.O. Abul'hanova-Slavs'ka. - M.: Dumka, 1991. - 299 s.

2. Nartova-Bochaver S.K. Znachimye sobytija v zhizni sovremennyh podrostkov / S.K.Nartova-Bochaver, A.A.Borodina // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo detstva. - M.: 1996. - S. 63-66.

3. Panok V.G. Psihologіja zhittєvogo shljahu osobistostі / V.G.Panok, G.V.Rud'. - K.: Nіka-Centr, 2006. - 280s.


UDC 159.922


Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo


Language: Ukrainian

On the basis of empirical data, the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem reveals the problems of occupational stress, internal conflicts and professional burnout of medical workers doctors surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, psychiatrists. Determined leading factors prevention of occupational strain doctors, including value attitude to life, the world of professional activity are put forward as leaders. Disclosed by the concept of "value attitude to the profession", a psychological nature, the specific manifestations.

Professional and personal strain representatives of professions whose activities are under constant stress, regarded as mental properties personality, formed under the influence of extreme conditions and content of professional activity, when the source of exposure is associated with death, the threat of death threats to physical and personal well-being.

In the professional medical staff burnout is presented in the form of depersonalization or trends in the negative, cynical attitudes towards patients. Contacts acquire formalities appear negative attitudes that have hidden or explicit nature, which is manifested in the stimulation, conflicts with colleagues, patients and their loved ones.

Keywords: doctors, professional burnout, occupational stress, value attitude to the profession.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):55-68 (pdf)


1. Antsyferova L. I. (1994) Lichnost' v trudnykh zhiznennykh usloviyakh: pereosmyslenie, preobra-zovanie situatsiy i psikhologicheskaya zashchita /L. I. Antsyferova // Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal.- 1994. - T. 15. - № 1. - S. 3 - 16.

2. Boyko V. V. (1999) Sindrom "emotsional'nogo vygoraniya" v professional'nom obshchenii / V. V. Boyko. - SPb.: Piter, 1999. - 105 s.

3. Vodop'yanova N. E. (2002) Psikhicheskoe vygoranie / N. E. Vodop'yanova // Stomatolog. - M.: Meditsina, 2002. - № 7. - S. 12.

4. Samikіna N. (2004) Sindrom vigoryannya u pratsіvnikіv penіtentsіarnoї sistemi / N. Samikіna, V. Sulits'kiy // Sotsіal'na psikhologіya. - 2004. - № 4 (6). - S. 43 - 48.

5. Karavanov G. (1974) Individual'no-psikhologicheskie osobennosti lichnosti vracha - khirurga / G. Karavanov, V. Korshunova. - L'vov: Vishcha Shkola, 1974. - 84 s.

6. Gafarova N. V. (2008) Rol' lichnostnykh kharakteristik v formirovanii sindroma emotsional'nogo vygoraniya u srednego meditsinskogo personala / N. V. Gafarova // Izvestiya Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2008. - № 60. - S. 42 - 47.

7. Denisova O. V. (2008) Stanovlenie professional'noy identichnosti studenta-medika v obrazovatel'nom protsesse vuza: avtoref. diss. k. psikhol. n.: 19.00.07 "Ped.psikhologiya" / Ol'ga Vladimirovna Denisova; Bashkirskiy gos. ped. un-t im. M. Akmully. - Ekaterinburg, 2008. - 26 s. - Bibiogr. S. 23-25.

8. Andreev A. A. (2006) Otnoshenie k vrachebnym oshibkam i sotsial'nye puti ikh preduprezhdeniya: avtoref. k. med. n., spets-t': 14.00.52 "Cotsiologiya meditsiny" / Andreev Arnol'd Arnol'dovich; Volgogradskiy Nauchnyy Tsentr RAMN i Administratsii Volgogradskoy oblasti: Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy universitet. - Volgograd, 2006. - 27 s.

9. Karamushka L. M. (2008) Kompleksna otsіnka proyavіv stresu u lіkarіv v umovakh sotsіal'no-ekonomіchnikh zmіn /L. M. Karamushka, O. O. Rakovchena // Lіkarnya v KhKh stolіttі: organіzatsіya ta upravlіnnya metodichnoyu dopomogoyu: Materіali vseukraїns'koї naukovo-praktichnoї konferentsії, 5-6 chervnya 2008 r. / [Redkol.: G. O. Slabkiy.] - K., 2008. - S. 70 - 72.

10. Orel V. E. (2001) Fenomen vygoraniya v zarubezhnoy psikhologii. Empiricheskoe issledovanie /V. E. Orel // Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal. - M.: Nauka, 2001. - T. 20. - 1. - S. 16-21.

11. Avkhimenko M. M. (2003) Nekotorye faktory riska truda medika / M. M. Avkhimenko // Meditsinskaya pomoshch'. M.: Meditsina, 2003. № 2. S. 25 - 29.

12. Dontsov A. I. (1998) Skhemy ponimaniya i ob''yasneniya fizicheskoy real'nosti / A. I. Dontsov, O. E. Baksanskiy // Voprosy filosofii. - 1998. № 11. - S. 75 - 90.


UDC 159.922.2:502/504


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv




Language: Ukrainian

The article is devoted to the relationship and interaction in the system "Man - the urban environment." In the example of the students in the classroom for environmental psychology shows how you can create awareness of man's place and role in the protection, support and development of the urban environment, and - to create the elements of the urban environment that will make it so that it becomes a condition of ecological culture residents. With the use of specially designed tables to fill in, we form an understanding that urban resident has not only not detrimental to their own living environment, but also - to protect and develop it. There is need for the formation of ecological culture of the inhabitants of the city.

Ecological culture is defined as a system of individual moral and ethical norms, attitudes, knowledge, attitudes, goals and values. They relate to the relationship in the system "man - environment" and realized through environmental awareness and environmental activities through which is shown in the support, development environment and its elements to create

The definition of "ecological culture" is given in terms of the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity, which emphasizes that the human mind is formed and manifested in the activities. Thus, environmental consciousness is formed and manifested in human activity aimed at the environment. This activity can be both constructive and destructive. In turn, environmental consciousness has an impact on environmental activities. Environmental awareness and ecological activities realized in ecological culture.

Keywords: ecological behavior; environmental awareness; environmental activities; habitat; ecological culture.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):69-78 (pdf)


1. Vernik O. L. Deiaki osoblyvosti spetsyfichnoho stavlennia i povedinky pidlitkiv v dovkilli [Some specific features of adolescent attitudes and behavior in the environment] / O. L. Vernik // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. - K.: Milenium, 2003. - T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia - Ch. 1. - S. 51-56.

2. Hold D. Psykholohyia y heohrafyia: Osnovы povedencheskoi heohrafyy [Psychology and Geography: The Basics of behavioral geography] / D. Hold. - M.: Prohress, 1990. - 304 s.

3. Deriabo S. D., Yasvyn V. A. Эkolohycheskaia pedahohyka y psykholohyia [Environmental education and psychology] / S. D. Deriabo, V. A. Yasvyn - Rostov n/D: Fenyks, 1996. - 480 s.

4. Kruusvall Yu. Determynatsyia obraza zhyzny semy v horodskoi srede [Determination lifestyle of the family in an urban environment] / Yu. Kruusvall // Chelovek. Sreda. Obshchenye. - Tallynn: TPY, 1980. - S. 50-89.

5. Kriazh I. V. Dynamika ekolohichnykh ustanovok osobystosti u suchasnomu sviti. [The dynamics of ecological systems of the individual in the modern world] / I. V. Kriazh // Aktualni problemy psykholohii. Ekolohichna psykholohiia. zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. - Zhytomyr: ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. - T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia - Vyp. 20. - Ch. 1. - S. 215-221.

6. Kriazh Y. V. Psykholohyia hlobalnыkh эkolohycheskykh yzmenenyi: monohrafyia [Psychology of global environmental change] / Y. V. Kriazh. - Kh.: KhNU ymeny V. N. Karazyna, 2012. - 512 s.

7. Lyik K. Vlyianye domashnei sredы na razvytye rebenka / K. Lyik // Sredovыe uslovyia hruppovoi deiatelnosty [Influence of home environment on child development]/ pod red. Kh. Mykkyna. - Tallynn, 1988. - S. 69-92.

8. Lovochkina A. M. Pidkhody do vyznachennia poniattia "ekolohichna kultura" [Approaches to the definition of "environmental culture"] / A. M. Lovochkina // Aktualni problemy psykholohii. zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy./ za red. S. D. Maksymenka - Zhytomyr: ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2013. T.7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia. - Vyp. 34. S.102 - 111.

9. Mechetnyi Yu. M., Yakovlieva K. V. Sotsialno-psykholohichna prohrama profilaktyky ekodeviantnoi povedinky u studentskomu seredovyshchi [Psychosocial prevention program eco deviant behavior among students] / Yu. M. Mechetnyi, K. V. Yakovlieva // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. - K.: Milenium, 2004. - T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia. - Vyp. 2. - S. 121-127.

10. Prytchy chelovechestva [Parables of humanity] / Sost. V. V. Lavskyi. - Mynsk.: Lotats, 2001. - 608 s.

11. Rudomino-Dusiatska O. V. Problemy subiektnoi aktyvnosti liudyny u dovkilli [Problems subjective human activity in the environment] /O. V. Rudomino-Dusiatska // Visnyk KNU im. Tarasa Shevchenka. Ser. Sotsiolohiia. Psykholohiia. Pedahohika. Vyp. 15-16. - K., 2003. - S. 102-105.

12. Rudomino-Dusiatska O. V. Osobennosty vospryiatyia podrostkamy horodskykh terrytoryi obshchestvennoho polzovanyia [Features of perception teenager's urban areas public] / O. V. Rudomino-Dusiatska // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. - K.: Milenium, 2005. - T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia. - Vyp. 5. - Ch. 2. - S. 194-198.

13. Chernoushek M. Psykholohyia zhyznennoi sredы [Psychology of the living environment] / M. Chernoushek - M.: Mыsl, 1989. - 174 s

14. Shvalb Yu. M. K opredeleniyu ponyatiy sredyi i prostranstva zhiznedeyatelnosti cheloveka [To the definition of the space environment and human life] / Yu. M. Shvalb // Aktualni problemy psykholohii. zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / Za red. S. D. Maksymenka. - K.:Lohos, 2006. - T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiia. - Vyp. 8. - S. 182-190.


UDC 159.9:35:364.13


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

The article deal with the analysis of business sector workers' needs. As the instrument used methodology of diagnostics level of satisfaction of urgent needs A.V.Kaptsov. The selection was included: trade facilitation, innovation and implementing banking organization. There was done the comparison of various industry organizations and functional for the species satisfaction of needs. Trade-intermediary and innovation-implementation organizations have a higher level of satisfaction of needs on the whole.The workers of innovative organizations in a greatermeasure have the opportunity satisfaction of higher needs and in general have the best terms for professional increase. Banking was generally favorable for development, but provides possibility of implementation achievements and social status. There were demonstrated that the level of satisfaction of higher needs can considered an indicator of the effectiveness of social policy organization. Also, there were fixed that the relationship between the distribution of assets to meet the needs and balance social package. Satisfaction of higher is a certificate realization of politics of social responsible business. The system of measures is offered in relation to satisfaction of the educed needs talking into account the specific of different type's business of organizations.

Keywords: classification of needs, level of satisfaction of needs, social responsible business, social politics of enterprise.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):79-88 (pdf)


1. Berezhnoj N.M. Chelovek i ego potrebnosti. - M.: Forum, 2000. - Jelektronnyj resurs. - Rezhim dostupa:

2. Ganslі Terens M. Socіal'na polіtika ta socіal'ne zabezpechennja za rinkovoї ekonomіki / M. Terens Ganslі. - K.: Osnovi, 1996. - 238 c.

3. Maslou A. Motivacija i lichnost'. 3-e izd./Per s angl., SPb., Piter 2003 p., 352 s.

4. Spіker P. Socіal'na polіtika: temi ta pіdhodi / P. Spіker. -K.: Fenіks, 2000. - 400 s.

5. Shapiro A.S. Motivacija i stimulirovanie personala/ S.A. Shapiro - M.: Gross Media, 2005. - 224 s.


UDC 159.922


G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv



Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the psychological approaches the study of the life script of the person as social-psychological phenomena and mechanisms of self-determination of young people in the choice of priorities of life.

Formation of strategy of youth life scenario depends on a combination of external (social) and internal (personal) factors that are inherently predadaptatsii mechanism, which, in particular, is implemented in pilot scenarios, conduct, success or not success that defines the way forward design life strategy.

The generator of the meaning of the design basis for the future, conscious attitude of the person to the selection, strategy and tactics of its construction and implementation of educational and professional spheres is analyzed as an essential component of self-determination with respect to the priorities of the way of life of modern students.

The conclusion about the prospect of studying the formation of future projects on the basis of past and present trends and psychology election acceptable means of self-realization of young people in the concrete historical time.

Keywords: youth, self-Aktualization, choice, career, life script, spheres of life, the living space of the event.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):89-97 (pdf)


1. Rubinshteyn S.L. Osnovyi obschey psihologi / S.L. Rubinshteyn. - SPb.: Piter, 2002. - 720s.

2. Rubinshteyn S.L. Problemyi obschey psihologi / S.L. Rubinshteyn. - M.: Pedagogika, 1976. - 416 s.

3. Teshfel, 1984, s. 242 Teshfel A. [Tajfel H.] Eksperimentyi v vakuume. V kn.: G.M. Andreeva, N.N. Bogomolova, L.A. Petrovskaya (Red.), Sovremennaya zarubezhnaya sotsialnaya psihologiya. M.: Mosk. gos. universitet, 1984. - S. 229-243.

4. Shvalb Yu.M. O sootnoshenii kategoriy "zhiznennyiy put" i "obraz zhizni" lichnosti / Yu.M. Shvalb // AktualnI problemi psihologIYi: EkologIchna psihologIya: ZbIrnik naukovih prats / Za red. S.D. Maksimenka. - T. 7. - Vip. 24. - Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I.Franka, 2010. - S. 274-283.

5. Shtompka P. Sotsialnoe izmenenie kak travma / P. Shtompka // Sotsis, 2001. - # 1. - S. 6-16.

6. Yavon S.V. Zhiznennoe opredelenie rossiyskoy molodezhi / S.V. Yavon // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. # 4, 2012. - S. 174-178.


UDC 159.9:331.5


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the problem of unemployment. Important for this situation is formed readiness to change human activity and life style to respond to changing circumstances. Psychological readiness understood as a complex personality formation, multifaceted and multilevel structure qualities, characteristics and conditions that taken together enable us to successfully perform the subject activities. Based on empirical research the social and psychological limitations that affect the willingness of the unemployed to change profession and retraining. In the article the typology of the unemployed, built under the model of socio-psychological readiness restrictions unemployed to change profession and retraining.

Keywords: unemployment, social and psychological limitations, typology of the unemployed.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):98-105 (pdf)


1. Avdieiev L.H., Ortikova N.V. (2013). Profesiina oriientatsiia bezrobitnykh hromadian ta molodi [Professional orientation unemployed and Youth]. Kyiv: IPK DSZU. [Ukrainian].

2. Avdieiev L.H., Kapchenko L.M., Tarasiuk S.O. (2011). Aktualni problemy profesiinoi oriientatsii ta profesiinoho navchannia naselennia [Actual problems of vocational guidance and training Population]. Materialy V mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (24 lystopada 2011 hoda) - Proceedings of V International Scientific Conference. Kyiv: IPK DSZU. [Ukrainian].

3. Kalep L. (1998). Professyonalnaia pereoryentatsyia. Formyrovanye motyvatsyy vybora novoi professyy u bezrabotnykh [Professional orientation. Formation of motivation choosing a new profession among the unemployed]. Personal, 2, 66-68. [in Russian].

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6. Slastenyn V.A., Kashyryn V.P (2013). Psykholohyia y pedahohyka. [Psychology and Pedagogy]. Moscow: Yzd-vo Yurait [in Russian].

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UDC 159.9:616.89-008.615-02-051-07


G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

Medical practice-patient interaction demonstrates the necessity of organizing special remedial measures to optimize the adaptation of patients with feohromotsytoma dysfunction and accordingly, stimulation of the healing process. The success of the organization of medical and psychological care for patients with feohromotsytoma dysfunction includes the following: tolerant attitude to the patient, which helps to establish a trusting relationship between doctor and patient; the focus is the realization of a common goal, the desire to achieve it, the mutual interest of the doctor and the patient in this; motivation - active attitude to treatment and positive motivation; structured, clear division of functions, rights, duties and responsibilities; consistency of actions of all parties, mutual trust, goodwill and respect; orderliness regularity and consistency of medical-diagnostic process; effectiveness ability to achieve the result regardless of the obstacles that arise in treatment and diagnostic activities. Behavioral indicator of the patient's adaptation to feohromotsitome dysfunction is the high level of success of therapeutic and preventive measures. That is, the idea is that the faster the doctor will be able to interact with the patient, the faster the patient can understand and to reflect on its condition and thereby move from maladaptive to adaptive forms of behavior in relation to disease.

Cooperation in the treatment process should be based on several principles: a) flexibility effective feedback, establishing which between doctor and patient as actors of cooperation; b) the continuity is manifested in the lack of age barriers in relation to collaboration participants. Since this technique is effective in any interaction independent of the age of the patient, it helps to explain feelings, to Express their needs, to listen to each other, and then to develop alternative solutions to problems; C) the tolerance is expressed in a purposeful development of respect for the patients in the formation of an open attitude and attention to each other. This technique requires mutual trust and a sincere interest in the identity of the patient by the doctor. Behavior tolerance is expressed through the recognition of the value of each person regardless of his position, character traits, success and external qualities; d) tolerance is closely related to the principle of considering the interests and capabilities of the doctor and the patient as actors of cooperation that ensured a democratic form of discussion and decision-making.

Keywords: medical prevention, treatment, process of healing, reflection.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):106-115 (pdf)


1. Pankiw V.S. Pheochromocytoma, etiology, pathogenesis, dia-gnostica, clinical features, treatment // International journal endocrinologically, Symposium. - 2011, Vol. 8 (40). - Р. 17-21

2. Petrova N.N., Kutuzov, A. E., nedoshivin A. A. Mechanisms of mental adaptation of patients in a situation of vital threat somatogenic // Review of psychiatry and medical psychology. Spondylitis. - 2004, Vol. 1, No. 2. Р. 56-59

3. Renis M.A., Sadovnikova N. And., Lopez G.E. Social-psychological training: a Workshop. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house GOU VPO "Russian. state prof-med. University", 2007. - 190р.

4. Skortova N.I., Yakunin, V.E. Social-psychological aspects of personal growth. - Togliatti, TOL, 2007. - 367р.

5. Towkay A. A. Pheochromocytoma: current approaches to diagnosis and treatment // Clinical endocrinology and endocrine surgery. - 2012, № 2 (39). - Р. 19-22

6. Of Nodes N. D. The anosognosia as a defense mechanism and a way of coping with the disease // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. scientific. journal. - 2013, № 6 (23). - Р. 21-29

7. Hanko A. V., Kondukova T. N. Psychological adaptation to illness in women with first episodes of schizophrenia // journal of psychotherapy. - 2012, № 44 (49). Р. 41-57


UDC 159.9:316.614.5


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv



Language: Ukrainian

In the article the problem of social and psychological conditions of success to include a child with disabilities in a secondary space, the basic aspects of the situation in terms of the success of inclusive education. The problem of inclusive education in today's realities, where the main point to get an education for a child has a school, inside which is a teacher. Considers that the creation of a situation of success teachers have to interact with the school psychologist to better study and taking into account the characteristics of the child that has a disability. Also, noted the role of parents in the upbringing of a child with disabilities, considered the family as the main institution of socialization of the child. Proposed and the content of the "Program of socio-psychological support to families where children are brought up with special educational needs". Thesis there is determined the centers of social services for families, children and youth, as a structural unit, where one of the forms of work with families with children with disabilities is social and psychological support. Indicated that social and psychological support is seen as a holistic activity, team interaction, between parents and various professionals.

Keywords: social and psychological support, сhildren with special educational needs,family, situation success.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):116-124 (pdf)


1. Belkіn, A. S. (1991). Sіtuatsііa uspekha. Kak ee sozdat' [The situation success. How to create it]. М.: Prosveshchenie [in Russian].

2. Butylkina, T. L. (2010). O roli kul'turno-obrazovatel'noy sredy v formirovanii nravstvennosti [On the role of cultural and educational environment in the formation of morality]. Sem'ya i shkola - garanty nravstvennogo vospitaniya detey: materialy IV Roditel. foruma SEPSh, 16 marta 2010 h. - Family and School - the guarantors of moral education of children: Parental materials of the IV Forum SEPSH, 16 march 2010 g. (рр. 7-13). Khar'kov [in Russian].

3. Levchenko, I.Yu., & Tkachev, V. V. (2008). Psikhologicheskaya pomoshch' sem'e, vospityvayushchey rebenka s otkloneniyami v razvitii [Psychological support for families raising a child with developmental disabilities]. M: Prosveshchenie [in Russian].

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UDC 159.922


G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv



Language: Ukrainian

Crisis management - this system of enterprise management, which has a complex and systemic nature. This system is aimed at preventing or eliminating the unfavorable business phenomena through the use of the full potential of modern crisis management.

From a psychological perspective, the activities of crisis Manager requires a person who takes this position considerable mental effort and activation of personal potential internally. The crisis Manager is the type of leader who is determined by a special preparation (the content and structure of knowledge), working conditions (the pre-crisis status, a crisis situation, the mitigation phase of the crisis), system management (targets, incentives, organization, control) and individual qualities.

Evaluation of crisis Manager is concerned with the determination of such competencies as: motivational-volitional, intellectual, communicative competence.

Keywords: crisis management, emotional-volitional sphere, competence, communication, crisis manager.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):125-134 (pdf)


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8. Smirnova O.S., Shibanov-Royenko E.A. the problems of anti-crisis management at different stages of the crisis


UDC 159.9:17.018.21:615.851


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv




Language: Ukrainian

Knowledge of patient's psychological traits helps doctor to involve the patient into medical care. The goal of the study was to choose the psychological characteristics of the patient and the doctor that may influence their interaction and find out the ways in which it can help in optimization of the given medical care on each stage: prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the area of reproductive health. Psychological characteristics of physicians working in family planning centers and medical genetics in Ukraine and their patients were analyzed for the first time. The number of participants was 410 people. The object of the study was doctor's and patient's personality. The subject of the research - psychological traits of physicians and patients in the field of family planning and medical genetics.

The territorial differences among doctors and their patients were observed. Reliable correlations between examined psychological characteristics were found. It also had been shown that patient's satisfaction depends not only on doctor's traits, but also on their own psycho-emotional condition. It emphasizes the importance of doctor's understanding, taking in account of this factors and knowing what to do with it. Gathered data should be used in educational programs for medical employee, starting from the first years of medical school. The strategies for optimization of psychological component of preventive-treatment process in medical care were proposed.

Keywords: psychological traits, "doctor-patient" interaction, family planning, workplace burnout, defense mechanisms, patient's satisfaction.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):135-150 (pdf)


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UDC 159.922.6


G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

This paper deals with the issue of psychological determinants of eco-friendly everyday human activity. The multilevel psychological factors of eco-friendly everyday life activity are highlighted. Methodological differences in approach to their study in Western psychology and Post-Soviet psychology are considered.

Adaptive and stimulus-reactive approaches are dominant in development of psychological theories of ecologically oriented behavior in Western psychology. The practical effect of such approaches is not essential for the formation of eco-friendly everyday activity because they do not concerned to study person's way of life in general. They explain psychology of the "here and now" behavior.

Post-Soviet psychology studies personality as the main factor of ecologically oriented way of life. There are two directions in the study of personality in this aspect. Influence of ecological consciousness on the formation person's way of life is the subject of first direction. The second direction deals with the individual features that ensure high personal activity in shaping ecologically-oriented way of life. The categories of 'subject' and ' subject activity ' are discussed in this context. Theoretical analysis is accompanied by the results of practical examination of students in shaping their ecologically-oriented way of life.

Keywords: psychology of everyday human life activity, the principles of psychological research, ecological consciousness, person as the subject of lifestyle, self-identity of the individual.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):151-161 (pdf)


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UDC 159.9:17.018.21:615.851


Bogomolets National Medical Univeristy, Kyiv


Language: Russian

In current obstetrics normal child delivery in hospital, with the right of the woman to get support from her relatives, if she desires so, is considered optimal. Obstetrics system used in Kiev Perinatal center is approaching Western, but local cultural specifics are kept in mind, alongside with experience and achievements of Russian Federation colleagues. This paper summarizes the experience of using obstetric technology "Partner births" in Kiev Perinatal center. The role of medical psychologist in the conduct of partnership with delivery system approach is shown. Husband role in the birth process is carefully analyzed, showing positive and negative aspects regarding the process itself and mother's state. Scientific points of view on "Partner births", their role and impact in current obstetrics are analyzed alongside with father's types of behavior during the labor. The use of integrated obstetric surveillance and care of mothers is effective and methodologically sound. Modification of obstetric technology "partner births" currently used by our perinatal center allows lowering the amount of surgical interventions, leads to decrease in abnormal birth activity (weakness and incoordination of birth activity), provides reduced need in epidural anesthesia, also lowering fetus distress syndrome. Based on the data, we offer activities directed to improve quality of the delivery care and lower the amount of perinatal and maternal complications.

Keywords: mothers, obstetric technology partnership delivery, medical psychologist

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):162-168 (pdf)


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5. Kagalina T. S., Tret'jakova E. V., Stel'nikova O. M. Psihologicheskaja i fizicheskaja podgotovka beremennyh k rodam: Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. - N. Novgorod, 2001. - 76 s.

6. Korchins'ka O.O., Voloshina U.V., Ovvadі E.V. Psihologіchnі aspekti partners'kih pologіv // Vіsnik socіal'noї gіgієni ta organіzacії ohoroni zdorov'ja Ukraїni. - 2010. - №1. - S. 84-85.

7. Partnerskie rody v Ukraine: osoznannaja neobhodimost' // Zdorov'e zhenshhiny. - 2011. - №6(62). - S. 10-11.

8. Hvorobi dezadaptacії v prakticі vіdnovljuval'noї medicini: Monografіja / Za red. M.V. Lobodi, K.D. Babova, V.V. Stebljuka. - K.: NAU, 2004. - 200s.

9. Chajka V.K., Babich T.Ju. Psihoprofilakticheskaja rol' partnerskoj podderzhki v rodah // Osnovy reproduktivnoj mediciny: Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo / Pod red. V.K. Chajki. - Doneck: ChP "Lavis", 2011. - S. 294-297.


UDC 159.922.8:82


Private Higher Education Establishment Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, Rivne


Language: Ukrainian

This article examines the psychological, educational and cultural foundations of the teenager as a subject of cognitive activity. The essence of the basic psychological features of dialogic interaction in the learning process as a necessary component of subjectivity adolescents in cognitive activity.

Keywords: subjectness of the person, cognitive activity, dialogical interaction.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):169-179 (pdf)


1. Ball G.O., Volinec' A.G, Kopilov S.O. Dіalogo-kul'turologіchnij pіdhіd jak naprjami gumanіzacії osvіti // Psihologіja v shkolі. - K., 1997. - S. 76-82.

2. Dіalog kul'tur і duhovnij rozvitok ljudini: Materіali Vseukraїns'koї naukovo-praktichnoї konferencії (Kiїv, 24-26 sіchnja 1995 r.) /Red.kol.: V.M.Titov (vіdp. redaktor) ta іn. - K., 1995. - 237 s.

3. Dіalogіchna vzaєmodіja u navchal'no-vihovnomu procesі zagal'noosvіtn'oї shkoli: Kniga dlja vchitelja / V.V.Andrієvs'ka, G.O.Ball, A.G.Volinec' ta іn.; za red. G.O.Balla, O.V.Kirichuka, R.M.Shamelashvіlі. - K.:ІZMN, 1997.- 136s.

4. Kotik І.O. Rozvitok sub'єktnostі uchnіv pri rozv'jazannі konflіktіv u procesі dіalogіchnogo navchannja // Psihologіja. Zbіrnik naukovih prac' NPU іm. M.P.Dragomanova. - K., 2000. - Vip. 3(10). - S. 143-150.

5. Maksimenko S.D. Navchannja і rozvitok: psihologіchnі aspekti // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. - 1997. - Zhovten'. - S.5-7.

6. Mihal'chuk N.O. Organіzacіja navchal'nih diskusіj na urokah v suchasnіj shkolі // Problemi zagal'noї ta pedagogіchnoї psihologії - T.2. - Ch.1. - K., 2000. - S.125-127.

7. Tatenko V. A. Psihologija v sub#ektnom izmerenii: Monografija. - K.: Vidavnichij centr "Prosvіta", 1996. - 404 s.

8. Shkola dialoga kul'tur. Osnovy programmy / Pod obshhej red. V.S.Biblera. - Kemerovo: "ALEF" Gumanitarnyj centr, 1992. - 96 s.


UDC 159.922


G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

Formation of intelligent performance driven by feelings cultural environment of human existence. Sentimental Education, general feelings and intellectual rights, in particular, is influenced by cultural environment of its existence. Thus, culture is the dominant factor in shaping the intellectual feelings in the early school years.

The impact of culture on the formation of intellectual feelings of the younger pupils can not be unique given the dynamics of changes in cultural environment and vector layers last. Thus, the formation of intellectual feelings is only possible in individuals with a certain educational level is therefore of great importance for the intellectual development of the senses acquires education. In the learning process in school students learn the basic knowledge that contribute to the development of the intellectual senses an Important role in their formation is played by the establishment in our country of various scientific and technical societies, publication of scientific and popular scientific journals, support scientific activities. Hence, the culture describes the totality of material and spiritual values created by mankind throughout its history, but also historically acquired a set of meanings in the middle of the society created for its harmonization. Summarizing the above we can say that culture is a framework that allows people to interpret their experience and guide their actions, whereas society represents the networks of social relations that arise between people. Means of speech, thought and symbolic meaning.

Keywords: intellectual sense, culture, self-realization.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):180-187 (pdf)


1. Galinskaya I. L. the Psychology and culture // Culturology. - 2009, № 2, (49). Р. 6-8

2. Emikh Е.N. Cultural paradigm of modern education: Philosophical and anthropological grounds. - M.: Logos, 2012. - 175р.

3. Kravtsov G. G. the unity Principle of affect and intellect as a basis for personal approach in the education of children // Voprosy psychology. 1996, vol. 6. - Р. 53-64

4. Lotman Y. M. Culture and explosion // Semiosphere. - Saint Petersburg., Peter, 2000. - 18р.

5. Philosophy of culture. The formation and development. / Cover art. Oleksenko, S. Shapiro. - SPb.: Publishing House "LAN", 1998. - 448р.


UDC 159.929


Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

It was studied in the paper content and physic domains of tolerance as a positive personality measure; the causes of tolerance development of students of higher education institutions during their professional formation were characterized. Performed analysis of methodological sources testified alternative approaches on interpretation of such notion significance as tolerance and intolerance. Timeliness of tolerance formation as a positive personality measure on Aktual stage of society development is doubtless. Adolescent age is favorable for strengthening the tolerant attitude of young person towards other people. At the same time intolerance octants of behavior and world view strategy of adolescents are take place.

The relation between intolerance and students' destructive proneness to conflict has been uncovered. The low level of tolerance provokes negative interrelations between juveniles and environment. The most complete base for detection of students' intolerance and destructive proneness to conflict is presented by their interrelations with groupmates and professors. It has been proved that for eliminating students' intolerance and destructive proneness to conflict is appropriate an integrated programme of special impact.

It has been determined that professor's personal example is a significant factor of tolerance formation among students. In particular professors of higher educational institutions carry out strategy of tolerance formation as characteristic feature of corporate culture among students.

Keywords: tolerance, intolerance, destructive proneness to conflict, adolescent age, student community, professional formation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):188-197 (pdf)


1. Asmolov, A.H. (2001). Istorychna kul'tura y pedahohika tolerantnosti [History culture and pedagogy of tolerance]. Memorial. 2001. 24, 61-63 [in Ukrainian].

2. Horyans'ka, A.M. (2002). Rozvytok tolerantnosti studentiv - maybutnikh vchyteliv yak odyn z shlyakhiv pidvyshchennya yikh osobystisnoyi ta profesiynoyi uspishnosti [Development of tolerance of future teachers as one of the ways to improve their personal and professional success]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

3. Grinshpun I. B. (2002). Ponyatie i soderzhatelnye kharakteristiki tolerantnosti (k voprosu o tolerantnosti kak psikhicheskom yavlenii) [The concept and content characteristics of tolerance (tolerance to the question of how mental phenomena)]. Proceedings from Tolerance and formation of tolerant relations (theory and practice) (pp. 209-219). Voronezh: MODEK [in Russian].

4. Matskovskiy, M.S. (2004). Tolerantnost kak obekt sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya [Tolerance as an object of sociological research]. Mezhkulturnyy dialog: issledovaniya i praktika. [Intercultural dialogue: Research and Practice] G.U. Soldatova (Ed). M.: tsentr SMI MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova [in Russian].

5. Panina V.A. (2005). Razvitie tolerantnoy pozitsii studentov v protsesse professionalnoy podgotovki v universitete [Development of a tolerant position of students in vocational training at the university]. Candidate's thesis. Krasnodar [in Russian].

6. Skok A.H. Determinanty tolerantnosti vykladacha vyshchoho navchal'noho zakladu [Determinants of Tolerance teacher of higher educational establishment] (n.d.). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

7. Feldshteyn D.I. (1999) Psikhologiya vzrosleniya: Strukturno-soderzhatelnye kharakteristiki protsessa razvitiya lichnosti [Psychology of adulthood: Structurally-substantial characteristics of the process of personality development]. M.: Mosk. psikhol.-sotsial. in-t: Flinta [in Russian].

8. Shugurova I.V. (2008) Tolerantnost prepodavatelya vuza: problema formirovaniya i razvitiya [Tolerance teacher of high school: the problem of the formation and development]. Chelovek i pravo: na rubezhe vekov [Human and the Law: on the turn of the century's] Saratov: Izd-vo GOU VPO "Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya prava" [in Russian].


UDC 159.929


G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with society and nature as a living environment of the existence of the individual and society. It is alleged that the systemic nature of the living environment is defined by the mental construct of "way of life", which is implemented in concrete forms of life. The very ability to live is seen as a unity of three processes: life support, living arrangements and zhiznerealizatsii. Reveals their psychological structure and proposes a model of their relationship. It is shown that the ratio to the natural landscape environment traditionally built only on the basis of problems of life support, which led to the global environmental crisis.

The necessity and possibility of constructing such forms of life, where nature becomes the main condition for the implementation of the vital interests of the individual and the basic fact of the life of well-being. The notion of anthropo-natural ecosystem as a unit of description and analysis of the interaction in the system "man - nature."

Keywords: living environment, livelihoods, consciousness, life support, living arrangements, life implementation, anthropo-natural system.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):198-207 (pdf)


1. Genisaretskij O. I. Shematizmy soznanija // Navigator: metodologicheskie rasshirennja i prodolzhenija. - M.: Put', 2002. - S. 93-97.

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3. Naljaskovskij A.Dikost' i odichaniekak kontekst obrazovanija. - Kamenec-Podol'skij: Abetka, 2006. - 84 s.

4. Popov S. Soznanie i social'naja sreda. - M.: Progress, 1979. - 232 s.

5. Red'ko V. V. Psihologіchnі mehanіzmi prijnjattja rіshen' u pobutovіj dіjal'nostі: toref. dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk. - K., 2003. -17 s.

6. Rejmers N. F. Populjarnij biologicheskij slovar'. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 538 s.

7. Rozin V. M.Lichnost' kak osnovatel' i menedzher "sebja" i sub#ekt kul'tury // Chelovekkaksub#ekt kul'turi. - M.: Nauka, 2002. - S. 42-112.

8. Socіologіja: korotkij enciklopedichnij slovnik. - K.: Ukr. Centr duhovnoї kul'turi, 1998. - 736 s.

9. Shvalb Ju. M. Ekologo-psihologіchnі vimіri sposobu zhittja // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Zb. nauk. prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni. - T. 1, Vip. 5, Ch. 2. - K.: Mіlenіum, 2005. - S. 294-301.

10. HawleyA. Human ecology // International encyclopedia of the socials ciences. - N.Y., 1968. - Vol. 4. - P. 328-337.


UDC 159.93


East National University named after Volodymyr Dahl, Severodonetsk



Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with problems of definition in the scientific literature the term "readiness for professional activity." Reveals the structure and types of professional readiness. The basic approaches to study the issue. Identify the problems the successful formation and development of professional readiness of the expert. Identify the problems the successful formation and development of professional readiness of the expert. We analyze the content and structure of readiness for various activities, explains the parameters of this state, the external and internal conditions that determine its dynamics, duration and stability of expression. Summarizes the results of psychological research on the problem of professional readiness, technology of its formation.

The main scientific approaches to the process of formation of professional qualities of specialists. Professional development of the future specialist is defined as a deliberate, organized, pedagogical process. It includes related activities guide teachers in a consistent, systematic, phased transfer of the consciousness of the person skilled in the art necessary qualities for the effective performance of their duties. To improve the effectiveness of professional development of the future specialist is necessary to ensure that this process was based on problem-based learning, using innovative teaching technologies. Increased willingness to work contributes to the realization of an expert in the practice of public and personal its significance. However, the necessary favorable objective conditions of labor, which would facilitate the real embodiment of professional readiness and its further development.

Keywords: psychological readiness, installation, motivation, readiness for professional activity, ability.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 7(40):208-217 (pdf)


1. D`yachenko M.Y`., Kandibovy`ch L.A. Psyxologycheskye problem gotovnosty k deyatel`nosty. - My`nsk, 1976. - S. 15 155.

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4. Krasnoryadceva O.M. Osobennosty professionalnogo mishleniya v usloviyax psihodiagnosticheskoj deyatelnosti. - Barnaul : Nauka, 1998. - S. 12 37.

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