Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 6, Issue 14 – 2018


Content of Issue

UDC 159.9:61

Yershova-Babenko I.V.

International Humanitarian University, Odesa

Theoretical approach to the study of personal values in a gifted personality. Diagnostic composition technique «10×10»

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the psychosynergetic approach for solving problems of understanding psychological features of the processes and mechanisms of the development of personal values, their specificity in a gifted personality in modern world. For this purpose was proposed a diagnostic and corrective compositional technique «10 drawings in 10 minutes» and a conceptual model «whole-in-whole».

Keywords: psychosynergetic approach, compositional method «Creative Power», diagnostic-corrective technique «10×10», conceptual model «whole-in-whole», gifted personality.

References transliterated

Babenko V.P. Besedy o kompozicii / V.P. Babenko. – Herson «Grin' D.S.», 2013. – 41 s.

Belozerov S.M. Organizacija vnutrennego mira cheloveka i obshhestva. Teorija i metod kompozicii/ S.M. Belozerov. – M.: Aleteja, 2002. – 768 s.

Budanov V.G. Metodologija sinergetiki v postneklassicheskoj nauke i v obrazovanii / V.G Budanov. – M.: Izd-vo LKI, 2009. – 240 s.

Ershova-Babenko I.V. Psihosinergeticheskie strategii chelovecheskoj dejatel'nosti (Konceptual'naja model'): monografіja / I.V. Ershova-Babenko. – V.: NOVA KNYGA, 2005. – 368 s.

Ershova-Babenko I.V. Psihosinergetika: monografіja / I.V. Ershova-Babenko. – Herson, Izd-vo «D. Grin'», 2015. – 488 s.

Kryvtsova N.V. Shliakh do harmonii zhyttia: teoriia i praktyka samorealizatsii: monohrafiia / N.V. Kryvtsova. – Kherson: Vyd-vo «Hryn D.S.», 2017. – 350 s.

Lebedeva L.D. Jenciklopedija priznakov i interpretacij v proektivnom risovanii i art-terapii / L.D. Lebedeva, Ju.V. Nikonorova, N.A. Tarakanova. – SPb.: Rech', 2013. – 332 s.

Madinova Ju.I. Kompozicionnaja organizacija risunka kak simptomokompleks adaptivnosti/dezadaptivnosti lichnosti. Problema issledovanija i diagnostiki: monografija / Ju.I. Madinova. – Herson: FLP Grin' D.S.,2016. – 246 s.

Madynova Yu.Y. Osoblyvosti deazadaptatsii studentiv-medykiv: avtoref. dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.01 – zahalna psykholohiia, istoriia psykholohii. – Odesa, 2016. – 19 s.

Prigozhin I. Porjadok iz haosa: Novyj dialog cheloveka s prirodoj / I. Prigozhin, I. Stengers. – M.: Progress, 1986. – 430 s.

Haken G. Principy raboty golovnogo mozga. Sinergeticheskij podhod k aktivnosti mozga, povedeniju i kognitivnoj dejatel'nosti / G. Haken. – M.: Per Se, 2001. – 353 s.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 6-14 (pdf)


UDC 159.928.22

Kreminsky B.G.

Institute of education content modernization, Kyiv

The age dependence of the manifestation of the signs of intellectual giftedness

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with and describes the dependence of the manifestation of intellectual giftedness of young people from their age. Based of the activity approach to the discovery of giftedness and the analysis of the results of the research of the development processes of gifted youth’s abilities, the most important stages of the manifestation of intellectual giftedness are singled out and described. The main stages are defined: the transition from elementary school to middle level, corresponding to the age of about ten years; the transition to a senior school (from the ninth to the tenth grade) corresponding to the age of fifteen, and the stage determined by the time of obtaining full higher (or other professional) education. The process of development of intellectual giftedness is carried out continuously. At the same time, based on the growth rates and achieved level of development of intellectual abilities, it is possible to distinguish certain stages of development of intellectual giftedness of children and youth. The transition from one stage of the development of intellectual giftedness to the next is carried out in a jump-like manner, which is the embodiment of the dialectic law on the transition of quantity into quality. The age limits of the relevant stages are approximate, since they are a generalization of the individual intellectual qualities of a large number of gifted young people, and only indirectly and not strictly related to the stages of education and the age in which the appropriate training. The manifestations of intellectual giftedness are more dependent on the official stages of training young people than from their age. The presence of special intellectual abilities of the individual does not necessitate the necessity of psychological peculiarities (strangeness), which are more likely to be the result of social and living conditions of development or due to the psychological atmosphere of personality formation.

Key words: intellectual giftedness, ability, activity, generalization, stage, age.

References transliterated

Jensen A.R. The nature of the black-white differences on various psychometric tests: Spear mans hypothesis / A.R. Jensen // Behav. And Brain Sci. – 1985. – Vol. 8. – P. 193-219.

Kreminskyi B.G. Teoriia i praktyka roboty z intelektualno obdarovanoiu uchnivskoiu i studentskoiu moloddiu z fizyky: Monohrafiia / B.G. Kreminckyi. – K.: Nats. ped. un-t im. M.P. Drahomanova, 2011. – 421 s.

Kreminskyi B.G. Formuvannia suchasnoho naukovoho styliu myslennia uchniv v protsesi navchannia fizyky: metod. rekom. dlia uchyteliv zahalnoosvitnikh shkil / B.G. Kreminskyi. – K.: VIPOL, 1996. – 32 s.

Leites N.S. Umstvennye sposobnosti i vozrast / N.O. Leites. – M.: Pedahohika, 1971. – 279 s.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 15-22 (pdf)


UDC 159.922.27 – 316.87

Moskalenko V.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The features of student youth’s emotional attitude to an economically successful person

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article analyzes the results of empirical research of a student youth’s emotional and value attitude to an economically successful person. It is proved that the positive or negative attitude of a person towards economic values such as property, money, labour, wealth, material wealth, material well-being, etc., influences the criteria for the selecting of meaningful parameters of successful activity in the field of economic activity by student youth.

In order to analyze the content components of the emotional and value attitude to an economically successful person, that influence on the strategy of personality’s economic behaviour, determining its economic (not) success, the empirical research on a sample of 80 students of Chernihiv National Technological University was carried out. The research was aimed at identifying such economic feelings as: anxiety for the economic future, satisfaction with the economic situation, economic «optimism», economic «pessimism», economic helplessness, satisfaction with their material condition.

The results of the data analysis showed that the economic feelings’ spectrum has a clear dominant – anxiety for the economic future, which is experienced by the majority of respondents. In general, it can be noted that the emotional and value attitude towards an economically successful person has a negative colour: a sense of economic helplessness, pessimism and anxiety for the economic future, which does not correspond to the normative canon of an «economically successful person» of a market economy.

Key words: emotional attitude, economic values, economic success, student youth, successful person, economic pessimism, economic optimism.

References transliterated

Dejneka O.S. Jekonomicheskaja psihologija. (Uchebnoe posobie) / O.S. Dejneka. – SPb.: Piter. izd. S. Peterb. un-ta., 2000. – 160 s.

Dodonov B.I. Jemocija kak cennost’ / B.I. Dodonov. – M.: Politizdat, 1978. – 272 s.

Zhuravlev A.L., Kuprejchenko A.B. Jekonomicheskoe samoopredelenie: Teorija i jempiricheskie issledovanija./ A.L. Zhuravlev, A.B. Kuprejchenko. – M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2007 – 480 s.

Kul’chickaja E.I. Razvitie chuvstv i jemocij u detej rannego i doshkol’nogo vozrasta: monografija / Elena Ippolitovna Kul’chickaja. – K: Institut odarennogo rebjonka, 2014. – 254 s.

Moskalenko V.V. Ekonomichna kultura osobystosti: sotsialno-psykholohichnyi aspekt [monohrafiia] / V.V. Moskalenko, Yu.Zh. Shaihorodskyi, O.O. Mishchenko. – K.: Vyd-vo «Tsentr sotsialnykh komunikatsii», 2012. – 348 s.

Pachkovskyi Yu.F. Psykholohiia pidpryiemnytstva: navch.posibnyk / Yu.F. Pachkovskyi. – K.: Karavela, 2007. – 416 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 23-30 (pdf)



UDC 159.923

Moskalenko V.V., Syla T.I.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv

Features of the communities’ social creativity: theoretical and methodological aspects

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The social creativity of communities is being considered in the lenses of constructivist paradigm as the direction in social psychology. Social creativity is defined as the activity of the community, the result of which is the creation of innovations in social relations, being constructed in the interpersonal interaction of the community members. Social innovations as a result of the community’s social creativity are considered as a newly established system of relations’ characteristics between the community members. This new system integrates them into the process of their joint interaction, determines the qualitative changes in life and the further development of the community.

From the definition of social creativity as the activity of individuals for the creation of an entirely new phenomenon, the question arises of the relationship of individual and social creativity, the answer to which defines the peculiarities of technologies of influence on the community in order to realize its creative potential. The mechanisms of generation of social innovations as well as – social education as a technology for the implementation of social creativity – is considered in the article through the analysis of the relationship of social creativity with the peculiarities of the actions of individual members of the community

Productive in the study of the mechanisms of generating social innovations is recognized methodology of the constructivist paradigm in social psychology; an important unifying principle is «the ontologization» of human interactions, which is understood as the creation of a meta-individual phenomenon (new socio-psychological space) within inter-individual interactions.

It is noted that social innovations can lead to certain results, provided that they are based on appropriate changes in the behaviour patterns of micro-level entities. In this sense, effective technologies of modelling influences on personality, in particular, the theory of social learning as influences on subjects of communities with the purpose of their behaviour modification together with the conditions’ changes aimed at further activities improvement.

The prospect of further study of the problem may be the analysis of phenomenological peculiarities as certain regularities of learning in the system of practices / explanation of the process of social creativity of the particular communities.

Key words: social creativity, community, interpersonal interaction, constructivist paradigm, social learning, social innovations.

References transliterated

Bruner Dzh. Psihologija poznanija. Za predelami neposredstvennoj informacii / Dzh. Brunner: Per s angl. I. Babickogo. – M.: Progress, 1977. – 411 s.

Veber M. Protestantska etyka i dukh kapitalizmu / M. Veber. – K.: Osnovy, 1994. – S. 11.

Etzioni А.V. The active society. – New York, 1968.

Kagan M.S. Filosofskaja teorija cennosti / M.S. Kagan. – SPb.: Petropolis,1997. – S. 149-150.

Klochko V.E. Mental’noe prostranstvo kak predmet professional’no-psihologicheskogo osmyslenija / V.E. Klochko // Lichnost’ v paradigmah i metaforah: mental’nost’-kommunikacija-tolerantnost’. – Tomsk.: Tomskij universitet, 2002. – S. 30-44.

Kroz’e M. Sovremennoe gosudarstvo – skromnoe gosudarstvo. Drugaja strategija izmenenija / M. Kroz’e // Svobodnaja mysl’. – 1993. – № 11. – S. 35-43.

Merkel W. Systemwechsel und Zivilgesellshaft. Welche Zivilgesellschaft braucht die Demokratie? / W. Merkel, H. Lauth // Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. – 1998. – № 6. – S. 3-12.

Moskovichi S. Vek tolp. Istoricheskij traktat po psihologi mass / S. Moskovichi. – M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 1996. – 396 s.

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Moskovichi S. Social’nye predstavlenija: istoricheskij vzgljad / S. Moskovichi // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1995. – T. 16. – № 1. – S. 3-18; № 2. – S. 3-14.

Sotsialne nauchinnia: mekhanizmy rozvytku politychnykh stavlen molodi [nauk.-metod. posib.] / I.V. Zhadan, I.A. Diduk, S.I. Pozniak ta in.; za red. I.V. Zhadan. – Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2012. – 352 s.

Harash A.U. «Drugoj» i ego funkcija v razvitii «Ja» // Obshhenie i razvitie psihiki. – 1986. – S. 31-46.

Harre R. Metafizika i metodologija: nekotorye rekomendacii dlja social’no-psihologicheskogo issledovanija / R. Harre // Social’naja psihologija: samorefleksija marginal’nosti: hrestomatija / red. M.P. Gapochka; sost. E.V. Jakimova. – M.: INION, 1995. – S. 74-93.

Shtompka P. Sociologija social’nyh izmenenij / P. Shtompka. – M.: Aspekt Press, 1996. – 416 s.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 31-41 (pdf)


UDC 159.923.5:378.18 (477)

Romanyuk L.V.

Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv

Psychodiagnostic methods of studying the value becoming of personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article covers psychodiagnostic methods of studying values, analyzes the projective methods of their diagnosis and develops the theoretical conception by Sh. Schwartz and B. Bilsky, according to which values are considered as criteria for choosing a person’s actions, assessing the behavior of other people, as well as events. As the authors argue, the formation of personality values is influenced by certain socio-psychological factors. According to Sh. Schwartz, one of the important factors is the culture that directs the development of creative forces and abilities of people, realized in the forms of organization of their lives and activities, as well as structuring the relationship between people and their created material and spiritual values.

Key words: values, value becoming, psychodiagnostics of values.

References transliterated

Asadzholy Roberto. Psykhosyntez: teoryia y praktyka / R. Asadzholy. – M.: «REFL-book», 1994. – 314 s.

Holovakha E.Y. Psykholohycheskoe vremia lychnosty. 2-e yzd. yspr. y dopln / E.Y. Holovakha, A.A.Kronyk. – M.: Smыsl, 2008. – 267 s.

Zeiharnyk B.V. Teoryy lychnosty v zarubezhnoi psykholohyy / B.V. Zeiharnyk – M.: Yzd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1982. – 128 s.

Korzheva E.Iu. Metodyka «Psykholohycheskaia byohrafyia» v psykhodyahnostyke zhyznennыkh sytuatsyi : Metod. Posobye E.Iu. Korzheva / Pod red. L.F.Burlachuka. – K.: MAUP, 1994. – 109 s.

Kornylova T.V. Motyvatsyonnыe tendentsyy (po oprosnyku Эdvardsa) y hotovnost k rysku u rossyiskykh studentov / T.V. Kornylova // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. – Ser. 14. – Psykholohyia. – 1997. – № 2. – S.52-65.

Lebedeva N.M. Bazovыe tsennosty russkykh na rubezhe KhKhI veka / N.M. Lebedeva // Psykholohycheskyi zhurnal, 2000. – T.21. – № 3. – S. 73-87.

Leontev D.A. Metodyka yzuchenyia tsennostnыkh oryentatsyi / D.A. Leontev – M.: Smыsl, 1992. – 64 s.

Leontev D.A. Test smыslozhyznennыkh oryentatsyi (SZhO) / D.A.Leontev – M.: Smыsl, 1992. – 16 s.

Rybnykov N.A. Avtobyohrafyy rabochykh y ykh yzuchenye : Materyalы k ystoryy avtobyohrafyy kak psykholohycheskoho dokumenta / N.A. Rybnykov – M.-L. : Hosyzdat, 1930. – 96 s.

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Smyrnov L.M. Analyz opыta razrabotky эksperymentalnыkh metodov yzuchenyia tsennostei / L.M. Smyrnov // Psykholohycheskyi zhurnal. – Tom 17. – №1. – 1996. – S. 157-168.

Frankl V. Chelovek v poyskakh smыsla / V. Frankl – M.: Prohress, 1990. – 368 s.

Khell L. Teoryy lychnosty (osnovnыe polozhenyia, yssledovanye y prymenenye) / L. Khell, D. Zyhler – SPb.: Pyter Kom, 1999. – 608 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 42-50 (pdf)



UDC 159.923

Serdiuk L.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Factors of students’ psychological well-being

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the main approaches to researching on personal psychological well-being, which is defined as an integral indicator of a person’s orientation to actualization of the main components of positive functioning, as well as of implementation of this orientation, and it is subjectively expressed in the sense of happiness, satisfaction with oneself and their own lives.

The factors of psychological well-being and the prognostic model of its development have been determined empirically. Students’ psychological well-being has a complex and many-sided personal determination, which is based on such important factors as personal autonomy, self-expression, actualization of own nature, manifestations of creative potential, purposefulness, positive relations with others and self-efficacy.

It has been revealed that the prognostic model of psychological well-being has the following most important predictors: relatedness, acceptance of aggression, self-esteem and expected attitude of others.

The conclusion has been made that psychological well-being functions in dynamics and is a personal motivational parameter, a degree of which depends on realism, structuring, integrity of a system of personal attitudes and personal life prospects. Psychological well-being can be promoted with actualization of personal internal resources, which means understanding of own powers for full-fledged realization in the present and possibilities to develop self-determination in the future.

Key words: psychological well-being, hedonistic and eudemonic well-being, self-determination, internal resources, personal potential, autonomy, personal agency.

References transliterated

Voronina, A.V. Ocenka psihologicheskogo blagopoluchija shkol'nikov v sisteme profilakticheskoj i korrekcionnoj raboty psihologicheskoj sluzhby: avtoref. dis. na soisk. nauch. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk : spec. 05.02.08 / A. V. Voronina. – Tomsk, 2002. –16 s.

Panina, E.N. Vzaimosvjaz' suverennosti psihologicheskogo prostranstva i subektivnogo blagopoluchija lichnosti / E. N. Panina // Vestnik Krasnojarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija «Gumanitarnye nauki». – 2006. – № 3/2. – S.89-91.

Fesenko, P.P. Osmyslennost' zhizni i psihologicheskoe blagopoluchie lichnosti: avtoref. dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk : spec. 19.00.01. / P. P. Fesenko. – M., 2005. – 16 s.

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Rigby, B.T. Do causual attributions mediate the relationship between personality characteristics and life satisfaction in adolescence? / B.T. Rigby & E.T. Huebner // Psychology in the Schools, 2005. – Vol.42. – Р. 91-99.

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Serdiuk, L. Psychological well-being of future specialists in the integrated educational environment and the factors of its formation / L. Serdiuk // Social welfare : interdisciplinary approach. – 2011. – 1(1). – P. 44-51.

Suldo, S.M. A social-cognitivebehavioral model of academic predictors of adolescents’ life satisfaction / S. M.Suldo, E.S.Shaffer & K.Riley //School Psychology Quarterly, 2008. – Vol.23. – Р. 56-69.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 51-59 (pdf)


UDC 159.923

Muzyka O.L.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Axiogenesis of personality and giftedness development: a theoretical model and approaches to research

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the need-for-person approach to personality values and the personological approach to axiogenesis are realized. The axiogenesis of the gifted personality is defined as the process of formation and development of personal values, which determine its typological features, reflecting the specifics of abilities, methods of social interaction and personal self-development. In the educational space, the axiogenesis of a gifted person unfolds in the process of interaction of normative social values associated with age development, and personal values that arise in the process of development of abilities and self-regulation. In the procesaof axiogenesis, the value autonomy of the individual increases and the regulatory influence of social values diminishes. Classification of the values of a gifted personality has been developed. Values of social interaction include personal values of belonging and personal values of recognition. The values of self-development of abilities are made up of personal cognitive values and personal values of creativity. Personal values of self-identity and personal values of the meaning of life are attributed to the values of personal identity.

Key words: axiogenesis, giftedness, gifted personality, personal values, self-development.

References transliterated

Halian I. M. Zhyttievi reprezentatsii yak rehuliatory aksiohenezu osobystosti / Halian I. M. // Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia: Psykholohichni nauky. – Kherson : Vyd-vo Vydavnychyi dim «Helvetyka», 2018. – Vyp. 1. – T.1. – C. 62–67. [in Ukrainian].

Karpenko Z. S. Aksiolohichna psykholohiia osobystosti: monohrafiia / Z. S. Karpenko. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2009. – 512 s. [in Ukrainian].

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Leontev D. A. Psykholohyia smыsla: Pryroda, stroenye y dynamyka smыslovoi realnosty. – 2-e yzd., yspr. – M.: Smыsl, 2003. – 486 s. [in Russion].

Muzyka O.L. Ekzistentsiyni potrebi i rozvitok obdarovanoyi osobistosti / Muzуka O. L. // Aktualni problemi psihologiyi: Zbirnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologiyi imeni G.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini. T.VI. Psihologiya obdarovanosti. – Vipusk 10. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – S. 63-77. [in Ukrainian].

Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / O. L. Muzyka, D. K. Korolov, R. O. Semenova ta in.; za red. O.L. Muzyky. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – 146 s. [in Ukrainian].

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Radchuk H. K. Psykholohichni zasady profesiinoho aksiohenezu osobystosti / Halyna Radchuk // Psykholohiia osobystosti. – 2012. – №1 (3). – S. 138-150. [in Ukrainian].

Romaniuk L. V. Stanovlennia tsinnostei osobystosti: psykholohichnyi aspekt / Liudmyla Romaniuk. – Kamianets-Podilskyi: Vyd-vo ta druk PP Moshynskyi V.S., 2013. – 388 s. [in Ukrainian].

Tsinnisna determinatsiia stanovlennia obdarovanoi osobystosti: monohrafiia / O.L. Muzyka, I. M. Bila, D. K. Korolov ta in.; za red. O. L. Muzyky. – K.: Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 2017. – 220 s. [in Ukrainian].

Shcheblanova E.Y. Neuspeshnыe odarennыe shkolnyky / E.Y.Shcheblanova. – M.: Obnynsk: YH-SOTsYN, 2008. – 212 s. [in Russion].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 60-76 (pdf)

UDC 159.923

Volodarskaya N.D.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Tecnologies for personality’s self-determination activation in crisis situations

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the problem of self-determination of personality development in crisis situations. Effective directions and methods for personality’s self-determination activation were determined. The means were determined of personality’s needs, desires, and life perspectives actualization. The dialogue model of interaction was described as a technology for activation of personality’s life perspectives formation. The components of this model were indicated. The most important model’s tool – feelings, experiences that arise in the dialogue and create an interaction field, wherein the process takes place of these relationships conceptualization. The specific character of the Gestalt approach model was determined. The technology for interaction with other persons activates the search for opportunities of personality’s life goals achievement set by personality in certain life situations. The dialogue-phenomenological method is based on emotions, experiences, personality’s awareness of phenomena occurring in dialogue with other persons, and on the choice of their relations and actions. The client can receive a certain impression from dialogue with the therapist, his/her emotional manifestations and system of values. What was not realized before and ignored, suddenly acquires other meaning. Sudden client’s insights are formed during a dialogue with the therapist. This happens in conditions of the therapist’s awareness of own experiences and their allocation during contact with the client. Otherwise, it is not realized by the client and remains without attention.

Keywords: self-determination, personality development, feelings, experiences, technologies, activation, crisis situations.

References transliterated

Ball H.O. Ratsiohumanistychna oriyentatsiya v metodolohiyi lyudynoznavstva // H.O. Ball / – K.: Vyd-vo PP «SKD», 2017. – 204 s.

Volodars’ka N.D. Aktyvizatsiya protsesu samotvorennya metodamy hrupovoyi terapiyi / N.D. Volodars’ka // Problemy humanitarnykh nauk: Zb. nauk. prats’ Drohobyts’koho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. – Drohobych: Redaktsiyno-vydavnychyy viddil DDPU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – Vypusk 33. Psykholohiya. – S. 17-28.

Geshtalt-obzor // Sbornik materialov obschestva praktikuyuchih psihologov «Geshtalt-podhd» (ukrainskiy filial programyi «MGI»). – Odessa: SiEks-print, 2014. – № 4. –156 s

Klymenko V.V. Teoretyko-metodolohichni problemy psykholohiyi (psykhosemiotychnyy analiz ponyat’): monohrafiya // V.V.Klymenko. – K.: Vydavnychyy Dim «Slovo», 2017. – 304 s.

Leontev D.A. Znachenie i lichnostnyiy smyisl: dve storonyi odnoy medali / D.A. Leontev // Psihol. zhurnal. – M.: 1996, T. 17. – № 5. – S. 372-377.

Simens H. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlya geshtaltterapevtov. Per. s Gollandskogo / Harm Simens // –SPb.: «Izdatelstvo Pirozhkova», 2008. – 168 s.

Hlomov D. Paradoksyi geshtaltterapii / D. Hlomov // Sbornik lektsiy. – M.: 2011. – 143 s.

Yaroshevskiy M.G. Psihologiya v HH stoletii: Teoreticheskie problemyi razvitiya psihologicheskoy nauki / M.G.Yaroshevskiy // Izd. 2-e, dop. – M.: Politizdat, 1974. – 447 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 77-83 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2 - 057.87:378:17.022.1

Havrylovska K.P., Vyhivska O.V.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Sadky Secondary School of I-III Degrees, Sadky

Formation of the professional identity of future psychologists: a value aspect

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the main psychological mechanisms of forming the professional identity of graduands of the speciality «Psychology»: cognitive, motivational, emotional and value. The results of empirical research of value orientations in the career of students-psychologists are presented. It is revealed that the dominant value orientations in the career of this category of students are «autonomy», «serving the good», «integration of life styles» and «management». Future specialists in the field of psychology seek to be independent in the organization of their work, to bring benefits to others, to help solve life difficulties, to organize their personal and professional life harmoniously, so that one sphere does not interfere with the other but pushes and helps in realizing the plans and meeting the needs.

Key words: identity, professional identity, psychological mechanisms of professional identity formation, values, value orientations in a career.

References transliterated

Arinushkina N.S. Ob opredelenii y tipah identichnosty / N.S. Arinushkina // Myr psyhologii: nauchno-metodicheskiy zhurnal / Red. D.I. Feldshteyn, S.K. Bondireva – 2004. – №2. – С. 48-54. [in Russion].

Druzhinina I.A. Psyhologichni chynnyki rozvytku profesiynoi identichnosti maybutnih praktychnyh psyhologiv: dys. kand. psyh. nauk.: 19.00.07 / I.A. Druzhinina. – К., 2009. – 21 c. [in Ukrainian].

Yegorova Y.V. Struktura profesiynoyi identychnosti osobystosti: eksperymentalne doslydzhennya / Y.V. Yegorova // nauk. zap. In-tu psyhologii imeni G.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayny. − 2006. − Vyp. 30. − С.350-360. [in Ukrainian].

Yermolayeva E. P. Psyhologiya sotsialnoy realizatsii profesionala / E.P. Yermolayeva. – М.: Institut psyhologii RAN, 2008. – С. 23-85. [in Russion].

Muzyka О.L. Osobistisno-tsinnisna vzayemodiya yak chinnik rozvitku pedagogichnoyi obdarovanosti / О.L. Muzyka // Aktualni problemy psyhologiyi: Zbirnyk naukovyh prats Instytutu psyhologii imeni G.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrainy. Т.VІ: Psihologia obdarovanosti. – Vyp.13. – Kyev-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZDU im Ivana Franka, 2017. – С. 6-19. [in Ukrainian].

Odintsova V.M. Profesiyna identichnist yak psyhologichna problema / V.M. Odintsova // Naukoviy visnik Hersonskogo derzhavnogo universitetu. – Vyp 1. – Тom 1. – 2014.- С. 74-77. [in Ukrainian].

Rodigina U.S. Psyhologicheskie osobennosti professionalnoy identichnosti studentov / U.S. Rodigina // Psyhologicheskaya nauka y obrazovanie. – 2007. – № 4. – С. 39-48. [in Russion].

Schein E.N. Career anchors resisted/implications or career development in the 21st century // Academy of Management Executive. – 1996. – Vol. 10. – № 4. – P. 80-89.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 84-91 (pdf)



UDC 373.2.015.31:37.091.33-027.22:796

Hrytsiuk I.M., Denys N.O.

Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk

Lutsk Pedagogical College, Lutsk

The development of the creative abilities of senior preschool aged children in gaming activities

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with a question of the development of creative children abilities in the game conditions. From the point of view of the modern concept of preschool education, from the point of view of psychologists and parents, children should develop not only cognitive interests, but also creative abilities. Creativity, creativeness - these are the competences that will be needed for children in adulthood. The complications of processes that will require active participation in the process of finding innovative solutions, require from a family and specialists a new approach to education and bringing-up. The field of art is considered as a space that contributes to the formation of social and aesthetic activness, the game forms spontaneity, control over the process, and hence different options for actions. For children, the game is life, the active discovery of the world, the school of getting knowledge, which always has a creative character. The game plays an important role in the development of fantasy. In a game, a child makes the first steps towards the creative activity. In order for each child to achieve personal success, there is a perspective plan based on the basic principle of didactics - gradual complicating the tasks, from a simple to a complex. For the complex development of children creative abilities it is necessary to involve their parents. Children fully trust their relatives. That is why the parents have to accept their child, encourage his/her creativity, and support in all endeavors and initiatives. It is necessary to stimulate children to creative self-expression, through the interest and positive emotions, praise, etc.

The important issues in the process of creative activity are imagination, fantasy, intuition, unconscious components of mental activness. They are considered as the natural basis for any creative activity.

Key words: creativity, creative abilities, preschool age, family, game, development of creative abilities.

References transliterated

Arkhipova S. Metodyka rozvytku tvorchykh zdibnostei u ditei doshkilnoho viku / S. Arkhipova, N. Kushniryk. – Cherkasy, 2016. – S. 41−48.

Vygotskiy L.S. Detskaya psikhologiya / L.S.Vygotskiy. – M.: Pedagogika. 1984. – 432 s.

Vygotskiy L.S. Voobrazheniye i tvorchestvo v detskom vozraste / L.S. Vygotskiy. – M.: Prosveshcheniye. 1991. – 196 s.

Hrytsiuk I.M. Art-terapevtychni tekhnolohii ta yikh vplyv na formuvannia tvorchoi pozytsii doshkilnykiv / I.M. Hrytsiuk // Zbiór artykułów naukowych. Zbiór artykułów naukowych. Konferencji Miedzynarodowej Naukowo-Praktycznej «Współczesne tendencje w nauce i edukacji» (30.10.2016 -31.10.2016). – Warszawa: Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour», 2016. – S. 79-82

Koloshyn V.F.Poshukova aktyvnist – osnova tvorchosti / V.F. Koloshyn // Obdarovana dytyna. – 2002. – №3. – S. 2-5.

Makarenko A.S. Lektsii pro vykhovannia ditei / A.S. Makarenko. – K.: Rad. shk., 1978. – S. 255-312.

Mytnyk O.Ia. Zavdannia dlia rozvytku tvorchykh zdibnostei ditei / O.Ia. Mytnyk // Obdarovana dytyna. – 2012. – № 3. – S. 55-57.

Pozniak T. Rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostei dytyny / T. Pozniak // Naukovi zapysky Kirovohradskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Volodymyra Vynnychenka. Ser.: Pedahohichni nauky. – 2014. – Vyp. 125. – S. 153-158.

Savenkov A.I. Sovremennyye kontseptsii odarennosti / A.I. Savenkov // Obdarovana ditina. – 2015. – № 6. – S. 2-5.

Teplov B.M. Izbrannyye trudy / B.M. Teplov. – M.: Prosveshcheniye, 1985. – 280 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 92-98 (pdf)



UDC 159.956.2

Gubenko A.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Using the mechanism of restructuring for the development of intellectual and creative talent of students

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article analyzes the important mechanism of creativity as a restructuring. Restructuring involves a partial or complete reorganization of knowledge. This allows you to apply already known algorithms in non-standard conditions or create fundamentally new algorithms. Creativity is always associated with a change of already existing. In the usual phenomena and things are made some changes and reorganizations that make them different. It may change the shape of an object, its structure or function. In short, in the process of solving creative problems is changing the usual situation, the restructuring of a Gestalt. Some researchers attach a person's ability to the restructuring of so much importance that they think it is based on mental giftedness.

There is an explained complex methods of development of creative thinking pupils, related to mechanism of restructuring. At the highest level the students are offered a creative task, requiring a radical restructuring and profound changes in the knowledge, to create new concepts and creative ideas. In the article is proved heuristic teaching methods overcome the contradiction between the goals and methods of education that exists in the practice of the educational process and contribute to its humanization. It`s considered effectiveness of the author's course of development of creative thinking of pupils middle and senior school age, «Steps to creativity». The article is disclosed psychodidactic bases of construction of school developmental course aimed at the gradual development of creative thinking of children and involving the actualization of the highest expressions of creative intelligence.

Keywords: creative thinking of pupils, restructuring, intelligence, giftedness, educational process.

References transliterated

Altshuller G.S. Kak nauchitsya izobretat / G.S. Altshuller. – Tambov: Tambovskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, 1961. – 128 s.

Ball G.O. Orientiryi sovremennogo gumanizma (v obschestvennoy, obrazovatelnoy, psihologicheskoy sferah): Izdanie vtoroe / G.O. Ball. – Zhitomir: PP «Ruta», Izdatelstvo «Volyin», 2008. – 232 s.

Gzhegorchik A. Obrazovanie buduschego / Andzhey Gzhegorchik // UkraYinskI varIanti. – 1999. – №3-4. – S. 43-46.

Gubenko A.V. Metod poiska analogiy (dlya detey ot 9 let i starshe) / A.V. Gubenko // Obdarovana ditina. – 2010. – №8. – S. 26-32.

Gubenko A.V. Metodika razvitiya neshablonnogo tvorcheskogo myishleniya detey «Obuchenie poisku skryityih vozmozhnostey» / A.V. Gubenko // Obdarovana ditina. – 2010. – №7. – S. 54-62.

Hubenko O.V. Rekombinatsiia y syntez vlastyvostei i funktsii obiektiv yak vazhlyva skladova tvorchoho protsesu (do problemy vdoskonalennia rozvytku tvorchoho myslennia) / O.V. Hubenko // Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota. – 2011. – №3. – S. 43-55.

Gubenko A.V. Ispolzovanie priemov perestrukturirovaniya i analogizirovaniya na urokah fiziki v sredney shkole s tselyu razvitiya tvorcheskih sposobnostey shkolnikov / A.V. Gubenko // Obdarovana ditina. – 2012. – №6. – S. 16-28.

Hubenko O.V. Rozvyvaiemo tvorche vynakhidnytske myslennia za dopomohoiu pryiomu zbilshennia-zmenshennia (dlia uchniv serdnoho i starshoho shkilnoho viku) / O.V. Hubenko // Obdarovana dytyna. – 2012. – №9. – S. 37-44.

Gubenko A.V. Diagnostika tvorcheskogo myishleniya v tehnicheskom izobretatelstve / A.V. Gubenko // Obdarovana ditina. – 2003. – #6. – S. 31-37.

Davyidov V.V. Novyiy podhod k ponimaniyu strukturyi i soderzhaniya deyatelnosti / V.V. Davyidov // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal. – 1998. – №6. – S. 20-26.

Dunker K. Struktura i dinamika protsessov resheniya zadach (o protsessah resheniya prakticheskih problem): Hrestomat. po obschey psihol. Psihologiya myishleniya / K. Dunker; pod red. Yu.B. Gippenreyter, V.V. Petuhova. – M.: Izd.-vo MGU, 1981. – S. 258-268.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 99-106 (pdf)

UDC 159. 922. 8: 17. 022.1

Hurlieva Т.S., Zhuravliova N.U.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The choice of values and senses in the context of self-determination in early youth: a psychotherapist’s view

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the features of the system of values and senses of Ukrainian youth in the conditions of vast differences of attitudes in modern society. What is meant by values is generalised cognitive and emotional sensemaking that has a certain socio-cultural content and integrates dominant personal motives into the system of significant conscious attitudes to reality. The ability of youth to make conscious and responsible value-sense choices is considered as conducive to personal development and solution of issues of self-determination and life choices. The paper outlines the priorities of psychological aid (individual and group one) with the complication of the process of value-sense self-determination to a young person. The article focuses on particular techniques of psychological work on the following subjects: studying the value systems and meaning of life of modern youth; moral enlightment of youth, support and motivating young people to moral development. The paper considers a number of technical means of working with the value-sense sphere: the awakening of the existence of a young person through dialogical interaction with them; psychotherapeutic elaboration of emotional and sensual states in the situation of choice in order to provide conditions for a free, conscius and responsible self-determination of young people concerning their own value-sense standpoints.

Keywords: values and senses, value-sense choice, personal development, self-determination, youth, priorities of psychological aid.

References transliterated

Bol’shoj psihologicheskij slovar’ / Sost. i obshh. red. B. Meshherjakov, V. Zinchenko, – SPb. : PRAJM-EVROZNAK, 2003. – 672 s. (Proekt «Psihologicheskaja jenciklopedija»).

Vasiljuk F.E. Psihotehnika vybora / F.E. Vasiljuk // Psihologija s chelovecheskim licom: gumanisticheskaja perspektiva v postsovetskoj psihologii. – M.: 1997. – S. 284-314.

Hurlieva T.S. Osobystisnyi vybir po vyskhidnii: psykholohichna dopomoha v kryzovykh umovakh / T.S. Hurlieva, N.Yu. Zhuravlova / Priorytetni napriamy rozvytku suchasnykh pedahohichnykh ta psykholohichnykh nauk: Zbirnyk naukovykh robit uchasnykiv mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (11–12 serpnia 2017 r., m. Odesa). – Odesa: HO «Pivdenna fundatsiia pedahohiky», 2017. – S.11-14.

Hurlieva T.S. Psykholohichna dopomoha kliientu u poshuku smyslu osobystisnoho isnuvannia zasobamy ekzystentsiino-humanistychnoho pidkhodu / T.S. Hurlieva // Teorii i tekhnolohii zastosuvannia suchasnykh pidkhodiv do psykhoterapii u vitchyznianykh sotsiokulturnykh umovakh: monohrafiia / Za zah. red. Z.H. Kisarchuk. – Kirovohrad : «IMEKS-LTD», 2014. – S.181-204.

Zhuravlova N.Yu. Sotsiokulturna spetsyfika psykhoterapevtychnoi roboty z fenomenom perezhyvannia v sytuatsii zhyttievoho vyboru / N.Yu. Zhuravlova // Teorii i tekhnolohii zastosuvannia suchasnykh pidkhodiv do psykhoterapii u vitchyznianykh sotsiokulturnykh umovakh: monohrafiia / Za zah. red. Z.H. Kisarchuk. – Kirovohrad : «IMEKS-LTD», 2014. – S.204-221.

Karpinskij K.V. Smysl zhizni i resursy ego realizacii: k ponimaniju mehanizmov lichnostnogo krizisa / K.V. Karpinskij // Psihologija. Zhurnal Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2012, T. 9, №4. – S. 3-33.

Ljengle A. Venskaja shkola jekzistencial’nogo analiza. Poisk smysla i utverzhdenie zhizni / Al’frid Ljengle // Psihoterapija, № 5 (161), Ch. 1, 2016. – S. 32-39.

Moljako V.A. Tvorcheskoe pojeticheskoe vosprijatie kak indikator talanta i genial’nosti (k 130-letiju so dnja rozhdenija A.A. Bloka) // Zb. nauk. prac’ Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni «Aktual’nі problemi psihologії» u 12 tomah / Za red. V.O. Moljako. – T. 12. – Vip. 11. –. Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2010. – S. 6-20.

Onyshchenko H.I. Tsinnisno-smyslovi oriientyry suchasnoi molodi: osoblyvosti, umovy i psykholohichna dopomoha / H.I. Onyshchenko, T.S. Hurlieva // Problemy zahalnoi ta pedahohichnoi psykholohii, 4 (13), 2011. – S. 253-259.

Orlov A.B. Jekzistencial’nyj analiz i klient centrirovannaja psihoterapija: shodstvo i razlichija / A.B. Orlov, A. Ljengle, V.B. Shumskij // Voprosy psihologii. – 2007. – №6. – S.21–36.

Pavlyk N.V. Tsinnisna determinatsiia moralnoho stanovlennia osobystosti v yunatskomu vitsi: zdobuttia nauk. stup. kand. psykhol. nauk 19.00.07 – ped. ta vikova psykholohiia / N.V. Pavlyk. – K., 2005. – 195 s.

Tytarenko T.M. Zhyttievyi svit osobystosti: u mezhakh i za mezhamy budennosti / T.M. Tytarenko. – K.: Lybid, 2003. – 376 s.

Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smysla.: Sbornik / Per. s angl. i nem.; Obshh. red. L.Ja. Gozmana i D.A. Leont’eva. – M.: Progress, 1990. – 368 s.

Jalom I. Jekzistencial’naja psihoterapija / I. Jalom. – M., 2000. – 576 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 107-117 (pdf)


UDC 316.61: 37

Demchenko O.P.

Vinnytsia Mikhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnitsa

Theorization of social giftedness through the scientific reception of the psychological concepts of giftedness

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The research results of social giftedness in the context of concepts of giftedness presented in the article. It was established that the availability of abilities in the field of social interactions, communication and leadership is recognized as a separate type of giftedness.The place of social giftedness in the classification according to the criterion of «breadth of manifestation» found out, two approaches of scientistsrevealed, which attribute it both to the general, and to the special giftedness.The notion of social giftedness expanded, it has been explained as a systemic psychological formation, which based on the presence of significant abilities in the field of communication, leadership, management; creative potential for the transformative activity in the «human-human» system; the ability to adapt to social reality, influencing on the events and circumstances, changing oneself and surrounding ones.

Key words: giftedness, abilities, social abilities, social giftedness, socionomic activity, creativity, orientation, adaptation.

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 118-129 (pdf)




Kozytska I.V., Kovalska O.O.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

«Focus osvity» LTD, Kyiv

Psychological features of self-esteem and level of demands of adolescents that belong to contemporary cosplay and letsplay subcultural groups

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reviews the peculiarities of self-esteem formation in adults who belong to cosplay and letsplay subcultural groups. Results are compared with individuals who do not belong to these groups. The differences between the level of self-esteem and the level of demands between individuals who belong to those groups and individuals who do not belong to those groups are confirmed. It is proved that the highest self-esteem and level of demands are demonstrated by the participants in the control group (adolescents who do not belong to subculture groups), the lowest are cosplay group (for self-esteem) and letsplay group (for level of aspirations). Relationships between the general self-esteem of adolescents with their own attractiveness, authority among others and self-confidence are presented.

Keywords: teenage, self-esteem, self-presentation, level of demands, self, subcultural groups cosplay and letsplay.

References transliterated

Samoilova E.O. Ontologicheskie komponenty fenomena kospleia / E.O. Samoilova // Fundamentalnye issledovaniia. – 2014. – N9 – S. 687-681.

Sedykh K.V. Delinkventnyi pidlitok: navchalnyi posibnyk / K.V. Sedykh, V.F. Morhun – 2-e vyd., dop. – K.: Vydavnychii Dim «Slovo», 2015. – 272 s.

Sitnikova E.N. Faktory i usloviia formirovaniia subkulturnoi gramotnosti sovremennogo podrostka / E.N. Sitnikova // Izvestiia VGPU. – 2013. – N10 (85). – S. 62-65.

Chen S., Chen K., Shaw L. Self-verification motives at the collective level of self-definition / S. Chen, K. Chen, L. Shaw // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 2004. – №86 (1). – Р.77–94.

Mruk, C. Self-esteem: Research, theory, and practice (3nd ed.). / C. Mruk. – NY: Springer Publishing Company, 2006.

Strauss, W., Howe, N. The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny. N.Y.: Broadway Books. – 1997.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 130-136 (pdf)



UDC 159.928

Korolyov D.K.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Personal values of intellectually gifted personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The work presents results of the empiric research of the gifted person’s personal values conducted using an in-depth structured interview. Subjects of the research were 2nd to 4th-year students and intellectually gifted adults with significant professional achievements. As a result, the author identified and described six kinds of life activities that are connected with the orientation to specific personal values and form with regard to giftedness manifestation certain lifestyles: emotionally rich, focused on comfort, versatile, utilitarian, focused on work and focused on the meaning of an activity. Within the analyzed kinds interconnection of significant achievements and the adoption of certain personal values indicates the important role of the latter in the regulation of the livelihood of a gifted person.

Keywords: gifted person values, intellectual giftedness, giftedness, personal, values.

References transliterated

Belanovskij S.A. Glubokoe interv’yu / Sergej Aleksandrovich Belanovskij. – M.: Nikkolo, 2001. – 320 s.

Bel’skaya N.A. Cennostnye orientacii starsheklassnikov s priznakami intellektual’no-akademicheskoj i tvorcheskoj odarennosti / N.A. Bel’skaya // Odarennyj rebenok. – 2016. – № 6. – S. 106-118.

Volodina E. P. Osobennosti zhiznennyh cennostej i ih dinamika u intellektual’no odarennyh molodyh specialistov-psihologov / E. P. Volodina// Byulleten’ VSNC SO RAMN. – 2015. – №4 (104). – S. 34-38.

Karandashev V.N. Metodika Shvarca dlya izucheniya cennostej lichnosti: koncepciya i metodicheskoe rukovodstvo / Viktor Nikolaevich Karandashev. – SPb.: Rech’, 2004. – 70 s.

Kvale S. Issledovatel’skoe interv’yu / C. Kvale. – M. : Smysl, 2003. – 301 s.

Klimontova T.A. Samoorganizaciya vnutrennego mira intellektual’no odarennyh starsheklassnikov: struktura i funkcionirovanie: dis. … doktora psihol. nauk : 19.00.01 / Klimontova Tat’yana Anatolievna. – Yaroslavl’, 2014. – 408 s.

Korol’ov D.K. Pіdhodi do doslіdzhennya cіnnіsnoї sferi obdarovanoyi osobistostі / D. K. Korol’ov // Aktual’nі problemi psihologіyi : Zbіrnik naukovih prac’ Іnstitutu psihologіyi іmenі G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini. –Tom VI. Psihologіya obdarovanostі. – Vip. 13. – S. 67-79.

Larionova L.I. Krosskul’turnoe issledovanie psihologicheskih osobennostej odarennyh studentov (na primere Rossii i Mongolii) / L. I. Larionova // Sibirskij psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – № 46. – S. 49-59.

Maslou A.G. Motivaciya i lichnost’ / Abraham Garol’d Maslou. – M.: Piter, 2011. – 351 s.

Mel’nichuk І. Cіnnіsno-smislovі orіyentacії obdarovanoyi molodі / Іrina Mel’nichuk // Naukovі zapiski KDPU. Serіya: Pedagogіchnі nauki. – 2010. – Vip. 91. – S. 146-150.

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Muzika O.L. Zvіt pro naukovo-doslіdnu robotu «Cіnnіsna determіnacіya stanovlennya obdarovanoyi osobistostі» (zaklyuchnij) / O.L. Muzika, І.M. Bіla, D.K. Korol’ov, O.O. Muzika, M.A. Snіzhna. – Elektronnі danі. – [Kiїv: Іnstitut psihologії іmenі G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraїni, 2017]. – Rezhim dostupu: – Nazva z ekrana.

Muzika O.L. Cіnnіsna pіdtrimka osobistіsnogo rostu / O. L. Muzika // Naukoviĭ chasopis NPU іmenі M. P. Dragomanova. Serіya №12. Psihologіchnі nauki: Zb. naukovih prac’. – K. : NPU іmenі M.P. Dragomanova, 2005. – №6 (30). –CH. ІІ. – S. 232-240.

Muzika O.L. Yak rozvivati obdarovanіst’ і chi mozhna її vtratiti?/ O.L. Muzika // Obdarovana ditina. – 2006. – №3. – S. 11-16.

Nepomnyashchaya N.I. Cennostnost’ kak lichnostnoe osnovanie: Tipy. Diagnostika. Formirovanie / Ninel’ Iontel’evna Nepomnyashchaya. – M.: Moskovskij psihologo-social’nyj institut; Voronezh : Izdatel’stvo NPO «MODEHK», 2000. – 176 s.

Speshilova T.S. Struktura cennostno-smyslovoj sfery lichnosti starsheklassnikov s razlichnymi formami odarennosti / Tat’yana Sergeevna Speshilova // Teoriya i praktika obshchestvennogo razvitiya. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 112-114.

Speshilova T.S. Cennostno-smyslovaya sfera, yeyo osobennosti i razvitie u starsheklassnikov s yavnoj i skrytoj formoj intellektual’noj odarennosti / Tat’yana Sergeevna Speshilova // Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. V.P. Astaf’eva. – 2011. – № 4. – S. 175-178.

Tihenko L.V. Sistema cіnnіsnih orіyentacіj іntelektual’no obdarovanih starshoklasnikіv / L.V. Tihenko, N.YU. Sidorenko // Osvіta ta rozvitok obdarovanoyi osobistostі. – 2012. – № 7. – S. 92-95.

SHCHerbatyh L.N. Opyt formirovaniya cennostnyh orientacij u lingvisticheski odarennyh shkol’nikov v processe obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku / L.N. SHCHerbatyh // Vestnik Bryanskogo gosuniversiteta. – 2013. – T. 2, №1. – C. 244-248.

Ehfa S.G. Problema cennostej i cennostnyh orientacij v filosofskoj i psihologicheskoj literature // Vestnik Sibirskogo gosudarstvennogo aehrokosmicheskogo universiteta imeni akademika M.F. Reshetneva // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov pod redakciej prof. G.P. Belyakova. – №2 (9), Krasnoyarsk: Izd-vo SibGAU, 2006. – S. 166-169.

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Silverman L.K. The Moral Sensivity of Gifted Children and the Evolution of Society / Linda Kreger Silverman // Roeper Review. – 1994. – №17 (2). – P. 110-116.

Sternberg R. J. Reflections on Ethical Leadership / Robert J. Sternberg // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. – London, NY: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. – P. 19-29.

Teo Ch.T. Eastern Perspectives: Moral and Volitional Education of Gifted Students / Chua Tee Teo, Yuanshan Cheng // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. – London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. – P. 241-251.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 137-152 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2

Kuznetsov A.I.

H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv

Spiritual abilities of a person as a psychological problem

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the concepts of spiritual abilities in foreign and domestic scientific theories. Spiritual abilities are characterized through the ability to transcendence, experiences of spiritual states, the ability to sacralize everyday experience, to use spiritual resources for life problems solving and self-improvement, to exercise good deeds and to sympathize with other transcendental, existential and moral abilities, through self-knowledge, self-control, self-control and self-improvement with the goal of self-development, through a system of qualities of spontaneity, insight, integrity, gender independence, humility, field independence, through social awareness and spiritual presence.

Keywords: abilities, spiritual abilities, spirituality, spiritual values, transcendental, moral and existential abilities, spiritual intellect.

References transliterated

Golovina E.Yu. Duhovnyiy intellekt kak determinanta moralnoy otvetstvennosti lichnosti / E.Yu. Golovina, T.B. Homulenko, K.I. Fomenko // TeorIya I praktika upravlInnya sotsIalnimi sistemami: schokvartalniy naukovo-praktichniy zhurnal. – H.: NTU «HPI». –2014. – № 4. – S. 51-58.

Ozhiganova G.V. Duhovnyie sposobnosti kak predmet psihologicheskogo issledovaniya / G.V. Ozhiganova // Razvitie psihologii v sisteme kompleksnogo chelovekoznaniya. Ch. 1. – M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2012. – S. 806-809.

Ozhiganova G.V. Psihologicheskie aspektyi duhovnosti / G.V. Ozhiganova // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal, 2010. – T. 31. – № 5. – S. 39-53.

Platonov K.K. Problemyi sposobnostey / K.K. Platonov. – M.: Nauka, 1972. – 312 s.

PsihologIchniy slovnik / Za red. V.I. Voytka. – K.: Vischa shkola, 1982. – 218 s.

Psihologicheskiy slovar / Pod obsch. red. A.V. Petrovskogo, M.G. Yaroshevskogo. – M. 494 s.

Shadrikov V.D. Duhovnyie sposobnosti / V.D. Shadrikov. – M, 1998. – 182 s.

Shadrikov V.D. Mentalnoe razvitie cheloveka / V.D. Shadrikov. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2007. – 289 s.

Shadrikov V.D. Psihologiya deyatelnosti i sposobnosti cheloveka: Uchebnoe posobie / V.D. Shadrikov. – M.: Izdatelskaya korporatsiya «Logos», 1996. – 320 s.

Diedrich W.F. Human Adulthood: A Spiritual Romance. Kindle Edition, 2014. – 363 p.

Golovina O.Yu. The spiritual intelligence as an integrating factor of human consciousness / O.Yu. Golovina // Вісник ХНПУ ім. Г.С. Сковороди. Психологія. – Х.: ХНПУ, 2016. – Вип. 53. – С. 21-28.

King David B., De Cicco Teresa L. Growing in Spiritual Intelligence // The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 2009. – V. 28. – P. 68-85.

Noble K. Fostering Spiritual Intelligence: Undergraduates’ Growth in a Course About Consciousness // Oxford Rewiew of Education, 2008. – № 26(2). – P. 263-288.

Wigglesworth C. SQ 21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence. – New York: Select Books, 2012. – 223 p.

Zohar D. Exploring Spiritual Capital // Spirituality in Higher Education Newsletter, 2010. – V. 5. – Iss. 5. – P. 10.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 153-159 (pdf)



UDC 159.9

Latysh N.M.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The junior pupils’ creative potential displays in the constructing tasks solving

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the analysis of junior pupils’ creative potential displays in the constructing tasks solving. The creative potential of a person is considered in accordance with the V.O. Molyako’s conception as a sphere of possible personality’s creative displays and contains a very wide range of specific components, namely: inclinations, general intelligence, interests, curiosity, emotional color of the cognitive processes, persistence, creativity, intuition, personal strategies and tactics of problem solving. The central, integral, systemic factor of the personality’s creative potential is the ability to creation, that is, the ability to constructive, non-standard thinking and behavior, as well as to the consciousness and development of their own experience. The peculiarities of the junior pupils’ creative potential displays in the process of constructing tasks solving are caused by the strategic orientation of the constructive plan’s development, that is, the dominant strategic tendency of analogizing, combining or reconstruction. It was revealed that the main reference points when constructing the future designs’ plan may be a structural analog; functional attribute; combining both structural and functional attributes. It was ascertained that the solving of creative constructing tasks contributes to activating the searching activity of a child, the development a child’s fantasy, intuition, imagination, originality of thinking and creative potential. Speaking about the activation of the personality’s creative potential, we mean the development and activation of the set of individual qualities, inclinations, abilities, which induce to the creative forms of behavior and the displays of creativity in any activity.

Key words: creative potential, creative task, constructing, strategies of analogizing, combining, reconstruction.

References transliterated

Il’in E.P. Psihologija tvorchestva, kreativnosti, odarennosti / E.P. Il’in. – SPb.: Piter, 2009. – 448 s.

Kul’chic’kaja E.I. Siren’ odarennosti v sadu tvorchestva / E.I. Kul’chickaja, V.A. Moljako. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2008. – 316 s.

Moljako V.A. Psihologija reshenija shkol’nikami tvorcheskih zadach / V.A. Moljako. – K.: Radjans’ka shkola, 1983. – 96 s.

Moljako V.A. Tvorcheskaja konstruktologija (prolegomeny) / V.A. Moljako. – K.: Osvita Ukrainy, 2007. – 388 s.

Psihologicheskie osnovy trudovogo vospitanija shkol’nikov / pod red. Je.A. Faraponovoj. – M.: Pedagogika, 1983. – 168 s.

Psykholohichne doslidzhennia tvorchoho potentsialu: monohrafiia monohrafiia / avt. kol., nauk. kerivnyk V.O. Moliako. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2008. – 208 s.

Stratehii tvorchoi diialnosti: shkola V.O. Moliako / za zah. red. V.O. Moliako. – K.: Osvita Ukrainy, 2008. – 702 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 160-166 (pdf)



UDC 159. 928

Marchuk K.A.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Secrets of literary gift of Hryhir Tyutyunnyk: the psychobiographic aspect

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the psychobiographic aspect of creation of the Ukrainian writer Hryhir Tyutyunnyk is exposed, pre-conditions of forming and conditions of development of his literary gift are marked. Connections between the meaningful periods of life of Hryhir Tyutyunnyk and literary works created by him are traced. Research focus is sent to micro- and macroenvironment of writer. The establishing fact of gift of Hryhir Tyutyunnyk is a presence of quality works of literature, highly valued by both contemporaries and next generations of critics, scientists and readers. In the time of life Hryhir Tyutyunnyk was the recipient of an award named by Lesia Ukrainka, and posthumously his creation was marked with state reward named by Тaras Shevchenko.

On a paternal line the writer inherited natural artistry, love to the vivid word, phenomenal memory especially visual. This inheritance afterwards allowed to him to create the special, original manner of prosecution of work: at first to «play» his heroes on public, and already then to write down on a paper. A major figure in forming of Hryhir Tyutyunnyk as personality and his becoming as a writer was his elder brother patronymic – Hryhorij Tyutyunnyk – also a writer, author of the known novel «Whirlpool», experienced and known at that time literary editor and critic. Exactly he created for a writer-beginner the quality literary school based on quality education and self-education, guided by objective critical remarks and editing. Frequent moves, change of activity spheres, intermingling with different people not only enriched vital experience of artist, that was afterwards transformed in literary material, but also developed thinking flexibility, independence in looks and judgements.

Biography of writer represents the presence of meaningful periods in his life and presence of clear connection between these periods and literary works created by him.

Keywords: creative personality, creative potential, literary gift, biographic method in psychology.

References transliterated

Vybrani tvory: Navchalnyi posibnyk / Uporiadkuv. peredm., prym. P. Zasenka. – K.: Hramota, 2006. – 400 s.

Hryhir Tiutiunnyk: «Z liubovi y muky narodzhuietsia pysmennyk...»: biobibliohr. narys / avt. narysu L.B. Tarnashynska; bibliohraf-uporiad. H.I. Hamalii; nauk. red. V.O. Kononenko; M-vo kultury i turyzmu Ukrainy, DZ «Natsionalna parlamentska biblioteka Ukrainy». – K., 2011. – 136 s. – (Shistdesiatnytstvo: profili na tli pokolinnia; vyp. 12).

Zdibnosti, tvorchist, obdarovanist: teoriia, metodyka, rezultaty doslidzhen / Za red. V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

Tiutiunnyk H. Iz shchodennykiv i zapysnykiv / H. Tiutiunnyk // Vichna zahadka liubovi. Literaturna spadshchyna Hryhora Tiutiunnyka. Spohady pro pysmennyka / [uporiadkuv. ta prym. A. Shevchenka]. – K., 1988. – S. 25-136.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 167-172 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.07

Muzyka O.О.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Sense-life orientations and life goals as factors of axiogenesis musically gifted students

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the results of a comparative study of the peculiarities of life goals of musically gifted students and students who do not show signs of giftedness. It is established that gifted students are distinguished from peers by the higher level of development of sensory-lifestyle orientations, both in general terms and in the indicators of individual scales. The vital goals of musically gifted students are related to musical professional activities. They are consistent in the time perspective: the realization close goals opens opportunities for reaching distant goals. A rather high level of claims is based on the valuable experience of the effectiveness of musical activity, which gives grounds for conclusions about the realism and reach of life goals. The inclusion of life goals in the axiogenesis of musically gifted students testifies the conscious use of musical activity, capabilities and abilities as means of personal self-development in the short-term and long-term perspective.

Key words: axiogenesis, values, sense-life orientations, life goals, musical gift, gifted personality.

References transliterated

Galuzyak V. M. Rozvitok profesіynoYi samosvіdomostі studentіv vischih navchalnih zakladіv: Monografіya / V. M. Galuzyak, K. V. Dobrovolska. – Vіnnitsya: TOV «NIlan-LTD», 2015. – 256 c. [in Ukrainian].

Kirnarskaya D. K. Psihologiya spetsialnyih sposobnostey. Muzyikalnyie sposobnosti / D.K. Kirnarskaya. – M.: Talantyi-XXI vek, 2004. – 496 s. [in Russion].

3. Leontev D. A. Novyie gorizontyi problemyi smyisla v psihologii / D. A. Leontev // Problema smyisla v naukah o cheloveke (K 100-letiyu Viktora Frankla): materialyi mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii / Pod red. D. A. Leonteva. – M.: Smyisl, 2005. – S. 36-49. [in Russion].

Leontev D. A. Test smyislozhiznennyih orientatsiy (SZhO). – 2-e izd. – M.: Smyisl, 2000. – 18 s. [in Russion].

Muzyka O. L. Tsіnnіsna determіnatsіya stanovlennya ta rozvitku obdarovanoYi osobistostі / O.L. Muzyka // AktualnI problemi psihologIYi: Zbіrnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologIYi іmenі G.S. Kostyuka NAPN UkraYini. T.VI: Psihologіya obdarovanostі. – Vipusk 11. – KiYiv-Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2015. – S. 6-19. [in Ukrainian].

Psihologіya zhittеtvorennya osobistostі v suchasnomu svіtі: monografіya / Za red. T.M. Titarenko. – K. : MIlenIum, 2016. – 320 c. [in Ukrainian].

Radchuk G. K. Psihologіchnі zasadi profesіynogo aksіogenezu osobistostі / G. K. Radchuk // Psihologіya osobistostі. – 2012. – №1. – S. 138–150. [in Ukrainian].

Radchuk G. K. Temporalnі harakteristiki osmislenostі zhittya studentіv / Radchuk G. K. // Pedagogіchniy protses: teorіya і praktika. – № 1 (52). – 2016. – S. 16-20. [in Ukrainian].

Tallibulina M. T. Muzyikalnaya odarennost: model strukturyi, metodyi viyavleniya i razvitiya: monografiya / M. T. Tallibulina. – M.; Berlin: Direkt-Media, 2016. – 309 s. [in Russion].

Tsіnnіsna determіnatsіya stanovlennya obdarovanoyi osobistosti: monografіya / Za red. O.L. Muzyky. – K.: Vidavnichiy DIm «Slovo», 2017. – 220 s. [in Ukrainian].

Shneyder L. B. Professionalnaya identichnost: teoriya, eksperiment, trening: uchebnoe posobie / L. B. Shneyder. – Moskva-Voronezh: MPSI: MODEK, 2004. – 600 s. [in Russion].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 173-180 (pdf)



UDC 159.922

Musiiaka N.I.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Schoolchildren’s attitudes to educational subjects as a personal determinant of their learning efficiency

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of an experimental study of schoolchildren’s attitudes to educational subjects as a personal determinant of their learning efficiency. The micro-genetic tendencies, determining schoolchildren’s personal effectiveness at the first stage of school study, at primary school, are recorded. Emotional attitude to educational subjects, as an indicator of a schoolchild’s emotional attitude towards learning, is characterized by a certain modality – positive, indifferent or negative, as well as by a degree of its manifestation. A dominant positive attitude towards educational subjects has been noticed in each of the groups of schoolchildren, created on the base of different levels of their educational achievements, and at each stage of their study at primary school. At the same time, there are significant differences between the groups of schoolchildren having opposing learning efficiency as for quantitative representation of this attitude. Growth of both negative and indifferent attitudes towards educational subjects was recorded with a decrease of educational achievements, which indicates an increase of schoolchildren’s emotional distress during learning. The analyses experimental data showed a statistically significant correlation between schoolchildren’s attitudes to educational subjects and their learning efficiency. The further research will involve studying of macro-genesis of schoolchildren’s attitudes to educational subjects as a personal determinant of their learning efficiency.

Key words: emotional attitude, schoolchildren, educational achievements, personal determinants, learning efficiency, attitudes towards educational subjects, attitudes towards learning.

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 181-187 (pdf)



UDC 159.923 + 159.928

Nykonchuk N.O., Zahurska I.S.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

How to help junior schoolchildren to adapt to school education

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The programme of value support for the development of abilities of junior schoolchildren by means of oral folk art can be used to adapt children to studying at school. The given programme was developed in view of the main theoretical propositions of the programme of skills development «Three steps» by O.L. Muzyka. The main means of value support are Ukrainian folk proverbs and sayings. The programme provides three areas of value support for junior pupils in the process of study: 1) value support for the reflection of studying activity; 2) value support for reflection of recognition; 3) value support for the reflection of cooperation. Different areas of value support can be combined or practiced separately. This article describes the peculiarities of the organization of value support for the reflection of the studying activity of junior schoolchildren. Three techniques are used for such support: 1) value support for the start of work; 2) value support for the work process; 3) value support for completion of the work. With the help of sayings and proverbs, the teacher develops awareness among the junior schoolchildren of the importance of each stage of work for its successful implementation as a whole, acquaints students with constructive methods and strategies of organization of activities, helps children to master themselves and overcome difficulties in critical situations during the training sessions.

Key words: primary school age, abilities, adaptation to school education, proverbs and sayings, reflection, studying activities, values support.

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 188-200 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2

Penkova O.I.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Values of self-improvement as an important condition for a person’s self-realization in family interactions

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals the role of self-improvement for a person’s self-realization in his/her family. The conceptual approaches determining the psychological content of adolescents’ self-improvement are analyzed. The article proves that the generalized results of self-cognition and emotional and value self-attitudes are implemented through the corresponding behaviour, which is the determining aspect of personal self-regulation. The results of the pilot study show that adolescents and their parents make a value choice based on the normative requirements of society by finding internal reserves to achieve a meaningful goal. In the process of self-actualization, adolescents choose only those values that play an important role in their lives.

Key words: personality, values, self-awareness, self-improvement, self-realization, behaviour.

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 201-207 (pdf)



UDC 159.943

Podofіeі S.O.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Self-determination of the subjectivity of a person in an action through interaction

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with theoretical approaches to understanding the socio-psychological features of the development of human subjectness and its self-determination in an act. The bases for the development of the study of the formation of the subjectivity of a young person in an act through the definition of the meaning of the I and the identification of it in activity, in interaction in a student's environment are covered. A survey was conducted among the students of the Pedagogical Institute.

First-year students are determined to focus on meeting emotional needs in interaction. It is directed by the initial social and professional vector in the situation of students' adaptation to interaction at the beginning of their education. In the process of educational and practical activity, the vector of key qualification is gradually activated. It is aimed at satisfying cognitive and behavioral needs (organizational and research). There was a tendency to orient students toward internal needs, which, in conditions of optimal organization of professional interaction, are realized in external actions for the result. The students' orientation in interaction was defined, and their needs and expectations from inclusion in professional interaction during practice were revealed. The internal and external factors (needs) of student interaction are determined, due to the socio-professional vector and the vector of key activity qualification. This reveals the mechanism of the psychological foundations of professional interaction of students in the conditions of educational and practical activities.

In the future, work is being considered to increase the activity of students. With the help of the method of socio-psychological training, students will be set up in accordance with the conditions for the action of motivational vectors.

Key words: subjectivity, act, self-concept, life situation, motivation.

References transliterated

Antsyferova L.I. Psikhologicheskoye soderzhaniye fenomena sub»yekt i granitsy sub»yektno-deyatel'nostnogo podkhoda / L.I. Antsyferova // Problema sub»yekta v psikhologicheskoy nauke. – M.: «Akad. proyekt», 2000. – S. 27-42. (Russian).

Berns R. Razvitiye Yа-kontseptsii i vospitaniye / R. Berns; per. s angl. M.B.Gnedovskogo, M.A. Koval'chuk / pod obshch. red. V.YA. Pilipovskogo. – M.: Progress, 1986. – 422 s. (Russian).

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Tatenko V.O. Sub'êktno-vchinkova paradigma v suchasníy psikhologíí / V.O. Tatenko // Lyudina. Sub'êkt. Vchinok: Fílosofs'ko-psikhologíchní studíí / Za zag. red. V.O. Tatenka. – K.: Libíd', 2006. – S 316-358. (Ukrainian).

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 208-213 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.075

Portnytska N.F., Radevych М.S.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

The corpus components of teenagers creative activity (based on the material of choreographic activity)

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The development of creativity is regulated by mechanisms of needs and values in teenage. It`s about motivational-value regulation of choreographic activity. On the other hand, there is a tendency to refuse creative efforts in joint activities in favor of the proper performance of adult tasks. Description of needs-value sphere`s components of teens in choreographic activity is presented in the article. Features of teens` attitude to accidental inventions (in the process of creative activity) is described. The results of empirical research permit to describe need`s sphere structure of youth, who included into choreographyc activity. We discovered that in regulated activity the main components are right way of doing, sense of belonging to a group of peers and mutual assistance. In the activity that is not regulated the main for teens is to achive some results, express yourself, get the recognition from the experts and peers. Teens includes inventions («false actions») in their creative activities for achieving original results and for improving the available actions. At the same time, choosing regulated activity as a main, is described by dominating of needs to be inclooded into social connections and a fear to have negative recognition from experts.

Key words: creativity, needs, teen age, values, inventions.

References transliterated

Bohoiavlenskaia D.B. Psykholohyia tvorcheskykh sposobnostei: Ucheb. pos. dlia stud. vыssh. ucheb. zavedenyi. – M.: YTs «Akademyia», 2002 – 320s.;

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Zdibnosti, tvorchist, obdarovanist: teoriia, metodyka, rezultaty doslidzhen / Za red. V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

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Muzyka O.L. Vzaiemodiia potreb i zdibnostei u rozvytku tvorcho obdarovanoi osobystosti / Muzyka O.L. //Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – K.: Vyd-vo «Feniks», 2014. – T.KhII. – Psykholohiia tvorchosti. – Vypusk 20. – S. 213-228.

Muzyka O.L. Portnytska N.F. Rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostei u nasliduvalnii diialnosti. Navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh nav¬chalnykh zakladiv. – Zhy¬to¬myr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2007. – 128 s.

Portnytska N.F. Eksperymentalne doslidzhennia osoblyvostei nasliduvannia v protsesi produktyvnoi tvorchoi diialnosti doshkilnykiv // Pedahohika ta psykholohiia profesiinoi osvity // Naukovo-metodychnyi zhurnal. – 2005. – №6. – S. 156 – 163.

Portnytska N.F., Atamanska O.A. Zmistovi skladovi potrebovykh mekhanizmiv tvorchoi aktyvnosti obdarovanykh yunakiv \\ Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Problemy psykholohii tvorchosti ta obdarovanosti: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats / Za red. O.L.Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – T. 14. – Vyp. 2. – S.179-186.

Savychenko O.M. Tsinnisno-motyvatsiini mekhanizmy rozvytku sportyvnykh zdibnostei // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Problemy psykholohii tvorchosti: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats // Za red. V.O. Moliako. – T.12. – Vyp..3iu – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I.Franka, 2007. – 318s., S. 233- 238.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 214-220 (pdf)


UDC 159.9.075+ 316.752.4

Savychenko O.M., Dobrovolska A.S.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Social responsibility of teenagers: age dynamics and gender aspect

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Features of the development of social responsibility of teenagers are analyzed in the article. The theoretical model presents problem of teenagers’ social responsibility in the age and gender aspects. Empirical research is based on the analysis of ethical dilemmas by teenagers’, which are presented in videos and relate to the main types of social situations: boiling, not helping out, ignoring request for help. Analysis of the results of the study allowed to identify the differences in the development of social responsibility of younger and older teens. It turned out that for both age categories the focus is on authority. For younger teens encouragement and punishment for socially desirable behavior, availability and compliance with established samples are also important. Older teens often declare orientation on human values and social contract. That is we can follow the dynamics from socially approved forms of social behavior the growth of social responsibility. Factor modeling of prosocial behavior allowed to reveal the main trends and note the difficulties in the development of social responsibility of girls and boys. Girls, although they claim their high morals and the importance of human values, in real situations try to escape punishment and remain a model of a «good girl». In the minds of teenage boys there is a certain dissonance which is connected with the fact that often reference persons who are models for imitation, do not show social responsibility. At the same time, adults (above all, parents and teachers) talk about human values, but do not always realize them in their behavior. Thus, modern teens, when making socially responsible decisions, face with a discrepancy between social requirements and socially significant values.

Key words: social responsibility, prosocial behavior, teenage, moral choice.

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 221-227 (pdf)



UDC 316.647.5:005.32:373

Tereshchenko K.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The influence of organizational and professional factors on the level of pedagogical workers’ tolerance

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the levels of development of the main types of teaching staff’s tolerance. The author analyzed the influence of organizational and professional factors on the main types and the general indicator of pedagogical workers tolerance. The influence of such organizational and professional factors as position, general work experience, work experience at the position, education type on individual types and the general indicator of pedagogical workers’ tolerance has been detected.

It has been found that the indicators of teachers’ tolerance were most influenced by the general work experience and less influenced by such factors as position, work experience at the position and type of education. It has been stated that work experience contributed to the development of teaching staff’s tolerance, however, after thirty-five years of work experience indicators of tolerance were shown to significantly reduce. The influence of education type on the general indicator of teachers’ tolerance was discovered. The pedagogical workers with humanitarian and technical education were more tolerant than the ones with natural, legal and economic education. To our opinion, it is expedient to develop a program of psychological support for pedagogical workers’ tolerance formation taking into account the above-mentioned organizational and professional factors.

Key words: tolerance, types of tolerance, general indicator of tolerance, organizational and professional factors, pedagogical workers, educational institutions.

References transliterated

Bardier G.L. Sotsialnaya psihologiya tolerantnosti / G.L. Bardier. – SPb. : Izd-vo SPbGU, 2005. – 188 c.

Briukhovetska O.V. Problema profesiinoi tolerantnosti kerivnykiv osvitnikh orhanizatsii / O.V. Briukhovetska // Visnyk pisliadyplomnoi osvity: zb. nauk. prats / Un-t menedzh. osvity NAPN Ukrainy / [redkol.: O.L. Anufriieva ta in.]. – K., 2005. – Vyp. 3 (16) / [holov. red. V.V. Oliinyk]. – 2011. – S. 214–219.

Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiia upravlinnia : navch. posib. / L.M. Karamushka. – K.: Milenium, 2003. – 421 s.

Olport G. Tolerantnaya lichnost / G. Olport // Natsionalnyiy psihologicheskiy zhurnal. – 2011. – №2(6). – S. 155–159.

Orban-Lembryk L. Tolerantnist yak osnova adekvatnykh vzaiemyn u polikulturnomu cviti / L. Orban-Lembryk // Sotsialna psykholohiia. – 2008. – №4. – S. 73–85.

Poliakova V.I. Sotsialno-psykholohichni problemy rozvytku gendernoi tolerantnosti pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv / V.I. Poliakova // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zb. naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy / [red. kol.: S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T.I: Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Sotsialna psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K.-Alchevsk: LADO, 2014. – Vyp. 40. – S. 156-160.

Pochebut L.G. Kross-kulturnaya i etnicheskaya psihologiya : uchebnoe posobie / L.G. Pochebut. – SPb.: Piter, 2012. – 336 s.

Psihodiagnostika tolerantnosti lichnosti / pod red. G.U. Soldatovoy, L.A. Shaygerovoy. – M.: Smyisl, 2008. – 172 s.

Constantine, M.G. School counselors’ ethnic tolerance attitudes and racism attitudes as predictors of their multicultural case conceptualization of an immigrant student / M.G. Constantine, G.V. Gushue // Journal of counseling & development. – 2003. – V. 81. – P. 185-190.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 228-236 (pdf)

UDC 159.95

Tkach B.M.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Effectiveness Evaluation of the Psychology Quest «The Hero’s Journey» Used for Neuropsychological Correction of the Main Forms of Deviant Behaviour

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article introduces the structure, development principles and effectiveness evaluation of the psychological quest «The Hero’s Journey» elaborated for neuropsychological correction of the deviant behaviour. It is specified that the psychological quest is created through gamification of the comprehensive neuropsychological correction program «Happiness» designed for people with deviant behaviour. It is pointed out that the work by Joseph Campbell «The Hero with a Thousand Faces» has been used to give the quest the appearance of a game, in addition, the game disguises problem diagnostics, classification of neuropsychological symptoms and neurocorrection. It is demonstrated that neuropersonology of a deviant underlies four ethnically meaningful archetypes which are socialized at the beginning and then changed and re-stabilized in the process of psychological quest. The goal of the quest is self-change, change of own beliefs through experiencing the journey throughout outer and inner world in the course of the game. The peculiarities of the brain gymnastics are outlined, it presupposes the work with cognitive and emotional sphere and the body. It is specified that participation in the psychological quest results in the shift of activity from the right to the left hemisphere, what is common for happy people. In addition, after the psychological quest its participants have acquired deviances-control skills, formed thinking culture, become self-contained, happy, decisive and ready to face challenges, increased their psychological competence in everyday and professional life.

Keywords: deviant behaviour, neuropsychology of happiness, brain malfunctions, neuropsychological diagnostics, neuropsychological correction, meditation.

References transliterated

Hrys A.M. Obraz Ya ta mekhanizmy psykholohichnoho zakhystu yak misheni psykhoterapevtychnoho vplyvu / A.M. Hrys // Aktualni problemy psykholohii. Sotsialna psykholohiia. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy, 2013. – №6 (1). – S. 219-227.

Kempbell D. Heroi iz tysiacheiu oblych / D. Kempbell. – Kyiv: Alternatyvy, 1999. – 392 s.

Krupelnytska L.F. Metateoretychne myslennia psykhoterapevta: model, doslidzhennia, prohrama rozvytku / L.F. Krupelnytska. – Kyiv: Heoprynt, 2012. – 283 s.

Maksymenko S.D. Rozvytok psykhiky v ontohenezi: Teoretyko-metodolohichni problemy henetychnoi psykholohii (T.1) / S.D. Maksymenko. – Kyiv: Vakler, 2002. – 319 s.

Goldberg E. The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind / E. Goldberg. – New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. – 251 p.

Seligman M.E.P. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment / M.E.P Seligman. – New York: Atria Books, 2004. – 336 р.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 237-252 (pdf)



UDC 159.99: 141.319.8

Kharchenko N.A., Shevchuk T.P.

Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna, Uman

Junior pupils creative abilities of in the light of the G.O. Ball scientific conception

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. A focus on the nature of the creative person considers more general intellectual habits, such as openness, levels of ideation, autonomy, expertise, exploratory behavior, and so on. A focus on place considers the circumstances in which creativity flourishes, such as degrees of autonomy, access to resources, and the nature of gatekeepers. Creative people have the ability to devise new ways to carry out tasks, solve problems, and meet challenges. Purpose of this study is to define more significant in pedagogical relation creativity of junior pupils in context of their interconnections with universal learning activities. On the basis of the obtained results there were specified and substantiated that most junior pupils are able to produce a sufficient number of original ideas in non-verbal and verbal form. Such pupils have high academic success, are characterized by a profound ingenuity and are capable of constructive creative activity. At the same time, there is a group of junior high school students who are not able to show creative activity without the help of a teacher. In the course of practical-experimental work, it is necessary to take into account the works of foreign and domestic researchers of the formation of a creative personality in the educational space, in particular, G.O. Ball works on rationalism and an integrative approach to the study of personality. Creative education considers the strengths, commonalties, and specific features of every individual, each group, and the existing systems. Considering these features, teachers should create favorable environments, select suitable strategies, and propose appropriate content and assessment.

Keywords: junior school age, humanization of education, principles of humanism, creativity, creative abilities, creativity, giftedness, learning.

References transliterated

Ball G.A. Normy dejatel’nosti i tvorcheskaja aktivnost’ lichnosti / G.A. Ball // Voprosy psihologii. – 1990. – № 6. – S. 25-36.

Ball G.A. Psihologija v raciogumanisticheskoj perspektive: [izbrannye raboty] / G.A. Ball. – K.: Izd-vo Osnova, 2006. – 408 s.

Druzhinin V.N. Psihologija obshhih sposobnostej: uchebnoe posobie / V.N. Druzhinin. – 3-e izdanie. – SPb.: Piter, 2007. – 368 s.

Matjushkin A.M. Odarennye i talantlivye deti / A.M. Matjushkin, D.A. Snek // Voprosy psihologii. – 1982. – № 4. – S. 88-97.

Psihologija tvorchestva / pod red. Ja.A. Ponomareva. – M.: Pedagogika, 1990. – 224 s.

Kharchenko A.S. Tvorcha skladova pryntsypiv suchasnoho humanizmu v osviti / A.S. Kharchenko // Psykholohiia i osobystist. – 2015. – № 2(1). – S. 214-229.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 253-258 (pdf)



UDC 159.92

Chaika G.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Personal autonomy: freedom or responsibility?

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article examines the concepts of freedom and responsibility through the prism of personal autonomy. The classical approaches to understanding of the «freedom» concept, as well as the modern work of national and foreign scientists in the field of the «personal autonomy» concept are discussed. Modern humanistic conceptions of a human being consider a person as a being of the nature (biological), as a social (cultural) being and as an existential (independent, free, the essence for oneself) being. Freedom is connected with awareness and understanding of the situation, with the possibility of a choice and responsibility for the choice made. The four main approaches to understanding the origins of autonomy in the work of contemporary foreign scientists are discussed. Changes in personal autonomy during human life are revealed, it is emphasized that the periods of adolescence and youth are sensitive to formation and manifestation of this personal quality. Development in adolescence is unambiguously determined by increased autonomy. The essence of the teenage crisis is that motive forces of personal development are shifted from outside to inside, into a person’s inner world, which is reflected in integration and development of the mechanisms of freedom and responsibility.

Key words: personal autonomy, freedom, responsibility, development.

References transliterated

Berdyaev N.A. Sudba Rossii. Samopoznanie: izbrannyie proizvedeniya / N.A. Berdyaev. – Rostov n/D: Feniks, 1997. – 541 s.

Burmenskaya G.V. Stanovlenie avtonomii rebenka kak problema issledovaniya i konsultirovaniya / G.V. Burmenskaya // Psihologicheskie problemyi sovremennoy rossiyskoy semi : materialyi Vtoroy Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii : v 3 ch. Ch. 1. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 2005. – S. 192-203.

Vyigotskiy L.S. Istoriya razvitiya vyisshih psihicheskih funktsiy / L.S. Vyigotskiy // Sobr. soch.: v 6 t. / Gl. red. A.V. Zaporozhets. – M.: Pedagogika, 1983. – T.3. – 369 s.

Karabanova O.A., Poskrebyisheva N.N. Razvitie lichnostnoy avtonomii podrostkov v otnosheniyah s roditelyami i sverstnikami / O.A. Karabanova, N.N. Poskrebyisheva // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, 2011 – Seriya 14: Psihologiya. – S. 36-47.

Leontev D.A. Lichnost v nepredskazuemom mire / D.A. Leontev // Metodologiya i istoriya psihologii. – 2010. –T.5. – Vyip.3. – S.120-140.

Leontev D.A., Kaliteevskaya E.R., Osin E.N. Lichnostnyiy potentsial pri perehode ot detstva k vzroslosti i stanovlenie samodeterminatsii / D.A. Leontev, E.R. Kaliteevskaya, E.N. Osin // Lichnostnyiy potentsial: struktura i diagnostika / Pod red. D.A. Leonteva. – M.: Smyisl, 2011. – 679 s.

Lukov M.Yu. Osobennosti lichnostnoy avtonomii podrostkov, obuchayuschihsya v obrazovatelnyih organizatsiyah srednego obschego i srednego professionalnogo obrazovaniya / M.Yu. Lukov // Vestnik Novgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – 2014. – № 79.

Maykova E.Yu. Sotsialno-filosofskaya kontseptsiya avtonomnoy lichnosti: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filos. nauk. – Moskva, 2015 – 21 s.

Mill Dzh. O svobode / Per. s angl. A. Fridmana // Nauka i zhizn. – 1993. – № 11. – S. 10-15; № 12. – S. 21-26.

Nartova-Bochaver S.K. Psihologicheskoe prostranstvo lichnosti. / S.K. Nartova-Bochaver – M: Prometey, 2005 – 312 s.

Revonsuo A. Psihologiya soznaniya. / Perevod s angliyskogo pod redaktsiey professora E.I. Nikolaevoy – SPb., 2013. – 610 c.

Sergeeva O.A. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie usloviya razvitiya avtonomii lichnosti v protsesse podgotovki studentov-psihologov: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filos. nauk. – Astrahan, 2007 – 22 s.

Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smyisla. / V. Frankl – M.: Progress, 1990. – 372 s.

Fromm E. Dusha cheloveka / E. Fromm . – M.: Respublika, 1992. – 429 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 259-266 (pdf)


UDC 159.923

Chykhantsova O.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Features of the manifestation of the personal hardiness

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the phenomenon of person’s hardiness and its value-semantic aspects.

It has been determined that hardiness can be a factor of optimal self-realization and psychological quality of person’s life and a key personal variable that mediates the influence of stress factors on somatic health and on the success of the activity.

The results of studies of components of hardiness, which are formed and developed as a holistic personality formation are presented. It has been established that the viability of the individual is due to a complex of interacting parameters. The hardy style includes a strong sense of Commitment, Control, and Challenge. The hardy style person is also courageous in dealing with new experiences as well as disappointments, and tends to be highly competent. The high hardy person is not impervious to stress, but is strongly resilient in responding to a range of stressful conditions.

The construct of hardiness was first introduced by Kobasa, who defined it as a resistance resource in the encounter with stressful situations. It is considered as a pattern of personality characteristics comprising three mutually related dispositions - commitment, control and challenge.

It is suggested that hardiness acts as a protective factor in stressful situations predominantly through cognitive appraisal and coping behaviors. , hardiness is considered as a man’s personality inventory, as a link between stressful life situations and illness and adaptation to conditions. According to this approach hardiness is a psychological analogue of person's vital lifeline which reflects the extent of overcoming and adapting by him to the given circumstances, of himself, as well as the extent efforts on self-improvement and on the circumstances of his life.

In conclusion, hardiness can be considered as an analogue of human life strength which reflects a measure of overcoming by himself certain life circumstances, oneself, as well as the amount of efforts, working on himself and on the circumstances of his life.

Key words: personal hardiness, hardiness’ components, values.

References transliterated

Aleksandrova L.A. K osmysleniyu ponyatiya «zhiznestojkost' lichnosti» v kontekste problematiki psihologii sposobnostej / L.A. Aleksandrova // Psihologiya sposobnostej; sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy issledovanij: materialy nauchnoj konferencii, posvyashchennoj pamyati V.N. Druzhinina. M.: «Institut psihologii RAN», 2005. C. 16-22.

Leont'ev D.A. Lichnostnoe v lichnosti: lichnostnyj potencial kak osnova samodeterminacii // Uchenye zapiski kafedry obshchej psihologii MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova. Vyp. 1 / Pod red. B.S.Bratusya, D.A.Leont'eva. M.: Smysl, 2002. S. 56-65.

Leont'ev D.A. Opyt strukturnoj diagnostiki lichnostnogo potenciala / D.A. Leont'ev, E.YU. Mandrikova, E.N. Osin, A.V. Plotnikova, E.I. Rasskazova // Psihologicheskaya diagnostika, 2007. № 1. C. 8-31.

Leont'ev D.A. Test zhiznestojkosti. / Leont'ev D.A., Rasskazova E.I. – Moskva : Smysl, 2006. – 63 s.

Libina, A.V., Libin, A.V. Reakciya na stress – zashchita ili sovladanie? / Differencial'naya psihologiya. Moskva, Smysl Per Se, 2000. – 549 s.

Psihologo-pedagogіchnі osnovi procesu samotvorennya osobistostі: monografіya / L.Z. Serdyuk, T.M. YAblons'ka, І.V. Danilyuk, O.І. Pen'kova, N.V. Volodars'ka [ta іn.] ; za red. L.Z. Serdyuk. – K.: Pedagogіchna dumka, 2015. – 197 s.

Tillih, P. Muzhestvo byt' // Izbrannoe. Teologiya kul'tury. – M. : YUrist, 1995. – S. 7-132.

Titarenko T.M. ZHittєstіjkіst' osobistostі: socіal'na neobhіdnіst' ta bezpeka: [navch. posіb.] / T. M. Titarenko, T. O. Larіna. – K.: Marich, 2009. – 76 s.

Fominova A.N. ZHiznestojkost' lichnosti. / A.N. Fominova. – Moskva : MPGU, Prometej, 2012. – 121 s.

SHevelenkova T. Psihologicheskoe blagopoluchie lichnosti / T. SHevelenkova, T. Fesenko // Psihologicheskaya diagnostika, 2005. №3, C. 95-121.

Bandura A. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control // N.Y.: W. H. Freeman & Co, 1997. – 604 p.

Bartone P.T. Test-retest reliability of the dispositional resilience scale- 15, a brief hardiness scale // Psychological Rep., 2007. – P. 943-944.

Besharat M.A. Relationship between hardiness and interpersonal problems / M.A. Besharat // Journal of Psychological studies. – 2009. – № 5(4) – S. 25-32.

Evan D.R. Personality, marital, and occupational factors associated with quality of life / D. Evan, J. Pellizzari, B. Culbert, M. Metzen // Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1993. Vol. 49, 4, P. 477-485.

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Khoshaba D., Maddi S. Early Antecedents of Hardiness // Consulting Psychology Journal. – Spring, 1999. – Vol. 51. – N 2. – P. 106-117.

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Peterson C., Seligman M.E.P. Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification // Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association; New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press., 2004. – P. 3-32.

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 267-273 (pdf)



UDC 159.938

Shamych O.M.

Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Kyiv

Comparative analysis of development of topical personal qualities at paralympic and healthy athletes

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The performed study has revealed that Paralympic athletes, having self-efficacy within the normative values, do not practically differ from healthy athletes as for this indicator. Paralympic and healthy athletes' indicators of self-organization are nearly the same and exceed the normative values for the most of them, indicating a general tendency to increased self-organization of people seriously involved in sports.

Despite the fact that the indicators of psychological well-being in general and its components of Paralympic athletes approximate the normative values, all these indicators were significantly worse than that of healthy athletes. The both indicators of self-determination (“"autonomy” and “self-expression”) is lower at Paralympian athletes in comparison with the healthy ones, which, given the meaning of these indicators, testifies quite objectively lower Paralympic athletes’ capability to control their own lives and choose the direction of their development, to make decisions determination their life course, to assume responsibility for it, and to experience own life as being in line with their desires, needs and values. The Paralympic athletes’ hardiness, in average, excesses the normative values, however, it is also noticeably lower than that of the healthy athletes. Also, all indicators of meaningful life orientations of the Paralympic athletes’ are essentially lower than those of the healthy athletes.

Key words: self-realization, personality, Paralympic athletes, promotion of self-realization

References transliterated

Bojko G.M. Psihologo-pedagogіchnij suprovіd sportivnoї dіyal'nostі plavcіv іz porushennyami psiho-fіzichnogo rozvitku v paralіmpіjs'komu sportі : monografіya / G.M. Bojko. – Poltava : TOV ASMІ, 2012. – 360 s.

Kokun O.M. Opty`mizaciya adaptacijny`x mozhly`vostej lyudy`ny`: psy`xofiziologichny`j aspekt zabezpechennya diyal`nosti: Monografiya / O.M.Kokun. – K.: Milenium, 2004. – 265 s.

Kokun O.M. Psycholohija profesijnoho stanovlennia sučasnoho fachivcia: Monohrafija / O.M. Kokun. – K.: DP "Inform.-analit. ahenstvo", 2012. – 200 s.

Mar'yasova D.A. Psihicheskaya adaptaciya sportsmenov-invalidov s porazheniem oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata : avtoref. diss... kand. med. nauk: 14.01.06; 14.03.11 / D.A. Mar'yasova. – M., 2013. – 25 s.

Maslov D. V. Zhenshchiny v paralimpijskom dvizhenii, shtrih k «psihologicheskomu portretu» / D. V. Maslov, A. A. Rudovskij // Materialy I Vserossijskogo kongressa «Medicina dlya sporta». – M., 2011. – S. 269-276.

Ovcharenko S.V. Planuvannia navchalno-trenuvalnoho protsesu futbolistiv-invalidiv z naslidkamy dytiachoho tserebralnoho paralichu v richnomu tsykli pidhotovky: Avtoref. dys... kand. nauk z fiz. vykhovannia i sportu: 24.00.01 / S.V. Ovcharenko ; Nats. un-t fiz. vykhovannia i sportu Ukrainy. – K., 2005. – 21 s.

Daďova K. Introduction to adapted physical activities / K. Daďova. – Prague: Charles University, 2007. - 82 p.

Ondrušova Z. Sport and doing sport s by the disabled posttraumatic return to life / Z. Ondrušova, R. Pitekova, M. Bardiovsky, Z. Galikova // Clinical Social Work. – 2013. – Vol. 4, № 2. – P. 65-70.

Semerjian T.Z. Disability in Sport and Exercise Psychology / T.Z. Semerjian // The cultural turn in sport psychology. Fitness Information Technology. – West Virginia: Fitness Information Technology, Inc., 2010. – P. 257 - 265.

Serdyuk L.Z. Psy`xologiya moty`vaciyi uchinnya majbutnix faxivciv: sy`stemno-sy`nergety`chny`j pidxid : [monografiya] / L.Z. Serdyuk. – K.: Universy`tet «Ukrayina», 2012. – 323 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 274-280 (pdf)

UDC 159.942.3

Yatchuk M.S.

National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv

Empathy as a criterion for the psychological competence of employees of the State Criminal Execution Service of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with empathy as a criterion for the psychological competence of employees of the State Criminal-Enforcement Service of Ukraine. The structure of empathy of employees of organs and penitentiary institutions was investigated and it was shown that the components are expressed in the following sequence: empathy penetration; rational channel of empathy; guidelines that reinforce empathy; intuitive canal of empathy; emotional empathy channel; identification in empathy. It was established that among the employees of organs and penitentiary institutions did not reveal persons with a high level of empathy, but those with a very low level of empathy prevail. The directions of raising the level of empathy as a criterion of psychological competence of the employees of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine are proposed: the formation of the focus on the state, problems, behavior of another person (convict, colleagues, etc.); development of the ability of employees of organs and institutions to execute sentences to sympathize with, empathize, assist other people (convicts, citizens, etc.); the formation of the ability of employees to predict the behavior of another person, in the absence of information about it, based on the experience contained in the subconscious; ensuring the formation of such an installation, the conviction that it promotes the openness of the rational, emotional and intuitive channels of empathy among employees of penitentiary institutions and institutions; development of the ability to bring trust, openness and sincerity to another person (convict, colleagues, etc.); the formation of the ability of the employees of the organs and institutions of punishment to put themselves in the place of another person and understand her feelings, inner world, behavior.

Key words: empathy, structure of empathy, level of empathy, psychological competence, professional activity.

References transliterated

Zhuravlova L.P. Psykholohiia empatii: [monohr.] / L.P. Zhuravlova. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2007. – 328 s.

Kushnirova T.V. Profesiino-psykholohichna pidhotovka pratsivnykiv DKVS shchodo neitralizatsii nehatyvnykh psykhichnykh staniv ta profilaktyky suitsydalnoi povedinky / T.V. Kushnirova– K.: «MP Lesia», 2014. – 60 s.

Moroz L.I. Profesijno-psyhologichnyj trening u stanovlenni osobystosti fahivcja (na prykladi pracivnykiv OVS): [monogr.] / L.I. Moroz. – Ivano-Frankivs’k: ZAT Nadvirn. druk., 2007. – 312 s.

Sakaliuk O.P. Empatiia yak sotsialno-psykholohichnyi fenomen / O.P. Sakaliuk // Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia: Pedahohichni ta istorychni nauky. – 2013. – Vyp. 110. – S. 147-153. – Rezhym dostupu:

Snitsa T. Osoblyvosti doslidzhennia formuvannia polikulturnoi kompetentnosti u maibutnikh ofitseriv prykordonnykiv / T. Snitsa // Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy : elektron. nauk. fakh. vyd. Seriia: Pedahohika. – 2016. – № 4. – Rezhym dostupu:

Chychuha M.M. Profilaktyka destruktyvnykh psykhichnykh staniv pratsivnykiv sotsialno-psykholohichnoi sluzhby ustanov vykonannia pokaran Ukrainy : dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk / Chychuha Maryna Mykhailivna. – Kh., 2016. – 265 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 281-287 (pdf)



UDC 159.953.2+952.3

Bakhvalova A.V.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Comparison of social and natural sciences students` motivation indicators

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article is about a problem of connection between motivation and giftedness. The last theories say that giftedness depend on internal motivation. Here we analyzed last articles about this topic and found some researches. All they about investigating the motives of giftedness children`s or growing some motives of children to make them cleverer. But there is a research about comparison of motivation`s indicators. This indicators show us the motivation of giftedness students’ different fields of study – social and natural sciences. We have used those methods: the test of V. Gerbacheskii (The level of the individual claims) and The scale of academical motivation by T.O. Gordeeva. The respondents of this research are students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Actually, we had two different independent samples of students: first are the students studying social sciences (psychology) and a second are students studying natural sciences (physics and radiophysics). As a result, we found statistically significant differences at indicators of avoidance motive, competition motive, estimation of task`s difficulty (scales of Gerbacheskii`s test); also at cognitive, introjected and self-esteem motivation (The scale of academical motivation). In this way, we can speak about motivation of giftedness youth that different depend on fields of study. We found students` of psychology have high external motives of study with even higher cognitive motivation. As about students of natural sciences, they were also cadets of military institute, so we had only men in our sample. Thus, results of students-cadets show us high indicators of avoidance motive, competition motive and estimation of task`s difficulty. At last, we give some suggestions to improve the educational program with tasks fitting to certain motives.

Key words: motivation, giftedness, students, student-psychologist, tech-man, cognitive motive, avoidance motive, academical motivation.

References transliterated

Gordeeva T.O. Motivacionnye predposylki odarennosti: ot modeli Dzh. Renzulli k integrativnoj modeli motivacii [Elektronnyj resurs] / T.O. Gordeeva // Psihologicheskie issledovaniya: elektron. nauch. zhurn. – 2011. – № 1(15). URL:

Volkova A.A. Issledovanie gendernyh osobennostej razvitiya socialnogo intellekta u studentov gumanitarnogo i tehnicheskogo profilya / A.A. Volkova // Pedagogika, pedagogicheskaya psihologiya i obrazovanie: sovremennye tendencii i evolyucionnyj opyt razvitiya: mezhdunar. nauchn. konf., 27-28 fev. 2013 g.: tezisy dokl. – Minsk, 2013. – S. 22-26.

Ibragimova E.N. Vnutrennyaya motivaciya lichnosti v razvitii odarennosti podrostkov / E.N. Ibragimova, L.M. Popov, E.A. Poluhina // Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Gumanit. nauki. – 2015. – №4. – S.183-188.

Oprosnik «Shkaly akademicheskoj motivacii» / T.O. Gordeeva, O.A. Sychyov, E.N. Osin // Psihol. zhurnal. – 2014. – T. 35. – № 5. – S. 98-109.

Pedagogika i psihologiya vysshej shkoly / pod red. M.V. Bulanova-Toporkova. – Rostov n/D, 2002. – 544 s.

Rajgorodskij D.Ya. Psihodiagnostika personala (Metodiki i testy): v 2 t. – T. 2. / D.Ya. Rajgorodskij. – M.: Bahrah-M, 2007. – S. 4-9.

Tolstyh E.M. Problemy aktivizacii i organizacii poznavatelnoj deyatelnosti studentov v medicinskom vuze / Elena Mihajlovna Tolstyh // Innovacii v nauke. – 2014. – № 39. – S. 153-157.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 288-295 (pdf)



UDC 159.92; 159.97

Goncharuk O.V.

TMU «Psychiatry», Kyiv

Pecularities of abilities reflection in women with mental disorders

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the term of reflection and reflection abilities as self-regulation mechanism of personality which can be developed consciously and purposefully. Results of research testify that in general women with mental disorders are able to reflect their abilities and skills. At the same time there is a decrease of ability to alternative thinking, uncritical attitude to one’s condition, distortion of values, motives and their semantic function, difficulties with correlation of real and desired skills, forming of life goals and plans for the future. The study of reflection is necessary to determine adaptive and compensatory mechanisms, to form adaptive ways of behavior which are relevant to current life situation.

Key words: reflection, reflection abilities, adaptive resource, readaptation, mental disorders, psychosocial rehabilitation.

References transliterated

Zejgarnik B.V. Patopsihologija / B.V. Zejgarnik. – M.: Izdatel’stvo Jurajt, 2014. – 367 s.

Zdibnosti, tvorchist’, obdarovanist’: teorija, metodyka, rezul’taty doslidzhen’ / Red. V.O. Moljako, O.L. Muzyka. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

Karvasarskij B.D. Klinicheskaja psihologija / B.D. Karvasarskij. – Spb.: Piter, 2004. – 553 s.

Karpov A.V. Refleksivnost’ kak psihicheskoe svojstvo i metodika ee diagnostiki // Psihologicheskij zhurnal, 2003. – T. 24. – №5. – S. 45-57.

Karpov A.V. Psihologija metakognitivnyh processov lichnosti / A.V. Karpov, I.M. Skitjaeva. – M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2005. – 352 s.

Lefevr V.A. Refleksija / V.A. Lefevr. – M.: Kogito-centr, 2003. – 496 s.

Maksymenko S.D. Medychna psyhologija / S.D. Maksymenko, I.A. Koval’, K.S. Maksymenko, M.V. Papucha. – Vinnycja: Nova knyga, 2008. – 520 s.

MKB-10: Mezhdunarodnyj klassifikator boleznej 10-go peresmotra [Elektronnij resurs]. – 1999. – Rezhim dostupu:

Olport G. Stanovlenie lichnosti / G. Olport. – M.: Smysl, 2002. – 464 s.

Najd’onov M.I. Formuvannja refleksyvnogo upravlinnja v organizacijah [Tekst]: dys. … dokt. psyh. nauk: / Najd’onov Myhajlo Ivanovych; NAPN Ukrai’ny, In-t psyhologii’ imeni G.S. Kostjuka. – K., 2010. – 434 s.

Nikolaeva V.V. O psihologicheskoj prirode aleksitimii [Elektronnij resurs] / V.V. Nikolaeva // Internet-zhurnal «Lomonosov», 4.11.2000. Rezhim dostupu:

Psyhologichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi’ osobystosti v osvitn’omu seredovyshhi: metodychnyj posibnyk / O.L. Muzyka, D.K. Korol’ov, R.O. Semenova. – Kyi’v-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I.Franka, 2015. – 146 s.

Rumjanceva T.V. Psihologicheskoe konsul’tirovanie: diagnostika otnoshenij v pare / T.V. Rumjanceva. – SPb.: Rech’, 2006. – 176 s.

Semenov I.N. Refleksija v organizacii tvorcheskogo myshlenija i samorazvitija lichnosti [Elektronnij resurs] / I.N.Semenov, S.Ju. Stepanov. – Rezhim dostupu:

Stepanov S.Ju. Psihologija refleksii: problemy i issledovanija [Elektronnij resurs] / S.Ju. Stepanov, I.N. Semenov. – Rezhim dostupu:

Holmogorova A.B. Integrativnaja psihoterapija rasstrojstv affektivnogo spektra / A.B. Holmogorova. – M.: ID «MEDPRAKTIKA-M», 2011. – 480 s.

Shadrikov V.D. Rol’ refleksii i refleksivnosti v razvitii sposobnostej uchashhihsja // Psihologija. Zhurnal vysshej shkoly jekonomiki. – 2012. – T.9. – №4. – S. 133-144.

Shhedrovickij G.P. Myshlenie. Ponimanie. Refleksija / G.P. Shhedrovickij. – M.: Nasledie MMK, 2005.

Jaspers K. Obshhaja psihopatologija / K. Jaspers. – M.: Praktika, 1997. – 1056 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 296-307 (pdf)

UDC 159.938

Evert O.V.

Humanitarian problems' Research Centre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kyiv

Peculiarities of negative mental states of military personnel under extreme conditions of their service

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article determined peculiarities of negative mental states of military personnel under extreme conditions of their service. There are several stages of changed mental states characterizing military personnel exposed to extreme factors: vital reactions, acute psychological-emotional shock with the phenomenon of supra-mobilization, psychological demobilization, resolution, initial recovery, retarded reactions.

The stressors related to combat and military operations are divided into physical (smoke, chemical compounds, difficult to access terrains, sleep deprivation, dehydration, malnutrition, etc.) and psychic (sensory overload or deprivation, uncertainty, unpredictability, isolation, loneliness, fear and threats, observation of military actions / dead bodies, acts of assassinations, etc.). Also, the combat stressors can be divided into specific and non-specific for a combat situation.

Extreme (pathogenic) factors of a combat situation contribute to psychogenic disorders, significantly accelerates their formation, aggravate their course, complicate combatants’ medical history with deep behavioral deviations. The main reaction of military personnel to combat events is combat stress, which includes all kinds of psychological and emotional stresses and arises as a consequence of dangers and requirements of combat missions or other military operations. Intense combat stress can lead to combat psychic trauma. There are three stages of such trauma development: acute stress response, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and chronic personal changes.

Key words: negative mental states, syndrome of post traumatic stress disorder, military servicemen, combat injuries, anti-terrorist operation.

References transliterated

Aleksandrovskiy Yu.A. Pogranichnyie psihicheskie rasstroystva: rukovodstvo dlya vrachey / Yu.A Aleksandrovskiy. – Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 1997. – 576 s.

Ekstremalna psykholohiia: pidruchnyk / za zah. red. O.V. Timchenka. K.: TOV «Avhust Treid», 2007. – 502 s.

Kokun O.M. Osoblyvosti nehatyvnykh psykhichnykh staniv viiskovosluzhbovtsiv, yaki berut uchat v ATO / O.M. Kokun, I.O. Pishko, N.S. Lozinska, O.V. Evert // Osobystisni ta sytuatyvni determinanty zdorovia: Materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (m. Vinnytsia, 23-24 lystopada 2017 r.). – Vinnytsia: TOV «Nilan-LTD», 2017. – S. 127-131.

Kotenev I.O. Oprosnik travmaticheskogo stressa dlya diagnostiki psihologicheskih posledstviy neseniya sluzhbyi sorudnikami OVD v ekstremalnyih usloviyah: metod. posob. / I.O. Kotenev. – M.: Akademiya MVD RF, 1996. – S. 3-27.

Osodlo V.I. Posttravmatychne zrostannia osobystosti uchasnykiv boiovykh dii: suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy / V.I. Osodlo, D.S Zubovskyi // Ukrainskyi psykholohichnyi zhurnal. – 2017. – № 1. – S. 63-79.

Reshetnikov M.M. Psihologiya voynyi: ot lokalnoy do yadernoy. Prognozirovanie sostoyaniya, povedeniya i deyatelnosti lyudey. / M.M. Reshetnikov. – SPb.: Vostochno-Evropeskiy Institut Psihoanaliza, 2011. – 496 s.

Suchasnyi bii i yoho vplyv na psykhiku voiniv: informatsiinyi dovidnyk / [E.S. Lytvynenko ta in.]. – K.: HUROS Zbroinykh Syl Ukrainy, 2013. – 44 s.

Khmiliar O.F. Posttravmatychnyi stresovyi rozlad: osoblyvosti diahnostyky ta proiaviv u uchasnykiv antyterorystychnoi operatsii / O.F. Khmiliar, D.S Zubovskyi // Tekhnolohii rozvytku intelektu. – 2016. – Vyp. 2. – № 3. – S. 137-154.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 308-314 (pdf)


UDC 159.9 (092) (477.84)

Zahurska E.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Spiritual values in the skills sructure of literary-gifted personality: views of D.M. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: According to D.M. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi, one of the important components of the psychology of a literary gifted personality is spirituality. Modern scholars point out that the system of values, in the context of which spirituality operates, includes moral and civic values, among which the most important place is occupied by such ones as the feelings of patriotism, identity with the national community; a deep awareness of the role of the mother tongue in the life of the nation, the state; responsibility for the nation's destiny, etc. All these spiritual values were taken into account by D.M. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi in his studies of a literary gifted personality.

He regards the moral principle as a psychic phenomenon, emphasizing its dual nature: individual and social. The value of a gifted person is all the more so that his or her creativity leads to the progress of not only science and art, but humanity. The essence of the views of D.M. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi on the problems of morality can be expressed in this way: morality is in its essence cosmic, but in its orientation, it is anthropocentric. The components of the moral structure of a gifted personality are, in the opinion of the researcher, the deep truthfulness of thinking, the sincerity of cognitive processes, the aspiration, the inexorable nature of the categorical imperative of morality.

The peculiarities of the religiousness of a gifted personality are also considered by the scientist through the prism of nationality, in some cases equating it with the notion of "blood" (H. Heine). The scientist left most of the arguments about the psychological foundations of the religiosity of M. Gogol, defining the writer as a not only religious but also mystical character.

Consequently, the question of the role of spiritual values for the development of a literary gifted personality became the starting point of the scientist's reflection not only about the fate of culture, but also of all mankind.

Key words: spirituality, morality, psychology of religiosity, literary gifted personality, apperception, economy of human psychic energy.

References transliterated

Vykhovannia dukhovnosti osobystosti: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk / [M.Y. Boryshevskyi, L.I. Pylypenko, O.I. Penkova ta in.]; za zah. red. M.Y. Boryshevskoho. – Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2013. – 104 s.

Krutous V. P. Estetyka y vremia. Knyha vzaymootrazhenyi / V. P. Krutous. – SPb.: Aleteiia, 2012. – 672 s.

Muzyka O.L. Dukhovnist obdarovanoi osobystosti: sub’iektno-tsinnisnyi pidkhid do doslidzhennia / O.L. Muzyka // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – Tom IKh: Zahalna psykholohiia. Istorychna psykholohiia. Etnichna psykholohiia. Vypusk 9. – K.: Talkom, 2016. – S. 357-367.

Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. Voprosy psykholohyy tvorchestva: Pushkyn. Heine. Hete. Chekhov. K psykholohyy mysly y tvorchestva / D. N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi. – M.: Knyzhnyi dom «LYBROKOM», 2009. – 301 s. (Yz nasledyia myrovoi psykholohyy).

Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. Hohol / D. N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi // Sobranye sochynenyi. – T. 1. – SPb.: Yzdanye Y. L. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskoi, 1912. – 197 s.

Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. Y.S. Turhenev / D.N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi // Sobr. sochynenyi: v 9 t. – T. 2. – SPb.: Obshchestvennaia polza: Prometei, 1909. – [3], 271, [1] s.

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Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. Lyteraturno-krytycheskye raboty: v 2 t. / D.N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi. – M.: Khudozhestvennaia lyteratura, 1989. – T. 2. – 526 s.

Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. O znachenyy nauchnoho yazykoznanyia dlia psykholohyy mysly / D.N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi // Voprosy teoryy y psykholohyy tvorchestva / Yzd.-sostavytel B.A. Lezyn. – Kharkov, 1907. – S. 1-20.

Puankare A. Nauka y nravstvennost / A. Puankare // Voprosy teoryy y psykholohyy tvorchestva. – T.VII. – Kh., 1916. – C. 191-217.

Rainov T. «Psykholohyia tvorchestva» Ovsianyko-Kulykovskoho / T. Rainov // Voprosy teoryy y psykholohyy tvorchestva. – T.5. – Kh., 1914. – S. VIII – XVI.

Rybalka V.V. Slovnyk iz psykholohii ta pedahohiky obdarovanosti i talantu osobystosti: terminolohichnyi slovnyk / V.V. Rybalka // Kyiv, Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2016. – 424 s.

Sykorskyi Y.A. O psykholohycheskykh osnovakh natsyonalyzma / Y.A. Sykorskyi. – K.: Typohrafyia tovaryshchestva Y.N. Kushnerev y Ko, 1910. – 15 s.

Sukhykh S.Y. Psykholohycheskoe lyteraturovedenye D.N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskoho. Yz lektsyi po ystoryy russkoho lyteraturovedenyia / S.Y. Sukhykh. – Nyzhnyi Novhorod: Yzdatelstvo «KyTyzdat», 2001. – 120 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 315-321 (pdf)



UDC: 159.9

Zelenska Z.P.

Kyiv-Pechersk Lyceum № 171 «Leader», Kyiv

The development of the individual communicative competence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes scientific sources on the problem of development of the individual communicative competence. The content of the concepts of «personality», «personality development», «communication», «converse», «competence» and «communicative competence» are analyzed and specified. It is highlighted the essentiality, structure and ways of development of communicative competence in personality. Three main components of communication are considered: communicative, interactive and perceptual. Also, communication can be creative and reproductive, deep and perfunctory, manipulative and subjective. The process of communication can be evaluated by several criteria, first of all, by the effectiveness of communication and the degree of satisfaction of the need to express their feelings. Communicative competence is the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with others, a certain set of knowledge, skills that provide effective communication, including the ability to change the depth and range of communication, to understand and to be clear to the partner in the communication process. The communicative competence contains integral components: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The development of the communicative competence of the individual involves both the acquisition of knowledge, skills and experience, and correction, the change of the forms of communication that have developed.

Key words: personality, personality development, communication, converse, communicative competence.

References transliterated

Andreeva G.M. Socialnaya psihologiya / G.M. Andreeva. – M.: Aspekt Press, 1996. – 376 s.

Vvedenie v prakticheskuyu socialnuyu psihologiyu / pod red. Yu.M. Zhukova, L.A. Petrovskoj, O.V. Solovevoj. – M.: Smysl, 1996. – S. 156.

Grigoreva T.G. Osnovy konstruktivnogo obsheniya. Hrestomatiya / T.G. Grigoreva, T.P. Usolceva. – Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Novosibirskogo universiteta; M.: Sovershenstvo. – M., 1997. – S. 100.

Gulenko V.V. Socionika dlya rukovoditelya / V.V. Gulenko, A.V. Molodcov. – K: MZUUP, 1993. – 128 s.

Zhukov Yu.M. Diagnostika i razvitie kompetentnosti v obshenii / Yu.M. Zhukov, L.A. Petrovskaya, P.V. Rastyaniikov – M., 1990. – S. 28.

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Korniiaka O.M. Rozvytok komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti osobystosti v suchasnomu sotsiokomunikatyvnomu prostori / O.M. Korniiaka // Materialy II Vseukrainskoho psykholohichnoho konhresu, prysviachenoho 110 richnytsi vid dnia narodzhennia H.S. Kostiuka (19-20 kvitnia 2010 roku). – S. 140-145.

Levi V. Iskusstvo byt soboj. Individualnaya psihotehnika / V. Levi. – M.: Prosveshenie, 1991. – 256 s.

Maksimenko S.D. Psihologiya uchinnya lyudini: genetiko-modelyuyuchij pidhid: monografiya / S.D. Maksimenko. – K.: Vidavnichij Dim «Slovo», 203. – 592 s.

Obshenie i optimizaciya sovmestnoj deyatelnosti / Pod red. G.M. Andreevoj. – M.: 1987. – 297 s.

Psihologiya. Slovar / Pod obsh. red. A.V. Petrovskogo, M.G. Yaroshevskogo. – M.: Politizdat, 1990. – 494 s.

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Osnovy obshej psihologii / S.L. Rubinshtejn. – SPb.: Piter, 1998. – 720 s.

Suchasnij slovnik inozemnih sliv / Uklad. O.I. Skopenko, T.V. Cimbalyuk. – K.: Dovira, 2006. – 789 s.

Cukerman G.A. Psihologiya samorazvitiya / G.A. Cukerman, B.M. Masterov. – M.: Interpraks, 1995. – 288 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 322-329 (pdf)


UDC 159.922+159.943

Kuzina V.D.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The model of interrelation between perfectionism and professional identity of the officer’s personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article psychological peculiarities of the empirical indicators of perfectionism and professional identity of the person in the researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists are considered. The role of professional aspirations, active life position, self-confidence, ability to successfully orientate in new life situations, readiness for risk, expectations from the future and aspirations to realize the goal, independence and orientation to their own standards, ideas about the range of their own potential and effectiveness, satisfaction with the activity as indicators of the development of normal or pathological perfectionism. The significance of representations about the profession, about self-professional and colleagues, self-adaptation to itself as a competent and authoritative professional, perception of the attitude of others towards self-professional, the integrity of the professional «self-image», self-esteem, professional self-esteem, experience of professional demand for the development of professional identity of an officer’s personality is determined. The model of the relationship between perfectionism and professional identity of the officer is developed on the basis of a holistic system of criteria and indicators. The model of the model is based on the correlation of indicators of perfectionism and professional identity with cognitive-reflexive, subjective-personal, operative-regulatory, performance-activity criteria.

Keywords: personality, perfectionism, professional identity, officer, military and professional activities, criterion, index, model.

References transliterated

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Borysiuk, A.S. (2010). Profesiina identychnist medychnoho psykholoha: sotsialno-psykholohichnyi analiz [Professional identity of a medical psychologist: a socio-psychological analysis]. – Chernivtsi: Knyhy [in Ukrainian].

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 330-338 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2

Kurbatova А.О.

Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Kyiv

Principle-semiconductor regulation of professional self-identification of personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals the value-semantic sphere as a central personality formation that influences its behavior in each particular situation and determines the general orientation of its life, helping to comprehend their existence, the surrounding phenomena and the world as a whole.

It is substantiated that the value-semantic sphere is a dynamic functional system that forms the meanings and goals of human life and regulates the ways of their achievement; the formation of personality values is a complex and multifaceted process, the dynamics of which is particularly clearly manifested in adolescence, which is sensitive to the formation of a system of values, meanings, value orientations as a sustainable formation of personality.

Professional self-determination of persons with disabilities means active, conscious, purposeful activity of the individual, to determine their own professional orientation opportunities, to search and choose the scope of future activity, self-rehabilitation, self-correction, self-compensation of own opportunities in the process of implementing professional life plans, taking into account the limitations of their health.

It is shown that the success of professional self-determination depends on the connection of the system of personal meanings, values with the choice of professional activity. In this case, the subjective values of man are combined with priorities, values, specifics of professional activity, forming a value-sense unity.

Key words: professional self-determination, value-semantic sphere, system of personal meanings, professional plans, self-rehabilitation, self-correction, self-compensation.

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 339-347 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.01

Maksom K.

Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv

Emotional intelligence: basic conceptual approaches and structural models of socio-psychological phenomenon

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the basic conceptual approaches to the definition of emotional intelligence as a socio-psychological phenomenon in the work of foreign and domestic scientists. On the basis of the analysis of the history of the formation of the concept, the main models of emotional intelligence are highlighted, which are relevant for today. These include the J. Mayer`s and P. Salovey`s model of the capabilities, the D. Goleman`s model, the R. Bar-On`s model, the D. Lyusin`s model, the dispositional model of emotional intelligence and the information re-processing model. The advantages and weaknesses of the selected approaches and methods of diagnosing the emotional intelligence based on them are described. Based on the analysis of theoretical and applied achievements of scientists in the study of emotional intelligence, a structural model was proposed that combines the structural components of emotional intelligence with their functional orientation. According to the results of the theoretical study of the problem of the conceptualization of emotional intelligence as a socio-psychological phenomenon, this functional structural model includes cognitive, affective and constructive components, and describes the forms of manifestation and functionality of each of them. It should be noted that the presented structural components are closely interrelated and their separate development will not produce the desired results. However, this model allows you to choose a set of exercises and their sequence for the gradual development of the necessary abilities and qualities. All three distinguished structural elements perform a communicative function that emphasizes the significant influence of emotional intelligence on communicative personality skills, which in turn contributes to the success of human life in society.

Key words: emotional intelligence, mixed models, model of abilities, structural model, conceptualization, cognition, emotions, measurement methods.

References transliterated

Mayer J.D. A new field guide to emotional intelligence. / J.D. Mayer // Emotional intelligence in everyday life. – 2006. – №2. P.3-26.

Mayer J.D., Salovey P., Caruso D.R. Models of Emotional Intelligence // Sternberg R. Handbook of Intelligence. – Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000. – P. 396-420.

Goulman D. Jemocional’nyj intellekt / D. Goulman. – M.: AST, 2008. – 478 s.

Nosenko E.L. Emocіjnij іntelekt jak forma projavu vazhlivoї skladovoї osobistіsnogo potencіalu – refleksivnoї svіdomostі / E.L. Nosenko // Vіsnik Dnіpropetrovs’kogo unіversitetu. Ser.: Pedagogіka і psihologіja. – 2012. – T. 20, vip. 18. – S. 116-122.

Sobchenko O.M. Zdіbnostі u strukturі emocіjnogo іntelektu jak faktor formuvannja osobistostі. / O.M. Sobchenko // Nauka. Relіgіja. Suspіl’stvo. – 2010. – №4. – S.85-87.

Jurkevich V.S. Problema jemocional’nogo intellekta / V.S. Jurkevich // Vestnik prakticheskoj psihologii obrazovanija. – 2005. – № 3(4). – S. 4-10.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 348-355 (pdf)



UDC 159.98

Melnik O.V.

The Cherkasy Oblast Veterans's Hospital, Cherkasy

Applying the metaphorical cards in psychotherapeutic work with ATO combatants

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The relative efficacy of metaphorical associative cards as one of the different psychological treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is unclear. Post-war adaptation of combatants is considered in the context of a battle trauma in general and post-traumatic stress disorder in particular, some studies are devoted to the impact of art therapy on their rehabilitation. Posttraumatic growth is the experience of positive change that occurs as a result of the struggle with highly challenging life crises. It is manifested in a variety of ways, including an increased appreciation for life in general, more meaningful interpersonal relationships, an increased sense of personal strength, changed priorities, and a richer existential and spiritual life. According to the results of the empirical study, the age-specific features of PTSD (avoidance and intrusion), the severity of post-traumatic growth and its association with the traumatic event have been determined. It was established that Antiterrorist Operation personnel’s experience the action of a number of strong stressors, which are accompanied by stress factors directly in the area of hostilities. At the same time, few potentially projective factor provides participants of ATO of all ages from traumatic disorders. According to the results of the study, it was found that a high level of posttraumatic growth is characteristic for much participants of the ATO, regardless of age, it always expressed more in the presence of a traumatic event, that is, with PTSD. In order to social adaptation in the post-war life, ATO combatants should include traumatic experiences in their own world, but not deny them, considered as the part of theirs experiences.

Keywords: ATO combatants, psychological help, adaptation, PTSD, posttraumatic growth, metaphorical associative cards.

References transliterated

Mikhina I.M. (2003) Rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostej doshkiljnykiv zasobamy terapevtychnoji metafory. Cand, Diss. [The preschoolers creative abilities development by the means of therapeutic metaphor]. Ivano-Frankivsjk, 23 p. (in Ukrainian).

Petrovskiy V.A. (1975) K psikhologii aktivnosti lichnosti [The psychology of personality activity]. Voprosy psikhologii. [Voprosy Psychologii], no. 3, pp. 26-38 (in Russian).

Rodzhers N., & Orlov A.B. (1995). Put k tselostnosti: cheloveko-tsentrirovannaya terapiya na osnove ekspressivnykh iskusstv [The Path to Integrity: Human-Centered Therapy Based on Expressive Arts]. Voprosy psikhologii [Voprosy Psychologii], no. 1, pp. 132-139 (in Russian).

Jungh K.Gh. (2016) Aion. Narysy shhodo symvoliky samosti [Aion. Essays on the symbols of self]. – Ljviv: Astroljabija, 432 p. (in Ukrainian).

Bisson, J.I. (2007). Post-traumatic stress disorder. Occupational medicine, 57(6), 399-403.

Van der Kolk, B.A., & Fisler, R. (1995). Dissociation and the fragmentary nature of traumatic memories: Overview and exploratory study. Journal of traumatic stress, 8(4), 505-525.

Vontress, C.E., & Jackson, M.L. (2004). Reactions to the multicultural counseling competencies debate. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26(1), 74-80.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 356-361 (pdf)



UDC 159.942

Mogilyasta S.M.

Kyiv-Pechersk Lyceum № 171 «Leader», Kyiv

Analysis of theoretical approaches for the researching emotional intelligence of a personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article covers the analysis of theoretical approaches for researching of emotional intelligence. Western and domestic theories and models of emotional intelligence are considered.

In the domestic psychology the idea of unity of passion and intelligence is presented, the stable connection between affective and cognitive processes is traced. An analogue of the term «emotional intelligence» is the concept of «emotional thinking». The researchers: the correlation of emotional intelligence with the indicators of adaptability, acceptance of oneself and others, emotional comfort and negative connection with external control were revealed; Enrichment of the interpersonal component of emotional intelligence; the idea of belonging of separate subjects to a special social giftedness, which manifests itself through the unity of intellectual, emotional and communicative abilities, is put forward and forms the psychological basis for the success of their communication with others.

There are three general definitions of emotional intelligence: the ability to deal with the inner environment of their feelings and desires; as the ability of understanding the personality’s relations, represented in emotions, and to manage the emotional sphere on the basis of intellectual analysis and synthesis; as a combination of emotional, personal and social abilities that affect the overall ability to cope effectively with environmental requirements and pressures.

Psychological science combines the term «emotional intelligence» with the knowledge and ability of people to understand and control their own emotions, emotions of others, to understand their own feelings and feelings of others.

Key words: intelligence, emotion, emotional intelligence (EQ), theory of emotional intelligence, models of emotional intelligence.

References transliterated

Andreeva I.N. Jemocional’nyj intellekt kak fenomen sovremennoj psihologii / Irina Nikolaevna Andreeva. – Novopolock: PGU, 2011. – 388 s.

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Brushlinskij A.V. Psihologija sub’ekta v izmenjajushhemsja obshhestve / Andrej Vladimirovich Brushlinskij // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1997. – T. 18. – № 2. – S. 18-32.

Goulman D. Jemocional’noe liderstvo: Iskusstvo upravlenija ljud’mi na osnove jemocional’nogo intellekta / Djeniel Goulman, Richard Bojacis, Jenni Makki; [per. s angl.]. – M.: Al’pina Biznes Buks, 2005. – 301 s.

Garskova G.G. Vvedennja ponjattja «emocіjnij іntelekt» u psihologіchnu teorіju // Tez. nauk.-prakt. konf. «Anan’їvs’kij chitannja». SPb.: Izd-vo SPb. un-tu, 1999. – S. 25-26.

Gladkih A.G. Jemocional’nyj intellekt molodyh ljudej, uroven’ ih adaptivnosti i stepen’ socializacii / A.G. Gladkih // Psihologija XXI veka: tez. mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. stud. i aspirantov, Sankt-Peterburg, 20–22 apr. 2006 g.; pod red. B.V. Chesnokova. – SPb.: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterb. un-ta, 2006. – S. 362-364.

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Mayer J.D. A field guide to emotional intelligence / J.D. Mayer; in J.P. Ciarrochi, J.P. Forgas, J.D. Mayer (Eds) // Emotional intelligence in everyday life. Philadelphia. – P.A.: Psychology Press. – 2001. – P. 3-24.

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 362-369 (pdf)



UDC 159.938

Pavlenko T.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Differences in the development of the communicative sphere in girls and boys in adolescent age

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article defines the personality qualities of the adolescent which can act as internal factors of the development of the communicative sphere, as well as analyze their influence separately from the girls and boys. Comparison of average Student criteria and correlation analysis allowed to determine the common and distinctive features in the development of the communicative sphere of adolescents. It was found that personal qualities can both positively and negatively affect the development of communicative properties. As a result, a number of internal factors, which can promote the development of communicative abilities of a teenager, are identified. As a result, a number of factors have been identified, working with which one can contribute to the development of the communicative abilities of the adolescent. Taking into account gender differences in the development of the communicative sphere of the given age will allow to create a more qualitative program of development and formation of the personality.

Key words: adolescent age, communicative properties, correlation analysis, communication, teenager, personality traits.

References transliterated

Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. PsihologIya spіlkuvannya v dityachomu vіtsі/ B.S. Volkov, N.V. Volkova. – SPb.: Piter, 2008. – 272 s.

Hlushko L.O. Chynnyky formuvannia vpevnenosti u sobi v shkoliariv pidlitkovoho viku / L.O. Hlushko // Aktualni problemy sotsiolohii, psykholohii, pedahohiky. – K. – № 14. – 2012. – S. 103-112.

Zakharchuk N.V. Problema kultury ta mizhkulturnoi komunikatsii u filosofo-sotsiolohichnomu aspekti/ N.V. Zakharchuk // VISNYK NTUU «KPI». Filosofiia. Psykholohiia. Pedahohika. – Vyp. 3. – 2008. – S. 174-177.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 370-379 (pdf)



UDC 159.955.2

Panasenko M.Y.

National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov, Kyiv

Theoretical foundations of the development of students’ creative thinking through linguistic games

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is concentrated on the analysis of the problem of development of creative thinking of adolescents in the process of studying a foreign language. The issue of using the possibilities of the linguistic games as a means of development of intelligence and creative thinking is explored. In the article the methods of development of creative artistic and creative intellectual abilities of the child are considered. It was concluded that it’s possible to develop the creative intellectual abilities of the child by teaching of using the methods of constructing new images and metaphors through the study of paremiological phrases. It should also be done by developing the flexibility of thinking, analytical and synthetic mental operations. In the article special attention is paid to such a means of developing thinking as foreign language paremias. Paremiological units are proverb, parable, folklore, fable, artistic image, comparison, metaphor, etc.

Paramide is a great tool for the development of abstract thinking of the child, because for their understanding it is necessary to abstract from the direct meaning of the word. Also, paremias help to develop a generalized view of the life and philosophical problems of human existence. An effective way of developing the creative potential of students is the spontaneous oral fantasy at the lesson, the production of unusual ideas, puns and neologisms. In order to develop the originality of thinking in the learning process is also used method of an alienation, developed by ML Smulson. Among the methods of developing creative thinking, we also used such as the compilation of stories, the method of thematic drawing, etc. All these methods and means are used to stimulate adolescents creative level of educational and cognitive activity.

Key words: creative thinking, creative abilities, adolescent thinking, creativity, generalization, analysis, semantics, game, linguistic game.

References transliterated

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Derkach L.M. Psykholohiia samokontroliu v protsesi zasvoiennia inozemnoi movy: monohrafiia / L.M. Derkach. – Dnipropetrovsk: Vyd-vo DDU, 1993. – 286 s.

Eyler G.V. Yazyik i lichnost / G.V. Eyler, I.L. Rapport. – HarkIv: Vid-vo «FolIo», 1991. – 116 s.

Karaulov Yu.N. Russkiy yazyik i yazyikovaya lichnost / Yu.N. Karaulov. – M.: Pedagogika, 1987. – 96 s.

Larionova L.I. Kulturno-psihologicheskie faktoryi razvitiya intellektualnoy odarennosti / L.I. Larionova. – M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologi RAN», 2011. – 320 s.

Leontev A.A. Osnovyi psiholingvistiki / A.A. Leontev. – M.: Smyisl; SPb.: Lan, 2003. – 349 s.

Luriya A.R. Yazyik i soznanie / A.R. Luriya. – Rostov na Donu, 1998. – 223 s.

Muravytska M.P. Movna osobystist u konteksti psykholoho- i sotsiolinhvistychnykh problem / M.P. Muravytska // Movoznavstvo. – 1998. – № 6. – S.73-75.

Nikitina S.E. Yazyikovoe soznanie i samosoznanie lichnosti v narodnoykulture. Yazyik i lichnost / S.E. Nikitina. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1997. – 75 s.

Passov E.I. Kommunikativnyiy metod obucheniya inoyazyichnomu govoreniyu / E.I. Passov. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1991. – 81 s.

Rahmamkulova N.F. Rol yazyika kak sredstva obscheniya i faktora formirovaniya lichnosti / N.F. Rahmamakulova. – M.: Izd-vo Mosk-go un-ta., 1989. – 61 s.

Skurativskyi L.V. Do linhvodydaktyky, zoriientovanoi na formuvannia dukhovnoi movnoi osobystosti / L.V. Skurativskyi // Dyvoslovo. – 1997. – № 9. – S. 52-53.

Smulson M.L. Psykholohiia rozvytku intelektu: monohrafiia / M.L. Smulson. – K.: Nora-Druk, 2003. – 298 s.

Teliya V.N. Russkaya frazeologiya, ee razvitie i istochniki / V.N. Teliya. – M., 1996. – 98 s.

Carrol J.B. Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. – Cambridge: The M. I. T. Press, 1951. – 234 р.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 380-387 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2

Remesnyk N.

LTD «Ukrainian Recruitment Agency», Kyiv

Protective mechanisms relationship and formation of personality self-concepts

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the role of protective mechanisms of personality in the formation of its Self-concept. The ways of development of the Self-concept are determined. Based on empirical studies it was discovered that the protective mechanisms of the psyche enjoy in varying degrees of all participants, the differences are only in the choice of the personality of the leading protective mechanisms of the psyche. It was established that the protective mechanism is a normal property of the human psyche and mechanisms of psychological protection can be considered as a regulatory system for the stabilization of the individual. These mechanisms are used in a complex, pointing to so-called protective behavior or defense strategy. It is substantiated that for the harmonious development of the Self-concept of the individual it should be paid attention to the formation of an adequate self-esteem, self-actualization, self-perception and self-awareness of the individual. In this case, adaptive protective mechanisms of personality are formed that will help to adapt it in difficult life situations.

References transliterated

Berns R. Razvitie Ya-Kontseptsii i vospitanie / R. Berns. – M.: «Progress», 1986. – 182 s.

Bern E. Transaktniy analiz i psihoterapiya / E. Bern. – SPb.: Bratstvo, 1992. – 224 s.

Bern E. Igryi, v kotoryie igrayut lyudi, psihologiya chelovecheskih vzaimootnosheniy / E. Bern. – Grove Press, 1961. – 164 s.

Granovskaya R.M. Elementyi prakticheskoy psihologii / R.M. Granovskaya. – L., 1988.

Granovskaya R.M., Nikolskaya I.M. Zaschita lichnosti: psihologicheskie mehanizmyi / R.M. Granovskaya, I.M. Nikolskaya. – SPb.: Znanie, 1999. – 352 s.

Karvasarskiy B.D. Psihoterapevticheskaya entsiklopediya / pod red. B.D. Karvasarskogo. – SPb.: Piter, 2002. – 1024 s.

Kobzeva A.V. Proyavlenie koping-povedeniya v yunosheskom vozraste / O.V. Kobzeva // Tolyatti: Vektor Nauki, TGU, 2011. – №3. – S.155-158.

Nikolskaya I.M., Granovskaya R.M. Psihologicheskaya zaschita u detey / I.M. Nikolskaya, R.M. Granovskaya. – SPb.: Rech, 2000. – 507 s.

Petrovskiy A.V. Psihologiya razvivayuscheysya lichnosti / Pod red. A.V. Petrovskogo. – M.: Pedagogika, 1987

Romanova E.S., Grebennikov L.R. Mehanizmyi psihologicheskoy zaschityi. Genezis, funktsionirovanie, diagnostika. / E.S. Romanova, L.R. Grebennikov. – Myitischi: Izd-vo «Talant», 1996. – 144 s.

Subbotina L.Yu. Psihologiya zaschitnogo povedeniya / L.Yu. Subbotina. – Yaroslavl: YarGU, 2006. – 220 s.

Suhomlinskiy V.O. Problemyi vospitaniya vsestoronne razvitoy lichnosti / V.O. Suhomlinskiy // Izbrannyie proizvedeniya: v 5-ti t. T. 1. – K.: Sovetskaya shkola, – 1976. – 206 s.

Freyd A. Psihologiya Ya i zaschitnyie mehanizmyi // A.Freyd. – M.: Pedagogika, 1993.

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Freyd Z Psihopatologiya povsednevnoy zhizni / Z. Freyd // Psihologiya bessoznatelnogo. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1990. – 448s.

Hell L. Teorii lichnosti / L. Hell, D. Zigler. – SPb.: Piter, 2003. – 608 s.

Erikson E. Identichnost: yunost i krizis / Obsch. red. i predisl. A.V. Tolstyih. – M.: Progress, 1996.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 388-395 (pdf)



UDC 150.928

Snizhna M.A.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Age features of internal conflicts in the value sphere of gifted adolescents

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The paper considers age features of axiogenesis of teenagers and features of internal conflicts in the value sphere of the visual gifted adolescents. The age-old specialties of value determination of adolescence are caused by thе desynchrony of gifted personality development: the discrepancy between high creative successes and unformed ability to social adaptation, between intellectual development and development of emotional and volitional spheres, between awareness of high technical criteria of visual activity and inadequate motor skills, etc. The values of cognition, self-development and creativity are very significant for them, and they acutely need friendly relations. Highly talented adolescents prefer the values of development, creativity, cognition, interesting work, productive life to the detriment of their health and financially secure life. The main internal conflict of the visual gifted teenagers is caused by deficiency of friendly relations and love. This is because of specifics of their solitary, their intensive work, competitive relations in the creative environment as well as the need for students and teachers to recognize the members of the reference group and the entire creative educational environment.

Key words: gifted adolescents, visual giftedness, personal values, internal conflicts of the value sphere.

References transliterated

Bel's'ka N.A. Osoblivostі ta kharakter emotsіino-tsіnnіsnikh orієntatsіi starshoklasnikіv – chlenіv Maloї akademії nauk Ukraїni / N. A. Bel's'ka // Osvіta ta rozvitok obdarovanoї osobistostі. – № 9-10 (28-29). – K.: Іn-t obdarovanoї ditini NAPN Ukraїni, 2014. – C. 58-63.

Bogomolova M.A. Filosofsko-aksiologicheskie osnovaniya sovremennogo izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva / M. A. Bogomolova // Vestnik Chuvashskogo un-ta. – 2008. – № 1. – S. 350-354.

Zavgorodnya O.V. Psikhologіya khudozhn'o obdarovanoї osobistostі: gendernii aspekt / O.V. Zavgorodnya. – K.: Naukova dumka, 2007. – 63 s.

Zavgorodnya O.V. Osobistіsnі tsіnnostі ta metodi їkh doslіdzhennya / O.V. Zavgorodnya, L.O. Kurgans'ka. – K.: Mіlenіum, 2006. – 102 s.

Karpenko Z. S. Aksіologіchna psikhologіya osobistostі / Z. S. Karpenko. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k: Lіleya-NV, 2009. – 511 s.

Kaliteevskaya E.R. Smysl, adaptatsiya i samodeterminatsiya u podrostkov / Kaliteevskaya E.R., Leont'ev D. A., Osin E. N., Borodkina I. I. // Vopr. psikhol. – 2007. – № 2. – S. 68-79.

Muzika O.L. Tsіnnіsna vzaєmodіya yak chinnik rozvitku obdarovanoї osobistostі / O.L. Muzika // Aktual'nі problemi psikhologії: Zbіrnik naukovikh prats' Іnstitutu psikhologії іmenі G.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraїni. T.VІ: Psikhologіya obdarovanostі. – Vipusk 12. – Kiїv-Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2016. – S. 5-20.

Psikhodiagnostika tolerantnosti lichnosti: prakticheskoe posobie. / G.U. Soldatova, L.A. Shaigerova, T. Yu. Prokof'eva, OA. Kravtsova // Pod red. L. A. Shaigerovoi. – M.: Smysl, 2008. – 172 s.

Romanyuk L.V. Stanovlennya tsіnnostei osobistostі: kontseptual'na model' ta її metodologіchnii potentsіal / L. V. Romanyuk // Psikhologіya osobistostі. – 2013. – № 1 (4). – S. 138-148.

Fantalova E.B. Diagnostika i psikhoterapiya vnutrennego konflikta / E.B. Fantalova. – Samara: Izdatel'skii dom BAKhRAKh-M, 2001. – 128 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 396-402 (pdf)



UDC 159.923

Storozhuk A.M.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Theoretical analysis of parents attitude to children with autism spectrum disorder

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological issues of child-parent relationships in families that raise a child with an autistic disorder. The scientific and methodological achievements of domestic and foreign scientists on the questions of the personality of parents who raise an autistic child and their further diagnostic and correction work with them are analyzed. It is also described that posing a diagnosis of mental illness is manifested for parents a traumatic event. Unusual behavior and mysterious appearance, violations of verbal and nonverbal communication skills, cognitive processes create difficulties not only in correctional and diagnostic work, but also in child-parenting relationships. To understand the process of mental development of a child with disorders of the autistic spectrum, effective corrective work with her, it is important to determine the role and significance of each factor that affects the development of the disease, to reveal the dynamics underlying the peculiarity of this development, to identify its potential. It is clear that a significant role and significant opportunities in solving these problems belong to the parents who bring up the child. They are the main intermediaries in communicating such children with the outside world, and from the positive parenting relationships, the adequate assessment of opportunities, the agreed style of education depend not only on the dynamics of mental development of children, but also on the emotional well-being of the parents themselves and the psychological climate in the family. The presence in the family of a child with autism imposes on her increased demands. The parents of the autistic child, especially the mother, feel frustrated, feel guilty with the child, often confused with a sense of hostility and shame. A clinical and psychological picture of disturbances in disorders of the autistic spectrum is briefly reviewed. The features of maternal and parental attitude towards autistic children are revealed. Parents especially of children of young age often assign the child the skills and abilities that they do not really possess. In this regard, some parents deny their internal problems related to child’s illness, others try to distort the existing reality, using projection, reactive formation, fantasy, etc. The family expects change from the child, without being able to change itself. The influence of the specifics of the personal characteristics of mothers and parents on the parental attitude towards the child with intellectual and behavioral deviations is analyzed. The problem of providing psychological support to parents is considered. Represented stages of parental stress, and the basic principles of the psychologist’s work at each stage of psychocorrectional work with the family. Duration of each stage depends on the severity of the pathology of the child, on the peculiarities of the protective mechanisms of the parents and the specifics of interpersonal relationships in the family. The data of an experimental psychological study devoted to the study of the prevailing types of protective mechanisms, in combination with certain personal qualities of parents and their influence on the formation of the corresponding types of attitude of parents to the disease of the child are presented.

Keywords: autism, parenting, education, delayed speech development, mental retardation, problem behavior, protective mechanisms.

References transliterated

Vysotina T.N. (2013). Osobennosti roditel’skogo otnosheniya k detyam s atipichnym autizmom [Peculiarities of parental attitude towards children with atypical autism] : avtoref. dis. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. psih. nauk : spec. 19.00.04 «Medichna psihologіya» / Vysotina T.N.. Sankt-Peterburg, 22 s. [in Russian].

Grosheva E.V. (2009). Otnoshenie roditelej k psihicheskomu rasstrojstvu u rebenka [The attitude of the parents to the child’s mental illness] : avtoref. dis. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. psih. nauk : spec. 19.00.04 «Medichna psihologіya» / Grosheva E. V.. Sankt-Peterburg, 24 s. [in Russian].

Gurovich I.YA. (2009). Psihosocial’naya terapiya i psihosocial’naya reabilitaciya v psihiatrii [Psychosocial therapy and psychosocial rehabilitation in psychiatry]. I.YA. Gurovich, A.B. Shmukler, YA.A. Storozhakova. Moskva: Medpraktika, 492 s. [in Russian].

Ejdemіllєr Je.G. (2008). Psihologija i psihoterapija sem’i [Psychology and psychotherapy of the family]. Je.G. Jejdemiller, V. Justickis.. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 672 s. [in Russian].

Krasil’nikova E.D. (2013). Funkcionirovanie semej, vospityvajushhih detej s razlichnymi variantami narushenija psihicheskogo razvitija [Functioning of families, bringing up children with different variants of mental development disorder] : avtoref. dis. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja kand. psih. nauk : spec. 19.00.04 «Medichna psihologіja». Sankt-Peterburg, 24 s. [in Russian].

Mamajchuk I.I. (2007). Pomoshh’ psihologa detjam s autizmom [Psychologist’s help to children with autism]. I.I. Mamajchuk. Sankt-Peterburg: Rech’, 288 s. [in Russian].

Charova O.B. (2003). Osobennosti materinskogo otnoshenija k detjam s narusheniem intellekta [Features of maternal attitude towards children with intellectual disabilities] : avtoref. dis. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja kand. psih. nauk : spec. 19.00.07 «Рedagogіchna psihologіja». Charova O. B., Kursk, 20 s. [in Russian].

Chumakova E.V. (1998). Psihologicheskaja zashhita lichnosti v sisteme detskoroditel’skogo vzaimodejstvija [Psychological protection of the personality in the system of child-child interaction] : dis. kand. psih. nauk : 19.00.11 «Psihologіja osobistostі». Chumakova E.V. Sankt-Peterburg, 184 s. [in Russian].

Shabanova E.V. (2013). Osobennosti sistemy detsko-roditel’skih i supruzheskih otnoshenij v sem’jah, vospityvajushhih rebenka s rasstrojstvom autisticheskogo spektra [Features of the system of child-parental and marital relations in families raising a child with autism spectrum disorder]. E.V. Shabanova. // Vestn. Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta.. №12. – S. 80-86. [in Russian].

Shipicyna L.M. (2012). Psihologija detej s narushenijami intellektual’nogo razvitija [Psychology of children with intellectual disabilities]. L. M. Shipicyna. Moskva: Akademija, 224 s. [in Russian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 403-412 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2-057.875:614.252

Chekryzhova M.M.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The dynamics of students’ professional skills’ self-assessment in the process of medical education

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the empirical study results of the professional skills’ self-assessment peculiarities of the students who obtain higher medical education at different stages of study are analyzed. It has been stated that professional skills’ self-assessment differentiation and the peculiarities of their content representation in a subjective picture of abilities depends on the course of study and work experience in medical institutions. The content’s dynamics of the future medical students’ professional skills’ self-assessment is shown: from separate medical manipulations to diagnostic and therapeutic skills. It was revealed that in the process of professional study, the level of professional skills’ self-assessment increases both by individual self-assessing constructs and by the given ones. It was found that students with high academic performance are characterized by a higher level of professional skills’ self-assessment according to individual constructs than students with low academic performance. The gender differences in students’ professional skills’ self-assessment are analyzed: it is revealed that young women estimate the level of individual professional skills’ development higher than young men.

Keywords: professional abilities, students’ professional self-assessment, professional skills, medical universities’ students’ professionalization.

References transliterated

Borysiuk A.S. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti profesiinoi diialnosti likaria / A.S. Borysiuk // Aktualni pytannia suspilnykh nauk ta istorii medytsyny. – 2015. – № 4. – S. 117-120.

Boryshevskyi M.I. Osobystist u vymirakh samosvidomosti: monohrafiia / M.I. Boryshevskyi. – 2-e vyd. per., dop. – Sumy: Vydavnychyi budynok «Ellada», 2012. – 608 s.

Borozdina L.V. Sushhnost' samoocenki i ee sootnoshenie s Ja-koncepciej / L.V. Borozdina // Vestnik moskovskogo universiteta. Ser.14: Psihologija. – 2011. – № 1. – S. 54-65.

Vitenko I.S. Psykholohichni osnovy likuvalno-profilaktychnoi diialnosti ta pidhotovky likaria zahalnoi praktyky – simeinoho likaria: monohrafiia / Ivan Semenovych Vitenko. – Kh.: Zoloti storinky, 2002. – 388 s.

Zaharova A.V. Strukturno-dinamicheskaja model' samoocenki / A.V. Zaharova // Voprosy psihologii. – 1989. – №1. – S. 5-14.

Kokun O.M. Psykholohiia profesiinoho stanovlennia suchasnoho fakhivtsia: monohrafiia / O.M. Kokun. – K.: DP «IAA», 2012. – 200 s.

Liubina L.A. Henderni osoblyvosti formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh likariv: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia vch. stupenia kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.07 «Pedahohichna ta vikova psykholohiia» / L.A. Liubina. – Kyiv, 2015. – 23 s.

Medychna psykholohiia: pidruchnyk / S.D. Maksymenko, I.A. Koval, K.S. Maksymenko, M.V. Papucha; za red. akademika S.D. Maksymenka. – Vinnytsia: Nova knyha, 2008. – 520 s.

Mironova T. L. Struktura i razvitie professional'nogo samosoznanija : dis. … d-ra psihol. nauk : 19.00.03 / Tat'jana L'vovna Mironova. – M., 1999. – 436 s.

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Psykholohichnyi slovnyk / za red. chlena-korespondenta APN SRSR V.I. Voitka. – K.: Holovne vyd-vo vydavnychoho obiednannia «Vyshcha shkola», 1982. – 216 s.

Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / O.L. Muzyka, D.K. Korolov, R.O. Semenova ta in.; za red. O.L. Muzyky. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – 146 s.

Smila N.V. Osoblyvosti psykholohichnoi hotovnosti maibutnoho likaria do profesiinoi diialnosti: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia vch. stupenia kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.07 «Pedahohichna ta vikova psykholohiia» / N.V. Smila. – Kyiv, 2018. – 22 s.

Filonenko M.M. Psykholohiia osobystisnoho stanovlennia maibutnoho likaria: monohrafiia / M.M. Filonenko. – K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2015. – 332 s.

Tsinnisna determinatsiia stanovlennia obdarovanoi osobystosti: monohrafiia / [O.L. Muzyka, I.M. Bila, D.K. Korolov ta in.]; za red. O.L. Muzyky. – Kyiv: Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 2017. – 220 s.

Shadrikov V.D. Professional'nye sposobnosti / V.D. Shadrikov. – M.: Universitetskaja kniga, 2010. – 320 s.

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 413-422 (pdf)



UDC 159.923:17.022.1]:004

Shcherbatiuk V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The value regulation of interpersonal communication in social networks

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The problem of the impact of social networks on life of the personality has appeared relativity recently and requires scientific study and empirical research. Today we can observe how the virtual environment has penetrated into all spheres of human life, regardless of social status, age and gender features, financial situation, profession etc. In relation to this the value orientation of society as a whole and personality in particular are transforming. Also interpersonal communication takes new forms, it is transferred to the virtual area and dictates own rules. The development of new gadgets, mobile internet, wi-fi networks give to human possibilities to be always an active user of social networks.

The article studies the value regulation of interpersonal communication in the context of social network, reviews the theoretical and source base on this problem, views specificities interpersonal communication which is caused by virtual environment, defines human needs which are satisfied with social network and main reasons of active using. The values of personality which are demonstrated in social networks Facebook and Instagram are examined. The influence of social networks on life and the value area of personality are defined, both positive and negative influence is noted. In the social networks we draw stereotypes and model of behavior, standards of activity, form owner social identify, self-esteem, value orientations etc.

Key words: values, value regulation, value orientations, values of personality, communication, interpersonal communication, social networks, virtual area, internet environment.

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 6(14): 423-430 (pdf)