Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 23 – 2017

Abstracts and Information about Authors


Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 23 – 2017

Abstracts and Information about Authors



Moliako V. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The working conception of strategical and tactical overcoming of crisis scientific-educational problems (psychological aspects)

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the positions of working conception of the strategical and tactical overcoming of crisis scientific-educational problems, observes the most prioritative directions in the development of modern science, education and culture considering concrete social-economical conditions, citizens’ moral state, and psychological readiness for an essential overcoming of the negative challenges of the present essential overcoming. It is shown, that the main problem is the problem of psychological unreadiness of separate persons, collectives and society in general for the fast changes, for creative activity in new complicated conditions, for rational actions. The main purposes of science are given. The main of them is to support the level of development of science, allowing to forecast with advance and to solve the tasks of the country’s, society's, people’s development in the conditions of scientific-technical progress and everything related. A principally important aspect of the proposed program is that it is oriented on the development of creativity in each age level, in all spheres. The necessity of the creation of a special institute of creativity, innovative activity problems – of the development of supernew mental technologies, nonstandard task solving, an art of crisis’s overcoming and other is substantiated. For higher educational institutions it is proposed to work on the projecting of new professions in spheres of engineering, biology, medicine, interpersonal relations, an art of therapy and other. The main stress is put on the activity creative strategies’ and tactics’ formation, creative thinking of constructor, that is assumed by the developed system of creative potential’s diagnostics and creative training KARUS. Wide application of CARUS system in the educational process of schools, higher educational institutions for sure will facilitate the formation of the high level of personality’s readiness for all kinds of creative activity.

Keywords: the main problems of the present, psychological readiness, KARUS system.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23):6-13 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Alekseieva T. S.1, Moliako V. A. 2

1Clinic “Feofania”, Kyiv;

2H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The problems of implementation of psychological components to the diagnostic-therapeutic medical practice

Language: russian

Abstract: The article describes medical-psychological research of peculiarities of posttraumatic stress psychological mechanisms’ appearance and development, analyzes psychological components in the work with patients, categorized as crisis personalities, rubbed through some negative influences, leading to the activity disorders. Presents the types of reaction on traumatic stress, particularly the proposed classification of reacting on Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, in which six main types of people’s reacting considering the integration of subjective and objective factors of traumatic influence. In the article authors observe general features of dynamic panic, the reasons of its appearance, and mechanisms of its development describe main types of panic and its destructive consequences, connected with psychic deformations, physical and vivid psychological traumas, loss of efficiency, nervous diseases, breakdowns, disablement.

Keywords: medical-psychological research, Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, posttraumatic stress, panic, types of reacting, psychological help, crisis personality, work with patients.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 14-22 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Bedlinskyi O. I.

Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy

Analysis of speech reflection of existence through rhyme

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Based on the features of the poetic reflection of the world, the article presents an attempt to study consciousness as a process of interaction between mental and mollendo-reflex mappings. The native language is seen as a reflection of the consciousness of the people. The word is explained through glimpses of consciousness are fixed in the ideas connected with the word, as a result of oral reflex. The word is seen as an organ of reflection. In the process of poetic creativity, the writer touches the consciousness of the people. The analysis, which provides the poet relies on the unconscious, which is the consciousness of the people, exciting glimpses of consciousness of thousands of previous generations, recorded in the words of the native language, in the relationships between neurons are not identical neural relations of the images of perception. Regulation consciousness is the mental and mollendo-reflexive reflections, each of which separately may be accessible to consciousness only as the individual guesses and together can more effectively regulate the flow of mental representations in accordance with the requirements of active targeting, provide awareness of being. The mechanism of regulation is content in the field of consciousness one of the threads (mental or mollendo-reflex) due to the variability of another, for the permanent assimilation of DC and AC.

Keywords: reflection, hunch, image, consciousness, analogy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 23-33 (pdf)

UDC 159.955:387.147

Berezova L. V.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

To the question of tasks’ solving by students in complicated conditions

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the paper the methods and techniques of empirical research are given, the transformation process of solving by students constructive-technical tasks is described. In particular the three levels of analysis and transformation strategy of creative tasks solving depending on the predominant manifestation of analogy, combination and reconstruction strategies: algorithmic, prearranged creative, creative are determined. In complicated conditions for constructive-technical task solving (self-limiting and solving time, speed sketching, incomplete condition of formulated task, overload condition of task), thinking action of the analogy, in contrary to analogy or combinatorial, functioning during all process stages, it is not always urgently transformed into the thinking prevailing actions of each of them and therefore they are not transformed into the thinking prevailing trends, which reduce the number of existing thinking strategies. In some complicated conditions, prevailing thinking strategies are dominant at the stage of conception formation, at the stage of understanding the conditions of a task have the episodic character.

Keywords: creative activity; design thinking; constructive-technical task, thinking strategies of analogy, combination, reconstruction, transformation of strategy; complicated conditions.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 33-41 (pdf)


Borovytska O. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Epistemological psychology of creativity: the place and the role of pre-image

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The central problem of classic epistemology is a problem of construction of new knowledge. One of the actual tasks of the epistemological psychology of creativity is the role of pre-image as one of the profound mechanisms to regulate the creative-mental process. Finding out the essence of pre-image and necessity of its functioning in the epistemological psychology of creation we are, first of all, in search of its sources as its semantic filling. Pre-image as a form of experience is always structured and is seen as a cognitive structure. In the context of finding out the structural-functional essence of pre-image as a classified-conceptual unit of the epistemological psychology of creativity, separate research approaches are regarded to understand and realize the necessity of functioning of the concept of image in psychology and psychology of creativity in particular. The range of problems of constructivism as one of the scientific pre-conditions of the concept of pre-image in the creative-mental activity of the subject is considered to be vital as well as creative constructivism by V. О. Моliako, in particular, as an authorial version of understanding of constructivism approach in the psychology of creativity. It deals with enactivism as a new form of constructivism in epistemology, according to the position of О. М. Kniazeva. It is mentioned that in its conceptual limits, our theme also will be able to get an unconventional decision and will be regarded as a range of problems of the epistemological psychology of creation. The main foundation for our consideration is the understanding of the psychology of creativity as epistemological. Its central problem is the problem of constructing the new by means of the structural and functional participating of pre-image. Pre-image is regarded as one of the key concepts of the epistemological psychology of creativity and is considered as a fundamental structural form of the experience in its broad meaning.

Keywords: the epistemological psychology of creativity, pre-image, experience, mental image, constructivism, enactivism, creative process, unconscious.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 41-52 (pdf)


Vaganova N. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The synergic character of imagination’s displays in the processes of difficult objects’ perception by preschool children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the imagination’s displays in the processes of relatively difficult objects’ perception by preschool children are analyzed. It is known, that the kinds of perception can be conditionally divided on two groups: simple and difficult. The first group includes perception of integral objects and their qualities (form, color, size), perception of space, time, movement, in the perception of which the sensations take an active part. The second group includes difficult objects, namely: illustrations, texts, nature, music, human relations, in the perception of which thinking, memory and imagination take an active part. For each kind of perception there is a set of perceptive actions and etalons, which a child adopts in the images and verbal form, grounding on its previous experience. Gradually the development of perceptive process of a child is improved, enriched by new perceptive actions, etalons, vocabulary, complex organization of mental activity, coordination with other mental processes. In this article we observe the synergic character of imagination’s displays in the processes of relatively difficult objects’ perception, some part of such synergic displays, namely: when new image of an object dominates and lightly actualizes the images of imagination; when images of imagination move into first plane and displace in some extent the images of new objects, and when it concerns the dynamic balance achievement between images of imagination and images of perception. The author’s approach is based on the statements about including of imagination to the mental processes of new information’s perception, about leading role of creative analysis and interpretation in children, and actualization operational imagination, which is first of all based on available images, accumulated in child’s experience. That is we mean synergy of relatively autonomous processes of perception, memory (set) and imagination, which are actualized depending on the degree of novelty of a new object. These processes can be described in the paradigm of transformation of images while new tasks’ solving, when we consider the transfer from praimages to images-guidelines and leading images (V. O. Moliako).

Keywords: synergy of processes of perception and imagination, difficult objects, new information, preschool age.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 52-60 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Gulko Yu. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Regulative mechanisms of perceptive-mental strategy of new object’s construction by junior preschool children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: To the end of the 21-st century, the psychology of creative activity has ceased to be considered only as a part of general psychology and have started to gain general theoretical-methodological status, the main postulates of which are the statements about creative nature of human psyche. To the present moment, the clearly arranged methodological base was set. It allows observing cognitive processes from the viewpoint of creative activity’s strategic nature. Lately, the row of researches shows that not only in senior preschool children but even younger children, in the cognitive flow we can fix spontaneously appearing leading mental orientation to the searching of analogs, combining and reconstructing. This leading orientation may be called perceptive-mental strategy. Observation of children in the process of integral object’s construction using stimulus materials, given as «figure and background» gave us an opportunity to define the main regulative mechanisms of perceptive-mental strategy, which: function simultaneously, provide the dynamics of integral semantic and object construct’s creation, and they are indicators of strategy’s functioning. A Perceptive-mental strategy appears from the moment of external task’s accepted by the child. In the task, the common data are defined and the condition (task) transforms by analogy with a known example. In the process of task’s accepting the project as the main idea of construction is arising and developing. As far as the project being developed, the understanding of task’s condition by a child changes. The project is realized and transformed in the process of child’s object activity with stimulus materials. The project is indistinct, generalized, easily changeable because of its unformed structure, quickly modified under the influence of new visual stimulus, object actions and happening due to them actualization of previous experience and knowledge. Also, because of the project’s general diffuseness, it does not include concrete separate parts of stimulus material. That is why further project’s transformations are connected with recombining of construction’s parts. These parts, due to the experimental and playing actions, are united by new semantic correlations. The project changes also when object constructing has been finished. Children easily change not only the sense of the construction but also its appearance. The realization of intention (as the task’s solving) is also can easily be transformed and its final result mostly depends on the child’s loss of interest to such activity or on the feeling of satisfaction by the created construction. The transfer of constructing to the more difficult level is realized at the expense of playing and experimental actions of a child with stimulus material.

Keywords: creative perceptions, a transformation of the task’s condition, a transformation of a project, analogizing, visual and imaginative analogs.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 60-70 (pdf)

Danyliuk I. V. 1, Gresko V. V. 2

1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Psychological features of Ukrainian young ethnic tolerance

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Ethnic tolerance is an important factor in the social development of Ukraine, which helps to strengthen the state, political system, national unity, and it harmonizes vital functions of society. The integration of Ukraine is inevitably accompanied by difficulties in communicating the citizens who are the members of other ethnocultural communities. That is why the tolerance factor in the relationship is an important criterion for the implementation of the integration process in Ukraine. So the ethnic tolerance of Ukrainian society will strengthen the state, national unity, and harmonization of society. A very important task is to promote ethnopsychological competence and to create an installation on the ethnic tolerance in the mind of every citizen in Ukraine. The article deals with the concept of ethnic tolerance, its essence, and basic structural components. There are the main features and specifics of its manifestation. This empiric research determines the manifestation of ethnic tolerance of the Ukrainian youth, features of structural components of ethnic tolerance and their relationship. There was discovered the relationship of ethnic tolerance level with the ethnic individual identity. In the article, there is the problem of strengthening Ukrainian identity based on the ethnic formation of ethnic tolerance.

Keywords: ethnic tolerance, ethnic identity, ethnic prejudice, ethnic stereotypes, the Ukrainian youth.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 70-80 (pdf)

UDC 316.

Devis L. A.

SHEE «Donbass State Teachers Training University», Slovyansk

Features of development of collaboration with coevals in the conditions of psychical deprivation.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Analyzing the development of communication and the relationships between children in boarding schools, psychologists pay attention to significant deviations that occur in the earliest stages of ontogeny.The researchers assert that experience of communication is the main source that influences children and forms their attitude to the other people and themselves.Monitoring at boarding schools indicates a great need for communication and adults` friendly attitude to them adults.Analyzing the characteristics of communication and interaction of children with adults psychologists mention that children who are brought up in an orphanage differ in the development of communication with children who are brought up in the family. First of all, the orphans communicate quite differently with people they show increasing interest than children in adult family, but they are characterized by reduced activity in communicating with adults, by primitive desire to individual contacts, by poorly developed an interest in business cooperation. Business cooperation between a child and adult is very necessary to be analysed. Psychologists say that almost no child has a desire to work with adults, the desire to do something with him. Children are not trying to attract attention to his toys, to study them, to ask cognitive questions. During reading activity the orphans practically do not show any interest, they do not ask questions, do not express their points of view. Thus, the emerging commitment to adult and failure to establish a boarding productive cooperation and communication with people shows the child does not develop the desire to follow the steps of adults as a model, promoting` the absorption of child’s cultural achievements of mankind and its orientation in the environment.

Keywords: psychological deprivation, interrelation, communication, collaboration, children in boarding schools.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 80-88 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Dryhus M. T.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Conceptual paradigms of personal self-efficacy

Abstract: The article analyzes Bandura’s conceptual paradigm of self-efficacy. The self-efficacy sources in the context of reciprocal determinism of the social learning theory are determined. The concept of "own efficacy" is considered through the estimative projection. The importance of delimitation of such ideas as "expectation of efficiency" and "expectation of the result" in the continuum "personality - behavior - result" for self-efficacy understanding is emphasized. G.S. Kostiuk’s conceptual paradigm about the issues of becoming an effective person is described. The article concludes that the scientist initiated originally for the first time in the pedagogical and age psychology (both in national and foreign psychology) systemic studying of personal efficacy. The prospects of scientific researching of self-efficacy in the context of psychological security of a creative person, proposed by V. O. Molyako, are outlined.

Keywords: personality, development, self-development, efficacy, personality efficiency, self-efficacy, self-movement, psychic development, internal conditions, environment, determination.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 88-97 (pdf)

UDC 159.9:351.74

Klymenko I. V.

National Police of Ukraine, Kyiv

Interrelations of hardiness and self-organization components of cadets – would be law enforcement officers in the context of the psychological support program

Abstract: The article presents the findings of the empirical study of the relationship of interrelations of hardiness and self-organization components of cadets – would be law enforcement officers in the context of the psychological support program. Self-organization of the subject ensures achievement of the set goals and the construction of one's own life path. The concept of self-organization is extremely relevant for the training of cadets, as preparation for professional activities in the system of higher police education differs significantly from training in civilian higher institutions. Ability to self-organization is a necessary condition for effective management of personal time, which ensures the productivity of subjective strategies of activity and the success of personal and professional self-realization. The study found that among cadets who study in the context of a psychological support program, the individual components of self-organization of activity actualize all the components of the cadets' hardiness and its overall level. In the group of cadets studying under the regular program, self-organization of activity actualizes the separate components of their hardiness. Thus, the interrelationships of hardiness and self-organization components of the cadets included in the psychological support program testify to the need for further development of a psychological support program for the study of cadets aimed at optimizing hardiness in its interrelations with self-organization of activity.

Keywords: cadets, higher police education, hardiness, psychological support program, self-organization

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 97-105 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.63:128

Kovalenko-Kobylanska I. G.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Taking into account progressive increase in a proportion of people of post-retirement age in economically developed countries, a problem of realization of one's abilities during the period of gerontogenesis requires a decision with the aim of optimizing his or her psychological health. Purpose of the article is to focus attention on the possibility of developing the creative abilities of a person throughout the entire period of ontogenesis, including its final period - gerontogenesis. Of particular importance is the problem of realizing by people their abilities in the period of aging and old age, when the basic social expectations for the person are fulfilled by him or her with varying degree of success (child-rearing, professional fulfillment, etc.). In this period, incongruence between the biological life expectancy of a person and his or her social intenseness may arise, which negatively affects the formation of the self-image. According to the results of the research, it can be argued that at an older age, both the actualization of abilities and the realization of potential, which were not disclosed in previous periods of ontogeny, are possible. The article describes an experiment with the evidence base of the positive impact of the fulfillment of creative potential on optimization of the psychological health of the old and aging person and indirect improvement of interpersonal relations with their sociocultural environment.

Keywords: gerontogenesis, intelligence; intellectual development; creativity, mental health.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 105-112 (pdf)

UDC 159.92

Kostyuchenko Е. V.

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv

Perceptual principles of design as a creative activity in the industry of beauty and fashion

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the concepts of "design", "design in the industry of beauty and fashion" as a creative design of artistic activity, process and result artistic-technical design fashion products, is focused on achieving the complete compliance created for fashion objects and environments in General utilitarian and aesthetic needs of users, and a significant increase in the competitiveness of the fashion products. The place and the role of the creative and adaptive capacities of perception in design as a holistic and integrated technological and artistic development the objective of the complex and multifaceted reality, adaptation to changing conditions, in particular in the field of beauty and fashion, as well as discovering their own potential, worldview, worldview, tastes, and design positions. Special attention is focused on the fact that in the artistic-creative process design, creative perception and artistic perception is the basis of the creative combining of ideas, images, creative improvisation, when automatically commit the new object; the vision of the whole and the parts, the outer form and the inner essence of things, known to unknown, unknown to known, individual and universal in a single object. Noted that creative and aesthetic perception of the designer, full playback features of the perceived world design will attract the designer's creative activities and Vice versa in creative cognitive activity there is a new perception of the subject and social world.

Keywords: design, designer, beauty and fashion, creativity, perception, artistic perception, aesthetic perception.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 112-120 (pdf)

UDC 159. 954: 82

Kryvopyshyna О. А.

Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv

Developmental features of social intelligence of a creative person in adolescence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of the empirical research of psychological peculiarities of development of social intelligence of a creative person in adolescence, emphasizes the relevance of the study of the social intelligence as a necessary condition of life and life-creativity of a person in modern special conditions; the main research phases of development of social intelligence have been considered; the essence and the content of the concept of social intelligence have been specified and deepened; the existing interconnection of emotional and social intelligence has been clarified. According to the findings of the percentage and correlation analyses it has been proved that for creative personalities in adolescence a high level of development of personal creativity is typical, as well as a high level of development of communicative and organizational inclinations, a low and very low level of social frustration, developed abilities for empathy, which indicates the development of structural components of social intelligence.

Keywords: social intelligence, emotional intelligence, creative personality, personal creativity, empathy, social frustration, communicative and organizational inclinations.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 120-128 (pdf)

UDC 159. 954

Latysh N. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Research of perceptual and thinking strategies of creative construction in graphic activity of younger school children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the paper, the displaying of perceptual and thinking strategies of creative construction in a graphic activity of younger school children are analyzed. The research is conducted within the concept of creative perception of V. O. Moliako where creative perception is understood as a process (and its result), construction of subjectively new image which in the more or less considerable degree alters, peculiar modifies objects and phenomena of objective reality. Construction of graphic information is considered as a process of the solution of creative tasks where stimulating materials are geometrical figures and graphics of one and different quantity of points. During the pilot study, the features of formation of the solution conception of creative graphic tasks by younger school children are defined. It is shown that functioning of perceptual and thinking strategies of creative construction in a graphic activity of younger school children happens through the transformation of visions, beginning from a prototype by the solution image; the process of searching is organized and implemented by strategy (an analogy, combination, reconstruction).

Keywords: creative perception; younger school age; construction; graphic information; creative task; strategy tendency.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 128-136 (pdf)

UDC 159.9:331.101.3

Leshchenko O. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Cognitive-operative component of psychological readiness for professional activity оf a locomotive driver

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the features of the study of a cognitive-operational component of psychological readiness for the professional activity of an assistant driver and a locomotive driver. The indicated structural unit is disclosed in the sense of official duties, knowledge of techniques and methods for solving professional problems, the presentation of probable changes that may occur during the activity, readiness for emergency action. The cognitive-operational component reflects the presence of a system of knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as the ability to further improving and applying in the professional activity of a locomotive driver. The results of conducting research methods of the cognitive-operational component in two groups are indicated. The basic parameters of the research are defined: the reflection of abilities, actions, operations; the level of liability; rigidity level. On the basis of obtained results, the levels of formation of the component (low, medium, high) and their criteria in assistant drivers and locomotive drivers are distinguished. The features of the application of KARUS system creative training for the formation of the cognitive-operational component, which was divided into diagnostic and forming stages, are described. The complicated conditions of the forming stage (time restrictions, sudden bans, information insufficiency) are indicated. Qualitative and quantitative results of the KARUS system application for the formation of the cognitive-operational component in assistant drivers and locomotive drivers are presented.

Keywords: psychological readiness for professional work, the structure of components of psychological readiness for professional activities, cognitive-operational component, assistant driver, train driver, training, KARUS system.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 137-148 (pdf)


Lytvynchuk L. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Basic Methods and Construction Principles of Psychological Rehabilitation Program of Opioid Addicts

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article, the basic methods and construction principles of psychological rehabilitation program of opioid addicts are revealed. The article states that the construction of psychological rehabilitation system of opioid-addicted individuals has been conducted by the author of the article in accordance with the goals and objectives of the study, according to the data acquisition and based on the literature on psychological rehabilitation. In accordance with the carried out comprehensive study based on determining the cognitive, emotional, behavioral patterns of the investigated, analyzing structural characteristics, level of motivation, intelligence, emotional development, also taking into account the severity of disturbances, the range, and duration of chronic disease, the type of attitude to the disease, the principles of psychological intervention actions were established. Through group work, participants of the psychological rehabilitation program assimilated information faster because of the interactive process of learning, which enabled them to obtain information while discussing the strange moments, asking questions and consolidating knowledge obtained, building skills of behavior. This method promotes active participation, and the learning process itself becomes easier and more interesting, stimulating motivation to work. Counseling of drug addicts was conducted with the consideration of the symptoms of drug addiction, taking into account the content and structure of the current program of the patient’s recovery. The technology of psychological rehabilitation of opioid addicts has also relied on the transtheoretical model of behavior change, developed by American psychologists of the University of Rhode Island, J. Prochaska, and C. Di Clemente. The article presents the main therapeutic factors of the program.

Keywords: psychological rehabilitation program, motivational dialogue, systematic approach, the principle, therapeutic factors of the program, session.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 148-157 (pdf)

UDC 159.9.075

Maksom K. V.

Chernihiv National Technological University, Chernihiv

Individual features of the main participants of bullying in an adolescent age in the school environment

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study of individual characteristics and typical personality traits of the main participants in school bullying. Based on analysis of scientific sources, the notion of "bulling" is clarified and the main factors and forms of manifestation of this phenomenon are highlighted. According to the results of the research, the tendency of lowering the bullying frequency in the high school compared with the middle school, as well as changing the forms of the manifestation of the bullying. Revealed statistically significant differences between the typical personality traits of the main participants in school bullying. Based on these data psychological portraits of the main typical bullying members are compiled. The typical "victim" is inherent in such personality trait as sensitivity. This is manifested in the sensitivity, orientation towards the authority of a stronger personality, conformity, and the features of the dependence. In addition, "victim" is characterized by anxiety, manifested in timidity, insecurity, predisposition to obsessive fears and panic reactions. Besides, in such person, there is rigidity (propensity to pedantry and suspicion) and introversion (appetite in the world of subjective concepts and experiences, the tendency to withdraw into the world of illusions, fantasies and subjective ideal values, restraint, isolation). "Victims" often become physically underdeveloped individuals who have a good success in studying. Typical "aggressor" is characterized by such personality trait as aggressiveness, which most often manifests itself in active self-realization, stubbornness in defending their interests, a concretely pragmatic style of perception, a tendency to active self-affirmation contrary to the interests of others, tendency to conflict. In addition, "aggressors" are characterized by a low level of sensitivity and anxiety, manifested only with some caution in making decisions and incompleteness. These individuals are more often educated in incomplete families, are physically developed and often are unsuccessful in studying.

Keywords: bullying, school violence, teenage age, personality traits, individual characteristics.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 157-167 (pdf)

UDC 159. 928

Marchuk K. А.

I. Franko Zhytomyr state university, Zhytomyr

From psychology of Ivan Franko’s creation: influence of macro- and microenvironments on becoming of writer’s literary gift

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article exposes the features of an influence of macro- and microenvironment on becoming of a literary gift of Ivan Franko. A research eyepiece is sent to school and gymnasium periods that are illustrative in relation to a quality transformation of the biological making in a creative gift under the act of social environment. Frequent moves (change of social environment, a necessity to adapt to the new terms) assisted independence, quality education and a creative educational environment gave an intellectual resource and push to the writing of own works, out-of-school studies and communication assisted forming of creative worldview, a unique manner of the letter. The creative gift of the writer is formed on the basis of favorable biological pre-conditions – tenacious memory, developed imagination and fantasy, attentiveness (including to the details), observation, flexible thinking. However key role in the developing creative flairs, a transformation of them in a gift, played corresponding social terms (move, quality education, stay in a creative educational environment, an influence of reviewer persons and so). The successful combination of biological and social created terms for the development of talent as a unity of intellect, creation, and motivation. Stay in the creative environment of the gymnasium, school education, self-education – developed into Franko intellectual, literary capabilities, personality internals inherent to the creatively gifted personality – will, persistence, motivation to success and, that it is important – high industriousness and capacity.

Keywords: creation, gift, creative personality, making, capabilities, talent, genius, macro- and microenvironment.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 167-175 (pdf)

UDC [159.955+159.956]

Moiseienko L.A. 1, Vytvytska O. M. 2, Kulinich G.M. 3

1Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

2Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

3Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

Analogizing strategy as a mental mechanism of creative mathematical task’s solving

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article question concerning the psychological essence of the mental mechanisms of creative mathematical task’s solving are observed. The attention is accentuated on the presence of different types of mathematical task’s solving algorithms, that apriori reduces to the application of analogizing mental actions when new mathematical tasks’ solving. By the results of mathematical thinking researches’ analysis, the approach to its study through the analysis of dominating mental actions when the creative mathematical tasks’ solving have been defined. Analogizing is considered to be one of the mental tendencies in the creative mathematical thinking that often displays during the whole process of mathematical tasks’ solving. The authors distinguish three component processes: the process of understanding, the process of prognostication and approbation process, which contain their microstages. It has been ascertained, that analogizing actions can be met on each microstage of component processes of creative mathematical thinking and the analysis of analogies’ searching on each microstage of the components have been carried out. Actions on the analogy to the known etalons can favor the searching activity as well as interfere with it. It has been stated, that in some cases mental actions by the analogy become dominating mental tendencies and reduce the effectiveness of the searching process. It has been accentuated on the significance of subjective confidence in the quality of the gained result, in the ability of continuation of mental actions with the using of analogies. It has been proved, that in the case of domination of analogizing tendency during all component processes and the subject gains the subjective confidence in the correctness of his actions, such tendency transforms into the analogizing mental strategy.

Keywords: creative mathematical thinking, analogizing, mental tendency, mental strategy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 176-187 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.27 – 316.87

Moskalenko V. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The features of innovations in human creative activity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article psychological aspects of innovations are observed. Particularly, innovative activity, which means the realization of a new idea by a person, is analyzed as an essential side of creation. In that regard, the peculiarities of innovative activity are observed from the point of its structural components’ characteristics. It is underlined, that the ideals as an orientation of consciousness for future, which may be positive or negative that causes positive or negative characteristics of innovative activity, perform a system-creating function in the innovative activity’s structural components’ interaction. The peculiarities of innovative activity’s positive orientation, which is determined by the features of the historical situation and individual-psychological features of personality, are shown. It is underlined, that only positively oriented innovative activity, which is based on public interest, is able to define creation as a human essential characteristic. It is proved that understanding of social interest as the base of innovative activity put the task of development and realization of the morally oriented innovative activity programs’ formation as an important component of the human creative activity. The question of innovations in the connection with socialization is also covered in the article. Socialization is observed in the aspect of intergenerational interaction. The attention is paid to the differences in tasks, which interacting in society generations solve: older generation is intended to save established norms, and younger – to change these norms. By virtue of this, the socialization of society in general and socialization of an individual, in particular, is provided. It is emphasized, that innovation as a form of culture are an important factor of human socialization, particularly in youth age. The striving for the new of a young man is natural, caused by the biological program of development. It is explained first of all by his age peculiarities. In the article the features of the innovative phenomenon are also analyzed, its main indicators are defined; the main aspects of its research are described.

Keywords: creation, innovations, innovative activity, ideals, positive orientation, negative orientation, social interest, socialization, intergenerational interaction, «chaos», «order», «social inertia», «typical psychology», «destructive factors».

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 188-197 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.27 – 316.87

Moskalenko V. V. 1, Lavrenko O. V. 2

1H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The morality in the structure of «economically successful person» image’s characteristics in students’ youth

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article, the results of empirical research realized for the analysis of the features of «economically successful person» image’s moral component in students’ youth are presented. Empirical research has been realized on the sample of Kyiv higher educational establishments’ students. The content of research program is based on the methodological conception, in which the features of «economy» and «morality» integrity as a core component of structural characteristics of «economically successful person» image are revealed. Basing on the operationalization of the main methodological concept’s states, which was realized with the application of methodics for the analysis of personality’s moral features, the research indicators were distinguished: students’ notion about economically successful person; the estimation by students of legal legislation’s correspondence to the moral norms; the attitude of students to the moral norms’ following by personality in the sphere of economic activity; students’ notion about the reason of moral norms’ breach in human economic activity. Empirical research’s organization was realized according to the tasks of the distinguished indicators’ content defining. The research results indicated, that the main part of students’ youth connects human economic success with the moral norms’ following (79% of respondents consider, that business activity is possible only with moral means using). But some part of students considers that economic success can be achieved also on the assumption of moral principles and norms neglecting (2% declared positively, 35% - declared the probability of such possibility). The gained results confirm the reasonability of purposeful forms of moral education in the conditions of study in the institute of higher education.

Keywords: economically successful person, the image’s moral component, empirical research, «economy» and «morality» integrity, operationalization, indicators, concept, attitude, moral norms.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 197-211 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Musiiaka N. I.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ontogenetic dynamics of prognostic self-esteem as a determinant of pupils’ personal efficiency

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the experimental study of prognostic self-esteem as a determinant of pupils’ personal efficiency. The macro-genesis of prognostic self-esteem architectonics characteristic for pupils with different personal efficiency is described. The macro-genetic tendencies of prognostic self-esteem formation at different stages of ontogenesis are revealed. The decline in the adequacy of pupils’ prognostic self-esteem during the transition from primary to secondary school is marked; such decline indicates difficulties in an adaptation of pupils having high or average personal efficiency. The destructive tendencies of prognostic self-esteem formation at low-performing pupils of the junior and middle school age are determined. The experimental study has revealed that the dynamics of prognostic self-esteem of highly effective third-six form pupils have a unified profile. The decline inadequacy during the transition from primary to secondary school has been noted, indicating difficulties of adaptation of pupils having high personal efficiency. Prognostic self-esteem is clearly divided into three levels in the macro-genesis of middle-school pupils. The adequacy/inadequacy dichotomy is fractured also at five-form pupils having average personal efficiency, which testifies difficulties of the pupils’ adaptation. The destructive tendencies in prognostic self-esteem formation of low-performing pupils of junior and middle school age have been determined.

Keywords: genesis, determinants, ontogenetic dynamics, personal efficiency, personality, assessment, evaluative attitudes, self-esteem, prognostic self-esteem.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 211-218 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Panasenko N. M. 1, Gomonyuk V. O. 2

1H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Self-actualization as a factor in the professional self-fulfillment of the programmer

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of research aimed at identifying the features of self-actualization of the personality of the programmer as a factor in his professional self-fulfillment. It has been determined that programmers have significantly higher baseline self-actualization test scores, where their "excessive vital self-actualization" negatively affects the individual components of their professional self-fulfillment, both in the internal and in the professional field, which requires additional research. It was also found that for programmers inherent, as a rule, a high level of professional self-fulfillment. It has been determined that for programmers, as a rule, a sufficiently high level of professional self-fulfillment is inherent. It is revealed that the older the programmers, the higher their overall level of professional self-fulfillment and the level of self-actualization. Also, with the age their need for professional development increases, a project of their own professional development appears, the satisfaction of their professional achievements prevails, personal potential and abilities in the profession are revealed, and they become more independent as well as more autonomous. The effectiveness of programmers has a credible positive relationship only with the disclosure of personal potential and skills in the profession. But the internal motivation has a negative correlation with the achievement of their professional goals. That is, the higher the internal motivation, the less valuable it is for them to achieve the professional goals. It has been established that the higher the programmer's ability to live in the present time and to experience the present moment of his life in its entirety, the lower his self-efficiency, and the less the influence of external positive motivation on him. Also interesting is the relationship of self-esteem of a programmer with external negative motivation, namely: the higher the programmer's self-esteem, the less the impact on him has an external negative motivation. Constant production of new professional goals correlates positively with external positive motivation, and recognition of achievements of a specialist professional community - with external negative motivation, which also characterizes the expressed specificity of professional activity of programmers.

Keywords: self-actualization, programmer, professional development, self-fulfillment, professional self-fulfillmen.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 219-229 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Poddiakov A. N.

State University of Higher School of economics, Moskow

The creation of the objects for research behavior and thinking study: from the idea to the psychological experiment

Language: Russian

Abstract: In the article, the author's system of objects like toy-puzzle, which have been given for 3-year children, teenagers and adults for independent research, setting and solving of different problems, is presented. The environmental premises of constructive activity are described. Two main ways of the idea of the experimental object appearing are stated. The tasks of the research object design and «participant’s interface» development are worked out. The main principles of the experimental objects’ integral system are formulated. It is shown, that real objects in some important aspects are more optimal then virtual for psychological experiments, diagnostics, and estimation. It is stated, that in the difficult activity insight can be connected not only with the solving but also with the productive new problems’ setting – for the others and for oneself. Creative constructology is observed in the aspect of constructing of tasks for creative thinking: the traditional tasks, as well as the problem situations with an open beginning and the end and the research environments, giving the freedom of creation for a participant and the freedom of dialog construction between them and the researcher.

Keywords: creative constructology, experimental objects, idea appearance, insight, creative dialogue.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 230-248 (pdf)

UDC 159.9:378(043)

Podshyvailov F. M.

Institute of a gifted child of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv

Theoretical justification of the personality’s motivational sphere model

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents a generalized definition of the concept of the personality’s motivational sphere as the center of the personality space, where all personal characteristics, determining the character of motivational processes defining the direction, ensuring stability and integrity of the personality, intersect. The necessary and sufficient criteria for constructing a model of the motivational sphere of the individual are identified: ontogenetic sequence, level of awareness (on the scale unconscious - consciousness), innateness - acquisition and functionality. The model of the personality’s motivational sphere is grounded, including the orientation (as a system of innate inclinations, prerequisites, definite landmarks that provide a general orientation in the environment), mobilization (as a system of makings fixed at the level of character, individual style of activity, ensuring the stability of the individual's vital activity) actualization (as actualization of potential capabilities of the individual in the process of educational and cognitive activity) and implementation (system of values, meanings, philosophical positions, realizing the human personality and ensuring its sustainability in the behavior, actions, activities) components, sequentially passing one into another and forming a four-stroke cycle.

Keywords: motive, motivation, motivational sphere of personality, model of motivational sphere of personality, need, personality direction, values, value orientations, world view, axiomatic approach.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 248-263 (pdf)

UDC 159.937

Podshyvailova L. I. 1, Shepelova М. V. 2

1Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

2H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Perceptive-mental strategy as a property of personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article presents theoretical review of the scientific literature on the problem of the defining of the notion «perception» and its properties (selectivity, structuredness, intelligence, objectivation, nonlinearity, adequacy, syncretisity, constancy, integrity). Basing on the analysis of the dictionaries and literature on psychology of creativity, we define the main functions of the strategy: it defines the subject’s readiness for creative activity, streamlines the processing information, allows to estimate the timeliness of actions, vectors the creative activity’s realization, distinguishes certain information from the general informational flow, vectors the interpretation of information, defines the orientation for future, ranges the purposes’ hierarchy, defines the vector of searching, the direction of tasks solving. We consider the perceptive-mental strategy as a property, directing the personality on the achievement of harmony with the surrounding in the process of their interaction. It integrally defines the ability of personality for creative activity, orients her for the successfulness of the decision making and realization in the process of tasks’ performance, vectors the interpretation, understanding of information, in the sequel it is realized in the constructive activity, orients a personality for future. The perceptive-mental strategy favors the constructive solving of contradictions between the available knowledge and experience and new demands of actual situation, what makes its creative character. The perceptive-mental strategy as a property of personality defines its individual-psychological peculiarities.

Keywords: perception, apperception, properties of perception, strategy, the functions of strategy, perceptive-mental strategy, creation, the property of personality, individual-psychological peculiarities of personality.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 263-277 (pdf)

UDC 159.92

Poklad I. N.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Historical and psychological transformation problems of development of the individual abilities in the scientific heritage of local psychologists

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article, the scientific fittings are systematized for problems of capabilities, the psychological features of the development of capabilities. It traces the path of development of the concept of the theory of L. S. Vygotsky and his follower’s theoretical developments to date. It is noted that the psychological heritage G. S. Kostiuk phenomenon of «ability» was seen as «universal essential properties common to all people», and thus be an integral component of the development problems and the formation of a growing personality. The theoretical and practical problems of development of abilities in the works of S. L. Rubinstein, in which scientists argued that the ability of a person - it is the various manifestations of his ability to assimilate knowledge and achievements of human culture, to study and work in which they are formed. When covering historically two opposing points of view on the nature of abilities, «hereditary» and «social». Results of research devoted to the study of the characteristics of general and special abilities analyzed the category of giftedness and talent. Proved that ability cannot be regarded as a simple property. This peculiar combination of the relatively stable range of mental property rights, which leads to the possibility of successful fulfillment of certain activities. However, the synthesis of specific properties is not permanent and unchanging.

Keywords: capabilities, making, gift, talent, genius, terms of development of capabilities.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 277-287 (pdf)

UDC 159.9 : 316.6

Presniakova L. V.

Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Kyiv

Structural and dynamic model of border guard inspectors competence in professional communication

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Structural and dynamic model of border guard inspectors competence in professional communication, based on the theoretical analysis has been developed and proved by the author. The impact of psychological characteristics of professional activity and professional communication on the personality of a specialist and professional activity requirements for the competence of border guard inspectors have been highlighted. It has been shown that the model comprises the communicative, interactive and perceptive competences in professional communication, while each of them consists of cognitive, personality and behavioral components. The cognitive component is determined by the inspector’s available knowledge and skills, the personal component is defined by psychological qualities necessary for successful professional communication, the behavior one is specified by the available skills of professional communication. It has been revealed that communicative, interactive and perceptive competences are based on appropriate knowledge, skills and personal qualities of specialist personality. The content of notions which were used to define the structural elements of the model has been clarified; their connection with the psychological characteristics of professional activity and professional communication has been emphasized. The influence of professional communication competence level upon the professional activity competence level has been indicated; the impact of results of inspector’s professional communication on the results of his professional border guard activities has been characterized.

Keywords: professional communication, knowledge, skills, personal qualities, communication competence, communicative competence, perceptive competence, interactive competence.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 287-296 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Sardarzade S.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Evaluation the emotional schemas of people with anxiety disorders

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This study intends to evaluate the emotional schemas of people with anxiety disorders. In fact, emotion schemas, an organized set of principles or content of thought, are defined as a person’s emotions, goals, memories, and behavioral tendencies interconnection. Emotional schemes are created by the interplay between the initial learning history of the individual and innate temperament. Emotion schemas are activated through the influence on the way the persons interpret the life events and react to these events. Totally 109 patients with various types of anxiety disorders which consulted psychologists and psychiatrists (in public and private centers) in Tehran were selected by random sampling method. Emotional Schema questionnaire of Leahy, statistical analysis of variance and Tukey method was used to review the results. The results showed that schemas of sensibility, sense of guilt, higher values, controllability, rationality, consensus with others, acceptance of feelings, blaming others in emotional schemas are significantly different in different types of anxiety disorders. Emotional schemas are a new method for different types of anxiety disorders diagnosing.

Keywords: cognitive schema, emotional schema, cognitive-behavioral therapy, anxiety disorders.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 297-304 (pdf)

UDC 316.6:364.04

Syla T. І.

Chernihiv National Technological University, Chernihiv

Psychosocial support of combatants and their family members: community resources

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of opportunities that opens the community level in the issues of reintegration of combatants, psychosocial support of ATO veterans' families, as well as coverage of the experience of applying socio-psychological practices in mobilizing community resources. The psychological, social, and organizational resources of the community that may be involved in the professional activities of social workers are considered. As a methodological tool for mobilizing resources, social workers are offered a three-level concept of empowerment (psychological, social, political level). The possibilities of social mapping as a practice of transforming problems into resources at community-level are revealed. Reflections of social workers and psychologists involved in the practices of psychosocial support to war veterans and their families at the community level are presented together with the possible implications for the social workers’ capacity development. It is concluded that for effective community-based professional activity, a social worker needs to attract powerful resources: to take into account motivational factors; jointly with the clients identify problems and priorities, bring them to the level of collective awareness; demonstrate to the community the prospects for its development; to convince the importance of involving the community in the decision-making process and the ability to influence government decisions; apply novelty approaches; motivate community residents for a common socially useful activity; establish trusting relationships; interact with mass media, public organizations, local authorities, informal structures in the community (neighbors, interest groups, etc.).

Keywords: psychosocial support, community, resources, empowerment, combatants, social mapping, professional activity of social workers.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 304-312 (pdf)

UDC 159.937

Tretiak T. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Psychological features of pupils’ mental activity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The role of information’s structural-functional analysis in mental activity of different age groups’ pupils is figured out. The functioning of main thinking operations is observed: classification, generalization, comparison on the principle of analogy; the main thinking processes: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstracting, and their role in the pupil’s productive thinking successfulness providing. The dominative functioning of the appropriate mental process from the set of mental processes is grounded, which make the base of pupil’s mental development, according to certain age level (perception, memory, thinking, imagination). The attention is paid on the importance of including to the pupils’ studying content the mastering of instrumental knowledge, of the means of the generalized cognition experience’s important elements’ logical rationalizing, that is didactically preceded inherent to the modern science generalized means of reality’s analysis. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics and instruments of such significant aspect of mental development, as information processing, are analyzed. The specifics of pupils’ mental activity development in the process of tasks solving, connected with the overcoming of a problem, transformation, new information processing or searching, constructing of the searched instrument of its solving, particularly, in new different complicated conditions is described. The question concerning the formation of pupil’s preparedness for new information perception is discussed. The main determinants of inadequate information units’ construction and their system-creative function in the wrong reflection of structural-functional features of the construction elements in the process of task solving project’s formation are analyzed.

Keywords: thinking, perception, information, task, constructing, strategy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 312-323 (pdf)

UDC 159.937

Tretiak T. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Creative perception of reality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The contribution of scientific heritage of Medvedeva N. V. to the psychology of creativity is grounded. Her scientific works, devoted to the research of pupils’ perceptive-mental activity are analyzed. The authors conceptual model of idea’s formation process, she had developed, is observed. The diagnostic and developing potential of the authors’ methodic “Creative kaleidoscope”, the possibility of this methodic means’ realization with the purpose of artistic project’s transformation in the process of junior pupils’ pictorial activity, stimulation of their creative abilities’ development are analyzed. The main concepts about the features and tendencies of artistic work’s creative perception by pupils, the results of creative perception’s experimental study are given.

Keywords: image, project’s transformation, perceptive-mental strategies, information, task, constructing, creation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 324-328 (pdf)

UDC 159.92

Yavorska-Vetrova I. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Self-attitude in the structure of personal self-consciousness: an analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the theoretical analysis of the «self-attitude» concept in the context of the researches of a person’s self-consciousness structures. In particular, B. G. Ananiev’s views on "transfer" as a mechanism for forming of attitudes toward oneself, defined by them as "reflexive properties of personality traits", are discussed. P. R. Chamata’s analysis of cognitive, volitional and emotional components of an attitude towards oneself in positive and negative modalities is highlighted. The multidisciplinary approach of I. I. Chesnokova is examined; she distinguished three components of self-consciousness - self-knowledge, emotional value attitude and self-regulation - and carried out a thorough theoretical study of each of them. The idea of I. I. Chesnokova has stressed that a person’s adequate conscious and consistent emotional-value attitude to him/herself is the central part of his/her inner psychic world, ensuring its unity and integrity, reconciling the person’s internal values concerning him/herself. V. V. Stolin’s research of three emotional dimensions: self-esteem, auto-sympathy, proximity to oneself (self-interest), laying in the basis of the self-attitude macrostructure as an emotional and appraisal system and integrated into a general feeling of a person’s positive or negative attitude towards him/herself, is analyzed. There are three levels of self-attitude according to the degree of its generalization. Attention is drawn to such aspect of self-attitude as the «expected attitude of others», as well as to mechanisms of self-attitude stability protection.

Keywords: self-consciousness, self-attitude, self-determination, self-image, self-knowledge, emotional-value attitude to oneself, personal sense of Self, self-esteem, auto-sympathy, self-interest.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 329-337 (pdf)

UDC 159.923

Yatchuk M. S.

Institute of criminal-executive service, Kyiv

The creative potential of the personality of the employees of the State Criminal Execution Service of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of creativity and implementation of the creative potential of the personality of the employees of the organs and penitentiary institutions. The significance of creativity for the professional activity of employees in the conditions of organs and penitentiary institutions of is proved. The following indicators are used to assess the creativity of the personality of the employees of the State Criminal Execution Service of Ukraine: creative thinking, curiosity, originality, imagination, intuition, emotionality and empathy, a sense of humor, and a creative attitude to the profession. The level of development of separate indicators of creativity of employees of organs and penitentiary institutions is investigated, namely: creative thinking, curiosity, originality, imagination, intuition, emotionality and empathy, sense of humor, creative attitude to the profession. The directions of development of creativity of employees of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine in the course of service: development of motivation of professional activity; assessment of own creative possibilities; the development of a desire to find a new job while solving the problems of professional activity; development of predisposition to the justified risk; development of the ability to assess and predict situations; development of ability to solve problem situations; the development of psychological readiness for unexpected situations that arise in the process of performing official duties and require new approaches to their solution. It is noted that the results of the conducted research indicate the need to develop and implement a holistic program for updating the creative potential of the personality of the employees of the organs and penitentiary institutions.

Keywords: creativity, creative potential, creative qualities, creative thinking, curiosity, originality.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 12(23): 337-345 (pdf)