Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 11. Personology. Psychological support person. Issue 14 – 2016


Content of Issue

UDC 376.58:159.922.763

Bohdan L. M.

Teacher of the Department of Industrial Psychology and Psychology of Management, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Psychological readiness as component of training future experts of social sphere

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This paper analyzes the psychological preparedness as component of training future experts of social sphere. Characterized psychological component of professional training as one of the necessary conditions for the effective exercise of professional assistance to certain categories of persons. We describe the components of psychological readiness of the future experts of social sphere to professional activity. The influence of psychological readiness of the formation of professional identity of students - the future experts of social sphere. Content includes articles addressing key structural components of the studied concepts presented their generalized characteristics: motivational component, which includes system grounds, adequate content of professional activity; cognitive component - a system of knowledge required for successful professional activity; personal component that contains professionally important personal characteristics of a professional; reflective component that provides awareness of their own capabilities, limitations and potential in professional activities; samorehulyatyvnyy component that determines the ability of professional oppose the difficulties of professional activity, the ability to regulate their states of others.

Key words: training future professionals social, psychological readiness, motivation component orientation component cognitive-operative component of emotional and volitional component psychophysiological components, evaluating components.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 5-14 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Hrys A. M.1, Holubniuk V. O.2

1Ps.D., Head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladjusted Juveniles, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2student of the Institute of Natural Geographical and Environmental Education, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Psychological factors of social disadaptation of adolescents

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article discuses the issue of social disadaptation of general school pupils, describes the existing trend of disruption of interaction between an acting person and his/her environment under systemic changes in the society.

Features of modern adolescents’ self-consciousness are revealed as a factor of adolescents’ social disadaptation. Characteristics of person’ self-image that reflect influence of different socializing institutions on the younger generation are analysed. In particular, adolescents’ self-descriptions show their absorption into the virtual environment that is today a leading institute of socialization for youth, adolescents identify often themselves with the characters of cartoons and movies, virtual life.

A low level of personal identity formation has been determined, which is reflected in negative self-descriptions of disadapted teenagers; that is contrary to the self-descriptions of their adapted peers. A revealed high level of anxiety of pupils from disadvantaged families is an indicator of adolescent’s emotional well-being disturbance and a factor of disadaptation.

In spite of negative trends in self-perception of modern teenagers, there are trends of enhanced national identity and patriotic spirit, civic activity that reflects attention of educational institutions to patriotic education of the younger generation because of the armed conflict in the Eastern Ukraine.

The article describes capacity of use of character theories of personal development in psychological practice. The character structure that is most suitable to use as a psychological technique is discussed. Prospects of use of deep psychological mechanisms of self-image and character to develop the corresponding psychological tools are discussed.

Key word: self-image, character, psychological mechanisms, socially disadapted minors, self-identity, self-esteem, sense of self.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 15-26 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Lishchyna N. V.

postgraduate student of the Department of General and Differential Psychology, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, G.Ushinskii, Odessa, Ukraine

Emotional orientation of person experiencing personal crisis

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article research the problem of personality crisis. Analysis of the six role-crisis positions: «Child», «Mother/Father», «Wife/Spouse», «Professional», «Woman/Man», «Adult». The analysis of the scientific literature found that «role» included in the structure of personality, which has a complex hierarchical system. Our research interest in connection with the study of personal crisis, embrace content-personal level in the structure of personality, a characteristic feature of which is the emotional orientation of the individual.

The aim – to identify and explore how interconnected the scale of role-crisis and indicators of emotional orientation. To achieve this goal used original diagnostic test questionnaire «Propensity to experience the role of crisis», authors I. Brinza, N. Lishchina and methods of «Emotional orientation», by B. Dodonov.

In the sample included 241 respondents in the number of persons aged 18 to 56 years. The obtained data correlation analysis given the opportunity to set the direction and closeness of relations between all parameters studied. Significant correlation coefficients are presented on the two pictures. Even visual analysis demonstrates the presence of ambiguous relationships (direct, inverse), and a variety of closeness and direction of bonds in the female version compared to men. A detailed analysis of available connections for each role-crisis (separately for respondents of both sexes). We describe the characteristics and significant differences inherent in each role-crisis positions. Made summarizing conclusion and these indicators, which are the maximum and minimum frequency of meetings. It was found that in a sample of women with various role-playing positions the most number of correlations with emotional orientation indicators: reduction of «altruistic orientation», reduction of «romantic orientation», increase «akizytyv orientation». In a sample of men the most number of correlations set of indicators: growth of «Gnostic orientation», reduction of «praksyc orientation», reduction of «communicative orientation». It is noted the difference between the results of male and female version. These facts confirm participation emotional orientation in crisis experiences. The results do not exhaust all aspects of the problem under study, but only marked its prospects for further development.

Key words: personality, crisis, psychological role, vital role, personality structure, emotional orientation, personal crisis

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 27-37 (pdf)

UDC 159.922. 73-053.6-056.49

Lytvynchuk L. M.

Ph.D. of Psychology, Senior Scientist, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladjusted Adolescents, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The problem of anosognosia the patient as a factor in identifying patterns of rehabilitation and resocialization

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals the problem of drug abuse patients anosognosia, which is regarded in three main aspects – biological, psychological and social. With the purpose of revealing of regularities of processes of socio-psychological rehabilitation and resocialization of dependent drugs is needed to explore the socio-psychological characteristics of drug addicts in the hospital. In the article we stress that the problem stems from inconsistency of available funds to rehabilitation and the demands of practice. Available rehabilitation funds based mainly on the formation of new behaviors or the suggestion of new semantic units (hypnosis, coding, etc). These approaches do not involve the conscious activity of addicts to self-change. The practice of working with addicts, in turn, reveals the need to build on their awareness of their socio-psychological potential and its use to change. The systematic drug taking of biological changes happen in the body when psychoactive substance, becoming familiar, is actively involved in physiological processes. We believe that serious qualitative changes in understanding the nature of drug addiction and increase the efficiency of resocialization can be achieved, provided that the addiction will be considered as a complex phenomenon, which has a specific representation of the physiological, psychological, socio-psychological, and social levels. The article reveals the psychological and personality changes of drug-dependent person as a consequence of chronic intoxication and psychological adaptation.

Key words: anosognosia, chronic intoxication, mental disorder, somatoneurological disorders, rehabilitation, drug dependence, psychoactive substance, psychological structure.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 38-49 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.73:614.876

Maksymov M. V.

Ph.D. of Psychology, Department of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Shevchenko National University of Кyiv, Ukraine

Development of creative potential as a resource positive socialization

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the problem of creativity as a resource for positive socialization. It is shown that the perception of music is a creative activity. Possible development of creative abilities of all people, regardless of age and promotes successful solution of any problems in life, hence the need of a psychologist in this area is extremely significant.

Now the official institutions of socialization does not always fulfill their function, which leads to violations of the process of socialization. In turn, the development of human potential and is not a priority of social policy. In particular, the use of such a powerful resource their personal development as perception of music is almost absent.

The rapid development of new technologies in the information environment poses serious challenges creative process of becoming morally and spiritually mature person. The study of personality traits revealed the important role of imagination, intuition, unconscious components of mental activity and human need for self-actualization, in discovering and expanding its capabilities.

Music perception is characterized by a number of properties in which it appears favorable developmental effect on the human psyche, including social intelligence.It is proved that early inclusion of the child in a musical environment contributes to the development of creative skills and socialization.

Keywords: personality, socialization, creativity, music, perception, development, abilities, education, child.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 50-60 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.73

Маksymova N. Yu.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Shevchenko National University of Кyiv, Ukraine

Socio-psychological aspects implementation of the programmes probation

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to highlighting issues of probation. It is shown that the complexity of re-socialization requires the introduction in Ukraine Institute of probation - supervision system and social and educational measures applicable to persons subject to criminal liability. The types of probation are: pre-trial probation; supervisory probation; penitentiary probation. Pretrial probation judgment provides for clearly presented information that describes a person who is attracted to criminal liability, to the court decision on the degree of responsibility of the individual. This requires special knowledge of psychology, psychiatry, social work etc. Supervisory probation supervision is to implement social and educational measures for those sentenced to alternative punishments. Development of forms and methods of supervisory probation order its implementation requires serious scientific analysis, psychological study and test the results of studies on experimental venues. Measures of social and educational work, together with measures of supervision are included in the individual plan of work with the client probation. Social and educational work is carried out of all categories of customers probation.

Social and educational work carried out on an individual work plan with the client probation, taking into account risk of committing repeated criminal offenses and provides for a differentiated approach in the provision of consulting, psychological and other assistance. It is clear that these activities can only implement specialists. The ways of social and psychological support of the probation service.

Keywords: probation service, personality, social exclusion, probation program, resocialization.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 61-69 (pdf)

UDC 159.955:615.851

Manilov I. F.

Ph.D. of Psychology Sciences, Senior Scientist, leading researcher of Laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladjusted Adolescents, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Кyiv

Theoretical basics of psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion: cognitive psychotherapy

Language: Russian

Abstract: The paper considers theoretical aspects of psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion. It is revealed conformity between certain points of psychotherapeutic confrontation suggestion and those ones of rational cognitive psychotherapy. It is ascertained that the priority of work with dysfunctional thoughts is common for both psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion and cognitive psychotherapy. It is demonstrated that intentional modification of patients thinking results in correction of their negative emotions and nonadaptive behavior. The psychotherapeutic influence has to be directed at the specific dysfunctional thoughts and client’s personality in whole. Psychotherapy is a tool for patients’ education and development. As opposed to cognitive psychotherapy, in psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion the connection between sensation, behavior and thinking is not postulated but considered as a hypothesis. It is ascertained that instead of terms «automatic thought» and «basic dysfunctional thoughts» the another one such as «situational dysfunction of a thought» is used in psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion. During psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion, a client is influenced to form his adaptive views that progressively destroy any dysfunctional thoughts. It is shown that the lifestyle principles of continuous changeability, interdependence, relativity, irreversibility, self-organization and dynamic equilibrium underlie adaptive views. These principles allow to get over meaningful narrow-mindedness, static nature and absoluteness of dysfunctional thoughts. To transfer the basic lifestyle principles to a client it is necessary to apply heterogeneous suggestion. It is underlined that the theoretical basics of psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion can serve as the theoretical base for multimodal suggestive psychotherapy.

Key words: suggestion, psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic confrontational suggestion, cognitive psychotherapy, dysfunctional thoughts, correction of views, multimodal suggestive psychotherapy.

ggestive psychological correction, lifestyle principles.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 70-81 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Melnychenko L. M.

Teacher of the Department of Industrial Psychology and Psychology of Management, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Socio-psychological rehabilitation with art therapy of children from the ATO zone

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes socio-psychological rehabilitation of children from the ATO zone with help of art therapy. Socio-psychological rehabilitation is a prerequisite for effective professional counselling of children from the ATO zone, and art therapy can be an effective tool for it. The form and features of the art therapeutic work with children from the ATO zone are presented and the used art therapy types are highlighted. The proposed socio-psychological rehabilitation consists of a specific set of activities, allowing children to adapt successfully in society. Psychological limits in art therapy are used; they, according to G. Cloud and J. Townsend, are based on the holistic experience of internally displaced persons, taking into account their physical and emotional changes. The proposed art therapy for children from the ATO zone is important, and the art therapy tools are effective because they not only develop creativity but also help establish relationships between people. The model of art therapeutic resources aimed at this category of peoples is discussed: 1) creative resources (artistic activities, their products, tools to work with children from the ATO zone); 2) methodological (links of art therapy with other disciplines in the practice of psycho-social rehabilitation); 3) technological (consistency and conceptually of help proposed for children from the ATO zone); 4) therapeutic (art therapy multi-functionality during addressing of problematic situations important for this category of people).

Key words: art-therapy, art-therapeutic activities, socio-psychological rehabilitation, children form the ATO zone, individual art-therapy, group art-therapy, characteristics of art therapy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 81-90 (pdf)

UDC 159.9.072

Melnichuk O. B.

Ph.D. of Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Psychology and Psychology of Management, Institute of Social Work and Management of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Кyiv, Ukraine

Current issues of professional formation of intelligence of future professionals in the context of social training to provide primary psychological care crisis clients

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the current issues of professional formation of intelligence of future professionals in the context of social training to provide primary psychological care crisis clients. The specialists of the social sphere provided special training can provide primary psychological help critical personality, which greatly enhance the effectiveness of their professional activities. Determined aspects of professional intelligence specialists of the future in the context of social problems identified:1) to ensure (special psychological knowledge about the nature and course of the crisis state of the individual, their manifestations and attributes, conditions of and remedies; meaning of post-traumatic stress, its diagnostic criteria, principles and methods to overcome; features provide psychological assistance crisis of personality; primary psychological help critical personality, etc.); 2) forming practical skills of primary care psychological identity crisis (skills to establish and maintain contact empathic skills of effective listening skills of emotional support, etc.); 3) formation of intellectual and personal qualities of professional self-regulation (formation of professional cognitive empathy, reflection, professional, professional adaptability and self-control, self-control risk burnout etc.). Outlined a system of psychological conditions of implementation of these principles in the training of future specialists of social sphere.

Key words: professional activities of specialists of social sphere, training future experts of social sphere, professional intelligence, intelligence professional future experts of social sphere, personality crisis, psychological help critical personality, primary psychological help critical personality.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 91-99 (pdf)

UDC 159.944

Nekiz T.A.

Student of the Institute of Natural Geographical and Environmental Education, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Psychodrama’s power for resolving of conflicts during the student’s age

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals the peculiarities of psychodrama using for resolving of conflicts during the student age. The practicability of its use in the case of a conflict in a student group is substantiated and dominant behavioural strategies at conflicts between students are discussed.

Conflict behaviour styles are described as well as prerequisites for formation and support of highly cultural dialogue between people, mutual understanding and cooperation, functional and social partnership.

The average levels of student’s conflicts at the first and third academic years were determined empirically, as well as the dynamics of behavioural strategies during conflicts arisen at various academic years. Interpretation of the obtained data was done in the context of capable influence of special courses taught to students-psychologists and aimed at conflict competence development. However, lack of such competence at the students-chemists, biologists, geographers, – in turn, raises the issue to introduce the special courses for students – non-psychologists to improve their conflict knowledge and communicative culture.

The article reveals the capabilities of psychodrama as one of the most powerful resource and a modern method for conflict resolving in student groups, because psychodrama is one of the first methods of group psychotherapy aimed at studying of personal problems, the nature of conflicts, dreams, fears and fantasies.

Key words: conflict, psychodrama, behavioural style, group psychotherapy, student group.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 100-108 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.3

Pavliuk M. M.

Ph.D of Psychology, Associate Professor, of the Department Psychology, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), Kyiv, Ukraine

Subjectivity in the context of personal self-dependence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the scientific approaches to interpretation of the concepts of "subject" and "subjectivity" as psychological phenomena in the context of personal self-dependence of future specialists. Some aspects of the development of personal subjective characteristics are analyzed. The main subjective characteristics and levels of subjectivity in the process of future specialist formation are highlighted. The stages of subjectivity development are described as the key mechanisms of a personal value system.

The article emphasizes that the immaturity of value orientations leads to a state of personal helplessness, which is characterized by absence of subordination in the value hierarchy, substitution of real activities, scattered frustration neurotic reactions without purpose. Value uncertainty can lead to hasty, destructive actions and unjustified decisions and behaviour. It is concluded that personal self-dependence is the result of complex interactions with a specific situation. Disclosure of subjective potential of future professionals is one of the main conditions of self-dependence. An agent integrates different levels of manifestation of activities, initiative, independency, creativity, based on informed and motivated attitude to the surrounding world and other people. Personal self-dependence determines the high level of fulfilment of the need for autonomy, freedom, subjectivity and creativity.

Key words: subjectivity, self-dependence, activity, personality, initiative, self-regulation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 109-119 (pdf)

UDC 159.96

Popeliushko R. P.

Ph.D. Psychology, Associate Professor, lecturer in the Department of Applied Psychology and Pedagogy, Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnitskyi, Ukraine

Factors for formation of posttraumatic stress disorders in combatants

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the social and psychological factors of formation of posttraumatic stress disorder in combatants as actual problems of modern Ukraine. Emphasized that much attention theorists and practitioners of our time, is given to improvement of methods and ways of social and psychological adaptation and rehabilitation of combatants. Revealed that there are not enough of studies that have covered the full spectrum of the origin and structure of the factors leading to formation of post-traumatic stress disorder in combatants. Attention is paid to the fact that the problem that is violated is important and urgent for further study and implementation in practice psychological rehabilitation of combatants, it helps to take another look on the various factors which leading to the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder in military personnel affected by the combat actions.

The development of posttraumatic stress reactions among staff affects the level of combat effectiveness and creates an additional threat for the life of the combatant and his comrades. Timely and effective psychological therapy combatants provides support necessary state of combat capability of military personnel, helps prevent disability, can restore the mental balance, create conditions for rapid adaptation combatants to of peaceful life.

The prospect for further research we see in the study of factors of formation of post-traumatic stress disorder features of functioning of combatants in peacetime conditions, the construction of effective adaptation and rehabilitation of the systems, taking into account personal features of combatants.

Key words: combatant, posttraumatic stress disorder, psychotherapy, rehabilitation, mental health, traumatic event.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 120-129 (pdf)

UDC 316.6:347.642

Raievska Ya. M.

Ph.D of Psychology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, National University in Kamenetz-Podolsk, Ukraine

Social and psychological support of social orphans

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Changes in circumstances of social life caused further increase the severity and urgency of social and psychological work with social orphans, strengthening social and psychological support and social and psychological support to these children.

The article is devoted to consideration of the problem of the phenomenon of child abandonment and social and psychological support of social orphans. The analysis of the views of scholars on the concept of «social orphans» that allowed to distinguish several scientific approaches in modern scientific studies that determine the nature of child abandonment and presents the author’s definition of the terms «social orphans» and «social orphans». The classification of «social orphans» in today’s conditions. Highlighted terms of education, which must respect each family to prevent the emergence of social orphans and providing mental health of the child. Analyzed the emergence of external factors phenomenon of child abandonment in Ukraine, laid in the state and caused social and economic conditions and domestic formed directly in the family.

The article outlines the main reasons that affect Ukrainian family, and as a result, cause a significant number of adverse events, of which the fastest spreading phenomenon of biological and social orphans. Reasons why children left without parental care and education, are different, but the result – one kid gets rid of the constitutional right to family education, so much the fate of orphans depends on the attitude to the problem of both society and the state.

Defined components, principles and stages of social and psychological support social orphans. To prevent the emergence of social orphans and providing mental health of the child asked to change the policy in preparing young people for parenthood, parent education to serve the issues of raising children and caring for them, clarify responsibility of parents for the upbringing of law-abiding citizens.

Key words: orphans, social orphans, early social orphans, social orphans, education, dysfunctional family, social and psychological factors, social and psychological support.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 130-139 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Riabovol T. A.1, Komarytska K. D.2

1senior researche of the Laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladapted Adolescents, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv

2student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Research the characteristics of actual fears of modern teenagers

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article shows the results of the empirical research of the features of fears of the modern teenagers. It is explored, what fears are the most common and problematic for the seniors. The level, the prevalence and the hierarchy of these fears are determined. The phenomenology of the youth’s fears is specified. It was experimentally confirmed that most of actual fears of teenagers are related to their social life. It’s revealed that the strongest fears representing the modern society problems are the fears of the war and the illness. It’s also revealed that teenagers’ fears often appear in cognitive and somatic areas. The factors strengthening that fears are discovered in the article. The results of the interrogation with the method called «Identification of the subjective understanding of the own fears» show that the reason of appearance of the personal fears is low level of self-confidence. It was confirmed that the idea of one’s possibilities and the communication with the peers are the important parts of the psychological comfort. The research notes that the experience of fear is painful for teens if they don’t have basic trust to the world. Without this basis other psychical mechanisms of protection will be detached and powerless. They destruct quickly end leave a person defenseless in some psych traumatic situation. If protective mechanisms are weak or distorted and don’t comply their task, the fears can grow so much that it causes neurotic disorders, interfere the educational process, blocks the communication and deform emotional and volitional spheres of the teenager.

Key words: age of teenagers, features of fears, prevalence and the hierarchy, cognitive, behavior and somatic areas.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 140-151 (pdf)

UDC 159.928.22

Solovei Ya. H.

Ph.D of Psychology, Senior research associate of endowments psychology laboratory, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The values of teacher’s influence, parents and contact environment on the development of musical gifted person

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals analysis of psychological approaches to value the impact of teachers, parents and contact environment on the development of musical gifted person. Determined, that musically gifted people, usually highlight the role of family musical environment themselves or an excess of music and auditory representations in early childhood. Emphasized that starting lessons at an early age, most musicians are choosing not only a profession but a way of life, and that’s why, to some extent, specific conditions, environment and way of personal growth.

Highlight theoretical principles that teachers should use when working on the development of musical abilities musically gifted person.

It was determined that the development and identity formation effectiveness increases, if the last is not only the object but also the subject of education. This is possible, when teachers or parents can not to impose to student external ways of his development, but remove them from him as difficult organized system based on internal tendencies of student’s development. It is proved that the most significant influence on the formation of a musically gifted person is a family circle. Family is the most important environment of formation and development of personality. Here the child is born, grows, learns, socialized. Exactly inside the family develop his feelings, lays the moral values, forms the physical and psychological health.

Key words: gifted person, development, value influences, contact environment, parents.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 152-160 (pdf)

UDC 316.614.034:316.624

Starkov D. Yu.

junior researcher of laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladjusted Adolescents, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Formation of chemical addict’s motivation to therapy

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Models of motivation to treatment of chemically dependent persons is analyzed in the article. It is shown that there are two approaches to the explanation of the problem of addict’s low motivation to therapy: pathological and sanological. Anosognosia’s effects in the pathological model cause low motivation. Five mechanisms of anosognosia is considered: psycho-organic syndrome, axiological sphere’s addiction deformation, psychological defenses, denial for others, and the problem of awareness. Integrated model of motivation of chemically dependent persons is developed a. The model’s methodological basis is integration of pathogenetic model of anosognosia and salutogenetic model of positive development of motivation. The integrated model of motivation consists of five stages: establishing trust, intervention, enhance motivation, planning, support. The first phase is to establish a trusting relationship with the client and working with the mechanisms of anosognosia such as psychoorganic and addictive decline of the personality. The aim of the second stage is the emergence of doubts about the lack of problems with addiction. In the third stage for the development of motivation offers working with cognitive, emotional, value, and behavioral components of motivation and psychological defenses. The fourth stage is devoted to strategic planning, tactical planning, motivation for immediate start working with addiction, working through the performance criteria, searching authority person and exploring socio-cultural myths.

Key words: motivation, motivate, chemical addiction, denial.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 160-181 (pdf)


UDC 159.942

Tereshchuk A. D.

Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Leading Researcher, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Person’s affective behaviour in the context of modern psychological researches

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article explored and substantiates theoretical scientific approaches to affective behaviour as a psychological category in the context of different approaches in the psychological science. The historical prerequisites to affect studies in the modern psychology paradigms are discussed. The methodological principles are defined and the concepts of person’s affective behaviour study in national and foreign psychology are determined. The main areas of person’s affective behaviour studies are revealed. The article determines that affects have a significant impact on person’s mental and physical health. Affective states are always accompanied by bodily changes, and the desires are completed with external motor acts that constitute coherent behaviour. Also, the works of many researchers confirm theoretically the existence of correlations between a person’s affective state and his/her general well-being. The article shows fundamental importance of affective behaviour for all mental processes and its impact on life effectiveness and personal self-realization in general.

Special tools are presented that can help to cope with a strong emotion and prevent its conversion into affect. There is a recommendation to notice timely and realize an unwanted emotion, to analyze its origins, to remove muscle tension, to breathe deeply and rhythmically, to attract a previously prepared "image" of pleasant life events, to try to look at oneself from the outside. Affect can be prevented, but endurance, self-control, special training and culture of interpersonal relations are required for this.

Key words: personality, behavior, emotional regulation, affect, affective behavior, affective space.

Study of features of affective organization of behavior of children with mental

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 181-192 (pdf)

UDC 159.95

Tkach B. M.

PhD of Psychology, person working for doctor’s degree of Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Аpplying meditative techniques for correction of deviant behavior

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes neural systems of integrating separate parts of central nervous system (CNS) while organization of both simple and complex behavior types connected with the sense of happiness. It traces the transformation of causality and essence of happiness in ontogenesis and phylogenesis which occurs from vital needs gratification, procreation to social, esthetic and spiritual ones; from short-term to long term; from external to internal causality; from real physical/chemical to abstract stimulus; from visceral to mental. The demands to neurological and psychological correctional program of an individual’s deviant behavior are defined. The changes in CNS activity while meditative session are characterized, they manifest themselves as intensified activity of integrative brain system, increased awareness and control of cognitive processes, emotional sphere and functional states of mind. The work introduces a program of deviant behavior correction by applying meditative techniques within cognitive and behavioral therapy, which allows to destroy neural networks resulting from learned component of maladaptive behavior, to stimulate activity of medial prefrontal cortex, to lessen sensitivity of neocortex to the other parts of a brain, to extent influence of neocortex and relocate activity from the right prefrontal areal to the left.

Key words: meditation, neuropsychology, psychological correction, happiness, prefrontal cortex of the brain, personality, deviant behavior.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 193-204 (pdf)

UDC 159.942.2-055.2]:613.25

Travenko O. S.

Psychologist-expert techniques, MMPI-2, Org-EIQ, Company «OS Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine

Psychological mechanisms of emotional self-regulation in women with preclinical forms of eating disorders

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the psychological problems of eating disorders preclinical level and their consequences. Shows the role and function of emotions in the process of self-regulation that they do. Presents the results of studies of the mechanisms of emotional self-regulation. Mechanisms of emotional self-regulation: the mechanism of emotional regulation of interaction with others. Women with eating disorders for complacency, excessive use of food products and solve the problem by filling the stomach. Know how to influence the emotional state of others, which means a tendency to manipulate and blaming others for their problems. The mechanism of elaboration of negative stimuli. Women with eating disorders, to get rid of unwanted body shapes, capable of the strict attitude to your diet over time, excluding from the diet useful body products. Consequently, this leads to physical exhaustion, nervous disorders, and subsequently to the General state of fatigue. While this condition is «stuck» in the person and remains in the form of experiences with a bad aftertaste. The mechanism of release from emotional stress. Women with eating disorders, to get rid of unwanted body shapes, are applied haphazardly to a strict diet. So, when you realize that their behavior is not consistent with the expectations of others, fear to be condemned by others, this leads to a feeling of shame. The surprise in this case frees the nervous system from the emotional stress that can be harmful to adaptation to unexpected reactions of others.

Key words: psychological mechanisms, emotional self-regulation, preclinical forms of disorders, feeding behavior.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 205-214 (pdf)

UDC 159.9.07

Chaika H. V.

Senior researche of the P. Chamata Laboratory of personality psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Self-concept as structural and dynamic aspects of self in works of ukrainian and foreign researchers

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article studies, on the base of literature sources, self-concept as a structural and dynamic aspect of Self. It is shown that self-concept is an open, relatively stable, but, at the same time, dynamic, nonlinear system. Self-concept is formed, developed, changed during social interactions, it is a result of personal cultural development in the socio-cultural environment that is created on the basis of cultural etalons. A person seeks to acquire culturally accepted traits. This psychic formation is relatively stable and, at the same time, prone to fluctuations and changes influenced by both internal and external factors. External factors can be traditional: family, school, as well as new ones: media, computer virtual environment. The analyzed work give reasons to consider self-concept as a systemic entity, consisting of notions about person’s own characteristics and abilities, ideas about capacities to interact with other people and the environment, value concepts and ideas about goals that may have a positive or negative direction. As a complex, hierarchically constructed system, self-concept can be viewed according to different bases, but self-images can be regarded as structural elements of an integrated self-concept that reveal person’s subjective knowledge about him/herself and generalize emotional and cognitive information about personal self.

Keywords: self, self-concept, self-image, personality, socio-cultural environment

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 215-226 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.763:159.923.2

Shcherbyna-Pryluka V. M.

Researcher of laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladjusted Adolescents, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv

The issue of reflection development by persons with deviant behaviour during their re-socialization

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyses the problem of reflection development by adolescents having deviant behaviour as a prerequisite for their successful re-socialization.

The peculiarities of deviant adolescents’ reflection, levels of their reflexivity are discussed depending on the socio-psychological characteristics of deviant adolescents. Deviant adolescents are characterised by not only a low level of reflexivity, but also by average and high levels. Adolescents with the high and average reflexivity levels are more inclined to intentional offenses often carried out in a group, by prior arrangement; they take on the role of an organizer. On the contrary, offenses committed by deviant adolescents with the low reflexivity level are made both independently and in a group, but in a group such adolescents are only performers (sometimes, even, forced).

However, peculiarities of reflection of adolescents having deviant behaviour are not limited by the levels of its development; their reflection mechanism functions in a different way in comparison with that of common adolescents, which must be considered during their re-socialization.

Key words: reflection; reflection type; the level of reflexivity; deviant behavior; deviant teenager, re-socialization.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 227-235 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.763:796.342:371.83

Yaroshko P. M.

postgraduate student of the Faculty of Social Education and Humanities, Practical Psychology Department, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine

Development of personal identification of deviant adolescents during social and psychological activities at teenage sport clubs of table tennis

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article discusses development of personal identification of deviant adolescents during social and psychological activities at teenagers’ sport clubs of table tennis. The process of engaging of adolescent with deviant behaviour into sports activities at youth table tennis clubs is a kind of reaction, a form of social and psychological protection of adolescents and youth during their age period of personal and social uncertainty. The teenage table tennis sport clubs allows adolescents to fulfil their remnant desire to romance, physical risk, to test themselves in extreme situations and, to some extent, such clubs help to prevent deviant behavioural influences on the personal identification process. The article shows that psychological and pedagogical influence of general opinion of the adolescence sport teams, playing table tennis, on adolescent personality consists of a number of conscious and unconscious acts and lead to mastering by a sport club member of social experience, social values, norms during his/her activities. The functional structure of adolescent sports club with table tennis provides the most optimal variant of adolescents’ deviant behaviour prevention and development of their personal identification.

Key words: identity, personal identification, sports teenagers’ club, deviant behaviour

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 11(14): 236-245 (pdf)