Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 8 – 2014
Abstracts and Information about Autors
UDC 159.923.2
Chepeleva N.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
Self designing as a factor of personality development
Language: Russian
Abstract: The problem of self designing considered in the context of post-non-classical psychology. Self designing is defined as a way of the personality to act on the basis of their own plan, design. Self-designing is based on the interpretation and understanding of previous personal and socio-cultural experience by immersion in a socio-cultural discursive space and by creation of own sense space as important factor in personal development.
Interpretation of the personal design as a meaningful version of human existence is proposed. Being embodied in the discursive form, it gives the possibility of personality awareness and builds the trajectory of its development corresponding to own aims and objectives. Such design becomes a sense dominant, basic centre of meaning creating that opens prospects for further personal growth.
The ways of personal designing are identified: interpretation and reinterpretation of personal and socio-cultural experience, own symbols building; generation of personal narratives and of conception of human life. It is shown that the main discursive forms, which may implement personal design, are narratives, myths, legends about yourself, personal conception.
The features of the construction of personal design at various stages of development are characterized. At the first, biological, stage personality acts on regulatory design, specified by adults. On the second – the social, design are given by sociocultural space. And on the third, personal, stage there is an ability to create specific designs to build the trajectory of his own life and own development.
Keywords: personal development, self designing, post-non-classical psychology, narrative, discourse, personal experience, sense.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8): 4-15 (pdf)
References transliterated
1.Verbickij A.A., Kalashnikov V.G. Kontekst kak psihologicheskaja kategorija / A.A. Verbickij, V.G. Kalashnikov // Voprosy psihologii – 2011 – № 6. – s. 3 – 15.
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3. Leont'ev D.A. Lichnostnoe izmerenie chelovecheskogo razvitija / D.A. Leont'ev // Voprosy psihologii – 2013 – № 3. – s. 67 – 80.
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5. Maddi S.R. Smysloobrazovanie v processe prinjatija reshenij / S.R. Maddi // Psihologicheskij zhurnal – 2005. – tom 26. – № 6. – s. 87 – 101.
6. Rozin V.M. Lichnost' i ee izuchenie / V.M. Rozin M.: Librokom, 2012. – 232 s.
7.Sapogova E.E. Avtobiograficheskij narrativ v kontekste kul'turnoistoricheskoj psihologii / E.E. Sapogova // Kul'turnoistori¬cheskaja psihologija – 2005 – № 2. – s. 63 – 74.
UDC 159.953.5
Smulson M. L.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
Place of self- designing in the design paradigm
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract : The article deals with relation of self- designing and self-development, and the place of self- designing in the wider design paradigm, which is characterized by embedding the idea of designing into the massive and widespread practices. Methodological and technological coordinates of design paradigms are generalized, including such characteristics of the design as his link with the future, a description of objects that are not yet existing in the design, principal realizability of the design and its normativeness, the interpretation of the design as a practical model. The stages of design development are shown, including problem definition of the designing, documented design development, justification, evaluation, coordination and implementation of the design. Characteristics of self- designing are allocated, which meet basic aspects of design paradigm, and those that do not fit into paradigm.
The self- designing, as well as the designing is considered as an independent and specific goal-directed activity, which has all the hallmarks of intellectual activity (starts with the problem definition, includes thinking and imagination, metacognitive reflection processes). Self-development is a continuous process, which provides a permanent self-development of personality. During the process of self- designing the product of design and designing activities of obtaining this product process are consciously divided.
The most controversial moment is shown in the comparison of designing and self- designing. It is a group (co-distributed) character of designing activity in the modern design paradigm and a principal personal character of self- designing and self-development.
For determining of a deeper connection of self- designing with the design paradigm the problem of self- designing practices, and also their technologisation requires special research.
Key words: designing, self- designing, self- design, self- development, reflection, intellect, mental model of the world.
References transliterated
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5.Ditjuk P.P. Proektnyj pidhid do formuvannja gotovnosti / Ditjuk P.P. // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii': Psyhologichna teorija i tehnologija navchannja; za red. S.D. Maksymenka, M.L. Smul'son. – K.: Vyd-vo NPU imeni M.P.Dragomanova, 2009. – T. 8. – vyp. 6. – S. 85 – 92.
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13.Chepeliyeva N.V. Dyskursyvni zasoby samoproektuvannja osobystosti / N.V. Chepeljeva // Naukovi zapysky. Serija «Psyhologija i pedagogika». Tematychnyj vypusk «Aktual'ni problemy kognityvnoi' psyhologii'». – Ostrog: Vyd-vo Nacional'nogo universytetu «Ostroz'ka akademija», 2013. – Vyp. 24. – S. 7 – 11.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):16-29 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Lebedynska I.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
The Discourse of Self-Designing: Сultural Forms of the Textual History
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the phenomenon of self-designing as mediated result of its historical becoming. As a subject of interpretation chosen the figure or the prinsiple of authorship, which, according to the author of this article, in the philosophical and psychological discourse transformed into the paradigm of subjectivity. Historical becoming the practices of self-designing asked to review in the context of the horizon of authorship. The metaphor of the horizon in the article is used in the phenomenological tradition as a lively intentional unity capable of containing the possibilities to the constitution of the object of interpretation.
It is assumed that the phenomenon of authorship in historical and cultural process was constructed by a number of cultural forms (where the form – ready tool by R. Barthes), and in particural painting technique of perspective. In the process of historical becoming painting technique of perspective evolved into a universal practice of signification: strategy of analyse and technique of self – designing – personal or life position. The article also analyzes the way to becoming initiated strategies authorship of statements in an avantgarde Renaissance perspectivism to project of «death of the author» in the postmodernism.
Key words: self – designing, author, discourse, practice of signification, cultural form, perspective, position.
References transliterated
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):30-40 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Zaretska O. O.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
Discursive Practices Of Adult Self-Designing: Methodological Notes Of The Problem
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The study of discursive practices of adult self-designing is based on principles of psychological hermeneutics. The paper presents an attempt of building the methodological and organizational foundations of the study. The purpose of this paper is to formulate, justify and structure the set of problems, challenges and issues to be developed in future work on the topic. The basic components of the investigated problem are: construction of the categorical apparatus of research, finding borders of self-designing with other processes that occur at the empirical material; psychological analysis of adult activities when making self-designing; adults as a subject of self-designing; analysis of the importance of awareness, textualization, verbalization and narration in adult self-designing; detection of types of self-designing; correlation of processes of self-designing and personal growth; clarifying the special role of personal experience when making individual self-designing; tracking source, pulse and determinant of self-designing; determining how personality type is associated with self-designing; consideration of self-designing as the driving force of personal history; tracking gender dimension of self-designing; analysis of age-related aspects of adult self-designing; analysis of creative self-designing; detecting signs of self-designing in language practice. Author substantiates the use of methods of mixed (oral and written), "torn," partially "hidden", "continuing" interview. The object of the further analysis is the entire text of the dialogue during the interview, which we would call "guided dialogic torn narrative".
Key words: self-designing, adults, discursive practices, methodology, interviews.
References transliterated
1. Zaretskaya O.A. Situativnyie faktoryi ponimaniya i interpretatsii lichnogo opyita / O.A.Zaretskaya // Problemyi psihologicheskoy germenevtiki. Pod red. N.V.Chepelevoy – K.: Izdatelstvo Natsionalnogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. N.P.Dragomanova, 2009. – S. 329–354.
2. Zaretska O.O. Deyakі metodologIchnі zauvazhennya schodo «rozіrvanogo narativu» u psihogermenevtichnih doslіdzhennyah // Mova і kultura. (Naukoviy zhurnal). – K.: Vidavnichiy dIm Dmitra Burago, 2009. – Vip. 12. – Tom H (135). – S. 57 – 64.
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4. Problemyi psihologicheskoy germenevtiki / [ Chepeleva N.V., Titarenko T.M., Smulson M.L. i dr. ]. – K. : Izd-vo Natsionalnogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. N.P.Dragomanova, 2009. – 382 s.
5. Chepeleva N.V. Samoproektirovanie lichnosti v diskursivnom prostranstve / N.V.Chepeleva // Naukovі studіYi іz sotsіalnoyi ta polіtichnoyi psihologіyi : zb. statey / NAPN Ukrayini, In-t sotsіalnoyi ta polіtichnoyi psihologіyi ; [red. rada: M.M.Slyusarevskiy (golova), V.G.Kremen, S.D.Maksimenko ta In.]. – K.: Mіlenіum, 2012. – Vip. 31 (34). – S. 12–20.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):41-52 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Medintsev V.A.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
Using biographical narrative to reconstruct person’s intraculture: basic statements
Language: Russian
Abstract : The concept of "intraculture" is one of the system of concepts to describe the cultural space of person (CSP) within the model conception of culture and personality. Previously, the structure of the CSP has been presented through the elements and their relationships in synchrony, a description of the processes within the CSP and their basic properties, the interpretation for a number of structural characteristics of the CSP as psychological properties of person was also proposed. In this paper, a description of the CSP (more precisely, its intraculture) conducted with a focus on the procedures developed in the psychological hermeneutics. One such procedure is the analysis of the biographical narrative of the client/patient to provide him advice/therapeutic aid. Data obtained in the course of narrative procedures can be used to study specific person’s intraculture – studying the composition of groups in which there is an acceptance of biographically significant decisions, comparison of influence of its individual agents, and other. Compact and clarity representation of such reconstruction can be obtained by using principles of multi-dimensional data spaces’ establishing. Reconstruction procedure is to distinct, in the auto-narrative, the most important biographical intentional events, decision-making situations and to define the affects of intra-culture agents on the agent-expert. Biographical intentional events, the compositions of decision makers groups and the numerical values of their influence are the elements for describing person’s intraculture in Dataspace form. Allocation in the biographical narrative of person certain intentional events, their main and secondary actors, as well as evaluation of the mutual influences of agents can be carried out by methods of psychological hermeneutics. Presentation of the cultural space of person and its intraculture as a multidimensional Dataspace opens up the possibility of applying, in its empirical research, measurement and analytical procedures.
Key words: person’s culture space, agents, cultural impacts, biographical narrative, biographical intentional event, decision making, Dataspace.
References transliterated
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8): 53-72 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Gutsol S.Yu.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
"Plot of transition" as the mythological form of implementation of the personal design of students
Language: Russian
Abstract : This study is an attempt to involve psychological hermeneutics resources, in particular the capacity of the narrative approach to solve the problem of a search for efficient strategies to interact with the customers, which experience the liminal phase. The article analyzes the "plot of transition" as implementation of the personal project of students in the mythological discourse. The author presents her interpretation of the "periods of transition" of a human’s life path, articulated as subjectively differentiated "gaps in the lasting experience" (V.P. Zinchenko) and associated with reflection of semantic completion of certain life’s fragments, which require overcoming of "Oneself as a present one" and designing of "Oneself as another one". It is shown that "plots of transition" as mythological forms of implementation of the personal design are updated as periods of "surges" of personal activity to assign new meanings, to create renewed identities. "Plots of transition" play an important role in the process of designing of an individual’s self-realizations. The author elaborated and tested the technique of construction of the personal design as a possible story’s plot. This technique is based on reinterpretation of one’s life experience with the purpose to realize a personal’s development potential, to model the experience, which overcomes the liminality of various "transition periods", and to fix this experience in a fictional "semi-biographical" text. As a result of analysis of empirical data obtained from the application of the proposed technique, the latter has been confirmed as efficient in the context of studying of self-designing narrative practices in the age of adolescence, which in turn promotes the formation of life-creative resources in the adulthood’s phase.
Keywords: myth, design, self-designing, narrative, "plot of transition", liminal period.
References transliterated
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7.Palmer R. E. The Liminality of Hermes and the Meaning of Hermeneutics / R. E. Palmer // Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society. A Quarterly Report on Philosophy and Criticism of the Arts and Sciences. – Michigan, 1980. − Vol. 5. − Р .4−11.
8.Spariosu M. I. The wreath of the wild olive: Play, liminality, and the study of literature / M. I. Spariosu. − Albany : State University of New York Press, 1997. − 350 р.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):73-82 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Zazymko O.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
Psychological capacity for personal self-designing in adolescence
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract:This work deals with psychological peculiarities and age-related capacities for personal self-designing in adolescence that is viewed as self-prediction on the basis of authorial formation of the life strategy with own goals and guiding lines of self-actualisation. It was empirically proved that sensitivity towards self-designing is characteristic of adolescence. That is also underpinned by the following conclusions: adolescent boys and girls perceive their life as unique within the framework of its socio-cultural context; they view their own life history events as emotionally full. Furthermore they are future-directed and search for the life meaning. A certain amount of self-designing in different spheres of activity is determined in the development of the adolescent personality. Self-projects by adolescent personalities mostly take place in the sphere of self-actualisation and hobbies. The boys do not make authorial self-predictions in the sphere of intimate life (as in the sphere of interpersonal relations) yet. The investigation of sense structure of the narrative texts by boys and girls showed that the establishment of the independent personal projects is caused by the capacity for meaning creation; orientation towards the events-rich present and towards positive active future; and reinterpretation of the past "duties" by means of interpretation of the personal experience within a framework of self-designing. The given characteristics of discursive practices facilitate the higher level of controlling own meaning space. Among those are: logical order of a many-sided view on own life history; active and positive interpretation of own experience, event-richness of the present; responsibility for the life events; future orientation of the narratives.
Key words: self-designing, life experience, life missions, life points, authorship, adolescence.
References transliterated
1.Abramova G.S. Vozrastnaya psihologiya : uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vuzov / G.S. Abramova. – M.: «Akademicheskiy proekt» ; Ekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga, 2000. – 624 s.
2.Vozrastnaya psihologiya : uchebnoe posobie / Pod red G. S. Kostyuka – K.: Sovetskaya shkola, 1976 – 269 s.
3.Ginzburg M. R. Lichnostnoe samoopredelenie kak psihologicheskaya problema / M.R. Ginzburg // Voprosyi psihologii, 1988. – # 2. – s. 19 –26.
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7.Leontev D. A. Lichnostnoe izmerenie chelovecheskogo razvitiya / D. A. Leontev // Voprosyi psihologii, 2013, #3. – s.67 –80
8.Rays F. Psihologiya podrostkovogo i yunosheskogo vozrasta / Filip Rays. – SPb. : Piter, 2000 – 624 s.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):83-97 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Shylovska O.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
The Psychological preconditions of the primary school students` development of self-projection ability G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract : The article is devoted to the theoretical research of the preconditions of the primary school-age children`s development of self-projection ability.
During the process of the theoretic analysis it has been determined that the ability for the individual sensible self-building, that covers self-projection, planning, self-development etc., is one of the features of adulthood. The inner prerequisites of the listened processes set up at primary school-age when under the influence of sociocultural environment the child learns to reflect not only their own self but also the events that take place in their life.
It has been assumed that the basic factor of the development of the child`s self-projection ability is their increased sensitivity to sociocultural and situational influences, since the primary school-age child is not yet able to interpret on their own nor the meaning of social influence nor the events from their own experience. The reflection of sociocultural and individual experience of the primary school-age children is conditioned not only by the influence of significant adults but also by child`s speech development.
It has been found that the ability to reflect individual experience as a precondition for the self-projection ability formation at the junior school age depends on the development of three componets: emotional-evaluative (the emotional state of a child and the ability to control their emotional state); cognitive (the level of intellectual capacities aimed at exploration of the environment and knowledge of one`s self, formation of the hierarchy of values and attitude to them); behavior-motivating ( the ability to overcome life difficulties, the search of the possible ways to cope with them).
The further research perspectives such as the influence of the «staged» childhood as a structural predetermination of children`s life by adults on the development of self-projection ability have been outlined.
Key words: self-projection, sociocultural experience, individual experience, emotional-evaluative component, cognitive component, behavior-motivating component.
References transliterated
1.Vyigotskiy L.S. Psihologiya razvitiya cheloveka /L.S.Vyigotskiy. – M.: Smyisl; Eksmo, 2005. – 1136 s.
2.Pritchi. Bibleyskie. Hristianskie. Evreyskie /Pod red. N.E.Fomina. – Harkov: Folio, 2010. –221 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):98-108 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Berezko I.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
Crisis situation: bifurcation in life scenarios
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract : Life stories and context for which they are created, are highly variable, but are still clustered around certain value core of personality. The article analyzes the specific features of the personal reorganization of its own identity while living through difficult life circumstances. The author believes that bifurcation (qualitative change) zone on the path of life that appear during the crisis period are favorable for personal transformation. Multiple vectors in the value field expects implementation. There are certain vision of "I" and life scenarios that are useful in periods of calm in life and "peaceful landscapes". Difficult life circumstances are designed for updating other visions of "I", quite other dimensions of identity. Difficult situations are a way to strengthen them, and may be influence their place in the hierarchy of values.
If a person does not maintain some continuity of their own narratives, as well as their "I" (identity), she/he can feel the threat of losing self and melting into new and foreign reality, because personal identity is a set of characteristics that make a person unique and different from others. But it's not necessarily that a difficult situation is a sign that there are no certain traits in the "repertoire" of the personality that would help overcome the difficulty, or that identities that are already present lost their relevance. The most important is the ability to mobilize cognitive resources by the personality. The process of cognitive adaptation takes place primarily around the search for the meaning of problematic events.
The important role in this process will be played by discursive practices, a variety of ways to structure personal experience.
The article describes the algorithms and phases of changing of the narrative, different techniques for working with identity which a person uses to deal with difficult situations.
Keywords: narrative, life story, difficult life situations, self identity, resource for interpretation.
References transliterated
1. Abulhanova K.A. Psihologiya i soznanie lichnosti (Problemyi meto-dologii, teorii i issledovaniya realnoy lichnosti): Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi. [tekst] / K.A.Abulhanova – M.: Moskovskiy psihologo-sotsialnyiy institut; Voronezh: Izdatelstvo NPO «MODEK», 1999. — 224 s.
2. Antsyiferova L.I. Lichnost v trudnyih zhiznennyih usloviyah: pere-osmyislenie, preoobrazovanie situatsiy i psihologicheskaya zaschita / L.I.Antsiferova. – Psihol. Zhurnal. – 1994. –tom 15. – #1. – s.8 –15
3. Libina A.V. Sovladayuschiy intellekt: chelovek v slozhnoy zhiznennoy situatsii [tekst] / A.V. Libina – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – 400 s. ISBN 978-5-699-25069-1
4. Loer Dzh. Perezagruzka: kak perepisat svoyu istoriyu i nachat zhit na polnuyu moschnost [tekst] / Dzhim Loer – Izdatelstvo: Mann, Ivanov i Fer-ber, 2009. – 320 s. – ISBN 978-5-91657-046-5
5. Rimeyki zhizni: konstruirovanie avtobiograficheskogo narativa. [Elektronniy resurs] / Pod red. E. E. Sapogovoy. Vyip. 5. – Rezhim dostupu:
6.Titarenko T.M. Ispyitanie krizisom. Odisseya preodoleniem [tekst] / T.M. Titarenko – K.:Lyudoprint Ukrayina, 2009. – 277 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):109-122 (pdf)
UDC 316.6
Bratsuk O.G.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine
The Narrative in structure of self-presentation of dating site users
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article is intended to consider the place of narrative in structure of self-presentation of dating site users. The narrative is considered as having complex categorical structure. In human’s personality structure it works like a tool to construct the hierarchy of life-long values. Helping a man to understand his own actions it is at the same time the key to his self-identity. Next, the statistical analysis of categories is provided. The data analysis shows that semantic categories largely reflect both behavioral and biologically conditioned and personal characteristics of dating site users. The preliminary studies conducted on the basis of social networking were considered. The result of such studies revealed the existence of gender and individual differences in vocabulary of Facebook and dating websites users. Thus, the extravert people mostly used the categories which are concerned with their activity (usually in sport), their family relationships or emotional attitudes to someone or something. While the introvert people were more about categories concerned with their negative attitude toward own life position. Besides, it was shown that there was a difference in categories used by the people of different age. While the pupils wrote about school, the students about school and having fun, the adults wrote about work, and the aged people wrote about their families. Also, the studies showed the link between dating progress of men and women and the nicks they employ. At the end, the area for further research was identified.
Keywords: narrative, self-presentation, semantic categories, sexual orientation, goal orientation, egocentrism, attention to others, emotion, attention to appearance, romanticism, strength, activity.
References transliterated
1. Kadyrova R.G. Teorija narrativa i narrativnyj analiz v psihologii // Vektor nauki TGU / TGU (Tol'jatti). – 2012. – № 2. – S. 126 – 128.
2. Kalmykova E.S. Narrativ v psihoterapii: Rasskazy pacientov o lichnoj istorii (Chast' 1, teoreticheskaja) [Elektronny`j resurs] / E.S.Kalmykova, Je. Mergentaler // Zhurnal prakticheskoj psihologii i psihoanaliza (Moskva).– 2002. –№ 1. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Chepeleva N.V. Identychnist osobystosti v konteksti psykholohichnoi hermenevtyky // Naukovi studii iz sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii : zb. statei / NAPN Ukrainy, In-t sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii ; [redaktsiina rada: M. M. Sliusarevskyi (holova), V. H. Kremen, S. D. Maksymenko ta in.]. – K. : Milenium, 2006. – Vyp. 13 (16). – S. 13 – 25.4.
4.Chepeleva N.V. Rozuminnya ta interpretatsiya zhittevogo dosvidu yak chinnik rozvitku osobistosti : [monografiya] / N.V.Chepeleva, Titarenko T.M., Smulson M.L., Lebedinska I.V. ta in.; Institut psihologiyi imeni G.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini. – Kirovograd : Imeks-LTD, 2013. – S. 22.
5. Schwartz H. Andrew Personality, Gender, and Age in the Language of Social Media: The Open-Vocabulary Approach / H. Andrew Schwartz, Johannes C. Eichstaedt, Margaret L. Kern, Stephanie M. Ramones, Megha Agrawal, Achal Shah, Dziurzynski L еt al. [Electronic resource] // PLoS ONE / open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS). – 2013. – 8(9).–e73791. – doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073791. – Mode of Access:
6. Whitty Monica T. What's in a Screen Name? Attractiveness of Different Types of Screen Names Used by Online Daters [Що є в імені на екрані? Привабливість різних типів екранних імен які використовують ті, хто зустрічаються через інтернет] [Electronic resource] / Monica T.Whitty, Tom Buchanan // The International Journal of Internet Science / University of Konstanz. Konstanz, Germany. –2010. – Vol. 5. – Issue 1.– p.5–11. – Mode of Access:
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(8):123-137 (pdf)