Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 11 – 2018

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UDC 159.923.2

Chepeleva N.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Self-designing as a process of creating a potential personal story.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstracts. The aim of the article is the theoretical substantiation of narrativization as the main discursive technology of personality self-designing process. Discursive technologies are considered as technologies of sense production, packaging, decoding and introduction. The main characteristics of discursive technologies are: the point of view flexibility; awareness of constructing; orientation on dialogue, communication, cooperation; orientation to discourse, polyphony (that is, the variety of ego). It is shown that narrative is not only the most important tool for understanding and interpreting personal experience, surrounding reality, but also the leading means of personality self-designing. It is not only the basic form of giving sense to human experience, but it also makes it possible to unite the past of the personality with the present and even with the future designing self. It is found that in the process of a narrative creation, the personality creating his own design uses an integral model of the temporal perspective (past, present, future). This allows to keep simultaneously in human mind the history of real life, along with stories about possible life and yourself in it, as well as a large number of their combinations. It was revealed that one of the conditions for mastering the technology of creating a self-potential narrative is the presence of a narrative competence. Narrative competence should include such skills: the ability to build events in the chronological order; the ability to include in the personal history patterns of cultural-typical life scenarios; the ability to reflect in the history of cause-and-effect relationships events of life and patterns of "goal - means"; the ability to organize stories around the main "theme", value or life principle.

Key words: personality self-designing, narrative, discursive technologies, narrativization, narrative competence, personal history, personality design.


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 4-20 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Smulson M.L.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Аbout the problem of self-designing processes technologization.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstracts. The article is devoted to the definition of the place of self-designing technologies in the modern concept of science technologization. It is shown that the possibility of processes reproduction inherent in technology is the key to the movement of psychology to what is called "real science".

The methodological principles of the critical theory of technology are considered, which determine the role of interpretation in the technological model (interpretational flexibility of artifacts), as well as the general construction of artifacts and social groups. Therefore, there are no fundamental differences in the humanitarian (psychological) technologies and actually technical, if both types are considered as design technologies. The inseparability of technologies in their standard technical understanding and humanitarian technologies is convincingly evidenced by such a global modern technology as the Internet.

Understanding of the technological as a constantly reproducible scheme of activity and a reflexive social construct corresponds to the L.S. Vygotsky instrumental theory of activity.

The interpenetration of technical and socio-humanitarian technologies is closely connected with the concept artifact, which is considered not only as an artificial object, but also as a centaur, that is an object that unites natural and artificial components.

The problem of self-designing technologies and their formation is analyzed by analogy with the approach of E. I. Mashbyts to the education designing in the context of the design-and-technology research paradigm.

Key words: self-designing, technology, design-and-technology paradigm, artifact, processes reproduction.


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14. Chepeleva, N.V., & Rudnic'ka, S.Ju. (2018) Normativna model' samoproektuvannja osobistostі [Normative model of self-design of personality]. Nauka і osvіta - Science and education. 2017. 11. 105 – 113 [in Ukrainian].

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 21-36 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Rudnytska S.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Technologization as a trend of modern humanitarian knowledge

Language: Ukrainian


Abstracts. The article provides theoretical generalization of the issue of technologization of modern humanitarian area; the concept of technology is problematized; its essence is shown as a reproducibility of results of the technologized activity, as a potential possibility of their repeatability under different conditions. Culture-oriented and individual-oriented approaches to the development of humanitarian technologies are discussed. Author proves that the individual-oriented approach is aimed at providing a person as a subject that manages one’s own resources with opportunities to realize, experience, interpret and creatively transform oneself and one’s own life. Among major features of humanitarian technologies author mentions reflexivity, involvement of an individual in decision-making process, goal orientation, mostly perspective orientation, exclusivity and optimism, human-proportionality, absence of a rigid structure, creativity-orientation, recoverability, orientation towards mastering of cultural meanings and values, reflected in discourses. In the light of psychological-hermeneutic approach the article puts forward a concept of understanding the humanitarian technology as a discursive technology, that is a communicative-semiotic process, which provides storage, accumulation, transformation, translation and retranslation of a value-semantic resource, incorporated in certain semantic-symbolic forms, in particular in a wide range of socio-cultural and personal texts. Author highlights major socio-cultural functions of discursive technologies, such as construction and translation of meanings through systems of cultural and socio-psychological design; preservation of variety of semantic values in a form of heterogeneous «repositories of signs»; providing of conditions for reproduction of cultural and socio-psychological forms; improvement of toolkit of technological reproduction in general.

Key words: technology, humanitarian technology, discursive technology, meaning, personal development.


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 37-52 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Zazymko O.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

The construction of space-time relations at the stages of personal self-design.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstracts. The construction of space-time relations is regarded as the formation of feelings related to the person comprehending the chronotope of their life. It has been determined that the mentioned feelings (understood as the process of turning the features of outside world into the inner one, which becomes a launching pad for constructing your own self) are significantly different at the stages of the development of the ability of the person to design themselves. The defined characteristics of space-time relations are juxtaposed to the conditions for building a self-text at different stages of personal development: "the plagiarist", "the reader" and "the author". "The plagiarist", who is only capable of emotional experiencing without implementing reflectory processes related to the comprehension of personal time and space, mostly combines textual utterances based on situationally emotional sensations. Emotional experiencing of time and space is characteristic of the initial stages of the ontogenic formation of psyche. It can as well characterize a grown-up person, for whom time and space are not loaded with personal meaning. "The reader" differentiates between outside and inner environment and realises and comprehends the experiencing of the fluidity and linearity of time. Generated meanings or reconsidered concepts of modern civilisation are conducive to the formation of individual integral picture of the world based on an unstable chronotope. Futuristic autonarratives are imbued with conscious realization of the sequence of events aimed for the future; subjectivation of the obtained space-time experience and regulation of personal time and space currently. Conscious experiencing of space-time relations is possible from youth which is characterised by the increase of the level of generalisation and definite presentation of time in goals, plans and expectations. "The author" is characterised by the capability of creating semantic systems which are provided by "the creation" of personal temporal space. The dialogicality of understanding, interpretation of juxtaposition of socio-cultural and personal meaning, comprehension and acceptance of different worlds of opportunity lead to the enrichment of experiencing space-time relations and allow to build the self-text which covers a mature chronotope of life. The promising outlook of the research is provided by the elaboration of discursive technniques of self-design of the person, based on the comprehension of their own life and themselves from the perspective their temporal transpective.

Key words: space-time relations, personal self-design, autonarrative, experiencing, meaning, chronotope.


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8.Dvinina, S.Ju. (2014) Vzaimodejstvie prostranstva i vremeni v hudozhestvennom diskurse [The interaction of space and time in the artistic discourse]. Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta - Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Linguistic University, 1, 90-95.

9.Zazymko, O.V. (2016) Protsesy pryynyattya ta emansypuvannya u samorozvytku osobystosti [The processes of acceptance and emancipation in the self-development of the individual]. Osobystist' v umovakh kryzovykh vyklykiv suchasnosti - Personality in the context of the crisis challenges of our time. S.D. Maksymenko (Ed.). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

10.Zazymko, O.V. (2013) Temporal'ni kharakterystyky samoproektuvannya osobystosti v yunats'komu vitsi [The temporal characteristics of self-development in adolescence]. Visnyk Kyyivs'koho natsional'noho torhovel'no-ekonomichnoho universytetu - Bulletin of the Kiev National Trade and Economic University, 5, 70-83 [in Ukrainian].

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19. Collective monograph (9th ed.). (2016) Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori - Self-design of personality in a discursive space. Chepeleva, N.V. (Ed.) Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

20. Homik, V.S. & Kronik, A.A. (1988) Otnoshenie k vremeni: psihologicheskie problemy rannej alkogolizacii i otklonjajushhegosja povedenija [Attitude towards time: psychological problems of early alcoholism and deviant behavior]. Voprosу psyhologii – Guestions of psychology, 1, 98-106 [in Russian].

21.Chepelyeva, N.V. & Rudnyts'ka, S.Yu. (2018) Psykholohichna kharakterystyka osobystosti, zdatnoyi do samoproektuvannya [Psychological characteristics of self-designing personality]. Pedahohika i psykholohiya Pedahohika i psykholohiya - Pedagogy and psychology, 1, 71-77 [in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 53-72 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Zaretska O.O.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Provocation by text as an effective means of developing personal self-designing discourse.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstracts. In this work, the technique of "provocation by text" is proposed for modeling the influence of the textual environment on the processes of self-designing of an adult personality. As a basis for analysis, the normative model of discursive personality self-designing by Chepeleva-Rudnitska was used. During the approbation of this technique, the promising nature of this technology in general and the methodology for its application in particular have been proved, and a rise in the level from the "reader" to the "author" has been recorded in practically all participants of the pilot study. However, this phenomenon requires monitoring for confidence in consolidating new meanings in the semantic space of subjects and a real impact on the processes of self-designing of the individual. It is expected that this will require the development of methodological tools for prolonged observation during monitoring and carrying out experimental "slices" at certain points in time.

Key words: self-designing, provocation by text, personality development, the normative model, dialogue, individual self-designing discourse.


1. Bahtin, M.M. (1986) Jestetika slovesnogo tvorchestva [Aesthetics of verbal creativity]. Moscow: Iskusstvo. 424. [in Rissian].

2. Gusev, S.S. (1985) Problema ponimanija v filosofii [The problem of understanding in philosophy]. Moscow: Politizdat [in Rissian].

3. Guczol, K.V. (2017) Teorety`ko-metodologichni osnovy` doslidzhennya naraty`vnoyi kompetentnosti osoby`stosti [Theoretical and methodological foundations of study of personality's narrative competence]. Aktual`ni problemy` psy`xologiyi. Psy`xologichna germenevty`ka - Actual problems of psychology. Psychological hermeneutics. Kyiv - Zhytomyr: Vy`d-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [in Ukrainian].

4. Zazymko, O.V. (2017) Naraty`vizaciya replikacijny`x utvoren` kul`tury` povsyakdennosti yak zasib pobudovy` zhy`ttyevy`x syuzhetiv u yunacz`komu vici [Narrativization of replicative forms of everyday culture as a means of constructing life stories in youth]. Aktual`ni problemy` psy`xologiyi. Psy`xologichna germenevty`ka – Actual problems of psychology. Psychological hermeneutics. Kyiv - Zhytomyr: Vy`d-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [I. Franko Univ. Publ.] [in Ukrainian].

5. Zareckaja O.A. (2016) Samoproektirovanie kak strategija vzrosloj lichnosti [Self-designing as an adult personality strategy]. Mova i kul`tura. (Naukovy`j zhurnal) – Language and culture (Scientific Magazine), 18, III (178), 5-9. Kyiv: Vy`davny`chy`j dim Dmy`tra Burago [in Rissian].

6. Zarecz`ka, O.O. (2017) Dzherela indy`vidual`nogo dy`skursu samoproektuvannya (za materialamy` opy`tuvannya) [Sources of individual discourse of self-designing (based on survey by questionnaire)] Aktual`ni problemy` psy`xologiyi. Psy`xologichna germenevty`ka – Actual problems of psychology. Psychological hermeneutics. Kyiv - Zhytomyr: Vy`d-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [I. Franko Univ. Publ.] [in Ukrainian].

7. Zarecz`ka, O.O. (2016) Dy`skursy`vni prakty`ky` samoproektuvannya dorosly`x [Discursive practices of self-designing in adults]. Samoproektuvannya osoby`stosti u dy`skursy`vnomu prostori – Self-designing of personality in a discursive space. Chepelyeva N.V. (Ed.). Kyiv: Pedagogichna dumka. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

8. Zarecz`ka, O.O. (2016) Pro osobly`vosti zastosuvannya naraty`vnogo pidxodu u prakty`ci kry`zovogo konsul`tuvannya [On the peculiarities of the application of the narrative approach in the practice of crisis counseling]. Osoby`stist` v umovax kry`zovy`x vy`kly`kiv suchasnosti: Materialy` metodologichnogo seminaru NAPN Ukrayiny – Personality in the context of the crisis challenges of the present: Materials of the methodological seminar of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. (pp. 262-268). Retrieved from: metodol_sem.pdf [in Ukrainian].

9. Zarecz`ka, O.O. (2018) Refleksy`vny`j aspekt samoproektuvannya dorosloyi osoby`stosti [Reflexive aspect of self-design of an adult]. Psy`xologiya svidomosti: teoriya i prakty`ka naukovy`x doslidzhen: Tezy` II mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-prakty`chnoyi konferenciyi – Psychology of consciousness: the theory and practice of scientific research: Abstracts of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

10. Rudnickaja, S. (2017) Prototekst kak osnova «Ja» teksta v narrativnyh praktikah samoproektirovanija lichnosti [Prototext as the basis of “Self-text” in narrative applications of personality’s self-designing]. Aktual`ni problemy` psy`xologiyi. Psy`xologichna germenevty`ka – Actual problems of psychology. Psychological hermeneutics. Kyiv - Zhytomyr: Vy`d-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [I. Franko Univ. Publ.] [in Rissian].

11. Chepeleva, N.V. (2017) Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy razrabotki normativnoj modeli samoproektirovanija lichnosti [Theoretical and methodological foundations of create of the normative model of discursive personality self-designing]. Aktual`ni problemy` psy`xologiyi. Psy`xologichna germenevty`ka – Actual problems of psychology. Psychological hermeneutics. Kyiv - Zhytomyr: Vy`d-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [I. Franko Univ. Publ.] [in Rissian].

12. Chepeleva, N.V. (2015) Tekst i chy`tach: posibny`k [Text and Reader: Guide]. Zhytomyr. I. Franko Univ. Publ. 124. [in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 73-85 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Shilovska O.M.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Tehnology development of self-designing abilities in adolescents

Language: Ukrainian

Abstracts. The article is devoted to a theoretical study of the peculiarities of the application of discursive self- designing practices in adolescence.

The older teenage age is most susceptible to the first attempts of self- designing. However, the beginning of the process of self- designing depends on the level of personality development and its success in society

Self-projecting in adolescence involves the creation of a project of its own "I" on the basis of interpretation and partial reinterpretation of the past life events, both their own and the events taking place in the life of a meaningful other.

It is determined that, developing the ability to self-design, it is necessary to apply the following discursive technologies: the technology of distinguishing the topic of utterances; information dialogue technology; technology of naratvitization of life experience; semantic dialogue technology.

The development of an adolescent's ability to independently plan his life based on his own system of values and the development of a time perspective is an important prerequisite for the child's ability to self- designing.

In the early adolescence, due to the insufficiently developed image of the "I", the child can also generate the social project itself. However, these projects are already significantly attributable to the reference group. It can be both family members and circle of friends, peers, whose system of values the child directs and often perceives it as their own.

Starting from the middle adolescence, the child can build projects based on his own "I". However, at the stage of middle adolescence, this image is not yet sufficiently stable structure. Under the influence of the socio-cultural environment, the teenager changes the image of his own "I", which also changes his life project.

Key words: self-designing, discourse practices, life project, communicative competence, self-understanding, self-knowledge, time perspective.


1. Vvedenie v prakticheskuju social'nuju psihologiju (1996) [Introduction to practical social psychology]. Ju.M. Zhukova, L.A. Petrovskaja, O.V.Solov'eva (Eds.) (p.156). – Moscow: Smysl. [in Russian].

2. Koritnіkova, N.M. (2014) Fragmentarnіst' sprijnjattja pіdlіtkov navkolishn'ogo svіtu [Fragmentation of perception of adolescents of the surrounding world]. Ekonomika v shkolah Ukraini: naukyvo-metod.zhurnal - Economics in schools of Ukraine: a scientific and methodological journal. 10.31-32. [in Ukrainian].

3. Leont'ev, D. A. (1996) Cennost' kak mezhdisciplinarnoe ponjatie: opyt mnogomernoj rekonstrukcii [Value as an interdisciplinary concept: the experience of multidimensional reconstruction]. Voprosy filosofii - Philosophy issues, 6, 34-42. [in Russian].

4. Rozumіnnja ta іnterpretacіja zhittevogo dosvіdu jak chinnik rozvitku osobistostі. [Understanding and interpreting life experience as a factor in the development of personality Research on the topic]. N.V. Chepeleva (Ed.). Kіrovograd: Іmeks-LTD. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

5. Starovojtenko, E.B. (2013) Vozmozhnosti Ja v otnoshenii k drugomu: germenevtika i refleksija /E.B.Starovojtenko [Opportunities of Me in relation to another: hermeneutics and reflection]. Psihologija. Zhurnal Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki - Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics. 10 (4). 121-142. Retrieved from data/2014/06/04/1323617334/Starovoitenko_10-04p121-142.pdf [in Russian].

6. H'ell, L., & Zigler, D. (1997) Teorii lichnosti [Theories of personality]. Saint-Petersburg : Piter. 606. [in Russian].

7. Chepelеva, N.V., & Rudnic'ka, Ju.S. (2018) Psihologіchna harakteristika osobistostі, zdatnoї do samoproektuvannja. Pedagogіka і psihologіja- Pedagogy and psychology. 1. 71-77 [in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 86-98 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Berezko І.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Specificity of person self-designing discursive technologies in crisis life circumstances caused by oncological diseases.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract. Hard somatic diseases such as oncology leave traces on peculiarities of a person's ideas about the potential direction of her progress. There is no singular strategy of self-design every person which has the experience of this disease holds on. But it significantly depends on the way in particular that a person assimilates her story before the disease. Four of the most used strategies can be distinguished: ignore of changes, maintenance of personal story heredity, riddance of a value ballast and tuning in cardinal changes. The context, in which an ill person creates his discursive products, and the feedback he receives from his environment both have a great sense. A polyphonic aspect of this connection may afford an opportunity for a patient to see his story and himself in different angles. Also, oncology patients have a few particular tendencies of personal future attitudes that deviate them from a healthy persons' sample. These are the perceptible influence of "here and now" time dimension, an individual singularity of axiological choices concerning the future himself irrespective to the society's approval, vital and personal projects' concentration on narrowing development trends. The character of oncology patients' self-projecting is their interest in somatic practices and psychological stabilization techniques of negative emotional states around which lifelong plans are grouping.

Key words: self-designing, identity, personal history, oncology.


1. Abul'hanova, K.A. (1999) Psihologija i soznanie lichnosti. Problemy metodologii, teorii i issledovanija real'noj lichnosti: izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy [Psychology and consciousness of personality. Problems of methodology, theory and research of the real person: selected psychological works]. Moscow.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: NGO "MODEC"[in Russian].

2. Berezko, І.V. (2012) Osoblivostі futurologіchnogo narativu u zhіnok, shho majut' dosvіd onkologіchnogo zahvorjuvannja. [Features of the futurological narrative in women with an oncological disease experience]. Naukovі studії іz socіal'noї ta polіtichnoї psihologії. - Scientific studies on social and political psychology: Scientific studies on social and political psychology: a collection of articles. M. M. Sljusarevs'kij, T. M. Titarenko (Eds.). 31. (pp.156-165). Kyiv: Milenium [in Ukrainian].

3. Berezko, І.V. (2013) Futurologіchnij narativ jak zasіb reіnterpretacії zhittєvogo dosvіdu [Futurological narrative as a means of reinterpreting life experiences] In Rozumіnnja ta іnterpretacіja zhittєvogo dosvіdu jak chinnik rozvitku osobistostі. Monografіja [Understanding and interpreting life experience as a factor in the development of personality Research on the topic]. N.V. Chepeleva (Ed.) {pp.59-74). Kіrovograd: Іmeks-LTD. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

4. Berezko, І.V. (2015) Samoproektuvannja u skladnih zhittevyh situacіjah [Technologies of self-designing of a person during oncological diseases] In ІІІ Vseukraїns'kij psihologіchnij kongres z mіzhnarodnoju uchastju «Osobistіst' u suchasnomu svіtі» [III All-Ukrainian psychological congress with international participation "Personality in the modern world".]. Ch.2. (Issue 2, pp.101-103). Kyiv: DP «Іnformacіjno-analіtichne agentstvo» 2015 [in Ukrainian].

5. Berezko, І.V. (2017) Tehnolohіi samoproektuvannja osobistostі pіd chas onkologichnyh zahvorjuvan' [Technologies of self-designing of a person during oncological diseases].Aktualnі problemy psiholohіi- Actual problems of psychology. 2 (10), 94 – 109 [in Ukrainian].

6. Kas'jan, E. (21 nov 2017) Zanimajsja zhizn'ju ili zanimajsja smert'ju»: kak zhit' s chetvertoj stadiej raka [Be engaged in life or engage in death: how to live with the fourth stage of cancer] //Cosmopolitan (Russian edition). Retrieved from: [in Russian].

7. Psiholohіchnі praktiki konstrujuvannja zhittja v umovah postmodernoi real'nostі: monografіja (2014) [Psychological practices of constructing life in a postmodern reality: a monograph] / Titarenko, T.M., Kochubejnik, K.O., Cheremnih, K.O.; Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv: Mіlenіum, 2014 [in Ukrainian].

8. Chepeleva, N. V. (2012). Samoproektuvannja osobistostі v diskursivnomu prostor [Self-design of the personality in the discursive space]. Naukovі studiі іz socіal'noi ta polіtichnoi psihologіi. - Scientific studies on social and political psychology: Scientific studies on social and political psychology: a collection of articles. M. M. Sljusarevs'kij, T. M. Titarenko (Eds.). 31 (pp.12-20). Kyiv: Milenium [in Ukrainian].

9. Уalom, I. (2014) Vse my tvorenija na den' i drugie istorii [ Creatures of a Day and Other Tales of Psychotherapy]. Moscow: Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis; Zebra E [in Russian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 99-112 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Gudinova I.L.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Model texts in the context of Internet users’ self-designing.

Language: Ukrainian


Annotation. The article determines the role and meaning of memes as model texts in the process of Internet users’ self-designing. It shows that memes, as ready-made social-cultural models existing in the Internet, can become the value-semantic foundations of a person's experience. Informational resources of memes are related with their laconism. Motivational mini-stories are considered as such ones that can occur in human life, because the model text contains motives, themes, ways of actions leading a person to the idea that “everything can go in another way” and “a better life” can be achieved with designing of new life realities. Also, model texts can be perceived as “one’s other meaning”, causing a reaction of rejection or resistance. In this situation, they will perform a provocative function, stimulating a person to give his/her own replica-response to “one’s other” semantic messages (appeals) of the model text. Namely this semantic tension opens up for a person different possibilities to find his/her own ways of vital task resolution and designing of his/her own life and him/herself. Consequently, in both cases, there is a way to a new level of “probabilistic-possible significant matters” with resources for personal development and self-design. Based on the three-level model of a self-designing person (proposed by N.V.Chepeleva and S.Yu. Rudnitska), the peculiarities of self-designing in the Internet at the levels of “a plagiarist”, “a reader” and “an author” are characterized.

Key words: model text, social-cultural model, meme, sense, value-semantic resource, personal self-designing.


1. Chepeleva, N. V., Smulson, M. L., Zazimko, O. V., … & Gutsol, S. Yu. (2016). Samoproektuvannja osobistostі u diskursivnomu prostorі [Personality Self-Projecting in the Discursive Space: Monograph]. Kyiv: Pedagogical Thought, 232. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

2. Svoikin, K. B. (1998). Smyslovaia dialogicheskaia konvergentciia teksta v nauchnoi kommunikatcii [Semantic Dialogic Convergention of a Text in Scientific Communication] (p.148). Saransk. [in Russian].

3. Uzharevich, I. (n.d.) Protonariat i povestvovanie – poslovitca i shutka [Protonariat and Narrative – a Proverb and a Joke]. Retrieved from: [in Russian].

4. Chepeleva, N.V., & Rudnytska, S.Y. (2017) Normatyvna model dyskursyvnogo samoproektuvannya osobystosti. // Nauka і osvіta- Science and education. 11. 105-113. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 113-121 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Guutsol K.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Narrative competence as a development factor of a person’s ability to self-designing.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstracts. The article concerns the substantiation of a person’s narrative competence as a development factor of his ability to self-designing, defines criteria and levels of its completion in a person. The ability of a person to self-designing is considered as a multi-level formation that throughout life can form various content configurations; its nuclear component is determined by integral body of such psychological characteristics of a person as aspiration for self-development, self-determination, productive reflection, tolerance to uncertainty, progressive character of sense-of-life orientations and perspective orientation of individual experience. There are three groups of development factors of a person’s ability to self-designing described: motivational, metacognitive and communicative. In this context the person’s narrative competence is problematized as a communicative factor. Pre-semantic, semantic and meta-semantic levels are allocated in the structure of narrative competence. Criterion features of completion of a person’s narrative competence at each of these levels are determined. Such features at the first level are abilities to allocate certain text elements, distinguish certain situations explicated in text statements, briefly summarize content of narrative’s text, draw up its comprehensive plan, ask questions according to text’s content. The features at the second level are abilities to define a subject in narrative’s text, formulate a principle idea, highlight a problem an author tries to solve, create own assumptions as for further development of a narrative’s content, ask questions to an author. The features at the third level are abilities to assume a reason which prompted an author to create a certain narrative, answer to an author based on such assumption, reflect grounds of own interpretational processes, foresee effect (consequences) of acquaintance with a certain narrative, analyze difficulties which arise when understanding a text.

Key words: self-designing, ability to self-designing, development factors of ability to self-designing, narrative competence, development levels of narrative competence, criteria for completion of narrative competence.


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5. Holodnaja, M. A. (2002) Psihologija intellekta: paradoksy issledovanija [Psychology of intelligence is a paradox of research]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].

6. Chepeleva, N. V. (2017) Rozuminnia – Interpretatsiia – Tlumachennia [Understanding - Interpretation - Interpretation]. Tekhnolohii rozvytku intelektu - Technologies of intellect development. 2. Issue 6(17). Retrieved from: develop/article/view/301 [in Ukrainian].

7. Chepeleva, N. V. (2015) Tekst i chytach [Text and reader]. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka (Franko univ. publ.) [in Ukrainian].

8. Winterton, J. & Delamare, F. (2005) Typology of knowledge, skills and competences: clarification of the concept and prototype. Research report elaborated on behalf of Cedefop [ Thessaloniki Final draft (CEDEFOP Project No RP/B/BS/Credit Transfer/005/04)]. Thessaloniki : Cedefop.131.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 122-133 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Galunzovsky I. S.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

The problem of identity self-designing in the context of humanitarian design.

Language: Russian

Abstracts. The article deals with the problem of identity self-designing as a form of humanitarian design. The concept of design is construed as a process of producing the resources required to create currently nonexistent categories in various spheres of life accomplishments. Different approaches to the study of the indicated problem are presented. The trend of shifting the emphasis from traditional design to humanitarian one being an intrinsic feature of modern society is outlined. In the context of humanitarian design, the concept of identity self-designing as its ability to set goals and act with recourse to its future life and itself is defined. The psychological peculiarities of this process are characterized. It is shown that in the course of dealing with the problem of identity designing, the psychological hermeneutic approach opens wide perspectives, within which self-designing is viewed as a discursive design that assumes the creation of the "I text" by the personality, formation of its narrative identity. It is stressed that, depending on the degree of development of the individual’s ability to self-designing, his "I text" will have various form-containing characteristics as ways of textual objectification of his/her personal experience. It is assumed that the extraction of these text parameters can be taken as a basis for developing a diagnostic tool to determine the individual’s readiness for discursive self-designing.

Key words: self-designing, design, humanitarian designing, identity self-designing, discursive self-designing of identity.


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13. Chepeleva, N. V. (2016) Diskursyvnі praktyki samoproektuvannja osobystostі : monografіja [Discursive practices of self-design of a person: a monograph] (pp.67-72). Kyiv : Pedahohіchna dumka [in Ukrainian].

14. Chepeleva, N. V., & Rudnic'ka S. Ju. (2017) Normatyvna model' samoproektuvannja osobystostі [Normative model of self-design of personality]. Nauka і osvіta- Science and education. 11, 105-113 . [in Ukrainian].

15. Chepeleva, N. V., & Rudnic'ka, S. Ju. (2018) Psiholohіchna harakterystyka osobystostі, zdatnoї do samoproektuvannja [Psychological characteristic of a person capable of self-design]. Pedahohіka і psiholohіja - Pedagogy and psychology. 1, 71-77 [in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 134-147 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Kolyarova A. O.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Problematization of the reflection of the bodily experience of a person in the process of its self-designing.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstracts. The article is devoted to the problem of the reflection of bodily experience in the context of self-designing. According to the psycho-hermeneutic approach, refleсtion is problematized as an ability of a person to provide control over the processes of forming a system of personal, in particular, bodily experience. The three-level model of the development of the reflection of the bodily experience of a person as a means of self-designing is proposed. The model includes: the level of pre-reflection and primary identification of bodily experience; interpretive level of reflection of bodily experience; semantic (metasemantic) level of reflection of bodily experience. These levels relate to the basic dimensions of discursive self-designing of the individual: "plagiarist", "reader" and "author" (N.V. Chepeleva, S.Yu. Rudnitskaya) and have their own specifics, due to the methods of organization of bodily experience, its text objectification, the methods and procedures for its understanding. It is shown that the levels of reflection of bodily experience correspond with reflexive personality styles. Thus, at the lower level of pre-reflection and primary identification of bodily experience, the person shows a predominantly non-constructive reflexive style, which blocks its development of the ability to self-design. The higher level of reflection of bodily experience is characterized as semantic (metasemantic) and correlates with the constructive reflexive personality style, which has an actualizing, inducing influence on the development of its ability to self-designing. On the average - the interpretive level of reflection of bodily experience - the personality is characterized by both constructive and non-constructive reflexive styles. The assumption is made about the relationship between the reflection of bodily experience of the individual and his ability to self-designing.

Key words: reflection, bodily experience of a person, levels of reflection of bodily experience, constructive reflexive style, non-constructive reflexive style.


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 2(11): 148-162 (pdf)