Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 10 – 2017
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC 159.923.2
Chepeleva N.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Russian
Abstract. The theoretical and methodological foundations of create a normative model of discursive personality self-designing, based on the interpretation of self-designing as a process of building up of own identity, is described. Self- designing is based on the interpretation and comprehension of personal and socio-cultural experience, on the assimilation of culturally defined self-organization schemes. It is aimed to creating by the personality of ideal own models. It is shown that the basis for constructing personal self-designing technologies is discursive practices, among which the practices of interpreting, understanding and transforming of the self-text of personality are important. The main discursive models of personal designs are narrative as the creation of design of an ideal own history and thesaurus as the creation of an ideal personality unique world picture. The characteristic of discursive technologies of self-designing as technologies of creation, organization and functioning of senses is given. The role of tasks set by a person, first of all, tasks on the sense of creating personal and life designs is shown. The basic stages of discursive self-designing, which are the basis of the developed model, are determined. It is assumed that the ability to self-designing is the key to becoming a mature person, able to identify and direct the course of his own development, becoming the author of his own life and his own personality.
Key words: self-designing, personal design, narrative, thesaurus, tasks on the sense, interpretation, understanding.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10): 4-19 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Rudnytska S.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Russian
Abstract. The article deals with the concept of prototext in the context of the study of the reproduction process of personality’s value-semantic resource, incorporated into a sign-symbolic form of «Self-text», constructed by an individual in the process of narrative self-designing.
In line with psychological-hermeneutical approach, the person's life path, articulated as a design and at the same time as a process of this design’s implementation, is analyzed in the article as a special kind of personality’s «Self-text». The author proves, that «Self-text» is based on a protodesign, which «sprouts» into a personal prototext, which in turn is not only a complex of all texts (in a broad sense), but also a complex of all codes underlying the «Self-text».
The issue of hypothetical nature of a prototext (its research reconstruction) in the process of personality’s self-designing is discussed. The articles shows, that in the context of «Self-text» generation it is the intent, which is «absent» (not sufficiently defined), and which is stated in various draft versions, drafts of a personal text – personal contents (meanings, senses, values), which were not assimilated, not appropriated by a personality as «his own», «belonging to him», «generated by him» or «mistakenly generated».
The author’s idea is that the carried out by a person in his life accomplishments personal text («white», «clean») becomes in a certain sense an architext, that is an intent’s (invariant’s or text model’s) reconstruction based on semantic core of drafts, which are considered as communication channels between the intent and the «final» «Self-text» of personality.
Key words: self-designing, design, «Self-text», protodesign, prototext, intent.
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13. Chepeleva, N.V. (2003). Psihologicheskie mekhanizmy ponimaniya i interpretacii lichnogo opyta [Psychological mechanisms of understanding and interpreting of personal experience]. Mova і kul'tura (Naukovij shchorіchnij zhurnal), Psihologіya movi і kul'turi. Mova і zasobi masovoї komunіkacії − Language and Culture (Scientific Annual Magazine). Psychology of language and culture. Language and means of mass communication. Kyiv: Vidavnichij Dіm Dmitra Burago, 6(II), 25-33 [in Ukrainian].
14. Chepeleva, N.V. (2013). Samoproyektirovaniye lichnosti v diskursivnom prostranstve [Self-designing of person in discursive space]. Chelovek, sub"yekt, lichnost' v sovremennoy psikhologii: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 80-letiyu A. V. Brushlinskogo – Person, subject, personality in modern psychology: materials of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of A. V. Brushlinsky. (Vol. 3, pp. 342-345). Moscow : Izd-vo «Institut psikhologii RAN», [in Russian].
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10): 20-37 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Zazymko O.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article deals with the process of objectification of replicative forms of everyday life in life stories of young people. Taking into account that social samples of the project-guidelines of self-development of the personality are set in the replication formations of the culture of everyday life, the formation of the mechanism of their narrativization at the youthful age is analyzed. It is noted that these replicative forms may be a way of narrative implementation, and narrativization, in turn, sets the boundaries of their existence in individual experience. The place of short generalizing narratives, which combine individual history with a cultural myth, is determined. Narrativization which is based on reflection, due to the transgressive function and interpenetrability of the meanings of individual and sociocultural experiences, enriches and expands both experiences. The main types of practices of narrativization of replicative forms of everyday culture are defined: the adaptive practices, the practices of self-alterations and the practices of interpretive enrichment. Individual practices of narrativization determine the orientation of a personal project. The article also points out the opportunity of methodological definition of these types of practices and the prospect of studying the process of technologizing the personal self-design of young people as the reproducibility of practices of narrativization of replicative forms of everyday culture.
Key words: narrativization, replicative forms of everyday culture, a project-benchmark, life story, personal self-design, personal development, youth, practices of narrativization.
1. Wittgenstein, L. (2011). Filosofskie issliedovania [Philosophical studies]. Moscow: AST [in Russian].
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3. Zazymko, O. V. (2016) Samoproektuvannya osobystosti v yunats'komu vitsi [Self-design of the personality in adolescence]. Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori - Self-design of personality in a discursive space. Chepeleva, N.V. (Ed.) Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from http://lib.iitta. [in Ukrainian].
5. Surovtsev, V.A. & Syrov V.N. Yazyikovaya igra i rol metaforyi v nauchnom poznanii [Language game and role of metaphor in scientific knowledge]. Retrieved from surovtsev/syrov.html. [in Russian].
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7. Foucault, M. (2003) Arkheolohiya znannya [Archeology of knowledge]. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo Solomiyi Pavlychko «Osnovy» [in Ukrainian].
8. Chepeleva, N. V. (2015) Samoproektyrovanye y razvytye lychnosty [personal self-designing and development]. Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka - Actual problems of psychology. Psychological hermeneutics. Kyiv [in Russian].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10): 38-51 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Lebedynska I.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article considers the phenomenon of rationality of personal self- designing. It is assumed that the discursive technologies of personal self- designing are the result of cultural and historical development and are regulated by the appropriate type of discursive rationality. Rationality of personal self- designing is understood as an internally motivated adherence to existing forms of interaction and intersubjectively defined norms of personal self- designing. It is asserted that the form of embodiment and/or stylization of the experience of personal self- designing acquires normative processuality due to the internal rationality of a person, which is motivated by the goals and ways of constructing life’s project, and is constituted by the rational order of personal self-designing.
The phenomenon of symbolic pre-structuredness of life project is interpreted as cultural narrative of man to itself and to his future. The phenomenon of life style is analysed as a discursive form of experience of the personality of self-designing. The features of life style in the culture of post-modern come into question.
Key words: personal self-designing, rationality, symbolic pre-structured, life style
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6. Lebedinska,I.V. (2013). Zhittеvij dosvіd osobistostі: shlyaxi smisloutvorennya [Life experience of personality: ways of meaning formation]. N.V.Chepelєva(Ed). Rozumіnnya ta іnterpretacіya zhittєvogo dosvіdu yak chinnik rozvitku osobistostі: monografіya. - Understanding and interpretation of life experience as a factor of development of personality. N.V.Chepeleva (Ed.). (pp. 36 – 50). Kіrovograd: іmeks ltd [ in Ukrainian].
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):52-63 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Zaretska O.O.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. Sources of individual discourse of self-designing were studied on the empirical material obtained during the survey by questionnaire (mainly on-line). The previously developed severed, flexible, ongoing interviewing method was used, that allowed to initiate among the respondents the narrative practice , whose content was the individual resource of self-designing. The components of individual discourses of self-designing in adults are revealed: (1) the conceptual component – the presence of the project paradigm in the semantic luggage of the person in principle; (2) the socio-cultural component formed by rethinking impressions from works of art, media, communication, etc. – that is, the corresponding socio-cultural discourse; (3) the experience of observing self-designing of other persons, (4) the experience of participating in certain educational practices (professional training, sports, training spiritual development, personal growth, etc.) or familiarity with the relevant discourse; (5) own experience of implementing certain life projects; (6) familiarity with scientific discourse on the problems of personality development. Such characteristics of individual discourse of self-designіng in adults as unconsciousness, unreflexivity and non-articulation are identified. The phenomena of the formation and deepening of the reflection of self-designing by the survey participants as a reaction to specially planned long-term interviewing dialogue were revealed. The conclusion about the positive influence of research discursive practice in which the respondent was, on his ability to self-designing and, accordingly, about the possibility of using the principles of the interviewing dialogue as a training on self-designing was formulated.
Key words: self-designing, individual discourse, narrative practice, survey by questionnaire, semiotic resource.
1. Zareckaja, O.A. (2016) Samoproektirovanie kak strategija vzrosloj lichnosti [Self-designing as an adult personality strategy]. Mova і kul'tura. (Naukovij zhurnal) - Language and culture (Scientific Magazine), 18, III (178), 5-9. Kyiv: Vidavnichij Dіm Dmitra Burago [in Russian].
2. Zarecz`ka, O. O. (2016) Dyskursyvni praktyky samoproektuvannya doroslykh [Discursive practices of self-designing in adults]. Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori - Self-designing of personality in a discursive space. Chepeleva N. V. (Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
3. Zarecz`ka, O.O. (2015) Osobly`vosti vy`kory`stannya metodiv interv'yuvannya dlya doslidzhennya samoproektuvannya osoby`stosti [Features of interviewing techniques to study personal self-designing]. Aktual`ni problemy` psy`xologiyi: Tom II: Psy`xologichna germenevty`ka – Actual problems of psychology. Vol. II: Psychological hermeneutics, 9, 72 – 84 [in Ukrainian].
4. Smul`son, M.L. (2016) Misce samoproektuvannya u proektnij parady`gmi [Place of self-designing in the project paradigm]. Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori - Self-designing of personality in a discursive space. Chepeleva N. V. (Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
5. Chepelyeva, N.V. (2016a) Dy`skursy`vni prakty`ky` samoproektuvannya osoby`stosti [Discursive practices of personal self-designing]. Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori - Self-designing of personality in a discursive space. Chepeleva N. V. (Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
6. Chepelyeva, N.V. (2017) Do rozroblennya texnologij dy`skursy`vnogo samoproektuvannya osoby`stosti [By developing technologies of discursive self-designing of a person]. Virtual`ny`j osvitnij prostir: psy`xologichni problem`: Tezy` Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-prakty`chnoyi Internet-konferenciyi - Virtual Educational Space: Psychological Problems: Abstracts at the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
7. Chepelyeva, N.V. (2016b) Samoproektuvannya osoby`stosti u konteksti postneklasy`chnoyi psy`xologiyi [Personal self-designing in the context of post-classical psychology]. Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori - Self-designing of personality in a discursive space. Chepeleva N. V. (Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):64-81 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Shilovska O.M.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article is devoted to a theoretical study of the peculiarities of the application of discursive self-designing practices in the younger school age. Self-designing at the junior school age is, above all, attempts to create a project of your own "I" based on the interpretation and partial reinterpretation of lived life events, both your own and those occurring in the life of your closest associates. However, the interpretation and reinterpretation of the junior schoolchild's personal experience is possible only with the active participation of an adult.
It is determined that, developing the ability to self-designing, it is necessary to apply discursive practices aimed at developing self-understanding, self-knowledge, the ability to independently analyze life events, positively assess the events of one's own life, as well as speech development and communicative competence.
The development of the ability of a junior schoolchild to independently plan his life for the short term and the development of a temporary perspective is an important prerequisite for the development of the child's ability to self-designing.
A child of primary school age is able to generate socially appropriated prototext. That from the social appropriated proto-text the child had his own prototype, first of all, the adult's participation is necessary, because a child of this age is not yet able to diagnose his personal qualities and establish the correspondence of his design to his own possibilities..
Key words: self-designing, discourse practices, prototext, communicative competence, self-understanding, self-knowledge, time perspective.
1. Basyuk N.A.(2005) Formuvannya pochuttya vidpovidalnosti u molodshykh shkolyariv [ Formation of a sense of responsibility among junior pupils: author's abstract. dis for obtaining sciences.] Candidate’s thesis Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].
2. Shilovska O.M.(2013) Rozuminnya ta interpretatsiyi zhyttyevoho dosvidu yak chynnyk rozvytku osobystosti ditey molodshoho shkilnoho ta pidlitkovoho viku. [Understanding and nterpreting life experience as a factor in the development of the personality of children of junior school and adolescence]. Rozuminnya ta interpretatsiya zhyttyevoho dosvidu yak chynnyk rozvytku osobystosti - Understanding and interpreting life experience as a factor in the development of personality Chepeleva N. V. (Ed.) (pp. 105-119). Kirovograd: Imex-LTD [in Ukrainian].
3. Shilovska O.M (2016) Rozvytok molodshykh shkolyariv zdatnosti do samoproektuvannya [Development of junior pupils' ability to self-design]. Psychology self-development personality: collection of articles. NV Chepileva, Ya.F. Andreeva (Eds). (рр.142-152). Chernivtsi – Kyiv. [in Ukrainian]
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):82-93 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Berezko І.V.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. Self- designing is an important psychological resource of the individual during complex somatic diseases, particularly in oncological diseases. Value-semantic sphere and identity of the person are very significantly changed during illness. The emphasis on the revision of their own identities arsenal is an important psychological setting during a serious illness. There are several important trends in the process of self- designing, which are reflected in the article. First, by revision of the value sphere, identities, taking into account a significant change in the life situation, which occurs by self-analysis of one's own emotional states, and elucidating the root causes of such states, which may have different origins. Secondly, by searching of resources through which the emotional state changes positively. To a large extent these resources are their own identities, which were already formed in the past experience "unique episodes", but were not demanded. A person who has a serious illness, makes a conscious choice of a protoproject, which then is transformed into a concrete life plan, proceeding from its more valuable priorities. Man localizes his psychological efforts in its implementation. The recovery those options for self-realization that contribute to it are the priorities even at the stage of preliminary selection of the protoproject, or at least stabilizing the rhythm of life. The project is redefined in favor of a more feasible, if the audit of resources for the implementation of the project reveals their insufficiency. After this, the person specifies the protoproject to the project-reference point, looking for a certain algorithm, which is necessary for its implementation, and which also appeals to the definition of identities that are important for this (they gravitate toward the "I-ideal"). Oncological patients also differ in that they are much less considered with the social approval of their projects in the choice of their own plans-orientations, and often do not advertise them to their surroundings. The choice of absolutely new, previously untested spheres of life realization is another psychological feature of life and personal projects of people with serious illnesses.
Key words: identity, self- designing, protoproject.
1. Uajt, M. (White M.)(2010) Karty narrativnoj praktiki. Vvedenie v narrativnuju terapiju [Maps of Narrative Practice. Introduction to narrative therapy ]. Moscow : Genezis. [in Russian]
2. Chepeleva, N. V. (2012). Samoproektuvannja osobistostі v diskursivnomu prostor [Self-design of the personality in the discursive space]. Naukovі studії іz socіal'noї ta polіtichnoї psihologії. - Scientific studies on social and political psychology: Scientific studies on social and political psychology: a collection of articles. M. M. Sljusarevs'kij, T. M. Titarenko (Eds.) (31(34). pp.12-20). Kyiv : Milenium. [in Ukrainian]
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):94-108 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.63:128
Kovalenko-Kobylanska I.G.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article considers theoretical approaches to the scientific research of intellectual development during the period of gerontogenesis, it is noted that this problem is expressed in numerous theories, a number of provisions of which presuppose scientific discussions. It is noted that despite the fact that the problem of intellectual development is one of the most researched in modern psychological science, the least explored are the aspects related to the development of intellect during the period of gerontogenesis and, in particular, the ability of a person to realize his intellectual potential at a later age. Attention is focused on the need for a multiscientific approach to solve this problem, including by gerontologists and gerontopsychologists.
The analysis of scientific works devoted to the peculiarities of the intellectual development of a person in the final period of ontogenesis allows us to conclude that while studying the specifics of the intellectual development of a person in later life, a significant part of researchers, noting the tendency to decrease intellectual abilities in ontogeny, ignores the fact of social deprivation of people of late age in modern society that can have a decisive impact on realization of a person's intellectual potential during the period of aging and old age. The results of analysis of the scientific literature on the above topic allow us to conclude that, researchers consider the intellect, primarily as an instrument for acquiring new knowledge, as evidenced by numerous tests on IQ, some of which not only exclude the definition of a person's verbal abilities and the general level of his erudition, but also ignore theories about the types of nervous system, defining as a factor of tasks performance success the limited time of their performance.
The urgency of the problem under consideration is due to demographic changes, expressed in the tendency to increase the proportion of people of post-retirement age in society and the need, in this regard, to build a society of psychologically comfortable coexistence for all ages.
Key words: gerontogenes, intellect, theoretical approaches, demographic changes.
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7. Smul"son M.L. (2012). Intelekt i mental"ni modeli svitu [Intellect and mental models of the world]. Naukovi zapysky. Seriya “Psyxolohiya i pedahohika”. Tematychnyj vypusk “Suchasni doslidzhennya kohnityvnoyi psyxolohiyi”- Proceedings. Series"Psychology and Pedagogy". Thematic issue "Contemporary Studies of Cognitive Psychology". Ostroh : National University “Ostroh”.12, 38 – 49. [in Ukrainian].
8. Smul"son M.L. Rozvytok u starosti: zavdannya, specyfika, ryzyky [The development in the old age: tasks, specifics, risks]. Naukovi studiyi iz social"noyi ta politychnoyi psyxolohiyi - Scientific studies on social and political psychology : collection of articles (Vol. 30(33), pp. 186 – 196). Kyiv : Mileniumю. [in Ukrainian].
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):109-120 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2:005.332.7
Kresan O. D.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of personality’s life events experience and perception in oral and written narrations. The author analyses views of leading researchers on peculiarities of oral and written speech, which reflect consciousness processes and personality’s inner world.
The results of empirical research of oral and written narrations about life events were presented. The features and conditions of experience and perception of life events in the narrative were defined. They include: a text about a life event, a dialogue about it, reflection, emotions, emotional reaction to this event, detalization of the event, use of metaphors in the event description. As a result of the empirical research it is proved that experience and perception of life events in the narration depend not so much on its form – oral or written, but on the above mentioned conditions and features. The peculiarities of reflection of personality’s life events experience and perception in oral and written narrations are summarized. They are as follows: influence of interpersonal relationships on the structure and character of the narration, expression of person’s feelings and emotions concerning this life event and dialogueness of oral and written text. All these enhance personality’s experience and perception processes.
Key words: life event, experience, perception, narrative, narration.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):121-134 (pdf)
UDC 159.953.5
Mescheryakov D. S.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article observes the current state of the main theoretical approaches to the problems of subjectness and subjectness activity. The components of the structural organization of subjectness, the levels of its manifestation and phenomena in various theoretical approaches are analyzed. The issue of subjectivity and subject activity in virtual learning space becomes relevant in connection with further integration with info communication technologies like Internet and virtuality in everyday life, related with the different activities in the virtual space, such as: work, learning, communication, entertainment, etc. The process of subjectogenesis and its main stages is considered. A special role in the subjectness of self-development with the help of self-design and intelligence development, as factors of the activity of subjectness activity and the existence of subjectness in general, are noted. The definition to the concepts of «subject», «subjectness», «levels of subjectness», «subjectness activity»; «development of subjectness activity», as well as certain subjectness levels of self-development are determined.
Keywords: Subject, subjectness, subjectness activity, development of subjectness activity, levels of subjectness development.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):135-154 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Gudinova, I.L.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstarct. Virtual reality is shown to be a significant factor in personal self-projecting. The author gives a brief overview of the new Internet genre of human creativity in the blogosphere, gives a definition of the concept of "sociocultural pattern" as well as describes the functions of motivators and demotivators which include personal life project value-and-concept regulation, assessment of the truth of socio-cultural knowledge moral domains, and new realities constructing, etc.
It has been shown that due to their brevity, memes are an informational resource. Such texts (as other people's meanings) become close to a virtual person ("the aesthetic alien as the forgotten personal") and become capable of restructuring and aesthetizing previous personal beliefs.
The use of sociocultural patterns brings about quantitative changes that include the concretization of a reassessed situation, increased emotional level and self-esteem, textual brevity leads to a sense of completeness and wisdom, an individual becomes capable of giving a verbal help to other people (memotherapy), develops a sense of harmony and sorts out his/her life experience. In this case, an individual, using the ultimate potentialities of consciousness, faces "the cultural absolute." (S)he continues to search for the meaning of life changes. These are the personal growth texts or rather a condensed semantic perspective. Consequently, such a form reflects life experience and verbally signifies the individual's comprehension of their life.
Key words: meme, motivator, demotivator, self- designing of personality, socio-cultural text sample
1. Menegetti, A. (2012) Ontopsihologiya i memetika [Ontopsychology and memetics]. Retrieved from: [in Russian].
2. Sapogova, E. E. (2014). Zhiznennyj opyt v avtobiograficheskih narrativah lichnosti [Life experience in autobiographical personal narratives]. Voprosy Psychologii - Questions of Psychology. 1. 68-79 [In Russian].
3. Chepelєva, N. V., Smul'son, M. L., Zazimko, O. V., … & Gutsol, S.Yu. (2016). Samoproektuvannja osobistostі u diskursivnomu prostorі [Self-design of a person in a discursive space]. Chepeleva,. N.V. (Ed.). Кyiv: Pedahohіchna dumka. 232. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian]
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):155-166 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Hutsol K.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article concerns theoretical and methodological foundations of study of personality’s narrative competence from the perspective of psychological-hermeneutic approach.
It shows content of the concepts «competence» and «narrative competence» of personality. The author suggests the understanding of competence as an integral dynamic personality’s formation, which is built up and developed in the process of constructing of personal experience, and which provides the productivity of personality’s life accomplishments through successful solution of vital life challenges, which personality faces.
Narrative competence is interpreted as a formation of personality’s skills to construct his own narratives and to identify and interpret narrative expressions of the addressee. Ability of a person to produce his own narratives presumes possession of all elements of narrative structure (that is, person’s formation of narrative as a frame), as well as possession of a «set» of basic socio-cultural narratives, ability to deploy narrative structures in a coherent story based on such narratives. Ability to detect and interpret narrative expressions of an addressee implies the personality’s skill to see his individual narrative, «Self-text», his narrative identity behind a story of the Other.
The author assumes that the development of narrative competence as personality’s meta-competence leads to an increase of his competence’s level in various contexts of his self-realizations, in particular, in improving his ability to self-designing.
Keywords: personality, competence approach, competence, meta-competence, narrative, narrative competence.
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4. Gutsol, S.Yu. (2014) Mifoporozhdenie kak objekt psihologicheskoj refleksii : monografіja. [Mythoporation as an object of psychological reflection: monograph]. Zhitomir : ZhDU іm. І. Franka Publ. 339. [in Russian]
5. Gutsol, S.Yu. (2016) Narativ jak provіdna diskursivna praktika samo proektuvannja osobistostі [Narratives as the leading discursive practice of designing the personality itself] // Nauka і osvіta. Naukovo-praktichnij zhurnal Pіvdennoukraїns'kogo nacіonal'nogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu іmenі K. D. Ushins'kogo - Science and education Scientific and practical journal of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky.-11/СХХХХХІІ. 35-42. [in Ukrainian]
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8. Lotman, Ju. M. (1996) Tekst u tekstі [Text in the text]. In Slovo. Znak. Diskurs : Antologіja svіtovoї lіteraturno-kritichnoї dumki ХХ st. [Word. Sign. Discourse: Anthology of the World Literary and Critical Thinking of the Twentieth Century] (pp. 428-411). L'vіv : Lіtopis. [in Ukrainian]
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10. Ordoboeva, L.M. (2014) Metakompetentsiya kak komponent soderzhaniya professional'noy inoyazychnoy podgotovki studentov v yazykovom vuze [Metacompetence as a component of the content of professional foreign-language training of students in a language university] // Vestnik MGLU – Bul. MGLU. 14(700). 144-153. [in Russian]
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14. Chepelєva, N. V., Smul'son, M. L., Zazimko, O. V., … & Gutsol, S.Yu.; Chepeleva,. N.V. (Ed.) (2016). Samoproektuvannja osobistostі u diskursivnomu prostorі [Self-design of a person in a discursive space]. Кyiv: Pedahohіchna dumka. 232. – Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian]
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21. Winterton, J. & Delamare, F. (2005) Typology of knowledge, skills and competences: clarification of the concept and prototype. Research report elaborated on behalf of Cedefop [ Thessaloniki Final draft (CEDEFOP Project No RP/B/BS/Credit Transfer/005/04)]. Thessaloniki : Cedefop .131.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):167-185 (pdf)
UDC 159.922 : 004.946
Galunzovsky I. S.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Russian
Abstract. The article is devoted to the pressing for modern psychology problem of understanding the phenomenon of virtual game discourse. The need to address the above-mentioned problem is based on the rapid transformations that took place in the information society over the past decades. The article reveals the prospects of applying the psychological-hermeneutic approach to the classification of games as narratives, that are commonly used in virtual space.
It is shown that the obvious heterogeneity of the existing classifications of games leads to a parallel existence in the scientific discourse of a large number of typologies that differ in a number of criteria, such as : the type of gameplay, the goals of the game, the genre specifics, the elaboration and vastness of the «game world» thematic and functional features, the level of comparability of game events with reality, etc.
While appealing to the hermeneutic paradigm, this allows authors to view games in virtual discourse as narratives, whose plot can be both linear and non-linear. A classification of games is proposed, based on the selection of five plot schemes in them (depending on the number of possible versions of the beginning of the plot, its development and the finale), four of them have a nonlinear character.
It is emphasized that the selection of «without a plot» type games in virtual space opens the prospects of studying their influence on the personality of the «person playing» in the scales of its life path, the psychological characteristics of its self-realization, willingness to self-development and self-designing.
Key words: virtual discourse, virtual game discourse, game, narrative, plot, linear and nonlinear plots.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):186-199 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Kolyarova A.
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article defines the empirical study of the details of the mental map of awareness and understanding of the body by personalities capable of self-designing activity and reflection of their own bodily experience. Given that bodily experience is largely unrecognizable by those who are somatically healthy and who do not pay due attention to their own body, the survey sample is formed from personalities for whom the health and beauty of the body is a necessary professional component or those, who are for many years engaged in sports activities, as well as personalities who have had external or internal injuries, which have become a barrier to full-fledged life, and, at the time of the study, have successfully undergone rehabilitation. The study of the content of the mental map of body awareness is provided by the implementation of the semantic differential method.
The scales of the semantic differential method are based on the results of the association experiment. The results of 200 studied by the created semantic differential method are subject to factor analysis, which resulted in the determination of twelve independent factors. In summary it has been observed that the mental map of body awareness by the personalities under study is rather broad and may consist of the following constructs of sensation and understanding: body controllability; its external characteristics; body accessibility to influences; variation body dynamics; body activity in maintaining health; body activity in developing new vital functions; positive feeling of own physicality; body insecurity in providing life; body activity in formation of the personality image; congruence of the body with self-perception; stability of the body in its perfection; insignificance of the body.
Key words: bodily experience, reflection of bodily experience, mental map of body awareness, self-designing of personality, semantic differential method.
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2.Tishchenko P.D. (1990) «Dano mne telo…» [«A body is given to me ...»]. Chelovek – Person, 3, 41–49 [in Russian].
3. Chepeleva N. V. (2016) Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u konteksti postneklasych noyipsykholohiyi [Self-designing personality in the context of post-class psychology]. Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori –Self-design of personality in a discursive space. Chepeleva N. V. (Ed.) Kyiv : Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 2(10):200-213 (pdf)