Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 6, Issue 10 – 2015
UDC 159.928.22-058.862
Bazanyuk V.S.
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv.
Research cognitive style learning of students of Faculty of Physics.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of the psychological aspects of the research of cognitive styles of the individual. Proposed program diagnosis of cognitive style individual students Physics Department. The study was complemented study individual creativity in physics, analysis of academic and scientific achievements. There are some differences in terms of individual cognitive styles. The study of cognitive styles learning of future physicists showed that all respondents can be divided into the following groups: students with integrated cognitive style, with a combination of visual, auditory and kinesthetic perception, developed with intuitive thinking; students from predominantly visual perception type, with integral and differential type of cognitive style, with a predominantly logical thinking. The success of these students are average, prefer regulated behavior; students from mainly one type of dominant perception of information with differential cognitive style, with a predominantly logical thinking, low motivation to succeed, in good and satisfactory academic progress.
The paper outlines the prospects for further research are offered in a wide implementation of guidelines for teachers of physical and mathematical sciences on formation of structural cognitive styles learning of future professionals physics.Key words: mathematical and numerical simulation, strength and operational lifetime.
Keywords: cognitive style, type of perception, creativity in the field of physics, motivation to succeed.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 5-13 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:37.015.3
Bohonkova Y.
Vladimir Dal National University of Eastukrainian, Severodonetsk.
Psychological conditions of professional self-determination of senior pupils at the present stage of development of society.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the social and psychological conditions that will enhance the future of professional self –determined of seniors. It is known that socio-economic changes in our country, increase the interest in the problem of self-determination, self-realization. The main principles of preparation for the future self-determination of seniors are highlighted. Features of the behavioral, cognitive and personal development of the modern high school student are characterized. Motives which affect the future of self-determination of seniors are defined. It is proven that older students appreciate the learning activities from the perspective that it gives for their future. It is determined that the selectivity of the cognitive interests of senior pupils is often associated with future life plans that favor the formation of educational interests. Scientists have proved that the choice of profession and mastering it begins with professional determination. At this stage, the pupils should already quite possible to create for themselves the task of choice of future occupation, taking into account existing psychological and physiological resources. In that time they have formed with respect to certain professions, is the choice of subjects in accordance with their chosen profession. The formation of plans for the future is the most important content development social adulthood in youth period. A significant indicator of socio-psychological maturity of boys and girls is their attitude towards their future. The certainty of plans most of these changes: you receive the essential core of the person - specific goals, objectives, motives. Sources – 7.
Keywords: motive, motivation, self-determination, high school, personal development, career interests, learning activities, self-esteem, identity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 14-21 (pdf)
Gorobec I.A.
Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk.
Psychological features of formation of environmentally conscious personality.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In this article the psychological properties were analyzed; the ecologically conscious personality was characterized; the ecological activity which was an integrative concept for the showing different kinds of activity which as that as other way were aimed on the ensuring of optimum state of system «society-nature» was proved.
Keywords: the psychological properties, the ecologically conscious personality, ecological activity
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 22-31 (pdf)
UDC 159.954:82-053.67
Krivopishina O.A.
Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv.
The psychological analysis of the structural components of the gifted students' personality.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of the psychological analysis of the structural components development of gifted students' personalities. According to the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem under study, it has been found out that the special attitude to the world, the matter of which is that it overcomes singularities of the person and the world, is the psychological basis of the development of special abilities (literary, artistic, musical etc.). The notion of empathy has been specified as a universal creative ability, according to which, in the psychology of literary and artistic creative work, empathy is defined as an objective regularity of the creative act. The psychological mechanism of empathy facilitates transformations of the familiar into the unfamiliar; helps see the usual in the unusual, which means the artistic discovery without which the creative work is impossible takes place.
In order to determine the level of the empathic abilities, verbal and non-verbal creativity, the psychodiagnostic research of gifted students has been conducted. The results of the ascertaining study have shown that the high degree of special abilities provides a sufficiently high level of verbal and non-verbal creativity; quantitative data on the development level of general empathy and its components in respondents with high quality creative products are at high values level indicating the high development level of empathic abilities. Based on the ascertaining study, the correlation between the development level of literary and artistic abilities and the development level of the main structural components of the gifted person – empathy and creative divergent thinking – has been proved.
Keywords: creativity, empathy, verbal and non-verbal creativity, special abilities, gifted person, divergent thinking.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 31-38 (pdf)
UDC 159.938
Kokun O.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents the results of empirical studies that highlight psychological and professional background of professional self-fulfilment of skilled people.
According to the obtained results, essential prerequisites for professional self-fulfilment of skilled people are high levels of professional self-efficacy, internal and external professional positive motivation, rather high level of communication and organizational skills, a high degree of satisfaction with own profession.
Formation of a professional position and an individual style of professional activities, professional mobility, flexibility of activity style, levels of creative implementation and self-construction of professional work and career are important prerequisites for professional self-fulfilment and, to some extent, its manifestation are. Professional self-fulfilment is related enough closely with the indicator such as satisfaction with content of professional activities, salary, career and social status, intensity of efforts to improve a professional level, positive relationships with superiors and good health.
The indicators of professional "burnout" and deformation, such as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment reduction, became very unfavourable for professional self-fulfilment of skilled people.
Key words: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, professional development, attributes of self-fulfilment, skilled people.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 39-49 (pdf)
UDC 159.928
Korol'ov D.K.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The assessment technique of educational environment developing potential.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes the results of the development and testing of university educational environment assessment method. The technique evaluates such parameters of educational environment for intellectually gifted students: information richness of the environment; opportunities for various types of cognitive activity; teachers and students adoption of the knowledge and creativity values as opposition to anti-intellectualism; cultivation by teachers intellectual achievements values; orientation of the educational system to individual students development, realization of students potential; management style of the training activities and its impact on the cognitive interests of potentially gifted students; displayed status hierarchy and overall level of conformity; tolerance level and students errors treatment.
The technique includes an anonymous questionnaire and unstructured interviews. These data can be supplemented with additional information sources - interviews with teachers and university administration, the study of the educational institutions documents, the results of the institution external evaluation.
The proposed technique provides a consistent and holistic vision that has become a basic strategy of the educational institution.
Keywords: giftedness, intellectually gifted students, university education, educational environment, developing potential, assessment technique.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 50-63 (pdf)
UDC 159.943
Muzyka O.L.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Existential needs and development of a gifted person.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyses the existential needs of a gifted person: need for subjectness, for self-identity, for reason to live.
Implementation of subjectness need presupposes the following: 1) distancing from own personal features, allowing their regulation (subject to K. Obukhovskyi); 2) the ethical attitude to the world, which allows a person to implement their own needs, correlating them with the needs of other people (subject to S. L. Rubinshtein); the desire for self-actualization as a focus on self-development (subject to A. Maslou).
A gifted personality rather paradoxically satisfies the need for identity. Value-conscious attitude to their own abilities, including creative, is the ground for the self-identity.
The need for reason to live develops beginning with the gifted person’s growing awareness concerning their own difference from the contact environment. The next step is their personal choice, related to 1) confirmation of the direction for their own development and 2) the focus on universal human values.
The existential needs are the result of reflection, awareness by a gifted person of the dynamics of their own needs and personal values.
The moral (ethical) and activity (abilities) values in interactions and relations is a resource for personal development. Personal values occur in the process of need satisfaction, and eventually they profoundly change the alter personality’s consumer field, means of life design and self-fulfillment.
Key words: a gifted person, existential needs, need for subjectness, need for self-identity, need for reason to live, personal values, development.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 63-77 (pdf)
UDC 616.891.4+615.832.9:159.942]-07
Panchenko O.A., Zaytseva N.A., Sadchikova E.G.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Kyiv), Scientific-practical medical rehabilitation and diagnostic centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Konstantinovka).
The dynamics of changes in the emotional status of patients with neurasthenia at cryogenic.
Language: Russian
Abstract: According WHO researches of general medical practice patients, the neurasthenia prevalence rate equaled 1.7% upon the average in general. Chronic stress state precedes to neurasthenia symptoms progression. The main part of such situation is patient’s perception and interpretation of external circumstances. Active clinical cryotherapy is used to treat a broad spectrum of somatic diseases, border psychic and psychosomatic disorders. All of that allows us to determine such kind of therapy as a progressive method of modern rehabilitation medicine. The aim of our investigation is to estimate emotional state factor dynamics for neurasthenia patients during cryotherapy course. Our experimental group consisted of 44 neurasthenia patients (F 48.0). They went through complex medical treatment, including cryotherapy course. The control group consisted of 44 patients and these patients were not treated with cryotherapy course. Experimental group patients convalesced more active (after 10 days of therapy) and their condition was more stable (р0.01) compare to control group patients by the results of well-being, activeness and mood level estimation (WAM-methodology) (р0.01).
Experimental group patients demonstrated faster (after 10 days of therapy) and more constant (р0.01) psychologic stress extend decrement (NPN methodology) and reduction of asthenical manifestations degree (SAC methodology) (р0.01).
Key words: neurasthenia, cryotherapy, emotional state, well-being, activity, mood, psychologic stress.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 63-84 (pdf)
UDC 316.3+004:159.9
Panchenko O.A., Panchenko L.V., Antonov V.G.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Kyiv), Scientific-practical medical rehabilitation and diagnostic centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Konstantinovka).
Psychological problems of the development of the information society.
Language: Russian
Abstract: This paper is dedicated to information influence factors investigation upon personal psychological security in conditions of information society formation. Cause-and-effect relations of modern information environment, new information way of life and information stress level were examined. It was determined that individually or socially valuable information in modern conditions significantly intensifies psychoemotional loads and could provoke stress development and its consequences in the form of various diseases and psychological disorders. The types of psychological stress were investigated: information overload stress, interaction with information technologies stress, professional activity stress. The results of psychological analysis of dangerous professions specialists are presented in this work. 24.3% of examined workers suffered of disadaptation disorders and were inappropriate from the point of their professional suitability regulatory benchmarks. We can make a conclusion that today’s humankind must be prepared to some kind of psychological problems during its transition to the modern information society. The brand new information environment that is forming nowadays produces growing of psychoemotional loads. All of that influences negatively on the modern human being. Essential correction and reconsideration of existing social and psychological adaptation mechanisms is absolutely necessary, as well as creation of new mechanisms to ensure personal psychological security in the modern way of life.
Key words: information society, information environment, information way of life, information stress, personal psychological security.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 84-93 (pdf)
UDC 616.891.4+615.851
Panchenko O.A., Kutko I.I., Petrakova T.V., Stasiuk A.V.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Kyiv), Scientific-practical medical rehabilitation and diagnostic centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Konstantinovka).
Psychological adjustment of patients with neurasthenia.
Language: Russian
Abstract: Within recent years total number of neurotic disorder patients increased significantly. This fact is determined by information abundance, pace of life high rates and many other political, social and biological reasons. As such, there is a problem of diagnostic instrumentation selection and relative correction measures development.
The aim of this work is to develop some psychocorrection measures for neurotic disorder patients’ treatment.
The result of data statistic analysis before and after the treatment is significant difference between patients’ emotional field characteristics (p > 0.05). Also there are positive dynamic trends that evidence for therapy effectiveness. Significant difference between emotional conditions of male and female patients groups is absent (p > 0.05). This fact witnesses the same treatment effectiveness of developed psychocorrection measures.
The main features of neurotic disorder patients’ psychocorrection therapeutic technique are psychic tension reduction, reality perception during working practice and interpersonal relationships changing, mental state adjustment skills teaching, conflict working-throughs and adaptive behavioral stereotypes acquisition for patients’ state of health. Developed psychocorrection measures complex application allows to treat neurotic disorder patients more effectively and this fact is confirmed by repeated psychodiagnostics results.
Key words: hypersthenic neurasthenia, hyposthenic neurasthenia, neurotic disorders, asthenia, emotional condition, psychological correction, psychodiagnostics, therapy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 93-100 (pdf)
UDC 616.89:616-053.2004.9
Panchenko O.A., Simonenko Н.B., Zarubayko A.V., Tsapro N.P.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Kyiv), Scientific-practical medical rehabilitation and diagnostic centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Konstantinovka).
The influence of information environment on children's psychic and somatic conditions.
Language: Russian
Abstract: Child’s psychological wellbeing problem as a result of information influence is pretty challenging nowadays. Informational overloads influence directly on children's state of health and psychic conditions. Information excessiveness or deficiency is very important factor for both children's socialization processes and their mental development.
Day-to-day routine exposes a child to mass media influence that could be presented as a complex of positive and negative impact factors. Negative factors (as unreliable and exaggerated information, disinformation) could promote some somatic and psychological pathologies development. Consequently, we can consider the problem of information security not only from social and educational point of view but from medical and psychological point of view.
Impetuous way of life changing, huge influence of information on a child, low information culture level create new thread to child’s mental health, so called computer dependency. Negative intrafamilial environment and some kinds of child’s psychological problems (as anxiety, low self-assessment level, aggressiveness and so on) promote addictive behavior development. Therefore auspicious intrafamilial environment can be considered as determinant factor for child’s personal development and somatic pathology preventative measures.
Early psychological problem diagnostics and complex approach for correctional measures, both for a child and his family, make it possible to prevent a great number of children's psychic and somatic complications.
Key words: information, computer, child, dependency, rehabilitation, diagnostic value, psychological wellbeing.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 100-108 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Poklad I.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Creative works of scientific legacy G. Kostyuka are in context of modern psychology
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the paper investigated the life and career prominent psychologist of twentieth-century - G.S. Kostiuk. An attempt to show G.S. Kostiuk’s contribution to the development of psychological science is don’t in the article. In article sights available his basic ideas and their value for psychology and today pedagogies are analyzed.
Key words: career, historic-psychologic analyze, creative person, activity, development, thinking, capacity, academic school.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 108-122 (pdf)
UDC 316.647.5: 37.015.3
Pflueger A.V.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
Tolerance as a perceptual characteristic of an individuality.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article aims to analise the essence of tolerance, define its role and value in the formation of an individuality, consider the main directions of the research issues.
Tolerance as an integrative individuality phenomenon becomes apparent in willingness to consider the ideas and views of others that differ from their own ones.
The mechanisms ensuring the development of tolerance include the willingness for personality changes, empathetic maturity, tendency to explore and use the own resources effectively.
Understanding “tolerance” as a worldview phenomenon allows to develop a mechanism of overcoming the intolerance and cultivating self-reflection.
Thus, the actualization of such concepts as humanistic outlook and tolerance gains special significance.
Tolerant attitude to a new ensures a humanistic basis for building interpersonal relationships and percepting of the world.
The most significant feature of the given personality characteristic is the absence of necessity to restore the physiological or psychological stability as the high level of tolerance helps to perceive certain situations without any internal and external confrontation.
Keywords: tolerance, leniency, personality development, interpersonal interaction.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 122-130 (pdf)
Sydorenko O.B.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
The ways of development of the arbitrariness in the behavior of pupils of primary school age with low level of educational achievements.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The research of conditions of arbitrariness in the behavior of juniors, who have low educational advances in learning, is reflected in the article; age characteristics of younger pupils is revealed, the essence of notion of "arbitrariness", "arbitrary regulation" is certain. The article presented the ways of development of arbitrariness in the behavior of young pupils with low-performing in the learning, determined psychological and pedagogical conditions of internal and external component of behavior, to overcome weaknesses in the cognitive area, deficiencies in the motivational area of learning and deficiencies in arbitrariness.
Keywords: arbitrariness, arbitrary regulation, motivation, attention, thinking, restrictive aim, volitional qualities, individual, personally-active, personally–oriented approach.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 130-139 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Yablonska T.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Peculiarities of identity of artistically gifted and “problem” teenagers and high-school students.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The phenomenon of person’s identity, its structure as the unity of cognitive, emotional, connative and value components are examined in this article. Empirical research was conducted with the help of the methods “Who I am?” (Kuhn-McPartland), the questionnaire, created on the basis of the method of parametric interview of J.Marcia, self-attitude test of V.Stolin, test of J.В.Rotter, test of life purport orientation of D.Leontjev, Personal Orientation Inventory by E. Shostrom. The research of different children’s categories – artistically gifted, “problem” – and their comparison wish the control group are allowed us to reveal notional differences in structure and level of identity development of teenagers group. It is analyzed that the higher level of identity is reached by “problem-free” children, which is reflected in more differentiated and full self-image, its positive modality and harmony, distinct professional perspective of the future, higher statuses of identity almost in all spheres of vital activity. The identity of “problem” teenagers is characterized mostly by low level of development (diffuse, premature identity) or negative form, internal inconsistency, values deformation. Such differences between the group of investigated people are allowed us to state that in families with artistically gifted children, more favorable conditions for child’s identity development as personal kernel.
Key words: identity, identification, social identity, personal identity, the status of identity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 139-149 (pdf)
UDC 37.091.12 : 159-051 : [004.032.6]
Yalanska S. P.
Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava.
An effective system of public relations as a result of the activities creatively competent psychologist.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Future psychologist needed daily and hard work on the development of their creative skills to the professional activity, the formation of professional positions, education ability to communicate with people. These are the most important professional qualities will help to create an organizational climate of creative success. Future psychologists must be able to possess a system of knowledge and understanding of: the characteristics of relations between organizations; providing information regarding the facilities, rules and principles for this work, its planning, strategic programming; skills of organization and support of public relations in modern Ukrainian society. For the formation of such knowledge and ideas undergraduates expedient is the use of blocks we created the program for the development of creative competence of future psychologists. Block 1. "The development of professional values and motives of creative activity" designed to develop the personal development component of professional competence of future psychologists. Its content provides the motivation of students to creative activity. Block 2. "Mastering organizational-methodical base". Provides for the development of indicators of activity-developing component of professional competence. Forms ability to Express new, innovative ideas, the desire to use innovative tools to successfully combine logic with intuition. Block 3. "Mastering dologin communication designed to develop indicators of communicative component of professional competence of future psychologists. The content encourages active communication, effective dialogical interaction. Block 4. "The acquisition of meaningful concepts" provides for the development of indicators professional component professional competence. Its content provides for the formation of the ability to give a complete view of their ideas, defend their own opinions, citing specific examples, organize, summarize the material, to make meaningful conclusions. Block. 5. "The acquisition of professional experience designed to develop the parameters of the components of professional competence learning experience of future psychologists. Its content makes creatively to analyze the content of the subject, constantly improve. Organizational-methodical conditions promote the development of creative competence of the future specialists provided by the program are: the organization of learning activities in which students realize themselves as a creative person; ensuring constant constructive feedback; establishing partner communication; providing motivation to the research activity, activity and creativity in the classroom.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 149-157 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.01
Voloshin V.N.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Alcoholism as a loss of moral and existential values.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The influence of alcohol on a man was examined by the author in this article. Its main difference from others in that the article based on the I. A. Sikorsky`s works. The explorer analyzed the harm caused by alcohol to a man in the article. Alcohol destroys a man. First of all alcohol destroys a body of man. Alcohol penetrate to all parts of body and all destroys on the way. Then alcohol destroys a man`s psyche. But the worst damage alcohol does to the spiritual world of man.
The author emphasized that alcohol is more harmful to women than to men. Alcohol does harm not only to the woman, but also her child. Because an alcohol destroys ovules.
A loss of vital values and reference points is one of the main causes of alcoholism. There are three groups of factors, which pushing people to drink alcohol: 1) biological, 2) psychological, 3) social. Moral and existential values very effectively affect the second and third group. Sometimes moral and existential values well influence on the first group.
The author proposes the ways for solving the problem of alcoholism. Moral influence is the most important in fight against alcoholism. Moral influence should be done on a man from early childhood to old age. A man finds a foothold in moral values. Moral and existential values give meaning to life of man. Creation and strengthening of moral values is the best medicine from alcoholism. Education occupies the important place in fight against alcoholism. Education explains harm from alcohol on a human body. After such explanation many people stop drinking alcohol.
Keywords: alcohol, alcoholism, moral and existential values, morality influence, moral, dependence, anxiety, impulsive, low self-assessment.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 157-165 (pdf)
UDC 373.2.034:613.88(477)
Malkovich М.М.
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk
Development programme of gender concepts in boys of preschool-age.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Analysis of theoretical sources, of the practice of development gender concepts in boys of preschool-age show a high interest in the issue of gender but not the elaboration of efficient methods of development. Therefore important to provide a rationale for the program and the formation of gender representations boys of preschool age, as this age is sensitive to assimilation models sex-role behavior. Gender representation, we consider as a structural element of gender identity that reflects the personality system of knowledge about themselves, as a representative of a particular article, the idea of male and female roles that are learned in the process of gender socialization. The essence of gender representations through which a person acquires an individual experience of gender; revealed its indicators, namely: behavioral, emotional, motivational manifestations of personality.
According to the results of the theoretical analysis, the study of the problem in practice developed and presented in the article development program of gender competence in boys of preschool age. The program is based on the principles of B. Sukhomlinsky, namely the knowledge of the versatility of the child, the faith in its originality and talent, the recognition of the natural optimism of the child, careful handling to his soul and mind, protecting the wealth of human nature in the child's soul and raise students' self-esteem, approval Beauty in nature and in man.
The purpose of the information phase of the program is to expand the gender representations preschoolers, forming a positive attitude to the article gender competence. The content of this stage includes a mini-lecture on "I-boy, girl-I"; discussion with children on the themes: "How good to be a boy / girl", "What should be the boy / girl." Panelists learn to express their thoughts on gender. At the practical stage, children are involved in the implementation of psihomalyunkiv that worked on the study of emotional state, neutralizing negative personal experiences. For this purpose, offer a range of psychotherapeutic interventions and relaxation exercises. For the development of role competence of preschool age boys offered complex igroterapiya, skazkoterapii, piskoterapii. To correct emotional imbalances proposed set of exercises (A friendly family ","Angry Grandpa", "Furious bear","Quarrel two cock"). According to the results of the study the program is effective.
Key words: Sand therapy, gender identity, gender representation, gender competence, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, fairytale therapy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 166-176 (pdf)
UDC 159 928
Melnik M.A.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Motivational features of intellectually gifted high school students.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents analysis the modern approaches in researches of motivational features of intellectually gifted high school students. Motivation is central to the formation of the structure of giftedness. It is a reliable predictor of success in various activities and a powerful factor full realization of the potential of giftedness.
The structural-dynamic motivational model of giftedness Gordeeva T.O. is described. It contains four basic blocks of motivation that are necessary for the identification and development of giftedness. In particular, it distinguished: internal motivation, which content is presented a high level of cognitive motivation, achievement motivation and motivation competence; purposefulness; optimistic belief in their own potential; high concentration and perseverance in their field. Functions and specificity of interaction of each block with other components of the structure are described. Internal motivation is considered as the main driving force in the development of human talent. Intellectual intentions and emotional orientation as specific characteristics of motivation of gifted personality is considered also.
Dedicated motivational clusters - the basis for the identification of potentially gifted children, as well as a basis for the prediction of stable success in the future and a landmark for the development of their talent. The prospects for future researches are discussed.
Key words: giftedness, intellectual giftedness, motivation, internal motivation, achievement motivation, intentions intellectual, emotional direction
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 176-189 (pdf)
UDC 150.09
Muzychuk O.О.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Ukrainian Research in psychology in the middle of the twentieth century.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the second half of the twentieth century in the Ukrainian psychology new areas of theoretical and applied studies has been developed, there was their practical implementation in enterprises and training institutions that contributed to the development of such branches of psychology as both overall and age psychology, applied psychology, engineering psychology, medical psychology, psychology of space, and etc. Psychological science has developed and accumulated new knowledge which were reflected in solving such problems as studying the functions of psychological science in society; formation of categories psychological apparatus; psychological problems of human development in its various forms of activities; activity of the individual in the course of business; psychological aspects of modern scientific knowledge; psychological aspects of scientific and technological revolution of the twentieth century; actual problems of Psychology; studying the needs of the individual; history of development psychology in the Ukraine and abroad; analysis idealist and metaphysical concepts in modern foreign psychology.
Ukrainian psychological science in the middle of the second half of the twentieth century was formed as a separate branch of the galaxy of eminent scientists who developed the various areas of study mental activity of the individual, particularly focused on her inner and outer world of life. It is at the same time performing social order associated with the development of branches of psychology . Conducted a thorough theoretical and experimental studies that led to the development of categorical apparatus in psychology and enrich their applied research.
Keywords: Ukrainian psychology , the inner world of the individual , inner speech , aesthetic experiences, mental processes, psychology .
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 189-199 (pdf)
UDC 159.928
Nechaeva O.S.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Psychological conditions of construction the school learning environment for talented teenagers.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the problems of psychological characteristics of developing educational environment in the context of gifted person. Different approaches to the definition of the concept are considered, also basic and specific principles of its construction, the implementation of which is given as simulation environment that would provide solving operational challenges of training and education of gifted children in today's schools. The article also presents the main terms of which are able to provide emotional and developmental nature of the components of the educational environment.
It describes how to conduct a pilot study of psychological conditions of school learning environment in the transition from primary to secondary school of students with symptoms of intellectual giftedness based on methods of N.Badyina "Diagnostics the psychological conditions of school learning environment." The attitude of students to the terms of the educational environment, in which learning takes place directly, studied by parameters such as intensity of educational environment, emotional and psychological climate, satisfaction with the educational environment, democratic learning environment, promoting the formation of cognitive motivation, satisfaction with the quality of educational services which are provided by the educational institution.
Based on the empirical data, the system started to develop psychological conditions of modulating the school learning environment for students gifted adolescents and observed some models of developmental learning environment that can be the basis for further research on a given topic.
Keywords: gifted personality, intellectual giftedness, learning environment, developing educational environment, principles of learning environment, psychological conditions of modulating learning experience.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 199-207 (pdf)
UDC 159.922
Оros V.M.
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk.
Genetic and psychological principles of study of features of character accentuation of deprived teenagers.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article exposes the psychological features of display of character accentuation for teenagers, which test negative influence of deprivation mostly. The role of genetic psychological paradigm is reflected in the comprehension of the theoretical and empiric going near the study of character accentuation teenagers which are brought up in the mode of deprivation.
Emphasized genetic psychology through developing character of psychological development of personality, in particular on the obligatory account of development of human subject as individuality, life of which runs across not separately out of every environment, but depends on social determinant terms of this life. She is very appropriate in going near the study of child in the conditions of social deprivation (schools-boarding-schools, child's houses, specialized schools-boarding-schools, penitenciare establishments and others like that). Methodological and theoretical and empirical potential of genetic psychology provides reasonable grounds to conduct deep research on the comparative level of cuts on the criterion "norm - deprivation". Deprived to character accentuation teenagers experience the various problems of the personality becoming, and their development differs in a very noticeable specific, that is why he needs to be examined in the context of such basic psychological syndromes, as underdeveloped, asynchronous, irregular, distorted and the damaged development. Genetic psychological facilities enable to light up the wide circle of social and psychological determinant and mechanisms, and also work out the system of help to the teenagers in the conditions of social deprivation.It was established that deprivation serves as a powerful inhibitory factor of a complete personal development, which complicates and distorts the course of ontogenesis and sociogenesis and can lead to irregular development and disogenesis.
Methodological and theoretical potential of genetic psychology as an innovative paradigm in cultural historical psychology and psychology of development gives reasonable grounds to conduct deep scientific researches at the level of comparative cuts on a criterion "norm - deprivation".
Keywords: genetic psychology, teenagers, deprivation, desontigenesis, irregular development, to character accentuation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 207-216 (pdf)
UDC 159 928
Snizhna M.A.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Psychological features of teacher training for work with gifted students.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In this article qualifications for teachers of the gifted were discussed, and these characteristics were divided into philosophical, professional, and personal characteristics. Philosophical characteristics were deemed important, because the ways in which teachers view education affects their approach to students and the classroom. Teachers of the gifted need to reflect a cooperative, democratic attitude and have a competency and interest in learning. Professional characteristics are strategies to maximize the learning of gifted students, guidance and counseling skills, and knowledge and awareness of the psychology of the gifted student, Personal characteristics include empathy, tolerance of ambiguity, authenticity, congruency, self-actualization, and enthusiasm. Programs at the M.A. level were discussed. These programs consist of four parts: (1) professional education, (2) specialization courses, (3) liberal arts, and (4) practicum or field experiences.
In-service training was defined as short-term training, and the suggestions for planning effective experiences for teachers were outlined. A unique consortium effort to meet a specific in- service need of planning advanced placement courses in biology was covered.
Mentors and parents as teachers was discussed and the role of mentors and parents was defined. Techniques for bringing more precision to the mentoring process were listed: (1) attending, (2) responding, (3) personalizing, and (4) initiating. The role of teachers, mentors and parents in gifted programs was covered, with emphasis on the need for continuous interaction and dialogue for advice, support, and help to provide for full growth and development of gifted students.
Key words: giftedness, educational environment, teacher training, gifted students.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 216-223 (pdf)
UDC 159.9: 159.94
Sharipovа D.S.
Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, Cherkassy.
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the psychological study of competitive athletes shooters.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to psychological study of competitive athletes shooters. Author determined stages of shooting sports psychology: the origin - the implementation methodology and experimental approaches borrowed from general psychology; formation - providing practice sports activities; modern development - improving the theoretical foundations of research, the selection of categories and individual athlete, social and psychological problems of sport.
Keywords: psychology of sport, competitive activity, athletes-arrows.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 6(10): 223-232 (pdf)