Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 11. Personology. Psychological support person. Issue 16 – 2017


Content of Issue

UDC 159.922.73:343.226-057

Voronkevych, O.M.

Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil

Analysis of psychological and educational programs for violence preventing in foreign schools

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is dedicated to one of the topical issues of the modern psychological science - psychological prevention of violence in schools. The article summarizes the theoretical analysis presented in scientific literature, analyzes contemporary research projects and programs of high quality aimed at psychological prevention of violence in schools and implemented abroad in recent decades, generalizes the best foreign practice of violence prevention in schools. The main areas, forms, methods and means that should be taken into account at developing of a systemic model covering necessary preventive measures in Ukraine are outlined.

Keywords: school violence, psychological prevention, psychological education, bullying, educational and preventive program, harassment.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):5-14 (pdf)


Halytska, M.O.

Mechnikov National University

The model of an empirical study of women’s emotional states in the postnatal period

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the model of an empirical study of women’s emotional states in the postnatal period. All components of the proposed model are based on the theoretical concepts of the psychology of emotions and on the data from various empirical studies. The psycho-emotional states of women at an early stage of motherhood are influenced by various factors, realised and unconscious, personal and social, physiological, and others.

Keywords: emotional sphere, mother and child, concept of research, methods of psychodiagnostics.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):14-23 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Hrys, A.M.

G.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine

The potential of different psychoanalytic theories for knowing and understanding of impairments of socially maladapted minors’ self-image components.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the theoretical analysis of the problem of knowing and understanding of impairments of self-image components, which can be used at work with socially maladapted minors.

Certain theoretical concepts that underlie the author's model are discussed, in particular those relating to impairments of self-image and other structures.

The main impairments are described, such as a sense of rupture of Self-integrity as a result of total implosion. In this state, identity, consciousness, and ability to comprehend personal experience disappear in the space of archetypal reality. A child experiences threats that become the result of impairment of self-perception processes, therefore vulnerable “true Self” regress to the unconscious, and for it protection, a masked “false Self” is created, which takes the place of the true Self and interacts with the world.

The article emphasizes that encapsulation is an unnatural state, a serious fault that has disastrous consequences. Escape, originally intended for temporary protection – to protect, to save themselves and to take a pull themselves, turns into isolation because of lack of experience of authentic relationships.

Understanding by psychologists of internal contradictions and psychological mechanisms of functioning and development of different aspects of Self will help them to select adequate strategies for interpretation of the maladaptation causes and factors, and, consequently, appropriate psychotherapeutic interventions.

Keywords: psychological mechanisms, self-image, false Self, true Self, socially maladapted minors, encapsulation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):23-33 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Gudinova, I.L.

G.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv

Рrotonarativ as a micromotiv with macro behavior in self-projecting personality.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Virtual reality is shown to be a significant factor in personal self-projecting. The author gives a brief overview of the new Internet genre of human creativity in the blogosphere, gives a definition of the concept of "sociocultural pattern" as well as describes the functions of motivators and demotivators which include personal life project value-and-concept regulation, assessment of the truth of socio-cultural knowledge moral domains, and new realities constructing, etc.

It has been shown that due to their brevity, memes are an informational resource. Such texts (as other people's meanings) become close to a virtual person ("the aesthetic alien as the forgotten personal") and become capable of restructuring and aesthetizing previous personal beliefs.

The use of sociocultural patterns brings about quantitative changes that include the concretization of a reassessed situation, increased emotional level and self-esteem, textual brevity leads to a sense of completeness and wisdom, an individual becomes capable of giving a verbal help to other people (memotherapy), develops a sense of harmony and sorts out his/her life experience. In this case, an individual, using the ultimate potentialities of consciousness, faces "the cultural absolute." (S)he continues to search for the meaning of life changes. These are the personal growth texts or rather a condensed semantic perspective. Consequently, such a form reflects life experience and verbally signifies the individual's comprehension of their life.

Keywords: meme, motivator, demotivator, self-projecting of personality, the protonarratives.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):33-43 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.6

Zueva, A.O.

Mechnikov National University in Odessa

A subjective feeling of well-being and acceptance of age-related changes.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the empirical study results about relations between structural indicators of readiness for age-related changes and a subjective feeling of well-being of people older than 50 years. It was revealed that the readiness to accept age-related changes with its formed structure does not completely determine the psychological well-being of this age people, but it raises an overall emotional self-assessment/ This fact shows large compensatory capacities of elderly people and confirms the assumption that aging is an individual and very variable process. The prospect of further study of detailed aspects of relations between readiness for age-related changes and a subjective feeling of psychological well-being is substantiated.

Keywords: psychological well-being, elderly age, readiness for age-related changes.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):43-51 (pdf)

UDC 376 - 056. 24: 159. 922. 760

Illyashenko, T.D.

Ukrainian Scientific and Methodical Center of Practical Psychology and Social Work, NAES of Ukraine

Obukhivska, A.G.

Ukrainian Scientific and Methodical Center of Practical Psychology and Social Work, NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:Prevention and correction of deviant behavior in children with special educational needs The article addresses issues of deviant behavior in children with special educational needs. Based on the analysis of research on the subject, it is concluded that the category of children under study formsthe risk group as for development of certain behavioral deviations in result of adaptation complications which are conditioned by psychophysical disorders. Thegroup risk fact is not a fatal one in emergence of various behavioral deviations, however it places high demands of their prevention to family, school and overall social environment. The content of deviant behaviorin children with special educational needs, as a concept, is substantiated in this work. In addition to externalized behaviordirected against generally accepted social norms and therefore harmful to other people, the article revises behaviorthat is internalizedand harmful to oneself. Both these forms of deviant behavior revealobvious signs of social maladaptation. The work marks out two kinds of factors of behavioral deviations in children with special educational needs, the primary factors determined biologically,and the secondary factors caused by inadequate social and educational conditions; as well as it determines manifestation peculiarities and ways of prevention and correctionof these factors. The article particularly emphasizes on the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that is quite widely spread amongst children and, when neglected, causes heavy school and social disadaptation. In this regard, the work proposes developedby authors algorithm of actions as for psychological and pedagogical supervision of the discussed category of children. Priority areas in furtherprevention of deviant behavior in children with special educational needsare identified, with such prevention being conducted in context of inclusive education. Special attention among such areas is given toearly detection of children in need for corrective intervention, and educational work with their parents.

Keywords: deviant behavior, children with special educational needs, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), psychological and pedagogical supervision, inclusive education.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):51-66 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Kravchenko, S.I.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Levels of political competence and non-normative forms of political participation.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the determinants of non-normative political participation. Modern understanding of the concepts of political participation and political competence is presented. The structural-functional model of political competence was developed and significance of each of its components for the existing forms of political participation was determined. The article shows that deep value-motivational structures lay at the base of each form. The role and significance of political knowledge at an agent’s choice of his/her form of political participation are highlighted. The style of decision-making of agents choosing non-normative forms of political participation is characterised.

Four components of political competence have been identified by us as systemic: the cognitive component, covering knowledge (on subject, procedural, social), informational awareness, interests, beliefs, self-identification; the emotional-subjective one, as a person's attitude to his/her knowledge on politics; the behavioural one implemented in practical activities; the value-motivational one. The behavioural component integrates all the above components and manifests them in activities.

Prevalence of irrational, emotional reactions should be noted. The representatives of the studied political category are oriented on situational decisions guided by external influence, which corresponds to a low level of political competence.

Keywords: political thinking, information warfare, social conflict, political attitudes, citizenship, political socialization.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):66-75 (pdf)

UDC 159.9; 316.6

Krasilova, Y.M.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:Features of juvenile convicts’ reactions to frustration.

The article discusses the issues of juvenile convicts’ re-socialization. It shows that an ability to behave adequately in frustration situations is an important factor of re-socialization. Adolescence is the age of transition from childhood to adulthood; during this difficult period, adolescents face a variety of obstacles; and their positions, attitudes towards the outside world are formed depending on how they overcome these obstacles. If an adolescent is not able to react correctly to a situation with obstacles, that is a frustrating situation, he/she comes into a conflict, which can lead to a violation of the law.

The study was conducted with a group of juveniles convicted but not sentenced to a prison ̶ 60 people, and with a control group of 80 general school students. We determined peculiarities of juvenile convicts’ reactions to frustration with the modified Rosenzweig’s method.

The differences in behavioural patterns of juvenile convicts and adolescents from the control group have been revealed. In particular, the ratio of certain reactions to frustrations shown by juvenile convicts and general school students is the next: general school adolescents have the assertive reaction type three times more often than adolescent-offenders; on the contrary, juvenile convicts show the aggressive behavioural type 1.5 times more likely than the control group adolescents.

The article proves that it is extremely important to focus on the types of juvenile convicts’ behaviour in frustration situations in order to understand how to work with them and which methods should be used. Recurrence among juvenile offenders can be prevented with taking into account types of their reactions to frustration. Different forms and methods of work are needed according to these types of behaviour.

Keywords: juvenile convicts; reaction to frustration; assertive behaviour, non-assertive behaviour, aggressive behaviour.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):75-85 (pdf)

UDC 159.97:013.42.356.13

Krasnytska, O.V.

Ivan Chernyakhovsky National University of Defence of Ukraine

Prevention of servicemen’s suicidal behaviour.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article develops the essence of the concept of "prevention of servicemen’s suicidal behaviour", discusses factors of suicidal risk and clarifies causes of servicemen’s suicidal behaviour. The tasks of servicemen’s suicidal behaviour prevention are determined. The theoretical and methodological analysis of strategies has been performed and models of servicemen’s suicidal behaviour prevention are presented in details. The historical aspect of development of the ideas about suicide is given as well the description of "prevention"; its types, the principles of social prevention are defined; the levels at which the servicemen’s suicidal behaviour prevention is implemented are outlined.

Keywords: prevention, social prevention, servicemen, prevention of suicidal behaviour of military personnel, suicidal risk factors, strategies and models for servicemen’s suicidal behaviour prevention.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):85-95 (pdf)

UDC 159. 37.015.3

Maksim, O.V.

G.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine

Formation of oriented values as a mechanism of deviants’ resocialization.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article substantiates that re-socialization can be considered as one of the most complex social processes, aimed at overcoming a person’s de-socialization, which means restoration of personal qualities necessary for normal life in society, acceptance of new values, social roles and skills instead of lost, deformed or unformed ones, social reorientation on personal development through acceptance of new, positively oriented interpersonal relationships and activities.

Formation of a value system has different features: internalization of values, construction of a hierarchy of values, definition of value orientation, correction of behaviour and formation of necessary values, ensuring of psychological, communicative and methodological conditions.

The article determines that formation of value orientations occurs in the unity of three psychological mechanisms: interiorization, identification, internalization. With their help, a person perceives a value, adopts it, transforming it into his/her own value; and this value, having been adopted, is translated through actions, behaviour in the form of value orientations.

Keywords: deviant, socialization, de-socialization, re-socialization, re-socialization stages, value syst

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):95-110 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.73 : 614.876

Maksymov, M.V.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Development of reflexia as a warning factor quality behavior of schools.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article deals with the problem of connection of musical preferences of modern teenagers and the formation of personality, in particular the degree of development of reflection. It is shown that the basis of the aesthetic reaction are appetites caused by art and experienced by a person with all reality and strength, but find themselves in disarray in activity.

The influence of musical art on the development of personality lies in the fact that by causing opposite directed emotions, music delays the motor expression of emotions and, by opposing pulses, destroys the effects of the form, the effects of the form, leading to an explosion, to the level of nervous energy. In this, the transformation of the affects, in their self-assembly, in the explosive reaction, which leads to the category of those emotions that were immediately called, and is the catharsis of the aesthetic reaction.

The foregoing makes it possible to determine the optimal conditions for maintaining the psychological balance of a person with the environment. This happens due to the compensation of the unconscious installation of the installation of consciousness. Otherwise, consciousness is suppressed by unconscious impulses, and the soul of a person is saturated with conflicts. Destructive impulses that arise from these states at any time can get out of control and push a person to immoral or criminal acts. Hence, a favorable musical space is a factor of the external environment, which makes it possible to harmonize the internal and external, that is, an important component of the formation of the individual.

The study was conducted on two contrasting samples: teenagers with deviant behavior and adolescents in the normative group. The existence of the connection of musical preferences with social adaptation, the degree of harmony of relations with others and personal maturity, in particular the development of reflection is proved. High appreciation and recognition of classical music as an important element of personal maturity are formed in adolescents as a result of normative behavior.

Keywords: musical space, reflection, personality formation, art, deviant behavior.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):110-120 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.73

Маksymova, N.Yu.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Introduction of probation programs as a factor of preventing recurrent crime. Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article is devoted to the coverage of issues on the problems that arise in the process of introducing probation programs. The socio-psychological aspect of crime prevention for adolescents and young people is examined, namely the impact of the life situation in the territorial community and the variety of social disadaptation of minors. It is shown that the complexity of the process of resocialization provides for the need for special knowledge in psychology, psychiatry, social work, etc. Socio-psychological support for the probation service is suggested. A system for preventing juvenile delinquency as a set of measures at the community level has been developed.

Keywords: probation service, social disadaptation, probation programs, resocialization, society.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):120-129 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Melnichuk, O.B.

Drahomanov National Pedagogical University

The issue of formation of the regulatory functions of the professional intelligence of future specialists in the social sphere in the context of professional training to work with deviants.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article analyzes the actual issues of formation of the regulatory system of professional intelligence of future specialists in the social area in the context of professional training for work with deviants. Effective work of such specialists is possible subject to their special psychological training, one aspect of which is formation of intellectual and personal qualities of their professional self-regulation. The next aspects of formation of the regulative system of professional intelligence in this context have been identified: 1) awareness on the professional risks at work with deviants influencing personal and professional development of specialists in the social sphere: professional burnout, its causes and prevention and overcoming measures, negative impacts of professional activities on emotional and motivational spheres of these specialists, prevention and overcoming of such professional negative influence on personal and professional development of the specialists in the social sphere; 2) development of self-knowledge and reflection on own professional experience of such specialists; 3) formation of professional skills and an individual strategy of self-control and self-regulation in professional activities of such specialists. The psychological conditions aimed at implementation of the above principles during professional training of future social specialists are outlined in the article.

Keywords: professional activities of specialists in the social sphere, professional training of future social specialists, professional intelligence, professional intelligence of future specialists in the social sphere, system of regulative functions of professional intelligence.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):129-138 (pdf)

UDC 159.922; 316.6

Nedybaliuk, O.S.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

System of diagnostics of socio-psychological readiness of juvenile convicts for resocialization.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The problem of diagnostic the socio-psychological readiness of juvenile convicts for resocialization is considered. It is shown that the socio-psychological readiness of juvenile convicts for resocialization differs from readiness for professional activity. The socio-psychological readiness of juvenile convicts for resocialization is a subjective experience of intentions to change their lives. The personality component of the socio-psychological readiness of juvenile convicts for resocialization consists of: individual-typological peculiarities of the personality, motivation, self-consciousness. The component of social competence of socio-psychological readiness for resocialization includes: communicative awareness, assertive behavior, awareness of ways of self-realization. Behavioral component of socio-psychological readiness for resocialization includes features of relations of convicted with peers, with personnel, their behavior and activities during stay in correctional colony, family ties. It is proved that socio-psychological readiness depends on the level of development of self-consciousness, awareness of ways of self-realization, communicative awareness and strategies of assertive behavior. Personality profiles of juvenile convicts with different levels of socio- psychological readiness for resocialization are constructed. On the basis of these profiles it is possible to develop an individual program of psycho-corrective influence on juvenile convicts in the correctional colony, to trace qualitative changes in the personality of the convicted person during the process of resocialization in conditions of correctional colonies. A system of diagnostic the socio-psychological readiness of juvenile convicts for resocialization is developed.

Keywords: socio-psychological readiness, juvenile convicts, subjectivity, goal-setting, reflection, assertive behavior, communicative awareness, personality profile.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):139-149 (pdf)

UDC 159.53

Pavliuk, M.M.

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), Kyiv

Experience of the studying of the concepts of freedom and independence in foreign studies.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article examines the main approaches to studies of the concepts of persons’ freedom and independence. The psychological content of the “independence” phenomenon is revealed, where personal characteristics, activity components determining personal peculiarities of acts and deeds, relations and communications, behaviour, other forms of activity and life’s activity in general are manifested most clearly. A person’s freedom is considered as his/her power to make a choice according to his/her desires, interests and goals based on knowledge of objective reality. Based on the main theories of freedom, the personal authenticity as a trait, a process of self-organization and self-realization is emphasized.

Keywords: freedom, activity, independence, personality, subjectivity, will, self-awareness, authenticity, autonomy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):149-159 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.6:159.923.2]-053.81"465"21/39"

Partyko, T.B.

Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Psychic Defense Mechanisms in Individuals with Different Subjective Evaluation of Life Constructiveness.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article focuses on the analysis of psychic defense mechanisms in individuals in the period of late adulthood (124 individuals aged from 21 to 39 years old) who have different evaluations of their life constructiveness. We used the test-questionnaire «Lifestyle Index» by R. Plutchik and H. Kellerman, methodology «Personal Biography» by О. Motkov, self-attitude personality test by V. Stolin and S. Panteleyev.

It is identified that with subjective evaluation of one’s life as such that is more constructive in comparison with one’s peers or moderately constructive an individual launches such mechanism of psychic defense as denial. This mechanism enables to keep positive self-attitude. For people who evaluate their life as less constructive more expressed is regression; combining this mechanism with projection and replacement a person can reduce the pressure of negative self-attitude.

Evaluating their life people experience certain doubts regarding real opportunities for their self-realization and positive life changes. With absence of internal tension it can become the driving force for personality harmonization. If internal arguments regarding positive life transformations take place at the background of generally lower self-perception accompanied by preserved autosympathy, it can provoke evaluating one’s life as insufficiently constructive.

Keywords: psychic defense, life, constructiveness, early adulthood.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):159-171 (pdf)

UDC 159. 923

Riabovol, T.A.

G.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine

Influence of a psychological trauma on predicting function development.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article discusses the problem of underdevelopment of the predicting ability of people with psychological traumas. The article presents the theoretical analysis of scientific studies revealing the causes of anticipation process abnormalities. In particular, the psychological and neuropsychological aspects of psychological trauma influence on prediction function development are considered. The underdevelopment of the prediction function is considered as a consequence of damage in personal cognitive and emotional mechanisms. An impact of prognostic function underdevelopment on persons’ behaviour, their emotional and volitional activities is analyzed. The article shows that the combination of prognostic function underdevelopment and emotional abnormalities causes deviations of behaviour, recurrences of unlawful actions and problems of social adaptation of a person at whole. The author assumes that the predicting function is developed depending on a type of psychological trauma experienced by a person. Predicting function correction will contribute to the post-traumatic growth and to overcoming of difficulties in social adaptation, and will prevent recurrence of unlawful behaviour.

Keywords: forecast function, picture of the world, psychological trauma, neuropsychological aspect, psychological mechanism.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):171-180 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Soloviova, T.M.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Manifestations of the boundaries in the mind according to Ernest Hartmann’s concept.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article considers the problem of the psychological boundaries manifestations. We summarized that “boundary”, “boundaries” meaning “dividing” was a useful way to describe differences among people. The concept of boundaries has been described in various forms such as ego boundaries, self boundaries, analytic boundaries. We suggest that in Ernest Hartmann’s boundary construct the contents of the “dividing” is manifestation characteristics – types of boundaries (perceptual boundaries, boundaries related to thoughts and feelings, sleep-dream-wake boundaries, boundaries related to play, boundaries related to memory, body boundaries, interpersonal boundaries, defense mechanisms as boundaries, group boundaries, boundaries in organizing one’s life, boundaries in opinion and judgments etc.).

The degree of the “dividing” is a positional point on a continuum from “thick” to “thin”. To quantify it Ernest Hartmann and his colleagues designed the tool, which they named The Boundary Questionnaire (1991). The researchers found that people who have thin/thick boundaries in one sense are likely to have thin/thick boundaries in other senses as well.

According to Hartmann’s and his colleagues’ investigations thick versus thin boundary functioning should be detectable on the biological level, in terms of brain function and activity. We propose to continue making the attempts to understand the relationship of thick versus thin boundary to neurobiological processes during personal development depending on age.

Keywords: Ernest Hartmann’s boundary concept, boundaries in the mind, thick boundary, thin boundary, inner and external boundaries, types of boundaries, psychology of personality, boundaries in psychoanalysis.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):180-190 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Tatochenko, S.A.

Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine

Psychological aspects of drug addiction rehabilitation within the framework of the harm reduction program.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The article examines the features of drug addiction rehabilitation within the framework of the harm reduction program. The factors that can provoke addictive behaviour are analyzed. It is shown that development of rehabilitation programs taking into account psychological peculiarities of addicts is really important, because they are able to return addicts to a real life. The specifics of the substitution maintenance therapy is examined as an integral part of the harm reduction program aimed at decreasing psychoactive substance use and complex treatment of drug addiction. The characteristics of the integrated approach, involving psychosocial support of clients with a number of problems of a socio-psychological nature, are highlighted. The peculiarities of work for organization and implementation of various programs and projects aimed at drug addict treatment are considered.

Keywords: rehabilitation, addictive behaviour, drug addiction, harm reduction program, substitution maintenance therapy, integrated approach, psychosocial support.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):190-202 (pdf)

UDC 316.46.058.5+316.628

Filonenko, L.A.

G.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv

Motivational incentives for strengthening of prosocial behaviour effectiveness.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:The problem of personal behaviour in society was and is relevant for different times and epochs. Development of society and democracy influences greatly on the modality of personal behaviour. Social deviations have different importance for society. They are especially significant during social system transformations, when value orientations are changed.

One of the re-socializing mechanisms for deviant adolescents at the times of systemic social changes is socially-oriented motivation. Well-understood together with less understood motives can become an element to motivate behaviour. They act as a conscious interest, a desire, a conviction, or as unconscious dispositions and trends reflected in behaviour, in peculiarities of thoughts or personal actions.

We include to motivational incentives for strengthening of prosocial behaviour effectiveness the next: direct non-imperative forms of influence (requests, proposals, counsels and persuasion), suggestion (strong persuasion, pressure or emotional and volitional influence), manipulation, motivation caused by an object’s attractiveness (social contagion and imitation), sometimes direct, imperative forms of influence (orders, demands, coercion).

It is impossible to create motives from outside of an educational process, which many teachers are hoping for. This process can only be supported. It is about influence of one agent on the motivation process of another agent, and not about motive formation by an outsider. A motive is a complex psychological entity that must be constructed by an agent. Consequently, motives cannot be formed from outside, but motivators can be done.

Keywords: motivation, motivational incentives, motives, re-socialization, deviant adolescents, behaviour, social changes.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):202-215 (pdf)

UDC 159.9-053.6

Chuiko, O.V.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Ivanova, I.V.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Influence of an adolescent’s anxiety level on educational successfulness.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:Anxiety is a significant subjective factor in a person’s psychological well-being. Studying of the peculiarities of this phenomenon in adolescence is particularly interesting; it is time of fundamental rearrangement of personal psychological and psychological structures (L. Bojovich, L. Vygotsky, I. Kon, D. Feldstein, etc.). Adolescent anxiety has its peculiarities, manifested in its sources, contents, forms of manifestation, protective mechanisms, etc. "School anxiety" is especially important, it appears due to existence of negative factors in school environment. Anxiety, emerging with such background, gradually gains steady and stable forms of its implementation in behaviour, regulation, compensation or protective methods and leads ultimately to anxiety anchoring as a persistent personality trait.

The performed research (a sample of 60 pupils of the 6th and 7th forms) has revealed the correlation between pupils’ academic achievements and their anxiety. In particular, there is a sufficiently high level of adolescents’ dependence on external evaluations, which often provoke destructive responses - increased anxiety, fear, and agitation. A situation of knowledge checking in a classroom is especially threatening for adolescents, it this case an adolescent becomes the focus of attention and is waiting for negative reactions from his/her teacher. The revealed fact contradicts to ideas of other authors, believing that such experiences are more common for successful pupils who fear poor evaluation. Anxiety disorganizes adolescents’ psychophysiological organization, reduces their power to be adapted to stressful situations, increases likelihood of inadequate, destructive responses to disturbing factors of their environment, causes formation of anxiety syndrome at the personal level.

Keywords: school environment, adolescent anxiety, successfulness, educational activities.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):215-226 (pdf)


Shamych, O.M.

Open International University of Human Development ‘Ukraine’

The model of self realization of paralympic athletes.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The model of a Paralimpians’ self-realization has been developed on the basis of the research performed. It consists of five consecutive stages.

The first stage of a Paralympic athlete’s self-realization is determined by the specific problem situation of his/her life, due to his/her disability.

The problematic situation is analysed at the second stage, many disabled people choose the way of self-realization through the Paralympics as the result of such analysis.

The chosen way of self-realisation acquires the necessary degree of fidelity and thoughtfulness at the third stage (goal setting, drawing up of a general plan for self-realization and beginning of its implementation).

The fourth stage is the very process of the Paralympic athlete’s self-realization, its course is determined by several groups of interrelated components:

- self-realization mechanisms (launching and procedural);

- mediating factors;

- barriers of self-realization;

- ways of self-realization (internal and external).

The final fifth stage is associated with achievement by the Paralympic athlete of the results of his/her self-realization and their assessment.

Prospects for further research are empirical testing of the developed model of Paralympic athletes’ self-realization.

Keywords: self-realization, Paralympics, model of self-realization, factors of self-realization.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):226-237 (pdf)

UDC 159.9.81-25.316.624.2

Shydelko, A.V.

Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Evil-speaking as a manifestation of deviant behaviour: the basics of prevention.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The problem of evil-speaking in the Ukrainian society is analysed theoretically. Evil-speaking is highlighted as manifestation of deviant behaviour, its classification is made. The basics of evil-speaking prevention are presented: general and special evil-speaking prevention, pedagogical and social aspect of the prevention. The author presents her definition of the next concepts: evil-speaking, prevention in the field of psychology, prevention of evil-speaking. The article notes that evil-speaking is a manifestation of deviant behaviour, which is expressed in the use of bad words (abnormal vocabulary), violating the norms of communication defined by society, and further, leading to moral degradation of a person spiritually, psychologically and socially. The expediency of using in the evil-speaking preventive work of such innovative forms as game programs, interactive actions, talk shows, and interactive theatre is substantiated. Interactive forms envisage mandatory inclusion of an audience, which become participants in the action, and require a viewer to perform certain actions or have certain knowledge. Interactive forms allow a psychologist to give some information and, at the same time, to form specific skills, so to check the existing level of knowledge and skills. Their goals and objectives are revealed.

Keywords: evil-speaking, deviant behaviour, prevention, innovative forms of prevention.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):237-245 (pdf)

UDC : 159.923

Yatchuk, M.S.

Institute of Penitentiary Service of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine.

The problem of deviant behavior among employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article discusses the problem of deviant behaviour among employees of penitentiary institutions. The specifics of the professional work of the employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine and its role in emergence of deviant behaviour of such employees are revealed. The main forms of deviant behaviour shown by the employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine are identified. The causes, factors of deviant behaviour among employees of penitentiary institutions are determined.

The following kinds of work are proposed to prevent deviant behaviour among employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine: lecture classes, training sessions, individual counselling. The directions of psychological prevention of deviant behaviour among employees of penitentiary institutions are the next: development of awareness on professional duties; development of values inherent to an ideal employee of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine; development of responsibility and discipline; activation of professional motivation; development of capability to assess and predict situations, to solve problems; stimulating of personal creative potential; development of self-regulation, psychological readiness for actions in difficult situations at work. The article states that psychological prevention of deviant behaviour among employees of penitentiary institutions covers four levels: cognitive, motivational, emotional, behavioural.

It is noted that the prevention of deviant behaviour among employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine should be ensured by joint efforts of a psychologist working with the personnel and a senior inspector on educational, social, psychological work with the personnel of a corresponding penitentiary institution.

Keywords: deviant behaviour, factors of deviant behaviour, psychological prevention, areas of psychological prevention.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):245-256 (pdf)

UDC : 159.923:614.25

Beheza, L.E.

Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Psychological features of consciousness and i-consciousness of a personality.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article examines the essence and features of the concept of consciousness and I-awareness from a scientific point of view. A theoretical explanation of the differences between consciousness and I-awareness is proposed. It is noted that consciousness is knowledge about others, while I-awareness is a person's ability to realize himself, his «I», his needs, interests, values, his being and its meaning, his own behavior and experiences, and the like.

The main feature of I-awareness is noted - the comprehension and understanding by a person of his actions, feelings, thoughts, motives of behavior, interests, his position in society.

The scientific views of I. I. Chesnokova are highlighted, which considers I-consciousness as a unity of three components: I-knowledge, emotional-value attitude towards oneself and self-regulation of personality behavior. In the process of human life, the unity of these components (I-knowledge, I-attitude, I-regulation) allows, depending on the degree of personal reflexivity, to understand how the formation of the components of the self-concept unfolds. By the latter we mean “a dynamic system of a person’s I-representation, which contains a) awareness of his physical, intellectual and other properties; b) I-esteem; c) the subjective perception of the personality of the factors influencing it; d) «behavioral actions that are characterized by the manifestations of the first two components».

The values of the personality's ability to reflect are determined, it turns out to be in the comprehension and experience of a person as a separate action, deed, and the meaning of being. The emergence of a person's ability to reflect indicates a high level of self-awareness, readiness not only for knowing oneself, correcting one's behavior and lifestyle. Reflection manifests itself when a person mentally separates himself from the sphere of being, a life situation and evaluates in relation to moral standards - is this how «I» live? It has been proven that I-awareness itself is associated with the ability to reflect, to look at oneself as if «from the outside». Thanks to I-awareness, a person realizes himself as an individual reality, separate from nature and other people.

Keywords: consciousness, I-awareness, I-concept, I-knowledge, I-attitude, I-regulation, reflection.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 11(16):256-263 (pdf)