Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 20 – 2014
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC 159.9
Moliako V. O.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Psychology of Creation Kyiv School: Transformation of Ideal Praimages to the System of Constructology
Language: Russian
Abstracts: In the article we make the first attempt in the history of our psychology even if in general outline to contemplate chronological path of origin and development of creation psychology in Ukraine. From Kyiv saint Antony’s and Feodosy’s works significance statement, and also Nestor Chronicler’s, Dmitry Rostovsky’s, we lay some kind of “bridge” to Grigory Skovoroda’s significant works, and further to Ivan Franko’s fundamental work (“From secrets of poetic creation”), which can be mentioned as milestone in the initiated in a hundred years direction – poetic psychology (V. P. Zinchenko, V. O. Moliako, E. V. Kirichevska) – organic component of general sphere of psychology of creative activity and creative constructology. Briefly analyzed the works of Kyiv and Kharkov philosophers and psychologists pleiad (M. O. Berdiaev, D. M. Ovsianiko-Kulikovsky, P. K. Enhelmeyer, G. S. Kostiuk, E. O. Milerian and many others); this works also make basis of Creative Constructology School, which almost gained sufficient acceptance in different spheres of psychology, pedagogic, medicine, informatics and others.
Keywords: philosophy and psychology of creation, Kyiv School of creation researches, constructology.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):7-17 (pdf)
UDC 165.43:2-423.79
Aleksejeva Ju. A.
Institute of sociology, psychology and social communications M. P. Dragomanov, NPU, Kyiv
Methodological Grounds of Belief Phenomemon in Philosophical Scientiphic Resources.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The paper presented the results of a theoretical analysis of the philosophical views on the phenomenon of faith from the standpoint of epistemological and ontological approaches. Analyzed the relationship of the concept of faith to other concepts (knowledge, understanding, belief, trust, hope). Disclosed psychological aspects of understanding faith. The analysis of different aspects of the interaction of faith and knowledge determine the following interaction such as faith and reason, faith and belief that is the individual views, based on faith. The relationship of faith and doubt underlying disbelief is noted. The efforts to understand faith from the position of authentic and probable, or, in other words, depending on the correlation of knowledge (for sure) and probable (faith can be seen as a form of hypothesis) are being realized. Emphasized the transcendent (transpersonal) the nature of faith and, therefore, it cannot be studied by modern means of science. In epistemological approach available positions, according to which faith is seen as a form of autistic installation of thinking that is emphasized that it is the result of desires, fantasies and aspirations of man. Some philosophers argue that faith can be expressed in both productive and unproductive forms. It is emphasized the need to study unproductive and irrational faith based on mysticism, superstition, idolatry. Ontological approach to understanding the nature of faith, as emphasized also by philosophers, is poorly represented in research and publications. Questions of faith connection with the existence of human, its impact on one or other aspects of life, of personality, as a basic element of the psyche, are insufficiently studied. However, many accents, distinguished quality, properties and levels relating to problems of faith, indicate the need to consider faith as a complex, systematically organized entity that has associations both in public and in the individual consciousness.
Keywords: faith, knowledge, belief, intellect, trust, ontological approach epistemological approach.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):18-30 (pdf)
UDC 159.92
Berezova L.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Peculiarities of Strategies of the Solution of Constructive-Technical Tasks by Students
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: In the paper the methods of students training to technical creativity is the solution of constructive-technical tasks which display tasks of manufacture both on engineering, and at an executive level. Based on continuous studying design activity on professional level, V.O. Moliako has offered the system of creative training of students during their training for technical labour activity. The component of creative training method is the using of complications during the solution of constructive-technical tasks. We shall consider the psychological features of this process. In the system-strategy concepts of the activity strategy is defined as "more or less flexible system objectively and situationally defined actions in which the tendency to subject advantage of one mental action to another prevails". Thus, the term "strategy" can be applied to "to the description of all solution process of the solution in which the dominating tendency of the person mental activity concerning a specific target is realized. The analysis of the decision by students of constructive-technical tasks is carried out. Peculiarities of thinking activity of students-characteristic of manifestations of strategies in the process of the solution of constructive-technical tasks by students are presented. Research of peculiarities of strategies in the process of decision by students of constructive-technical tasks is described.
Keywords: task, creative task, constructive-technical task, strategy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):30-37 (pdf)
UDC 159.922
Bila I. N.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Activation of Creation Perception During the Childhood Stages.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Formation of sensory experience, observation, perceptual actions to stimulate the emergence of creative phenomena of perception is an important task at the stage of childhood. Amplification of mental development of the child by expanding it’s multifaceted educational experience relevant with sensitive preschool age.
In childhood it is important to fill children’s lives with impressions, to create favourable conditions for deeper exploitation of surrounding, to form the skill to see the features of objects, phenomena, their correlation, to urge on seeing of new, to encourage children’s natural aspiration for researching of qualities and characteristics of different materials, to experiment, to invent.
Formation of preschool children’s perceptive experience, attendance of their development provides support and aspiration of cognitive, research activity, creation of developing surrounding, which is favorable to activation of cognition, development of sensory experience, perceptive actions, creative observance, is a condition of creative activity aesthetization. Immediate perception, observation, widening of children’s sensory experience, memory with new images provides the basis of their thinking actions, formation of judgments, discources, and development of their creative activity.
Effective form, means of preschool children’s sensory sphere development, stimulation of their creative perception, is the system of creative tasks, which provides the support and encouragement of cognitive, research activity and fully satisfy psychological needs of this age.
The use of creative tasks gaming, complex of conditions and developmental techniques provide targeted activation of sensory-perceptual, thinking processes of children, formation of their sensory experience during world creative vision.
Keywords: preschool child, creative perception, motivation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):38-47 (pdf)
UDC 159.955
Vaganova N.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Peculiarities of Perception and Interpretation of Pictures by Pre-School Children.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: In the article the results of investigation of psychological peculiarities of creative perception of pictures by pre-school children are presented. It is shown that development of artistic perception in preschool age is development of aesthetic receptivity, forming of aesthetic senses and development of ability for interpretation of pictures, understanding of represented. It is shown that the perception development at preschool age occurs in a form of development and formation of the perceptual actions, the formation at children of representations about the sensory standards, their learning and using in the practical and informative activity. In the process of active cognitive activity perception acquires a purposeful, creative character and supposes compulsory receiving of new information that depends on to what extend a subject preserves an ability to see individual peculiarities in the objects. In most cases generality, sketchiness, rigidity of perception starts to dominate, іt is important to specifically teach to percept, because without teaching this process preserves continuity, inaccuracy, and syncretism. In the end of preschool age perception possesses following qualities: abjectness, integrity and sensibility. Perception becomes purposeful process, in which violent actions are distinguished – consideration, search – from schematic, undifferentiated it passes to integral purposeful observation. In the process of study preschool children more actively and consciously perceive the picture, link the facts, compare, single out the essence, important; they show the development of ability to interpret pictures with sufficiently complex composition, observe them sequentially and in detail, give correct explanations, if the subject of the picture do not go beyond the scope of their knowledge, life experience. In different stages of child’s artistic perception development we find such changes: content, accessible for interpretation and the depth of cognitive insight to it, complexity of composition and aesthetic estimation of perceived.
Keywords: creative perception, perceptive activity, cognitive activity, a subject, abjectness, integrity and sensibility of perception, understanding, new information, interpretation of pictures, pre-school age.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):47-56 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:796.01
Vysochina N. L.
Scientific-research institute of the National University of physical education of Ukraine, Kyiv
The Analysis of Application of the Methods of Psychological Correction in Sport Activities
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The analysis of application of the methods of psychological correction in sport activities is presented. Modern methods and techniques of psychological preparation of athletes for competition are described. In modern time the state of Ukrainian psychology and particularly psychology of sports, shows, that space of psychotherapeutic knowledge now is forming, synthesis of psychotherapeutic technics appears, the most of which came to us from abroad, connecting with national cultural and scientific traditions. As a result from year to year the role of psychology in sportsmen activity regularly arises, because it is difficult to imagine the work of sports club without sports psychologist, and particularly the Ukrainian national team.
Often in sports, there are four types of psychic self-regulation: autogenous, psychoregulation, psycho-muscular and ideomotor training. Review the main areas of psychological support athletes indicates that the selection of methods appropriate to carry out with regard to age, gender, psychological and psycho-physiological characteristics of the athlete and the nature of its motor activity, which is a prerequisite for the individualization of the process of psychological preparation. The basic directions of psychological impact, depending on the specifics of the sport. The complex psychological impact on athletes allowing for the psychological characteristics of the individual. Perspective directions of psychological support athletes in training and competitive activities to improve the effectiveness of its implementation. The study demonstrates professional efficiency and usefulness of mutually beneficial cooperation between sports teams and specialists in psychotherapy. The prospects of further research will be aimed at finding new approaches to solving the problem of psycho-correction in high performance sport with the aim of improving the system of types of psychological support of Ukrainian athletes.
Keywords: psychological correction, psychological characteristics of personality, sport activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20): 56-64 (pdf)
UDC 629.331-051:615.85+613.6
Garazha M. V.
Rehabilitation & Diagnostic Center Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Preparedness of the Candidate to Being a Driver
Language: Russian
Abstracts: The paper contains analysis of preparedness of a potential driver to driving activity from the standpoint of driver’s activity specifications, demands to personal, emotional and cognitive spheres. The research took place in a group of students of a driving сourses; professional drivers (transporters, State Emergency Service of Ukraine drivers) were the comparison group.
While comparing the analysis of the psychodiagnostics in groups, the significant diversity was indicated within the indexes of extraversion (p=0,018), pragmatism (p<0,01), concentration (p=0,032), attention span (p=0,015), long-term memory (p=0,004) and nervous processes balance (p<0,001). Herewith the candidates have more developed cognitive indexes that might be caused by the age difference, comparing to professional drivers. However personal qualities, bound up with preparedness to drive, are not fully developed, that is explained by the underdevelopment of the driver’s activity system.
Only 72% of students have the necessary level of development of personal qualities that influence the bringing off driving. Thereby the psychological control of preparedness the candidate to driving a vehicle is necessary during the period of studying in driving school.
The preparedness of the candidates to being a driver is determined by integral expression of cognitive processes, emotional sphere and personal qualities therefore studying these indexes is sufficient for prognostication the success in familiarization with driving.
Кeywords: preparedness to action, candidates to being a driver, professional drivers, psychodiagnostics, personal, emotional and cognitive spheres.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20): 64-72 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Gorbunova V. V.
Institute of social and political psychology NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Methodological Basis of Reconstruction of Intersubject Interaction in Teams
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Team interaction is a space, that created by life worlds of all team members. Different schemas of analysis of team interaction space are considered in this article. The main point of theirs comparison is degree, to which procedures of intersubject spaces modeling takes into account subject of each team member. Such schemas was analyzed: sociometry analysis by J.L. Moreno, team sociomapping by R. Bahbuh, topography of relationships by K. Levin. Sociometry, method created by J.L. Moreno, assignment for reconstruction of structure of group relationships and representation of it in sociogram. Important is that possible to include in procedure different criteria for analysis. Team sociomapping by R. Bahbuh is multi-criteria and multi-methodological approach to team-analysis, that supposed to use a lot of different markers, diagnostic scales and other instruments, and allow to aggregate these data into one sociomap. Graphic modeling of group members relationships by K. Levin implies drawing the all powers, that action into peoples in group. Appointed, that these schemas produce a lot of limitation, if consider them in the frame of author’s value-role model. There are such limitation, as close limits of range of acceptability in teams, absence of possibilities of representation of value content of the roles. Proposed and grounded advantages using of psychosemantic modeling of team interaction by convergence to common denominator of implicit theories of intersubject interaction of team members, in its value-role essence.
Keywords: interaction, intersubject interaction, team, value-role model, sociometry, sociomapping, topography of relationships.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20): 72-79 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Gudinova I. L.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Protonarratives as Regulators of Realities Desing
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: A new virtual reality being able to impact on the person’s self-projecting. It is presented a brief review of a new Internet genre of the human creativity in the blogosphere, namely, motivators and demotivators (protonarratives). It is substantiated the notion “protonarrative”. It is described the functions of motivators and demotivators such as value-semantic adjustment in creating the personal life project, the evaluators of truth within the moral domain of socio-cultural knowledge, the designers of new realities and others. In fact, the memes are pure information, but their functioning is distinguishable physical and behavioral consequences. Memes are considered to be an informational good thanks to its pithiness "the welfare of a concrete thing". Such texts or someone’s strange life meanings are becoming close to the virtual person. "The aesthetically strange as the forgotten my own" is able to restruct and to aesthetize the previous opinions and the all life. It is also one may say the following: 1) the usage of protonarratives is resulting to quantitative changes, especially concretization of the over-thought situation; 2) the emotional level and self-respect are being improved; 3) the text laconism is resumed to a feeling of finishing and receiving the life wisdom; 4) the person is able to help another person with a word (memotherapy); 5) it is appeared the feeling of harmony and the final order of life experience, «it is organized the chaos of conciseness», and «it brings to ordering and forming, the order and the harmony of culture». In this case the person is standing in front of the face of a «cultural absolute». It involves some higher potency of consciousness. We continue to look for some life changes. These are texts of personal improving (pearls of thoughts); 6) The protonarrative form is reflecting the life experience and is confirming with a word about the own way (understanding). It is pointed out the protonarratives influence items upon the person’s psychics.
Keywords: motivator, demotivator, protonarrative, self-projecting, dream, belief, hope.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):79-88 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2:351.749
Gursky V. E.
Donetsk Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine, Donetsk
Research of Development of Professional Psychological Qualities and Creative Abilities of Employees of Special Forces Interior Ministry of Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The article deals with the problem of psychological and professional development of employees of Special Forces MIA of Ukraine. The development of professional and psychological qualities of Special Forces defined as an active self-regulating process, that conditioned by a set of social, educational and psychological factors and has its own characteristics associated with activities in extreme conditions. The results of empirical research revealed psychological characteristics of professionally important qualities of special forces through the use of imitation of means as paintball, airsoft and laser shooting. It has been found that these simulation tools assist development of professional ability to analyze the situation, the ability to quickly navigate, confidence, stress resistance, flexibility of thinking, skills of mastering of weapons and special means, the possibility of getting skills of psychological impact. Special forces employees who has experience in simulation games have more developed volitional regulation, responsibility, sense of duty and demanding self, integrity, initiative, commitment, leadership potential, intuition, thinking and promising predictability, emotional maturity, realism, ability to make independent decisions, willingness to act in the face of uncertainty, focus on the bottom line and pursuit of optimum performance of tasks. Employees who did not use of imitation of means, showed lower development of creative abilities than in group of workers who used simulation tools. Using simulation tools of purposeful psycho-pedagogical impact on employees of special forces allows them to develop creativity, foster the creative thinking, resourcefulness, combinatorial ability, aptitude for visual of creativity and capacity for freedom of association.
Keywords: employees of Special Forces of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, development, professional and psychological qualities, creative of abilities, imitation of means.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):89-98 (pdf)
UDC 159.955.4
Dotsevich T. I.
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named by G. S. Skovoroda, Kharkiv
Abnotivnost as the Ability for Creative Activity of High School Teacher
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: In psychological science abnotivity is considered as a comprehensive teacher's capacity to adequately perception, comprehension and understanding of the creative student, the ability to notice a gifted student and provide the necessary psychological and pedagogical support for the actualization and realization of his creative potential. The structure of abnotivity as characteristics of metacognitive competence of teacher presented by motivational, reflexive, cognitive and procedural and organizational components. Motivational component of abnotivity involves the internal motivation of the individual teacher who is the subject of interest to the profession. The cognitive component involves abnotivity functioning metacognitive knowledge and identify, creativity in the creative activity of the teacher. Reflective components of abnotivity of teacher represented reflectivity and metacognitive awareness, which are crucial components of objective cognitive competence of the teacher. Procedural and organizational component of abnotivity of teacher presented metacognitive activity that characterizes the ability to use metacognitive strategies active teacher self-regulation of behavior, which involves an arbitrary regulation of their own educational activities and organization of lifetime teacher, manifested in the ability to plan the events of living and working activity.
Keywords: abnotivity, self-regulation, intrinsive motivation, pedagogical reflexivity, creativity, metacognitive awarness, metacognitive knowledge and activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):98-106 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Zinchenko O. V.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Internet Communication as a Factor of Teenagers' Cognitive Transformations
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Analysis of adolescents' cognitive changes in the information space is an important task of modern psychological science, but in the general number of papers devoted to the psychology of internet activity, this subject is not revealed.
Available theoretical sources help to distinguish such phenomena of intellectual personality structures that appear while using the Internet: network thinking, clip thinking, cognitive confusion. These phenomena are better to be analyzed in the light of Internet communication as an essential factor of the growing-up person’s socialization. An essential feature of adolescence is the emergence of verbal-logical forms of thinking, that’s why the dynamics of these processes should be the focus of scientists. Results of experimental studies show variability manifestations of a conceptual thinking in situations of real and computer-mediated communication.
In our opinion, it is necessary to clarify peculiarities of the relationship between various components of Internet communication (motivation, content, intensity, expressive base) with the development of teenagers’ conceptual thinking. The major criteria according to which the analysis of cognitive changes will be done may be awareness, flexibility and independence of thought processes. A further area of research is the development and implementation of a program of experimental study of the problems that are theoretically analyzed in this article.
Keywords: internet communication, adolescence, conceptual thinking, clip thinking, network thinking, cognitive confusion.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):106-115 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Kirichenko V. V.
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr
Seeking Souls
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Psychological Science from the very beginning of its inception trying to reveal the true nature of human. In the process of the formation of psychology constantly zoom in or out of its main research subject - the human soul, which for the majority of research paradigms remained unexplored. In the process of scientific research by psychological community, the psychological foundations of psychic organization, it was converted to the amount of mental processes and states, reflexes, values and meanings. In the investigation of the true nature of the human concept of poetic worldview V.O. Moliako offers discovery of human spirituality through the word. Poetry and art, in general, are ideological representations of society, an introduction to that person knows and reveals the other harmony of his own soul. In the process of socialization person is learning to not only interact with the environment in the process of joint activity and communication, she is learning to explore the world on an emotional level. So along with mental development emotional development is the subject of social relations. However, the problem remains that the world is saturated with knowledge that will help to know the world, and still there is less experience knowledge. Man is capable for creative activity, the products of which reveal the inner world of man, his emotional state, the past and hopes for the future, emotional harmony and mental illnesses and injuries. Poetry is able to heal the soul man’s, to restore inner peace, to liaise the outside world and a better understanding of the inner world.
Keywords: soul, psychics, art, poetic worldview, spirituality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):116-122 (pdf)
UDC 159.928
Kirychevska E. V.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Perception of Religious Information through the Symbol, Image and Sign
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: In the article within the scope of the research of religious forms and kinds of information’s sense field meaning of image, sign, symbol is shown. Reference concept of our research consists in the following: spirituality – is the product and result of activity and personality’s religious creation; creation theological and metaphysical.
It is mentioned, that in the context of our conception scientific and religious interpretation of creation’s phenomenon do not contradict one to another, displaying similar principles and general creation’s nature, expressed in new world understanding.
In our work we repel on the classical definition of this notion, formulated by the author of system-strategical creation’s conception V. O. Molyako, exactly: creation – is activity, the result of which is getting of new (or partly new) project in broad understanding of this word – thought, idea, project of production of any genre or scale. Creation is the main indicator of human essence. Exactly ability to creative activity characterizes personality, underlines its psychology’s originality. General psychological analysis of perception’s features of sign, image and symbolic forms of information, present in the products of religious creation – the purpose of this work. Formation in youth age ability to independently distinguish and understand images, signs, symbols enriches religious information’s perception, transfer it from rank of mechanic to rank of creative.
Keywords: creative perception, religious information, spirituality, symbol, image, sign, metaphor.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):123-131 (pdf)
Klymchuk V. A.
Institute of social and political psychology NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Motivational Literacy of Personality as a Subject of Psychological Investigation
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: An article is devoted to analysis and definition of concept “motivation literacy of personality”, that from one hand is considered in context of development of concepts of social intelligence and emotional literacy, and from other hand – in context of discursive approach to motivation. Another approach, considered in this article, is recognizing of additional concept – motivational intellect. It is defined by K. Mamali as ability of person to achieve balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation within whole flow of activities, between own motives and others. Motivation empathy – is one more concept, that defined as accuracy of conclusion about motives of other peoples.
Accordingly to discursive approach motivation are discursive represented in life world of personality, thereby – is a subject of permanent construction, reconstruction and deconstruction. So, more adequate is use of term “motivational literacy”. Motivation literacy in our concept is defined in two interactional spaces. In space of monologue – it is ability to read own motivational discourse and to construction of it in life span development; ability for stabilization or transformation of motivational discourse accordingly to external and internal circumstances. In space of polilogue – it is ability to read motivational discourse of Others; readiness to reconstruction of own motivational discourse and to help Others construct new discourses; ability to pass to Others own themes of motivational discourse.
Keywords: motivation, motivational discourse, motivational literacy, social construction, discourse.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):131-138 (pdf)
UDC 159.9: 159.94
Kovrovskiy Yu. G.
Institute of state administration in civil defense sphere, Kyiv
Training “Burnout Prevention of Operational Rescue Service Executives of SESU”
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The article presents theoretical and practical results of the research problem, the prevention of burnout in professional activities of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, namely clarification of the “forming” experiment results, described training «Burnout Prevention of operational rescue service executives of SESU». Connection with theoretical approaches to the problems of the development of training programmes is defined. The table of contents, objectives, scope and general structure of the training is presented, and also the interactive techniques and psychological exercises, which were used during the training, are defined. The research is established on basis of the modern scientific research methods and statistical data processing. On the bases of appropriate methodical support, the author provides reliable research results. Dependence between organizational-professional characteristics of personnel and level and demonstration of professional burnout is defined. On basis of observing experiment the content and structure of training “Burnout prevention of operational rescue service executives of SESU” are developed. The author adheres to rules of scientific publication appearance. The results of scientific research indicate that developed training is an effective means of burnout prevention of SESU agencies and departments executives.
Keywords: rescuer, risky profession, emergency situation, professional burnout, training, interactive techniques, forming experiment, prophylactics.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):138-146 (pdf)
UDC 159.922
Kryvopyshyna О. А.
Lviv State University of Life Safety, Doctor of Psychology, Lviv
Psychological Description of the Psychological-Social Type of a Creative Person at the Pre-adult Age
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The article contains results of the empiric analysis of the development psychological peculiarities of the psychological-social type of a creative person at the pre-adult age; determination of structural components of the psychological-social type of a creative person; an ascertaining experimental study of development peculiarities of constituents of the psychological-social type of a creative person at the pre-adult age has been carried out. According to Pearson critical correlation coefficient there has been found out the correlation between high level of creative abilities and verbal-logical mind-set; high level of general creative abilities and inclinations to risk; high level of creative abilities and visual-figurative mind-set, creative abilities and complexity as a constituent part of personality creativity, high level of creative abilities and the “Ego” – state of a child” (0,4158) which confirms the thought that it is necessary to develop the ability to be in the “Ego” – state of a child” during the process of creative activity, which allows to develop non-mediate view on the surrounding world, to be able to see the unusual in usual things, as well as to be sincere and open in interpersonal relations. Subsequent to the results of the ascertaining experimental study it has been proved that peculiarities of formation of the psychological-social type of a creative person depends on the development of such individual psychological properties as: high level of general creative abilities, high level of verbal-logical and visual-figurative mind-sets, high personality creativity, namely, high development level of imagination, complexity, curiosity and inclination to risk, and ability of a personality to be in the “Ego” – state of a child”.
Keywords: psychological-social type, creative person, creativity, general creative abilities, type of thinking, imagination, “Ego” – state of a child”.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):147-154 (pdf)
UDC 159.955:373.5(043.3)
Kushch A. S.
Pedagogy and philosophy Kremenchug national University named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky, Kremenchug
Psychological Mechanism of Concepts Paradoxing as a Way of Cogitation in the Creative Constructology
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The article provides the solution of the problem as to the analysis of the psychological mechanism in the process of creative constructology. The way of cogitation is observed as the personally processing model of a certain structural scheme provided by considering the interdependence of two typical processes with their simultaneous deployment in the course of mental activity including the cognition as procedural characteristics and activity as personal characteristics. The analysis of theoretical and empirical approaches to cogitation under the creative constructology allowes to determine concepts paradoxing as a way to develop a personally processing model of creative cogitation.
The act of cogitation for solving the paradoxes is emphasized to have a duality in the form of combinatorial and logical proof. It is noted that techniques of concepts paradoxing allow to use the different methods for resolving the contradictory situations of cognition: from the logical to topical adherence. Genetic classification, divergence, sense convergence, constructing of logical and topical inference are pointed out as the main components of procedures in the concepts paradoxing. It is stated that a solution of mental conflict is constructed by developing a chain of contradictory statements in the following sequence: aporia - diaporema - paradox - antinomy - antinomy-problem - dialectical contradiction. It is concluded that concepts paradoxing in its interior form ensures the development of the psychological mechanism of self-consciousness, which is close to the notion of reflection. As to practical application concepts paradoxing provides a successful solution for the conflicting structures of cogitation and becomes the way in which the creative cogitation is developing.
Keywords: concepts paradoxing, paradoxes, diaporema, paradox, antinomy, antinomy problem, reflection, logic, topic, combinatorics.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):154-164 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:331.101.3
Leshchenko O. V.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Elements of Creativity in Professional Activity of a Train Driver
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Professional activity of a train driver is complex and multifaceted, it embraces several processes that are interconnected and last simultaneously. Decision-making is an important part of professional activity of a train driver, here an important role is played by professional thinking. Under the conditions of a professional activity, the decision can be made algorithmically or by searching method. It is impossible to consider all the factors determining the occurrence of unusual situations. The main of them can be distinguished in accordance with the following positions: the influence of probable events on the duration and the result of the transportation process, the probability of non-standard situations. The effectiveness of the decision-making depends on many factors including: the level of physiological properties, emotional and volitional state, employee experience, peculiarities of the mental activity, situational preconditions to carry out the professional duties, psychological climate at the workplace and the locomotive crew, etc.. Important elements forming the basis of classification of non-standard situations are: the factors of occurrence, area of origin, scale, stages of problem solution. As a result of the occurrence of non-standard situation there is a need for a definite mechanism for adopting and implementing the right solution, which is only possible taking into account all its components. The driver must have the projects, tactics, and strategies in dealing with such situations.
Keywords: professional thinking, creative thinking, train driver, non-standard situation, project, strategy, tactics, professional activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):164-171 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Moyseyenko L. А.
Ivano-Frankivsk National technical university of oil and gas, Ivano-Frankivsk
The Influence of the Mathematical Style of Thinking at the Process of Understanding Creative Mathematical Problems
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The article focuses on the increasing role of mathematics in the development of almost sciences that makes diverse researches of the mathematical creative thinking as problem of today. There has been pointed out the identification signs of human thinking activity in the field of mathematics. Creative mathematical thinking is seen as a parallel course of three components processes: process understanding, forecasting process and approbation process. The article considers modern scientific approaches of the issues connected with the psychological essence of the process understanding and analyzes personal psychological aspect of human thinking. The questions of concerning the psychological nature of individual differences in the process of understanding of creative mathematical thinking are described here. The process of understanding of mathematical problems is considered as one of the processes that go with the solution of the mathematical problems. The process of understanding as part of the creative mathematical thinking is analyzed on the basis of stylistic approach to the psychological evaluation. Considering the mathematical style as an individual peculiarity of person (subject) activity in mathematics, in the article there have been distinguished and described three mathematical styles of students of technical higher educational establishment: logical, innovative and logical-innovative. There have been described and analyzed these creative mathematical styles which are revealed in the understanding of the mathematical problem. In the article describes differences of the nature of the structural elements of the problem; content reformulating the problem in "own" language; sequence and content of thinking action to find solutions; importance of transactions and forecasting of thinking testing results.
Keywords: creative mathematical thinking, components of creative mathematical thinking, understanding process, styles of thinking, styles of creative mathematical thinking.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20): 171-190 (pdf)
Moskalenko V. V.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Features of the Substantial Characteristics of the Structural Components of Social Representations of the Students about Socially Successful Person
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: On the basis of the results of empirical studies are considered the meaningful data for individual components of the social representations of students about socially successful person; the differences in the content of cognitive, affective and connotative components depending on gender are shown. It is argued that the regulatory function of these components need to be considered with respect to the structural integrity of the social representation, which is formed by a special bond and relationship of these structural components, as well as between the structural system with the external world of a person. It is concluded that the practical implications of the analysis of substantial characteristics of individual structural components of social representations of students about socially successful person is that it can be used in forming the image of the social programs of a socially successful person, which aim to influence its individual components, taking into account the features that have been identified in the empirical analysis.
Keywords: concepts of socially successful person, the structural components of social representations, the cognitive component, an affective component connotative component, gender differences, and students, the whole structure function of socially successful person.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):191-203 (pdf)
UDC 159. 954
Medvedeva N. V.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Observacy as Creative Perception Indicator
Language: Ukrainian
This article presents research of psychological regularities of creative perception in the stream of unitary strategic-operational theory. Particularly the role of observacy in creative perception is analyzed. This approach obviously gives new view and finds its practical implementation in the edge of psychology of creative perception problems study. Perception as other psychic processes is considered in the context of specific cognitive processes. Particularly, perception is researched in the structure of cognitive processes, with the help of which person perceives and understands information, reflects an objective world, transforming it into own subjective image. In which sensation, perception, thinking are inseparable components of unitary process of reality reflection. In the process of external reality cognition the process of perception may turn into observation, which is characterized as purposeful, regular object perception, in cognition of which personality is interested in, and which is the most developed form of conscious perception. Fine art is always connected with reality transformation into new form – it is named transformative vision, which in our work is analyzed as transformation of perception. The feature of perception transformation is specific regularities, which consist in actualization of mental strategic actions that become apparent in different types of transformation.
Keywords: image, transforming image, observacy, observation, perception, creative perception, artistic perception, creation, perception transformation, attention.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):203-213 (pdf)
UDC 159.943
Muzyka O. L.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Interaction between Needs and Felicities in Development of a Creatively Gifted Person
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Provisions on the leading part in a person’s consumer scope concerning a certain personality pattern formation, namely a creatively gifted person, are established in the article. Personal equation in abilities enables to select and develop deliberately those felicities, by which human needs are met with lesser efforts. Identification of needs and their classification are briefly investigated. The author’s creatively gifted person’s needs classification is provided. The most common – dichotomous division of needs: vital and personal. Personal ones, by the same token, are divided into social (for recognition), cognitive and creative (cognitive needs for development and creative work), existential (needs for subjectness, self-identity, purpose of life). The need for recognition is formed in dealing with inferiority complex and person’s advancement in their own inherent value. Creative achievements are treated as a single convincing argument to recognize a creatively gifted person by the social environment. They are made possible with the interaction among the cognitive need, needs for development and creative work as well as felicities, associated with them. Conscious peculiarities concerning personal meet needs become a fundamental personal identity for a gifted person. The need for a constant development of felicities holds a specific place in the creatively gifted person’s identity structure. Every episode in one need satisfaction actualizes reflexive feelings and metacognitions with the involvement of all other personal needs. The result is personal values – human independent ideas regarding ethical notional conditions and limits of their own needs and pragmatic ways to meet them. Personal values, like constructs of consciousness, become starting points in people’s thoughts concerning purpose of life and play a key part in consumer scope transformations and self-development regulation.
Keywords: gifted person, personality pattern, creativeness, development, need for recognition, cognitive and creative needs, existential needs.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):213-228 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.075
Mul S. A.
M. P. Dragomanov National pedagogical university, Kyiv
Psychological Model of Border Guards’ Readiness to the Professional Activity
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: This article presents the results of empirical research of readiness. On the basis of that results was built a model of the border guards’ psychological readiness to professional activity as a closed system, whose structural components are combined into a unity with complex of multi-level contacts and relations, which influence on each other and determine the final goal of the national border control - its safety and effectiveness of the borderline surveillance. Model of the border guards’ psychological readiness to professional activity is observed as closed system, structural components of which incorporate to entity with complex multilevel correlations and relations. This correlations and relations influence on each other including the effectiveness of state border guard. Formation of readiness to a professional activity comes through internal balance, mobilization of experience, feelings, professional activity direction. Readiness of officer’s personality procreates characteristics of officers according to different types: active, self-sufficient, performing. Described components constitute the essence of understanding of state border guard by border guarder-officer through the cognition of a subject, means, goal, tasks, forms, techniques, conditions and organization of state border guard. Realization of inviolability, modernity, reliability, effectiveness, stability of Ukrainian border guard by a border guarder distinguishes dominant motive through the content of the “Self”, actualization of state border guard psychological image, continuation of experience gaining as a stimulus of professional activity.
Keywords: readiness, model, component, unit, activity, object, personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):228-237 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.7
Musiiaka N. I.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
To the Problem of Estimating Attitudes in Self-Consciousness Psychological Theory of P. R. Chamata
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Article observes the problem of estimating attitudes of a child in self-consciousness psychological theory of P. R. Chamata. The substantive aspect of self-consciousness through the prism of person’s attitude to external objective world and relations with other people in the process of activity is analyzed. Characteristic to the forms of consciousness manifestations (cognitive, emotional and volitional) is given and the place of self-rating in the structure of self-consciousness is defined. In the context of genesis of child’s self-consciousness the genesis of child’s estimating and self- estimating spheres is established. The role of activity in estimating and self- estimating spheres is described. Different levels of activity representation in child’s consciousness, starting with unconscious to formation of self-conscious activity are observed. Mechanism of formation of child’s estimating attitude to himself and to other people is shown. Dependence of child’s estimating self-attitude on estimating attitude of other people is registered. The way of appearance of child’s ability to estimation and self- estimation is observed, which is according to P. R. Chamata, is a background to basic level of child’s understanding of own acts and actions, self-conscience of a subject. The analysis of correlation between the estimating process and appearance of child’s ability to internal mind activity, appearance of internal activity, ability to self-observation is presented. The dominant role of valuating attitudes at all levels of human ontogenetic development is defined.
Keywords: genesis, effectiveness, personality, estimating attitudes, assessment, self-assessment, self-consciousness.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):237-245 (pdf)
Naydonova L. M.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Psychological Features of Perception of Screen Information
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The problem of perception of screen information was analyzed in the paper. The concept of screen information and the types of screen information (textual, graphics, video, multimedia information) were defined. The article provides an overview of studies of perception of screen information in different area and marked psychological characteristics of such perception. The features of the perception of specific and nonspecific information from different carriers were clarified. The principles of construction of an information message for the most efficient perception that massage from screen were considered.
Studies of the perception of different types of screen information were reviewed. The features of the perception of textual information from different types of screens in comparison with a conventional carrier were identified. Researches of the perception of video information concerning the effect of presence, perception of risk content (scenes of violence), perception and understanding of movies were reviewed. The questions concerning perception of the image of another person, mediated by screen were marked.
Paper define perspective research questions for studying the problem, namely: comparative aspects of perception of different types of information from the screen and in reality, age-related features of perception of screen information, studying features of perception of information from screens with different characteristics (screen size, technical features of the device, the presence of sensory response) .
Keywords: perception, visual perception, interpersonal perception, screen, screen information.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):245-255 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.736.4
Opanasyuk I. V.
Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk, Ivano-Frankivsk
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Relationships of the Components of EQ in High School Pupils
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Everyday stress and critical situations are inevitable phenomena which manifest in individual attitudes to the various factors of life. Therefore extremely important for it is the awareness of the role and importance of the emotional sphere in the optimization of the effectiveness of life. The article deals with the characteristics of emotional intelligence based on theoretical and empirical analysis and its components are allocated. According to the author's opinion the particular interest is the senior school age, which is characterized by qualitative transformation of the emotional sphere of senior high school student. The formation of high school students the ability to control their emotions and those of others, to manage them can be one of the conditions for success in improving the efficiency of the educational process. The flexibility of all mental processes, high sensitivity and interest in the sphere of inner peace are the foundations of the development conscious EQ. A psychodiagnosis of EQ in senior pupils and analysis of correlation relations between the indicators of emotional intelligence shows the understanding of their own and others' emotions; manage their and other people's emotions; interpersonal and intrapersonal aspect of emotional intelligence; emotional awareness; motivation; empathy; recognition of emotions in others.
Keywords: emotion, empathy, self-motivation, inner personal emotional intelligence, interpersonal emotional intelligence, understanding of own and other’ emotions, managing of these emotions, recognizing emotions of other people.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):256-265 (pdf)
UDC 316.35-051: 615.851+159.942.5
Panchenko O.A.1, Panchenko L.V.2, Sadchikovа E.G. 2, Minakova E.N. 2
1National Academy of postgraduate education of named by P.L. Shupyk, Konstantinivka
2Scientific-practical medical rehabilitation and diagnostic center MOH Ukraine, Konstantinivka
Psychodiagnostics and Psychocorrection Emotional Burnout of Social Workers
Language: Russian
Abstracts: The paper gives the data of psychodiagnostic investigation of social workers of the Territorial center of social service for the presence of emotional burnout. The analysis of the received data: 18% is not diagnosed, 67% at a stage of formation, 15% of the emotional burnout syndrome formed. According to the results of psycho-diagnostics developed training on the prevention of emotional burnout for this contingent. The training was aimed at: to familiarize the participants with the concepts that characterize emotional burnout; development of skills of psychological self-regulation and transformation of negative feelings in a positive emotional state; ability to organize their time for their own self-development. Symptoms of emotional burnout of social workers affects the professional and personal spheres of life. Timely diagnostics emotional state contributes to the prevention of occurrence asthenia nervous system. Trainings on professional competence, contributes to the prevention of emotional burnout, development of internal potential, rational approach to solving problem situations, the development of creativity.
Keywords: emotional burnout, social workers, diagnostics, psychological training.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):266-273 (pdf)
UDC 159.943
Plokhikh V. V.
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky, Odesa
Temporal Parameter of Psychological Readiness for Emergency Actions
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Under conditions of intensification of life processes a subject must have aptitude, qualities and abilities of fast reevaluation of a situation, preparing and taking decisions for emergency execution of timely and right actions. Psychic mechanisms, which secure orientation in new conditions, change of informational basis of actions, reorganization of activity system structure, should be attributed to basic functional and operational mechanisms of organization of person’s interaction with the environment. Readiness of a person to act in changing conditions is determined by peculiarities of formation and functioning of psychological directive and by corresponding reorganization of activity system. The least period, during which such formation and reorganization take place, can be considered as basic characteristics, as temporal parameter of functions and processes, which secure psychological readiness of a person to solve problems under dynamic conditions of reality. During the experiment people under study were offered to resolve tasks concerning common sensomotor reaction, reaction of choice, reaction of “double choice”, based on combination of tasks of common reacting and reactions of choice when warning signals are used. Basing on analysis of results of experimental application of methods of “double choice” reaction with automatic arrangement of experimental task conditions it was found that average value of temporal parameter of psychological readiness for emergency actions for subgroups of people under study was as follows: men – 0,184 sec.; women – 0,206 sec. It was determined that period of common sensomotor reaction and period of choice reaction (three alternatives) in subgroup of men was on the average less than in that of women. It was found that individual values of temporal parameter of psychological readiness for emergency actions in the subgroups widely vary.
Keywords: temporal parameter, emergency action, directive, reaction period, activity system, operational psychic mechanisms.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):274-283 (pdf)
UDC 159.947.5
Podshyvailov F. M.
Institute of a gifted child NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Correlation between Motivation of Success Achievement and Motivation of Failure Avoidance: From Bipolarity in Theory to Quadripolarіty on Practice
Language: Russian
Abstracts: The modern quadripolar model of achievement motivation is considered in the article. It contains four types of motivation: 1) optimists (high success orientation and low fear of failure); 2) overstrivers (high success orientation and high fear of failure); 3) self-protectors (low success orientation and high fear of failure); 4) failure acceptors (low success orientation and low fear of failure). Notions of motivational types are extended on the basis of wide empiric research results. It is defined, that such psychological characteristics are mostly correlated with quadripolar model of achievement motivation: adaptivity, anxiety, self-discipline, perfectionism, level of academic motivation. Possibilities of quadripolar model are examined in construction of typology of students. Sketch of motivational types psychological portrait is described. Optimists are characterized by better adaptivity, have comparatively lower personal anxiety, middle self-discipline, lightly above average level of perfectionism, motivation on professionalization. Overstrivers are characterized by adaptivity, but by lightly higher personal anxiety, they are the most of all types self-disciplined and internal, possess the highest level of self-orientated perfectionism. Leading academic motivation is knowledge reception. Self-protectors are the least adaptive of all types, have the highest personal anxiety, weakly self-disciplined and the mostly inclined to externality; have the lowest level of self-orientated perfectionism. Receipt of diploma is leading academic motivation. Failure acceptors differ from all other types by very low range of value “cognition”. On adaptivity, self-discipline, locus of control, perfectionism and academic motivation they are common with self-protectors, the main difference between them is in the level of personal anxiety.
Perspectives of further research are outlined: widening of observables, verification of gender-age parameters or conditions of environment influence on the formation of one or another motivational type, research of optimization abilities of some psychological characteristics and many others.
Keywords: quadripolar model of achievement motivation, motivational sphere, motivational type, typology of students.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):284-293 (pdf)
UDC 316.6: 33
Radchenko N.I.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Distinctive Psychological Characteristics of Professional Self-Determination of Future Economists
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The article deals with future economists’ psychological characteristics of professional self-determination related to their majoring in the field of economic psychology which envisages their independent study of psychological phenomena in industrial relations based on the scientific achievements of social psychology, organizational psychology, work psychology, and economics. The author considers the integrative professional self-development of an individual based on the idea of mental archetype and ideological space of the national economic system that determines the way in which society meets the physical needs of people. Using the results of an empirical investigation conducted on a sample of 403 economics students from different universities of Ukraine the author analyzes the basic content of professional Self-concepts being the factors of future economists’ self-determination which contribute to their readiness for professional activities in market conditions. To the author’s mind, the system of university training of economics students should develop students’ individual competitiveness, thus creating appropriate conditions for the development of the competitiveness of key industries in Ukraine. Poor economic consciousness of modern society is reflected in mosaic perception of relations of production, distribution and consumption, as well as in individuals’ activities determined by their professional belonging to one of the types of economic relations. The cognitive structure of consciousness was shown to be based on the principle of primitive equality and repressed desires and ideas about the values, production and consumption. The author proves that improvement of economic education should be based on the principles of intensification of teaching and learning including students’ mastery of integrative creative tools for problem-solving. The economic world order calls for changing the ideological model that should determine economists’ professional self-determination.
Keywords: economic consciousness, psychological-economic preparedness, innovative economic thinking, economic anticipation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):294-302 (pdf)
UDC [159.9:32] (075)
Тraverse Т. М.
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv
Intuition in the Process of Forming of the Political Task Solving Hypothesis
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: In the article intuition is studied as a component of political thinking in the process of forming of the political task solving hypothesis. Political thinking is thinking which emerges in the struggle for resources and statuses of the society. Politics belongs to the forms of human existence in which knowledge cannot aspire to objectivity and authenticity. Therefore actor’s value orientations become of the principal value. Knowledge in politics is personal, and thus largely unconscious and intuitional. The nature of hypotheses can be conscious and unconscious. Intuition at the same time exists as a continuous process and as "intuitional" phase (Y.О. Ponomarev), "incubatory" (G. Simon), "a component of generating of hypotheses and strategies" of solving (L.L. Gurova). As procedural indicators of functioning of intuition in the study of political thinking we have singled out the following: previous experience, knowledge about non-knowledge, unclear intentions, intellectual reflection, non-obvious knowledge, conjecture, insight, instantaneous solving, transfer of knowledge and abilities to other conditions and spheres, emotional reaction to the request to solve a task, insistence, intellectual initiative, conditional, original, standard solutions, total number of the offered solution variants, subjective systems of senses, forming of the object’s senses on the basis of subjective meanings, forming of subjective meanings on the basis of senses and their constellations in factors. The dynamics and development of intuition in the sense of politics has its tendencies and regularities both in professional political thinking and in ordinary actors’ thinking. In particular, common properties are that the emerging solutions are unconscious, surrogated, sudden, and finding them is spontaneous. As a component of political thinking intuition is manifested at different levels of understanding and is characterized by the same mechanisms as understanding.
Keywords: political thinking, intuition, political task, professional political thinking, amateur political thinking.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):303-311 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Tretiak T. N.
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Creative Perception of Information in Conditions Of Its Deficit
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: It is underlined, that material form of task condition perception is transformation of its initial conditions to required conditions. Demands to experimental tasks, which may be realized with the purpose of unfavorable factors influence (deficit and excess of information) on the process of creative task condition are formulated. Diagnostic potential of tasks on free construction is analyzed. The features of display of two main types of creative perception by pupils of information in the process of experimental task solving are observed. First type is characterized by the tendency of task condition research tendency from the position of technical construction. In realization of the second type of information creative perception, projects of task solving are based not on conditions, given in task situation, but on the assumption of experience, knowledge, skills, practice, and motivational sphere of task solver, who find the projection in particular elements of task condition. Initial task conditions transform into required conditions on the influence of information on pupil from internal or external world. Second type of information’s creative perception is presented on four levels.
Keywords: creative perception, task on free constructing, information, task initial conditions, task required conditions, strategy, transformation of information, types and levels of information creative perception.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):312-322 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.6
Filenko I. A.
G. S. Skovoroda Kharkov National University, Kharkov
From Adaptation to Creative Life: Study of the Social Creativity Construct
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The results of modern researches of the social creativity phenomenon were analyzed, which allowed to make the conclusion that it represents a person's ability, which opens the possibility of identifying the significant, deep features of the situations of social interaction, forecasting of their future development, operational research and the successful implementation of nonstandard, original creative strategies for their solution, which ensures the vitality and development of the person in the process of its being. It was determined that creativity is a social factor of the success social and psychological adaptation of the person in the modern world.
The study of the phenomenon of social creativity at the persons of the middle adult ages was performed. It was identified the indicators that characterize the aspects of the creative behavior of the subjects during the process of the difficult social situations overcoming. It was investigated the relationship between the components of creativity and psychological characteristics, reflecting the peculiarities of the social and psychological adaptation of the tested persons. With the help of principal component method in the structure of social creativity it succeeded in the separation out three components – a positive emotional active involvement, belief in the possibility of control, insight, – which are also similar to the basic characteristics of autotelos personalities with the skills to implement the state of flux in their activity.
Keywords: social creativity, vitality, involvement, internal control, insight, autotelos personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):323-335 (pdf)
UDC 159.922
Chebotova Ya. V.
G. S. Skovoroda Kharkov National University, Kharkov
Creativity as a Personal Characteristics of Student-Designer
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: In the article the essence of notion “creativity” in native and foreign psychological literature is analyzed, components of personality creative potential are defined. Creativity is considered as an important component of student-designer’s personality readiness for creative process. Successfulness of creative activity in design sphere provides generation of psychological processes, able to provide specific creative tasks solving by the most productive methods. Creativity is one of the basic characteristics of thinking process in design-projecting, which often determines its effectiveness. The problem of personality creativity observing provides analysis of notion “creativity” content and determination of personality’s creativity characteristics. The task of higher education is to prepare students of design specialties for productive work in situation of uncertainty, which are present in modern design and society in general. Dictates for this task solving are connected with generation of certain psychological formations and ability of modern student to use them productively, to control own emotional state and to correspond to challenges, which support modern process of design-projecting. Conscious usage of cognitive, motivational and emotional psychological features is a background for successful personality realization in modern design-projecting sphere.
Keywords: creativity, creation, personality, design, planning, innovation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):336-341 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.4
Shaparenko Yu. V.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
Theoretical Basis of Ethnic Self-Awareness Research in Foreign Social Psychology
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: Article examines the concept of ethnic self-awareness as the main characteristic and condition of ethnic group existence. In article substantiated the research of the phenomenon “ethnicity”, “ethnic identity” and “ethnic identity” in the context of current foreign approaches. The essence of ethnic self-awareness as a social and psychological phenomenon in today’s polycultural environment was expand. Determined the positions of specific psychological schools which in various ways interpret the phenomenon of ethnic self-awareness. Categorization of the concept of “ethnic self-awareness” was implemented by comparison with the related concepts of “ethnicity” and “ethnic identity”, which allow a better understanding of its essence. Processed theoretical and methodological principles of the study of ethnic self-awareness, which amounted foundation for determining the parameters of empirical research. Expediency of studying structural and functional aspects of ethnic self-awareness which allows to in-depth understanding of it socio-psychological structure was substantiated. The necessity of applying knowledge about the diversity of ethnic boundaries in the process of developing practical measures aimed at enriching social and cultural relations and the establishment of effective partnerships between different ethnic groups has been proved. The structure of ethnicity was represented in conjunction of emotional, volitional, cognitive and behavioral components. Was determined the possibility of ethnic changes under the influence of personal, economic and political factors. The perspective direction of further researches to define ways for increase the construct validity of experimental research in the field of ethnic psychology was outlined.
Keywords: ethnic self-awareness; ethnicity; ethnic identity; self-categorization; ethnic group; ethnic boundaries; social group; socio-psychological group; social relationships; sociocultural context.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):342-350 (pdf)
UDC 378.147
Sharkova S. F.
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv
The Results of Implementing Complex Program Directed at the Development of Intercultural Competence in Foreign Language Classroom
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: In order to provide successful adaptation of young people in terms of modern society it is recommended to teach students to perceive the variety of cultures, create conditions for tolerant behavior. In one of Ukrainian universities it was suggested to teach foreign languages according to the activity approach which refers to intercultural-sensitivity training. 151 students, including Ukrainian citizens and foreigners, were divided into control and experimental groups and were assessed with Rosenzweig Test and questionnaires The activities designed for the experimental group included 15-minute discussions concerning multicultural issues. By analyzing proverbs, discussing family life issues, comparing values and beliefs, perception of time and distance, and other activities students were encouraged to explore the culture of their mates from countries other than Ukraine and develop their own positive cultural identity. The analysis proves that suggested approach promotes positive changes in students’ social thinking, including overcoming general stereotypes and prejudices. The scores from Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study have indicated that respondents from experimental group are aimed to pursue goals despite frustration. The results of implementing complex program directed at the development of intercultural competence during the foreign language skills mastering revealed the participants’ tolerant attitudes to various nations, expressed both in language and behaviour and in the overcoming of the psychological barrier of communicating with foreigner in English.
Keywords: multicultural student group, foreign language teaching, intercultural competence, psychosocial development, the type of reaction, the direction of reaction, group conformity rating.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):350-358 (pdf)
UDC 316.28 : 159.943.7 – 057.875 (045)
Shatylo Iu. P.
National Aviation University, Kyiv Diagnosis of Communication Skills in Negotiating for Future Specialists in International Relations
Language: Ukrainian
Abstracts: The article highlights the components of the structure of communication skills in negotiating for future specialists in international relations. The paper presents a system of methods and techniques for the diagnosis of the development of communication skills in negotiation. The article reports the results of empirical studies that reflect the level of communication skills in negotiating of the future specialists in international relations. The research divides the sample divides the sample studied in terms of developing their communication skills in negotiation. First-year students of the Institute of International Relations have medium and low level of communication skills in negotiating. Fourth-year students have the average level of development of skills. We compared the level of communication skills in negotiating of the students first and fourth year of study. We found that increased levels of skills from low to medium. It is not sufficient for future specialists in international relations, because negotiation plays an important role in their future careers.
Keywords: communication skills in negotiation, structural components, future specialists in international relations, the decisive diagnostics.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 12(20):358-366 (pdf)