Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 22 – 2016

Abstracts and Information about Authors



Moliako V. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Polyphonic transformation of H. S. Kostiuk’s scientific school

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Creative work and creative personality of H. S. Kostiuk without any doubts may be determined without any artificial complimentarity, hyperbolization by the highest in our science dimensions and definitions. But, unfortunately, as it not often happens, our honor to the genius is too late, sometimes even from long term after they finished their life trip on this side of being. And we have to say, that we have not yet reached that level of scientific culture, when we can adequately esteem our outstanding teacher, strategist and master in mysterious spheres of psychology, brilliant tactic in everyday life, in which he made a real exploit, fantastic action – creation of the Institute of psychology – scientific steamer, which sailed from the shore of kyiv-pechersky steeps and vent by the Dnieper, and further by the seas and oceans of creative cognition of human souls, human universe. Yes, it was not multilevel liner-titanic, but it due to its captain avoided a lot of icebergs, which rose in all times on its way. To esteem adequately a real H. S. Kostiuk’s scientific-organizational exploit, we may adequately analyze that time period, in bounds of which our Institute as a scientific establishment was created, gaining without any overstatement the successes, significant even to this day theoretical and experimental results. It is enough to say, that namely inside the Institute have grown and found their place in our science’s history such scientists, as P. R. Chamata, Y. E. Synytsa, A. T. Hubko, E. A. Mylerian, N. E. Malkov, L. N. Prokolyenko, A. V. Skrypchenko, A. M. Holdberh, E. I. Kulchytskaia, B. A. Fedoryshyn, E. I. Mashbyts, H. A. Ball and many other known researchers.

Keywords:: Institute of psychology, personality of a scientist, H. S. Kostiuk’s main works.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22):6-13 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Alekseieva T. S.1, Biedniy V. V.2, Moliako V. A.3

1Clinic “Feofania”, Kyiv;

2Clinic “Feofania”, Kyiv;

3H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Medical-psychological questions of the crisis personality’s creative health diagnostics (in ambula¬tory and clinical regimens)

Language: russian

Abstract: It is in much a triviality to underline the tendencies of growth of traditional and some kind of new diseases in the second half of XX and the beginning of XXI century. It particularly regards, as it is well known, cardiovascular, oncologic and neuropsychic diseases. We may speak specifically about the last, which in specialists’ opinion substantially determined, in addition, by the avalanche-type growth of audial and visual signals of different character, scale and intensity (informational stress, as a result of informational redundancy-randomness, and informational deficit of concrete data, knowledge, hints). For all that, unfortunately, we may without exaggeration state, that modern medicine, as in general and in its separate fields did not develop yet adequate means not only treatment, but diagnostics of “informational diseases”, which provoke crisis and even catastrophic short and long-term states of great amount of people – potential and real patients of a clinic. Our common complex research of medical workers and psychologists is directed, in particular, on the search of methodics of diagnostics and rehabilitation namely such patients. In this article we may speak in first tern about personality’s psychological safety and searching of certain methodics of its creative health diagnostics.

Keywords:: creative health, psychological safety of personality, the types of reacting on informational signals.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 14-22 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Barchi B. V.

Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo

The phenomenon of "readiness" in the structure of the psychologist’s professional activity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The phenomenon of "readiness" is considered in modern interpretation by native and foreign psychologists in the article. The content field of preparedness has been defined as directivity and professional directivity of the individual to professional activities. The content and the structural components of psychologist’s readiness to professional activity (motivational, cognitive, operational, emotional, communicative, and estimated) have been disclosed by the author. It has been specified the place and role of volitional qualities in the structure of psychologist’s readiness for activity: purposefulness; self-control and patience; persistence; determination; independence; self-criticism. The factors, that determine professional identity, have been singled out. They are: value orientation; professional competence; professionally important qualities; awareness of the profession prestige and others. The possibilities of psychologist’s readiness for professional activities have been outlined. Their aim is to develop professional ideology (professional consciousness formation) and professional direction (mastery of the necessary system of knowledge, skills, technology, professional activity); to disclose the personal and professional reserve (opening of professionally significant personal qualities, humanity, and subject-to-subject and poly-subject interactions, the ability to professional identification).

Keywords:: readiness, psychologist, psychologist’s professional work, readiness factors.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 21-30 (pdf)

UDC 159.9:61

Bedlinskyi O. I.1, Bedlinskyi V. O.2

1Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy;

2Bogomolets national medical university, Kyiv

The student’s sensuous intuition development in the process of studying

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the intellectual and sensuous levels of intuition, the impact of different levels on the quality of resolution of creative tasks by the first and fifth year students of medical university. The sensuous intuition is regarded as the most powerful mean of medical diagnostics. The absence of essential changes of attitude of formal and figurative answers (according to the results of control task resolution) of the first and fifth year students with the correctness of resolution of other medical issues and logic capability tasks was revealed. The absence of attitudes changes certifies that accumulation of theoretical knowledge without the necessary ascent from abstract to particular in the process of practical activity of a doctor influences little the development of intuition. In the process of establishing different diagnoses the thought streams can pass on different structural levels of intellectual organization, each of them may have own system of evaluation of the correctness of established connections, relations and generalizations, but then it is necessary to bring everything to a common standard (after the word there should appear conscious image and after the image – a word).Without the strategic organization, thought streams may be spontaneous, it is often observed a steep downfall to the level of non-differentiated images of intuition and incremental upraise, which often does not reach the upper levels of logical. Strategic organization of thought streams provides opportunity to enter the necessary intellectual level for task resolution. Intellectual intuition, sensuous intuition.

Keywords:: candidate of psychological sciences, the thinking of the doctor, the creative thinking, senior lecturer in psychology.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 31-39 (pdf)

UDC 159.955:387.147

Berezova L. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Functioning of thinking tendencies of students at the decision constructive-technically tasks in the conditions of deformation of tasks maintenance

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the paper the application of methods of information insufficiency and information oversaturation at the decision by students of constructive-technical tasks is considered. These methods, artificially slowing down search actions, have allowed to get more deeply into the thought process of students directed to the solution of constructive tasks and have allowed to track on the content of search actions of students, transformation of their thinking tendencies in the conditions of deformation of maintenance of a task. Transformation of the surpassing thinking tendencies in thinking stragies of an analogy, combination and reconstruction ware observed in all three levels: low, average and high.

Keywords:: task, constructive-technical problem, tasks solution, transformation of strategies.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 40-55 (pdf)


Vaganova N. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Integral world picture’s formation in senior preschoolers in the process of cognitive activity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article is devoted to the research of integral world picture’s formation in senior preschool age children. The integral world picture’s formation is a necessary premise of preschool age child’s personality development and it is determined by its cognitive processes’ active development and subjective world image’s origin. Specifics of world image’s formation in 5-6 years children may be displayed in correlation with the features of child’s self-image and reveals through the sensory experience’s gradual acquisition, cognitive interest’s development, in the base of which lays surrounding reality’s emotional-value perception, mediated through child’s personality experience. Building its’ world picture, a child devises, invents, imagines, gains a willing somehow to explain and normalize surrounding world. The integral world picture’s formation is connected with the development of preschoolers’ cognitive interests through the solving of following tasks: perceptive development, cognitive-research and constructive activity’s development, integral world picture’s formation in children. Criterion of true formation of the world image is an activity, which favors the maximal realization of its needs and abilities by a child in the process of surrounding world’s cognition and transformation. Thus, in a game, as leading kind of child’s activity, and in cognitive-artistic activity forms the ways of child’s interaction with the world, with other people, reveals the ways of child’s relation to the surrounding reality expression. The complex of psychological-pedagogical conditions, oriented on the world image’s formation in children, are the integrity of playing, cognitive and artistic activity, in so doing each of them plays certain role in the process of world image’s picture formation in 5-6 years children.

Keywords:: perception, world picture, cognitive activity, cognitive interest, perceptive development, senior preschool age.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 55-62 (pdf)

UDC 159.99

Ventsyk O. V.

Lviv state university of internal affairs, Lviv

Understanding of psychological ethics by Julian Ochorowicz

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of Julian Ochorowicz’s views on ethics – ukrainean-polish scientist, leading representative of philosophic and social opinion of the polish positivism epoch, philosophy doctor, docent of psychology and philosophy of nature, whose activity falls on the first part of 19 century and the beginning of 20 century. The scientist is an author of the project about scientific ethics, which consists of three parts: descriptive and normative ethics, that together form ethology (theoretical part of ethics, in which the connection of these parts of ethics is reflected, providing theoretical question about the acceptance and rejection of general norms), and ethoplastia, the function of which is the appliance of theoretically stated norms in practice. In new ethics’ development Ju. Ochorowicz tries to give a particular meaning to it. Ethics directly and effectively influences on social life, that is why the author makes the detailed definition of the object of interest of certain parts of scientific ethics, which reflect in its structure the reachness of moral rules, principles, able in turn to regulate the social behavior. This field has important theoretical and practical tasks. It has to bring knowledge about moral events, to form the norms of behavior, and to teach to apply them in real life. Ju. Ochorowicz the support for ethical programs sees in psychological knowledge about a human that may alow to make ethics closer to practice and to have a real influence on moral sets of society. The program of Ju. Ochorowicz’s scientific ethics is presented in the work “Method in ethics”.

Keywords:: Julian Ochorowicz, psychology, ethics, morality, descriptive ethics, normative ethics, ethology, ethoplastia.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 63-70 (pdf)

UDC 159.937.53

Hermanovych O. R.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Modern psychological concepts of personal lifetime organization

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of the current state research of time problem in psychology, considered psychological concepts of the personal lifetime and activity organization, time-spatial characteristics of valuable relationship of the individual with the world within a lifetime, described levels of existential space in which a person performs temporal functions. From the standpoint of system-structural approach, modern researchers attempted to relate the objective and subjective personality time, while the other approaches detached from each other or opposed to each other. As a result of researchers theoretical and empirical study was formulated a central concept expresses the specifics of this area of research – the concept of personal time organization – a time of life and work, which in turn allows us to generalize conscious and unconscious, intuitive and emotional methods of time regulation, which was faced by researchers of personal time organization activities, and consider diverse typological nature of the organization. Modern scientists conceptual model (personal time organization, discrete-junction structure lifetime, transspective as the ability to integrate time psychofractial concept of the creative person), allowing generalize and deepen the knowledge of the peculiarities of temporal-spatial characteristics of the personal life activity and creativity.

Keywords:: personal time, attitude to life, lifeline, life perspective, transspective, life incident, chronotop, S Fram, psychofractial matrix.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 70-81 (pdf)


Gresko V. V.

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv national university, Kyiv

Perfectionism and self-actualization as a major factors in doctor`s activity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article examines the role of the professional category of factors, seniority and sexual features in the forms of perfectionism and self-actualization. A comparison of features of perfectionism and self-actualization of men and women gave the following results: women have significantly higher than typical total perfectionism, also had a significant difference between the performance of self-actualization of men and women – in male rates are higher. It studied the changes that occur in the structure of perfectionism and self-actualization of increasing seniority. Defined the relationship that may exist between experience and perfectionism and self-actualization. Group studied with long experience have higher rates of self and overall lower rates of overall perfectionism. Done comparisons with perfectionism and self-actualization for doctors with different skill categories. Arguably, gained experience and expertise, having learned the rules of professional activity, man attains quite good results, becomes aware of itself as a profession, assert it, to improve themselves according to the requirements set by the leading activity.

Keywords:: perfectionism, self-actualization, doctors, subject-oriented perfectionism, object-oriented perfectionism, socially imperative perfectionism, gender, experience, qualification category, professional activity.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 81-90 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Gulko Yu. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

New knowledge constructing by preschool children in the process of subject image perceiving

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the process of new knowledge constructing by junior preschool children the main function is executed by perceptive and representational mental processes, which proceed in the inseparable stream integrity. This allows applying the notion “perceptive-mental strategy” concerning junior preschool children mental activity. With the purpose of children’s new knowledge constructing research subject images were used. The sample contains 3-4 years children with high and average level of speech development. It is defined, that perceptive-mental strategy regulating mechanism displays on such levels of new knowledge construction: general integral picture perception and conjecture as an initial diffusional understanding of the depicted sense; spontaneous division by a child of several concrete picture’s fragments (as images) and representational experimenting with them, which proceeds as their integration by semantic connections and destruction of semantic connections between them, division with the help of an adult of new, not being noticed at the first stages of perception, picture’s fragments-images, that causes break of earlier created semantic constructions; acceptance of semantic guideline, given by a child and formulating of new hypothesis in the form of fuzzy unclear knowledge; confirmation of hypothetic knowledge in the process of object-practical experimenting; verbalization of new knowledge in the form of connected text as a final stage of their constructing.

Keywords:: perceptive-mental strategies, strategic regulation, new knowledge construction, child experimenting, junior preschooler.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 90-98 (pdf)

UDC 159.923

Ivashkevych E. Z.

Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Socio-cultural approach as a fundamental one to determine the structure of social intellect of a teacher

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of concept of «intellect». It is outlined as a peculiar system of mental mechanisms which determine the possibility of constructing by the individual a subjective view of the world. We describe the content of socio-cultural approach as a fundamental one to determine the structure of social intellect of a teacher. The author’s conception of social intellect shows us that this intellect includes cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic structures. It was shown that cognitive substructure of social intellect involved a set of fairly stable knowledge, assessment, rules of interpretation of events, human behavior, their relationships, etc. Social intellect is based on the existing system of interpretation on micro-structural and macro-structural levels. The content of these levels was detailed. We emphasized that mnemonic component of social intellect of the person described the presence of the ability to interpret events, life events, behavior of others and their own as the subject of these events. Mnemonic substructure is based on the personal experience of the subject, where subjective statistics constitute personal interpretive complex. In this article the structure and peculiarities of emphatic component of social intellect were described. Emphatic component of social intellect is largely dependent on what shape of the behavior the person chooses as a priority that he / she expects his / her business associated with the complex of interpretative value in relation to the world of the person. Emphatic component of social intellect is also dependent on what the person expects from other subjects of interpersonal interaction, what valuable interpretative complex of relation to the surround world it was formed inside the person, what possibilities the subject has when we tell about the usage of anticipation mechanisms in solving various problems of professional and social life.

Keywords:: intellect, social intellect, socio-cultural approach, cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures of social intellect.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 99-107 (pdf)

UDC 159.920.7:[965-12]

Ivashkevych I.V.

Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Readiness of the person to perform professional activity and the development of a professional competence of a specialist

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of readiness of a person to perform professional activity from the point of view of his/her subposition to take part in this kind of the activity. The author of the article outlined structural components of readiness of a specialist to perform professional activity. This readiness was shown as a professional integrative personal socially-psychological quality, which could be interpreted at the level of values, at the level of axiological characteristics of a person. The author of the article described the content of aspects of a professional competence of a person: a semantic aspect, a problem-practical aspect and also a communicative aspect. It was indicated that a semantic aspect provided adequate understanding of the situation in a more general socio-cultural context, in the context of multicultural understanding, attitudes, evaluations, meanings. It was emphasized that a problem-practical aspect of a professional competence of a person was provided adequate recognition of the situation, adequate formation of goals and effective implementation of the objectives and tasks in professional activities. It was shown that the communicative aspect involved a productive dialogue in situations of social and cultural content with the purpose to support intercultural communication and interaction. The article also deals with the problem of a structure of professional competence of a specialists in different fields of professional activity. Psychological conditions of the development of professional competence of students at vocational schools were analyzed. The content and the structure of psycho-acmeological researchers of professional competence of specialists were shown.

Keywords:: professional competence, professional activity, professional readiness of a specialists to perform professional activity, a semantic aspect, a problem-practical aspect, a communicative aspect.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 107-117 (pdf)

UDC 616+159.9:656.13

Kabantseva A. V.

The State Institution “Scientific practical medical rehabilitating diagnostic centre of the ministry of health of Ukraine”, Konstantinovka

Medico-psychological problems of motor transport medicine

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The role of human factor in a quick complicacy of engineering system administration has been increasing lately faster than the scientific rationale of machines exploitation experience in a modern information technological flow. A high price of human’s mistake in the system of automobile transportation is the largest problem, because the number of died and injured people is increasing in a geometrical progression. This article is devoted to the motor transport medicine problems and legal regulation of psychological follow-up guarantee for professional drivers. Given details have statistics of road transport accidents in some countries, analysis of our legislative framework and how to manage road-traffic safety. There are also examples of some European countries’ experience where we can see adequate mechanisms of accident risk decreasing for 25-45 % (Germany, Poland) empiric research оf professional drivers' medico-psychological checkup was presented. Cognitive-knowing sphere abnormalities have been found nearly in all the patients, psychophysiological processes disorders; person’s disadaptation qualities have been defined. Taken results have proved the necessity to include psychological examination into the medical checkup; our legislation system is in a great need of improvement to the European standards level. The main condition to improve the quality of the professional selection is to form a state control on a centralized basis system for road-traffic safety. To solve the problems of motor transport medicine, it is important to prepare personnel, to be more precise, to introduce a new specialty “transport psychologist”.

Keywords:: road-traffic safety, drivers, reliability, human factor, medico- psychological control, psychodiagnosis, motorcar accidents preventive measures.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 117-125 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Kirichenko V. V.

Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr

Theoretical-methodological conceptualization of the idea of inclusive society

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The central and main ideological trend of western culture is the recognition of the equality of every member of the community in their rights, opportunities, responsibilities in an environment that accepts everyone and open to dialogue and even different people. Philosophy inclusive society based on understanding differences between people who adjusted interchange system, help solve problems, work on projects, establish relationships, build a common future. In some situations, we solve task of everyday life, along with other members of the community and gender, religious, national, ethnic, professional role position does not affect their positive solution. The ideas of inclusive education, professionaliza¬tion and quality integration of persons with disabilities in the social environment in today's socio-cultural conditions discord with the prevailing stereotypes about the elderly. During the years of soviet history role-relationship to disabled people, has created a system of specialized schools, which in turn formed the specific public attitudes towards people with disabilities. In this we see the difficulties of implementing inclusive education programs, which to date have declarative. The number of persons injured during the counterterrorist operation, which makes the state look for ways to not only maintain this category of people, which is very humiliating, but also give the opportunity to support themselves. The solution we see a role in changing attitudes towards persons with disabilities to seek a role-realization of people with disabilities in various social spheres.

Keywords:: inclusive environment, social role, social adaptation, role atrophy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 125-133 (pdf)

UDC 159.924.7

Kishakevich І. Т.1, Panchak О. V.2

1Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk

2 Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk

Medical thinking as a doctor’s creative thinking

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In this article the authors justify the urgency of the investigation of professional medical activity. They are discussing the question concerning the general being of art, art process and art thinking, and also concerning art component in the structure of medical thinking. In understanding the meaning of art, the main attention is paid to subjective novelty of the activity for that one that does it. In this article they are also studying the connection between art and thinking. In particular, it is considered as an ideal part of the art. The art thinking process is considered as the process that combines processive-dinamic and personal components. They also analyze psychological aspects of the notion of professional activity and the problems of formation of medical thinking. It sets the differentiation between such notions as “clinical thinking”,” doctor’s thinking” and” medical thinking”.

Keywords:: creativity, thinking, creative thinking, professional activities, medical thought, creative medical thinking.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 133-143 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Kirychevska E. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Influence of informational environment on the construction of youth’s social-communicative relations

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the analysis of correlation of informational influence on psychological atmosphere in school environment is given. The reasons of youth’s negative interpersonal relations appearance are mentioned. The factors of senior pupils’ victimness formation are observed. The attention is paid to the fact, those aggressive interpersonal relations between young men form on the ground of normative group behavior, which is defined as a system of official and nonofficial norms and rules, regulating relations of group members, and activity of the group in general. Namely in youth age formation of main features of sex-role behavior and masculine problems solving take place. Stress on “coercive variants of relations solving” is made by the influence of action’s normative stereotype, and through principles and laws of referent group of subculture, with which senior pupil is identified.

Keywords:: strategies, social-communicative tasks, communicative creativity, overcoming resource, ability of overcoming, special giftedness.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 143-153 (pdf)

UDC 378.147+612.017+614.253.4

Kozova І. L.

SHEE “Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University”, Ivano-Frankivsk

Neurotization condition of students of a medical higher educational institution

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the neurotization condition of students of a medical higher educational institution. The article analyses the stand of scientists concerning the notion of “neurotization” from the medical and psychological point of view. The attention is paid to the causes of neurotization initiation connected with modern tension of the living conditions and contributory causes of neurotization initiation among studying youth. It is carried out the study of the neurotization condition of students of a medical higher educational institution, by the results of which by its degree there may be distinguished three groups (high, moderate, low). It is described the psychological state of students with high, moderate and low degree of neurotization. It is analyzed the differences of neurotization manifestations by gender status, which allowed detecting that the degree of neurotization among women is twice as low as among men. The methods of neurotization correction are described and approved. It is proved the positive influence of the introduced measures on students’ neurotization degree with its outgoing high and moderate degree: neurotization degree reduction, coming to the emotional resilience, development of the anxiety positive background, feeling of the own sense of dignity, communication ease, etc.

Keywords:: neurotization, neurotization degrees, emotional excitement, negative worries, psychocorrection.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 153-159 (pdf)

UDC 378.013; 371.134; 159.92

Kostyuchenko Е. V.

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv

Creative and adaptive potential as a basis of professional self-realization of a specialist in the fashion industry

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the essence of professional self-realization as one of the significant factors of personality, as a holistic and integrated implementation of creative and adaptive potentials, rooted in problems of adaptation to changing environmental conditions, growth, development, self-improvement of the person. Analyzed by the concepts of "self-realization", "professional self-realization", "the creative and adaptive potential of professional self-realization". The place and the role of the creative and adaptive capacities justified in professional fulfillment. Special attention is focused on components in the structure of professionalism of the fashion industry, subject to the General laws of creative development of his personality, among which mental, cognitive, motivational, personal, creative, resulting in a creative and adaptive content, organization, and flow of professional fulfillment as a whole. Listed on the interdependence of creative and adaptive potentials in structure of professional self-identity as factors of its effectiveness, timely implementation of which is the driving force of a process of understanding their own personality essence, potential, resources in accordance with the objective and subjective factors of their identification with new and current forms of professional fulfillment. Justified a special place in the formation, development and implementation of the professionalism of search and transforming activity in cooperation with the professional reality, as a prerequisite for the adaptation of the individual to an objective professional conditions, which is essential for effective professional self-realization.

Keywords:: self-actualization, professional fulfillment, potential, creative potential, the adaptive potential of components of creative and adaptive potentials, the fashion industry, a specialist in the fashion industry.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 159-168 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Mazilov V.A.

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Crisis in psychology: the constructive role

Language: russian

Abstract: This article analyzes the phenomenon of the crisis in psychology. Periodically, there are new publications on the crisis in psychology. This indicates that the topic remains relevant. The article explains the position according to which there are psychological reasons that cause the new generations of psychologists all talk about the crisis. The main thesis of this article - intrusive treatment (and return) to the theme of the crisis there is nothing more than a memory of Psychologists (for themselves), that psychology is not perfect yet, if measured by and large, consider it the science of the human soul, the science of the most amazing and perfect (elevated), as once thought, Aristotle. It is alleged that during the inception of the crisis should be taken in 1874, ie, it coincides with the date of occurrence of psychology as an independent science. Identified and described three levels of crisis.

Keywords:: psychology, science, crisis, the subject of psychology.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 168-185 (pdf)

UDC 378.6.041:159.923

Martynuik I. А.

National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Importance of development the readiness of students to self-educational activity

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The importance and feasibility of readiness for self-education in the student's age is justified in the article. The essence of the concept of "college students", psychological characteristics of students as a social group, age psychological characteristics of students, the impact of learning in higher education on identity formation are analyzed. Age psychological characteristics of students, psychological characteristics of the student as a subject of educational and professional activities, the possibility of training and professional activities in universities that make up the psychological conditions of expediency and necessity of readiness for self-education of students are distinguished. Based on the understanding of self education as one that prompted internal self motivated and involves the use of special search tools and assimilation of social experience, concluded that the commitment to these activities should develop in students. Due to age-appropriate at this stage of development people can overcome barriers to self-improvement; its intelligent features are a good basis for the choice of methods, tools, vectors self-education; readiness for self education can be a stable personality formation. Development also indicated willingness to contribute to the characteristics of the student as a subject of educational and professional activities. Very educational and professional activities in the university is able to feed the motives of self-identity in the professional sphere, self education equips tools, determine its content and its causes, encouraging the student to independence.

Keywords:: college students, psychological characteristics of age, an educational and professional activities, educational and professional activities of higher education, the formation of personality, psychological conditions, self-education activities.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 186-196 (pdf)

UDC 159.954

Medvedeva N. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The features of artistic-creative activity of junior school age children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the paper the view at a problem of the development of children's creativity is presented. Creativity is considered as universal ability, which provides successful performance of different children activities. The key moment of junior pupils’ creativity development is the formation of particular structure of their experience – heuristic structure. This structure is a product of certainly organized activity, which constantly enriches and develops, and begin to determine not only the peculiarities of children’s activity (its searching, creative character), but a child’s attitude to the surrounding world, the ways of understanding and transformation (within the available scope) of this world and, finally, the features of children’s consciousness, orientation of their personality. It is shown, that emotional saturation of children’s creation process conduces to the intensification of the development of new behavior motives, that is sufficiently reconstructs emotional-motivational sphere of a child and favors the formation of personality’s heuristic structure, development of its creative potential, artistic fantasy, creative perception and image thinking.

Keywords:: visual activity, strategy tendencies, creativity, plan transformation, artistic creativity.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 196-203 (pdf)

UDC [159.955+159.956]

Moiseienko L.A.1, Kopach M.I.2, Kryshtopa L.I.3, Kulinich G.M 4

1Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

2Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian national university, Ivano-Frankivsk

3Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

4Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

Some aspects of errors origin in creative mathematical thought

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Questions in relation to psychological essence of unreliable thought results, their places and roles in the process of decision of creative mathematical task are examined in this article. Research of psychological essence of creative thought in the various types of activity of man is marked on activation. Two qualities of thought results are established: result in the correct decision of problem and the decision over is brought to vicious acceptance - to the thought error. Marking the creative character of mathematical thought its research through the analysis of actions according to decision of creative mathematical tasks is conducted. At this process false actions are analyzed which leads to errors. Division by types of creative mathematical thought errors according to their origin is conducted and their essence through cognitive, operating and personality constituents is analyzed. A key role in the origin of errors of quality of functioning of thought strategies is underlined which determine direction of search of task decision. In particular it is necessary that the formed strategy of search foresees the flexible use of thought operations while immature strategy generates actions after stereotypes existing at a subject.

Keywords:: creative mathematical thought, errors of mathematical thought, thought strategies, thought stereotypes.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 203-213 (pdf)

UDC 159.92

Muzyka O. L.1, Chekryzhova M. M.2

1H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Becoming of professional self-esteem of medical higher educational establishments’ students

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: For the research of becoming and development of professional self-esteem of future doctors we distinguished two kinds of self-esteem, which differ in the level of universality and regulation potential. Differential-personality self-esteem is actualized concerning separate activities or social roles and is expressed mostly in cognitions; emotional- estimative component is secondary. Integral-personality self-esteem reflects integral emotional- estimative attitude of personality to itself or to the separate stages of its development; cognitive component is reduced. Professional self-esteem is a result of comparison by a person of own professional qualities with social or personality standards. Interaction of cognitive and emotional-estimative components of self-esteem actualizes its regulative functions, directed on the professional and personality self-development. Distinguishing of cognitive-operational (actions, operations, skills) and referent-value (referent persons and features of personality) components of abilities gave an opportunity to create a model of professional self-esteem genesis. It is characterized by the increasing of value constructs number depending of the term of study, displacement of valuating criteria from external (demands of pedagogues, social values) to internal (personal standards of activity – activity values and professionally significant personal qualities – moral values). With the help of professional self-consciousness’ psychosemantic modeling it is ascertained, that the development of future doctors’ self-esteem in the process of professionalization is regulated by subjective values – interrelated highly significant activity and moral evaluative constructs. Comparison of differential-personality and integral-personality indicators gave an opportunity to develop the typology of future doctors’ professional self-esteem and to point the ways for the increasing of its regulative potential in the process of professionalization.

Keywords:: integral-personality self-esteem, differential-personality self-esteem, professionalization, professional self-esteem.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 213-231 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Naydonova L. М.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Modification of reflexive creative training-practicum for reconstruction of unproductive regional social attitudes

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article considers the theoretical position regarding changes and reconstruction of social attitudes. The model of reconstruction of social attitudes have been presented and the role of the group reflection as a metacognitive mechanism of reconstruction of social attitudes have been examined. The proposed modification of reflexive creative training workshop for reconstruction of unproductive regional social attitudes is based on the core technology of reflexive creative training-workshop. It includes a regulation of value, a group discussion, game action, the correlation of positions, the final reflection. Also, the training includes an educational module which provides information on the theoretical achievements in the reconstruction of attitudes and attitude change. The implementation of regional implicit association test in configuration of model-balanced identity and methods "Opposites and synonyms" and "Dual personal semantic differential with shifted constructs" aimed at undermining the discursive stereotypes have been proposed as elements of the training aswell.

Keywords:: group reflection, metacognition, reflective creative workshop, regional social attitudes.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 232-241 (pdf)

UDC 159.937

Podshyvailova L. I.1, Kokarieva M. V.2

1Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

2H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Psychological research of the artist’s perceptive-mental strategies displays in artistic work

Language: russian

Abstract: In the article the artist’s perceptive-mental strategies (analogizing, combining, reconstruction) displays in artistic work are defined and described. On this bases the artistic characteristics of paintings (artist’s professionalism, artist’s creative approach, actuality of a work for perceiver, visual attractiveness of a painting, expressed by a painting mood, artistic image’s polysemy, painting’s composition, range of colours, general impression) are filled by psychological content. Analogizing displays in: realistic objects’ depiction ability; finding by an artist of such themes for the certain content expression, which excite a perceiver, such artistic means and approaches, which make perceiver feel work’s actuality; selection by an artist of the necessary figurative means for the mood expression on the painting; developing of an abstract notion or idea by the artistic image; equivalence of the colours with depicted reality. Combining displays in successful elements’ selection for the concept realization; elements’ harmonic organization in space; composition integrity; sense unity; in the creation of color combinations, which while their perceiving make space effects. Reconstruction displays in unusual objects’ sense connection, when common scene displays something uncommon, in the synthesis of opposites, when unreal scene looks real, in contrasts’ harmony, in combination of contrast colors in harmonic proportions.

Keywords:: perceptive-mental strategy, analogizing, combining, reconstruction, artistic work, painting’s artistic characteristics.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 242-252 (pdf)

UDC 37.015.31 – 051 – 027.56:159.9.07

Pilhuk T. S.

Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava

Pedagogical creativity as the basis for realization of the teacher-professional

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article examines the psychological analysis of the problem of development of pedagogical creativity of the teacher-professional. Presents the understanding of the essence of the concept of "teacher-professional". Scientifically substantiates the concept of pedagogical creativity of the teacher. Pedagogical creativity considers as an integral process of professional implementation and self-actualization of the teacher, the central element of which is the personally-oriented developmental interaction. The basic categories of the problem of pedagogical creativity, in particular, "creativity", "pedagogical creativity", "creative personality of the teacher- professional", are discovered in the article. Considers the achievements of scientists in the field of the study of psychological mechanisms of pedagogical creativity of the teacher-professional, problems of professional development, skills and professionalism. Determines the leading researches of scientists, who work on the problems of the development of pedagogical creativity of the individual in the educational environment. It notes that the psychological problems of professional formation of the personality of a teacher-professional are most topical. The essence of the concept of pedagogical creativity is revealed through the main characteristic features. As a result of the surveying of teachers of the city of Poltava and Poltava region (112 people) it was found, that a large number of respondents believes that the qualities, which should be developed by the teacher, to acquire pedagogical creativity, are: 30,4% – the ability to self-realization; 21,4% of respondents believe that the teacher need to develop an aspiration to self-improvement; 19.6% - independence; 14,3% – professionalism, 10.7% – the teacher should be tolerant; 3,6% believe that the teacher should possess the ability to apply knowledge in practical activities.

Keywords:: creativity, pedagogical creativity, self-actualization, teacher, teacher-professional, creative teaching, professionalism.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 253-260 (pdf)

UDC 159.9:378(043)

Serhieienkova O. P.1, Podshyvailov F. M.2

1Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

2Institute of a gifted child of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv

Psychological premises of development of contemporary student’s motivational sphere of personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to determination of concept «psychological premises of development of motivational sphere of personality» and selection of row of psychological premises cooperant to optimization of development of personality of future specialist in the conditions of educational environment of higher educational establishment. Empiric researches of the motivational phenomena of educational-professional activity of students of higher educational establishments are analyzed. On the basis of determination of concept «motivational sphere of personality» and understanding of premise in its wide value (not only as factor but also as property, feature and even condition) the classes of premises of development of motivational sphere of personality are selected as physical, social and psychological. Psychological premise of development of personality is internal, psychical prerequisite that actualize development and determine an orientation and character of development process flowing. The following psychological premises of development of contemporary student’s motivational sphere of personality are selected: imaginations of the motivational sphere, its structure, mechanisms, properties; ability to expose and involve own resources in the life process; studying in the learning process the modelling methods of the psychological phenomena, construction and use personality typologies; values and senses found in an educational process.

Keywords:: motive, motivation, academic motivation, personality’s motivational sphere, personality development, psychological premises of personality development.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 260-276 (pdf)

UDC 159.92+172.42+378.169.14

Sichka V. I.

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Odesa

The impact of family relations on the perception of the modern picture of the world in adolescence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In article results of studying of psychological features of the visualization modern picture of the world in adolescence from complete and incomplete families, namely understanding the meaning of life, the most valuable, positive and negative in life, understanding the events and values of the modern world. When analyze the results of the study, we selected 14 categories of image visualization, "the Symbol of the country." Dominowski are such categories as: "Symbols" – (flag, emblem, anthem); category: "Kalina", "Nature", "House", "Karpaty", is the "Unity", "Money", "Ukrainian speech", "Freedom". It is revealed that the features of the visual symbol allow using a separate image to give a holistic view of the world and correlate it with the performance about your life and about yourself as a subject of activity. Starting from the birth the experience of relations is put in a child and, as a result, influences on social adaptation and on the formation of “Self” in a adolescent, formation of self-esteem and self-consciousness. Parents from two-parent families provide strong confluence with an adolescent, then parents from one-parent families, they devote themselves to children in more extend, and does not almost underline child’s failures. Even in the case of one of the parent’s absence this multifaceted world would be insufficient. This leads to the constant presence of orientation on instability in the structure of sense-life and value orientations structure of adolescents. Adolescents from one-parent families are more unconfident, but they consider, that are able to partly manage their life, have certain independence of choice, but are not infrequently inclined to give themselves on the will of destiny, fate. Basing on our research results we can make a conclusion, that modern adolescents are engaged in problems that have fallen to our country’s lot and they are disturbed by the problems of the youth all over the world. It is necessary to mention, that all studied symbols possess extraordinary figurativeness. On the modern adolescents’ world image influence age peculiarities, national traditions, education and gained life experience as well as an ability to communicate with the means of modern technical means with their peers, and the family, its values and relations.

Keywords:: perception, world view, world image, symbol of a country, adolescence, development, self-consciousness, visualization, values, two-parent and one-parent families.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 276-287 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.6:159.942:37.013.77

Subota M. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Development of musical psychology as a science

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the history of music psychology as a science. Displaying the emotional sphere of a person by means of music has a long tradition, whose origins date back from the beginning of the philosophy of art. The history of the development of musical psychology shows that it has its own subject and its methods. The object of study of this science are the psychological laws of musical perception. Specialization of musical psychology is not narrowly specialized. The fact that the sphere of musical activity and the study of its psychological mechanisms and features are large enough allows us to allocate a separate branch of science - psychology of music as a part of psychology in general. And it combines the very nature of music, its specificity and uniqueness of both the language and the kind of activity. You cannot deny that music has the educational, therapeutic and social impact on the person. And it is the very psychology that can quite deep and scientifically reveal the mechanisms of this effect, justify them, and put into practice.

Keywords:: psychology of music, psychology of musical perception, musical psychology of pre-scientific period, tonepsychology, Gestaltpsychology, emotional sphere, aesthetic sense, aesthetic experience.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 288-295 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Tretiak T. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The research of perceptive-mental processes strategic organization while informational systems constructing

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The structure of pupils’ psychological readiness for creative tasks solving is analyzed. The specifics of imagining as a psychological mechanism of image thinking in the process of experimental tasks solving by the subject is observed. The role of space image construction in pupils’ cognitive-technical activity is clarified. The analysis’ results of methodic means realization, oriented on the research of perceptive-mental strategies of informational structures’ construction are given. The tendencies and specifics of tasks on free constructing solving projects’ formation by the subject are formulated. The structure of such kind of tasks solving process is analyzed. The stress is made on the necessity of orienting stimulus realization with the purpose of perceptive-mental processes content expanding while experimental tasks solving by pupils. The features of perceptive-mental processes displays in constructive-technical activity of senior pupils are analyzed. Characteristics of dominating tactics, which take place in the process of required informational systems constructing are grounded. Attention is paid on the diagnostic potential of tasks on free constructing.

Keywords:: task, perceptive-mental strategy, tactic, task condition, project’s constructing.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 296-307 (pdf)

UDC 159.9.07: 159.92

Khabirova L. I.

Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava

Theoretical aspects of the study of creativity in psychological science

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article deals with the subject of creativity. The paper gives analysis to various scientific and theoretical concepts for determining the creativity of the individual. The results of the questionnaire about this issue are given in the article. Due to qualitatively analyzed responses it was figured out that most of respondents identified creativity with the personal qualities and skills of each individual. According to the overwhelming number of respondents the determining criterion of creative activity is the innovation and creativity. The article represents the author`s understanding of the concept of creativity. After analyzing the theories of home and foreign scientists the author defines creativity as a human activity which result is a new and original product that has personal and social significance. There is no a universal understanding of the concept of creativity. The criteria of creative activity are associated with procedural characteristics of creativity and its results – products of creative activity. Thus, the researchers due to their scientific views emphasize such criteria of creativity as innovation, social relevance, motivational component, characterological features of the subject of creative activity. This only confirms the lack of a clear set of criteria for the selection of creative activitiy from any other. This fact is the prospect for further research in this direction.

Keywords:: creativity, creative activity, creative individual, subject, development.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 307-316 (pdf)

UDC 159.955

Hahanovska T. A.

Kyiv Preschool educational establishment № 566, Kyiv

Animated image as a factor in the negative emotional experiences of preschool children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Emotional development – an important stage in life, because emotions play a crucial role in the lives of everyone. This is especially true preschoolers because of their age, they have seriously faced with the realities of the world and so emotional or so they react. Also, the first experience emotional responses to the world, as a rule, is significant in the process of growing up a child or even throughout her life. In modern mediasociety important agent of emotional sphere of children are audio-visual (onscreen) media. Children are extremely fond of watching TV, especially cartoons. And under certain conditions (when excessively prolonged stay in front of TV, computer or other video device, while watching cartoons with elements of cruelty and aggression, etc.) consequences of excessive consumption of media products could adversely affect including and on situational or emotional health of the child and the development of emotional sphere in general. Therefore, the psychological characteristics of cartoons and animated images were analyzed by their impact on emotional state of preschool children. The basic mechanisms of influence of cartoons on the development of child's personality were considered together with their negative consequences. As well analyzed negative consequences on behavior preschooler perception after all, once the world children how to transfer own way behavior. After all preschool children very sensitive for external manifestations around world.

Keywords:: emotional state; the child's personality; media environment; problem of the influence of cartoons; problem of the influence of animated images.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 317-324 (pdf)

UDC 159.955

Shaporda G. S.

State higher educational establishment “Mykolaiv polytechnic college”, Mykolaiv

Psychological influence of the motivation basis on the adaptation to the educational process of college’s students

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: It’s observed the question, concerning the psychological being of the interaction of internal and external motivation of studying in a college and the process of adaptation to such studying. It’s done an accent to the activisation of the psychological researches to motivation sphere to a man, and to studying activity. It’s stated on two aspects of motivation connected with studying: internal and external and it’s analyzed their meaning in the process of professional preparation. It’s accentuated the attention on the role of adaptation of students to the educational process in the successive learning of professional knowledge and it’s influence on motivation of studying as one of factors of adaptation. It’s done an analyze of the content of the main motives, peculiar to the students of different courses. It’s indicated the tendency to the decreasing of influence of the external motives and varying of the external motives and varying changes in the internal motives under changing the courses of studying. It’s started the student’s adaptation to education is increasing from course to course by the external and internal figures. It’s proved the ambiguously of such influence by the external and internal factors, underlining on the influence of student’s motivation to the process of adaptation to studying. Particularly, it’s analyzed the changes in the adaptation to educational process during four years of studying in the college under the influence of internal motives.

Keywords:: professional studying, adaptation to education, internal adaptation, external adaptation, motives of studying, external motivation, internal motivation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 325-335 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Yatchuk M. S.

Institute of criminal-executive service, Kyiv

Psychological aspects of professional junior inspector of surveillance and security penitentiary

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of psychological characteristics of junior inspector of surveillance and security penitentiary. Features of conflicts in professional work, professional communication, socio-psychological climate, socio-psychological adaptation of young workers, the negative emotional state of the individual junior inspector of supervision and safety and their psychological readiness to act in extreme conditions of performance. Highlight professionally important qualities and skills of junior inspector of surveillance and security penitentiary. Directions formation of psychological competence junior inspector of surveillance and security penal institutions: development of observation (notice the changes in the behavior of prisoners follow their actions, etc.); development thinking (mental mastery operations - analysis, synthesis, abstraction); psychodiagnosis visual development skills (know the external signals of a convicted behavior and be able to carry out psychodiagnostics of personality by their appearance); development of communication skills (the ability to establish contact with the prisoners and listen to them to know the psychological barriers of communication and how to overcome them, tolerance for others); development of skills of self-regulation (regulation of their own emotional states (stress, depression, apathy) and control behavior); development skills to operate in extreme conditions of rozhublyuvatys not in difficulty (the ability to justified risk, appropriate level of self-control); development of high motivation to achieve goals and intrinsic motivation to the profession; development of volitional qualities (discipline, responsibility, self-control, etc.); development of adequate self-esteem (adequate understanding of their own abilities, qualities, skills and capabilities).

Keywords:: professional communication, conflict, socio-psychological climate, professionally important qualities and professional skills.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 12(22): 335-344 (pdf)