Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 12 – 2020

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UDC 159.923.2

Chepeleva N. V.

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Russian

Interpretation as a mechanism of personality experience constructing

Abstract: The aim of the article is to substantiate the role of interpretation as one of the leading mechanisms of a developing personality experience constructing.

Discursive experience constructing in the context of the psychological and hermeneutic approach is defined as the bringing of socio-cultural and personal information into the system, the organization of such information into coherent structures that help to understand its sense. It is determined that the discursive experience constructing involves the process of its transformation from personal experience to personality experience - mastered, appropriated, understood, assimilated, interpreted, that is built by the personality.

Interpretation is defined as the comprehension of the text, which leads to seeing in the message some sense that is missing in the text itself. It is a mechanism of semantic enrichment of the text, which is carried out by the immersion in the context of personality, activity, culture. It sets certain interpretive frameworks (or schemes), which, on the one hand, limit the semantic space of the text, allowing to reject irrelevant meanings, on the other – expand it, enriching it with a new understanding of the message, thus contributing to the generation of new senses.

The discourse is interpreted as a text in the context of its generation and perception. The interaction of external and internal contexts plays an important role in the interpretation process, which enables the synthesis of a new sense, which provides a discursive construction of personality experience.

It is shown that one of the conditions of the personal experience interpretation and its transformation into personality experience is the formation of a person basic metacognitions – reflection, decentration, intellectual initiation and strategic intellect.

Key words: experience constructing, interpretation, context, discourse, sense, interpretivescheme, metacognitions

References transliterated

1.Goffman,Е. (2003). Analiz freymov: esse ob organizatsii povsednevnogo opyita [Frames analysis: An Essay on Organizing Everyday Experience]. Moscow :Institute of Sociology RAS. [in Russian]

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3. Gergen,J. (1995). Dvizhenie sotsialnogo konstruktsionizma v sovremennoy psihologii [The social construction is mprogressi on in modern psychology]. In Dvizhenie sotsialnogo konstruktsioizma v sovremennoy psihologii – Social psychology: self-reflection of marginality (pp.51–73). Moscow :INION RAN. [in Russian]

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5. Smulson M.L (Ed.) Intelektualniy rozvytok doroslyh u virtualnomu osvitnomu prostori :monografiya [Intellectual development of adults in the virtual educational space: a monograph] (2015). Kyiv : Pedagogical thought. Retrieved from:[in Ukrainian]

7. Lotman,Yu.M. (1999). Vnutri myslyashchikh mirov. Chelovek – tekst – semiosfera – istoriya [Inside thinking worlds. Human – text –semiosphere – history]. Moscow :"Languages of Russian literature" Publ. [in Russian]

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11. Rozin, V. M. (2002). Lichnost kak uchreditel i menedzher «sebya» is ub'ekt kulturyi [Personality as a founder and manager of "oneself" and a culture subject]. In Chelovek kak sub"yekt kul'tury–Man as a subject of culture (pp.42–112). Moscow :Nauka.[in Russian]

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13.Trufanova,E.O. (2018). Sub'ekt i poznanie v mire sotsialnyih konstruktsiy [Subject and cognition in the social constructions world]. Moscow: Canon + ROOI "Rehabilitation".[in Russian]

14. Friedman,D.,&Combs,D. (2001). Konstruirovanie inyih realnostey. Istorii i rasskazyi kak terapiya. [Construction of other realities. Histories and stories as therapy]. Moscow: Class.[in Russian]

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 4-18. (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2:81’23

Rudnytska S. Y.

Productive and stagnant strategies of discursive constructing of personality’s experience

Language: Russian

Productive and stagnant strategies of discursive constructing of personality’s experience

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Abstract : The article presents a theoretical generalization of issue of discursive constructing of personality’s experience in the mainstream of psychological hermeneutics as an integration of separate heterogeneous “discursive realities” of an individual into a coherent entirety by means of speech practices in a process of personal sense formation (sense reproduction).

It is emphasized that narrative constructing is the main type of discursive constructing of experience, which result is a multi-narrative, stratified into separate spatio-temporal, event-related and emotional-semantic components. It is substantiated that the leading mechanism of narrative constructing of personality’s experience is interpretation - the mechanism of semantic enrichment of a text message, discovery a meaning, which was absent in a source text (not imbedded in it by its author).

The article defined that productive course of personality’s interpretative processes is conditioned by interaction of external and internal contexts.It is described that presence of internal context as a value-semantic frame of perception of reality and interaction with it is an essential prerequisite for generation of personality’s interpretative processes. External context is a sufficient condition for interpretation.

The author singles out extra-contextual and intra-contextual dominants as stagnant strategies of discursive constructing of experience, in which a subject's text is rigidly fixed with regard to external and internal contexts.

Key words: experience, discourse, discursive constructing of experience, interpretation, external context, internal context, stagnant strategies of discursive constructing of personality’s experience

References transliterated

1. Batygin, G.S. (2003). Kontinuum freymov : sotsiologicheskaya teoriya Irvinga Gofmana [Continuum of frames: Irving Hoffman's sociological theory]. In Goffman,I.Analiz freymov : esse ob organizatsii povsednevnogo opyta. [Frame Analysis: An Essay on Organizing Everyday Experience]. Moscow: Institute of Sociology RAS. [in Russian]

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6. Verbitsky, A. A. (1990). Chelovek v kontekste rechi : formy i metody aktivnogo obucheniya [Man in the context of speech: forms and methods of active learning]. Moscow: Znaniye. [in Russian]

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 19-40. (pdf)

UDC 159.953.5

Smulson M. L.

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

The problem approach to a personality experience constructing

Abstract : The article shows that the task (problem) of optional self-development, independently set and solved by an adult, is the mediator of the connection between the processes of personalityexperience constructing and self-development . It was found that the experience constructing is the aspect of self-development, and this process is logically consided in the context of a problem-based approach to activity and life in general as a set of activity processes of different content and form. This approach complements the post-classical discursive consideration of the personalityexperience constructing, because the description of the process of discursive constructing can be carried out in various forms, and, in particular, in the form of the problem solving.

It is determined that the sources of problems and tasks are the so-called gaps (or "backlashes") in the activity, while distinguishing between task and problem. A task is one that has the means to solve it, while a problem arises when there is a goal and no means to achieve it, so the problem solving ends with the creation of new meansand their using. The task differs from the problem situation too. It is awared by the subject, objectified and often described verbally or in another symbolic (numerical, graphical) form. Independent problem statement is an ontological substrate of the intellectual initiation as metacognition..

The main stages of the problem «life» from its findingin the activity by a subject to the probable solution are analyzed: such as problem situation, problematization, problem,intellectual initiation as an independent problem statement, search for means of solution, task situation, task as a system, task structure (means of solution are found and verbalized) and, finally, a conscious solution process, which may end by a solution and often reaches it if the means have been identified adequately.

These stages of the personalityexperience constructing by an elderly person in a problem situation of age-related memory deficits are considered. This analisis proves that the start of the process of intellectual initiation is prereflexive and prediscursive, but discursive means are beginning to play a leading role in the subsequent process of experience constructing. The additional definition of problem is one of discursive means, for example , the problem reformulation from a negative setting to a positive one: from the compensation of the memory deficiency to the memory development or even to the intellectual development.

Key words: self-development, personalityexperience constructing, problem, task, intellectual initiation, old age, memory deficiency

References transliterated

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5. Smulson, M.L. Ed. (2015) Intelektualnyi rozvytok doroslykh u virtualnomu osvitnomu prostori. [Intellectual adult development in the virtual educational space: a monograph]. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

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20. Chepelyeva, N.V. (2020). Interpretatsiya kak mekhanizm konstruirovaniya opyta lichnosti [Interpretation as a mechanism for constructing personality experience]. (This issue).

21. Chepelyeva, N.V. (2019). Rozv`yazannya smyslovykh zadach yak chynnyk samoproektuvannya osobystosti [Semantic problems solving as a factor of the personality self-designing]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi: Zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. T. VIII: Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya – Actual problems of psychology: Coll. Science. Proceedings of the G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Vol.VIII : Psychological theory and learning, 10, 300 – 313 . [in Ukrainian].

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23.Smulson, M. (2019). The significance of problem-solving in the professional activity. In Psychological basis of professional problem-solving : collective monograph. Lviv-Torun : Liga-Pres. 1 – 21. 978-966-397-152-0/1-21.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 41-57. (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Lebedynska I. V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Сonstructivism in the context of changing status of knowledge

Abstract: The article substantiates the idea of the emergence of constructivism in modern scientific practices as a result of reflective thematization of one's own experience. Some provisions of constructivism are analyzed in the context of a critical rethinking of classical notions of the "status of knowledge", which according to the article was supported by at least three main characteristics - objectivity, neutrality and universality of knowledge. The phenomenon of objectivity of knowledge is analyzed in the context of the causal justification of human experience. Certain arguments and weaknesses of this approach are considered. It is shown that the idea of objectivity of knowledge is problematized by the existence of a number of objects that have no other justification than the space of explanations, reasons and arguments constructed by certain orders of values. Opposition inner - outer space is interpreted as a Cartesian paradigm, which constitutes the theory of representations. In the tradition of constructivist methodology, the interpretation of experience as a justification of meaning is proposed. It is assumed that the identified trends in changing the status of knowledge, allow us to talk about the formation of a new (other) type of knowledge whose articulation is, in particular, constructivism.

Key words: constructivism, experience, "status of knowledge", event, truth

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 58-70. (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Zaretska O. O.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

On the peculiarities of discourse practice when providing remote psychological support

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of discursive practice, which takes place when providing remote psychological support, in the context of the problem of experience designing. The peculiarities of the narratives of hotline subscribers are revealed: an initiative manifestation of text creation, a focus on dialogue, independence from the image of the «listener», maximum openness to the listener, selectivity. The main forms of narrative practice during telephone counseling are analyzed: narrative-monologue, narrative for dialogue, narrative as a subscriber request to work with his own understanding of his own experience. The previously introduced concepts of «crisis narrative», «managing narrative», «consultative-research narrative» are analyzed. Some narrative strategies of remote psychological support which can promote motivation for self-designing and experience designing are discussed. The conclusion about the expediency of applying the methods developed in psychohermeneutic research and narrative psychology to the discourses of remote psychological counseling is made.

Key words: psychohermeneutic approach, narrative practice, discourse, remote psychological counseling, hotline, self-designing, experience designing.

References transliterated

1. Ayvi, A. (1998). Tsilespryamovane interv"yuvannya i konsul'tuvannya: spryyannya rozvytku kliyenta [Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development] (О. Аbesonova, tran.). Kyiv: Sfera, 342. [in Ukrainian].

2. Hutsol, K.V. (2018) Naratyvna kompetentnist' yak chynnyk rozvytku zdatnosti osobystosti do samoproektuvannya [Narrative competence as a factor in the development of the individual's ability to self-designing]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology: coll. art. G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Psychological hermeneutics, Vol. II, 11, 122 – 123. [in Ukrainian]

3. Chepeleva, N. V. , Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O.O., Shylovska, O.M., … & Gudinova, I.L. (2019). Dyskursyvni tekhnolohiyi samoproektuvannya osobystosti: monohrafiya [Discursive technologies of personality self-designing : monograph] (Chepeleva, N. V. Ed.). Kyiv : G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukrainе , 170. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

4.Zaretska, O.O. (2020). «Kryzovyy» naratyv yak ob"yekt analizu z pozytsiy psykholoho-hermenevtychnoho pidkhodu [«Crisis» narrative as an object of analysis from the standpoint of psychological and hermeneutic approach]. Proceedings from Desyati Siveryans'ki sotsial'no-psykholohichni chytannya – Tenth Severyansky socio-psychological readings (29 Nov.2019, Chernihiv) (O. Yu. Drozdova, I. I. Shlimakovа, Eds.). Chernihiv : Taras Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Collegium". Retrieved 25 Оct. 2020 from : UznpMm8TGsAFp ZnZ/view [in Ukrainian].

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6. Zaretska, O.O. (2016). Pro osoblyvosti zastosuvannya naratyvnoho pidkhodu v praktytsi kryzovoho konsul'tuvannya [On the peculiarities of the application of the narrative approach in the practice of crisis counseling]. In S. D. Maksymenko (Ed.), Osobystist' v umovakh kryzovykh vyklykiv suchasnosti – Personality in the crisis challenges of today. Materials of the methodical seminar of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (pp.262–268). Kyiv : G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukrainе. [in Ukrainian].

7. Chepelyeva, N. V., Zazymko, O. V., & Shylovska, O. M. (2019). Naratyvni praktyky samoproektuvannya : metodychni rekomendatsiyi [Narrative practices of self-designing: methodical recommendations] ( N. V. Chepelevа, Ed.). Kyiv : G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukrainе, 44. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

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9. Chepeleva, N. V. , Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O.O., Shylovska, O.M., … & Gudinova, I.L. (2016). Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori : monohrafiya [Self-designing of personality in discursive space : monograph] (N. V. Chepelevа, Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 232. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

10. Chepeleva, N.V. & Rudnickaja, S.Ju. (2019) Diskursivnye tehnologii samoproektirujushhejsja lichnosti [Discursive technologies of the personality self-designing], Psycholinguistics, 25(1), 363–383. [in Russian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 71-82. (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Zazymko O. V.

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Experience design in youth personality development: age peculiarities

Abstract: The aim of this article is to figure out the psychological formations of youth age which develop the experince design ability. According to N.V. Chepelieva, experience design is a means to build a conceptual model that helps to deal with new situations an individual is unfamiliar with. The analytical review of psychological researches makes it posible to identify the key features of youth attainment by age groups, predetermined by the sociocultural situation of building and dvelopment of megacognition. A prerequisite for experience design is the ability to comprehend it, which is formed during adolescence. Due to it an individual attains intellectual maturity, develops their cognitive abilities as well as self-awareness. Adolescents also become able to see and understand themselves at a qualitatively new level, which contributes to a creative attitude towards the discursive practices surrounding them. Developed megacognitive skills and social situation of development of individuals contribute to the following adolescent achievement – the ability to set goals independently. Building understanding of the continuity of life perspective in adolescence leads to setting adequate life goals and handling life´s challenges. Creating the need to "be different from others" is a must for the unique futuristic narrative. Forming a worldview and coping with the problem of self-determination establishe values. The values are formed by decoding and accepting existent sociocultural senses and due to a personal interpretation. Involving an adolescent into social diversity according to their attainded age prompts the ability to find new ways to interpret experience. If adolescents balance personal freedom and responsibility for the consequences of personal instability they manage to find new alternative ways and meanings in interpreting experience.

Key words: experience design, experience comprehension, experience enterpretation, personality development, adolescence

References transliterated

1. Bozhovich, L. I. (1979). Etapyi formirovaniya lichnosti v ontogeneze [Personality formation stages in ontogenesis]. Voprosу psyhologii = Questions of psychology. 4, 23–34. [in Russian].

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4. Zazymko, O. V. (2013). Rozuminnia ta interpretatsiia zhyttievoho dosvidu yak chynnyk rozvytku osobystosti v yunosti [The life experience understanding and interpretation as a factor in personality development in adolescence]. In Chepeleva, N. V. (Ed.) Rozuminnia ta interpretatsiia zhyttievoho dosvidu yak chynnyk rozvytku osobystosti – The live experience understanding and interpretation as a factor in personality development (pp.119–140). Kirovograd: Imex-LTD [in Ukrainian].

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7. Chepelevа, N. V. (Ed.) (2013). Rozuminnia ta interpretatsiia zhyttievoho dosvidu yak chynnyk rozvytku osobystosti [The life experience understanding and interpretation as a factor in personality development]. Kirovograd: Imex-LTD, 276 . [in Ukrainian].

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12.Chepelyeva, N.V., & Rudnyts'ka, S.Yu. (2018). Psykholohichna kharakterystyka osobystosti, zdatnoyi do samoproektuvannya [Psychological characteristics of self-designing personality]. Pedahohika i psykholohiya – Pedagogy and psychology, 1, 71–77 [in Ukrainian].

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 83-98. (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Shylovska O. M.

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Theoretical basis of the diagnosis of development of the primary school pupils' ability to discursive constructing of experience

Abstract : The article analyzes the theoretical approach to the diagnosis’ features of development of the primary pupils’ ability to discursive constructing of experience.

The hypothesis was made that the constructing process in the initial stages of young school age (children of the first and the second forms) is possible to consider, in advance, from the point of view of construction of their own "I". In the older period of this age, we can talk about the development of the ability to construct certain life events. In the previous stages of the research, it was proved that the child’s ability to construct is significantly determined by the social and the cultural environment in which the child is.

We also assume that the ability to comprehend one’s own "I" and individual experience as a background for the formation of the ability to construct in early school age depends on the level of development of cognitive, emotional and personal spheres. Timely diagnosis of these spheres’ development and systematic work for development based on the results of diagnostics, create the basis for the development of the child’s ability to "create" his "I", to comprehend his own life experience.

The selection of tools for the diagnosis of the primary school pupils’ cognitive sphere is determined in order to study the child’s ability to discursive constructing of experience. In particular, diagnostic techniques should be directed at speech development, the development of thinking (ability to compare, systematize, generalize, make certain logical conclusions, make connection from the cause to the effect, criticality of thinking, the ability to make own conclusions), the formation of the inner action plan and imagination development.

The researching of the personal sphere of primary school pupils’ emphasis should be placed on identifying the level of reflection development, and in particular on such criteria as the child’s ability to self-analysis, the ability to rely on adequate self-esteem under disorienting influences, the ability to regulate own behavior, correlating it with the expectations of others, the presence of the child positive attitude to yourself, the ability to set goals for the near future perspective, the ability to find internal resources to achieve goals.

In studying the components of emotional development that cause the development of the ability to discursively construct experience, we identified: the development of a certain autonomy from adults as independence the emotional state of the child from the emotional states of significant adults; development of emotional decentralization; the ability to realize own different emotional states, the ability to control their own emotions.

Further research will be focused on the selection of reliable, valid and age-appropriate for primary school pupils’ diagnostic methods.

Key words: discursive constructing of experience, early school age, speech development, development of thinking, reflection, emotional decentralization

References transliterated

1.Bolotnikova O.P. (2003). Razvytye refleksyvnikh deistvyi kak uslovye stanovlenyia lychnostnikh novoobrazovanyi mladsheho shkolnoho vozrasta [The development of reflexive actions as a condition for the formation of personal neoplasms of primary school age]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Moscow.

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3.Ilyin E.P. (2007). Emotsyy i chuvstva [Emotions and feelings]. St.Petersburg : Pyter. 783.

4.Karpov, A., & Skytiaeva, Y. (2002). Psykhologyia refleksyy [Psychology of reflection]. Yaroslavl: Avers Press. 303.

5.Meechko I.V.(2013). Osoblyvosti emotsiynoho rozvytku ditey molodshoho shkilnoho viku yak chynnyky zdatnosti do emotsiynoyi detsentratsiyi. [Features of emotional development of children of primary school age as factors of ability to emotional decentralization]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni H. S. Skovorody-Bulletin of G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Psychology, 45(2). 143–151. Retrieved 16 Sep. 2020 from: 2013_45(2) __20

6. Mukhina V.V. (1999). Vozrastnaia psykholohyia: fenomenolohyia razvytyia, detstvo, otrochestvo [Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence: a textbook for university students]. Moscow: Izdatelskyi tsentr «Akademyia».

7.Penkovska N.M. (2003). Psykholohichni umovy rozvytku refleksii u molodshykh shkoliariv [Psychological conditions for the development of reflection in junior high school students]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 99-112. (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Chepeleva N. V., Rudnytska S. Y., Hutsol K. V.

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Theoretical and methodological principles and structural-semantic components of training program of narrative competence of personality

Abstract : The article presents elaboration of a structural-functional model of narrative competence, which was a basis for training program of narrative competence of personality in the context of development of its ability to self-design.

In the context of the issue of self-designing of personality narrative competence is explained as an ability of a personality to distinguish and interpret narrative statements of the Other, i.e. to identify narratives in sociocultural texts (to see narrative behind a test) and build up therefore one’s own narrative constructs. According to the proposed criteria pre-semantic, semantic and meta-semantic levels, which correlate with main dimensions of discursive self-designing of personality are distinguished in the structure of narrative competence.

The proposed training of narrative competence was worked out based on methodological principles of post-non-classical psychology, according to which a personality is considered as an author of oneself, who has a potential for self-regulation and self-development. Based on the proposed model the author elaborated the program of training of narrative competence of personality, which considers gradual complication of tasks from exercises on allocation of some text elements and certain situations, which are explained in text statements, to exercises on personality’s management of one’s own narrative activity: reflection on the causes of own interpretive processes, forecast of effects from acquaintance with certain narratives, analysis of difficulties, which arise while comprehending the texts, organization of productive dialogic communication of participants of training group. The program contains two separate modules for persons with pre-semantic and semantic formation’s levels of narrative competence.

Key words: personality, narrative, narrative competence, levels of formation of narrative competence, training of narrative competence.

References transliterated

1. Hutsol, K. V. (2018). Naratyvna kompetentnist yak chynnyk rozvytku zdatnosti osobystosti do samoproektuvannya [Narrative competence as a factor in the development of the individual's ability to self-design]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology: coll. Science. G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Volume II, 11,122–133 [in Ukrainian].

2. Dmitriyeva, O. A. (2015). Problematika vydeleniya kompetentsiy v lingvistike [The problem of the allocation of competencies in linguistics]. Al'manakh sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya [Almanac of modern science and education]. 5. (pp. 51–53).Tambov : Gramota. [in Russian]

3. Zasyekina, L. V. (2016). Naratyvna kompetentnist likarya na peretyni doslidzhen psykholinhvistyky i naratyvnoyi medytsyny [Narrative competence of the doctor at the intersection of research in psycholinguistics and narrative medicine]. Psykholinhvistyka – Psycholinguistics, 19 (1), 47–61 [in Ukrainian].

4. Zdorovets`, T. H. (2015). Osoblyvosti naratyvnoyi kompetentnosti maybutnikh praktychnykh psykholohiv [Features of narrative competence of future practical psychologists]. Problemy suchasnoyi psykholohiyi – Problems of modern psychology, 27, 160–169. [in Ukrainian].

5. Meshcheryakova, T. V. (2013). Formirovaniye narrativnoy kompetentnosti u budushchego vracha [Formation of narrative competence in the future doctor]. Vyssheye obrazovaniye v Rossii–Higher education in Russia, 2, 132–137. [in Russian]

6. Mikhaylova, Ye. S. (2014). Konstitutivnyye priznaki detskogo narrativa [Constitutive characteristics of children's narrative]. Initsiativy XXI veka – 21st century initiatives, 4, 130–131. [in Russian]

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8. Turusheva, Yu. B. (2014).Osobennosti narrativnogo podkhoda kak metoda izucheniya identichnosti [Features of the narrative approach as a method of studying identity]. Psikhologicheskiye issledovaniya – Psychological research, 7(33), Retrieved from: [in Russian]

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14. Chepelyeva, N. V., & Rudnytska, S. Yu. (2018). Psykholohichna kharakterystyka osobystosti, zdatnoyi do samoproektuvannya [Psychological characteristics of a person capable of self-design]. Pedahohika i psykholohiya – Pedagogy and psychology. 1. 71–77. [in Ukrainian]

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19.Sarbin, T. R. (1986). The narrative as a root metaphor for psychology. In T. R. Sarbin (Ed.). Narrative psychology : the storied nature of human conduct (pp.3–21). New-York : Praeger.

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12):113-131. (pdf)

UDC 159. 923.2

Gudinova I. L.

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Discursive educators’ professional experience constructing

Abstract: The article describes the basic research areas for the discursive constructing of educators’ professional experience. The purpose of the research project will be to study the dynamics of educators’ life-meaning orientations, that is, their professional goals, the richness of their professional life and satisfaction with professional self-realization, as well as the dynamics of their value orientations, as an indicator of their meaningful attitude to the professional development and the attitude to themselves as successful educational workers.

Value orientations as a theme of psychological research lay at the intersection of two large research areas: motivation and worldview structures of consciousness; and values indicate a focus of personal meanings.Senses are capable to unfold into other sense or to be multiplied.

The senses that characterize life goals can be ordinary and extra-ordinary, or even traditional sense of habits. Social-cultural senses that become traditional, unlike others, are more open to reassessment and subsequent reconciliation. Unique senses are senses that are causes for movement and for development of aspiration; and the structure of such senses is filled with beliefs and attitudes. Here, an individual’s value-sense space is made up of senses, ideals, values and goals that, as internal guidelines and criteria for activity assessing, ensure the individual’s advancement along the professional and life path.


Key words: sense, discursive constructing, experience, educator

References transliterated

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2020, 2(12): 132-141. (pdf)