Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 52 – 2019

Abstracts and Information about Authors


UDC: 159.98:005.73:316.48
Karamushka, L. M.
Karamushka, Liudmyla M. , Corresponding Member of the NAES of Ukraine, Dr., Prof., Head, Lab. of Organizational and Social Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. 

Effects of social tension in educational organizations .

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes the consequences of social tension at the social and organizational levels. The author presents the classification of the main effects of social tension in educational organizations, which is made up of three groups of effects. The first and second groups of effects include the consequences found in the educational organization as a whole and in its departments (including negative psychological phenomena (organizational stress, organizational conflicts, staff turnover, etc.), reduced organizational efficiency (reduced work productivity, turnover, etc.) and employees' protest behaviors, etc.). The third group of social tension effects includes those found at the level of individual employees including such their negative mental states as anxiety, frustration, aggression, etc., job stress and burnout, low efficiency, etc. It was shown that the third-group social tension consequences experienced in educational organizations were more common and stronger than the first- and-second group consequences.
Keywords: educational organizations; social tension in organization; consequences of social tension at the level of society; consequences of social tension in educational organizations; classification of consequences of social tension in educational organizations

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 3-10 (pdf)


UDC: 159.98:005.73:316.48
Karamushka, L.M., Kredentser, O.V., Tereshchenko, K.V., Ivkin, V.М., Lagodzinska, V.І., Kovalchuk, О.S.
Karamushka, Liudmila Mykolaivna, corresponding member of the NAES of Ukraine, Dr., Prof., Head, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kredentser, Oksana Valeriivna, PhD, Assoc. Prof., senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Tereshchenko, Kira Volodymyrivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ivkin, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych, PhD, Assoc. Prof., senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Lahodzinska, Valentуna Ivanivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kovalchuk, Olexandr Serhiiovych, researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Educational organization social tension psychological factors: main types and research methods

Language: Ukrainian

The article presents the classification of psychological factors behind social tension in educational organizations that relate to the distinctive features of Ukrainian society, educational organizations' activities and teaching staff's activities and interactions. The authors discuss a set of instruments called “Assessment of Social Tension in Educational Organizations”, which includes three groups of tools to study: a) the main types of social tension in educational organizations, b) the social tension psychological factors relating to the organization as a whole, and c) the social tension psychological factors relating to teaching staff’s activities and interactions Keywords: educational organizations, social tension in the organization, educational organization social tension factors, instruments to assess educational organization social tension factors

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 10-18 (pdf)


UDC: 656.13-051:159.9:316.614
Panchenko, O.A., Kabantseva, A.V., Serdyuk, I.O.
Panchenko, Oleg A. Honored Doctor of Ukraine, MD, Prof., Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Academician (European Academy of Natural Sciences, Hannover, Germany), Director, Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, President of the All-Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kabantseva, Anastasia V. , PhD, senior researcher, Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health (Konstantinovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine), Assoc. Prof., Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine
Serdyuk, Iryna O., junior rsearcher, psychologist Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Konstantinovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine.

Paradoxes of understanding the socialization and personal development of professional drivers .

Language: Ukrainian

Ukraine is one of the top countries on the list of road accidents and road mortality rate. Rapid changes in traffic conditions due to the increasing number of vehicles and traffic intensity place high demands on the socialization and development of professional drivers. The article highlights the issues of the road safety system reform and the technologies of road and transport infrastructure development, emphasizing the state-of-the-art traffic management tools, primarily the automated traffic control and navigation systems. The authors discuss the drawbacks of the existing automated systems that lead to road accidents.
The investigation conducted by the authors, found that professional drivers had emotional, cognitive, behavioral, personal, and motivational disorders while medical examinations revealed their numerous functional disorders. Drivers with such medical and psychological problems cannot perform their professional functions properly, thus causing accidents, injuries and even death on the road.
In developing new reliable instruments for measuring professional drivers' functionality, besides their psychophysiological and functional status, special attention should be paid to the driver's personality, i.e. their individual psychological characteristics, cognitive and perceptual functions, and work motivation. Therefore, the current medical examination of drivers and driver job seekers needs modernization through the introduction of medical and psychological control of drivers' condition.
Keywords: professional driver, socialization, road traffic, road and transport infrastructure, motor vehicles, automated systems, technical means, psychodiagnostics, reliability

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 19-24 (pdf)


UDC: 316.454.2:159.9.07
Solomka, T.M.
Solomka, Tamara M., PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Educational and Research Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences, Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine

Individual style formation strategies in the process of employee self-design

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes the main theoretical and methodological approaches to strategic-style variability as a principle of organization of activity, roles, group norms and values, etc. Possible crises require the employees to use certain strategies in the formation of their personal self-design styles. The most important characteristics of these strategies include the employees' responsibility and comprehension of the values and relationships, while the main measures of the strategy effectiveness are employees' life satisfaction and mental health. The content and procedural unity of the employee self-design (ESD) strategies and styles lies within the space-time metaparadigm in the structure of the author's multi-paradigmal ESD model. The degree of employee reflection, the consolidation of variants, models and ways of interaction, individual style characteristics, thinking and behavior develop the mechanism and the basis for the formation of a real strategic and stylistic organization of out-of-work life, work life and the work time perception, etc. It is emphasized that the derivatives of local structure-forming components in the constructivist paradigm develop profession values strategies, in the paradigm of organizational structures (in accordance with the goals, mission and values of the organization) the leadership and career strategies and the subjective-constructivist paradigm offers good opportunities for employee's creative strategies and exclusive styles. The author discusses the strategy-style coloring of the ESD determinants and predictors as the multi-style adaptation and professional competencies development strategies as well as lifelong learning strategies, etc. It is concluded that the development of employees' individual self-design styles should integrate mental, social, internal and external aspects of employees' strategic activity
Keywords: employee self-design (ESD), ESD agent, strategies, styles, strategic and style approach, variability, objectives and values of organization, paradigms

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 24-28 (pdf)


UDC: 159.944.4:355.133.4
Cherevychny, S.V.
Cherevychny, Sergiy V., PhD student, Dept. of Social Sciences, Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine Humanitarian Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine

Decision-making by the commander in a situation of uncertainty and ambiguity

Language: Ukrainian

The problem of making effective decisions by the commander in the combat has become extremely urgent because of the ongoing armed conflict in the east of Ukraine. In conditions of war, the decisions made by the commander are verified by the combat, while the measure of their effectiveness is the manpower losses. The process of decision-making by the commander takes place in the situation of ambiguity. The article deals with the problem of decision-making by commanders in conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity. The author links the impossibility to make decisions and the situation of uncertainty, which in turn leads to stress, as well as discusses different uncertainty and stress coping methods used by commanders. The article presents the results of an empirical study into the ambivalence of the commander's personality in stressful conditions, the commander's response to complex situations of uncertainty, and the commander's anti-stress techniques, which have cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects. The author substantiates a three-component structure of personal ambivalence: the motivational component is responsible for the satisfaction of the need for affiliation, the affective component manifests itself as tolerance or intolerance to the frustrated need, and the behavioral component finds subjective balance between aggression and benevolence. It has been found that most commanders are best prepared emotionally for making well-balanced, coordinated and adequate decisions in ambiguous situations. However, the obtained findings also showed difficulty in commanders' making agreed decisions in ambiguous situations at the cognitive and behavioral levels. Further research may focus on finding out the role of intelligence, motivation and emotions in ambiguous situation decision making; studying individual ambivalence from different perspectives: psychological, medical, sociological, philosophical; and finding the links between individual ambivalence and ambiguous situations as well as their influence on decision making
Keywords: decision, uncertainty, individual ambivalence, stressful situation, commander

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 29-34 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Dembitska, N.M., Ryabovol, T.I., Goliaka, S.G.
Dembytska, Natalia M. , PhD, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Organizational and Social Psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, Kyiv. Ukranie
Ryabovol, Tetiana A. , Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Socially Maladjusted Juniors, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, Kyiv. Ukranie
Goliaka, Sergiy G., psychologist, Lyceum No.198 Eco, Kyiv, Ukraine

Softization of student's personal property in conditions of economy virtualization .

Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the main changes in economic socialization of youth at the current stage of market relations development in the context of economic globalization, property virtualization and intensive development of information and communication technology (property softization). The authors theoretically substantiate and empirically prove effective ways of development of youth's economic culture, which promote new mechanisms for the realization of property relations. Students quickly adopt softization and property digitization, being aware of their advantages and disadvantages. The authors note the changes in the cognitive component of students' attitudes to property. The social and psychological function of digitized property consists in the fact that modern technologies, on the one hand, facilitate the establishment of communication, and on the other hand, complicate its maintenance and the exchange of goods between people. It is shown that students actualize the emotional and evaluation component of their attitudes towards property virtualization, i.e. , the students understand both the advantages and disadvantages of digital technologies. In addition, there is such a significant factor as students' feeling of isolation and solitude as a result of wide use of modern ICT. The authors are planning to develop a questionnaire to find out different aspects of students' attitudes towards personal property: cognitive, emotional, value, behavioral, and moral. The authors may also focus on changes in Ukrainians' attitudes towards property in general and towards themselves as the subjects of these relations
Keywords: economic culture of youth, economic socialization, personality, personal property relations, software, property digitization

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 35-39 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Zubiashvili, I. K.
Zubiashvili, Iryna K., PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Organizational and Social Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Monetary culture as a component of the economic culture of the individual

Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the problem of monetary culture, which appeared at a certain stage of economic culture development and relates primarily to the appearance of money as a product of culture. The signs of a financially and economically cultural individual include their critical financial and economic thinking and realization of their individual abilities in each particular situation. Besides, to be monetary cultured, and individual should be skilled and experienced in the field of finance and economics. The author shows that the monetary culture of the individual is an artificial medium that it creates in social and economic activities. The term ""monetary culture"" covers the social relations, experience, world outlook and human practice associated with the monetary relations in the society. Monetary culture is manifested in a system of theoretical and practical knowledge gained by the individual in the family, at school, university and form other practical activities, as well as from the monetary environment. It is noted that personal monetary culture is connected with economic socialization and is formed through the internalization of the idea of the ""homo economicus"" and the development of a normative idea of ""homo monetarius"", which corresponds to a monetary relations-based social culture. The main characteristic of the monetary individual is their spiritual attitudes towards money as an equivalent of Self, i.e. their own abilities, worth, and dignity. The author discusses the integrative, disintegrative, socializing, regulatory, translational, innovative, cognitive, and prognostic functions of monetary culture. It is argued that the monetary culture of each country has national features, which are manifested in cultural patterns, stereotypes, traditions
Keywords: culture, economic culture, monetary culture of society, personal monetary culture, economic socialization, personality, values, norms

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 40-45 (pdf)


UDC: 17.032.1; 338.2 – 053.81
Lavrenko, O.V.
Lavrenko, Olga V. , PhD, Assoc. Prof., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Organizational and Social Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Spiritual and material principles in the economic consciousness of students

Language: Ukrainian

The article presents the results of an empirical study into the correlation between the spiritual and material principles in the economic consciousness of students. The spiritual principle is represented by individuals' convictions and moral values, which implies the individuals' ability and need to go beyond their selfish Self and actively spread goodness. The heart of this principle is the morality of the individual. The material principle implies money as a decisive factor in motivating economic actions and an instrument for achieving economic goals. These principles significantly affect individuals' morality and lifestyles as well as economic culture.
The comparative analysis of the priority of the principles adhered to by a sample of students and adults found that the respondents of the both age groups considered the spiritual principles (beliefs and moral principles) more important than money and good reputation. Money was not a material incentive that prompted the respondents to break the law, to compromise their beliefs and moral principles, to abandon the beloved ones, and to suffer humiliation.
In assessing to what extent $ 1 million as a significant economic stimulus can be a motive for their ethical/unethical economic actions, the students were shown to be quite inconsistent. The overwhelming majority of them refused to sacrifice their lives and/or beliefs and moral principles and/or friends and/or interesting work for $ 1 million. However, almost every third respondent was ready to exchange their reputation and/or good relations with colleagues for wealth. Every second respondent agreed to work overtime and two thirds of the respondents wanted to leave Ukraine for another country.
Keywords: economic socialization, economic culture, beliefs, moral principles, money, personal price of economic success, students

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 45-55 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Melnychuk, T.I.
Melnychuk, Tetiana I., PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Organizational and Social Psychology, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Socio-psychological features of students' economic self-determination in the field of employment in conditions of social change

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes theoretical and methodological features of economic self-determination of students in the field of employment. Self-determination is considered as the individual's knowledge of his/her own characteristics, potentials, abilities, as well as his/her choice of the criteria and norms of self-evaluation. Students' economic self-determination is closely connected with a number of processes, which include professional and personal development, economic socialization and adaptation, professionalization and professional identity development. The individual's economic consciousness and personal characteristics (his/her activity, independence, stability, responsibility, independent behavior, self-regulation, and reflection) play an important role in his/her economic self-determination. The author argues that the moral and psychological components of the individual's economic self-determination determine his/her economic activity both directly (limiting the norms of behavior by assessing the ethical or unethical character of certain methods of economic self-sufficiency and business behavior, etc.), and indirectly (influencing the level of aspiration and the objectives of economic activity (through the attitudes towards economic objects and phenomena: property, money, wealth, poverty, unemployment, advertising, loans, etc.), as well as through the attitudes towards the norms of ethics or business partners).
The development of economic consciousness and economic self-determination are rather complex processes that have a direct relation to the development of the individual's professional identity, mentality, personality, independence, and outlook. Further research may focus on studying socio-psychological features of economic self-determination of working students in the system of economic relations in the cross-cultural environment
Keywords: economic self-determination, economic socialization, students, professionalization

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 55-61 (pdf)


UDC: 336:316:37.014.3 (477)
Filonchuk, Z.V.
Філончук Зоя Володимирівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри теорії й методики викладання навчальних дисциплін комунального вищого навчального закладу «Херсонська академія неперервної освіти», м. Херсон, Україна

Formation of financial culture of school students in the context of new ukrainian school reform

Language: Ukrainian

Financial culture is an integral part of social culture, which has developed with the formation of monetary relations in society. The development of financial culture is largely determined by the country's financial institutions, financial literacy of the population and social values.
The article reveals the importance of financial culture as a factor in the economic socialization of school students and discusses the content and differences between the concepts of financial culture, economic culture, financial literacy and financial competence. It is noted that the financial culture of the individual is a system of their financial competencies formed in accordance with the existing ideology and values that manifest themselves when the individual plays certain economic roles. Financial competences are formed in the process of developing financial knowledge, financial experience and financial attitudes. The economic and financial culture is based on economic knowledge and has both personal and social significance.
The author analyzes some aspects of the formation of financial literacy and financial culture of students in the current conditions of school reform and gives recommendations for the effective implementation of the ""Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy"" program. Modern school education offers certain economic subjects and courses to form students' financial literacy and financial culture, which can promote their socialization in the conditions of system changes. The implementation of the ""Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy"" program is a meant to integrate educational content and form students' values and ideology that determine their financial behaviors
Keywords: financial culture, financial literacy, financial competences, economic culture, key competencies, program

Vykorystani dzjerela

Filonchuk, Zoya V. , PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Theory and Practice of Teaching, Kherson Academy of Continuing Education, Kherson, Ukraine

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 61-68 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.6
Bryl, M.M.
Bryl, Maryna M. PhD, Assoc. Prof., Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Director, State Scientific and Methodological Center for the Cultural and Art Education, Kyiv, Ukraine

Metaforicalassociative cards as an instrument of psychology of professional self-determination

Language: Ukrainian

The article presents the results of a theoretical and methodological analysis of the possibilities of metaphorical associative cards (MAC) as a tool in the psychology of professional self-determination. Systemic career counselling has a considerable impact on society, parents, education system, employers and young people. Psychologists have difficulties in finding a universal career counselling tool. Teenager career counselling should be based on teenagers’ distinctive characteristics (""digital generation"", ""clip thinking"") and the use of effective tools, which include group and individual work with metaphorical associative cards. Metaphorical associative cards is an effective psychological tool, which meets the modern requirements. The cards, although not widely known yet, are quite effective for career counselling due to their communicative, encouraging, focusing, objectivizing, meaningful, reformulating, reconstructive, expressive, cathartic, protective, container and resource functions. MAС as a career counselling tool have didactic and technological advantages, i.e. they create favourable conditions for promoting individuals’ safety, self-disclosure, emotional regulation, intuitive thinking, creativity, overcoming psychological complexes, using unconscious resources, as well as are quite easy to use. Creation MAС as a career counselling tool can stimulate professionals to develop new effective career counselling methods and techniques
Keywords: metaphorical associative cards, professional choice, psychological instrument, career counselling

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 69-76 (pdf)


UDC: 316:159.9-053.2
Kabantseva, A.V.
Kabantseva, Anastasia V. , PhD, Senior researcher, Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health (Konstantinovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine). Assoc. Prof., Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Socialization of children with emotional disorders

Language: Ukrainian

The upbringing and development of children has always been an important mission of society. This problem is increasingly important today due to the complex socio-economic conditions, accompanied by general destabilization, information attacks, and psychosocial tension. All this affects children's psycho-emotional condition, as one of the factors of socialization of the child.
According to the results of empirical studies into the psycho-emotional condition of children who lived in the area of active hostilities (Donetsk region, 2014-2018), 61.2% of the children had fears of different character, over 50% had fear of war, 53. 2% experienced anxiety, 36.7% showed aggressiveness, and 18.4% had low self-esteem. It should be noted that when an individual is threatened, some changes take place in the body to prepare the body to fight or flee, which explains the sequence of bodily protective reactions. The presence of the above-mentioned psycho-emotional characteristics in children can cause deformations in their psycho-emotional condition with a further development of complex psychological and/or psychiatric problems that disturb children's adaptation and socialization in general including communication skills, development of neuroses and stress disorder.
The socialization of children with emotional disorders will be effective through the co-operation of teachers, psychologists, doctors and parents carried out in the psycho-medical-pedagogical system. Each specialist is responsible for the organization of specific work in accordance with his/her capabilities and qualifications. The joint activity increases the quality of care and interest in each case, develops motivation and creates good relationships between specialists
Keywords: fear of war; aggression; anxiety; collaboration of psychologists, teachers, doctors; socio-economic instability

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 76-82 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:004.738.5
Nazar, M.M.
Nazar, Maksim M., PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Modern Information Technologies in Education, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Formation of agency by means of internet trainings .

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes the effectiveness of communication competence internet trainings in the formation of individuals' agency. Agency is defined as a level of the individual's purposeful activity aimed to transform reality, both objective and subjective. Communication competence group training, which is based on information and communication capabilities of the Internet, contributes to the development of trainees' agency. This effect is due to the coherent and relevant psychological structures present in each of the above mentioned psychological phenomena, which is actualized and intensified in the process of group training in the virtual space of the Internet and by the subject-oriented training environment, i.e. a virtual educational space. Using the communication competence development tools, it is possible to promote individuals' agency, in particular, by means of educational and psychological Internet courses and programs based on modern information and communication technologies. An important objective of modern psychology and education is the promotion of individuals' agency using group distance learning and psychological technologies in the virtual space of the Internet, the development of individuals' activity through the development of their psychological competences using Internet training tools, the analysis of psychological, educational and developmental potentials of Internet training, as well as the integration and introduction of educational psychological Internet training in educational space
Keywords: agency, activity, internet training

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 82-86 (pdf)


UDC: 316:159.9:004.9
Panchenko, O.A.
Panchenko, Oleg A., Honored Doctor of Ukraine, MD, Prof., Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Academician (European Academy of Natural Sciences, Hannover, Germany), Director, Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, President, All-Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League, Kyiv, Ukraine

Socialization of the individual in the conditions of information turbulence .

Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with socialization of the individual in the conditions of information turbulence caused by the destructive natural, social and political factors. Dynamic changes, complex and ambiguous information environment as results of turbulent phenomena bring about risk factors in the form of a distorted hierarchy of values (the values become unclear), which complicate individuals' adaptation to social and economic changes. Under such circumstances, the person is under permanent pressure and must adjust his/her life to rapid changes in order to avoid being a victim of socialization. The impact of the individual, as a factor of socialization, is mediated by creative activity, which is realized through a socio-cultural factor that has the potential of the educational space (information and heuristic education) and the potential for self-development and self-realization. Turbulence, as an adequate response of the individual, plays a constructive role in the form of ""turbulent thinking"", which creates the conditions for effective socialization. This turbulent thinking is based on the informal heuristic approach to the situation analysis and decision-making (experience, intuition, agility, ingenuity, etc.) and promotes individuals' acquisition of adaptive abilities for socialization in conditions of information-psychological turbulence. Turbulent thinking is formed in a special social and cultural environment, which harmoniously combines the potentials of the new educational space and individuals' self-development and self-actualization. Socialization of the individual in the conditions of information and psychological turbulence requires the unification of informational and heuristic education, which is the key to effective functioning of the human information society
Keywords: information turbulence, information socialization, socio-cultural environment, media literacy, heuristics, turbulent thinking

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 87-93 (pdf)


UDC: 925:159.913-05
Primachok, L.L.
Prymachok, Liudmyla L. – PhD (pedagogics), Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Human Health and Physical Rehabilitation, Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Health at the National University of Water and Environmental Management, Rivne, Ukraine

Psychological principles of studying the process of professional development of the individual

Language: Ukrainian

The author analyzes the phenomenon of personality formation in terms of its external and internal factors, as well as discusses different characteristics and stages of personality development. The article also deals with individual's professional formation as a process and a result. A a process, professional formation of the individual is characterized by his/her social development as a socially mature person. In turn, psychologists define a socially mature person as an individual with the knowledge, skills and moral qualities necessary for successful performance of the whole set of adult social roles. The basic indicators of social maturity make it possible to 'fill in' the content of individual's professional formation and to describe it both as a process and as a result. Personality formation is manifested in the individual's self-regulation, which facilitates the realization of his/her mental potentials, compensates for his/her deficiencies, and regulates his/her individual states to meet the tasks and situations. Involvement of a person in the activity requires his/her great efforts to carry out productive activities, especially when it comes to different challenges. Responsibility is considered by the author as a component of social maturity, which is formed only in significant professional activity and in independent decision-making. It is noted that one of the most important components of social maturity is the individual's need for self-actualization, which is both an indicator of personal achievements and an important condition for professional development. Also, the basic element of social maturity is the individual's positive attitude to the world and surrounding reality.
Keywords: personality formation, professional formation, socially mature person, dynamics of social development, mental sets, knowledge, skills, moral and ethical qualities

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 93-99 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Pustovy, O.M.
Pustovy, Olexander M., scientific correspondent, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAЕS of Ukraine, Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine

Investigation of the motivational factors behind group cohesion in the military unit

Language: Ukrainian

Military activity calls for the development of servicemen's teamwork regardless of their professional abilities or assigned tasks. Promotion of servicemen's teamwork motivation is an important function of military psychologists. The article substantiates the importance of finding out the factors that affect the integration of servicemen into a military unit. The author discusses group cohesion and psychological climate factors in the military unit which include financial motivators, recognition and reward motivators, responsibility, relationship with commanders, career development motivators, achievement motivators, content of work, and cooperation. The author analyzes the results of empirical research into servicemen's teamwork motivation during combat operations in the East of Ukraine. The study found that career development and cooperation were the leading factors that promoted servicemen’s cohesion and improved psychological climate in the military unit. Thus, in order to create a favorable atmosphere in the military unit, careful attention should be paid to the study of the motivational factors in servicemen’s group cohesion
Keywords: teamwork, group cohesion, psychological climate in a military unit, hygiene and motivation factors

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 99-104 (pdf)


UDC: 355:316.35
Slipushko, G.M.
Slipushko, Galyna M., student, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Overcoming negative gender stereotypes about servicewomen .

Language: Ukrainian

The article article deals with negative gender stereotypes about servicewomen and gives recommendations for overcoming them. The author makes recommendations for overcoming negative gender stereotypes about servicewomen in the anti-terrorist operation (АТО) and joint-forces operation (JFO) based on the resolution of JFO of 5.10.2009 on engaging women in solving important political and economic problems in the armed conflict and post-conflict situations; experience of the EU, the USA and Canada in women's service in the army; laws on fighting gender discrimination; the media policy of spreading a positive image of servicewomen; and the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine № 46 «On Integration of Women in Military Service». The recommendations on overcoming negative gender stereotypes about servicewomen in АТО and JFO call for empiric investigations into stereotypes about servicewomen; organizational, educational and psychological instruments for promoting mental self-regulation of servicewomen; new evidence-based methods to treat post-traumatic stress disorder; servicewomen rehabilitation programs; psychological help to women-combatants and their social and psychological rehabilitation; effective educational programs for АТО and JFO veterans; active veteran movement as a servicewomen social re-adaptation method
Keywords: prevention, gender stereotypes, servicewomen, АТO, JFO, equal rights

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 104-110 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:371.134
Stasko, O.G., Zolnikova, S.V.
Stasko, Olena G. , PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Depth Psychology and Rehabilitation, Bohdan Khmelnitsky Cherkassy National University, Cherkassy, Ukraine
Zolnikova, Svitlana V. , student, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukranie

Conditional values from the perspective of depth psychology .

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes the method of active social-psychological knowledge proposed by T.S. Yatsenkofor studying psyche as the unity of the conscious and unconscious minds. The authors discuss the conditional values that influence the unconscious mind and the semantics of the individual's communication. Conditional values are considered to relate to psychological defenses and their epiphenomenon, i.e. the deviations from reality that structure individual's expectations to confirm their idealized self by other people. Conditional values have been shown to include interdependent basic and situational values. The basic conditional values are organically linked with the deep determinants of the mind and the values of the infantile self that are initiated by displacement and are left out of consciousness of the individual. The content of individuals' deep values (due to displacements) is symbolized, which disguises their influence on the social behavior of the individual.
It is shown that conditional values are greatly affected by the Oedipus situation, as well as the identification with the primary libidinal object and compensation. The authors describe the relationship between the individuals' conditional values and idealized self and psychological defenses (basic and situational). There are two types of psychological defenses based on infantile (depth psychological) and situational conditional values. Any situational conditional value has a depth-psychology basis.
Keywords: conditional values, normative values, idealized self, psychological defenses, intervention, method of active social-psychological knowledge

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 110-115 (pdf)


UDC: 319.6.47:157.931.8
Sulyatytsky,I.V., Ostrovski,I.P., OstrovskaK.O.
Sulyatytsky, Ivan V. , Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Intervention Pedagogy and Inclusion, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Ostrovski, Igor P. , Dr. of Technical Sciences, Prof., Dept. of Intervention Pedagogy and Inclusion, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Ostrovska, Kateryna O., PsyD, Prof., Dept. of Intervention Pedagogy and Inclusion, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Some aspects of social adaptation of ATO veterans

Language: Ukrainian

Analysis of the psychological assistance given to ATO veterans in Ukraine has revealed an urgent need for reliable ATO veteransʼ psychological condition diagnosing tools and ATO veteransʼ stress resistance development and civil life adaptation programs. The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of social adaptation of ATO veterans and to determine the factors behind and the ways of preventing their aggressiveness and suicidal ideation. The experimental investigation into the ATO veteransʼ social adaptation was conducted on a sample of 30 respondents aged 30 through 40 using the Social Adaptability Scale, Spielberg Personal Anxiety Scale, the Aggression and Conflict Predisposition Scale and Pryimenko Suicide Risk Card. It was found that only 5% of ATO veterans had a high level, 25% the medium level, about 70% low level and 26% very low level of social adaptation. Using Spielberg personal anxiety scale, it was shown that 43% of ATO veterans had high anxiety, 25% low anxiety and 32% medium anxiety. Most respondents were found to be moderately aggressive and conflict provoking. The data obtained using the suicide risk card revealed that over 25% of the respondents had suicidal ideation. The authors present a set of psychotherapeutic exercises they have developed and effectively used to treat PTSD among ATO veterans and to increase ATO veteransʼ social adaptation
Keywords: ATO participants, stress, PTSD, stress resistance, suicide, aggressiveness, anxiety, social adaptability

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 116-122 (pdf)


UDC: 316.647.5
Tereschenko, K.V.
Tereshchenko, Kira Volodymyrivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Personal tolerance: an interdisciplinary approach

Language: Ukrainian

The article defines the personality tolerance as an integral characteristic and an active personal position, which manifests itself in a respectful attitude to other people and to oneself. Tolerance is considered as a philosophical category, an attitude, an ability, a social value, a psychological stability, a tolerant consciousness, and a personal quality.
In scientific studies tolerance is shown as a multifaceted, multifunctional, multi-level and interdisciplinary category. This phenomenon is the subject of different sciences, such as philosophy, biology, medicine, psychology, political science, cultural studies, history, ethnology, sociology, and pedagogy.
The functions, types, levels, components, limits and criteria of tolerance are pointed out. The following types of tolerance are considered: age, gender, interpersonal, interethnic, intercultural, racial, religious, professional, managerial, socio-economic and political one.
The criteria of a tolerant personality are mentioned, such as the awareness of the value of tolerant attitude towards the environment, communicability, empathy, respect for others, responsibility, social activity, independence, criticality, flexibility of thinking, self-knowledge, security, lack of inclination to blame others, autonomy, sense of humor, etc.
It is concluded that the use of an interdisciplinary approach allows to investigate the phenomenon of tolerance in its integrity.
Keywords: tolerance, personality, interdisciplinary approach, functions of tolerance, types of tolerance, components of tolerance, criteria of tolerance

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 123-128 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.6
Chaplak, Ya.V., Sobkova, S.I., Sovkov, Yu.V.
Chaplak, Yan V. , PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Sobkova, Svitlana I. , PhD, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Psychology at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Sobkov, Yuriy V. , PhD (Linguistics), Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Foreign Languages for Humanities, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Manipulative imitative activity as a criterion for defining a crisis society

Language: Ukrainian

The article describes the concept of manipulative imitative activity, which is an important criterion for defining a crisis society. The spread of the phenomenon of social imitation in various areas of personal and social life is due, mainly, to the current rapid transition of humanity from the industrial society to post-industrial with the signs of large-scale chaos (bifurcation), which requires a radical revision of the content, organization and technological instruments used by social institutions to promote social progress. The manipulating imitative activity of a social institution, which is used to create an appropriate simulative reality, can 'infect' other social institutions. For example, a long-term manipulative-imitative activity of political institutions can bring about the manipulative imitation in science, education, medicine, etc. The analysis of a number of recent scientific studies and publications on the problem under consideration has allowed the authors to conclude that it is a manipulative imitative activity that is one of the leading technologies for exerting manipulative socio-psychological influence and a criterion for determining the stability-instability of a society. If imitation is considered as a manipulative technology, its mechanisms such as demagoguery, provocation, falsification, profanation, illusion and performance can be used as its instruments. In most cases, a particular social project of creating a manipulative social simulation uses these instruments as one manipulative technology to make a devastating socio-psychological impact on various social institutions. The devastating social impact can be increased by creating variability to spread imitative activities in many social areas. In addition, the higher social instability, the higher manipulative imitative activity in social institutions. The authors outline the prospects of further scientific research into manipulative imitative processes in the field of modern information environment
Keywords: social imitation, manipulative imitative activity, socio-psychological impact, imitation, imitation-simulation, psychological infection

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 128-135 (pdf)


UDC: [316.6+159.922]:343.261-052
Shaumyan, O.G.
Shaumyan, Olena G., PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Social Work, Kropyvnytsky Institute of State and Municipal Management, Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine

Social and psychological work with convicts

Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the peculiarities of social and psychological work with imprisoned persons in a market economy. The author considers different approaches to social and psychological work in the penitentiary system and its problems as well as the involvement of the imprisoned in work with the aim of their resocialization after the release.
The most significant motives of prison inmates' educational activity have been found to include a cognitive motive, a communicative motive, a social motive, an emotional satisfaction motive, a self-development motive, an external stimulation motive, and an achievement motive. The obtained empirical results show that the respondents have mainly the internal motivation, in particular the achievement motivation. Using P. Torrens Non-Verbal Creativity Index (the originality index), it has been found that the respondents had a tendency below the average. All the respondents had high uniqueness index, i.e. were prone to create unique products. The author proposes the following innovations in the traditional approaches to resocialization of those preparing for the release: changes in the social environment, social and psychological therapy, and career counseling. It is important for the convicts to preserve their inner self based on their awareness of the significance and value of their social portrait, which should be formed through the promotion of their pity, mercy, charity, consideration for other people, self-restraint, autonomy, and tolerance. A complex system of convicts' resocialization includes individualized social and psychological rehabilitation programs, general and vocational education of former convicts, physical education courses and sports, leisure activities, spiritual and religious support, counseling and behavioral services, psychological support during imprisonment, and social rehabilitation after the release.
Keywords: social and psychological work, penitentiary system, imprisonment, inmatesʼ work, resocialization, social environment, socio-psychological therapy, career counselling

Vykorystani dzjerela


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 2(52): 135-141 (pdf)