Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 5, Issue 16 – 2016
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC: 159.938
Albul V.G.
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Gregory Skovoroda. Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article shows that a person’s vocabulary is one of the most important speech characteristics and it is formed at the pre-school age. Therefore, the pre-school education pays considerable attention to formation of their speech competence, including the lexical one, as a base element and the ultimate goal of preschoolers’ lexical development. The article determines vocabulary richness as a sign of a high level of speech development and examines the characteristics of various tools for the preschoolers’ vocabulary development: theatrical activities, didactic games, communication of children with adults and peers and fine literature. Fine literature is characterized as a decisive tool for the formation of senior preschoolers’ lexical competence. The peculiarities of different forms of senior preschoolers’ vocabulary development has been analyzed, the article reveals effective methods and techniques of lexical literacy acquisition by children through literary read. The approaches to speech development and vocabulary enrichment of senior preschoolers by using literary works of different authors from Volyn region are described. The article shows that children's vocabularies can be enriched as a result of developmental activities, through various forms of work with Volyn authors' literary works, starting from content describing and finishing with improvisations; during such work, the children can acquire new synonyms, antonyms, metaphors, epithets, comparisons and various grammatical forms of the Ukrainian language. Words are fixed and activated in their vocabulary through the repetitions of the words during various activities. The use of children's books also contributes to enrichment and revitalization of children's vocabularies through the formation of specific ideas and concepts, development of the ability to express their thoughts orally and development of the speech communication ability. As the result, children's speech became more vivid, figurative and expressive.
Keywords: lexical competence, developmental tools, literary read, literary works of Volyn authors, speaking communication, vocabulary work.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 3-12 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Bolotnikova I.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is devoted to the important issue of professional self-fulfillment. The article analyzes an experimental study performed at the trade union organizations subordinated to the Kyiv City Council of Trade Unions. The objective laws of trade union employees’ professional self-fulfillment were studied during the experimental study. As a result of the experimental study analysis, the general factors of professional self-fulfillment of trade union organization employees were determined. The performed study allowed us to determine factors of professional self-fulfillment of trade union organization employees by their influence. Self-efficacy of a specialist is the most important and informative factor of general professional self-fulfillment, as well as internal and external professional self-fulfillment. It means that self-efficacy – a person's confidence in his/her ability to organize and perform activities necessary for achieving certain goal - has the most significant influence on professional self-fulfillment. Internal professional motivation is the second most informative factor, which, together with self-efficacy, determines general professional self-fulfillment. Competence in time is the third significant factor of general professional self-fulfillment, as well as that of external professional self-fulfillment, which characterizes a person’s ability to live in the present. Such a component of the leadership talent as a person’s ability to give independence to subordinates is a sufficiently significant factor of external professional self-fulfillment, as well as behavior flexibility, which, together with the above indicators reach the informative level. Behavior flexibility, which determines a person’s ability to respond quickly and adequately to a changing situation, becomes particularly import for trade union leaders, since it is one of their professionally important qualities/
Keywords: professional activities, professional self-fulfillment, external professional self-fulfillment, internal professional self-fulfillment.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 12-18 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Voytovich M.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results obtained from the empirical research aimed at identifying of the psychological factors of professional self-fulfillment of school psychologists. It is established that the most important factor of professional self-fulfillment of school psychologists among used psychodiagnostic indicators, is the level of professional self-efficacy. This factor was prominent as for all three generalized indicators of professional self-realization (general level, levels of internal and external professional self-fulfillment) and for seven out of ten signs that these levels make. Another important factor influencing the indicators of professional self-realization of school psychologists is the indicator of self-esteem scale (according to SAT), which implies the ability of a person to appreciate their dignity, positive qualities of character and respect for them. Important factors in the professional self-realization of school psychologists are also indicators of the scale of "value orientations" and the scale "views on the nature of man" (for SAT), which characterize the connection between the level of professional self-realization and the extent to which school psychologists share the values inherent in aspiring individuals to self-actualization, as well as the tendency to generally perceive human nature in a positive way. Investigating the factors of professional self-realization of specialists, and among them - school psychologists, and promotion of professional self-realization of specialists can be considered as one of the most important problems of modern domestic psychological science. Prospects for further research are to develop, based on the results obtained, practical technological approaches aimed at promoting of self-fulfillment of school psychologists.
Keywords: self-fulfillment, professional self-fulfillment, factors of self-fulfillment, regression analysis.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 19-30 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Humenyuk G.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses the actual problem of self-fulfillment in professional activities, which means a person’s power for constant professional development, self-perfection and self-determination in order to achieve the peaks of professionalism. The article shows that self-fulfillment is a manifestation of a person’s essential, transformative activities, always aimed at the full manifestation and the maximized use of his/her efforts to achieve desired results; therefore, namely in the professional activities, self-fulfillment acts fully as a system-forming factor allowing achievement of the two-fold goal of such activities: their ultimate results and the person’s development as an activity agent. The highest point of such development is achievement of the top of professionalism - acme. The analysis of main concepts to the study of the phenomenon of professional self-fulfillment has been made from the points of views of: systemic, systemic-genetic (professional-genetic), activity, subjective, systemic personality-developmental, synergetic, acmeological, resource, axiological, psychosocial approaches. The fragmentation and variety in views on the nature and place of self-fulfillment in professional development are revealed; the positions unifying the considered approaches are formulated.
Keywords: labour agent, professional activity, professional self-fulfillment, professionalism, acme.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 30-43 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Dzvonyk G. P.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The work is devoted to the actual problem of professional self-realization of managers of commercial organizations. The article analyzes the results of an experimental study conducted with managers of commercial organizations in Kyiv at ArgоTrading LTD. In the course of an experimental study the laws of professional self-realization of managers were studied. According to empirical research and regression model of prediction of components of the general level of professional self-realization (external professional and internal professional self-fulfillment), groups of factors of professional self-realization of managers of commercial organizations have been identified. The most significant and informative factors of the general level of professional self-realization, as well as internal professional and external professional self-realization, reveal creativity, which leads to the creative execution of his professional activity, the production of fundamentally new ideas, creative thinking, awareness of his own competence, confidence in his ability and expectation of success, which gives The ability to achieve a better result for managers in their professional activities. The next informative factor of self-efficacy is professional, which manifests the desire of managers to professional self-improvement, constantly new professional goals and goals. At each stage of the activity, its professional self-efficiency increases, which leads to a successful and better professional self-management of managers. Also important factors include activity, emotional stability, elasticity of behavior, which testifies to the ability of the manager to actively and quickly adapt in a particular situation and to standardize his condition or behavior within the limits determined by the critical values of its parameters. Which determines the ability to respond adequately to a difficult situation. The next informative factors are competency in time, which characterizes the manager's ability to fully experience the present moment of his life, to see his life as a whole, which indicates a high level of self-actualization of the individual. It is this attitude, the psychological perception of time by the subject, proves the need for self-improvement, including, and professional. The development of professional managers' self-efficacy is related to its own performance in a particular activity and its professional competence. An important role in managers is the state of health, that is, the state of health, which has a fairly significant impact on the possibility of professional self-fulfillment and productive ability to use the experience and achievements of other specialists in the organization. In conditions of constant overload of managers, simultaneous execution of several works, significant nervous and mental tension, which characterize the management activities, put forward certain requirements for the state of health and lifestyle. The most important ability of managers is the ability to realize the goals set, to prioritize, to identify trends, to self-identify and to self-assess, persuade, systematize and process information, distribute forces and time. When performing professional activities, managers in difficult situations may have difficulties that can lead to aggression, but, based on the help and experience of colleagues, it is possible to overcome negative emotions and with a greater determination to perform their professional activity at a high level of performance.
Keywords: professional activities, professional self-fulfillment, external professional self-fulfillment, internal professional self-fulfillment.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 44-57 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Zavadska T. V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Determinations of general factors, that stimulate or assist personality self-realization at professional activity preschool tutors, were carried out by linear regressive analysis on the models of predication indexes. In this models is appeared "valued orientations" index of the most informing and influential indexes (САТ methodology), that was certain in seventh models from 13, that was examined. In six models to predication were certain influential indexes "external negative motivation" and "activity" as property of temperament. Some signs of syndrome of the emotional burning down, as then the "emotional removed"(four models) and "personality removed"(one model) is also marked among factors that influence on the indexes of professional self-realization. The predication models are educed that mostly influential dependences on indexes that was determined on diagnostic methodology of "CAT test", it is indexes of "self-esteem"(three models), " self-acceptance", " sensitivity to itself", "spontaneity", "synergy"(all - for one the models). Indexes "external positive motivation" and "internal motivation"(methodology is "Motivation of professional activity ") had insignificant moderate influences.
Keywords: professional activity, tutor, self-actualization, self-realization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 57-69 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Kokun O.M., Ser`ogin Y.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results obtained from the empirical research aimed at identifying of the psychological factors of professional self-fulfillment of musical school teachers. It is determines that the most important factor of professional self-fulfillment of musical school teachers is their internal professional motivation. This factor is leading for all three generalized indicators of professional self-fulfillment (overall self-fulfillment, internal and external professional self-fulfillment) and for six of the ten attributes that make these indicators. The second most important factor is professional self-efficacy. Additional factors are five different scales of the Shostrom Inventory for Self-Actualization, which characterize personal creativity; the ability to experience moments of personal life in its entirety, integrity of own existence – integrity of the past, the present and the future; the ability to accept own irritation, anger and aggression as a natural expression of the human nature, if they are not anti-social; independence of own values and behavior without outside influence and the desire to gain knowledge about the surrounding world. Prospects for further research are to develop, based on the results obtained, practical technological approaches aimed at promoting of self-fulfillment of music school teachers.
Keywords: self-fulfillment, professional self-fulfillment, professional formation, factors of self-fulfillment, musical school teachers.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 69-75 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Korniyaka O.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of the empirical study determining the factors of university lecturers’ professional self-fulfillment by the means of regression analysis.
The article shows that a person’s life success is related directly to satisfaction of his/her need for constant personal and professional growth and self-fulfillment as a process and a result of his/her life goal achieving. University lecturers are not only a bright representative of socionomy professions, but also key figures in professional training, ensuring the social and professional ascent of future professionals. Their scientific and pedagogical activities are intellectual creative work, which, as is well known, has a high cultural status, and individual talents of university lecturers determine the degree of education and science at all. Aspiration of these professionals to self-knowledge and active fulfilment of their educational and scientific tasks is the manifestation of their general intention to self-actualization and self-development, and hence to self-fulfillment in the profession.
The performed statistical analyses of the experimental data and the qualitative interpretations of the regression analysis show that the indicators used in the study techniques and tests and the indicators of expert assessment of lecturers’ professional competence and its key components are sufficiently informative to determine their professional self-fulfillment. The following general factors of university lecturers’ professional self-fulfillment influencing achievement of self-fulfillment in the profession have been identified: “creativity during professional interactions” at the general level of professional self-fulfillment; “creativity during professional interactions” and “motivational criteria of communicative competence during professional interactions” at the level of internal professional self-fulfillment; “creativity during professional interactions” at the level of external professional self-fulfillment.
Therefore, the “creativity during professional interactions” is the most prominent predictor of the high level of professional self-fulfillment (general, internal professional and external professional) achieved by these specialists. The regression models including this indicator are characterized by a high degree of predictability (R = 0.71 – 0.90; R2 = 0.51 – 0.81). Thus, creativity, as the ability to non-standard resolution of communicative tasks, as a manifestation of creativity in the communicative-speech components of the professional activities and as a form of pedagogical interaction, determines mostly university lecturers’ professional self-fulfillment and implementation of its internal and external professional forms
In addition, the internal professional self-fulfillment of these specialists is determined by a number of such sufficiently expressed factors; these are the key criteria of the communicative competence: an instrumental criterion, as well as (in its composition) “adequacy during professional interactions”, the motivational criteria and the “reflection of professional interactions” element of the cognitive criterion; the professional competence criteria, including creative, self-educational and pedagogical; the parameters of lecturers’ non-verbal expressiveness: “formal-dynamic parameters of non-verbal behaviour” and “ability to manage and reflect non-verbal behaviour during pedagogical interactions’; “value orientations”, “rapport” and, finally, "the ability to express own thoughts”.
In turn, the lecturer’s external professional self-fulfillment is determined by such, quite pronounced, main factors: “internal professional motivation” and “external positive motivation”; “professional competence”, including “informational competence”; “creativity” (in life); the instrumental criterion of the communicative competence includes “adequacy during professional interactions”, the cognitive criterion includes “construction of effective communicative programs” and the motivational criterion include “the motive for communicative difficulty overcoming”.
Keywords: professional self-fulfillment, regression analysis, factors (predictors) self-fulfillment, professional competence, scientific and pedagogical activities, specialists of scientific and pedagogical profile.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 76-89 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Panasenko N.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results obtained from the empirical research aimed at identifying of the psychological factors of professional self-fulfillment of doctors. It is established that the most important factor of professional self-fulfillment of doctors, among used psychodiagnostic indicators, is the level of professional self-efficacy. This factor was prominent as for all three generalized indicators of professional self-realization (general level, levels of internal and external professional self-fulfillment) and for seven out of ten signs that these levels make. Another important factor is the level of internal professional motivation. Additional factors are six different scales of the Shostrom Inventory for Self-Actualization, which characterize the ability to experience the true moment of their lives in all its completeness, the ability to express their feelings, the flexibility of behavior, the ability to respect themselves, quickly and adequately respond to a changing situation, to accept their irritation, anger and aggressiveness as a natural manifestation of human nature, perceive the nature of man as positivein a whole. Also, the negative factors influencing the level of professional self-realization of doctors were determined. Such factors were the following symptoms of professional emotional burnout, such as cramping, self-dissatisfaction and personal removal (depersonalization). Prospects for further research are to develop, based on the results obtained, practical technological approaches aimed at promoting of self-fulfillment of doctors.
Keywords: self-fulfillment, professional self-fulfillment, factors of self-fulfillment, professional self-efficacy, motivation, doctors.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 90-101 (pdf)
UDC: 159.4
Pidlisna S.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents theoretical analysis on the problem of interactive learning as a factor of personality development. The essence of the concept of interactive learning is defined. It is established that it is interactive learning that creates the necessary conditions for stimulating, motivating cognitive activity of students, ensuring a high level of their activity and independence.
Keywords: interactive learning, interactive learning technologies, personality, personality development, socialization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 102-110 (pdf)
UDC: 378.091
Sablina N. V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of experimental research of properties of temperament, the analysis revealed characteristics of the proposed recommendations are aimed at the use of his best sides and leveling the defects in adaptation of first-year students of the medical College to the educational process. Confirmed that the course of mental processes, individual behavior of students, evaluation, adaptation of student youth in a medical College to educational activity affects temperament. No better or worse types of temperament, each of them has its positive qualities, each type of temperament has the potential both physiological and psychological, which promotes the adaptive capacity of students, so the main effort in determination of temperament should be aimed at reasonable use of his best sides and leveling the negative facets and a partial management. It is established that on the basis of results of determination of the psychodynamic typology of individuals can significantly increase an adequate psychological analysis of a particular individual, its behavior and activities of pedagogues and psychologists of the institution and will be found practical steps in planning corrective and preventive work with future medical workers.
Keywords: temperament, types of temperament, extroversion, introversion, neuroticism, method B.Tsukanova.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 111-119 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Savchenko T.L.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of a psychodiagnostic study aimed at identifying the psychological factors of professional self-realization of teachers. The results obtained were verified using regression analysis. Found that the most important are four factors: scale of value orientations, self-efficacy, external negative motivation, scale of views on the nature of man. These factors influence the professional self-realization of teachers, which, in turn, is the summit of self-realization and disclosure of the creative and spiritual potential of a person. It is obvious that the selected methods include indicators that can be considered as the expressed factors of professional self-realization of teachers.
Keywords: self-fulfillment, professional self-fulfillment of teachers, factors of professional self-fulfillment, regression analysis.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 119-125 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Serdiuk L.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes the phenomenon of psychological well-being as an integral entity, manifested in a degree of personal orientation towards implementation of the main components of positive functioning, as well as a degree of implementation of this orientation, which is subjectively perceived as satisfaction with one's own life and oneself. As an internal personal resource, psychological well-being is considered as the basis of personal psychological security. As an integral personal entity, psychological well-being functions dynamically and therefore it is a personal motivational parameter, the degree of its expressiveness depends on realism, structuring, integrity (consistency of the past, present and future), of the system of personal attitudes and life perspectives, which includes goals, plans, values and aspirations. The article determines that personal psychological well-being correlates with the value-sense orientations (life goals, a life process, efficiency of life) and personal resilience. Therefore, personal psychological well-being can be understood as a psychological basis of personal security, having a self-regulatory function of preserving of personal integrity and stability as a psychological system. The personal potential of psychological well-being means materialization of innate resources accumulated by a person as a result of comprehension of links between personal past, present and future in terms of implementation of own capabilities and achievement of life prospects - reserves of full realization in the present and possibilities of development of personal vital forces, labour and spiritual capabilities in the future.
Keywords: psychological safety, psychological well-being, innate resources, personal potential.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 125-134 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes personal autonomy in terms of the self-determination theory. It shows that personal autonomy determines how much a person, performing actions and deeds in interactions with the outside world, is based on their own choice. Personal autonomy describes mechanisms of personal self-regulation and self-determination that are implemented in the form of an informed choice of actions and take into accounts both internal aspirations and external life conditions. Psychological criteria of self-determination mean flexibility in managing of personal own interactions with the environment. A self-determined person acts on the basis of their own choice, not through coercion or obligation, and this choice is based on understanding of their needs and comparing them with external conditions. An autonomy level, as well, and the need for autonomy is increased with person’s development, with increasing of confidence in themselves and in their personal and intellectual potential, in their own ability to overcome difficulties and stresses. The article determines other personality constructs that reveal personal self and are related with formation and development of personal autonomy. The task to compare a personal autonomy level with such personal formations as self-attitude, self-efficiency and psychological hardiness, self-actualization is interesting and important. Appropriate techniques for study of mutual relations of personal autonomy and related phenomena are determinated.
Keywords: personal autonomy, self-determination, autonomy development, methodological tools.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 134-142 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Chykhantsova O.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of hardiness of a personality. The structure of the person's hardiness and the model of its development are described. At the current crisis conditions of social development, the role of one risk factor of personality is increased significantly. It is maintaining of mental health at adolescence, since this period is characterized by professional and social uncertainty of the future. That is why the task to identify psychological tools that help people to overcome such difficult situations without losing health is become more and more important. Hardiness is considered as a complex integral property of a person, which is represented as a three-level construct, including levels corresponding to the hierarchical structure of personality properties. Hardiness is a necessary resource that can contribute to increasing physical and mental health, successful adaptation in stressful situations, with the transition to the level of transadaptation associated with self-determination and self-realization of the individual. The applied aspect of hardiness is determined by the role that its personal parameter plays in tolerance to stressful situations. The applied aspect of hardiness means that personal formation plays in the successful confrontation of the individual with stressful situations, primarily in the professional activities of the individual. Overcoming a person's unfavorable conditions are one of the specific forms of manifestation of its personality traits for its development.
Keywords: hardiness of personality, components of hardiness, personal potential of hardiness.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 143-151 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938.362
Shulga V.V.
Donetsk State University of Management. Mariupol Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses the results of the diagnosis of student value orientations. The dominance of hedonistic values in the student environment is stated. The reasons for the presence of hedonistic tendencies in youth settings are analyzed.
Keywords: value orientation, hedonism, consumer society, education of student youth.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 160-166 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Shamych O. M.
Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine". Kiev. Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the phenomenon of personal self-organization of Paralympic athletes in sports activities, its components and factors. The correlation between athletes’ self-organization, their self-motivation and the personal qualities having the value-meaning basis is shown. The next personality parameters are singled out in the self-organization structure: an aspiration for freedom and independence; a desire for self-development and self-realization, a need for achievements; certainty of purposes and meaningfulness of life; high level of self-organization at time planning and management; capability to control life events, persistence, planning abilities, purposefulness; self-confidence and self-confidence; a sense of competence in everyday affair management. Self-organization is a conscious process of self-improvement aimed at solving of personally meaningful tasks. The obtained results testify to the importance of personal self-organization development for successfulness of personal activities and sports achievements. We can argue from the systematic consideration of the personal determinants of a person’s successful activities, that the phenomenon of personal subjectivity means a certain pattern of the parameters of personal subsystems interconnected functionally within a person’s holistic self-determination system. The article confirms that personal traits of Paralympic athletes have close internal structural interconnections and interdependences, so personal determination on success in sports is based on a complicated and multidimensional system of personal self-organization and such factors as personal autonomy, self-expression, purposefulness, planning ability, persistence, etc. are important for this system.
Keywords: self-organization, self-motivation, self-determination, personality development, sportive activities, Paralympic sports.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 151-159 (pdf)
UDC: 159.98
Yatchuk M.S.
Institute of Criminal Execution Service of the National Academy of Internal Affairs. Kiev. Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the problem of psychological work with employees of organs and penitentiary institutions. The current state and peculiarities of psychological work with employees of the State Criminal-Enforcement Service of Ukraine are revealed. The definition of psychological work with employees of the State Criminal Execution Service of Ukraine is proposed. Some types of psychological work with personnel of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine are considered: psychodiagnostics of workers; psychological prevention; psychocorrection; advising the leadership of penitentiary bodies and institutions, as well as heads of individual structural units. The problems connected with the implementation of psychological work with employees of the State Criminal-Enforcement Service of Ukraine are outlined: lack of a cabinet for a psychologist on work with personnel; lack of necessary material and technical base for work of a psychologist with personnel; the psychologist on work with the personnel is involved in other activities; improper equipment of a psycho-emotional unloading room for staff, use of it for other purposes; underestimation by the leadership of the importance of psychological work with personnel; personnel psychologists at times themselves admit formalism at work; not always psychologists on work with personnel oforgans and establishments of implementation of punishments use to training of technology and it affects efficiency of their activity. Directions of improvement of psychological work with personnel of penitentiary organs and institutions are indicated. Prospects of further researches in this direction are offered.
Keywords: psychological work, professional activity, psychodiagnostics, psychoprophylaxis, psychocorrection.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 5(17): 166-174 (pdf)