Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 51 – 2019

Abstracts and Information about Authors


UDC: 159.923.3:331.108.4-057.87
Kanivets, T.M., Fesun, G.S.
Kanivets, Tetyana M., PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Fesun, Galyna S., PhD (political sciences), Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Content, structure of and factors in studentsʼ psychological readiness for future professional career

Language: Ukrainian

The article, based on the analysis of the relevant literature, discusses the main theoretical and methodological approaches to studying of students' psychological readiness for professional career as well as the content of students' psychological readiness for professional career. It is shown that students' psychological readiness for their future professional career includes a motivational (motives necessary for a successful professional career), cognitive (knowledge needed a successful professional career), operational (the skills necessary for a successful professional career), and personal (personal characteristics that are critical to a successful professional career) components. The factors that contribute to the development of students' psychological readiness for professional career have been shown to include: a) macro-level factors (related to the society), b) meso-level factors (associated with social groups and organizations: family, informal groups, institutions of higher education), and micro-level factors (students' personal characteristics).
Keywords: higher educational institutions; students; professional career; students' psychological readiness for the future career; structure of students' readiness for future career; factors in the development of students' readiness for the future career


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 3-9 (pdf)


UDC: 159.98:005.73:316.48
Karamushka, L.M., Kredentser, O.V., Tereschenko, K.V., Ivkin, V.М., Lagodzinska, V.І., Kovalchuk, О.S.
Karamushka, Liudmila Mykolaivna, corresponding member of the NAES of Ukraine, Dr., Prof., Head, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kredentser, Oksana Valeriivna, PhD, Assoc. Prof., senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Tereshchenko, Kira Volodymyrivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ivkin, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych, PhD, Assoc. Prof., senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Lahodzinska, Valentуna Ivanivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kovalchuk, Olexandr Serhiiovych, researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Content, main characteristics and specific functions of organizational culture of educational organizations in conditions of social tension

Language: Ukrainian

The article describes the content of organizational culture of educational organizations as one of the types of local cultures as well as discusses the basic characteristics of organizational culture of educational organizations (main components, types, strength). It is substantiated that organizational culture carries out two types of functions: a) general functions (relating to the activities of educational organizations as a whole); b) special functions (dealing with the solving specific problems faced by educational organizations). The authors analyze social tension in the organization an organization's mental state characterized by its grave objective and subjective internal and external organizational contradictions and manifested in the individual and group behaviors of the personnel. The special functions of organizational culture in the conditions of social tension have been shown to relate to: a) the organization (protective, adaptive, integrative), are substantiated; b) the organization's personnel (self-regulatory, partner interaction, supportive).
Keywords: educational organizations, organizational culture, organizational culture characteristics, general functions of organizational culture, special functions of organizational culture, special functions of organizational culture in conditions of social tension


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 10-17 (pdf)


UDC: 005.96:334.716
Poplavska, A.P.
Poplavskaya, Anzhelika Petrivna, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporozhye, Ukraine

The role of organizational and psychological factors in increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises in a changing environment

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes different approaches to the study of factors in the work of industrial enterprises in conditions of change. From the perspective of the economic approach, the factors are considered in terms of ensuring the stable operation of industrial enterprises through legislative acts and policies promoting various industries. From the perspective of the organizational-psychological approach, the factors are considered in terms of the development of the personnel of the industrial enterprise, who, in turn, is responsible for the stability of the industrial enterprise in crisis situations during the period of change. When investigating the problems of change management in industrial enterprises, the author analyzes the relevant literature for the organizational-psychological factors that increase the efficiency of industrial enterprises in a changing environment, in particular the role of the enterprise personnel and some elements of the organizational culture of the industrial enterprise. The author also discusses some economic and organizational-psychological factors. It is concluded that, although the majority of the researchers note the greater role of economic factors than organizational-psychological factors in the work of industrial enterprises in the period of change, in some situations, especially in critical ones, organizational-psychological factors are of great significance
Keywords: industrial enterprises, economic factors, organizational and psychological factors, industry, personnel of industrial enterprise


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 17-22 (pdf)


UDC: 925:159.913-05
Prymachok, L.L.
Prymachok, Liudmyla L. , PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor’s assistant of the Department of human health and physical rehabilitation of Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Health of National University of Water Management and Nature usage, Rivne, Ukraine

Functional aspect of the professional development of the person

Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the problem of analyzing the peculiarities of the professional development of the person in the paradigm of scientific approaches, such as: a procedural approach, the effective one, content and personally oriented approaches. Also the factors of the professional development of the person were outlined. The results of the pilot research, in which both students and professionals took part, were described, and conclusions were drawn according to functional aspect of professional development of a specialist. It was noted that the functional aspect of professional development, on the one hand, had been to form the certain qualities and properties that society had considered to be mandatory for each member of that professional community, and, on the other hand, these qualities had been determined by the person himself/herself or by the social group for each of its members. Then the goals of the professional development of the person in general can be rearranged into invariant and variant ones. Thus, the result of the professional development of a person at higher educational institutions will be a system of results of the implementation of invariant and variant goals. The article emphasizes that the content of the invariant component of professional development will be fixed for the purposes of the society, and the content of the variant one deals with the purposes of a particular person. In this case, by solving the problem of professional development of a subject, higher educational institutions will act as a mediator between the state and the person, implementing the order of a society to form a highly professional specialist, on the one hand, and to meet the specific needs and demands of the subject – from another one. The analysis of the theoretical researches in contemporary sociological, psychological and pedagogical studies has given us the opportunity to clarify the understanding of the concept of “professional development”, which is defined as a cyclical, phased process of acquiring the personal experience of social relationships and mastering professional roles in the interaction with others in the paradigm of the environment of professionally and personally meaningful activity. In this process, the subject tries to form his/her professionally “outlined” literacy, sustainability, activity, independence on the basis of personal self-determination and self-realization of interests and needs in specially created educational conditions, or conditions close to a real professional activity
Keywords: professional development, functional aspect, procedural approach, productive approach, content approach, personally oriented approach, invariant goals, variant goals


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 22-30 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923
Vlasenko, A.A.
Vlasenko, Andrii A., PhD student, Dept. of psychology of management, University of Education Management of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The adaptation function of the personal cognitive style

Language: Ukrainian

The article presents the results of a theoretical study on the cognitive component of the personal adaptation process and the adaption component of the personal cognitive style. The author discusses the personal cognitive style adaptation process, its place and significance in the structure of personal adaptation processes, analyzes latest research into the individual cognitive style adaptation function and its features, assesses its development prospects as well as proposes the criteria for assessing students' adaptation process. The author considers the new personal cognitive style constructs proposed by latest research and their links with effective personal adaptation stressing out the multi-polarity of personal cognitive styles as a dissonant stylistic terminology system factor. Students and cadets are described as the most promising research sample groups. The author gives recommendations for correcting personal cognitive styles during students' university training in order to improve their university adaptation.
Keywords: adaptation, socio-psychological adaptation, socio-psychological adaptation of students, cognitive adaptation process, personal cognitive style, personal cognitive style adaptive function, correction of personal cognitive style, stimulation of adaptive processes


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 31-36 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2
Klybanivska, T.M.
Klybanivska, Tetyana М., PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of history of Ukraine and philosophy, Vinnytsa National Agrarian University, Vinnytsa, Ukraine

Theoretical aspects of researching self-awareness of the individual

Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the psychological aspects of individual self-consciousness. The author considers the concepts of self-awareness, self-concept and self-image from the perspectives of philosophy, sociology and psychology. When analyzing the genesis of the phenomenon of self-awareness, psychologists are guided by the principle of individuals' self-awareness development through their communication with other people and their activities in making their lives. It has been emphasized that in the process of ontogenesis, self-awareness goes through a number of development phases getting structurally and functionally complicated. This process is stimulated by individual's ever-developing self-cognition, self-assessment and behavior regulation. The author emphasizes the exclusive role of self-concept in developing individual's self-awareness as an internal determinant of the individual's life and self-development. It is noted that the existing structural models of self-awareness differ in their psychological content and components. The author analyzes of individual's self-awareness development factors and internal factors, which are determined by the biological nature of the organism and manifested in human mental activities, and external factors, which are manifested in human living conditions, i.e. by the effects of social environment on the individual. Individual's self-awareness develops during their socialization by means of internalization, identification and comparison
Keywords: self-awareness, self-esteem, self-concept, self-image, personality, self-analysis, agent


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 37-42 (pdf)


UDC: 370153:159.953:81`243
Tsymbal, I.V.
Tsymbal, Inna V. , teacher, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Psychological conditions of improving reading competence of modern specialists

Language: Ukrainian

The article emphasizes the importance of developing the reading competence of modern specialists and describes the psychological conditions for improving the efficiency of work on professional literature in a foreign language. The author groups cognitive styles of work on foreign scientific texts; taking into account these styles contributes to more productive work on such texts. The presented results of the implementation of the program of psychological trainings on improving the effectiveness of work on foreign scientific texts aimed at developing readers’ individual psychological characteristics (such as memory, concentration of attention, sustainable internal motivation for the reading of scientific literature in foreign language, achievement motivation, level of self-organization) confirm the appropriateness of implementation of this program to increase the effectiveness of working on foreign scientific texts
Keywords: cognitive styles, reading competence, cognitive style of work on foreign scientific text, motivation, psychological training, index of effective reading


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 43-48 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Chirkova, T.I.
Chirkova, Tetyana Ihorivna, HR Director, «Food Pack Service LLC» and «AMPRI Ukraine LTD», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Ethno-psychological peculiarities of mixed married couples in the practice of family counseling

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes ethno-psychological features of mixed marriages in the practice of family counseling. The author analyzes the effects of verbal and non-verbal communication of couples from different ethnic groups on their interpersonal relationships. The ethno-psychological factors behind inter-ethnic married couple compatibility include national traditions-based communication, family intercultural integration motivation, compliance of family roles with couple’s expectations, couples' ethno-psychological attitudes and interethnic mutual understanding. The author presents a training program aimed to develop mixed married couples' communicative skills as well as improve of dysfunctional couples’ self-concepts. The article highlights the role of family counselors in and the ways of resolving ethnic, psychological and social problems faced by inter-ethnic couples based on spouses' different mentalities.
Keywords: family counseling, mentality, ethnic psychologist, inter-ethnic families, marital satisfaction, psychological compatibility, inter-ethnic relationships, role expectations, ethnos, family conflict


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 49-53 (pdf)


UDC: 015.3:159.9
Yunyk, I.D.
Yunyk, Ivan D., PhD (pedagogy), Associate professor of the department of psychology, Kyiv national university of trade and economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Complex communicative abilities of communicators: content and structure

Language: Ukrainian

The content of complex communicative abilities of communicators in the context of modern methodological approaches to the study of the designated phenomenon is shown in the article. The structure of complex communicative abilities of communicators is uncovered there. It consists of professional knowledge, communication abilities and communication skills. The process of improving communicative abilities of communicators proceeds only if they enrich the acquired knowledge with new information. Enriched knowledge causes contradictions between the already existing communicative abilities and communicative skills and the purpose of communicative activity that arises as a result of obtaining new knowledge. Enrichment of knowledge by new information serves as a source of flexibility for all components of the complex communicative abilities of communicators. In the absence of such a stimulating factor, the process of qualitative improvement of this phenomenon is suspended and communicators demonstrate stereotyped reporting of information to recipients. It’s proven that only purposeful development of each component of the designated phenomenon ensures the qualitative formation of a universal system of psychophysical actions, which are aimed at creating a generalized image of an imaginary model of reporting information to recipients not from relatively independent constructs, but from their combined groups. Prospects for further research of this problem are seen in the coverage of a set of general theoretical provisions regarding the microcomponents of each component of the complex communication abilities of communicators
Keywords: communication abilities, complex abilities, communication skills, communicators, recipients, information, constructs


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 54-60 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.6:4.5
Yatsyna, O.F.
Yatsyna, Olena F., PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology, Uzhgorod State National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Functionality of the practices of marriage and family partnership and paternity: new meanings

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes the explicated features of the functionality of the practices of marriage and family partnership and paternity. The changes in the classic traditional functions of marriage and family are indicated. The correspondence of functionality to the meanings of constructed practices is established: procreation, career advancement, strengthening material well-being, freedom of sexual relations, etc. Functionality is considered in the context of a socio-culturally constructed contextuality and situationality of the educated meanings of the practices and the multiple identities constructed in them. The discovered nature of changes in the functions of family and marriage, as they represented by the institutional discourse and the fact that explicated in the study, points to the process of destruction of the integrity and complexity of the classical traditional functions, reduction of monofunctionality. A sign of changes in practice is determined by the proliferation of functions, which is characterized as an increase in the functions of the practitioner on the background of variability, non-predictability, singularity of communicative situations in which the construction of multiple identities changes the standards of spouses / partners relationships and marks the individual meanings of the practices. In the context of the polyphony of the meanings of the practice, this is manifested in the appearance of a set of values of functions, the peculiarity of which is manifested in the concretization of their range of meanings with articulation on convenience, expediency, forced necessity, etc. It is proposed to denote the range of economic and household functions by the notion “pragmatic function”, sexual erotic and reproductive and reproductive functions and educational functions by the notion “prosexual function”, emotional function - by the notion “affiliative function”. It is concluded that the established features of the functionality of the practice emphasize such properties as: the absence of fixed content of functions and role-based tightness for spouses / partners; the changing dominance of functions, which depends on the value meaning of the practice; a set of values of the functions revealed in a concrete definition of their range of values
Keywords: proliferation of functions, practices of marriage and family partnership and paternity, communicative situation, construction, spouses, partners relationships


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 1(51): 60-65 (pdf)