Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 3, Issue 14 – 2018
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC 152.22
Іakovenko S. I., doctor of psychology, professor, first vice-rector; Kyiv Institute of contemporary psychology and psychotherapy. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. Most of the psychological problems of the population of the country remain without attention from the departmental psychological services. The source of this situation is that the tasks of the department are more important than the needs of their employees and families of employees. Practicing psychologists, whose number is constantly growing, try to fill the existing gaps upon request for psychological assistance, but the quality of the services they provide is sometimes questionable due to the lack of scientific and methodological basis, the lack of licensing specialists and effective control over their activities. Diplomas, academic degrees, certificates of training or master classes do not guarantee clients the quality of psychological assistance, although they are perceived as such that they guarantee. Adventurers and outright fraudsters use such naive notions. An analysis of the topics of dissertation research and attempts to put their results into practice indicates the need to improve the planning of specialized councils and coordinate the efforts of researchers, raising the requirements for the relevance of topics in qualifying works and the level of their practical use.
Keywords: departmental psychological services; scientific, scientific, organizational, educational, methodological and staff components of practical psychology; the quality of psychological assistance to citizens.
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5. Onishchenko, N.V. (2014) Ekstrena psykholohichna dopomoha postrazhdalym v umovakh nadzvychainoi sytuatsii: teoretychni ta prykladni aspekty [Emergency psychological assistance to victim sinemergency situations: theoretical and applied aspects] : monohrafiia/ – Kh.: Vyd-vo «Pravo» [in Ukrainian].
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9. Yakovenko S.I. Psykholohiia v sylovykh strukturakh Ukrainy [Psychology in the security structures of Ukraine] / Psychology in security forces of Ukraine // International Journal of Education & Development. Issue 2. Psychology / Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukrainian Association of Educational and Developmental Psychology. – Co-publ.: Publishing office: Accent Graphics Communications – Hamilton, ON, 2017. C. 63-67.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 8-25 (pdf)
UDC 159.964.22 + 564.62 + 615.851
Lazos G. P.
PhD, senior researcher, laboratory of Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article considers the phenomenon of resilience, different approaches to conceptualization and definitions of the concept of resilience. The article describes the main research of this phenomenon, analyses them through the prism of the main tasks, the postulates and the results of four waves of research. Each wave of research had its own orientation, methodology and the concept. It is also paid attention to the historical development of the concept and the first research of resilience, as well as a diagnostic toolkit measuring the level and various aspects of resilience.
Keywords: resilience, risk factors, protective factors, vulnerability factors, wave research, model, psychotechnology, research.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 26-64 (pdf)
UDC 364.62-47-058.6(072)
Mishchook S.
scientific correspondent of laboratory of consultative psychology and psychotherapy of G.S. Kostuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS; regional director of Gestalt Therapy and Arts Institute, Vinnitsya, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
traditional and contemporary contexts
Abstracts. The article discusses the phenomenon of cohesion in the context of traditional culture and the various conflicts that exist in modern society. The essence of the basic socio-economic, psychological tendencies, which form the separated, secluded style of human existence, is examined. The problem of loss of social communication skills that promote cohesion, as well as the natural context of a person's own feelings, especially those related to negative experiences, is outlined. The value of belonging to the community as a prerequisite for overcoming the consequences of the influence of traumatic circumstances is shown.
Keywords: psychotrauma, cohesion, alienation, solitude, feeling of belonging, sociocultural basis, bodily dynamic games.
1. Balakirieva O.М. Kurinnia, vzhyvannia alkoholiu ta narkotychnykh rechovyn sered pidlitkiv, yaki navchaiutsia: poshyrennia y tendentsii v Ukraini : Za rezultatamy doslidzhennia 2015 roku v ramkakh mizhnarodnoho proektu «Ievropeiske opytuvannia uchniv shchodo vzhyvannia alkoholiu ta inshykh narkotychnykh rechovyn – ESPAD» / O. M. Balakirieva (ker. avt. kol.), T. V. Bondar, Yu. Yu. Pryimak, D. M. Pavlova, O. V. Vasylenko, O. T. Sakovych, S. Z. Salnikov, S. V. Sydiak, Yu. B. Yudin, N. S. Nakhabych. – K. : Polihrafichnyi tsentr «Foliant», 2015. – 200 s.
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6. Polyigaeva, D., 2015. «Novyie zatvorniki: Pochemu molodyie lyudi vyibirayut zhizn v chetyirYoh stenah». [Elektronniy resurs] / rezhim dostupa: - Nazva z ekranu.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 64-77 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:070
Lytvynenko L. I.
research fellow at the Laboratory of Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Crisis Center medical and psychological assistance.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article presents comprehension and generalization of the empirical experience of psychological assistance to traumatized servicemen and veterans who have been affected by traumatic events and who suffer from manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder. The procedure for the provision of psychotherapeutic care, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of stress factors, must be logically orderly, technologically secured and clearly marked by a protocol of intervention; work with traumatic experiences should be conducted in parallel with the most affected and with the close environment, which helps to restore the natural system of self-healing and restoration of the sense of own value.
The integrative model and technology for overcoming the manifestations of PTSD from veterans and military men are presented, the main aims of psychotherapeutic interventions within the framework of the model, basic techniques and indicative work protocol.
Medico-psychological rehabilitation, conducted in structured conditions of the in-patient department, is based on a comprehensive approach and fully covers all levels of human organization and includes psychological, psychophysiological and medical components.
Keywords: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), intrusions, avoidance, psychological support, psychological rehabilitation, medical and psychological rehabilitation.
1. Ívanov D.A. Psikhologo-psikhíatrichní aspekti mirotvorchoí̈ díyal'ností. Psikhíchní rozladi u víys'kovosluzhbovtsív: klíníka, díagnostika, líkuvannya, psikhoprofílaktika, reabílítatsíya.- Chernívtsí, 2007.- 424 s.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 77-98 (pdf)
UDC 364.62-47-058.6(072)
Omelchenko Y. M.
leading researcher, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psyhology of the NAPS of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article deals with the problem of the specifics of the social group of children of military personnel, as being subject to a special risk of the influence of factors of excessive stress. The concept of stress, resistance to stress and viability is disclosed. The main consequences of the influence of stress factors on the psycho-emotional state of children, the conditions of formation of the child's viability and the importance of the psychodynamic component in this process are outlined. The role of balanced psycho-emotional state of parents as a condition for successful overcoming of consequences of influence of stress factors is revealed. The main factors of excessive stress among children from military families are determined. Specific factors of excessive stress for children are described, which are connected with the unbalanced psychoemotional state of close adults and the psychodynamic component formed at the early stages of development of children.
Keywords: children of servicemen, stress, distress, factors of excessive stress, stress resistance, resilience, resiliency, primary objects, algorithm for overcoming the effects of stress factors.
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7. KIsarchuk Z.G., Omelchenko Ya.M. SpetsifIka perebIgu krizovih stanIv, psihotravmi ta posttravmatichnogo stresovogo rozladu u dItey/ Zoya KIsarchuk, YanIna Omelchenko// PsihologIchna dopomoga dItyam u krizovih situatsIyah: metodi I tehnIki: metodichniy posIbnik / Z. G. KIsarchuk, Ya. M. Omelchenko, I.M. BIla ... G. P. Lazos ;za red. Z. G. KIsarchuk. – K. , 2016. – s.9-21;
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12. OmelchenkoYa.M. Rol pervinnih ob’EktIv u protsesI formuvannya vnutrIshnogo algoritmu podolannya krizovoYi situatsIYi/ YanIna Omelchenko//PsihologIchna dopomoga postrazhdalim vnaslIdok krizovih travmatichnih podIy: metodichniy posIbnik/ Z.G. KIsarchuk, Ya.M. Omelchenko, G.P. Lazos ta In..; za red. Z.G. KIsarchuk. – K.: TOV «Vidavnitstvo «Logos»., 2015. – s. 15-26;
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17. Torkunova O.I., Petrovskaya M.V., Mashin V.N. Sotsialno-psihologicheskie osobennostisti leyvospitaniya v semyah voennosluzhaschih/ Sovremennyie problemyi naukiiobrazovaniya.–2016, # 3.; [Elektronniy resurs]// Rezhimdostupu: – nazva z ekranu;
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 98-124 (pdf)
UDC 159.98 : 615.851] : 355.1-058.833-055.2
Zhuravliova N. U.
research fellow at the laboratory of counseling psychology and psychotherapy, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article is devoted to the scientific and theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of secondary traumatic stress in the context of formation and manifestation of psychological trauma. The symptoms and range of stressors of secondary traumatic stress of wives of war veterans are considered. Main directions of psychological assistance to women of the stated category are outlined in relation to prevention and overcoming of manifestations of the secondary traumatic stress. Supportive psychotherapeutic relations in work with wives of veterans are considered as an important factor in recovery after injuries.
Keywords: psychological trauma, secondary traumatic stress, symptoms of secondary traumatic stress, crisis events, stressors, wives of war veterans, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychological aid, supportive psychotherapeutic relations.
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2. Bolotova O. Chto takoe vtorichnaja travma (vtorichnyj travmaticheskij stress) posle travmaticheskogo sobytija [Elektronnij resurs] / Rezhim dostupa: –– Nazvanie s ekrana
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9. Zhuravl’ova N.Yu. Osoblyvosti formuvannia pidtrymuiuchykh stosunkiv u psykhoterapevtychnii roboti z simiamy veteraniv / N.Yu. Zhuravl’ova / Osoblyvosti stosunkiv “psykhoterapevt – kliient” u suchasnomu sotsiokulturnomu seredovyschi: monohrafiia / Z. H. Kisarchuk, Ya. M. Omelchenko, H. P. Lazos [ta in.]; za red. Z. H. Kisarchuk. – K.: Vydavnychyi Dim “Slovo”, 2017. — S. 129-154 Rezhym dostupu:
10. Karayani A.G. Psikhologicheskaya reabilitatsiya uchastnikov boyevykh deystviy. Moskva, 2003. – 80 s. [Yelektronniy resurs] / A.G.Karayani. – Rezhim dostupa: –– Nazvanie s jekrana
11. Kisarchuk Z.H. Psykholohichna dopomoha postrazhdalym unaslidok travmivnykh podii: dosvid, uzahalnennia, vysnovky / Z. H. Kisarchuk // Aktualni problemy psykholohii [T.3 : Konsultatyvna psykholohiia i psykhoterapiia] : Zb. naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy / za red.: S. D. Maksymenka — K. : Lohos, 2015. — Vyp.11. — S. 7-20.
12. Kisarchuk Z.H. Problema stosunkiv «psykhoterapevt-kliient» u sytuatsiiakh nadannia psykholohichnoi dopomohy postrazhdalym / Z. H. Kisarchuk // Aktualni problemy psykholohii [T.3 : Konsultatyvna psykholohiia i psykhoterapiia] : Zb. naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy / za red.: Maksymenka S. D. — Vinnytsia : FOP Rohalska I.O., 2016. — Vyp.12. — S. 7-22.
13. Kliapets O.Ya. Vplyv naslidkiv perezhyvannia travmatychnykh podii veteranamy na yikh simeini vzaiemyny / O.Ya Kliapets // Psykholohichna dopomoha osobam, yaki berut uchast v antyterorystychnii operatsii [Tekst] : tezy dop. mizhvidomchoi. nauk.-prakt. konf. Ch. 1 (Kyiv, 30 berez. 2016 r.). / [red. kol. V.V. Cherniei, M.V. Kostytskyi, O.I. Kudermina ta in.]. – K. : Nats. akad. vnutr. sprav, 2016. – S. 161-164.
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26. The Cost of Caring: 10 Ways to Prevent Compassion Fatigue [Elektronnij resurs] / Rezhim dostupu: 09167 –– Nazva z ekranu
27. Vicarious Traumy [Elektronnij resurs] / Rezhim dostupu: –– Nazva z ekranu
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 124-153 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Pleskach B. V. 1, Urkaev V. S. 2
1PhD, researcher, laboratory of counseling psychology and psychotherapy, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine.
2junior researcher, laboratory of counseling psychology and psychotherapy, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article presents the results of a study on the influence of the subjective perception of the psychotherapist (as perceived by the client), as well as some other aspects of therapy, on the characteristics of the client – psychotherapist relationship among internally displaced persons. In our work, on the basis of the differential of psychosocial development (V. A. Ilyin), are proposed the algorithms for diagnosing the subjective perception of the psychotherapist and measures of the similarity of the personality traits of the client and the psychotherapist. Using cluster analysis, it was found that the sample of clients from among internally displaced persons can be divided into two groups according to their features of the psychotherapist's subjective perception. Clients from the “underestimation” group tend to downplay the qualities of the psychotherapist on the “trust” and “identity” scales, which indicates disappointment due to the expectation of a personal attitude from the psychotherapist, as well as such traits as optimism, openness, and directivity. Clients from the “revaluation” group tend to overestimate the psychotherapist on the “autonomy” and “competence” scales, which indicates the therapist's perception as a competent professional. It was found that the “overestimation” of the psychotherapist has a positive effect on the development and support of the working alliance and increases the degree of satisfaction with the quality of care; in turn, the “underestimation” has a negative effect on these parameters. For express diagnostics, correlations should be used, which show that clients with low values for all scales of the psychosocial development differential (customer self-esteem) and values on the “competence” scale less than 4.4 points are prone to “underestimating” the therapist. Internally displaced persons (predisposed to "underestimating") may be advised to undergo psychotherapy with a therapist who has a high level of similarity with them: a similar level of psychosocial development is obligatory (the therapist, in spite of this, must have high professional qualities and adaptability), similarity by gender is also important. According to our research, the listed organizational conditions of obtaining psychotherapeutic care for internally displaced persons (who are prone to “underestimation”) will have a positive effect on the working alliance.
Keywords: internally displaced persons (IDPs), psychotherapeutic relationship, psychotherapeutic dyad, subjective perception of the psychotherapist, transference, psychosocial development.
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6. Osobly`vosti stosunkiv «psy`xoterapevt – kliyent» u suchasnomu sociokul`turnomu seredovy`shhi: monografiya / Z.G. Kisarchuk, Ya.M. Omel`chenko, G.P. Lazos [ta in.] ; za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. – Ky`yiv: Vy`davny`chy`j Dim «Slovo», 2017. – 225 s. [Эlektronnыj resurs]/ Rezhy`m dostupa:КОЛЕКТИВНА_МОНОГРАФIЯ_Кiсарчук_.pdf
7. Pleskach B. V., Urkayev V. S. Social`no-psy`xologichni aspekty` psy`xoterapevty`chnoyi dopomogy` vnutrishn`o peremishheny`m osobam / B. V. Pleskach, V. S. Urkayev // Aktual`ni problemy` psy`xologiyi T. III : Konsul`taty`vna psy`xologiya i psy`xoterapiya: Zbirny`k naukovy`x pracz` Insty`tutu psy`xologiyi imeni G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny` / Za red. Maksy`menka S. D. — K. : Logos, 2017. — Vy`p. 13. – S. 74 – 91.
8. Soldatova G. U. Psihologicheskaya pomosch migrantam: travma, smena kulturyi, krizis identichnosti / G. U. Soldatova, L. A. Shaygerova, V. K. Kalinenko, O. A. Kravtsova — M. : Smyisl, 2002. — 479 s.
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10. Karver M. S., Handelsman J. B., Fields S., Bickman L. Meta-analysis of therapeutic relationship variables in youth and family therapy: The evidence for different relationship variables in the child and adolescent treatment outcome literature / M. S. Karver, J. B. Handelsman, S. Fields, L. Bickman // Clinical psychology review, 2006, No 26. – Pp. 50 – 65.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 153-190 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:070
Hurleva T. S.
PhD, senior researcher, laboratory of Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article considers the concept of trust as the properties of the subject, justifies its value in the indirect communication. The emphasis is placed on the dialogue between the reader and the author of the media text, which forms the subject-subject relations between the communication partners. The possibilities of psychological assistance to a citizen through text media in the development and strengthening of confidence in themselves, in other people, in the world, in preserving the personality subjectivity of a person capable of resisting aggressive media influence in modern crisis conditions are considered.
Keywords: trust, distrust, properties of the subject, dialogue, mediated communication, crisis conditions, media influence, psychological help over mass media text.
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21. Ryan R., Deci E., Grolnick W. Autonomy, relatedness, and the self: Their relation to development and psycho-pathology // Developmental psychopathology / Eds. D. Cicchetti, D. Cohen. N. Y.: Wilev, 1995. V. 1. P.618-655.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 191-213 (pdf)
UDC 159.92
Hrytsenko A. V.
practical psychologist, V. Sukhomlynskii Ukrainian college, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article considers the approaches of researchers in relation to the information-psychological opposition and manipulative influences on human consciousness. Summarizes the results of studies of: the direct influence of technological devices on the human psyche; features of the development of the human brain, dependent on television and computer. Considered the harmful effects on the health of television and computer addiction. The paper describes features of the development of thinking, speech, memory, affective-volitional sphere and the ability to empathize which are inherent for the century dominance of computer and television technologies. Attention is focused on the importance of the formation of psychological properties in the natural and human environment.
Keywords: “digital dementia”, brain atrophy, “Internet psychosis”, thinking, empathy, volitional traits, “frozen look”, experience pedagogy, scouting.
1. Istoriya informacijno-psy`xologichnogo proty`borstva : pidruch. / [Ya.M.Zharkov, L.F.Kompanceva, V.V.Ostrouxov V.M.Petry`k, M.M.Pry`syazhnyuk, Ye.D.Skuly`sh] ; za zag. red. d.yu.n., prof., zasl. yury`sta Ukrayiny` Ye.D.Skuly`sha. – K. : Nauk.-vy`d. viddil NA SB Ukrayiny`, 2012. – 212 s.
2. Konspekt lekcij Petera Lyuti vid 12-13.10.18. Ky`yiv. 2 Ch. [Elektronny`j resurs]. – Rezhy`m dostupu : URL : . – Nazva z ekrana.
3. Otuplyaet-li-nas-internet [Elektronny`j resurs]. – Rezhy`m dostupu : URL : . – Nazva z ekrana.
4. Patslaf Rayner. Zastyivshiy vzglyad. / R. Patslaf. / Per. s nem. V. Bakuseva.– M. : evidentis, 2011. – 224 s.
5. Rubinshteyn S.L. Osnovyi obschey psihologii. / S.L. Rubinshteyn. – SPb.: Piter, 2005. – 713 s.
6. 6. Senchenko M.I. Latentna svitova informacijna vijna / M.I. Senchenko. – Ky`yiv: FOP Stebelyak, 2014. – 384 s.
7. Suchasni texnologiyi ta zasoby` manipulyuvannya svidomistyu, vedennya informacijny`x vijn i special`ny`x informacijny`x operacij: Navch. posib. / V.M. Petry`k, O.A. Shtokvy`sh, V.I. Polevy`j ta in. – K.: Rosava, 2006. – 208 s. – Bibliogr.: s. 182-187.
8. 8. Televy`deny`e – smertel`nыj yad [Elektronny`j resurs]. – Rezhy`m dostupu : URL : . – Nazva z ekrana.
9. EOS Erlebnispadagogik [Electronic Resource]. – Mode of access : URL : . – Title from the screen.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 214-232 (pdf)
UDC 159.964.22 + 564.62 + 615.851
Bondareva T. S.
student – Master degree, psychological faculty Shevchenko National University. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. In the article the theoretical description of the phenomenon of viability and its development in the context of ways of overcoming complex life situations in the period of youth and adolescence is carried out. It is emphasized that the vitality of the individual determines social and psychological maturity, the definition of his place in professional activities, the availability of value orientations. The relationships between the severity of components of survival and strategies of stress-breaking behaviour are empirically investigated. A comparison of the results is carried out. There are recommendations for increasing the viability indicators through the development of assertive behaviour.
Keywords: hardiness, viability, personality, coping strategy, behaviour, assertiveness, youth, adult, overcoming.
1. Alexandrova L.А. K kontseptsii zhiznestoikosty v psychologii / L. А. Alexandrova // Sibirskaya psychologia segodnia: Sb. nauchn. trudov. Vyp. 2 / pod red. М. М. Gorbatovoy, А. V. Serogo, М. S. Yanitskogo. - Kemerovo: Kyzbasizdat. - 2004. - s. 82-90.
2. Alexandrova L.А. K osmysleniu poniatia “zhiznestoikost lychnosty”v kontexte problematiky psychologii sposobnostey // Psychologia sposobnostey: Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspectivy issledovahiy : mater. Nauchn.konf. – M : Institut psychologii RАN, 2005. – s. 16-21.
3. Andrienko E.V. Sotsialnaya psychologia : ucheb.posob. dlya stud.vys.uchebn.zavedeniy / Е. V. Andrienko; pod red. V. А. Slastenina . – М: Academia, 2000. – 264 p.
4. Balahtar V.V. Sotsialno-psyhologichniy trening i manipuliatsia : navch.metod.posib. / Balahtar V.V. – Vinnitsya: Vydavnutstvo «Cheremosh», 2015. – 432 s.;
5. Vodopianova N.Е. Psychodiagnostika stressa. – SPb: Piter, 2009 – 336 s.
6. Vyatkin B. A. Popova T.A. Integralnaya individyalnost cheloveka i yeye rasvitie / pod. red.под. ред. B.А. Vyatkina. – М: In-t psychologii RАN, 1999. – s. 114.
7. Kon S. S. Psychologia ranney unosty. / I. S. Коn – М: Prosveschenye, 1989. – 256 s.
8. Kulagina I.U., Kolutskiy V.N. Vozrastnaya psychologia : Polniy zhiznenniy tsikl razvitia cheloveka . – М : ТC «Sfera», 2001. – 464p.
9. Laktionova A. «Zhiznesposobnost» v strukture psychologicheskih poniatiy / А. Laktionova // Vest. Mosk.gosud.oblastn.u-ta . – 2010. – №3. – s. 11-15.
10. Leontiev D.A., Rasskazova E.I. Test zhyznestoykosty . – М : Smysl. – 2006. – 63p.
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12. Mazilov V. Psychologicheskoe issledovanie zhiznesposobnosty cheloveka v aspekte komunikativnoy metodologii / V. Mazilov, Е. Rylskaya // Yaroslavskiy pedagogicheskiy vestnik. – 2016. – № 3. – s. 192 – 201.
13. Mykilska І. М., Granovska R.М. Psychologichniy zahyst u ditey . – STb: Mova. – 2000. – 504 s.
14. Savchyn M.V. Vikova psychologia : navch.posib. / Savchyn M.V. , L. P. Vasylenko. – К: Akadem-vydav, 2011. – 384 s.
15. Sotsialno-psychologichniy slovnyk / О. О. Melnyk [avt.-uklad.: V. М. Galytskiy , О. V. Melnyk, V. V. Syniavskiy] – К: ЩСЗУ, 2004 – s. 6.
16. Tobias L. Psychologicheskoe konsultirovanie i menedgment : Vzglyad klinitsysta / Per. S angl. – М : Klass, 1997. – 160 s.
17. Fomynova A.N. Zhyznestoikost lychnosty . Monografia – М: МGPU, 2012. – 152 s.
18. Clarke, David E. Vulnerability to stress as a function of age, sex, locus of control, Hardiness and Type A personality / Clarke, E. David //Social Behavior and Personality. – 1995. – V. 23 (n3). – Р.285-286.
19. Khoshaba D., Maddi S. Early Antecedents of Hardiness / D. Khoshaba, S. Maddi// Consulting Psychology Journal. – Spring 1999. – Vol. 51, (n 2). – Р. 106-117.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 233-254 (pdf)
UDC 159.98. + 615.851 +159.964
Kisarchuk Z. G.
PhD, senior researcher, head of laboratory of counseling psychology and psychotherapy, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article is devoted to the study of didactic aspects of mastering the method of katathym-imaginative psychotherapy. It examines the functional structure of its three stages in terms of the formation in this space of professional and personal qualities of a future specialist. The functions of each of the steps are analysed in the context of mastering the entire system of a method with its various instruments of influence and the acquisition of special knowledge and methodological skills in this process. Attention is also paid to the issues of personal development of a novice specialist in the course of preparation – during mastering the theory and techniques of the method by the step principle, getting personal experience as a client, etc.
Keywords: katathym-imaginative psychotherapy (KIP), three steps of a KIP, functional structure of three steps, the formation of a professional psychotherapist, instruments of psychotherapeutic influence in a KIP, theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills, development of the future specialist personality.
1. Barke U. Psikhoterapiya deystvuyet — posredstvom chego pomagayet katatimno-imaginativnaya psikhoterapiya? Razmyshleniya o deystvuyushchikh faktorakh psikhoterapiyu / Ul'rikh Barke // Katatimno-imaginativnaya psikhoterapiya kak psikhodinamicheskaya obraznaya psikhoterapiya / Ul'rikh Barke. — Moskva : Izdatel'skiy dom «Atmosfera», 2008. — S. 61—79.
2. Vil'ke E. Stili provedeniya psikhoterapevticheskoy raboty v simvoldrame / Eberkhard Vil'ke // Tipologiya lichnosti v simvoldrame i drugikh metodakh psikhoterapii. Sbornik nauchnykh rabot / Eberkhard Vil'ke. — Stavropol': Grafa, 2009. — S. 6-13.
3. Grebín' L. O. Fenomen povagi/nepovagi yak sotsíokul'turniy chinnik nadannya psikhoterapevtichnoí̈ dopomogi v strukturno-psikhodinamíchnomu pídkhodí. Glava 9 // Metodichní rekomendatsíí̈ shchodo vrakhuvannya sotsíokul'turnikh chinnikív v teoríí̈ ta praktitsí psikhoterapevtichnoí̈ dopomogi osobistostí / [za redaktsíêyu Z. G. Kísarchuk]. — Kírovograd: «ÍMEKS-LTD», 2013. — S. 137-152.
4. Katatimno-imaginativnaya psikhoterapiya kak psikhodinamicheskaya obraznaya psikhoterapiya: Sbornik statey / Pod red. Sadal'skoy Ye.V. — Vyp. 1. — M.: Izdatel'skiy dom «Atmosfera», 2008. — s. 10-25.
5. Kisarchuk Z. G. Teoretiko-metodologicheskiye predposylki vydeleniya trekh stupeney v simvoldrame / Z. G. Kisarchuk // Aktual'ní problemi psikhologíí̈ [T.3: Konsul'tativna psikhologíya í psikhoterapíya]: Zb.nauk. prats' Ínstitutu psikhologíí̈ ímení G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraí̈ni / [Za red. S.D. Maksimenka, Z.G. Kísarchuk]. — K. : Vidavnitstvo «Mílaník», 2007. — S.147-157.
6. Kisarchuk Z. G., Yurchenko T. P. Simvoldrama v ukrainskoy prakticheskoy psikhologii. — Praktichna psikhologíya v kontekstí kul'tur: Zbírnik prats' / Vídp. red. Z. G. Kísarchuk. — Kií̈v: Níka-Tsentr, 1998.
7. Kísarchuk Z. G., Grebín' L. O. Metod katatimno-ímagínativnoí̈ psikhoterapíí̈ v kontekstí osoblivostey yogo vikladannya / Z. G. Kísarchuk, L. O. Grebín' // Aktual'ní problemi psikhologíí̈ T. ÍÍÍ : Konsul'tativna psikhologíya í psikhoterapíya: Zbírnik naukovikh prats' Ínstitutu psikhologíí̈ ímení G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraí̈ni / Za red. Maksimenka S. D. — Ínstitutu psikhologíí̈ ímení G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraí̈ni; — Vínnitsya : FOP Rogal's'ka Í. O. , 2017. — Vip. 13. Konsul'tativna psikhologíya í psikhoterapíya. — S. 203-255 s.
8. Kísarchuk Z. G., Lazos G. P. Model' korektsíí̈ negativnikh perezhivan' pídlítkív zasobami katatimno-ímagínativnoí̈ psikhoterapíí̈ yak glibinno zoríêntovanogo metodu / Z. G. Kísarchuk, G. P. Lazos // Aktual'ní problemi psikhologíí̈ [T.3 : Konsul'tativna psikhologíya í psikhoterapíya] : zb. naukovikh prats' Ínstitutu psikhologíí̈ ímení G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraí̈ni / za red. : S. D. Maksimenka, Z. G. Kísarchuk. —— K. : Ín-t psikhologíí̈ ímení G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukraí̈ni; Vidavets' PP Lisenko M. M., 2010. — Vip.7. — S. 189-211.
9. Kísarchuk Z. Teoretichní ta tekhnologíchní aspekti zastosuvannya suchasnikh metodív psikhodinamíchnoí̈ paradigmi u vítchiznyanikh sotsíokul'turnikh umovakh // Aktual'ní problemi psikhologíí̈. Tom ÍÍÍ. : Konsul'tativna psikhologíya í psikhoterapíya : Zbírnik naukovikh prats' Ínstitutu psikhologíí̈ ímení G.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukraí̈ni / Za red. Maksimenka S.D. — Ínstitut psikhologíí̈ ím.G.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukraí̈ni; — K.: Logos, 2014. — Vip.10. — S.5-20.
10. Kísarchuk Z. G., Grebín' L. O., Omel'chenko YA. M. Katatimno-ímagínativna psikhoterapíya / Z. G. Kísarchuk, L. O. Grebín'. YA. M. Omel'chenko // Osnovi psikhoterapíí̈ : navch.posíb. / V. Í. Bantser, L. O. Grebín', Z. V. Grivul [ta ínsh.] ; píd zag. red. K. V. Sedikh, O. O. Fíl'ts, N. Ê. Zavats'ka. — Poltava : Alchevs'k : TSPK, 2013. — 329 s. — S. 73-97.
11. Kísarchuk Z. G., Grebín' L. O., Omel'chenko YA. M. Katatimno-ímagínativna psikhoterapíya yak metod dopomogi postrazhdalim dítyam/ Z. G. Kísarchuk, L. O. Grebín'. YA. M. Omel'chenko //Psikhologíchna dopomoga dítyam u krizovikh situatsíyakh: metodi í tekhníki : metodichniy posíbnik / Z. G. Kísarchuk, YA. M. Omel'chenko, Í.M. Bíla,. G. P. Lazos ; za red. Z. G. Kísarchuk. — K.: Logos. — 2016. — 232 s.
12. Kísarchuk Z., Lazos G. Katatimno-ímagínativna psikhoterapíya: teoretichní ta tekhnologíchní aspekti zastosuvannya u vítchiznyanomu psikhoterapevtichnomu prostorí // Teoríí̈ í tekhnologíí̈ zastosuvannya suchasnikh pídkhodív do psikhoterapíí̈ u vítchiznyanikh sotsíokul'turnikh umovakh: monografíya / Z.G.Kísarchuk, YA.M.Omel'chenko, G.P.Lazos ta ín.; za red. Z.G.Kísarchuk. — K. — Kírovograd : Ímeks-LTD, 2014. S. 8-37.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 255-286 (pdf)
UDC 159.9-016 -22 -63- 64.22 -64.26 -72 -8 : 615.851
Grebin L. O.
senior researcher of laboratory of сounseling psychology and psychotherapy, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts. The article presents Guided Affective Imagery as a structural-psychodynamic method of psychotherapy. The methodology of constructing psychotherapeutic models is implemented. The structure of psychotherapeutic methods in general, components of the structural-psychodynamic method in particular is considered: anthropology; periodization of development; model of psychopathology and the principles of symptom formation; forms of therapeutic effect.
Keywords: Guided Affective Imagery, KIP, Katathym-imaginative Psychotherapy, Hanscarl Leuner, structural psychodynamic model of psychotherapy, methodology, construction of psychotherapeutic models, psychotherapeutic anthropology, periodization of development, model of psychopathology, principles of symptom formation, forms of therapeutic influence, clinical practice
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 3(14): 286-324 (pdf)
UDC 159.9-016 -22 -63- 64.22 -64.26 -72 -8 : 615.851
Grigorieva S. V.
PhD, psychologist, psychotherapist, trauma therapist, Center for the development of communication and socialization of children with autism speech team. Odessa, Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts.The article discusses the role of the asymmetry of the brain structures of mother and child in the formation of pathological or normal attachment. A study of brain asymmetry in the mother-child dyad was conducted using asymmetry tests based on posture registration. The results of the indicators of the test of postural asymmetry of the mother and her adolescent child were compared. A highly significant correlation with feedback on the leading eye was found.
Such results may indicate a difference in the dominance of the structures of the brain of the mother and the child, localized in the thalamus, where the "visual" or "sensory hillocks" are located. On the basis of these studies, we have created and described the structure of the interaction of the thalamic driver α - the child's rhythm and the α-rhythm of the mother in normal and pathological conditions.
Keywords: mother-child dyad, asymmetry with lateral correlation, attachment, functional specialization of the hemispheres, visual cusps, α-rhythm, postpartum stress, developmental pathology, postural asymmetry.
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