Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 6, Issue 11 – 2015


Content of Issue

UDC 159.943

Muzyka O.L.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Talented personality’s formation and development axiological determination.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Factors, determining a talented person’s development are analyzed in the article. The talented person’s genesis involves two sequential processes: formation and development. The term “formation” is used to describe the time period, within which the person acquires all the main features of their talent and appears as a separate psychological type – a gifted personality. The talented person’s typological features are: 1) the highest level of abilities, and therefore the highest (absolute or comparing to age norms) achievements in a particular field of activity; 2) person’s axiological attitude towards their own abilities as a base for the personal identity; 3) focus on self-development; 4) person’s creative orientation; 5) internal (subjective and axiological) self-regulation. The talented person’s development is considered within their typological features as their quantitative, qualitative and structural changes.

The talented person’s formation and development are different in nature determination. At the stage of formation the significant part is played by external social determination. The talented person’s development is more like self-development, because within this period the self-determination prevails.

The choice of values as a unit of study, determinant of the talented person’s formation and development is due to their ability to combine external and internal worlds. Values are considered as both external and socio-cultural components – social values, as well as internal ones – personal values. Moreover, personal values represent experience concerning the most important needs in the person’s mind and that is why they are able to holistically reflect personality.

Determination impacts operationalization, using the term “value”, transfers the analysis to the level of value regulation – bringing the state of one system in the line with another one’s requirements in accordance with value criteria. Thus, value determination during the talented person’s formation can be considered as a social regulation and during their development – as a personal and axiological regulation.

Key words: development, value regulation, a gifted person, personal values, abilities, giftedness, value analysis, personality development.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Bandura A. Teoriya sotsialnogo naucheniya / Albert Bandura. – SPb.: Evraziya, 2000. – 320 s.

2. Zinchenko V.P. Soznanie i tvorcheskiy akt / V.P.Zinchenko. – M.: Yazyiki slavyanskih kultur, 2010. – 592 s.

3. Karpenko Z.S. AksIologIchna psihologIya osobistostI / Z.S. Karpenko. – Ivano-FrankIvsk: LIleya-NV, 2009. – 511 s.

4. Kostyuk G.S. Navchalno-vihovniy protses I psihIchniy rozvitok osobistostI / G.S.Kostyuk. – K.: Rad. shkola, 1989. – 608 s.

5. Leontev D.A. Psihologiya smyisla: Priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyislovoy realnosti / D.A. Leontev. – 2-e izd., ispr. – M.: Smyisl, 2003. – 486 s.

6. Maksimenko S.D. Geneza zdIysnennya osobistostI: naukova monografIya / S.D. Maksimenko. – K.: TOV «KMM», 2006. – 240 s.

7. Molyako V.A. Problemyi psihologii tvorchestva i razrabotka podhoda k izucheniyu odarennosti / V.A. Molyako // Vopr. psihol. – 1994. – №5. – S.86-95.

8. Muzika O.L. SpIvvIdnoshennya zdIbnostey ta obdarovanostI: sub’Ektno-tsInnIsniy pIdhId / O.L. Muzika // AktualnI problemi psihologIYi: ZbIrnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologIYi ImenI G.S. Kostyuka NAPN UkraYini. – K.: Vid-vo «FenIks», 2013. – T.HII. – PsihologIya tvorchostI. – Vipusk 17. – S.223-233.

9. Muzika O.L. Sub'Ektno-tsInnIsna determInatsIya tvorchoYi obdarovanostI / O.L. Muzika // VIsnik Zhitomirskogo pedagogIchnogo Institutu. – 1998. – №1. – S. 53-57.

10. Olport G. Stanovlenie lichnosti: Izbrannyie trudyi / Gordon Olport. – M.: Smyisl, 2002. – 462 s.

11. Petrovskiy A.V., Yaroshevskiy M.G. Istoriya i teoriya psihologii. Tom 1 / Petrovskiy A.V., Yaroshevskiy M.G. – Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 1996. – 416 s.

12. Platonov K.K. Struktura i razvitie lichnosti / K.K. Platonov. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – 254 s.

13. ParadigmalnI zmIni osnov zagalnoYi psihologIYi u sinergetichnomu kontekstI: kolektivna monografIya / Za red. M.-L.A.Chepi. – KIrovograd: Imeks-LTD, 2013. – 220 s.

14. Psihologo-pedagogIchnI osnovi protsesu samotvorennya osobistostI: monografIya / Za red. L.Z.Serdyuk. – K.: PedagogIchna dumka, 2015. – 197 s.

15. PsihologIchnI chinniki samodetermInatsIYi osobistostI v osvItnomu prostorI: kolektivna monografIya / Za red. S.D.Maksimenka. – KIrovograd: Imeks-LTD, 2013. – 400 s.

16. PsihofIzIologIchnI zakonomIrnostI profesIynogo samozdIysnennya osobistostI / Za red. O.M. Kokuna. – K.: PedagogIchna dumka, 2015. – 297 s.

17. Sinergetika I tvorchIst: monografIya / Za red. V.G.Kremenya. – K.: Institut obdarovanoYi ditini, 2014. – 314 s.

18. Tkachenko O.M. Printsipi I kategorIYi psihologIYi / O.M. Tkachenko. – K.: Vischa shkola, 1979. – 200 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 6-19 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.5

Arshava I.F., Nosenko E.L., Kutepova-Bredun V.J.

Oleg Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk

The personality characteristics of professional musicians and amateur musicians

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The existing research findings as to the differences in the personal structures of professional and amateur musicians are related mainly to the motivational aspects of the personality including social motives, self-expression and self-achievement. The personality traits has less been studied.

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the differences between the professional and amateur musicians in global personality traits as well as the impact on their psychological well-being and adaptivity.

On a sample of a 122 participants split into two non-equivalent sub-groups of professional and amateur musicians in quasi-experimental fashion differences between the global personality traits and their impact on the individuals` adaptivity and well-being were assessed with Mann-Whitney & Kruskal–Wallis test. Dispositional traits were assessed with four psychodiagnostic methods including Five-Factor Inventory (MacCrae&Costa), the Scales of Psychological Well-Being, Multi-Factory Personal Questionnaire Adaptivity, Creativity test and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales.

It has been found out that professional musicians differ from amateur in higher levels of neuroticism, anxiety, asthenic features and overall level of psychological well-being. It is worth while mentioning in particular that despite high level of neuroticism and anxiety the professional musicians enjoy an overall high level of psychological well-being which has signified the therapeutic and harmonizing role of musical activity on the human-being.

Key words: musicians, amateur, professional, emotional states, psychological well-being.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Arshava, І.F. Aspekti іmplіcitnoї dіagnostiki emocіjnoї stіjkostі ljudini: monogr. / І.F. Arshava, E. L. Nosenko. – D. : Vid-vo DNU, 2008. – 468 s.

2. Blinova O.A. Metodika lichnostno-orientirovannoj korrekcii professional'nogo razvitija sredstvami muzyki (na materiale psihologov, pedagogov, muzykantov-ispolnitelej) : dis… kand. psihol. nauk:19.00.03. – Moskva, 2002, 184 s.

3. Bochkarjov L.L. Psihologija muzykal'noj dejatel'nosti. – M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 1997. – 352 s.

4. Gotsdiner M. Muzykal'naja psihologija. – M.: NB Magistr, 1993. – 190 s.

5. Zdіbnostі, tvorchіst', obdarovanіst': teorіja, metodika, rezul'tati doslіdzhen' / kolektivna monografіja za red. V.O. Moljako, O.L. Muziki. – Zhitomir: Ruta, 2006.- 320s.

6. Il'in E.P. Psihologija tvorchestva, kreativnosti, odarennosti. – Piter: SPb., 2009. – 434 s.

7. Kirnarskaja D.K. Muzykal'nye sposobnosti – «Talanty-XXI vek», 2004. – 496 s.

8. Carlson I., Wendt P. E., Risberg J. On the neurobiology of creativity. Differences in frontal activity between high and low creative subjects // Neuropsychologia, 2000. V. 38. – P. 873–883.

9. Coffman, D. D. Musical backgrounds and interests of active older adult band member // Dialogue in Instrumental Music Education, 20(1). – 1996. – 25-34.

10. Сoffman, D. D. & Levy, K. M. (1997), Senior adult bands: Music`s new horizon, Music Educator`s Journal, Vol. 84 No. 3, pp. 17-22.

11. Сoffman, D. D. & Schilf, P. (1998), Band instrument gender associations by senior citizen musicians, Southeastern Journal of Music Education, Vol.10, pp. 212-221.

12. Kemp, A.E. Aspects of upbringing as revealed in the personalities of musicians // The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning. – 1994. – № 5(4), p. 34-41.

13. Kemp, A.E. (1981). The personality structure of the musician. Identifying a profile of traits for the performer. Psychology of Music, (1), 3-14.

14. Kemp.А. (1996) The Musical Temperament Psychology and Personality of Musiciant, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

15. Parncutt R.&McPherson G. The Science and Psychology of music performance; creative strategies for teaching and learning. Oxford University Press. – 2002. – 383 p.

16. Güsewell, A; Ruch W. Are musicians particularly sensitive to beauty and goodness? Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Vol 8(1), Feb 2014, 96-103.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 20-30 (pdf)

UDC 159.92: 611.81

Babak S.V.

Academy of Municipal Administration, Kyiv

Reflections on some neurobiological aspects of the development of abilities and giftedness

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article contains the basic information of modern neurobiology. The author makes an attempt to analyze it and to use it in order to explain what underlies the development of abilities and manifestations of human talent. The development of the central nervous system has its own specific features. That makes it a special material substance which is directly related to mental features of a person. It is capable of development during the whole ontogenesis, despite the fact that throughout life up to one billion neurons may die off. The whole ontogenesis of the central nervous system is peculiar. Today, the phenomenon of apoptosis of neurons in embryogenesis is not yet clear. It is not known whether it is inherent in gifted people. It is known that the nervous system development is genetically controlled. But, at the same time, the development of the cortex in embryogenesis has the features of heterochrony, which are typical to Homo sapiens: neocortex starts its development earlier than other parts of the cortex and continues its maturing after birth in the natural and social environment. Hence it is clearly seen, that the environment plays a very important role in the formation and development of the human potential. On the other hand, the discovery of mirror neurons helps to comprehend the way people influence each other. This also applies to the influence of the states of neurons inherent in gifted, brilliant people on the other people’s brains that encourages evolutionary change of mankind consciousness. Also of interest is the search for cortex areas, which are more or less related to extraordinary abilities of people, as well as discovering individual signs of neurogenesis in mammals and humans. There are evidences that work, study, stress stimulate the processes of neurogenesis in postnatal ontogenesis. Perhaps, such stimulation of the creative processes of outstanding people lies at the basis of their mental health and prolonged life.

Key words: brain, neurons, network of neurons, neurogenesis, mirror neurons, consciousness, giftedness.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Arbib M. Metaforicheskij mozg / Arbib M. – M.: Editorial, 2004. – 304 s.

2. Behterev V. M. Vnushenie i ego rol' v obshhestvennoj zhizni / V. M. Behterev. – Spb. : Leningradskoe iz-vo, 2009. – 288 s.

3. Bocheljuk V.J., Metodika ta organіzacіja naukovih doslіdzhen' іz psihologії» / Bocheljuk V.J., Bocheljuk V.V. – K. : Centr uchbovoї lіteraturi, 2008. – 360 s.

4. Krushinskij L. V. Biologicheskie osnovy rassudochnoj dejatel'nosti: Jevoljucionnye i fiziologo-geneticheskie aspekty povedenija / L. V. Krushinskij. – Moskva: Izdatel'stvo MGU, 1986. – 270 s.

5. Kaplan A. Potencial'naja variativnost' nejronnyh setej mozga v kontekste idej L.V. Krushinskogo // Rossijskij zhurnal kognitivnoj nauki. T. 2. – № 1. – 2015. – S. 67-68.

6. Lurija A.R. Mozg cheloveka i psihicheskie processy: V 2 ch. Ch. 2. / A. R. Lurija. – M. : Pedagogika, 1970. – 333 s. 19.

7. Lurija A.R. Osnovy nejropsihologii / A. R. Lurija. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1973. – 233 s.

8. Ramachandran V. S. Mozg rasskazyvaet. Chto delaet nas ljud'mi / V.S. Ramachandran. – M. : Kar'era Press, 2012. – 322 s.

9. Homskaja, E. D. Nejropsihologija / E. D. Homskaja. – SPb : Piter, 2003. – 496 s.

10. Shredinger Je. Chto takoe zhizn'? Fizicheskij aspekt zhivoj kletki / Je. Shredinger. – M., Izhevsk : NIC «Reguljarnaja i haoticheskaja dinamika», 2002. – 92 s.11. Herculano-Houzel S. The human brain in numbers: a linearly scaled-up primate brain // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2009. – Vol. 3. – P. 31, P. 1–11.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 31-40 (pdf)

UDC 001.8:159.923

Vydra А.G.

Chernihiv National T.G. Shevchenko Pedagogical University, Chernihiv

Multidimensional holistic approach to psychology of personal creativity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Multidimensional holistic approach of psychology of creativity within applied aspect is represented in the article. Rationales of the mentioned approach, as well as lines of psychological research are stated. The article supplies references on holistic approach as a part of system approach in psychology and multidimensional approach alongside. The basis of the current work are researches in Gestalt psychology, humanistic, descriptive, transpersonal psychology as well as cultural and historical perspective, psychosynthesis theory, activity theory, holistic-personal approach, psycho-oriented approach and hypnotherapy.

Multidimensional holistic approach is discussed from the point of view of three main spheres of self-conception in their interconnection: anima, personality, physical body, that is performed on the basis of stages analysis of psychology development history according to its subject matter. A multidimensional model of human psychic is figured out as a result, that is being a key point in the research and includes seven levels: source, anima, and cause and effect level, mental, feeling and emotional, ethereal and physical level which are combined in hierarchy system.

Current researches provide the following conclusion: creativity is natural for human, being an integral part within state of love and joy, making a harmony in human’s state - that is a basis for one’s well-being in relations, health, professional and mental development.

Experimental research was performed among students of specialty “Technical creativity”. As a result, creativity encouraging factors, namely beliefs (cause and effect level), views and stereotypes of thinking (mental level), emotional states (feelings and emotional level), non-physical feelings (ethereal level) where singled out, as well as the factors which create barriers making creativity difficult and requiring correction.

Research shows that in case of beliefs correction and accepting of their new constructive forms, positive changes on the lower levels take place.

The approach discussed in the article gives an opportunity of multidimensional development of human’s creative skills development, starting from internal uniqueness recognition – up to creative ideas realization in material world.

Key-words: multidimensionality, holism, personality, giftedness, creativity, self-conception.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Ball H.A. Kontseptsyya samoaktualyzatsyy lychnosty v humanystycheskoy psykholohyy. – Kyev – Donetsk: «Rovesnyk», 1993. – 32 s.

2. Bekh I.D. Dukhovni tsinnosti rozvytku osobystosti // Pedahohika i psykholohiya. – 1997. – №4. – S. 124-129.

3. Variy M.Y. Zahal'na psykholohiya. Navchal'nyy posibnyk / 2-he vydan., vypr. i dop.  K.: «Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury», 2007.- 968 c.

4. Vydra A.H. Mnohomernaya psykhoenerhetyka: tselostnaya metodolohyya poznanyya myra y perspektyvy razvytyya praktycheskoy psykholohy // Paradyhmy znan' u novu epokhu: nazustrich hlobal'nym zminam: Materialy 1-yi Mizhnarodnoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi (Chernihiv, 14 hrudnya 2012r.). – Chernihiv: Chernihivs'kyy natsional'nyy pedahohichnyy universytet imeni T.H. Shevchenka. – 2012. – S. 23-26.

5. Hrof S. Dukhovnyy kryzys: Stat'y y yssledovanyya. – M.: Yzd-vo «Эksmo-press», 1995. – 255 s.

6. Zyazyun I.A. Pedahohika dobra: idealy i realiyi: Naukovo-metodychnyy posibnyk. – K.: MAUP , 2000. – 312 s.

7. Monro R. Dalekye puteshestvyya. Perev. s anhl. – K.: «Sofyya», M.: YD «Sofyya», 2003. – 322 s.

8. Nepomnyashchaya N. Tselostno-lychnostniy pokhod k cheloveku // Razvytye lychnosty.  2002.  #4.  S. 61-81.

9. N'yuton M. Prednaznachenye dushy. Zhyzn' mezhdu zhyznyamy / Per. s anhl. K. R. Ayrapetyan.- SPb.: Budushchee Zemly, 2002. – 384 s.

10. Pomytkin E.O. Dukhovnyy rozvytok uchniv u systemi shkil'noyi osvity: Naukovo-metodychnyy posibnyk. – K.: IZMN, 1996. – 164 s.

11. Puchko L.H. Mnohomernaya medytsyna. Systema samodiahnostyky y samoystselenyya cheloveka. 6-e yzd., yspr. y dop.  M.: ANS, 2001.  432 s.

12. Rybalka V.V. Psykholohiya rozvytku tvorchoyi osobystosti: Navchal'nyy posibnyk. – K.: IZMN, 1996. – 236 s.

13. Rodzhers K. Vz•hlyad na psykhoterapyyu. Stanovlenye cheloveka. – M.: Yzd. hruppa „Prohress”, „Unyvers”, 1994. – 480 s.

14. Romenets' V.A. Istoriya psykholohichnoyi epokhy Prosvitnytstva. Navchal'nyy posibnyk. – K.: Vyshcha shkola., 1993. – 568 s.

15. Slavhorodskyy V.T. Metod mnohomernoy psykhoэnerhetycheskoy dyahnostyky y korrektsyy (MPDK) // Paradyhmy znan' u novu epokhu: nazustrich hlobal'nym zminam: Materialy 1-yi Mizhnarodnoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi (Chernihiv, 14 hrudnya 2012r.). – Chernihiv: Chernihivs'kyy natsional'nyy pedahohichnyy universytet imeni T. H. Shevchenka. – 2012. – S. 27-30.

16. Frankl V. Chelovek v poyskakh smysla. – M.: Prohress, 1990. – 368 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 41-47 (pdf)


Geyko E.V.

Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after V. Vynnychenko, Kirovograd

Specificity of self-poly system integrity of the individual

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: On the basis of the results of theoretical analysis and empirical evidence highlights the functional constituents polysystemic integrity of the person of students of humanities, as well as the students of the future psychologists. Determined specifics proper polysystemic integrity of future psychologists. "Polysystem integrity" consists of the following levels: submodalities polar categories, bipolar categories. It was determined that the construct "Polysystem personal integrity" interacts with the internal factors "yndividualno psychological characteristics" (temperamental psychological characteristics) and "personality".

Consequently, "multisystem integrity" associated with successful strategies as students, psychologists and students in the humanities (although this relationship is expressed appointed less), but non-linear. Factors contributing multisystem integrity of the individual self is pronounced «factor h».

Students of psychology, according to our observations, self-organized multisystem failure related to the integrity of the individual indicators (below average), "activity", "ability to establish relations", "competition", "autonomy", "honesty", which is bright multisystem characteristic integrity of the individual. That lack of a sufficient level of the aforementioned properties are characteristic of pronounced multisystem «integrity of the individual» students and psychologists can serve as a factor in the failure of self multisystem integrity of the individual. In «not adapted» humanities students self multisystem failure integrity of the individual contributes to an indicator such as «competition».

Key words: humanists, Polysystem personal integrity, psychologists, personal integrity.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Averintsev S.S. Slavyanskoe slovo i traditsiya ellinizma / S.S. Averintsev // Voprosy literatury, 1976. – № 11. – C. 19-44.

2. Ball G. Sistema printsipіv ratsіogumanіzmu / G. Ball // Psikhologіya і suspіl'stvo. – 2011. –№4. – S. 16-32.

3. Bakhtin M.M. Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. / M.M. Bakhtin. – M.: Iskusstvo, 1979. – 424s.

4. Bertalanfi L. Obshchaya teoriya sistem / L. fon Bertalanfi. – [2-e d.]. – M.: Mir, 1960. – 328 s.

5. Blauberg I.V. Ponyatie tselostnosti i ego rol' v nauchnom poznanii. / I.V. Blauberg, E.G. Yudin. – M.: Znanie, 1972. – 270 s.

6. Blauberg I.V. Sistemnyy podkhod i sistemnyy analiz / I.V. Blauberg, E.M. Mirskiy, V.N. Sadovskiy // Sistemnye issledovaniya. Metodologicheskie problemy. Ezhegodnik, 1982. – M.: Nauka, 1982. – 402 s.

7. Kagan M.S. Sistemnost' i tselostnost' // Voprosy filosofii. – 1996. – № 12. – S. 13-18.

8. Kolyada V.I. Tselostnost' lichnosti: Sotsial'no-aksiologicheskiy aspekt / Viktor Ivanovich Kolyada. dis…kand. fil. nauk: 09.00.11, Saratov, 2003. – 148 s.

9. Maksimenko S D. Genezis sushchestvovaniya lichnosti / S.D. Maksimenko. – Kiev: KMM, 2006. – 240 s.

10. Obukhovskiy K. Psikhologicheskaya teoriya stroeniya i razvitiya lichnosti / K. Obukhovskiy. // Psikhologiya formirovaniya i razvitiya lichnosti. – M.: Nauka, 1981. – 45-67.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 48-58 (pdf)

UDC 159.955

Dysa O.V.

Oleg Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk

Representation of dialogic and thinking creativeness connection in verbal creativity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article covers the issue of the personal creative potential development, particularly the development of thinking creativeness. Inner dialog is considered to be the main mechanism allowing to generate new ideas and senses. The development of the dialogic as the feature of thinking permits to increase the creative productivity which differs in verbal and non-verbal creativity. The understanding of creativity as a process of a new product creation or an invention of an unknown one causes the necessity of the searching of creativeness development mechanisms, which changed constantly during the history of scientific research. The literary analysis on thinking creativeness issue points to the correlation between the developmental level of dialogic and thinking productivity. Application of the dialogical thinking development program of the proves the positive impact of the dialogical training on the thinking creativeness development that reflects on verbal creativity. The creativity development process contains several stages and is accompanied by the socially-significant activity per transition from the external activity as a dialog to the independent self-creativity. Gradually the dialog becomes the certain thinking form, the strategy of the creative search realization. The creative thinking development as starting condition for the creative development of the person can obtain the full realization only in the dynamic model of training where all didactical system functions as a system developing by the law of educational logic.

Key words: creativity, thinking, development mechanism, verbal creativeness, inner dialog, inner speech, dialogic, thinking productivity.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Bybler V.S. Myshlenye kak tvorchestvo. – M., 1975. – 400 s.

2. Bogojavlenskaja D.B. Psyhologyja tvorcheskyh sposobnostej. – M.: Yzdatel'skyj centr «Akademyja», 2002. – 320 s.

3. Ball G.O. Psyhologija rozvytku tvorchoi' osobystosti. – K., 1996. – 236 s.

4. Gubenko A.V. Psyhosemantycheskye mehanyzmі tvorcheskogo myshlenyja // Praktychna psyhologija ta social'na robota, № 8, 2014.- S.70-80.

5. Druzhynyn V.N. Psyhologyja obshhyh sposobnostej. – SPb.: Pyter Kom, 1999. – 368 s.

6. Dysa O.V. Vnutrishnij dialog jak neobhidnyj komponent tvorchogo myslennja // Problemy zagal'noi' ta pedagogichnoi' psyhologii': Zbirnyk naukovyh prac' Instytutu psyhologii' im. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny.— K., 2001.— T. III, Ch. 6.— 260s.

7. Zdibnosti, tvorchist', obdarovanist': teorija, metodyka, rezul'taty doslidzhen' / Za red. V.O. Moljako, O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

8. Kuchynskyj G.M. Psyhologyja vnutrennego dialoga. – Mynsk, 1988. – 205 s.

9. Medavar P. Lyteratura protyv nauki // Dyalogy. – M.: Polytyzdat, 1979. – S. 108-114.

10. Moljako V.A. Psyhologyja tvorcheskoj dejatel'nosty. – K.: Znanye, 1978. – 44 s.

11. Moljako V.A. Problemy psyhologii' tvorchestva y razrabotka podhoda k yzuchenyju odarennosty // Vopr. psyhol. – 1994. – №5. – S. 86-95.

12. Moljako V. O. Psyhologichna teorija tvorchosti // Nauk. zapysky In-tu psyhologii' im. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny. Vyp. 22. Aktual'ni problemy suchasnoi' ukrai'ns'koi' psyhologii'. – K., 2002. – S. 221-229.

13. Muzyka O.L. Rozvytok obdarovanosti ta umovy i'i' vtraty z pozycij sub’jektno- cinnisnogo analizu // Pedagogika i psyhologija profesijnoi' osvity. – 2005. – № 6. – S. 142-149.

14. Pyazhe Zh. Teoryja Zh.Pyazhe // Ystoryja zarubezhnoj psyhologyy (30-60-e gg. XX v.). Teksty / Pod red. P.Ja. Gal'peryna, A.N. Zhdan. – M.: Yzd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1986. – S 232-292.

15. Podd'jakov N.N. Novyj podhod k razvytyju tvorchestva u doshkol'nykov // Vopr. psyhol. – 1990. – №1. – S. 16-19.

16. Ponomarёv Ja.A. Psyhologyja tvorchestva. – M.: Nauka, 1976. – 303 s.

17. Romenec' V.A. Psyhologija tvorchosti. – K.: Lybid', 2004. – 288 s.

18. Chepeljeva N.V. Dialogichnist' tekstu ta i'i' vplyv na rozuminnja // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii': tradycii' i suchasnist'. Materialy konferencii'. – Kyi'v, 1993. – T. 3. – S. 384.

19. Moscovici S., Personaz P . Study in social influence 5: Minority influence under conversion behavior in a perceptual task // Exp. Soc. Psychol. – 1980. – №16. – P. 270-282. 273. Thomae H. Das I

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 59-67 (pdf)

UDC 159.928.22

Didkovska L.I.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv

Peculiarities of the self-identity of creatively gifted adolescents

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research of the self-identity peculiarities of creatively gifted adolescents. In particular, the results of the theoretical analysis of approaches to the concept of self-identity in psychology, its structure, the characteristics of development in the ontogeny in general and teens in particular are presented. The basic approaches to studying the creative talents of the individual are described. It also presents the results of empirical studies of personality characteristics of creatively gifted adolescents, especially their self-image and locus of control in different areas of life.

In particular, the creatively gifted adolescents have been found to be characterized by the highest among all teens studied internality level in achievement, self-acceptance, self-esteem, commitment and expressivity and the lowest level of closeness.

Curiosity of the creatively gifted adolescents has been found to be directly related to the internality level in their achievements, the level of expressiveness and inversely related to the level of their closeness. The propensity to risk of creatively gifted adolescents is directly related to the level of their self-control and extraversion, their level of subjective control in the areas of failures and achievements. Finally, the propensity of creatively gifted adolescents to seek challenges and ideas is directly related to the level of their self-confidence and self-control.

Key words: creative talent, adolescence, self-concept, personality traits, self-image, locus of control.

Spysok vykorystanyh dzherel

1. Berns R. Chto takoe Ya-kontseptsiya // Psihologiya samosoznaniya: hrest. / Red. D.Ya. Raygorodskiy. – Samara: Bahrah-M, 2003. – S. 333-393.

2. Vikova ta pedagogichna psihologiya: Navch. posib. / O.V. Skripchenko, L.V.Dolinska, Z.V. OgorodnIychuk ta In. – K.: Prosvita, 2001. – 416 s.

3. Gumenyuk O. PsihologIya Ya-kontseptsiyi / O. Gumenyuk. – T.: EkonomIchna dumka, 2002. – 186 s.

4. Dzhems U. Psihologiya / Pod red.L.A.Petrovskoy. – M.: Pedagogika, 1991. – 386 s.

5. Matyushkin A.M. Kontseptsiya tvorcheskoy odarennosti / A.M. Matyushkin // Vopr. psihol. – 1999. – № 6. – S. 29-33.

6. Rodzhers K.R. Vzglyad na psihoterapiyu. Stanovlenie cheloveka / K.R. Rodzhers. – M.:Progress, Univers, 1994. – 480 s.

7. Heller K. Diagnostika i razvitie odarennyih detey i podrostkov / K. Heller // Sovremennyie kontseptsii odarennosti i tvorchestva / Pod red. D.B.Bogoyavlenskoy. – M., 1997. – S. 55-60.

8. Erikson E. Identichnost. // Psihologiya samosoznaniya. Hrestomatiya po sotsialnoy psihologii lichnosti / Pod red. D.Ya. Raygorodskogo. – Samara: Izdatelskiy Dom «BAHRAH-M», 2007. – S.493-533.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 68-76 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Dryhus M.T.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

The issue of psychological mechanisms at contemporary national psychological space

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article performs theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological mechanisms at the contemporary national psychological space. Historical genesis of the studies about psychological mechanisms in the national education is traced. Ukrainian scientists’ innovation achievements in development of the issue of psychological mechanisms in the field of educational and developmental psychology are proved.

The article discloses architectonic of the scope of studies of psychological mechanisms in the time dimension. M.I. Boryshevskiy’s conceptual approach to psychological mechanisms of personality development is analysed: the essence of the «psychological mechanism» concept is revealed; the major structural components of self-consciousness, as basic leading mechanisms of self-direction, are highlighted. The modern trends of psychological mechanism researches are characterized, in particular, those that were presented by Ukrainian scientists at the Third Ukrainian Psychological Congress «Personality in the modern world» (Kyiv, 2014). S.D. Maksimenko’s conceptual approach to person’s development mechanisms is discussed in the context of genetic and psychological view on a personality and within the genetic modelling method. It is stated that predictive capacity of the genetic modelling method opens up new opportunities for obtaining of fundamentally new results during study of the psychological mechanisms of child’s mental development and self-development in the context of genetic personality psychology.

Prospects of scientific studies of the issue of psychological mechanisms in the context of talent determination are outlined, and the constellation of these determinants in the ontogenetic dimension is specified and strategies for productive creative personality formation are defined.

Key words: psychological mechanisms, personality, talent, education, development, self-development, personal effectiveness, genesis.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Bol'shoj tolkovyj psihologicheskij slovar' / Reber Artur (Penguin). Tom 1 (A – O): Per. s angl. – M.: Veche, AST, 2000. – 592 s.

2. Borishevs'kij M.J. Psihologіchnі mehanіzmi rozvitku osobistostі / M.J. Borishevs'kij // Pedagogіka і psihologіja. – № 3 (12). – 1996. – K.: Pedagogіchna dumka, 1996. – S. 26–33.

3. Borishevs'kij M.J. Osobistіst' u vimіrah samosvіdomostі: [monografіja] / Miroslav Josipovich Borishevs'kij. – Sumi: Vidavnichij budinok “Ellada”, 2012. – 608 s.

4. Kajl R. Detskaja psihologija: Tajny psihiki rebenka (serija «Psihologicheskaja jenciklopedija») / R. Kajl. – SPb.: prajm-EVROZNAK, 2002. – 416 s.

5. Kostjuk G.S. Z іstorії vіkovoї psihologії // Navchal'no-vihovnij proces і psihіchnij rozvitok osobistostі / Grigorіj Silovich Kostjuk ; za red. L. M. Prokolієnko. – K. : Radjans'ka shkola, 1989. – S. 476–491.

6. Kostjuk G.S. Navchal'no-vihovnij proces і psihіchnij rozvitok osobistostі / Grigorіj Silovich Kostjuk ; za red. L. M. Prokolієnko. – K. : Radjans'ka shkola, 1989. – 608 s.

7. Maksimenko S.D., Beh I.D. Psihologicheskij analiz mehanizma klassifikacii u mladshih shkol'nikov / S.D. Maksimenko, I.D. Beh // Voprosy psihologii. – 1980. – № 5. – S. 78–88.

8. Maksimenko S.D. Mehanіzmi rozvitku osobistostі / S.D. Maksimenko // Problemi suchasnoї psihologії: Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Kam'janec'-Podіl's'kogo nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu іmenі Іvana Ogієnka, Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni / Za red. S.D. Maksimenka, L.A. Onufrієvoї. – Vip. 26. – Kam'janec'-Podіl's'kij: Aksіoma, 2014. – S. 7–21.

9. Maksimenko S.D. Psihologіchnі lіnії rozvitku osobistostі – mehanіzmi rozgortannja chi novoutvorennja? / S.D. Maksimenko // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – Kiїv; Nіzhin : P.P. Lisenko, 2015. – Tom ІH. – Zagal'na psihologіja. Іstorichna psihologіja. Etnіchna psihologіja. – Vip. 7. – S. 6–17.

10. Nikol'skaja A.A., Faraponova Je.A. HHІІ Mezhdunarodnyj psihologicheskij kongress / A.A. Nikol'skaja, Je.A. Faraponova // Voprosy psihologii. – 1980. – № 5. – S. 179–182.

11. ІІІ Vseukraїns'kij psihologіchnij kongres z mіzhnarodnoju uchastju “Osobistіst' u suchasnomu svіtі”. – K.: DP “Іnformacіjno-analіtichne agenstvo”, 2015. – Ch. 2. – 364 s.

12. Salmina N.G., Chernyshova V.K. Aktual'nye problemy vozrastnoj i pedagogicheskoj psihologii i vnedrenie dostizhenij psihologicheskoj nauki v praktiku / N.G. Salmina, V.K. Chernyshova // Voprosy psihologii. – 1980. – № 5. – S. 177–178.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 77-85 (pdf)

UDC 159.954.2

Zagurs`ka I.S.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Reference as basis of development of abilities at the junior school age

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the problem of development of social reflection and referent relations as a part of it has been examined, with the purpose of singling out the main tendencies of abilities development and specific character of giving value support.

One of the conditions of the development of abilities and personality in general is their constant well-grounded extensive estimation by referent persons who have connection to different spheres of life (family members, teachers, heads of study groups, classmates). Activity becomes significant if success in it is appreciated, and on the contrary the significance of success is determined by the level of activity significance.

Interaction of personal (singling out personal features which help reach success) and activity resources (appreciation from referent persons for success in certain kinds of activity) plays the decisive role for development of abilities. For example, it has been proved that such personal feature as «persistence» is treated by junior pupils as pre-condition of development of abilities and thus can be considered as a recourse for child`s self-development in general.

The appearance of value conflict at junior school age is conditioned by lack of coordination between certain subjective important for a child groups of values. Such non-coordination appears in the case when different referent persons give these values mutually exclusive essence.

Key words: social reflection, referent person, development of abilities, value support, extensive estimation, significance of activity.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Davydov V.V. Teoriya razvivayushchego obrazovaniya [Theory of developing education] / Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Davydov. – M.: Intor, 1996. – 544 p.

2. Muzyka O.L. Prohrama tsinnisnoyi pidtrymky zdibnostey ta obdarovanosti «Try kroky» [Program of abilities and talents value support]/ Oleksandr Muzyka. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2008. – 34 p.

3. Muzyka O.L. Referentni vidnosyny u rozvytku obdarovanoyi osobystosti [Referent relations in the development of a talented personality] // Osvitnye seredovyshche yak chynnyk stanovlennya obdarovanoyi osobystosti [Educational environment as a factor of formation of a talented personality]: Monograph / R.O. Semenova, O.L. Muzyka, D.K. Korol'ov et al. / R.O. Semenova (Ed.). – K.-Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2014. – pp. 69-90.

4. Muzyka O.L. Rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostey u nasliduval'niy diyal'nosti [Development of creative abilities in imitative activity]: [textbook] / O.L. Muzyka, N.F. Portnyts'ka (Eds.). – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2007. – 128 p.

5. Muzyka O.L. Samootsinka i rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostey [Self-appraisal and development of creative abilities]: [textbook] / O.L. Muzyka, I.S. Zagurs'ka (Eds.). – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2007. – 144 p.

6. Muzyka O.L. Tsinnisna pidtrymka osobystisnoho rozvytku yak teoretychna ta prykladna problema [Value support of individual development as a theoretical and practical problem]/ O.L. Muzyka // Digest of scientific papers, H.S. Kostyuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine «Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi» [Actual problems of psychology] in 12 vol./ V.O. Molyako (Ed.). – Vol.12 (8). – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. – pp. 177-188.

7. Naumenko O.S. Psykholohichna kharakterystyka pobudovy rozvyval'noho osvitn'oho seredovyshcha dlya sotsial'no obdarovanykh molodshykh shkolyariv ta pidlitkiv [Psychological characteristics of creation of developing educational environment for socially talented junior pupils and teenagers] / O.S. Naumenko // Osvitnye seredovyshche yak chynnyk stanovlennya obdarovanoyi osobystosti [Educational environment as a factor of creation of a talented personality]: monograph / R.O. Semenova, O.L. Muzyka, D.K. Korol'ov [et al.]; R.O. Semenova (Ed.); H.S. Kostyuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine. – Kyiv; Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2014. – pp. 185-198.

8. Nykonchuk N.O. Usna narodna tvorchist' yak zasib tsinnisnoyi pidtrymky rozvytku zdibnostey u molodshomu shkil'nomu vitsi [Oral national creative works as means of value support of abilities development at junior school age] / N.O. Nykonchuk // Zdibnosti, tvorchist', obdarovanist': teoriya, metodyka, rezul'taty doslidzhen' [Abilities, creative work, talent: theory, methodology, results of the researches]: collective monograph / V.O. Molyako, O.L. Muzyka (Eds.) – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – pp. 183-212.

9. Portnyts'ka N.F. Vid nasliduvannya do tvorchosti [From imitation to creative work] / N.F. Portnyts'ka // Zdibnosti, tvorchist', obdarovanist': teoriya, metodyka, rezul'taty doslidzhen' [Abilities, creative work, talent: theory, methodology, results of the researches]: collective monograph / V.O. Molyako, O.L. Muzyka (Eds.) – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – pp. 54-75.

10. Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoyi osobystosti v osvitn'omu seredovyshchi: metodychnyy posibnyk [Psychological foundations of the development of a talented personality in educational environment] / O.L. Muzyka, D.K. Korol'ov, R.O. Semenova et al.; O.L. Muzyka (Ed.). – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – 146 p.

11. Slobodchikov V.I., Tsukerman G.A. Genezis refleksivnogo soznaniya v mladshem shkol'nom vozraste [Genesis of reflective consciousness at junior school age] / V.I. Slobodchikov, G.A. Tsukerman // Voprosy psichologii. – 1990. – №3. – pp. 25-36.

12. Stepanov S.Yu., Semenov I.N. Psikhologiya refleksii problemy i issledovaniya [Psychology of reflection: problems and studies] / S.Yu. Stepanov, I.N. Semenov // Voprosy psichologii. – 1985. – №3. – pp. 31-40.

13. Tsukerman G.A. Dve fazy mladshego shkol'nogo vozrasta [Two phases of junior school age] / G.A. Tsukerman // Razvivayushchee obrazovanie [Developing education]. Vol ІІ. Nereshennye problemy razvivayushchego obrazovaniya [Unsolved problems of developing education]. – M.: APK i PRO, 2003. – pp. 96-127.

14. Tsukerman G.A. Chto takoe umenie uchit'sya i kak ego izmeryat' [What is the ability to learn and how to measure it] / G.A. Tsukerman, E.V. Chudinova // Voprosy psichologii. – 2015. – № 1. – pp. 3-14.

15. El'konin D.B. Psikhologiya obucheniya mladshikh shkol'nikov [Psychology of teaching junior pupils] / Daniil Borisovich El'konin. – M.: Znanie, 1974. – 64 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 86-93 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Kirichenko V.V.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

The сrises of professional adaptation: subjective-value approach to learning

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The study is based on the results of empirical studies of the value consciousness of the subject of work in the primary professional adaptation. The main patterns and indicators of personal crises occurrence associated with the processes of professional adaptation and harmonization of individual psychological properties of the employee with the requirements of the professional environment. Crises professional development involving local or global crises value. The materials ideographic studies that illustrate the local crisis of values in the primary professional adaptation due to personal resistance worker professionally expedient development.

Crises professional development involving a total or partial temporary maladjustment. Under the influence of the social environment the basic elements of personality loses identity. Professional environment sets strict conditions for the development of basic professional-important qualities.

The principal possibility of using subject-value approach in the value of support workers in crisis professional adaptation. The results of the experimental verification of the efficiency of use of the program and materials to support the value of ideographic research methodology of modelling value consciousness, illustrating changes in the value consciousness of the individual in the process of value support. The possibilities of using the program to support the value depending on the typological characteristics of workers and professional development strategies.

Keywords: professional development, professional adaptation, the subject of labor, the crisis of professional development, crisis of values.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Zeer Je.F. Symanjuk Je.Je. Krizisy professional'nogo stanovlenija lichnosti / Jeval'd Fridrihovich Zeer, Jel'vira Jeval'dovna Symanjuk // Psihologicheskij Zhurnal, 1997. – №.6. – S.35-44.

2. Zeer Je.F., Symanjuk Je.Je. Jemocional'nyj komponent v professional'nom stanovlenii pedagoga / Jeval'd Fridrihovich Zeer, Jel'vira Jeval'dovna Symanjuk // Mir psihologii, 2002. – № 4 (32). – S. 194-203.

3. Kirichenko V.V. Praktichnі aspekti cіnnіsnoї pіdtrimki osobistostі u procesі perezhivannja krizi profesіjnoї adaptacії // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – K.: Vidavnictvo «Fenіks», 2015. – T. HІІ. Psihologіja tvorchostі. – Vipusk 21. – C. 124-132. – S.132-140

4. Klimov E.A. Psihologija professional'nogo samoopredelenija: Uchebnoe posobie dlja stud. vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedenij / E.A.Klimov. – M.: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2004. – 304s.

5. Kon I.S. V poiskah sebja: Lichnost' i ee samosoznanie / Igor' Semenovich Kon. – M.: Politizdat, 1984. – 335s.

6. Muzyka O.L. Kriza tvorchoї osobistostі: sub’єktno-cіnnіsnij pіdhіd do tipologії / Muzika Oleksandr Leonіdovich // Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G.S.Kostjuka APN Ukraїni, 2001. – S. 63-72.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 94-101 (pdf)

UDC 159.943

Kovalchuk Yu.М.

Institute of Gifted Child Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

Personality abilities: interpretation, functional role, phenomenology

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The results of the research of personality abilities are discussed in this paper. Functional role of personality abilities in the development of giftedness and their influence on the extent of giftedness potential realization are also presented. An interpretation of adolescents’ (with reduction of basic personality functions) peculiarities of personality abilities functioning was accomplished to disclose the mechanisms of such determination. The reduction of basic personality functions occurs during adolescence crisis, as well as in various crisis situations, particularly in situations of depression and emotional experience deployment. It was found that one of the causes of adolescence crisis and situational crises occurrence is a crisis of personality abilities. The essence of personality abilities crisis lies in the contradiction between the level of personality self-control and a new level of existential claims, resulting in inadequate structure of individual abilities on the whole. It was found that the phenomenological basis of personality abilities crisis is formed with the functional lack of subject abilities of a human to affect one’s abilities, their detection, positive assessment providing with motive power the process of their development, strengthening, as well as arming with psychological means of their productive use and development. The author interprets personality abilities as stable personality characteristics, functional mechanisms and properties that provide the ability of a human to be the subject of his\her own giftedness as a fundamental expression of the essential forces of his\her own ‘Self’.

Key words: giftedness, personality abilities, personality abilities crisis, adolescent crisis, abilities structure, abilities subject, personality functions.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Hardner Hovard. Struktura razuma: teoryya mnozhestvennoho yntellekta. – M.: OOO «Y.D. Vyl'yams», 2007. – 512 s.

2. Kostyuk H.S. Yzbrannыe psykholohycheskye trudы / H.S. Kostyuk. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1988. – 304 s.

3. K'erkehor S. Strakh y trepet / S. K'erkehor; per. s dat. – M.: Respublyka, 1993. – 383 s.

4. Maslou Abrakham Harol'd. Dal'nye predelы chelovecheskoy psykhyky. – SPb.: Evrazyya, 1999. – 432 s.

5. Myller Alys. Drama odarenoho rebenka y poysk sobstvennoho Ya. – M.:Yzd. «Prohress», 2012. – 109 s.

6. Seligman M.E.P., Peterson C. A learned helplessness perspective on childhood depression: Theory and research. – New York: Guilford Press, 1986. – P. 223 – 249.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 102-107 (pdf)

UDC 159.944(075.8)

Komar I.V.

Khmelnytsky National University, Khmelnitsky

Psychological principals formation personal maturity specialist of the socionomic the future direction

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the process of a Search «Universal sets» personal characteristics of the future specialist socionomic direction, which define the level of the formed professional maturity, we took into account the fact that the more demands were made to the qualities of the person, the harder it is to meet them. It therefore had to clarify the content of each quality and to determine the priority.

As a result of the analysis as the appropriate integrative characteristics and indicators of professionally important qualities of the person skilled socionomical direction identified by additional characteristics: personal maturity to handle stress, initiative, motivation activities; academic maturity of ability to assimilate new knowledge; social maturity adaptability in critical situations; social activities; communication skills; ability to establish and maintain contacts.We have developed a system of formation of valuable orientations of students was realized in common culturalogical preparation of students and called for the formation of value orientations in the context of the axiological priorities. During the study of psycho-pedagogical disciplines, disciplines of subject preparation, subjects of general cultural block much attention was paid to the formation of the spiritual component of the individual student as future expert socionomical direction of universal values, education and training to the relevant socionomical proper direction.

Keywords: personal maturity, professional maturity, experts socionomical direction.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Abul'khanova-Slavskaya K. A. Zhiznennye perspektivy lichnosti / K. A. Abul'khanova-Slavskaya // Psikhologiya lichnosti i obraz zhizni / otv. red. E. V. Shorokhova. – M. : Nauka, 1987. – S. 137 – 145.

2. Artsishevs'kiy R.A. Svіtoglyadna osvіta: teorіya, іstorіya, metodika: monografіya / R.A. Artsishevs'kiy; M-vo osvіti і nauki, molodі ta sportu Ukraїni, NAPN Ukraїni, Skhіdnoєvrop. nats. un-t іm. Lesі Ukraїnki [taіn.]. – Luts'k: Skhіdnoєvrop. nats. un-tіm. Lesі Ukraїnki, 013. – 303 s.

3. Ball G.O. Problema obґruntuvannya suspіl'noї іdeologії u svіtlі gumanіstichnogo pіdkhodu / G.O. Ball // Psikhologo-pedagogіchna nauka і suspіl'na іdeologіya: Materіali metodologіchnogo semіnaru Akademії pedagogіchnikh nauk Ukraїni, 12 listopada 1998 r. – K.: Gnozis, 1998. – S. 28 – 32.

4. Bardin Yu.P. Sotsial'naya zrelost' lichnosti: dis… kand. filos. nauk / Yu. P. Bardin. – Khar'kov, 1986. 173 s.

5. Vaynola R. Kh. Pedagogіchnі zasadi osobistіsnogo rozvitku maybutn'ogo sotsіal'nogo pedagoga v protsesі profesіynoї pіdgotovki : dis…d-ra ped. nauk : spets. 13. 00. 04 «Teorіya і metodika profesіynoї osvіti» /Renate Kheykіїvna Vaynola. – K. : 2006. – 542 s.

6. Gura T.Є. Rozvitok profesіynogo mislennya maybutnіkh psikhologіv: teoretiko-metodologіchniy aspekt: monografіya/ T.Є. Gura; M-vo osvіti і nauki, molodі ta sportuUkraїni, Klas. privat. un-t, Komun. zakl. «Zaporіz. obl. іn-t pіs-lyadiplom. ped. osvіti» Zaporіz. oblradi. – Zaporіzhzhya, 2012. – 303 s.

7. Gustova E. A. Professional'naya kompetentnost' sotsial'nogo rabotnika: otsenka i psikhologo-pedagogicheskie usloviya ee stanovleniya v vuze/ E.A. Gustova // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. Seriya «Psikhologicheskie nauki». – №4. - 2009. – M.: Izd-vo MGOU.- S. 145-150.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 108-121 (pdf)

UDC 159.928

Korol’ov D.K.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Research Approaches to gifted personality values problem in foreign psychology

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the theoretical analysis results of approaches to values problem in the context of giftedness. Author describes some researches direction of relations between aptitudes, achievements, personal values and social attitudes in world psychology. First, this is moral responsibility of gifted adults that enhanced by their greater possibilities impact other people life and world development. Second, moral education of gifted children that is important because the future probably their will be influential adults. Next, ethical giftedness and ethical leaderships, their connection with intellectual giftedness. Fourth, emotional, value features and personality traits that correlate with giftedness. The researches found that many gifted children have peculiarities: accelerated moral development, heightened attention to moral problem, sensitivity, empathy, deep emotional reactions. Many empirical works were focused on moral judgments of gifted children and adolescents. Last, connection between giftedness and moral values among adults and children. From ninth century some psychologist periodically allowed greatest morality of gifted children and eminent adults. However there is empirical evidence of only advanced cognitive understanding of moral principles and dilemmas by gifted children.

The presented overview shows that psychologist don’t study giftedness development determination by personal values and moral traits. This is perspective for future researches.

Key words: giftedness, personality, values, moral, development, gifted child.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Korol'ov D. K. Teoretichnі zasadi doslіdzhennja osvіtn'ogo seredovishha dlja obdarovanih u zarubіzhnіj naucі / D. K. Korol'ov // Aktual'nі problemi psihologiyi. — 2013. — T. 6, Vyp. 9. — S. 46—61.

2. Maslou A. G. Motyvacyya i lychnost’ / Abraham Garol’d Maslou. — M. : Pyter, 2011. — 351 s.

3. Muzyka O. L. Ekzystencijni potreby i rozvytok obdarovanoyi osobystosti / O. L. Muzyka // Aktual’ni problemy psyhologiyi. — 2015. — T. 6, Vyp. 10. — S. 63—77.

4. Freeman J. Morality and Giftedness. / Joan Freeman // The Routledge International Companion to Gifted Education / [ed. T. Balchin, B. Hymer, D. Mathews]. — London, NY : Routledge, 2008. — P. 141—148.

5. Hay P. K. Prosocial reasoning and empathy in gifted children / Peta K.Hay, Miraca U. M. Gross, Katherine Hoekman, Karen B. Rogers // The Australasian Journal of Gifted Education. — 2007. — Vol. 16, №2. — P. 5—14.

6. Jacobsen M. –E. Moral Leadership, Effective Leadership, and Intellectual Giftedness: Problems, Parallels, and Possibilities / Mary-Elaine Jacobsen // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 29—49.

7. Lewis A. E. The Moral Judgment of Gifted Adolescents : a dis. … doctor of philosophy / Ashley Elizabeth Lewis. — USA, Minnesota, 2007. — 91 p.

8. Lovecky D. V. The Moral Child in a Violent World / Deirdre V. Lovecky // Understanding Our Gifted. — 1994. — №6 (3). — P. 3.

9. Lovecky D. V. Identity Development in Gifted Children: Moral Sensitivity / Deirdre V. Lovecky // The Moral Child in a Violent World. Understanding Our Gifted // Roeper Review. — 1997. — №20 (2). — P. 90—94.

10. Lovecky D. V. Moral Sensitivity in Young Gifted Children / Deirdre V. Lovecky // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 161—177.

11. Narvaez D. High Achieving Students and Moral Judgment / Darcia Narvaez // Journal for the Education of the Gifted. — 1993. — Vol. 16, №3. — P. 268—279.

12. Roeper A. Giftedness and Moral Promise / Annemarie Roeper, Linda Kreger Silverman // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 251—265.

13. Silverman L. K. The Moral Sensivity of Gifted Children and the Evolution of Society / Linda Kreger Silverman // Roeper Review. — 1994. — №17 (2). — P. 110—116.

14. Sternberg R. J. Reflections on Ethical Leadership / Robert J. Sternberg // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 19—29.

15. Teo Ch. T. Eastern Perspectives: Moral and Volitional Education of Gifted Students / Chua Tee Teo, Yuanshan Cheng // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 241—251.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 122-129 (pdf)

UDC 159.923

Kupreeva O.

National Pedagogical University of M.P. Drahomanov, Kyiv

Psychological aspects of self-realization of students with disabilities

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article is results of research of psychological aspects of self-realization of students with disabilities. The comparative analysis of psychological characteristics of students with disabilities and healthy students. Implemented the comparative analysis of psychological characteristics of students with disabilities and healthy students. Discovered correlation of self-realization with self-attitude, sense – life orientation, time perspective. It is established that the success of self-realization of students with disabilities is determined by the integral formation of positive self-attitude, the existence and awareness of the value of self-actualization, life orientations, balanced time perspective.

Key words: students with disabilities, self-realization, time perspective, self-attitud, life orientations.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Abul'hanova K. A. Vremja lichnosti i vremja zhizni / K. A. Abul'hanova, T. N. Berezina. – SPb. : Aletejja, 2001. – 299 s.

2. Adler A. Praktika i teorija individual'noj psihologii / Al'fred Adler. – M. : Fond “Za jekonomich. gramotnost'”, 1995. – 296 s.

3. Kuprjejeva O.I. Psyhologichni osoblyvosti osobystisnogo rozvytku studentiv z invalidnistju / O.I.Kuprjejeva // III Vseukrai'ns'kyj psyhologichnyj kongres z mizhnarodnoju uchastju «Osobystist' u suchasnomu sviti». – K.:DP «Informacijno-analitychne agenstvo», 2014. – S.414-418.

4. Maslou A. Psihologija bytija / A. Maslou. – M.: Refl-buk; K.: Vakler, 2002. – 206 s.

5. Merlin V. S. Psihologija individual'nosti: izbr. psihol. trudy / V. S. Merlin. – Perm', PGPI, 1990. – 110 s.

6. Olport G. Stanovlenie lichnosti: izbrannye trudy / G.Olport; pod red. D. A. Leont'eva. M.: Smysl, 2002. – 462 s.

7. Perlz F. Vnutri i vne pomojnogo vedra / F. Perlz. – Spb., 1995. – 456 s.

8. Rodzhers, K. Svoboda uchit'sja / K. Rodzhers, Dzh. Frejberg. – M.: Smysl, 2002. – 527 s.

9. Serdjuk L.Z., Kuprjejeva, O.I. Osobystisnyj resurs zhyttjestijkosti studentiv iz somatychnymy zahvorjuvannjamy / L.Z.Serdjuk, O.I.Kuprjejeva // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii': Zb. nauk. prac' Instytutu psyhologii' im. G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrai'ny. – Kyi'v; Nizhyn: PP Lysenko, 2015. – Tom IH. – Vyp. 7. – S. 311-317.

10. Frankl, V. Chelovek v poiskah smysla / V. Frankl; [per. s angl. i nem.] – M.: Progress, 1990. – 368 s.

11. Fromm Je. Begstvo ot svobody / Je. Fromm. – M.: Progress, 1995. – 253 s.

12. Horni K. Nashi vnutrennie konflikty : konstruktivnaja teorija nevroza / K. Horni. – SPb.: Lan', 1997. – 238 s.

13. Jerikson Je. Identichnost': junost' i krizis / Je. Jerikson. – 2-e izd. M.: Flinta: Izd-vo MPSI, 2006. – 352 s.

14. Jung K.G. Struktura lichnosti i process individuacii /K.G.Jung. - SPb.: AST, 1994 – 134 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 130-140 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.72

Kutishenko V.P., Pylypenko N.G., Stavytska S.O.

National Pedagogical University of M.P. Drahomanov, Kyiv;

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Role of intellectual component in the formation of life strategies youth

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the characteristics of the intellectual sphere in late the youthful age, which is characterized by improving the capacity for complex intellectual operations: analysis and synthesis, generalization and abstraction, argumentation and proof of establishing causal relationships. Intellectually components we identify functionally important for the process of becoming life strategies of boys and girls components: prognostic abilities; reflective abilities; verbal ability.

Done correlation analysis and determined the relationship between prognostic indexes, reflective, verbal ability and general intelligence of of student young people 1) Significant direct relationship of general level of intelligence with predictive level of abilities (0.463 when p≤0,01), the level of verbal abilities (0.293 when p≤0,01), the level of reflexive abilities (0.284 when p≤0,01) significant direct relationship level reflective abilites with level of prognostic skills (0.243 when r≤0,01), the level of verbal abilities (0.259 when r≤0,01); direct communication of significant prognostic capabilities with the level of verbal abilities (0.316 when r≤0,01).

Research of the functioning of the intellectual component youth showed that most respondents have a low idexes of overall level of intelligence, the average level development of prognostic capacity, average level reflective capacity and low level of verbal abilities. This requires a thorough correction and developing work to enhance their development. Directions such work will be presented to us in the further scientific work.

Key words: life strategies, intellectual component, prognostic abilities, reflexive abilities, verbal ability, older youthful age.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Ananev B.H. Chelovek kak predmet poznanyia./ Borys Herasymovych Ananiev. – SPb.: Pyter, 2001. – 288 s.

2. Andros Ie. I. Intelekt u strukturi liudskoho buttia./ Yevhenii Ivanovych Andros. – K.: Stylos, 2010. – 358 s. – S. 69.

3. Hamezo M. V. Vozrastnaia y pedahohycheskaia psykholohyia: Ucheb. posobye dlia studentov vsekh spetsyalnostei pedahohycheskykh vuzov./ M. V. Hamezo, E. A. Petrova, L.M. Orlova. – M.: Pedahohycheskoe obshchestvo Rossyy, 2003. – 512 s. – S. 232-233.

4. Druzhynyn V. N. Psykholohyia obshchykh sposobnostei./ V. N. Druzhynyn. 3-e yzd. – SPb.: Pyter, 2007. – 368 s.

5. Elyseev O. P. Test strukturы yntellekta (TSI) R. Amtkhauэra / O. P. Elyseev //Praktykum po psykholohyy lychnosty. – SPb., 2003. – S.342-370.

6. Yermakov I. H. Zhyttievyi proekt osobystosti: vid teorii do praktyky. Praktyko zoriientovanyi posibnyk./ I. H. Yermakov, D. O. Puzikov. – Kyiv, «Osvita Ukrainy», 2007. – 212 s. – S. 108.

7. Karpov A. V. Refleksyvnost kak psykhycheskoe svoistvo y metodyka ee dyahnostyky/ A.V.Karpov // Psykholohycheskyi zhurnal. 2003. – T. 24. – № 5. – S. 45-57.

8. Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly: Navch. posib. /Z. N. Kurliand, R. I. Khmeliuk, A. V. Semenova ta in.; [Za red. Z. N. Kurliand. – 2 - vyd., pererob. i dop]. – K.: Znannia, 2005. – 399 s.

9. Psykholohyia. Slovar / [Pod obshch. red. A.V. Petrovskoho, M.H. Yaroshevskoho]. – 2-e yzd., yspr. y dop. – M.: Polytyzdat, 1990. – 494 s. – S. 23.

10. Rehush L. A. Psykholohyia prohnozyrovanyia: uspekhy v poznanyy budushcheho./ L.A. Rehush. – SPb., Rech, 2003. – 352 s. – S. 295-297.

11. Savchyn M. V. Vikova psykholohiia: navchalnyi posibnyk / M. V. Savchyn, L. P. Vasylenko. – K.: Akademvydav, 2005. – 360 s.

12. Smulson M. L. Psykholohiia rozvytku intelektu v rannii yunosti. Avtoref. dys... d-ra psykhol. nauk. [19.00.07 - pedahohichna ta vikova psykholohiia]; In-t psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy. – K., 2002. – 36 s.

13. Stavytska S. O. Dukhovna samosvidomist osobystosti: stanovlennia i rozvytok v yunatskomu vitsi: monohrafiia/ Svitlana Oleksiivna Stavytska. – K.: NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova, 2011. – 727 s. – S.183-192.

14. Tunyk E. E. Test yntellekta Amtkhauэra. Analyz y ynterpretatsyia dannыkh./ E. E. Tunyk. – SPb.: Rech. – 2009. – 96 s.

15. Shapovalenko Y. V. Vozrastnaia psykholohyia./ Y. V. Shapovalenko. – M.: Hardaryky, 2005. – 349 s. – S. 271.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 141-150 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.736.2+159.923.2

Levus N. I.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv

Role of family and school in the formation of a gifted child self-concept

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: According to the results of empirical research gifted pupils were sufficiently independent of other assessments, they form a picture of themselves based on the views and attitudes of others. The data correlation analysis confirmed significant impact on the adult child behavioral assessment component of their self-concept. It was found that the idea of teacher is very significant in how gifted child treat their intellectual abilities and influence of parents is more important to meet a child and their lives. The differences in the educational influence of parents and teachers’ attitudes towards gifted children with different levels of self-concept. Significantly different indicators sequences education and confrontation in mothers of children with different self-esteem. Teachers are split on these children and differently build them training and educational relations. Teacher’s thought the is very significant in how gifted child treat their intellectual abilities. The teacher is the main critic in regard to educational success. Teacher’s influence on the part of children’s self-concept, which is associated with cognitive abilities, are very strong. The father appears important for children to feel they are happy and satisfied life. If a parent believes that he can be consistent in education, it promotes emotional background of the child. If he is able to collaborate with a child, it positively affects the childʼs own highly appreciated. The highest level of acceptance has the mother gifted children with an average level of self-concept. The lowest level of acceptance has the mother gifted children with a low level self-concept.

Key words: self-concept, self, self-esteem, social reflection, treatment, evaluation, a gifted child, younger pupils, significant adults.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Agapov V. S. Vozrastnaja reprezentacija Ja-koncepcii lichnosti / V. S. Agapov. – M. : Globus, 2003. – 247 s.

2. Berns R. Razvitie Ja-koncepcii i vospitanie / R. Berns ; per. s angl. – M. : Progress, 1986. – 422 s.

3. Vasil'ev N. N. Ja-koncepcija: v soglasii s soboj / N. N. Vasil'ev. – M : Jelitarium: Centr distancionnogo obrazovanija, 2009. – 240 s.

4. Humeniuk O. E. Psykholohiia Ya-kontseptsii : navch. posibnyk / O. E. Humeniuk. – Ternopil : Ekonomichna dumka, 2004. – 310 s.

5. Dzhems U. Psihologija / U. Dzhems ; pod red. L. A. Petrovskoj. – M. : Pedagogika, 1991. – 368 s.

6. Koljadin A. P. Podhody k izucheniju „Ja-koncepcii” v psihologicheskoj nauke / A.P. Koljadin // Sbornik trudov Severo-kavkazskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. Serija „Gumanitarnye nauki”. ‒ № 1 (13). ‒ 2005 // (11.03.2012).

7. Krajg G. Razvitie Ja-koncepcii / Krajg G. // (12.03.15).

8. Fljejk-Hobson K. Razvitie rebenka i ego otnoshenij s okruzhajushhimi : ucheb. posobie / K. Fljejk-Hobson, B. E. Robinson, P. Skin. – M. : Centr obshhechelovecheskih cennostej, 1993. – 511 s.

9. Harter S. The development of the Self in childhood // Handbook of child psychology. – 5th edition: Vol. 3, Social, emotional, and personality development / W. Damon and N. Eisenberg, eds. – New York : Wiley, 1998. – P. 553–618.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 151-158 (pdf)

UDC 159.954-053.4:398

Lupiiko L.V.

National Pedagogical University of M.P. Drahomanov, Kyiv

Developing creative abilities of senior preschool children by facilities of popular folklore

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the question of developing abilities is considered as individual features of child and creative abilities of senior preschool children. A concept "creation" and "creative abilities of senior preschool children" is exposed. The meaning of creative abilities for development of growing up personality are based.

Actuality of the offered research is based that senior preschool age is an important period in development of personality. Preschool age is described, as a favourable period for developing creative abilities, cognitive processes and emotional sphere of child. The necessity of developing creative abilities is reflected for senior preschool age.

A concept "popular folklore" and "popular traditions" are exposed. Ukrainian popular folklore, as part of national and cultural inheritance of country, is the ponderable factor of influence on growing up personality. Perception and mastering of small folklore genres allow to develop for senior preschool children creative imagination, thinking, memory, observation, attention and others. Examples of the popular folklore recommended for work with children in preschool educational establishments and at home are made. It is marked that the use on lessons and in everyday life of popular folklore will assist to developing creative abilities of children of senior preschool age.

Key words: abilities, creative abilities, creation, cognitive processes, emotional sphere, senior preschool age, popular folklore, folk traditions.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Vygotskij L. S. Voobrazhenie i tvorchestvo v detskom vozraste: psihologicheskij ocherk / Lev Semenovich Vygotskij. – M.: Prosveshhenie, 1991. – 93 s.

2. Narod skazhe – jak zav’jazhe: Ukr. nar. prysliv’ja, prykazky, zagadky, skoromovky. / Uporjad. ta peredm. N.S. Shumady. – K.: Veselka, 1985. – 173 s.

3. Osorina M.V. Sekretnyj mir detej v prostranstve mira vzroslyh / Marija Vladimirovna Osorina. – SPb.: Piter, 1999. – 288 s.

4. Proskura E.V. Razvitie poznavatel'nyh sposobnostej doshkol'nika / E.V. Proskura. – K.: Radjans'ka shkola., 1985. – 128 s.

5. Psihologіchna enciklopedіja / Avtor-uporjadnik O.M. Stepanov. – K.: Akademvidav, 2006. – 424 s.

6. Ukrai'ns'ke narodoznavstvo: Navch. posibnyk / [red. S.P. Pavljuk, G.J. Goryn', R.F. Kyrchiv]. – L'viv: Feniks, 1994. – 608 s.

7. Subbotskyj E.V. Rebenok otkrыvaet myr: Kn. dlja vospytatelja detskogo sada / Evgenyj Vasyl'evych Subbotskyj. – M.: Prosveshhenye, 1991. – 207 s.

8. Shapar V.B. Suchasnij tlumachnij psihologіchnij slovnik / Vіktor Borisovich Shapar. – H.: Prapor, 2007. – 640 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 159-165 (pdf)

UDC 159.928

Maziar O.V.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Giftedness as a subject of psychological research in the early twentieth century

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Historical and psychological analysis showed that in the early twentieth century were already outlined the main approaches to the problem of giftedness. The study of personality on neuropsychological, psycho-physiological and socio-psychological levels were defined the general provisions of a functional nature and specificity of the interrelation of the structural components of gifted persons' individuality. Giftedness was defined as a general ability that expresses the degree of adaptation of the subject to solve new problems. Within personality psychology scientists carried out a typology of gifted persons, defined the role of cognitive processes, established the place of personal qualities in the development of abilities. Key in the formation of giftedness should be the external conditions of the personality development. Social conditions provide a high development of cognitive processes and the formation of personal qualities, from which the most important are the mind and will. The mind is responsible for content characteristics of giftedness, and the will is an organizational and dynamic psychological force that motivates and directs the development of gifted individual's abilities. Psychological factors of giftedness also attributed the development of individual cognitive processes, in particular the peculiarities of thinking, memory, attention and also individual personal qualities. It was alleged by the idea that the development of giftedness coincides with the process of mental development. Under the compliance with some false provisions scientists sometimes quite carefully evaluated the role of heredity in the formation of giftedness. Formulated concepts of giftedness were usually formed within the empirical approach and differed thorough analysis of individual cases.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Byne A. Metody yzmerenyia umstvennoi odarennosty: sbornyk statei / A. Byne y T. Symone. – K.: Hosudarstvennoe Yzdatelstvo Ukraynы, 1923. – 179 s.

2. Ben A. Ob yzuchenyy kharaktera / Ben. – S.-Peterburh, 1866. – 523 s.

3. Halton F. Nasledstvennost talanta. Ey zakony y posledstvyia / Frensys Halton. – SPb., 1875 – M.: «Misl», 1996. – 270 s.

4. Herbart Y.F. Psykholohyia / Y. F. Herbart. – S.-Peterburh: Typohrafyia zheleznodorozhnikh yzdanyi A. F. Shtoltsenburha, 1895. – S. 93-277.

5. Hruzenberh S. O. Henyi y tvorchestvo. Osnovy teoryy y psykholohyy tvorchestva / Prof. S. O. Hruzenberh. – L.: Yzdatelstvo P. P. Soikyna, 1924. – 254 s.

6. Hiuio M. Vospytanye y nasledstvennost : Sotsyolohycheskoe yssledovanye / M. Hiuio. – S.-Peterburh: Typohrafyia T-va «Narodnaia Polza», 1899. – № 6. – 340 s.

7. Keira Fr. Kharakter y nravstvennoe vospytanye / Fr. Keira. – S.-Peterburh: Typohrafyia Yu. N. Эrlykh, 1897. – 118 s.

8. Krechmer Э. Henyalnыe liudy / Эrnst Krechmer. – SPb.: Humanytarnoe ahentstvo «Akademycheskyi proekt», 1999. – 303 s., yll.

9. Leites N. Bivaiut vidaiushchyesia dety… / N. Leites // Semia y shkola. – 1990. – № 3. – S. 33-35.

10. Lombrozo Ts. Henyalnost y pomeshatelstvo. Parallel mezhdu velykymy liudmy y pomeshannimy / Ts. Lombrozo. – S.-Peterburh: Yzdanye F. Pavlenkova, 1892. – 255 s. : tabl., rys.

11. Mnykhovskyi A. Typi dushevnoho razvytyia / Sochynenye A-ra Mnykhovskoho. – K.: Typohrafyia S. V. Kulzhenko, 1886. – 155 s.

12. Nechaev A. P. Kharakter cheloveka / A. P. Nechaev. – M.; L.: Hosudarstvennoe yzdatelstvo, 1929. – 116 s.

13. Oppenheim N. Razvytye rebenka, nasledstvennost y sreda / Natan Oppenheim. – K., 1913. – 307 s.

14. Polan Fr. Psykholohyia kharaktera / Fr. Polana. – S.-Peterburh: Typohrafyia Yu. N. Эrlykh, 1896. – 208 s.

15. Rybo T. Nasledstvennost dushevnikh svoistv (psykholohycheskaia nasledstvennost) / Sochynenye T. Rybo. – S.-Peterburh: Yzdanye Karla Rykkre, 1884. – 395 s.

16. Sykorskyi Y. A. Antropolohycheskaia y psykholohycheskaia henealohyia Pushkyna / Prof. Y. A. Sykorskyi. – K.: Typohrafyia S. V. Shulzhenko, 1912. – 34 s.

17. Sykorskyi Y. A. Darovytost y talantlyvost v svete obektyvnoho yssledovanyia po dannym psykhofyzyolohycheskykh korreliatyvov / Prof. Y. A. Sykorskyi. – K.: Typ. S. V. Kulzhenko, 1912. – 30 s. : yl.

18. Smails S. Kharakter / Sochynenye Samuyla Smailsa. – S.-Peterburh; M.: Yzdanye postavshch. Eho Ymperatorskoho Velychestva Tovaryshchestva M. O. Volf, 1883. – 355 s.

19. Chemberlэn A. F. Dytia. Ocherky po эvoliutsyy cheloveka. Chast 1. / Professor antropolohyy v unyversytete Klarka v Uorchestere A. F. Chemberlyn. – SPb.: «Moskovskoe knyhoyzdatelstvo», 1910. – 303 s.

20. Shtern V. Odarinnost detei y podrostkov / V. Shtern. – Kharkov: Knyhospilka, 1926. – 407 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 166-173 (pdf)

UDC 371.147: [811.161.2]

Malecka I.V.

International Humanitarian University, Odesa

Skill System in the Context of Linguistic and Communicative Competence of the Future Philologists

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Based on analysis of scientific literature on psychology and pedagogy (normative reference books, monographs, textbooks, dissertations) has formed a system of professional communication skills of students of language and literature. It is proved that in the modern educational theory there is no single approach to the classification of communication skills. Therefore, proposed to divide the system of professional communication skills in the 4 components: creativity (ability to identify the interests of communication, based on the emotional experience, to be balanced, to use inspiration); Analytical (the ability to collect, analyze and synthesize information, to rely on intuition); the activity (ability to be proactive, persistent, consistent); linguistic and communicative (the ability to perceive information holistically, own words, to be persuasive, tactful, adaptability). Identify ways to improve the effectiveness of language and communicative competence of students of philological faculties. These suggestions can be used in teaching practice in preparation for the professional activity of future philologists.

Keywords: linguistic and communicative competence, training of future philologists, language and communication skills, professional communication teacher, system skills.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Dupliichuk, O.M. (2012). Komunikatyvna filosofiia yak metodolohichna osnova rozrobky komunikatyvnykh tekhnolohii u profesiinii pidhotovtsi vchyteliv-filolohiv [Communicative philosophy as a methodological basis for the development of communication technologies in the training of teachers of philology]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu im. Ivana Franka. – Bulletin Zhytomyr State University by Ivan Franko, 63, 168-172.

2. Romanyshyna, L.M., & Konokh, A.P. (2012). Osoblyvosti formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv u protsesi pedahohichnoi praktyky [Features of formation of professional competence of future primary school teachers in the teaching practice]. Visnyk Zaporizkoho natsionalnoho universytetu: Zb. naukovykh prats. Fizychne vykhovannia ta sport – Journal of Zaporizhzhya National University: Collection of scientific papers. Physical education and sport. Zaporizhia: Zaporizhzhya National University [in Ukraine].

3. Klymova, K.Ya. (2011). Formuvannia movnokomunikatyvnoi profesiinoi kompetentnosti studentiv nefilolohichnykh spetsialnostei pedahohichnykh universytetiv [Formation of linguistic and communicative competence of students of non-philological professional specialties pedagogical universities]. Doctor’s thesis. Kiev [in Ukraine].

4. Pidhurska, V.Yu. (2011). Formuvannia movnokomunikatyvnykh umin u maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv u protsesi pedahohichnoi praktyky [Formation of linguistic and communicative skills of primary school teachers in the teaching practice]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kiev [in Ukraine].

5. Haliona, N., & Dudko, I. (2012). Osnovy movoznavchoi tvorchosti v MAN: navch.-metod. posibnyk [Fundamentals of linguistic creativity in the Small Academy of Sciences: Teach method. manual]. Kiev: NC SASU [in Ukraine].

6. Ananiev, B.G. (1980). Psychology of educational evaluation. Fav. psychological works. B.G. Ananiev (Vols. 1-2; Vol. 1). Moscow: Pedahogika [in Russian].

7. Parygin B.D. Sotsialnaia psikhologia. Problemy metodologii, istorii i teorii [Social Psychology. Problems of methodology, history and theory]. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 174-181 (pdf)

UDC 37.015.3

Meshko O.I.

Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk, Ternopil

Development of the subjectivity of students – future teachers as an aspect of their personal position formation

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The urgency of development of the teacher’s professional position and its importance in his professional activity are substantiated in the article. On the basis of the analysis of the scientific sources the unexplored aspects of the problem are singled out and the role of subjectivity in the formation of a professional position of the teacher is defined in the article. It is found that subjectivity as an integral professionally important quality reflects the way of teacher personality’s self-realization, self-determination and self-development as a professional and manifests itself in subjective fixation of the professionally meaningful ways of activities and the development on this basis of their own actions, determination of their own professional pedagogical activity criteria and standards, beyond the regulatory activities, the ability of the author to design and implement the strategies in professional life. The essential-content characteristics of subjectivity as part of future teacher professional position are stated. The concept of subjectivity of the future teachers is specified. The content of future teachers’ subjectivity in the context of age-peculiarities and the process of professionalization of the future specialis are analysed. The features of the development and implementation of the subjectivity as a subject of the student training, professional and social life are stated. The features of the formation of student’s subjectivity in the educational space of higher educational institution as an outer determined process are described (where the student acts as the agent of the action, individual, subjective experience, striving to disclose, implement, realize his internal potential) and internal process concerning the identity of the student is stated (that manifests itself in the originality of identity of the individual student as a future teacher specialist).

Keywords: professional attitude, teacher, subjectivity, student, development of the subjectivity of students, future teacher professional development.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Anczyferova L.Y. Psikhologicheskoe soderzhanie fenomena subekt i granitsy subektno-deyatelnostnogo podkhoda / L.Y. Anczyferova // Problema subekta v psikhologicheskoj nauke. – M.: «Akadem. proekt», 2000. – S. 27-42.

2. Ball G.A. Psikhologicheskoe soderzhanie lichnostnoj svobody: sushhnost i sostavlyayushhie / G.A. Ball // Psikhol. zhurnal. – 1997. – T.18. – #5. – S. 7-19.

3. Bekh I.D. Vykhovannya osobystosti: U 2 kn. Kn. 2. Osobystisno oriyentovanyj pidkhid: teoretyko-praktychni zasady / I.D. Bekh. – K. : Lybid, 2003. – 344 s.

4. Bondarenko O.F. Subyektnist yak etychnyj vymir: u poshukakh vitchyznyanoyi tradyciyi u psykhoterapiyi / O.F. Bondarenko // Lyudyna. Subyekt. Vchynok: Filosofsko-psykhologichni studiyi / red. V.O. Tatenko. – K. : Lybid, 2006. – S. 52-70.

5. Karpenko Z.S. Kartografiya integralnoyi subyektnosti: post-postmodernistskyj proekt / Z.S. Karpenko // Lyudyna. Subyekt. Vchynok: Filosofsko-psykhologichni studiyi / red. V.O. Tatenko. – K. : Lybid, 2006. – S. 157-176.

6. Markova A.K. Psikhologiya professionalizma / A.K. Markova. – M. : Znanie, 1996. – 308 s.

7. Meshheryakova Y.A. Problemnoe pole perezhivaniya studentov / Y.A. Meshheryakova, A.V. Ivanova // Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie. – 2004. – # 2. – S. 5-10.

8. Pedagogika: Ucheb. posob. dlya stud. ped. ucheb. zavedenij / V.A. Slastenin, Y.F. Isaev, A.Y. Mishhenko, E.N. Shiyanov. – M. : Shkola-Press, 1998. – 512 s.

9. Radchuk G.K. Aksiopsykhologiya vyshhoyi shkoly: [monografiya] / G.K. Radchuk. – Ternopil : TNPU im.V.Gnatyuka, 2014. – 380 s.

10. Rubinshtejn S.L. Chelovek i mir / S.L. Rubinshtejn. – M.: Nauka, 1997. – 191 s.

11. Tatenko V.O. Subyektno-vchynkova paradygma v suchasnij psykhologiyi / V.O. Tatenko // Lyudyna. Subyekt. Vchynok: Filosofsko-psykhologichni studiyi / red. V.O. Tatenko. – K. : Lybid, 2006. – S. 316-358.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 182-189 (pdf)

UDC 159.943

Muzyka O.О.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Pranks of children with signs of talent as manifestation of subjective activity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the psychological nature of pranks as a peculiar manifestation children’s subjective activity with signs of a talent. The pranks are considered as behavioral forms of child’s subjective and performable activity, manifested in getting beyond the prescribed, familiar forms of behavior and activity, and are focused on their social validation to identify and describe possible trends for self-esteem and self-development. Within this context the childish pranks are observed as testing the physical and social reality. This is a kind of test, in the result of which the child is willing to obtain the opinion, which discloses the moral content of a deed, the opinion, which determines child’s self-development.

Children’s pranks are mostly focused on experience and environmental transformation, discovering new information, studying a reverse reaction towards an action, especially towards those, which are connected with some prohibitions, as well as towards self-understanding and personal opportunities. Children’s pranks have an external side, which is the manifestation of activity, internal side – motives, which encourage a child to act, and source of their appearance – reasons, which cause the motivation to act. In the result of the investigation the differences in children and adult’s attitude to the prank situation was found. The outstanding features in children’s attitude are situational and positive reaction and post situational ambivalent attitude; in adult ones they are situational and negative or ambivalent attitude. Such groups of children’s pranks with signs of a talent are eliminated as typical: pranks like manifestation of increasing cognitive activity; pranks like extension of their own experience; pranks like studying permitted limits; pranks like experimentation with new units; experience as a result of new impressions absence.

Keywords: activity, subjective activity, pranks, children with signs of talent.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Abramenkova V. V. Sotsialnaya psihologiya detstva / V. V. Abramenkova. – M.: PER SE, 2008. – 431 s.

2. Amonashvili Sh. A. Zdravstvuyte, deti! / Sh. A. Amonashvili. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1983. – 208 s.

3. Gippenreyter Yu. B. Obschatsya s rebenkom. Kak? / Yu. B. Gippenreyter. – M.: AST, Astrel; Mn.: Harvest, 2008. – 238 s.

4. Goncharenko S. U. UkraYinskiy pedagogIchniy slovnik / Semen Goncharenko. – K.: LibId, 1997. – 375 s.

5. ZdIbnostI, tvorchIst, obdarovanIst: teorIya, metodika, rezultati doslIdzhen / Za red. V.O. Molyako, O. L. Muziki. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

6. Lyublinskaya A. A. Detskaya psihologiya / A. A. Lyublinskaya. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1971. – 415 s.

7. Lyudina. Sub’Ekt. Vchinok: FIlosofsko-psihologIchnI studIYi / Za red. V. O. Tatenka. – K.: LibId, 2006. – 360 s.

8. Odarennyie deti. Per. s angl. / Obsch. red. G. V. Burmenskoy, V. M. Slutskogo. – M.: Progress, 1991. – 376 s.

9. Podd'yakov N. N. Novyiy podhod k razvitiyu tvorchestva u doshkolnikov / N.N. Podd'yakov // Vopr. psihol. – 1990. – #1. – S. 16-19.

10. Psihologiya odarennosti detey i podrostkov / Pod red. N. S. Leytesa. – M.: Izd. tsentr “Akademiya”, 1996. – 416 s.

11. Romenets V. A. PsihologIya tvorchostI / V. A. Romenets. – K: LibId, 2004. – 288 s.

12. Sikorskiy I. A. Dusha rebenka / I. A. Sikorskiy. – M.: AST: Astrel, Vladimir: VKT, 2009. – 153 s.

13. Slovnik ukraYinskoYi movi: v 11 tomah. – KiYiv: Naukova dumka, 1970-1980.

14. Tatenko V. O., SItkar V. I. DityachI pustoschI z poglyadu psihologa / V. O. Tatenko, V. I. SItkar // VIsnik AkademIYi pedagogIchnih nauk UkraYini: Vip. 1. – K., 1993. – S. 167-174.

15. Tatenko V. O. Suchasna psihologIya: teoretiko-metodologIchnI problemi / V. O. Tatenko. – K.: Vid-vo nats. un-tu «Nau-druk», 2009. – 288 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 190-198 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Musiyaka N.I.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Research of formation of evaluative attitudes as a mechanism of schoolchildren’s personal efficiency

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of the experiment of evaluative attitudes as a mechanism of schoolchildren’s personal efficiency in the system "I - I" and "I-learning". The study of evaluative attitudes as a mechanism of schoolchildren’s personal efficiency includes analysis of formation of self-evaluation of schoolchildren’s school failure causes, which reflects self-esteem regulatory trends that are revealed trough a locus of control of schoolchildren with different personal efficiency. It was found out that schoolchild’s awareness of the causes that prevented him/her to achieve the desired results in learning, and his/her own assessment of ways to overcome learning difficulties reflects his/her personal status in the dichotomy activity / inactivity and is an indicator of personal efficiency formation or, on the contrary, its underdevelopment.

The features of formation at a micro-genesis level of varieties of assessing of school failure causes by schoolchildren with different levels of personal efficiency at different stage of schooling are revealed.

Direct correlation with a statistically significant level between personal efficiency and localization of internal and external trends is confirmed and can be traced in third, fourth and sixth forms of learning. Break of these trends is reported for children transferred from primary to secondary school; fifth-form schoolchildren experience difficulties in adaptation period, and only external trends are present at this time regardless of a personal effectiveness level.

Macro-genesis of assessing of school failure causes by schoolchildren is revealed also: the ratio of external and internal factors in evaluation formation that is characteristic for schoolchildren groups with different personal efficiency in primary and secondary school - in the period from the third to sixth forms.

Statistically significant correlation between formation of child’s own assessment of educational failure causes, which is represented in a corresponding locus of control, and personal efficiency of educational activities of primary and secondary school children is determined.

Key words: genesis, personality, locus of control, personal efficiency, assessing, evaluative attitudes.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Kostyuk H.S. Navchal'no-vykhovnyy protses i psykhichnyy rozvytok osobystosti / za red. L.M. Prokoliyenko. – K. : Radyans'ka shkola, 1989. – s. 608.

2. Markova A.K. Formirovanie motivacii uchenija : kniga dlja uchitelja / A.K. Markova, T.A. Matis, A. B. Orlov – M.: Prosveshhenie, 1990. – 192 s.

3. Matjuhina M.V. Motivacija uchenija mladshih shkol'nikov / M.V. Matjuhina. – M.: Progress, 2004. – 278 s.

4. Hekhauzen X. Motivacija i dejatel'nost' ; per. s nem. : v 2 t. ; pod red. V. M. Velichkovskogo / Xajnc Hekhauzen. - M. : Pedagogika, 1986. – T. 1. – 406 s, T. 2. – 391 s.

5. Matjuhina M.V. Jeksperimental'naja rabota v shkole / M.V. Matjuhina, S.G. Jarikova. – M.: «Gradariki», 2009. – 214 s.

6. Chamata P.R. Pro genezis samosvіdomostі ditini / P. R. Chamata // Naukovі zapiski NDІ psihologії; za red. G. S. Kostjuka. – K. : Rad. shkola, 1949. – T. 1. – S. 224 –242.

7. Chamata P.R. Pro prirodu ta sut' samosvіdomostі osobistostі / P. R. Chamata // Naukovі zapiski. Pracі respublіkans'koї psihologіchnoї konferencії ; za red. G. S. Kostjuka, O.M. Raєvs'kogo, P. R. Chamati. – K. : Rad. shkola, 1956. – T. VI. – S. 5 – 15.

8. De Charms R. Motivation enhancement in education settings // R. E. Ames & C. Ames (Eds.), Motivation in education. – N.-Y.: Academic Press, 1984. – Vol. 1. – pp. 275-310.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 199-208 (pdf)

UDC 159.923 + 159.928

Nykonchuk N.O.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Research of reflections of progression abilities in the early school years

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article contains the definition of "the reflection of progression abilities". Also in this article singled out progressive stages of reflection progression abilities. We describe the trends in younger pupil assessment of their own achievements and achievements of reference entities.

The reflection of progression abilities is the understanding of how to different stage of development of the same skills in different individuals or specific skills in one person or himself. In the early school years the development of reflection abilities goes on alternative ("yes" or "no") to the gradient ("more" or "less") evaluation. The subjective evaluation scale of pupils modified from two gradational to many gradational. The count of gradations in the assessment increases from the poles to the center ("good - bad" "good - not very good - not too bad - bad"). First of all, pupils have alternative reflection abilities. They distinguish between people who have success and does not have success. All children evaluation system reduces a simple: "can read – can’t read", "good - bad examples resolves", "good - bad". Pupils use only two gradation scale scores in the evaluation process. They differentiate individuals with varying levels of achievement in the gradation stage of reflection abilities. An indication of the level of reflection progressive abilities is the maximum number of gradation scale evaluation that kids apply for evaluation. We distinguish the following trends of pupils in evaluating their own achievements and reference person achievements: they differentiate the abilities better than qualities; they assessing their achievements better in terms of social comparison; they depreciate the achievements of people from the immediate social environment.

Keywords: primary school age, abilities, reflection, reflection of gradation abilities, assessments.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Zdibnosti, tvorchist, obdarovanist: teoriia, metodyka, rezultaty doslidzhen / [za red. V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyky]. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

2. Nykonchuk N.O. Refleksyvno-tsinnisna rehuliatsiya rozvytku uchbovykh zdibnostei u molodshomu shkilnomu vitsi: dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Nykonchuk Nataliia Oleksandrivna. – K., 2009. – 282 s.

3. Platonov K.K. Problemy sposobnostey / Konstantin Konstantinovich Platonov. – M.: Nauka, 1972. – 312 c.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 209-218 (pdf)

UDC 159.98: 316.77

Petrenko І.V.

Institute of Social and Political Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Application of swot-analysis’ technology for the study of features dialogic interaction in the school environment

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of results, got in the process of the use of technology of SWOT in relation to research of features of dialogic interaction of the subjects of communication in the school environment. Defined communicative intentions of the participants of social dialogue in the educational space. The characteristics of dialogic participation process in the school system were studied. Revealed social-psychological factors that influence of the efficacy intersubjective communication process in education.

Key words: SWOT-analysis, dialogic interaction, dialogic participation, social dialog, communicative intensions.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Dzhonson Devіd V. Socіal'na psihologіja: trenіng mіzhosobistіsnogo spіlkuvannja / Per. z angl. V. Homika. – K.: Vid. dіm «KM Akademіja», 2003. – 288 s.: іl. – Bіblіogr.: s. 283–284.

2. Roman'ko I.N. Izuchenie organizacionnoj participacii kak sostavljajushhej processa kommunikacii v organizacijah [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Psihologicheskie issledovanija: jelektron. nauch. zhurn. – 2011. – N 2(16). – URL: (data obrashhenija: 28.09.2014). 0421100116/0018.

3. Javors'ka-Vєtrova І.V. Do problemi doslіdzhennja refleksії jak mehanіzmu stanovlennja osobistіsnoї efektivnostі /І.V. Javors'ka-Vєtrova // Materіali VIII Mіzhnarodnoї naukovo-praktichnoї konferencії «Duhovnіst' u stanovlennі ta rozvitku osobistostі» (9-11 zhovtnja 2014 r., m. Іvano-Frankіvs'k). – Іvano-Frankіvs'k, 2014. – S. 768–775.

4. Cooper C.E. Communicating your participation at work: An exploration of participation types, communication behaviors, organizational commitment, and satisfaction: Ph.D. Dissertation / The University of Texas at Austin. 2002.

5. Palka S. Dialog w dydaktyce ogólnej i praktyce kształcenia / Teoria i praktyka kształcenia w dialogu i perspektywie. – Białystok, 2003. – s. 482–483.

6. SWOT-analiz: polnoe rukovodstvo [Elektronnij resurs]. Rezhim dostupu: http: //

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 219-225 (pdf)

UDC 159.9.075

Portnytska N., Savychenko O.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Diagnostic resources of photobiographical method in studying of mechanisms of creativity and talent development of person

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Developing of abilities includes motivational, reflexive and value components as required. The experience in studying of the mechanisms of development talent based on interviews, self-reports, which require a high level of reflection, has accumulated in modern psychology. On the other hand, current conditions are characterized by reduction and curtailing of communication processes of teenagers and children that can lead to depletion of reflexive and communicative processes. There is a need for additional diagnostic tools and mechanisms terms of personal development, including its motivations, mechanisms of creativity and talent.

The article presents results of theoretical and empirical generalizations of effectiveness of fotobiographical test as additional diagnostic tool in studying of the mechanisms of creativity and talent. Using of photographs has several advantages, such as creating of psychologically safe situation of actualization not only memories, but also personal experiences and meanings associated with them. Subjective semantic content of photos allows to reproduce the unique life history and to make a qualitative analysis of the structure of motivational, reflexive and value components of talent at the same time.

The article suggests using photobiographical approach based on tests "Who am I?" (R. Kuhn), TAT (D. Makklelland, H. Hekhauzen), MSDA (method of studying of the dynamics of abilities by O.L. Muzyka)

The empirical results suggest that the use of photographs helps reflection and motivational mechanisms of value creation in specific situations. Such situational mechanisms can later be used to provide the value support as a resource of skills and talent development.

Key words: talent, biographical method, photobiographical test, reflection of abilities, values, motivation.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K. A. Strategija zhizni / Ksenija Aleksandrovna Abul'hanova-Slavskaja. – M. : Mysl', 1991. – 299 s.

2. Anan'ev B. G. Chelovek kak predmet poznanija / Boris Gerasimovich Anan'ev. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 288 s. – (Mastera psihologii).

3. Zhdanova S. Ju. Vlasova E. Ju. Metod fotografii v poznanii individual'nosti cheloveka // Vektor nauki Tol'jattinskogo gos. un-ta. Serija: pedagogika, psihologija Vypusk № 2(9) 2012. – S.76- // metod-fotografii- v-poznanii-individualnosti-cheloveka#ixzz3nXIQMhSo

4. Zdіbnostі, tvorchіst', obdarovanіst' : teorіja, metodika, rezul'tati doslіdzhen' / [za red. V.O. Moljako, O. L. Muziki]. – Zhitomir : Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

5. Kon I. S. Zhiznennyj put' kak predmet mezhdisciplinarnogo issledovanija / Igor' Semenovich Kon \\ Psihologija lichnosti v trudah otechestvennyh psihologov. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – S. 269-279.

6. Kopytin A., Platts Dzh. Rukovodstvo po fototerapii. – M.: «Kogito-Centr», 2009. – 184 s.

7. Krizhanovs'ka Z.Ju. Art-terapevtichnij dosvyd u roboty psihologa-konsul'tanta. Nauko-vij vіsnik L'vіvs'kogo derzhavnogo unіversitetu vnutrіshnіh sprav.- 2013. – №1. - S.74-84.

8. Kul'chickaja E. I. Siren' odarennosti v sadu tvorchestva / Elena Ippolitovna Kul'chic-kaja, Valentin Alekseevich Moljako. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2008. – 316 s.

9. Litvin A. V. Metod psihologicheskogo analiza fotografij: mehanizm raboty [Tekst] / A. V. Litvin // Psihologija v Rossii i za rubezhom: materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Sankt-Peterburg, oktjabr' 2011 g.). — SPb.: Renome, 2011. — S. 57-60.

10. Loginova N. A. Psihobiograficheskij metod issledovanija i korrekcii lichnosti: Ucheb-noe posobie / Natalija Anatol'evna Loginova. - Almaty: Kazak universitety, 2001.- 172s.

11. Loginova O.I. Metaforicheskie fotokarty v semejnom konsul'tirovanii. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo “Kak preodolet' semejnye krizisy” .- M., 2015. - 40 s.

12. Rybnikov N. A. Biografii i ih izuchenie / N. A. Rybnikov. – M., 1920. – 47 s. – (B-ka biograficheskogo in-ta).

13. Sherman R. Strukturirovannye tehniki semejnoj i supruzhe skoj terapii: Rukovodstvo / R. Sherman, N. Fredman. – M.: Klass, 1997.

14. Jejdemiller Je., Justickij V. Semejnaja psihoterapija. - L. Medicina, 1989 — 192 s

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 226-233 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Savchenko O.V.

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk

Тhe instrumental provision of the reflectivity as a personal general ability

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The author analyzes the internal structure of the instrumental component of the reflective competence that plays an important role in the provision of reflectivity as a general ability of the personality. The reflectivity as a property of the personality contributes to the successful realization of any activities because it organizes intellectual processes. The instrumental component takes an important place in the structure of the reflective competence`s components as it unites reflective skills into a complete integrated system and controls their use. In this way it contributes to the function of the accumulation and ordering of units of the reflective experience. The functioning of the reflective skills` system is a condition for the effective implementation of the different forms of the reflective activity.

The indicator of the developmental level of the cognitive skills most of all dependents on the degree of skills` formation to keep himself in a reflective space, to understand and explain to himself and others his own way of thinking. These skills reflect the dialogical mechanism of the subjective thinking`s functioning. The level of skills to organize the problem-solving process and to predict possible mistakes and difficulties, to analyze his own capabilities determine the indicator of the developmental level of the metacognitive skills. The identification of the purpose of the activity, the establishment of causal relationships between the results and the nature of the organization of the problem-conflict situation, the restructuring of the model of the problem-conflict situation and the organizing of the internal dialogue influence greatly the developmental level of the personal reflective skills.

The general level of the instrumental component`s formation depends on the developmental level of the self-regulation activity`s skills because these abilities exercise the control over the use of resources, provide the monitoring of the subject`s activity, regulate the level of the subject`s emotional inclusion into different forms of reflective activity.

Key words: reflectivity, reflective experience, reflective competence, instrumental component of competence, reflective skill.

Spysok vykorystanyh dzherel

1. Dmitriyeva T.V., Sedova N.E. Razvitiye refleksii u studentov kak pedagogicheskaya zadacha [Development of a reflection at students as a pedagogical problem]. Vestnik Tiumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Herald of Tyumen State University], 2009, No5, pp. 33-42. Retrieved from http:

2. Zeygarnik B. V., Kholmogorova A. B., Mazur E. S. Samoreguliatsiya v norme i patologii [Self-regulation in norm and pathology]. Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal [Psychological Journal], 1989, no 2, pp. 121-131.

3. Leontev D. A. Psikhologiya smysla: priroda, stroieniye i dinamika smyslovoy realnosti [Psychology of sense: the nature, structure and dynamics of the notional reality]. Moscow: Smysl, 2003. – 487 p. Retrieved from http:

4. Nasledov A. D. Matematicheskiye metody psikhologicheskogo issliedovaniya. Analiz i interpretatsiya dannyh. Uchebnoye posobiye [Mathematical methods of psychological research. Analysis and interpretation of the data. Textbook]. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. – 329 p.

5. Semenov I. N., Turovtsev N. P. Sistiemno-psikhologicheskiy podhod k izucheniyu refleksivnyh resursov professionalnogo razvitiya [System-psychological approach to the study of the reflective resources of the professional development]. Psychology. Historical-critical Reviews and Current Researches, 2013, No 5-6, рр. 35-71. – Retrieved from http:

6. Smulson M. L. Intelekt dorosloyi liudyny: struktura ta samorozvytok [Intellect of adults: structure and self-development]. Technologies of intellect development, 2015, Vol. 1, No 9. Retrieved from technology_intellect_develop/article/view/175.

7. Tataurova K. M. Refleksivnyie umeniya kak faktor razvitiya professionalnoy kompetentnosti uchitielya [Reflective skills as a factor of the development of the teachers` professional competence]. Materialy V Mezhdunarodnoy studencheskoy elektronnoy nauchnoy konferentsii «Studencheskiy nauchnyiy forum», 15 fevralia – 31 marta 2013 g. [Materials of the V International student conference «Student scientific forum», February 15 - March 31, 2013]. - Retrieved from http:

8. Shadrikov V. D. Professionalnyie sposobnosti [Professional abilities]. Moscow: Logos, 2010. – 279 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 234-244 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Serdiuk L.Z., Kurbatova A.A.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv; Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Kyiv

Psychological features professional motivation of choicestudents with chronic somatic diseases

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the psychological factors of career choices high school students with chronic medical conditions educational institution. Discovered formation motives of choice of profession, professional relationship with the personal motivation and value-semantic entities. Established that the predominant motives of choice of profession seniors are the social, moral, cognitive, utilitarian, prestige, and motives associated with the maintenance work. Found that inner motivation meaningful career choices related to the formation of positive integral the self personality, sense of orientation and life-time perspective, values of self awareness in their future careers. The necessity of psychological support for students during professional self, able to ensure the right choice of profession and success of professional work in the future. The recommendations on optimization of vocational work with students with chronic medical conditions, including the awareness and the validity of their professional choice, which is to find the basics of personal choice and subjectively experienced as a search mission.

Key words: professional self-determination, the right choice of profession, the motives of choice of profession, life purport orientation, self, psychological protection.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Vіtkovs'ka O.І. Psihologіchnі umovi profesіjnogo samoviznachennja vipusknikіv serednіh shkіl u procesі profkonsul'tacії / O.І. Vіtkovs'ka / Avtoref. dis... kand. psihol. nauk: 19.00.07 / Іnstitut pedagogіki і psihologії profesіjnoї osvіti APN Ukraїni. – K., 2002. – 21 s.

2. Zeer Je.F. Psihologija professij: uchebn. posobie / Je.F.Zeer. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Akademicheskij Proekt, Fond «Mir», 2005. - 336 s.

3. Prjazhnikov N.S. Psihologija truda i chelovecheskogo dostoїnstva / N.S. Prjazhnikov, E.Ju.Prjazhnikova. - 3-e izd. – M.: Akademija, 2005. - 480 s.

4. Klimov E.A. Psihologija professionala / E.A. Klimov. – M.: Izd-vo "Institut prakticheskoj psihologii"; Voronezh: NPO "MODJeK". - 1996. - 400 s.

5. Klimov E.A. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie problemy professional'noj konsul'tacii / E.A. Klimov. – M.: Prosveshhenie, 1983. –124s.

6. Psihologіja pracі ta profesіjnoї pіdgotovki osobistostі: Navch.posіb. / G.O.Ball, M.V. Bastun, G.V. Krasil'nikova, S.R.Krasil'nikov. – Hmel'nic'kij: Unіver, 2001. – 330s.

7. Shadrikov V.D. Psihologicheskij analiz dejatel'nosti / V.D. Shadrikov. - Jaroslavl': Izd-vo JarGU, 1979. – 91 s.

8. Chirkov V.I. Motivacija uchebnoj dejatel'nosti / V.I. Chirkov. Jaroslavl'.: Izd-vo Jaroslav. un-ta, 1991. – 51s.

9. Bozhovich L.I. Problemy formirovanija lichnosti / L.I. Bozhovich. – Moskva-Voronezh – Znanie, 1997. – 356s.

10. Kolomіns'kij N. L. Psihologіja pedagogіchnogo menedzhmentu : Navch. posіbnik dlja stud. navch. zakladіv, kerіvnikіv ustanov osvіti, psihologіv, pedagogіv / N.L. Kolomіns'kij // Akademіja upravlіnnja personalom; Ukraїns'kij іn-t pіdvishhennja kvalіfіkacії kerіvnih kadrіv osvіti. – K., 1996. – 176 s.

11. Markova A.L. Formirovanie motivacii uchenija / A.L. Markova, T.A. Matis, A.B. Orlov. – M.: Prosveshhenie,1990. – 192s.

12. Matusevich M. S. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie aspekty professional'noj motivacii starsheklassnikov / M. S. Matusevich // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2014. — №8. – S. 825-827.

13. Jaroshenko, V. V. Motivacija vybora professii i osobennosti ee razvitija u uchashhihsja obshheobrazovatel'noj shkoly / V. V. Jaroshenko. – M.: Prosveshhenie, 2004. – S.235.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 245-253 (pdf)

UDC 159. 928.22

Solovey Y.G.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Studying psychological peculiarities of formation of values of the musically gifted personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article is devoted to studying psychological peculiarities of formation of values of the musically gifted personality. The becoming sphere values of musician's future considered in interrelation of two important features as: the characteristics of the value and scope of future professional musicians the essential features of the profession.

The value sphere is characterized with existence and development of values, value orientations, personal meanings, instructions, degree of their severity, hierarchy, dynamics, the characteristics and manifestations in the life of the individual. As the becoming a musician as a specialist along with regular education and special training involves forming system as a human and professional values, is very important, that professional values do not exist apart from the others, and some were in relation to the whole value system of the individual. The work reveals the structure of values of future musicians and psychological characteristics of their professional development, identified the impact on the socio-cultural environment of values musically gifted person and its development orientation in life. Found to the role of motivational orientation of the individual as one of the features of formation and development of values. Highlight, that the content of the subjects, relationships in the group, the individual teacher, and in the targeted developmental impact is oriented structuring of personal values.

Key words: personality, values, value attitude, musical talent, self-actualization, socio-cultural environment, professional orientation, professional motivation, personal self-determination.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Asmolov A.G. Psihologija lichnosti. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1990. -367s.

2. Vygotskij L.S. Jesteticheskoe vospitanie //Vygotskij L.S. Pedagogicheskaja psihologija /Pod red. Davydova. – M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1999. – S. 224-253.

3. Ginzburg M.R. Psihologicheskoe soderzhanie lichnostnogo samoopredelenija / M.R. Ginsburg //Voprosy psihologii. – 1994. - №3 – S.43-52

4. Kon I.S. V poiskah sebja: lichnost' i ee samosoznanie / Igor' Sergeevich Kon. – M.: Politizdat, 1984. – 335s.

5. Klochko V.E. Predmet sovremennoj psihologi chelovekoobrazovanie i psihologicheskoe obespechenie smyslovoj pedagogike //Obrazovanie i social'noe razvitie regiona. – Barnaul, 1995. – 3-4. S.104-113.

6. Klochko V.E. Stanovlenie mnogomernogo mira cheloveka kak sushhnost' ontogeneza // Sibirskij psihol. Zhurnal. – Tomsk, 1998. - №8-9. – S.7-15.

7. Laktіonov O.M. Sub’єktivne shkaluvannja dosvіdu osobistostі /O.M. Laktіonov //Aktual'nі problemi socіologії, psihologії ta pedagogіki: mater. Vseukr. Nauk-prakt. Konf. “Tendencії rozvitku psihologії v Ukraїnї: іstorіja ta suchasnіst' “ [do 80-rіchchja vіd dnja narodzh. Fundatora vіtchizn. Іst. Psihol. Nauki akad. APN Ukraїni V.A. Romencja]. – K., 2006. – S.72

8. Leont'ev A.N. Nekotorye problemy psihologi iskusstva //Leont'ev A.N. Izbrannye psihologicheskie proizvedenija: V 2 t. – M.: Pedagogika, 1983. – T. 2. – S. 232 – 239.

9. Lomov B.F. Metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie problemy psihologii /B.F. Lomov. – M.: Nauka, 1984. – 444s

10. Mihas'kova M.A. Formuvannja fahovoї kompetentnostі majbutn'ogo vchitelja muziki: dis. kand. ped. Nauk: 13.00.02 /Marina Anatolіїvna Mihas'kova. – K., 2007. – 186s.

11. Podoljak L.G. Psihologіja vishhoї shkoli: Navchal'nij posіbnik dlja magіstrantіv і aspіrantіv /Podoljak L.G., Jurchenko V.Ї. – K.: TOV “Fіl-studіja”, 2006. – 320s.

12. Rubinshtejn S.L. Bytie i soznanie. Chelovek i mir. /Rubinshtejn S.L. – SPb.; Piter, 2003. – 512 s.

13. Rubinshtejn S.L. Osnovy obshhej psihologi. /Rubinshtejn S.L. – Spb.: Piter, 2004. – 713s.Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar /Pod red. L.F. Il'icheva i dr. – M.: Sov. Jenciklopedija. – 1983. – 840s.

14. Chudnovskij V.E. Problema optimal'nogo smysla zhizni. Vesnik MGOU. Serija “Psihologicheskie nauki” / V. Chudnovskij - №2. Tom1. – 2008. – M.: Izd-vo MGOU. – 154 s.

15. Chepeleva N.V. Ishodnye teoreticheskie polozhenija i ponjatija psihologicheskoj germenevtiki /pod. red. N.V. Chepelevoj. – K.: Izd-vo Nac. ped. un-ta im. M.P. Dragomanova, 2009. – S. 9-24.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 254-262 (pdf)

UDC 159.923

Tychyna I.M.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

The psychological analysis of reflections on creativity as value-regulatory resources of the personal development during the change of profession

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the features of reflection on abilities and reflection in the value consciousness of people for whom a change of profession is a sign of creative self-development model. Abilities considered as a human resources for development, which in terms of its awareness as a valuable success become internal regulators of behavior and activity. The analysis of the one case shows that the reflection characteristics of ability in the professional reorientation of people with creative direction is significant awareness of professional skills and abilities; awareness of the creative abilities, which are universal in application and functional complex structure; awareness of the importance of their own abilities in the near and far future; awareness of their own ability to develop skills; awareness of the importance to be able to use its own set of abilities in different areas of life, indicating that the integrity of the profession in other areas of life, and vice versa. It is concluded that the development of abilities and the personal formation of the value consciousness are two interrelated processes, and the change of profession may be one of the ways to implement the creative models of self-provided capacity for reflection, developed their own professional and more important, including creative abilities, awareness of their values and integration in the structure of value consciousness.

Key words: abilities, professional abilities, creativity, values, values of activity, moral values, subjective value, value consciousness.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Ananiev B.H. Chelovek kak predmet poznanyia / B.H. Ananiev. – SPb.: Pyter, 2002. – 288s.

2. Bratus B.S. K probleme razvitiya lichnosti v zrelom vozraste / B.S. Bratus // Vestn. Mosk. Un-ta. Ser.14. Psihologiya. – 1980. # 2– S. 3-13.

3. Vyigotskiy L.S. Psihologiya / Lev Semenovich Vyigotskiy. – M.: Izd-vo EKSMO-Press, 2002. – 1008s. (Seriya «Mir psihologii»).

4. Druzhinin V.N. Psihologiya obschih sposobnostey / Vladimir Nikolaevich Druzhinin. – SPb.: Piter, 2000. – 368 s.

5. Zavalishina D.N. Subektno-dinamicheskiy aspekt professionalnoy deyatelnosti / D.N. Zavalishina // Psihol. Zhurn. – 2003. – T. 24, # 6. – S. 5-15.

6. Zdibnosti, tvorchist, obdarovanist: teoriia, metodyka, rezultaty doslidzhen / za red. V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320s.

7. Isaev E.I. Stanovlenie i razvitie professionalnogo soznaniya buduschego pedagoga / E.I. Isaev, S.G. Kosaretskiy, V.I. Slobodchikov // Vopr. psihol. – 2000. – #3. – S. 57-66.

8. Klimov E.A. Psihologiya professionala: Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi / E.A.Klimov. – M.: Izd. Moskovskogo psihologo-sotsialnogo institutu; Voronezh: Izd. NPO «MODEK», 2003. – 456 s.

9. 9. Konopkin O.A. Obschaya sposobnost k samoregulyatsii kak faktor sub'ektnogo razvitiya / Oleg Aleksandrovich Konopkin // Voprosyi psihologii. – 2004. - #2. – S.128-135.

10. 10. Mitina L.M. Lichnostnoe i professionalnoe razvitie cheloveka v novyih sotsialno ekonomicheskih usloviyah / L.M. Mitina // Vopr. psihol. – 1997. – # 4. – S. 28-38.

11. 11. Molyako V.A. Strategii resheniya novyih zadach v protsesse regulyatsii tvorcheskoy deyatelnosti / Valentin Alekseevich Molyako // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal. – 1995. – T. 16, #1. – S. 84-90.

12. Morosanova V.I. Lichnostnyie aspektyi samoregulyatsii proizvolnoy aktivnosti cheloveka / Varvara Ilinichna Morosanova // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal. – 2002. – T. 23, #6. - S.5-17.

13. Muzyka O.L. Intehratsiya osobystisnoho dosvidu yak psykholohichnyy mekhanizm rozvytku tvorchoyi obdarovanosti / O.L. Muzyka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Problemy psykholohiyi tvorchosti: zb. nauk. prats' / za red. V.O. Molyako. – T.12, vyp. 3. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I.Franka, 2007.– S.159-164.

14. Muzyka O.L. Refleksiia ta tsinnisna pidtrymka rozvytku zdibnostei: pidkhody do pobudovy metodyky doslidzhennia / O.L. Muzyka // Tvorchyi potentsial osobystosti: problemy rozvytku ta realizatsii: materialy Vseukrainskoi nauk.-prakt. konfer. (Kyiv, 15 liutoho 2005r.) Redaktory: O.B. Terezyna, P.Iu. Lepskyi. – K., 2005. – S. 187-190.

15. Osnitskiy A.K. Samoregulyatsiya aktivnosti sub'ekta v situatsii poteri rabotyi / A.K.Osnitskiy, T.S.Chuykova // Vopr.psihol. – 1999. – # 1 – C. 92-104.

16. 16. Osnitskiy A.K., Chuykova T.S. Samoregulyatsiya aktivnosti sub'ekta v situatsii poteri rabotyi // Vopr. psihologi. – 1999. – # 1. – S.92 – 104.

17. 17. Platonov K.K. Problemyi sposobnostey / Konstantin Konstantinovich Platonov. – M.: Nauka., 1972. – 312s.

18. Rybalka V.V. Osobystisnyi, refleksyvno-tsinnisno-kreatyvnyi pidkhid do rozvytku psykholohichnoi kultury uchnivskoi molodi v umovakh neperervnoi profesiinoi osvity / V.V. Rybalka // Rozvytok psykholohichnoi kultury uchnivskoi molodi v systemi neperervnoi profesiinoi osvity: navch.-metod. posib. / za red. V.V. Rybalky; kol.avtoriv: H.O. Ball, M.V. Bastun, O.H. Vydra, N.I. Voloshko, L.M. Hrydkovets, R.S. Hurevych, O.M. Ihnatovych, A.M. Kolomiiets, D.F. Kriukova, O.P. Liashch, V.E. Milerian, V.I. Panchenko, P.S. Perepelytsia, V.V. Rybalka, Z.L. Stanovskykh, S.K. Shandruk. – K.: IPPPO APN Ukrainy, 2005. – S. 30-43.

19. Rubynshteyn S.L. Bыtye y soznanye. Chelovek y myr / S.L. Rubinshteyn. – SPb.: Pyter, 2003. – 512 s.

20. Synyavs'kyy V.V. Profesiyna konsul'tatsiya bezrobitnykh za stupenem yikh hotovnosti do trudovoyi diyal'nosti / V.V. Synyavs'kyy // Byuleten' IPK DSZU. – 2005. – # 2. – S. 25-27.

21. Starovoytenko E.B Psihologiya lichnosti v paradigme zhiznennyih otnosheniy: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vyisshih uchebnyih zavedeniy / E.B. Starovoytenko. – M.: Akademicheskiy Proekt; Triksta, 2004. – 256 s.

22. Teplov B.M. Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi: V 2-h t. T.I. / B.M. Teplov. – M. : Pedagogika, 1985. – 328 s.

23. Fonarev A.R. Formyi stanovleniya lichnosti v protsesse ee professionalizatsii / A.R. Fonarev // Vopr.psihol. – 1997. – # 2. – S. 88-93.

24. Shadrikov V.D. Problemyi professionalnyih sposobnostey / Vladimir Dmitrievich Shadrikov // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal. – 1982. – T. 3, #5. – S. 13-26.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 263-273 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2.

Fedko V.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Features of self-respect of primary school children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article discuses the meaning of the “self-respect” category from the standpoint of personality moral development. A stress is laid on existence of an indissoluble link between moral and personal development, the core of which is child’s self-comprehension. The article pays attention to the products of child’s self-comprehension development (a self-image, self-estimation) that are the basis for child’s self-distinguishing from the environment, child’s development as an active agent in learning and practical activities. Such new social situation for a child as attendance of primary school is analysed together with appearance of characteristic for this age acquisitions that become determining factors not only for his/her intellectual sphere but also for a primary school child’s personality at whole that define ways and specific of his/her development. One of such factors is the reflection that determines self-respect formation in this age. The article determines a place of self-respect in the self-comprehension structure, reveals it difference from other forms of self-attitude. The meaning of the “self-respect” term is analysed, its structural components are revealed. It is noted that these components in their dialectical unity create a mechanism of self-respect formation. Procedural stages of self-esteem deployment in the inner psychological space are characterised. Peculiarities of self-respect manifestation for primary school children are discussed as well as the main factors that determine development of value attitude of a child to him/herself.

Key words: self-comprehension, moral development, self-respect, self-esteem, acquisitions of primary school children, active agent of learning.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Beh І.D. (2008) Vihovannja osobistostі: pіdruchnik / І.D. Beh. - K.: Libіd'. - 848 s. [in Ukrainian].

2. Bozhovich L.I. (1968) Lichnost' i ejo formirovanie v detskom vozdaste / L.I. Bozhovich. – M. – 464 s.[in Russian].

3. Efimkina R.P. (1995) Detskaja psihologija: metodicheskie ukazanija / R.P. Efimkina. – M.-Novosibirsk: Nauchno-uchebnyj centr psihologii NGU. – Rezhim dostupa:[in Russian].

4. Korchak Ja. (2012) Pravo na povagu / Uporjad. І. Koval'chuk, per. z pol. І. Koval'chuk, B. Matіjash, R. Svjato / Janush Korchak. – K.: Duh і Lіtera. – 382 s.[inUkrainian].

5. Opyt sistemnogo issledovanija psihiki rebjonka (1975) / Pod red. N.I. Nepomneshhej. – M., Рedagogika. – 232 s.[in Russian].

6. Psihologіchnij slovnik(1982) / Za red. V.І. Vojtka. – K., «Vishha shkola», – 215 s.[in Ukrainian].

7. Sapozhnikova L.S. (1980) Samoocenka i pritjazanija podrostkov // Psihologichekskie osobennosti samosoznanija podrostka / L.S. Sapozhnikova. – K.– s. 38.[in Russian].

8. Trihіn І.O. (2004) Osnovi shkіl'nogo vihovannja: navchal'nij posіbnik / І.O. Truhіn, O.T. Shpak. - K.: Centr navchal'noї lіteraturi. - 368 s.[in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 274-282 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.32-053.67

Khavula R.M.

Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, Drohobych

Theoretical and methodological problems of young people spirituality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents an analysis of scientific concepts and theoretical approaches to the problem of spiritual identity in adolescence in foreign and national psychology. The features of spiritual development were revealed and the basic structural elements and components of spiritual consciousness were singled out. It is noted that motivational and volitional component is a leading and integral in the development of spiritual consciousness, and the foundation of individual and personal development in adolescence is the genesis of its spiritual identity.

Key words: spirituality, spiritual self-identity of the personality, spiritual development of the personality, social and cultural self-identity, adolescence.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Adler A. Praktika i teorija individual'noj psihologii / Adler A.; [per. A. Borovikov]. – M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 2007. – 232 s.

2. Beh І. D. Vihovannja osobistostі: Shodzhennja do duhovnostі / І. D. Beh // Naukove vidannja. K.: Libіd', 2006. – 272 s.

3. Grof K. Neistovyj poisk sebja: Rukovodstvo po dushevnomu rostu cherez krizis k transformacii / K. Grof, S. Grof; [per. s angl.]. – M.: Izd-vo Transperson. in-ta, 1996. – 342 s.

4. Grof S. Holotropnoe soznanie: Tri urovnja chelovecheskogo soznanija i kak oni formirujut nashu zhizn' / S. Grof, H. Benket; [per. s angl. O. Cvetkovoj]. – M.: Izd-vo Transperson. in-ta, 1996. – 245 s.

5. Zelichenko A.I. Psihologija duhovnosti / A. I. Zelichenko. – M.: Izdatel'stvo transpersonal'nogo Instituta, 1996. – 400 s.

6. Maslou A. G. Dal'nie predely chelovecheskoj psihiki / A. G. Maslou; [per. s angl.]. – SPb.: Izd. Gr. Evrazija, 1997. – 430 s.

7. Moskalec' V. P. Psihologіchnі osnovi vihovannja duhovnostі v ukraїns'kіj nacіonal'nіj shkolі: avtoref. dis. ... dokt. psihol. nauk: spec. 19.00.07 «Pedagogіchna ta vіkova psihologіja» / V. P. Moskalec'. – K., 1996. – 49 s.

8. Pomitkіn E.O. Psihologіchnі zakonomіrnostі ta mehanіzmi duhovnogo rozvitku dіtej ta molodі: dis. … doktora psihol. nauk: 19.00.07 / Pomitkіn Eduard Oleksandrovich. – Kiїv, 2009. – 517 s.

9. Psihologіchnij slovnik / Za red. V. І. Vojtka. – K.: Vishha shkola, 1996. – S. 48.

10. Savchin M.V. Duhovnij potencіal ljudini: monografіja / Miroslav Vasil'ovich Savchin. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k: Vid-vo «Plaj» Prikarpats'kogo un-tu, 2001. – 203 s.

11. Stavic'ka S.O. Geneza duhovnoї samosvіdomostі junactva : dis. … doktora psih. nauk : spec. 19.00.07 / Stavic'ka Svіtlana Oleksіїvna. – K., 2012. – 470 s.

12. Juzvak Zh.M. Duhovnіst': pogljad psihologa / Zh. M. Juzvak // Pochatkova shkola, 2000. – №3. – S. 5-7.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 283-290 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.3

Vozna V.Y.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Value attitude to the profession as a factor of professional dignity of future professionals of creative professions

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article based on the results of theoretical analysis and experimental research data shows the relationship between the parameters: «value attitude to the profession» and «motivational readiness for professional work». Determine the specific features of the relation to the profession of the future specialists of creative professions.

The analysis of the professional goals of students – future professionals of creative professions suggests a lack of understanding of the need for continuous professional improvement, taking into consideration the methodological aspects of future activities, as well as on the general objectives of the narrowness of the semantic repertoire that updates the preparation of a program aimed at developing their professional self-realization. Throughout the program is monitored and creative dynamics of total activity, social utility and professional orientation. Based on theoretical and experimental provisions of our study showed that targeted psychological support registration emotional and value attitude to the future career of students future professionals of creative professions contributes to their professional identity, positive attitude to the professional activity, psychological readiness for management of professional activity, prevention of burnout. Involved measures proved to be effective.

Key words: future specialists of creative profession, motivational readiness to professional activity, value attitude to the profession.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Leont'yev D.A. Psikhologiya smysla: priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoy real'nosti. – M.: Smysl, 1999. – 487 s.

2. Molyako V.A. Aktual'nі sotsіal'no-psikhologіchnі aspekti problemi obdarovanostі // Obdarovana ditina. – 1998. - № 1. – S.3 – 5.

3. Tatenko V.A. Psikhologiya v sub''ektnom izmerenii: Monografiya. – K.: Prosvіta, 1996. – 404 s.

4. Teplov B.M. Problemy individual'nykh razlichiy. – M.: Nauka, 1961. – 276s.

5. Titarenko T.M. Zhittєviy svіt osobistostі u mezhakh і za mezhami budennostі. – K.: Libіd', 2003. – 376 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 291-298 (pdf)

UDC 159.91+376.54

Goncharuk O.V.

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv

The psychophysiological diagnostic factors of giftedness at school

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the psychophysiological factors of giftedness which should be taken into consideration during diagnostics and learning process of gifted children. Study of characteristics of central nervous system is important for further researches of correlation of natural and social factors of giftedness. Harmonic mental and physical grows of gifted children is guarantee of high academic progress in studying. The prior aim of modern psychology of giftedness is development and dissemination of new methods which take into account psychophysiological development of children.

Key words: giftedness, psychophysiological diagnostics, methods, characteristics of nervous system, correlation between natural and social factors.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Aizenk H. Yu. Proverte svoy yntelektualnыe sposobnosty / Yu.H. Aizenk. – Ryha: Vyeda, 1992. – 176 s.

2. Anokhyn P.K. Poslednye dannыe o vzaymodeistvyy korы y podkorkovыkh obrazovanyi holovnoho mozgha. Aktovaia rech 13 oktiabria 1958 hoda / P.K. Anokhyn. – M.: Yzd. Pervoho Moskovskoho Ordena Lenyna Med. Ynstytuta ym. Y.M. Sechenova, 1958. – 27 s.

3. Batuev A.S. Neirofyzyolohyia korы holovnoho mozgha: Modulnыi pryntsyp orhanyzatsyy / A.S. Batuev. – L.: Yzd-vo Lenynhr. un-ta, 1984. – 196 s.

4. Bodalev A.A., Stolyn V.V. Obshchaia psykhodyahnostyka / A.A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolyn. – Spb.: Yzd-vo «Rech», 2003. – 440 s.

5. Bolshoi psykholohycheskyi slovar / Sost. y obshch. red. B.H. Meshcheriakov, V.P. Zynchenko. – Spb.: Praim-Evroznak, 2007. – 672 s.

6. Holubeva Э.A. Sposobnosty. Lychnost. Yndyvydualnost / Э.A. Holubeva. – Dubna: «Fenyks +», 2005. – 512 s.

7. Druzhynyn V.N. Psykhodyahnostyka obshchykh sposobnostei / V.N. Druzhynyn. – M.: Academia, 1996. – 224 s.

8. Druzhynyn V.N. Psykholohyia obshchykh sposobnostei / V.N. Druzhynyn. – Spb.: Pyter, 2008. – 358 s.

9. Krutetskyi V.A. Psykholohyia matematycheskykh sposobnostei shkolnykov / V.A. Krutetskyi. – M.: Prosveshchenye, 1968. – 431 s.

10. Moskvyn V.A., Moskvyna N.V. Mezhpolusharnыe assymetryy y yndyvydualnыe razlychyia cheloveka [Elektronnyi resurs] / V.A. Moskvyn, N.V. Moskvyna. – Rezhym dostupu do resursu:

11. Nebylitsyn V.D. Psykhofiziolohichni doslidzhennia indyvidualnykh vidminnostei / V.D. Nebylitsyn. – M.: Prohres, 1976. – 128 s.

12. Palii A.A. Dyferentsialna psykholohiia [Elektronnyi resurs] / A.A. Palii. – K.: Akademvydav, 2010. – 432 s. Rezhym dostupu do resursu:

13. Platonov K.K. Problemы sposobnostei / K.K. Platonov. - M.: Nauka, 1972. – 350 s.

14. Psykhofyzyolohyia professyonalnoi deiatelnosty / Sost. O.Y. Dorohyna. – Ekaterynburh: «Uralskyi hosudarstvennыi pedahohycheskyi unyversytet», 2012. – 139 s.

15. Rydetskaia O.H. Psykholohyia odarennosty / O.H. Rydetskaia. – M.: Yzd.tsentr EAOY, 2010. – 374 s.

16. Problemы henetycheskoi psykhofyzyolohyy. – M.: Nauka, 1978. – 264 s.

17. Rukovodstvo po funktsyonalnoi mezhpolusharnoi asymmetryy [Elektronnyi resurs] / Red.: V.F. Fokyn, Y.N. Boholepova, B. Hutnyk, V.Y. Kobryn, V.V. Shulhovskyi. – M.: Nauchnыi myr, 2009. – 836 s. Rezhym dostupu do resursu:

18. Syrotiuk A.L. Neiropsykholohycheskoe y psykhofyzyolohycheskoe soprovozhdenye obuchenyia / A.L. Syrotiuk. – M.: Tvorcheskyi tsentr, 2003. – 285 s.

19. Rul Yu.V. Psykhofizychna diahnostyka stanu kory i pidkorky pivkul velykoho mozku / Yu.V. Rul // Naukovi pratsi MAUP, 2014, vyp. 2 (41), s. 164-172.

20. Teplov B.M. Yzbrannыe trudы: v 2-kh t. / B.M. Teplov. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1985. – 329 s.

21. Shadrykov V.D. Psykholohyia deiatelnosty y sposobnosty cheloveka / V.D. Shadrykov. – M.: Yzdatelskaia korporatsyia «Lohos», 1996. – 320 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 299-310 (pdf)

UDC 159.928

Hrechuha I.А.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Research of the development of literaly skills and talent at the age of early adolescence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the problem of the development of literary skills and talent of senior pupils is considered. The formation of literary gifted senior pupils is determined by their age characteristics and peculiarities of literary abilities. The creative work of pupils requires a lot of time and effort, and therefore requires special support and appreciation from the people around them. Such people for them are their parents, school mates, teacher of literature, a head of the literary study group or elective course. The results of the theoretical analysis of the problem give basis for understanding literary skills as characterized by combination of psychological personal features, which contributes to the successful development of creative personality in terms of literary activity.

The features of the development of literary skills of senior pupils have been empirically studied and a number of patterns have been found. These include the ability of pupils to reflect creative elements in the structure of literary skills and operation, and also their ability to meaningful and emotional evaluation of the process and results of their literary activity by referent persons. This may indicate a high level of literary skills of the persons tested.

The results of the study we will consider when developing training program and the program of psychological support of literary gifted senior pupils.

Key words: literary skills, talent, early adolescence, reflection of abilities.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Druzhinin V.N. Psihologiya obschih sposobnostey / V.N. Druzhinin. – SPb.: Piter, 2000. – 368 s.

2. ZdIbnostI, tvorchIst, obdarovanIst: teorIya, metodika, rezultatidoslIdzhen / Za red. V.O. Molyako, O.L. Muziki. – Zhitomir: Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

3. Kon I. S. Psihologiya ranney yunosti / I. S. Kon. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1989. – 255 s.

4. Kulchitskaya E.I., Molyako V.A. Siren odarYonnosti v sadu tvorchestva / E.I. Kulchitskaya, V.A. Molyako. − ZHitomir: Vid-vo ZHDU іm. І.Franka, 2008. – 316 s.

5. Muzika O.L. Rozvitok zdIbnostey ta obdarovanostI v protsesI vIkovogo rozvitku osobistostI / O.L. Muzika // AktualnI problemi psihologIYi: Problemi psihologIYi tvorchostI ta obdarovanostI. ZbIrnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologIYi Im. G.S. Kostyuka APN UkraYini / Za red. V.O.Molyako. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2007. – T.12, vip. 2. – S.142-148.

6. Teplov B. M. Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi: v 2 t. / Boris Mihaylovich Teplov. – M.: Pedagogika, 1985. – T. 1. – 328 s.

7. Formuvannya psihologo-fIzIologIchnoYi stIykostI, profIlaktika stresIv, rozumovih, emotsIynih ta Inshih perevantazhen obdarovanih dItey I molodI, vihovannya u nih patrIotizmu y gromadskoYi pozitsIYi u protsesI navchannya ta vihovannya: navchalniy posIbnik: navch. posIb. / Za red. S. D. Maksimenka, V. F. Moskalenka. – K.: KuprIyanova, 2004. – 192 s.

8. Yagunkova V.P. Formirovanie komponentov literaturnyih sposobnostey u shkolnikov V klassa / V.P. Yagunkova // Voprosyi psihologii sposobnostey. Sbornik statey / Pod red. V.A. Krutetskogo. − M.: Pedagogika, 1973. − S. 175-214.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 311-317 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Hryhorieva Y.H.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Theoretical aspects of the research of narrative as of a way of the construction of inner world of personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to theoretical research of psychological characteristics of narrative as of a way of the construction of inner world of personality. The outlined problem is considered according to the constructivist approach and narrative psychology. The cognition of the surrounding reality is defined as the active construction of the images of recognized objects and events in the consciousness of the subject, not as a reflection and a representation.

According to the constructivist approach, there are no absolute truths, whereas realities are constructed through language. Personality, under this approach, is in constant dialogue with the outside world, it is also an active subject of the formation of his own life, it is able to create his inner world independently . The problem of the inner world of the personality and the relationship of the personality with the outside world is considered. An individual constructs himself when telling about his life, creates a narrative. The definition of narrative is analyzed, and the functions of narrative are considered, in the article.

Narrative is defined as a way of the construction of inner world of personality. Indeed, the inner world of personality is not just a reflection of the outside world. Each personality interprets, interprets, communicates, interacts in his own way with the outside world, thus actively creating unique system of images. The unique experience appears, the personality builds own vision of reality and itself. That is, personality is the subject of formation of its own reality, whereas narrative is a way of the construction of the personality's inner world by the personality. It is concluded in the article, that an individual constructs himself, his inner world when talks about his life, i.e. in the process of the creation of narrative.

Key words: constructivism, narrative psychology, narrative, inner world of the personality.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Ancyferova L.I. Psihologija formirovanija i razvitija lichnosti / L.I. Ancyferova // Chelovek v sisteme nauk : sbornik / L. I. Ancyferova. – Moskva, 1989. – S. 426–433.

2. Berger P. Social'noe konstruirovanie real'nosti. Traktat po sociologii znanija / P.Berger, T. Lukman. – Moskva : Medium, 1995. – 323 s.

3. Berezina T. N. Mnogomernaja psihika. Vnutrennij mir lichnosti / Berezina T. N. – Moskva : PER SJe, 2012. – 319 s.

4. Brokmejer J. Narrativ : problemy i obeshhanija odnoj al'ternativnoj paradigmy / J. Brokmejer, R. Harre // Voprosy filosofii. – 2000. – №3 – S. 29–42.

5. Bruner Dzh. Zhizn' kak narrativ / Dzh. Bruner // Postneklassicheskaja psihologija. – 2005. – №1. – S. 9–30.

6. B'judzhental' Dzh. F. Predatel'stvo chelovechnosti : misija psihoterapii po vosstanovleniju nashej utrachenoj identichnosti / Dzh. F. B'judzhental' // Jevoljucija psihoterapii : v 3-h t. / Dzh. F. B'judzhental'. – Moskva, 1998. – T.3. – S. 180–207.

7. Jepshtejn M. Zhizn' kak narrativ i tezaurus / M. Jepshtejn // Moskovskij psihoterapevticheskij zhurnal. – 2007. – №4. – S. 47–56.

8. Il'in I.P. Postmodernizm ot istokov do konca stoletija: jevoljucija nauchnogo mifa \ Il'in I.P. – Moskva : Intrada, 1998. – 277 s.

9. Maralov V. G. Osnovy samopoznanija i samorazvitija: ucheb. posobie dlja stud. sred. ped. ucheb, zavedenij. / Maralov V.G. – Moskva : Akademija, 2004. – 256 s.

10. Petrenko V.F. Konstruktivistskaja paradigma v psihologicheskoj nauke / V.F. Petrenko // Psihologicheskij Zhurnal. – 2002. – T. 23. № 3. – S. 113–121

11. Rozumіnnja ta іnterpretacіja zhittєvogo dosvіdu jak chinnik rozvitku osobistostі : monografіja / za red. N. V. Chepelєvoї. – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 276 s.

12. Sarbin T. R. Narrativ kak bazovaja metafora dlja psihologi / T. R. Sarbin // Postneklassicheskaja psihologija. – 2004. – №1 . S. 6–28.

13. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі chinniki rozumіnnja ta іnterpretacії osobistogo dosvіdu: monografіja / [N.V. Chepelєva, T.M. Titarenko, M.L. Smul'son ta іn.] ; za red. N.V. Chepelєvoї – Kiїv : Pedagogіchna dumka, 2008. – 255s.

14. Titarenko T.M. Jak buduvati vlasne majbutnє: zhittєvі zavdannja osobistostі / T.M. Titarenko. – Kіrovograd : Іmeks – LTD, 2012. – 512s.

15. Fridman Dzh. Konstruirovanie inyh real'nostej. Istorii i rasskazy kak terapija / Dzh. Fridman, Dzh. Kombs. – Moskva : Klass, 2001. –368 s.

16. Jakimova E. V. Social'noe konstruirovanie real'nosti: nauch.-analit. obzor / E.V. Jakimova. – M., 1999. – 115 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 318-324 (pdf)

UDC 159. 992. 6

Zinchenko O.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Diamics of the conceptual thinking in adolescence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The peculiarities of the conceptual thinking dynamics of teenagers in the range of 13 - 15 years are investigated in the article. On the basis of analysis of empirical data were found trends of development of the primary mental operations: analysis, generalization, abstraction. The choice of appropriate diagnostic methods is grounded, organizational peculiarities of the experiment are described. The percentage of the quality levels of each operation according to a nominal scale is established: very low, low, medium, high, very high. Typical tendencies of the cognitive sphere, that appeared during tests, were discovered. Explanatory hypotheses about the causes of the established laws were proposed. Check of a distribution of the statistical rows for their conformity with Gauss curve (calculation Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s criteria) are done. Based on the obtained data of the presence or absence of normal distribution are calculated statistical criteria of significance of changes of the studied samples (Student's criteria and Mann-Whitney’s criteria), that allows to make a conclusion about the nature of age changes in the structure of conceptual thinking. The range of variation is calculated and the measure of individual differences of the test results in different age intervals are defined. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between conceptual operations in different age intervals are analysed. Conclusions about the measure of integration of structural components of the conceptual thinking during adolescence are made.

Key words: adolescence, conceptual thinking, thinking operations, generalization, abstraction, analysis.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Bruner Dzh. Psihologija poznanija / Dzh. Bruner. – M., 1977. – 412 s.

2. Brushlinskij A. V. Myshlenie i obshhenie (2-e dorabotannoe izdanie) / A.V. Brushlinskij, V. A. Polikarpov. – Samara : Samar. Dom pechati, 1999. – 128 s.

3. Vygotskij L. S. Myshlenie i rech' / L. S. Vygotskij. – M. : Izd. AST Astrel', 2011. – 640 s.

4. Gal'perin P. Ja. Vvedenie v psihologiju / P. Ja. Gal'perin. ‒ M. : «Knizhnyj dom «Universitet», 1999. ‒ 332 s.

5. Zak A. Z. Razvitie i diagnostika myshlenija podrostkov i starsheklassnikov / A.Z. Zak. – Moskva; Obninsk : IG-SOCIN, 2010. – 350 s.

6. Kalinkina E. M. Dinamika kognitivnoj slozhnosti u podrostkov / E.M. Kalinkina : monografija. – VGPU, 2012.

7. Kostjuk G. S. Mislennja і jogo rozvitok / G. S. Kostjuk // Navchal'no-vihovnij proces і psihіchnij rozvitok osobistostі. ‒ K. : Radjans'ka shkola, 1989. – S. 184–251.

8. Leont'ev A. N. Ovladenie uchashhimisja nauchnymi ponjatijami kak problema pedagogicheskoj psihologii / A. N. Leont'ev // Hrestomatija po vozrastnoj i pedagogicheskoj psihologii. M. : Iz-vo MU. – 1980. S. 161 – 185.

9. Menchinskaja N. A. Problemy obuchenija, vospitanija i psihicheskogo razvitija rebenka: Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy / N. A. Menchinskaja / Pod red. L.I. Bozhovich. – M. : Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo psihologo-social'nogo instituta; Voronezh : Izdatel'stvo NPO «MODJeK», 2004. – 512 s. (Serija «Psihologi Rossii»).

10. Natadze R.G.K ontogenezu formirovanija ponjatija : formirovanie ponjatija v shkol'nom vozraste / R.G. Natadze. – Tbilisi : Mecniereba, 1976. – 266 s.

11. Piazhe Zh. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy. Psihologija intellekta / Zh. Piazhe. – M. : Mezhdunarodnaja pedagogicheskaja akademija, 1984. – 680 s.

12. Psihologіchnі zasadi rozvitku obdarovanoї osobistostі v osvіtn'omu seredovishhі: metodichnij posіbnik / O. L. Muzika, D. K. Korol'ov, R. O. Semenova ta іn.; za red. O. L. Muziki. – Kiїv-Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2015. – 146 s.

13. Rubinshtejn S. L.Osnovy obshhej psihologii / S. L. Rubinshtejn. — 2-e izd. (1946 g.) – SPb. : 2002 – 720 s. (Serija «Mastera psihologii»).

14. Smul'son M. L. Psihologіja rozvitku іntelektu / M. L. Smul'son. – K. : Nora-druk, 2003. – 298 s.

15. Tihomirov O. K. Psihologija myshlenija / O. K. Tihomirov. — M. : Izdat. Centr «Akademija», 2002. – 288 s.

16. Cibuh L.M. Rozvitok і korekcіja mislennєvih operacіj u dіtej rіznogo vіku ta statі : avtoref. dis. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja kand. psihol. Nauk : spec. 19.00.07 «Pedagogіchna ta vіkova psihologіja» / L. M. Cibuh – Odesa, 2000. – 20 s.

17. Shardakov M. N. Myshlenie shkol'nika / M. N. Shardakov. – M. : Uchpedgiz. 1963. – 254 s.

18. Holodnaja M. A. Psihologija ponjatijnogo myshlenija: Ot konceptual'nyh struktur k ponjatijnym sposobnostjam. — M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2012. – 288 s.

19. Jakimanskaja I. S. Znanie i myshlenie shkol'nika / I.S. Jakimanskaja // Serija «Pedagogika i psihologija». – № 9. – M., 1985. – 80 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 325-333 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.6

Kyrylchuk I.V.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Value as a factor of learning abilities development in adolescence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Personal values are individual human’s picture of moral and ethical prerequisites and the limits of his/her own needs, and active methods to satisfy them. Valuable approach considers abilities as tools of individualization and as resources of teenager’s personal development at the same time. The basis of teenager’s development of learning abilities is fixed in the value consciousness of ability which regulates student’s learning. One of the decisive roles in teenager’s development of learning abilities primarily plays a system of social relations, which consists of his/her reference people (teachers, parents, coaches, classmates).

The study found that students’ (from the five and seven grades) learning abilities have not been marked with the subjectivity because of the various of reasons, but have been remained on the potential level of it’s development. One of the reasons is the nature of interaction between teachers and middles school’s students, which leads to the fact that the training material is not significant for teens. Teachers’ authority has not been extended to student’s personal development. Relationships with coaches and leaders of groups, peers and elder children who are involved in joint activities become significant for students. The importance of student’s priority skills acquire personal entertainment areas.

The younger adolescent’s ability such as the building relationships with significant people, be successful in social activities (groups, clubs, camps), developing personal qualities are remain on the actual level; on the potential level - the possibility of learning new knowledge. There is difficulty in the selection of actions and operations that are the main components of learning abilities.

At this stage of adolescent’s development should be raised a level of consciousness of values that would help them quickly accept the changes in the social situation of development and deepen the reflection of their own abilities in the field of learning. One of the ways to increase the value consciousness of middle class students is to support the regulation of learning abilities. Support of values based on the value of updating internal resources of individual in order to develop new effective personal self-regulatory schemes of self-development.

Key words: adolescence, values, personal values, abilities, educational (learning) skills, reflection, personal development, regulation.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. ZdIbnostI, tvorchIst, obdarovanIst: teorIya, metodika, rezultati doslIdzhen / Za red. V.O. Molyako, O. L. Muziki. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.

2. Kostyuk G.S. Navchalno-vihovniy protses I psihIchniy rozvitok osobistostI / G.S. Kostyuk. – K.: Rad. shk., 1989. – 608 s.

3. Muzika O.L. ZdIbnostI u sistemI tsInnIsnoYi regulyatsIYi rozvitku tvorcho obdarovanoYi osobistostI // AktualnI problemi psihologIYi: Problemi psihologIYi tvorchostI: ZbIrnik naukovih prats /Za red. V.O.Molyako. – T.12. – Vip. 5. – Ch.I. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I.Franka, 2008. – S.49-55.

4. Muzika O.L., Muzika O.O. Tsіnnіsnі orіеntiri і psihologіchna pіdtrimka obdarovanih dіtey // Na zletі dumki. Zaluchennya obdarovanoYi molodі do naukovo-doslIdnitskoYi roboti: zb. dopovIdey ta tez naukovo-praktichnoYi konferentsIYi. – Zhitomir: MAN, Zhitomirske regIonalne vIddIlennya, 2013. – S. 6-11.

5. ProfesIyno-orIEntovanI zavdannya z psihologIYi / Za red. O.L. Muziki. Navchalniy posIbnik. – 3-tE vid., pererob.I dop. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I.Franka, 2010. – 566 s.

6. Tsukerman G.A. Chto razvivaet i chego ne razvivaet uchebnaya deyatelnost mladshih shkolnikov? // Voprosyi psihologii. – 1998. – №5. – S.68-81.

7. Elkonin D.B. Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi / D.B. Elkonin. – M.: Pedagogika, 1989. – 560 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 334-341 (pdf)


Lototskaya-Golub L.L.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Valuable relation to professional activities as a condition for the prevention of burnout

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: On the basis of empirical data, the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem reveals the problems of occupational stress, internal conflicts and professional burnout of medical workers doctors surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, psychiatrists. Determined leading factors prevention of occupational strain doctors, including value attitude to life, the world of professional activity are put forward as leaders. Disclosed by the concept of «value attitude to the profession», a psychological nature, the specific manifestations.

Professional and personal strain representatives of professions whose activities are under constant stress, regarded as mental properties personality, formed under the influence of extreme conditions and content of professional activity, when the source of exposure is associated with death, the threat of death threats to physical and personal well-being.

In the professional medical staff burnout is presented in the form of depersonalization or trends in the negative, cynical attitudes towards patients. Contacts acquire formalities appear negative attitudes that have hidden or explicit nature, which is manifested in the stimulation, conflicts with colleagues, patients and their loved ones.

Key words: doctors, professional burnout, occupational stress, value attitude to the profession.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Antsyferova L. I. (1994) Lichnost' v trudnykh zhiznennykh usloviyakh: pereosmyslenie, preobra-zovanie situatsiy i psikhologicheskaya zashchita /L. I. Antsyferova // Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal.- 1994. - T. 15. - № 1. - S. 3 – 16.

2. Boyko V. V. (1999) Sindrom "emotsional'nogo vygoraniya" v professional'nom obshchenii / V. V. Boyko. - SPb.: Piter, 1999. - 105 s.

3. Vodop'yanova N. E. (2002) Psikhicheskoe vygoranie / N. E. Vodop'yanova // Stomatolog. - M.: Meditsina, 2002. - № 7. - S. 12.

4. Samikіna N. (2004) Sindrom vigoryannya u pratsіvnikіv penіtentsіarnoї sistemi / N. Samikіna, V. Sulits'kiy // Sotsіal'na psikhologіya. - 2004. - № 4 (6). – S. 43 - 48.

5. Karavanov G. (1974) Individual'no-psikhologicheskie osobennosti lichnosti vracha - khirurga / G. Karavanov, V. Korshunova. - L'vov: Vishcha Shkola, 1974. - 84 s.

6. Gafarova N. V. (2008) Rol' lichnostnykh kharakteristik v formirovanii sindroma emotsional'nogo vygoraniya u srednego meditsinskogo personala / N. V. Gafarova // Izvestiya Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2008. – № 60. – S. 42 - 47.

7. Denisova O. V. (2008) Stanovlenie professional'noy identichnosti studenta-medika v obrazovatel'nom protsesse vuza: avtoref. diss. k. psikhol. n.: 19.00.07 «Ped.psikhologiya» / Ol'ga Vladimirovna Denisova; Bashkirskiy gos. ped. un-t im. M. Akmully. – Ekaterinburg, 2008. – 26 s. – Bibiogr. S. 23-25.

8. Andreev A. A. (2006) Otnoshenie k vrachebnym oshibkam i sotsial'nye puti ikh preduprezhdeniya: avtoref. k. med. n., spets-t': 14.00.52 «Cotsiologiya meditsiny» / Andreev Arnol'd Arnol'dovich; Volgogradskiy Nauchnyy Tsentr RAMN i Administratsii Volgogradskoy oblasti: Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy universitet. - Volgograd, 2006. – 27 s.

9. Karamushka L. M. (2008) Kompleksna otsіnka proyavіv stresu u lіkarіv v umovakh sotsіal'no-ekonomіchnikh zmіn /L. M. Karamushka, O. O. Rakovchena // Lіkarnya v KhKh stolіttі: organіzatsіya ta upravlіnnya metodichnoyu dopomogoyu: Materіali vseukraїns'koї naukovo-praktichnoї konferentsії, 5-6 chervnya 2008 r. / [Redkol.: G. O. Slabkiy.] – K., 2008. – S. 70 - 72.

10. Orel V. E. (2001) Fenomen vygoraniya v zarubezhnoy psikhologii. Empiricheskoe issledovanie /V. E. Orel // Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal. - M.: Nauka, 2001. - T. 20. - 1. - S. 16-21.

11. Avkhimenko M. M. (2003) Nekotorye faktory riska truda medika / M. M. Avkhimenko // Meditsinskaya pomoshch'. M.: Meditsina, 2003. № 2. S. 25 – 29.

12. Dontsov A. I. (1998) Skhemy ponimaniya i ob''yasneniya fizicheskoy real'nosti / A. I. Dontsov, O. E. Baksanskiy // Voprosy filosofii. – 1998. – № 11. – S. 75 – 90.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 342-351 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.8

Maistrenko T.M.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr

Features of the value regulation of educational activities of the academically gifted students

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article describes the features of the value regulation of educational activities of the students. The main emphasis is made on the analysis of the results of the academically gifted students. In the course of study we allocated four levels of value regulation for training students: situational, formally-performing, socially-normative and subject-valuable. Academically gifted students stay mostly on subject-valueative regulation level. The study of reflection abilities showed that for this group of students the most important skills are directly related to professional occupation. The ability for skills operational analysis is well developed. Predictive component of reflection aimed on the development and acquiring of exactly professional skills. We see an increase of the reference persons number, associated with the educational or professional groups, with whom the investigated subject interacts in the actual situation.Those personal qualities, which describe enterprising and ethical characteristics, are prevailing. The more significant differences were observed in the valuative component of the educational activity regulation. The number of personal values, which reflect the individual specifics of educational or professional activity increases in the valuative conscience of those students. Some enterprising and moral values have signs of subjective values. The analysis of subjective values showed the tendency to focus on the future. The educational activity is regulated from the standpoint of the professional skills development.

Keywords: academically gifted, regulation, reflection, skills, values, learning activity, value regulation.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Abilities, creative, giftedness: theory, method, results of investigations / [Za red. V.О.Моlakо, О.L.Муzuka]. – Zhytomir: Vyd-vо Ruta, 2006. – 320s.

2. Konopkin O.A. Psychological self-regulation person’s activity (structure-functional aspect) / О.А. Konopkin // Voprosy psichologii. – 1995. – №1. – S. 5-12.

3. Leontev D.А. Psychology of sense: Nature, structure and dynamic of sense reality / Dmitriy Alekseevich Leontev. – 2-е izd., ispr. – М.: Smysl, 2003. – 486 s.

4. Maіstrenko T.M. Cinnisni determinanty reguljacii' navchal'noi' dijal'nosti studentiv v umovah kredytno-modul'noi' systemy navchannja / T.M. Maіstrenko // Nauka i osvita, 2014. - №5. – S. 177-183.

5. Mislavskiy Y.A. Self-regulation and youth person’s activity / Nauch.-issled. in-t obschey i pedagogicheskoy psychologii Аkаd. ped. nauk SSSR – М.: Pedagogika, 1991. – 152s.

6. Муzuka О.L. Abilities in system of creative person’s value regulation / Муzuka О.L. // Actualni problemy psychologii: Problemy psychologii tvorchosti: Zbirnyk naukovuch prats / Za red. V.О.Моlakо. – Т.12. – Vyp. 5. – Ch.І. – Zhytomir: Vyd-vо ZDY im. І.Franka, 2008. – S.49-55.

7. Poviakel N.І. Psychologist-practic’s mentality profesiogenez in university system: [monografia] / Nadia Ivanivna Poviakel. – Vyd. 2, vupr. і dоp. – К.: NPY imeni M.P. Dragomanova, 2008. – 298 s.

8. Profesijno-orijentovani zavdannja z psyhologii' / Za red. O.L. Muzyky. Navchal'nyj posibnyk. – 2-ge vyd. pererob i dop. – Zhytomyr, 2010. – 587 s.

9. Rаdchuk G. Aksiopsychology of university education. Monografia / Galina Rаdchuk. – Ternopil: ТNPY, 2009. – 415 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 352-359 (pdf)

UDC 616.89-085.815

Poladco G.О.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

The set of corrective measures aimed at constructive psychological adaptation of patients with dysfunction of feohromotsitome

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article describes the complex corrective measures aimed at constructive psychological adaptation in patients with pheochromocytoma dysfunction. Plow selected socio-psychological and physiological components of an effective collection process.

In the process of organizing the correction, we also came to the conclusion that the essence of corrective measures reflects the holistic nature of the course, in particular, cooperation and represents a complex system. The system includes the following components: motivational-target component is associated with the formulation of the goals and motives for cooperation of doctor and patient; descriptive component involves the implementation of diagnostics and collection of descriptive information about the subjects of cooperation necessary for the implementation of the strategy of interaction; assessment component is to analyze and assess the information received, on the basis of which funds are selected for cooperation. This component includes mapping the received information with the standards set forth in the rules and techniques of effective interaction; programmable component provides for the preparation by a physician of cooperation, the choice of means, actions and the like; interacting component associated with implementation of the chosen strategy of treatment and diagnostic process.

Strategy training activities include: activation of the current problems of clients by using relaxation and imaging; assessment of current problems and translating them into statement of objectives; anticipating and evaluating various aspects of the objectives; allocation objectives; conclusions on the motivational structure in the feedback process focusing on the structure and content of conflicting objectives; designing a hierarchy of objectives and identify specific goals.

Key words: corrective measures, constructin adaptation, pheochromocytoma dysfunction.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Abramov A.N., Isurina L. Internal picture of the disease patients suffering from diseases of the blood and kidney disease / A.N. Abramov, G.L. Isurina // Scientific research of the graduates of the faculty of psychology of St. Petersburg state University. – 2013, Vol. 1, №. 1. – P. 11-15

2. Beltsevich D.G., Troshina E.A., Yukina N.Y. Pheochromocytoma / D.G. Beltsevich, E.A. Troshina, N.Y. Yukina // Problems of endocrinology. – 2010, Vol. 56, №. 1. – P. 63-71

3. Vachkov I.V. S.I. Vachkov Introduction to training technologies // Psychological support of the choice of profession / ed. by L.M. Mitina. – M.: Moscow psychological-social Institute, 1998. – P. 66-78

4. Petrova N.N., Kutuzov A.E., Nedoshivin A.A. Mechanisms of mental adaptation of patients in vital situation somatogenic threats / N.N. Petrova, E.A. Kutuzov, A.A. Nedoshivin // Review of psychiatry and medical psychology. Spondylitis. – 2004, Vol. 1, № 2. Р. 56-59

5. Renis M.A., Sadovnikova N.A., Lopez E.G. / M.A. Ranish, N.A. Sadovnikova, E.G. Lopez Social-psychological training: a Workshop. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house GOU VPO «Russian state prof-med. University», 2007. – 190р.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 360-368 (pdf)

UDC 159.98:622

Prytula O. A.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Professional deformation crisis managers: assessment and prospects

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Professional deformation of the personality – changing qualities that appear under the influence of professional roles. Factors that lead to professional deformation are: age-related psychological changes, quality continuous improvement of methods of performing professional activity, the growth of social and professional activity of the worker, socio-economic conditions of human life (liquidation of the enterprise, reduction of jobs, inadequate wages, moving to a new place of residence), changes associated with changes in career (entry into a new position, participation in competitions for vacant position, certification, etc), full commitment to professional activity. Professional deformation of the crisis Manager is a consequence of burnout in which the defense mechanisms are weakened so that the employee could not resist harmful factors and begins the process of destroying the personality.

In the process of organizing the correction, we also came to the conclusion that the essence of corrective measures reflects the holistic nature of the course, in particular, cooperation and represents a complex system. The system includes the following components: motivational-target component is associated with the formulation of the goals and motives for cooperation of doctor and patient; descriptive component involves the implementation of diagnostics and collection of descriptive information about the subjects of cooperation necessary for the implementation of the strategy of interaction; assessment component is to analyze and assess the information received, on the basis of which funds are selected for cooperation. This component includes mapping the received information with the standards set forth in the rules and techniques of effective interaction; programmable component provides for the preparation by a physician of cooperation, the choice of means, actions and the like; interacting component associated with implementation of the chosen strategy of treatment and diagnostic process.

Key words: emotional burnout, defensive mechanisms, crisis Manager, professional deformation, professional destruction.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. The Beznosov S. P. Professional deformation of the personality. – SPb.: Speech, 2004. – 272р.

2. Zeer E.F. Psychology professions. – 2nd ed, revised and enlarged. – M.: Academic Project, 2003. – 336р.

3. Panova N. In. Teaching aging: a monograph. – SPb.: Spbpo, 2007. – 444p.

4. Professional deformation of the personality. Training manual. Authors: A.V. Kovalenko, L.A. Shikanov. – Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2009. – 90р.

5. Samoukina N.I. Psychology of professional activity. – SPb.: Peter, 2003. – 224р.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 369-375 (pdf)

UDC 378.091

Sablina N.W.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Conditions activate the process of adaptation of first year students of medical college

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Specified in article results of experimental studies of adaptation of first year student of medical college, the internal factors that affect the process methods to ensure the optimization of the adaptation process. Diagnostic results adaptation of first-year students show great list of significant problems that negatively affect the process of adaptation of freshmen of medical college. To change this situation it is necessary to conduct systematic work focused on optimizing the process of adaptation of students. It was found that for achieving optimal adaptation and preparedness training program promotes psychopedagogical support of students during training. The main objectives of the program is to prepare first-year students to new learning environments, forming ideas about the structure of the educational process and beyond learning activities: development cohesion, create a favorable psychological climate in academic groups; develop effective communication skills in creased confidence; removal of freshmen psychological and physical discomfort associated with new learning environment. The program is the first year of learning activities provides for psychological and educational measures. Observations conducted throughout the experiment participants in the control and experimental groups have proven the effectiveness of psychological and educational programs and allowed to outline further ways to overcome difficulties adaptations of first-year students.

Keywords: adaptation, optimization, didactic adaptation, professional adaptation, social and psychological, psychological and pedagogical support.

Spisok vikoristanih dzherel

1. Ball G.A. Ponjatie adaptacii I ego znachenie dlja psihologii lichnosti / G.A. Ball // Voprosi psihologii. – 1989. – №1. – S. 92 – 102.

2. Borodina L.N., Vishvevskij J.R., Didkovskaja J.V. Adaptacija pervokyrsnikov: problemi I tendencii / L.N. Borodina, J.R. Vishvevskij, J.V. Didkovskaja // Universitetskoe upravlenie. – 2001. – №4 (19). – С. 65 – 69.

3. Skrypnik V. Osoblyvosti perebigy ta samospryjnjattja socialjno-psyhologichnoi adaptacii studentiv / V. Skrypnik // Psyhologija I suspiljstvo. – 2000. – №2. – С. 87 – 93.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 376-382 (pdf)

UDC 316.237: [159. 923.2+39 ] 37. 012

Stavtskiy H.A.

Institute of Sociology, Psychology and Social Communications, National Pedagogical University of M.P. Drahomanov, Kyiv

Using projective techniques in the study ethnic consciousness of personality in older youthful age

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Each study of consciousness at the theoretical level needs to be clarified the limits of its consideration. Our research concerning the study of the problem of ethnic self-consciousness in youthful age, in the context of globalization is a worldwide problem and important actualized in Ukraine in the context of the crisis of social phenomena, including those associated with military operations. At developmental and pedagogical psychology are widely used projective techniques, a substantial feature of which is use of indefinite incentives that may develop investigated, add to or interpret. The article presents the analysis of a problem the use of projective methods ("Who am I?" (M. Kuhn and T. Makpartlend) and "modified semantic differential evaluation of the results of intercultural interaction"), as an effective method of investigation of certain aspects of ethnic self-identity in older youthful age. The combination of objective and subjective scales (individual localized points) indicates a determined social, family, professional, personal and interpersonal, ethnic and national role; is manifested as social and personal self-identity and the richness of shades of self-description, including the study of ethnic identity cards.

In general, projective psycho diagnostics makes it possible to determine the relevance of questions about availability at a certain stage of social development subliminal ethnic national guidelines for intercultural interaction among different peoples (nations) and their quality orientation of the individual features in older youth age.

Key words: projective techniques, ethnos, nation, ethnic consciousness, ethnicity, attitude, personality, older youthful age.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Ananev B. H. O problemakh sovremennoho chelovekoznanyia/ B. H. Ananiev. – 2-e yzd. – SPb.: Pyter, 2001. – 272 s. – (Mastera psykholohyy).

2. Bekh I. D. Vykhovannia osobystosti: Skhodzhennia do dukhovnosti / I. D. Bekh // Naukove vydannia. K.: Lybid, 2006. – 272 s.

3. Bern Э. Transaktnыi analyz v hruppe / Bern Э.; [per. s anhl.]. – M.: Labyrynt, 1994. – 176 s.

4. Bodalev A. A. Vospryiatye y ponymanye cheloveka chelovekom / A. A. Bodalev. – M. : Yzd. Moskovskoiu Unyversyteta, 1982. – 200 s.

5. Bozhovych L. Y. Osobennosty samosoznanyia u podrostkov / L. Y. Bozhovych // Voprosы psykholohyy. – 1955. - № 1. – S. 98-107.

6. Boryshevskyi M. I. Teoretycheskye osnovы samosoznanyia / M. I. Boryshevskyi // Psykholohycheskye osobennosty samosoznanyia podrostka. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 1980. – S. 5-38.

7. Bulakh I. S. Psykholohiia osobystisnoho zrostannia pidlitka: Monohrafiia / I. S. Bulakh. – K.: NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova, 2003. – 340 s. – S. 65.

8. Vыhotskyi L. S. Psykholohyia razvytyia cheloveka / L. S. Vыhotskyi. – M.: Smыsl, 2003. – S. 172.

9. Halian I. Psykhodiahnostyka / I.M. Halian // Navch. posibn. – K.: Akademvydav, 2009. –464 s.

10. Humylev L.N. Эtnohenez y byosfera Zemly./ L. N. Humylev. – L.: Yzd-vo LHU, 1989. – 495s.

11. Etymolohichnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy: V. 7 t. Tom druhyi (D-Koptsi) / In-t movoznavstva im. O. O. Potebni; Redkol. O. S. Melnychuk (holovnyi red.), V.T.Kolomiiets, O.B.Tkachenko ta in. – K.: Nauk. dumka, 1985. – 460 s.

12. Karpenko Z. S. Kartohrafiia intehralnoi sub’iektnosti: post-modernistskyi proekt / Z.S. Karpenko // Liudyna. Sub’iekt. Vchynok: Filosofsko-psykholohichni studii / Za zah. red. V. O. Tatenka. – K.: Lybit, 2006. – S. 157-176.

13. Kon Y. S. V poyskakh sebia. Lychnost y ee samosoznanye / Y. S. Kon. – M.: Polytyzdat, 1984. – 335 s. – S. 332-333.

14. Leontev A. N. Lektsyy po obshchei psykholohyy / A. N. Leontev. – M.: Smыsl, 2000. – S. 139.

15. Mukhyna V. S. Lychnost v uslovyiakh эtnycheskoho vozrozhdenyia y stolknovenyia tsyvylyzatsyi: KhKhI vek lychnosty / V. S. Mukhyna // Razvytye lychnosty. – 2002. - № 1. – S. 26.

16. Neimark M. S. O sootnoshenyy osoznavaemыkh y neosoznavaemыkh motyvov v povedenyy / M. S. Neimark // Voprosы psykholohyy. – 1968. - № 5. – S. 15-21.

17. Novokhatko A. H. K probleme sootnoshenyia obraza y samosoznanyia / A. H. Novokhatko // Voprosы psykholohyy. – 1992. - №2. – S. 129-137.

18. Rubynshtein S. L. Samosoznanye lychnosty y ee zhyznennыi put//Osnovы obshchei psykholohy: v 2-kh t./S. L. Rubynshtein. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1989. – . – T. 2. –1989. – 328s.

19. Spyrkyn A. H. Soznanye y samosoznanye / A. H. Spyrkyn. – M.: Polytyzdat, 1972. – 303 s. – S. 143.

20. Stavytska S. O. Dukhovna samosvidomist osobystosti: stanovlennia i rozvytok v yunatskomu vitsi: monohrafiia/ Svitlana Oleksiivna Stavytska. – K.: NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2011. – 727 s. – S.183-192.

21. Chamata P. R. K voprosu o henezyse samosoznanyia lychnosty / P. R. Chamata // Problemы soznanyia: Materyalы sympozyuma (mart-aprel 1966 h.) / Otv. red. V.M. Banshchykov. – M., 1966. – S. 228-239.

22. Chesnokova Y. Y. Osobennosty razvytyia samosoznanyia v ontoheneze / Y. Y. Chesnokova // Pryntsyp razvytyia v psykholohyy. – M.: Nauka, 1978. – S. 83-107; S. 316-337.

23. Shorokhova E. V. Problema «Ia» y samosoznanye / E. V. Shorokhova // Problemы soznanyia: Materyalы sympozyuma (mart – aprel 1966 h.) / Otv. red. V. M. Banshchykov. – M., 1966. – S. 217-227.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 383-392 (pdf)

UDC 371

Cavalok T.A.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Psychological support of the formation of the intellectual senses of younger students

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the main tasks of intellectual development (formation of correct ideas about the world, the development of cognitive mental processes, development of intellectual skills, the formation of the easiest ways mental activity) as the main success factors of psychological support formation of intellectual senses. Psychological support is, in fact, a dynamic process that needs to be considered as an integral activity of the psychologist, comprises five interrelated components: the systematic tracking of clinical-psychological and psycho-pedagogical status of the child in the dynamics of his mental development; creating socio-psychological conditions for effective mental development of the child in society; systematic psychological assistance to the child in the form of counselling, psychotherapy, (psychological support); systematic psychological assistance to parents and relatives; the life of the child in society given his mental and physical capabilities. Theoretical analysis of the problems of psychological support formation of intellectual feelings primary school children suggests there is a requirement to use didactic games as the main factors stimulating the intellectual development of younger students. The development of the intellectual sphere is, as in everyday life, in the course of communication with adults in the process of systematic learning in the classroom, but also in didactic games in preschool. A crucial role is played systematically in the process of development of the intellectual sphere.In didactic games are created favorable conditions for the assimilation of children, rather a complex of knowledge, abilities and skills for the formation of different abilities of children. Games teaching method is most effective in working with children of preschool age. These games develop not only mental processes but also such important personal qualities as purposefulness, concentration, and social feelings like compassion, teamwork, friendship, and more.

Keywords: educational games, intellectual feelings, psychological support, mental activity.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Abakumov S.I. The differentiated organization of the educational process as a factor of meaning of students // Scientific thought of Caucasus. 2002. №. 9. P. 117-127

2. Berezina V.A. Creative and intellectual development of the child in the system to create enhanced education // Actual problems of education and training: professional skills and individual style of the modern teacher – N. «Armanov center», 2010. – P. 131-135

3. Blinova T. L. Simulation of a didactic game as means of development of cognitive interest of pupils in learning mathematics in secondary school. Yekaterinburg, 2003. –180р.

4. Educational games and activities for children of early age: a Handbook for educators / edited by E.S. Radzina, N.S. Popova. Ed. 2-E. – M.: Education, 1972. – 567р.

5. From Zhukov.P. The development of intellectual abilities of younger schoolboys in the course of the game // Elementary school – 2006, № 5. – P. 30-31

6. Zak S. A. the Methodology of development of intellectual abilities in children. – M., 2001. – 367р.

7. Izotova E.S., Nikiforova E.V. Emotional sphere of the child: Theory and practice: Textbook. a manual for students. universities. – M.: «Academy», 2004. – 288р.

8. Kozluk J.P. the Subjectivity of the younger schoolboy in educational activity / I.P. Kozluk // Primary school / Chapter. edited by A.M. Lukyanets. – 2013, № 1. – Р. 6-9

9. Muradova F.G. the Use of didactic games in the educational process as a method of development of intellectual abilities of pupils / F.G. Muradova, From.G. Muradova, S.S. Hajicova // Young scientist. – 2011, № 3, Vol. 2. – P. 134-135

10. Parents Handbook / Comp. S. V. Soloukhin. – Min.: Hig. Sch., 1991. – 302р.

11. Nicholas S.M. Granovskaya R. M. Psychological protection of children. – SPb., The talk, 2006. – 352р.

12. Features of mental development of children 6-7 years of age. D. ed. Elkonin, A.L. Wenger. – Moscow, 1988. – Р. 48-51

13. Grey A. Century Psychological mechanisms of functioning of system of personal senses. – Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2002. – 183р.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 393-400 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2: 614.252-057.875

Chekryzhova M.M.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

Features of professional self-esteem of students of medical specialties in the early professionalization in universitу

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of research of features of professional self-esteem of students 1st – 3rd rate medical university. Methods involves the generation of self-evaluation constructs provided by the students. It was found that among students of all courses dominated self-evaluation constructs within scope of entertainment. By the third year rate of professional skills and personal qualities that valued are increase in accordance as so decrease the proportion of "recreational" constructs. It was found that students are tend to unreflected the small quantity of professional skills, which are generally estimated highly enough. It was established that the level of cognitive complexity value of future doctors statistically significant increase in the educational and professional activities that can contribute to a more qualitative self-development of specialized skills.

Key words: self-esteem, professional self-esteem professionally important qualities, professional skills, professionalism medical students.

Spisok vikorostanih dzherel

1. Bandura A. Teoryia sotsyalnoho nauchenyia / Albert Bandura. – SPb.: Evrazyia, 2000. – 320 s.

2. Husliakova N.Y. Psykholohycheskye mekhanyzmы stanovlenyia y razvytyia professyonalnoho soznanyia studentov pedvuza : avtoref. dys. na soyskanye uch. stepeny d-ra psykhol. nauk : 19.00.07 «Pedahohycheskaia psykholohyia» / N.Y. Husliakova. – Kursk, 2009. – 41 s.

3. Derkach A.A. Akmeolohycheskye osnovы razvytyia professyonala / A.A. Derkach. – M.: Yzd-vo Moskovskoho psykholoho-sotsyalnoho ynstytutu; Voronezh: NPO «MODЭK», 2004. – 752 s.

4. Kalamazh R.V. Psykholohiia formuvannia profesiinoi Ya-kontseptsii maibutnikh yurystiv : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia. stupenia dokt. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.07 «Pedahohichna ta vikova psykholohiia» / R.V. Kalamazh. – Kyiv, 2010. – 50 s.

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(11): 401-410 (pdf)