Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 14 – 2023

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UDC 159.923.2

Chepeleva N.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

The role of reading in the development of a person life competence

Abstract. The purpose of the article: to characterize the appeal to cultural texts, primarily by means of reading activity, as one of the leading factors in the person's life competence development.

Life competence is interpreted in the context of the psychological and hermeneutic approach as the ability of an individual to solve various tasks that arise before a person in difficult life situations by referring to personal and sociocultural experience. Narrative is the leading means of preserving, organizing and ordering experience. Perception and assimilation of sociocultural narratives is carried out by means of reading activity.

The problems of the reading development current state in society are shown, in particular, the decline in the reading activity prestige, the deterioration of the book environment quality, the change in the main components of the reading model – its volume, duration, status, repertoire.

The advantages of reading in the development of the personality the intellectual, emotional and communicative spheres are substantiated. The ways of improving the quality of reading activity are highlighted: the development of reading culture and reading competence.

The main components of reading culture are characterized: conscious choice of books for reading; mastery of basic reading techniques; analysis and assessment of reading, as well as human reading competence.

Proposals have been formulated for the creation of a nationwide program of engaging children and adults in reading, which should include measures aimed at developing the basic cognitive reading operations and forming the reading competence of an individual, using the opportunities of the school, family, libraries, mass media, etc.

Key words: personal life competence, reading, reading culture, reading competence.




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Aktual_probl_psihol 2023, 2(14): 4-12 (pdf)


UDC 159.923.2:81’23

Rudnytska S. Yu.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Mythological mechanisms of experience’s interpretation in the context of development of life competence of personality

Abstract. The article characterizes the essence of mythological mechanism of experience’s interpretation in the process of development of life competence as an emergent ability of personality, which determines the effectiveness of his social interaction in the changing realities of the present due to productivity of creating and solving of his own life tasks.

It was determined that independent setting by personality of one’s own life task is a complex multi-level resultant of the action of multidirectional vectors oriented to different types of meaning creation. The author shows that the formed life competence of personality is characterized by its transition from development “with the help” of interpsychic factors to self-determination, managing one’s own development, focusing on solving social and personal problems, achieving life goals, mastering meanings.

The basis of the author’s concept is the thesis that in the process of development of life competence, both the generalization of empirical individual experience of personality and the learned from outside "ready-made" sociocultural concepts of a mythological nature are conditions for generation of new meanings. The article demontrates that the place of a myth in the process of formation of life competence is determined by its main psychological functions. Interpretation of mechanism of mythological meaning creation is discussed; according to such interpretation the meaning is considered as a probabilistic construct of personal myth. It was determined that mythological resources for the development of life competence of personality are based on the person’s ability to cognize the world with the help of symbolic forms.

Key words: personality, experience, development, interpretation, life competence, personal project, myth, mythological mechanisms.




Hutsol, K. V. (2019) Diahnostyka sformovanosti rivniv naratyvnoi kompetentnosti osobystosti [Diagnostics of the formation of levels of narrative competence of an individual]. In Osobystisni ta sytuatyvni determinanty zdorovia : materialy IV Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (22 lystopada 2019 r.). – Personal and situational determinants of health: materials of the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference (November 22, 2019) (pp. 77–81). Vinnytsia : Donetskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Vasylia Stusa. [in Ukrainian].


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Chepelieva N. V. , Smulson M. L., Shylovska O. M., & Hutsol S. Yu. (2007) Naratyvni psykhotekhnolohii [Narrative psychotechnologies]. Kyiv : Hlavnyk. 144. (Ser. «Psykholohichnyi instrumentarii»). [in Ukrainian].


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Rudnytska, S.Yu., & Hutsol, K.V. (2021) Naratyvna kompetentnist yak vyznachalna skladova komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti osobystosti [Narrative competence as a determining component of a person's communicative competence]. In Psykholohichni problemy osobystosti na suchasnomu etapi rozvytku suspilstva. – Psychological problems of the individual at the current stage of the development of society. Zbirnyk materialiv ХІ Mizhnarodnoi naukovopraktychnoi konferentsii (7-8 kvitnia 2021 r., m. Nizhyn) / za red. M. V. Papuchi (pp. 10–16). Nizhyn : NDU imeni M. Hoholia. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].


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Chepeleva, N. V., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Hutsol K.V. (2021) Diahnostychnyi instrumentarii vyznachennia naratyvnoi kompetentnosti osobystosti [Diagnostic tools for determining the narrative competence of an individual]. Tekhnolohii rozvytku intelektu. – Intelligence development technologies. 5. № 1 (29). Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2023, 2(14): 13-23 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Zaretska O.O.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

The semantic dimension of the development of life competence of an adult personality in the realities of the present crisis

Abstract. In the paper, based on theoretical analysis and previously conducted empirical studies, some typical scenarios and relevant life competences of an adult are investigated from the point of view of their semantic content. Mastering new meanings and sences is one of the most important life competencies of a person, the loss of which can cause cessation of development. Meaningful dialogue with the environment, active participation in discursive practice means constant involvement of new sences in one's own discourse as well as rethinking one's experience and one's autonarrative on this basis. These are important factors in a person's adaptation to any crisis. In the conditions of the current general crisis situation, the self-awareness of an adult requires a focus on new sences, a transition to new value orientations.

A powerful tool for building one's own semantic space, self-determination and further self-construction are discursive practices in which the individual is involved. It is in this way that the socio-cultural environment affects the meaningful content of the individual discourse of self-designing and its subsequent reconstruction.

An important life competence is a constant conscious rethinking of one's experience, a view of oneself as an object of reflection – that is, reflective competence against the background of developed metacognitive skills, in particular decentration. The presence of this competence will make possible the self-realization of an adult personality and realization of his still unfulfilled vocation. An important component of the development of reflective competence – the habit and need to look into oneself, one's feelings, realize them, textualize and narrativize – is developed narrative competence. The development of these life competencies on the basis of appropriate narrative and discursive education is necessary for the successful self-development of the individual at any stage of adulthood.

Key words: meaning, life competence, adult personality, personal development, crisis situation, life scenario, self-designing, self-construction



1. Chepeleva, N. V. , Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O. O., Shylovska, O. M., … & Gudinova, I. L. (2022). Dyskursyvne konstruyuvannya dosvidu u konteksti rozvytku osobystosti: monografiya [Discursive construction of experience in the context of personality development: monograph] (Chepeleva, N. V., Ed.). Kyiv : G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukrainе. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

2. Chepeleva, N. V. , Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O. O., Shylovska, O. M., … & Gudinova, I. L. (2019). Dyskursyvni tekhnolohiyi samoproektuvannya osobystosti: monohrafiya [Discursive technologies of personality self-designing : monograph] (Chepeleva, N. V., Ed.). Kyiv : G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukrainе, 170. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

3. Zaretska, O. O. (2017). Dzherela indyvidualnogo dyskursu samoproektuvannya (za materialamy opytuvannya). [Sources of individual discourse of self-designing (based on survey materials)] Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology: coll. art. GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Psychological hermeneutics. Vol. II, 10, 65–82 [in Ukrainian].

4. Zaretska, O. O. (2016). Dyskursyvni praktyky samoproektuvannya doroslyx. [Discursive practices of self-designing of adults]. In Chepeleva, N. V., Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O. O., Shylovska, O. M., … & Gudinova, I. L. Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori : monohrafiya – Self-designing of personality in discursive space : monograph] (Chepeleva, N. V., Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 232. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

5. Zaretska, O. O. (2013). Naratyvni praktyky osobystisnogo zrostannya doroslyx. [Narrative practices of personal growth of adults] In Chepelevа, N. V. (Ed.). Rozuminnya ta interpretaciya zhyttyevogo dosvidu yak chynnyk rozvytku – Understanding and interpretation of life experience as a factor in personality development (pp. 244–251). Kyiv : Imeks-LTD. [in Ukrainian].

6. Zaretska, O. O. (2023). Osobystist u sytuaciyax zovnishnoyi i vnutrishnoyi nevyznachenosti: psyxologichnyj analiz [Personality in situations of external and internal uncertainty: psychological analysis]. Vcheni zapysky TNU im. Vernadskoho - Scientific notes of V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, 34 (73). 1. Retrieved from: DOI [in Ukrainian].

7. Zaretska, O. O. (2018). Samoproektuvannya dorosloyi osobystosti (refleksyvnyj aspekt) [Self-designing of an adult personality (reflective aspect)]. In Chepeleva, N. V. & Papucha, M. V. (Eds.) Osobystist ta yiyi istoriya : kolektyvna monografiya – Personality and its history: a collective monograph (pp.124–140). Nizhyn: Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

8. Chepeleva, N. V. & Papucha, M. V. (Eds.) (2018). Osobystist ta yiyi istoriya : kolektyvna monografiya [Personality and its history: a collective monograph]. Nizhyn: Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University [in Ukrainian].

9. Rudnytska, S. Yu., & Hutsol, K.V. (2021). Naratyvna kompetentnist yak vyznachalna skladova komunikatyvnoyi kompetentnosti osobystosti [Narrative competence as a defining component of communicative competence of personality]. In Papucha, M. V. (Ed.). Psykholohichni problemy osobystosti na suchasnomu etapi rozvytku suspilstva : Zbirnyk materialiv ХІ Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi (7-8 kvitnya 2021, Nizhyn) – Psychological problems of personality at the present stage of development of society: Proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 7-8, 2021, Nizhyn) (pp. 10–16). Nizhyn : M. Hohol National Pedagogical University Publ. [in Ukrainian].

10. Chepeleva, N. V. , Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O. O., Shylovska, O. M., … & Gudinova, I. L. (2016) Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori : monohrafiya – Self-designing of personality in discursive space : monograph (N. V. Chepelevа, Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 232. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

11. Smulson, M. L. (2003). Psyxologiya rozvytku intelektu : monografiya. [Psychology of intellect development : monograph]. Kyiv : Nora-Druk, 2003. 298 [in Ukrainian].

12. Chepeleva, N. V. & Rudnickaja, S. Ju. (2019). Diskursivnye tehnologii samoproektirujushhejsja lichnosti [Discursive technologies of the personality self-designing]. Psycholinguistics, 25(1), 363–383 [in Russian].

13. Chepeleva, N. V. (2018). Germenevtychne vyxovannya ta jogo vplyv na samoproektuvannya osobystosti [Hermeneutic education and its influence on the self- designing of the individual]. In Petrenko, D. I., & Chepeleva, N. V., & Rudkovska, R. A., & Yermakov I. G. (Eds.). Sens dytynstva u konteksti germenevtyky ta naratyvu : praktyko-zoriyentovanyj posibnyk - The meaning of childhood in the context of hermeneutics and narrative (pp. 104–113). Kyiv-Sumy: Predslavynska gymnasium No. 56, Kyiv. Makden Publ. [in Ukrainian].

14. Chepeleva, N. V. (2021). Dyskursyvne konstruyuvannya dosvidu v sytuaciyax informacijnoyi nevyznachenosti [Discursive construction of experience in situations of information uncertainty]. In Maksymenko, S. D. (Ed.) Aktualni problemy psyxologichnoyi protydiyi negatyvnym informacijnym vplyvam na osobystist v umovax suchasnyx vyklykiv : Materialy metodologichnogo seminaru NAPN Ukrayiny 8 kvitnya 2021: Zb. materialiv – Actual problems of psychological counteraction to negative informational influences on the personality in the conditions of modern challenges: Materials of the methodological seminar of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on April 8, 2021: Collection of materials] (pp. 211–218). Kyiv: Pedagogichna dumka. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

15. Chepeleva, N. V. (2019). Rozvyazuvannya smyslovyx zadach ta samoproektuvannya osobystosti [Solving semantic problems and self-designing of the personality]. Virtualnyj osvitnij prostir: psyxologichni problemy : materialy VII Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi Internet-konferenciyi – Virtual educational space: psychological problems: materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

16. Chepeleva, N. V., Rudnyczka, S. Yu. (2018). Psyxologichna xarakterystyka osobystosti, zdatnoyi do samoproektuvannya [Psychological characteristic of a personality capable of self-designing]. Pedagogika i psy`xologiya – Pedagogy and psychology,. 1, 71–77 [in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2023, 2(14): 24-36 (pdf)


UDC 159.92

Zazymko O.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Motivational component of healthcare volunteers life competence in crisis conditions.

Abstract. The specifics of motivation for volunteering in life-threatening conditions have been determined empirically. The motivational component is the leading one in the development of a person's life competence. In the context of the study, life competence is analyzed as a personality resource that allows for productive solving of life tasks in difficult and dangerous conditions. Carrying out volunteer activities in the conditions of war requires such life competence that ensures not only effective performance of tasks of voluntary assistance to others, but also guarantees personal productivity. It was found that the motives of volunteers working in dangerous conditions are somewhat different from those of volunteers working in safer conditions. Individuals who volunteer in hazardous environments have higher general activity, which reflects energy, the desire to express their energy and skills in various fields of activity; are characterized by significantly higher status-prestige motivation, the desire to receive attention and recognition from others, social status in society, etc.; and significantly higher social utility motivation as a focus on social activities. These motivational vectors contribute to a person's choice of volunteering in rather difficult conditions. On the other hand, it has been determined that a high level of these motives is inhibitory to the construction of personal plans, does not contribute to the movement towards the realization of one's own life tasks and psychologically exhausts the individual. Given the results of the study, it is possible to recommend psychological support for such volunteers with an emphasis on expanding the resource of future prospects in the field of personal self-design and self-realization.

Key words: life competence, motivation, volunteers, crisis conditions. War, self-design, psychological support.




Chepeleva, N. V. , Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O. O., Shylovska, O. M., … & Gudinova, I. L. (2022). Dyskursyvne konstruyuvannya dosvidu u konteksti rozvytku osobystosti: monografiya [Discursive construction of experience in the context of personality development: monograph] Chepeleva, N. V. (Ed.). Kyiv : G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukrainе. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].


Zazymko O. V. (2014). Sotsialna ta osobystisna vidpovidalnist u dyskursyvnykh praktykakh samoproektuvannia osobystosti v yunatski roky [Social and personal responsibility in discursive practices of self-projection of personality in youth]. Tradytsiia i kultura. Obrii svobody : materialy Mizhnar. naukovoi konferentsii (Kyiv, 12-13 hrudnia 2014 r.) : tezy dopovidei. Ch. 1– Tradition and culture. Horizons of freedom: materials of the International scientific conference (Kyiv, December 12-13, 2014): abstracts of reports. Part 1 (pp.24–26). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian]


Rudnytska S. Yu. (2023). Protsesualno-smyslova model rozvytku zhyttievoi kompetentnosti osobystosti [Procedural-semantic model of the development of life competence of personality]. Technologies of intellect development. Vol 7, 1(33). Retrived from: [in Ukrainian]


Chepelieva N. (2023). Rozviazuvannia smyslovykh zadach u zhyttievii kompetentnosti osobystosti. Technologies of intellect development. Vol 7, 1(33). Retrived from: [in Ukrainian].


Chepeleva, N. V. (2019). Rozv`yazannya smyslovykh zadach yak chynnyk samoproektuvannya osobystosti [Semantic problems solving as a factor of the personality self-designing]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi: Zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAEN Ukrayiny. T. VIII: Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya – Actual problems of psychology: Coll. Science. Proceedings of the G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Vol. VIII : Psychological theory and learning, 10, 300–313. [in Ukrainian]


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2023, 2(14): 37-48 (pdf)


UDC 159.92

Shilovska O.M.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Ensuring the psychological health of the child as a possible prerequisite for the personal development of a younger schoolchild in the conditions of war.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the features of the manifestation of psychological health in children of primary school age. Particular attention is paid to the study of the level of development of the child's ability to make decisions independently and the ability to overcome stressful situations, as necessary conditions for ensuring the psychological health of the child in crisis conditions.

The strategies of solving difficult life situations by children of primary school age, as well as the levels of the child's readiness to make decisions, are allocated. The styles of children's response to stressful or crisis situations are also studied. It is determined that 15% of children of primary school age tend to take responsibility for decision-making, which is directly related to the social environment of the child, especially with parents.

It has been established that in addition to the influence of the social environment, the development of the child's ability to take responsibility for decision-making is influenced by the psychological characteristics of the child, in particular, the level of anxiety. The level of anxiety is also directly related to the psychological well-being of the younger student.

It is determined that during the period of hostilities, the category of children who are at risk has increased by 11.6%, since any area of activity in a child is associated with fear, anxiety, inability to resolve the situation on their own, inability to overcome stressful situations and life difficulties without harm to health, and the category of children who can also experience anxiety in any situation has increased by 15.1% and, as a rule, (a) To the extent permitted by the provisions of this Convention, the Secretary-General shall ensure that the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe is not obliged to Further prospects for the study are outlined.

Key words: psychological health, ability to take responsibility for decision-making, child's resistance to stressful situations, anxiety level..



1. Chepeleva N.V., & Andreeva Ya.F. (Eds.) (2016). Psykholohiia samorozvytku osobystosti [Psychology of personality self-development]. Chernivtsi – Kyiv. 284. Retrived from : [in Ukrainian].

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2023, 2(14): 49-59 (pdf)


UDC 159.923.2:81’23

Hutsol K.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Narrative coordinates of the development of personality’s life competence.

Abstract. The article deals with an issue of narrative resources for the development of personality’s life competence as his integral ability to effective social interactions in changing and contradictory world: the ability to respond productively to social challenges of modern times, to form a system of internal determination of life activities, to master one’s own behavior in situations of uncertainty, to set independently and responsibly as well as to solve optimally current life’s tasks.

In line with psychological-hermeneutic approach, the narrative was articulated as a means of self-understanding and self-presentation, with the help of which a personality realizes oneself and one’s experience, reproduces the past, presents one’s personal position, projects one’s own future. Narrative competence in turn is articulated as personality’s formed ability to distinguish and interpret narrative statements of an Other, that is to identify narratives in sociocultural texts and build their own narrative constructs on this basis.

It was determined that the development of personality’s life competence presupposes the formation of certain narrative and metanarrative abilities and practical skills: to organize one’s own experience thematically by creating “Me-statements”; in spatio-temporal and causal way to structure events and determine strategies for determining one’s experience by constructing narratives and auto-narratives; to carry out the value-semantic integration of experience and its consolidation with previous experience by highlighting the leitmotif of one’s own life work, which imprints the semantic system of personality, ensures the semantic regulation of setting and solving actual life tasks as the basis for formation of his life competence.

Keywords: personality, narrative, narrative competence, meta-competence, life competence, meaning, development.





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