Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 11. Personology. Psychological support person. Issue 17 – 2018
Babchenko, L. M.
Drahomanov National Pedagogical University Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyses issues of psychologists’ preparation for social-psychological rehabilitation of internally displaced children in the context of modern psychology and psychotherapy. Conditions of psychologists’ successful professional training to work with children from the anti-terrorist operation zone are describes. The content of psychologists’ rehabilitation work with children is determined in the unity of its psycho-logical and social components. The experience of the Centre for Social and Psycho-logical Rehabilitation of Children from the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone is presented. The issue of psychologists’ professional burnout as a risk existing during rehabilitation work, as well as ways of its prevention and overcoming of its consequences are discussed.
Keywords: socio-psychological rehabilitation, children from the anti-terrorist operation zone, professional training of psychologists, occupational burnout syndrome.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):5-18 (pdf)
UDC 159.98 : 7.06
Volnova, L. N.
Dragomanov National Pedagogical University Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The aim of the study is to define the rehabilitation potential of musical art. The tasks of the study are to find the main organizational forms of use of music in psychological practice, as well as to substantiate the features and meaning of certain forms of music therapy while working with children.
In the article proved that the rehabilitation (recovery) potential of music through the combination of different activities (cognitive, creative, value-oriented, communicative and reflexive-cathartic) is realized. It has been emphasized, that the influence of music is not an isolated means, but also music therapy – is only one of the components of the process of correction, therapy or rehabilitation. Organizational forms of music therapy by the number of participants (individual, pair and group) and by the way of influence of music on the client (active, receptive, integrative) is divided. Examples of the use of certain forms of music therapy while working with children-clients are given: it is the musical diary (individual active form of music therapy), musical training of personal and creative self-realization (group active form of music therapy), background music, meditative game, game-test "Know Yourself" (group receptive forms of music therapy), musical theater, musical improvisation games, communicative dance-games, musical drawing, musical stories (group integrated forms of music therapy). It has been emphasized, that the musical art through synthesis of musical and other types of therapy for children-clients, especially with disorders of psychophysical development, new ways of corrective influence opens up.
Keywords: rehabilitation potential, musical art, music therapy, organizational forms of music therapy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):18-34 (pdf)
UDC 316.776. 34
Gavrilyuk, D. O. 1 , Gomoniuk, V.O. 2
1Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses the psychological and pedagogical aspects of creative interactions between a teacher and a student in an individual learning environment. It is focused on certain aspects of creative interaction, such as: ambivalence, personality maturity, focus on methods and technologies within the concept of the New Ukrainian School.
The consequences of destructive pedagogical interactions are examined on the basis of analysis of objective and subjective reasons, and ways of this problem solving on the base of ideas of psychological well-being and personal resources are proposed.
Teachers’ individual psychological peculiarities that can potentially influence the quality of creative pedagogical interactions at individual learning are singled out: temperament, culture of communication, a style of pedagogical work, attitude towards work, students, and colleagues, which affect quality of teaching, motivation to learning, attitude to individual classes.
The article stresses the very side of interactions, through which a teacher can in-spire his/her student, raise the student’s interest in the taught subject, help him/her understand this subject more deeply, enjoy learning process and interpersonal inter-action with the teacher.
The conclusion is made that it is necessary to actualize students’ subjective experience, experience of their usual activities and interactions, operational experience, to take into account the functions and methods of creative pedagogical interaction with students.
Keywords: creative interaction between a teacher and students, individual learning, ambivalence, creative methods of interaction, New Ukrainian School.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):34-51 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.07
Hrys, A. M.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the experience of psychologists’ practical work with clients after breaking of their meaningful relationships. The focus is on certain psychological techniques that are resourceful for psychologists providing such psychological assistance.
The consequences of meaningful relationship breaking in the context of violations of a person’s adaptive processes are considered, in particular, failure in leading activities, interpersonal relationships, auto-psychological incompetence and lowering of psychological wellbeing. The dynamic aspects of destructive tendencies in significant relationships are revealed from the beginning of their existence to the breaking, which help distinguish a number of meaningful topics that may serve as the target of further psychotherapeutic influence at work with clients. The deep experiences that may arise in response to meaningful relationship rupture are described: loss of life meaning, depression, loneliness, distrust, feeling of guilt, a deep rejection of oneself, self-aggression, selfblame.
The conclusion is made that effective working out of psychological problems connected with meaningful relationship rupture turns to the history of parentchild relations, the nature of clients’ relationships in the past, where it is possible to find an individual pathogenic factor influencing meaningful relationships. Namely, an individual character of actions and reactions to a partner’s actions is determined by personal experience and inclinations that influence unconsciously on interpretation of a meaningful relationship situation and give it a special significance.
Keywords: psychological assistance, meaningful relationships, adaptation, self-aggression, self-blame.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):51-64 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.27:355
Derhach, M. A.
National Technical University in Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article highlights peculiarities of interpersonal relations of the servicemen with the different level of emotional burnout, based on the results of the empirical study. Statistically significant connections between of the symptoms and phases of the syndrome of emotional burnout and the sociоmetric status of the servicemen have been established. It`s been stated that the influence of the sociometric status on the indicators of emotional burnout is manifested through to the high level of sociometric status, as well as the influence of the level of sociometric status on the indicators of emotional burnout is manifested according to the principle "the higher – the higher". It has been established that sociometric status and sociometric compatibility interact statistically reliably, influencing the emotional burnout of the servicemen in the combat operations zone.
At the low level of social status, the lowest scores of emotional burnout are ob-served at a high sociometric index of compatibility, higher scores are associated with a decrease in the sociometric index of compatibility (middle and low levels). At the average level of social status, the lowest scores of emotional burnout are observed at a low sociometric index of compatibility, higher scores are associated with the average, and, in particular, the high level of sociometric index of compatibility. At the highest level of social status, the highest rate of emotional burnout is observed in the middle level of sociometric compatibility.
Keywords: servicemen, interpersonal relations, emotional burnout, combat op-erations zone.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):64-79 (pdf)
UDC 159.98
Yeshchenko, H. R.
Department of Psychology of Sukhomlynsky National University in Mykolaiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents a part of the empirical research on senior preschool age children development, included into the dissertation research of emotional proximity of married partners as a factor of their children development. The research participants were full families with one child, blood relative for both partners. The children were 5-6 years old, they attended kindergarten. All families lived in a city. In total, 70 families participated in the research; the results of 10 randomly selected respondents are described in the article. Each child was offered to draw two drawings - a person and a non-existent animal. The testing was carried out according to all recommendations and instructions of O. L. Venger, described in the illustrated practical guide “Psychological Drawing Test”.
A brief analysis of the latest publications on children development provides a justi-fication of several widespread directions of research implementation with the indication of recommended types of techniques. In particular, it includes techniques determining children’s ability to determine mental states of another people, to define situational current states by choosing colours, as well as the techniques interpreting drawings.
The article systematizes the results of the empirical research on senior preschool age children development using projective drawing techniques “Picture of a person” and “Picture of a non-existent animal”. The obtained results has been systematized and presented in the form of tables with their subsequent interpretation by the author. The description and interpretation of the obtained results is accompanied by explanations and recommendations of O. L. Venger about the peculiarities of the above-mentioned technique interpretation for respondents of the senior preschool age.
Keywords: child development, emotional development, research on development, preschool age, projective techniques.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):79-90 (pdf)
UDC 37.015.3
Maksym, O.V.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article shows that value orientation formation has different peculiarities as for its content: value internalization, construction of a values hierarchy, determination of main orientations, correction of behaviour and formation of necessary value orientations, ensuring of psychological, communicative and methodological conditions.
The proposed psychological-pedagogical program help teachers and psychologists to work with deviant adolescents, it contains a set of psychological and pedagogical means aimed at development of value orientation structural components, adolescents’ awareness on their own system of values, formation of adolescents’ axiological attitude to significant objects, activation of their self-knowledge, value reflection in adolescents’ behaviour, deepening adolescents’ ideas about the concept of “values” and “meanings”.
The program promoting value orientation formation has been implemented in the form of socio-psychological trainings, including mini lectures, “brainstorming” techniques, group discussions, role games, psychological dramatic exercises, independent work in the form of creative homework.
Keywords: deviants, socialization, desocialization, resocialization, resocialization stages, value orientation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):90-114 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.73 : 614.876
Маksymov, M. V. 1, Chausova, R. B. 22
1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2 “Millennium” Gymnasium No. 318, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The problem of developing reflexive skills of students. It is shown that the "linearity" of thinking, which reduces the child's mental activity, deprives her of the need to train the processes of comprehension, imagination, creativity, is a serious obstacle to the development of the reflection of modern children.
The relationship between the perception of musical works and the development of creativity and reflection is clarified. It is proved that the verbal means of development of reflection, that is, the impact through the cognitive sphere, is ineffective, but the influence on the emotional sphere makes it possible unconsciously to form a motivation for self-analysis, reflection and creativity, influencing the subconscious. A program for the development of reflection in the course of perception of music has been developed.
Keywords: development, reflexive skills, creativity, younger schoolchildren, per-ception of music.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):114-124 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.73
Маksymova, N. Y.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article shows the problems of determining the principles of therapy for childhood psychological trauma. It is shown that psycho-traumatic situations adversely affect the development of personality at the neuropsychological level. The experience of working with children who suffered psychological traumas of childhood is presented. The basic principles of working with such children are formulated.
Keywords: psychological trauma, childhood, neuropsychology, psychotherapy, principles.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):124-134 (pdf)
UDC 159.955:615.851
Manilov, I. F.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper contains an analysis of the main mechanisms of the multimodal suggestive influence. It is shown that the psychothera-peutic suggestive influence is a complex multimodal process that cannot be described by means of a certain psychotherapeutic mechanism. It is noted that different mechanisms of the psychotherapeutic influence can start up depending on the psychotherapeutic situation (a psychotherapeutic stage, individual features of a client, a working style of a psychotherapist). There are marked out five stages of multimodal suggestive psychotherapy. They are sorted as following ones of situational stabilization, diagnostic probing, informational accumulation, confrontational destabilization and adaptive transformation. There are found out the predominant mechanisms being in run on an every stage of the psychotherapeutic influence. It is shown that the mechanisms of spontaneous emotional discharge, homeostasis, sublimation and desactualization of problems are mostly started up on the stage of situational stabilization; on the stage of diagnostic probing – the mechanisms of responding, desensitization and sensing; on the stage of informational accumulation – the mechanisms of informational filling and imitation; on the stage of confrontational destabilization – the mechanisms of confrontation and decreasing of cognitive dissonance. Also there are marked out the mechanisms of the multimodal suggestive influence that run on the last stage of psychotherapy – the one of adaptive transformation. They are the mechanisms of adaptogenic understanding and spontaneous fixation of behavioral patterns. It is shown that running of the adaptogenic understanding mechanism is caused by hierarchical correlation of different cognitive structures-processes (thoughts, beliefs, imaginations, ideas.).
Keywords: suggestion, psychotherapy, psychological correction, deviant behavior, psychotherapeutic mechanisms, adaptogenic understanding, multimodal suggestive psychotherapy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):134-148 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Melnychuk, O.B.
Drahomanov National Pedagogical Universi, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the actual issues of professional intellectual coaching as a means developing professional intelligence of future specialists in the social sphere. The program of professional intellectual coaching for students in social sciences is outlined, it includes five content modules: professional thinking and intuition in the professional work of social workers; social intelligence in such professional; emotional intelligence in social work: effective relationships with clients; effective self-organization; self-learning for improvement of social work efficiency. Examples of coaching tasks are presented in the framework of each module implementation. Efficiency of coaching lessons was estimated by students.
Keywords: professional training of future specialists in the social sphere, pro-fessional intelligence of future social specialists, intellectual coaching, professional intellectual coaching.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):148-163 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Pavliuk, M.M.
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes approaches to understanding of psychological development of future specialists’ self-dependence. Self-dependentce is defined as a complex personal integrative quality, characterized by self-awareness, autonomy, value attitude towards oneself and others, freedom and independence on the one hand, and responsibility and determination on the other hand, flexibility and creativity.
The model of development of future specialists’ self-dependence is presented; it includes personal experience and such components of self-dependence development as cognitive, interactive, personally reflexive, operational ones. The following blocks of the proposed model of self-dependence development are described: motivational, theoretical, practical. The unity, interconnection and interdependence of these blocks define self-dependence integrity as the systemic personal quality of future specialists.
It has been concluded that development of future specialists’ self-dependence is an extremely complex and multi-sided process, examined within the framework of several independent methodological approaches: personal, activity, axiological, as well as within integrated approaches: subjective-existential, system-synergetic, resource-competent.
The article emphasizes that self-dependence can become an actuation mechanism of personal self-determination. A self-dependent person has an internal power to make constantly active choices, to be self-determined in various life and professional situations.
Keywords: personal self-dependence, model of development, personal agency, self-awareness, freedom, initiative.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):163-181 (pdf)
UDC 159. 923
Riabovol, T.A.
G. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the empirical study of school graduates’ time perspective and its influence on their ability to predict their own lives. The features of modern high school students’ time perspective and their ability to predict has been researches. The experiment has confirmed existence of links between adolescents’ prognostic function and their time perspective. The time perspective influence on development of the prognostic ability, planning and their lives constructing has been examined. Such links are different at early and late adolescents. The research confirms that absence or weakness of these abilities causes complicated experiences for an unformed person in a situation of cardinal choices. The experiment has revealed adolescents’ qualitative characteristics of perception and comprehension of the past and present and expectations for the future. The study used a new technique called “Sheet of self-analysis”, developed by T. Ryabovol, L. Skyba. It can be used as a questionnaire and as a psychological corrective tool.
Keywords: adolescents, time perspective, prognostic function, integrity, planning, critical thinking, life choices.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):181-197 (pdf)
UDC 378.011.3-051:364.43
Raievska, Y.М.
Ivan Ohienko State University in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the current state of professional training of specialists in the social sphere in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Today, the reform of vocational education brings new requirements to professionals who must have profound professional knowledge, determined by the specifics of the future profession, have the existing practical skills and ability to effectively perform functions in professional activities. Among the problems of professional training of such specialists in Ukraine are identified: difficulties in adapting to the conditions of professional activity; low level of competitiveness of future specialists in the labor market; imperfection of the system of professional training of future specialists in the social sphere; difficulties in finding graduates, etc.
The content of the preparation of specialists in the social sphere for interprofessional interaction should include the following components: a thorough analysis of contemporary social development and the ability to give an objective assessment of social policy, to propose alternatives; a clear presentation and classification of modern models, forms and methods of the practice of social work itself; the actual pedagogical process of training specialists of the social sphere for inter-professional interaction; development of theories, concepts, models and technologies aimed at the effective functioning of specialists in the social sphere in interprofessional interaction; development and implementation of programs that increase the competence of interprofessional interaction of specialists in the social sphere.
Training of social workers in Ukraine should be guided by the provision of conditions for their professional self-determination, professional-personal formation, readiness for professional activity and professional self-improvement, that is, for the training of highly skilled social workers with a high level of culture, mobility, creativity, adaptability to socio- economic changes, capable of providing uninterrupted progressive development of society.
The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by several tendencies characteristic of this situation. First, the special social expectations regarding interprofessional interaction in the social sphere and the related expectations of the need to significantly increase the level of professional activity of the modern specialist. Second, the complex nature of the problem under study: there is practically no discipline in the field of humanities, for which the problem of interaction would not be central. Thirdly, the strengthening of the integrative processes in science, professional activity, as well as the penetration of the idea of synthesis into public practice. The situations of interprofessional interaction form an integral part of the latest forms of organization of the educational process.
Keywords: social sphere, specialist in social sphere, interaction, interprofessional interaction, theoretical training, practical training, professional training, interprofessional interaction of future specialists in the social sphere.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):197-211 (pdf)
UDC 159.95
Tkach, B.M.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article highlights the peculiarities of time perspective of antiterrorist operation participants. The contemporary human understanding of time is considered.
Three levels of psychological time organization are revealed: psychophysiological, personal and social. As for psychophysiological time, the brain mechanisms of time perception and timing of short and long time intervals are highlighted. As for personal time, cognitive, affective and behavioural components are described. Particular attention is paid to time perspective, which is closely related to self-image and is an integral part of the cognitive component of personal time. As for social time, the civilization-cultural aspects of time understanding by society are shown.
Distortions of time perception in norm and in pathology are discussed. Age and gender peculiarities of time perception are revealed.
The reasons of absence at combat veterans of a model for their future in a peaceful life and neuropsychological mechanisms of time perspective violations are investigated. It is extremely important for combat veterans to create a model of their future in a peaceful life, which is possible at social time perception, formed current time perspective and normal psychophysiological time. Hyper-activation of the right brain hemisphere inhibits the anterior-associative parts of the left hemisphere; in addition weakness of the hippocampus and hyperactivity of the tonsils lead to violations of time perspective formation and disappearance of the sense of usual fluidity of time.
On the basis of the neuropsychological research, a set of approaches for clinical and psychological intervention is presented and recommendations for further improvement of combat veterans re-socialization are proposed.
Keywords: perception of time, posttraumatic stress conditions, brain dysfunction, biorhythmology, neuropsychology.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):211-231 (pdf)
UDC 159.9+316.6
Filonenko, L.A.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses adaptation of adolescents to the modern socio-cultural environ-ment. In particular, it states that behaviour of adolescents, deviating from social norms or having signs of deviance, requires an integrated approach taking into account psychological, social and personal factors.
The general scientific approaches to personal motivational sphere description are described. A number of behavioural stereotypical reactions characteristic for adolescents with asocial behaviour are analyzed.
The peculiarities of deviant adolescents’ motives, provoking them to the asocial behaviour, are revealed. They include, in particular, the desires to receive support, approval, positive emotional experiences and to avoid condemnation, expressed anger, physical punishment, threats, especially from an important group; overstated claims to adolescents’ behaviour, excessive restrictions or over-protection, disrespect for adolescents’ interests from adults and their environment; restriction or lack of interpersonal communications in the relevant environment (family, school, etc.).
The necessity to have the stage of resocialization for deviant adolescents, as well as the conditions of its effectiveness are substantiated.
Keywords: deviant adolescents, motives, social disadaptation, asocial be-haviour, re-socialization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):231-244 (pdf)
UDC 159.92
Chaika, G.V.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the foreign (in English and Russian) literature devoted to the problem of psychological well-being. The most cited articles of the last decade, as well as the latest scientific publications for the last year are examined. It is shown that the conducted studies discuss different aspects of psychological well-being and the factors that influence it. However, there are only few publications studying how psychological well-being influence on a person's daily life. There are almost no works in which the features of psychological well-being of preschool children, children of primary school age are investigated. Other age categories have also not been adequately studied. The results of certain works contradict each other. All this indicates that research on psychological well-being is still far from complete.
Keywords: psychological well-being, eudemonic approach, self-realization of personality
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):244-262 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.316.472.42
Shydelko, А.V.
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Scientific researches on domestic violence against women are analyzed from the points of view of several researchers - T. Kharkova, Ya. Yurkiv, S. Shargorodskaya, G. Mustafayev. The statistical indicators of WHO, UN and Ukraine concerning this phenomenon are presented. The author's vision of domestic violence against women and its types: psychological (emotional), physical, medical, sexual, economic (financial), leisure, household are substantiated. Interpretation, content and essence of these violence types are revealed.
The article states that domestic violence against women is a special global phenomenon of the XXI century, which turn off social axiological components, destroys normal patterns of relationships, causes distortion of value orientations and assimilation of abnormal relation patterns, cultivates psychological complexes of inferiority, cruelty, aggression and is a serious obstacle to achievement of equality and respect for women's rights.
The article stresses that efforts to solve this problem are titanic. Leaders of human rights organizations, public organizations, leaders of different countries, women's movements, etc. seek to minimize the phenomenon of domestic violence, but despite these efforts of the world community, it (violence against women) is not minimized, but takes new forms and modifications.
Кey words: domestic violence, female victim, rapist, tyrant, abuser, “Stockholm syndrome”, psychological aspects, coercion.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):262-273 (pdf)
UDC 159.923:17.022.1]:004
Sherbatiuk, V.
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The active dissemination of selfie amount youth determined necessity of a scientific substantiation of the psychological causes of it's emergence, because it is a new fact of mental reality of the new generation. The phenomen of selfie is an instrument of social networks through which interpersonal communication is carry out. Selfie is not just a virtual message, but also it is a means of representing social values and it is a mirror of social trend. Looking at selfie-images of specific user is enough to give him a psychological characteristic, to understand with what is filled life, where he goes, with whom communicates, his social status, material possibilities, etc. Also the value orientations of personality become understandable. After analyzing of the course base on this issue, we can observe that views of scientists on selfie vary from the modern way of socialization and fashion to the mental disabilities and dependencies. The work is discovered reasons for the popularity of selfie which include the formation of false «I», the confirmation of own existence, the tool of attracting attention. We consider theories of western scientists whose explain the reasons of their occurrence and distribution: the theory of narcissism, the theory of human as a media, the theory of self-edicting of the image «I», the theory of virtual totems, the theory of humazination of technology, the theory of successful virtual communication. Among the negative aspects of selfie was defined increasing of manifestation of narcissism and new form of dependence – selfism.
Keywords: selfie, social networks, values of personality, reasons of selfie, selfie theory, narcissism, selfism.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 11(17):273-290 (pdf)