Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 42 – 2015

Abstracts and Information about Authors



UDC 316.647.5:[37.07:005.95]

Brukhovetska, O.V.

University of educational management, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

A model of professional tolerance of heads of secondary educational institutions

Language: Ukrainan

Analysis of current theory and practice of management of secondary educational institutions revealed that researchers often defined professional tolerance in the narrow sense, i.e. as a kind of tolerance opposed to the common, everyday tolerance. We understand the term 'professional tolerance of heads of secondary educational institutions' in the broad sense - as a combination of different types of tolerance that characterize an individual as a competent professional in the field of education management who is able to effectively exercise different control functions (goal-setting, planning, forecasting, coordination, organization, control, accounting regulation, management analysis, personnel management, etc.).

The article presents a model of professional tolerance of heads of secondary educational institutions and describes its components which include: management tolerance proper (tolerance to uncertainty in management, tolerance to changes in management, professional stress tolerance), tolerance to inter-subjects interaction in the educational process (ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, communicative tolerance, acceptance of others, managerial empathy, tolerant styles of leadership, behavioral flexibility in different management situations, conflict tolerance), self-tolerance (acceptance of others, management empathy, tolerant styles of leadership, behavioral flexibility in different management situations, conflict tolerance), self-tolerance (self-acceptance, positive self-attitudes), etc.

The author emphasizes the importance of development of integrated professional tolerance of heads of secondary educational institutions in the system of post-graduate and refresher training.

Keywords: head of secondary educational institution, professional tolerance, management tolerance proper, tolerance to inter-subjects tolerance in educational process, self-tolerance, development of professional tolerance in post-graduate teachers' training.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Na puti k tolerantnomu soznaniju [Tekst] / pod red. A. G. Asmolova. – M. : Smysl, 2000. – 198 s.

2. Andreeva G. M. Social'naja psihologija : ucheb. [dlja vyssh. uch. zav.] / Galina Mihajlovna Andreeva. – M. : Aspekt Press, 1998. – 376 s.

3. Bardier G. L. Social'naja psihologija tolerantnosti / Galina Leonidovna Bardier. – SPb., 2005. – 118 s. : il., tabl.

4. Hryva O. A. Sotsial'no-pedahohichni osnovy formuvannya tolerantnosti u ditey i molodi v umovakh polikul'turnoho seredovyshcha / O. A. Hryva. – K. : Parapan, 2005. – 227 s.

5. Irkhina Yu. V. Formuvannya profesiynoyi tolerantnosti maybutnikh vykladachiv vyshchoyi shkoly / Yu. V. Irkhina. – Odesa, 2011. – 220 c.

6. Karamushka L. M. Psykholohiya upravlinnya zakladamy seredn'oyi osvity : monohrafiya / L. M. Karamushka. – K. : Nika-tsentr, 2000. – 332 s.

7. Klepcova E. Ju. Psihologija i pedagogika tolerantnosti : [ucheb. posobie dlja vuzov] / E. Ju. Klepcova – M. : Akademicheskij proekt, 2004. – 176 s.

8. Nurligajanova O. B. Psihologicheskoe soderzhanie pedagogicheskoj tolerantnosti kak professional'no vazhnogo kachestva uchitelja [Tekst] / O. B. Nurligajanova. – Jaroslavl', 2006. – 158 s.

9. Psihodiagnostika tolerantnosti lichnosti / pod red. G. Soldatovoj i L. Shajgerovoj. – M. : Smysl, 2008. – S. 94–97.

10. Todortseva Yu. V. Pedahohika tolerantnosti : [metodychni rekomendatsiyi] / Yuliya Volodymyrivna Todortseva. – Odesa : SVD Cherkasov M.P., 2004 r. – 90 s.

11. Shayuk O. Ya. Vitakul'turnyy metapidkhid v osmyslenni tolerantnosti yak intehral'noyi osobystisnoyi rysy lyudyny / Ol'ha Shayuk // Vitakul'turnyy mlyn / [nauk. konsul'tant-redaktor A. Furman]. – 2010. – Modul' 11. – S. 21–24.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 3-8 (pdf)


UDC 159.923.3

Grubi, T.V.

Ivan Ohienko Kamyanets-PodilskyjNational University, Kamyanets-Podilskyj, Ukraine

Current models of perfectionism

Language: Ukrainan

Perfectionism, especially its psychological content and structure, has attracted attention of researchers due to its importance. Today, there are many, mostly foreign, models of perfectionism in the context of various psychological approaches.

The term 'perfectionism' was first used by M.Hollender to denote extremely high standards of an individual. Currently, perfectionism is regarded as a psychological construct that combines an individual's desire for perfection, high personal standards, and striving to attain the results of the highest standards.

Existing models of perfectionism have been grouped according to the scientific and methodological approaches making the psychoanalytic, cognitive and behavioral models.

The psychoanalytic school, which is represented by K.Horny, H.Kohut, B.Sorotskin, E.Sokolova and others, considers perfectionism as a characteristic of the narcissistic personality and distinguishes the neurotic and narcissistic types of perfectionism.

The representatives of the cognitive school (V.Missildin, M. Hollender, D.Barns, R.Frost, P.Hewitt, H.Flet, R.Slainy) treat perfectionism as a multidimensional construct. The article dwells upon the models suggested by R.Frost, P.Hewitt and H.Flett, R.Slainy, and R.Hill discussing their advantages and disadvantages.

The behavioral models, as opposed to the cognitive ones, focus on the mechanisms of perfectionism. The author describes the model of positive and negative perfectionism as well as the dual process model and the clinical perfectionism model.

To the author's mind, there is a need for a model that would describe the structure and determinants of perfectionism.

Keywords: perfectionism, model of perfectionism, perfectionism structure, adaptive perfectionism, maladaptive perfectionism, high personal demands.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel


Garanjan N.G. Tipologicheskij podhod k izucheniju perfekcionizma / N.G. Garanjan // Voprosy psihologii. – 2009. – № 6. – S. 52–60.


Garanjan N.G. Perfekcionizm kak faktor studencheskoj dezadaptacii / N.G. Garanjan, D.A. Andrusenko, I.D. Hlomov // Psihologicheskaja nauka i obrazovanie. – 2009. – № 1. – S. 72–81.


Kohut H. Analiz samosti: Sistematicheskij podhod k lecheniju narcissicheskih narushenij lichnosti / H. Kohut. – M. : Kogito-Centr, 2003. – 308 s.


Paramonova V.V. Vysshie ustremlenija lichnosti: perfekcionizm kak patologicheskij fenomen / V.V. Paramonova // Razvitie lichnosti. – 2009. – № 1. – S. 64–78.


Horni K. Nevroticheskaja lichnost' nashego vremeni / K. Horni. – M. : Progress, 1993. – 480 s.


Sokolova E.T. Narcissizm kak klinicheskij i sociokul'turnyj fenomen / E.T. Sokolova // Voprosy psihologii. – 2009. – №1. – S. 67–80.


Sokolova E.T. Perfekcionizm i kognitivnyj stil' lichnosti u lic, imevshih popytku suicida / E.T.Sokolova, P.V. Cygankova // Voprosy psihologii. – 2011. – № 2. – S. 90–100.


Jasnaja V.A. Perfekcionizm: istorija izuchenija i sovremennoe sostojanie problemy / V.A. Jasnaja, S.N. Enikolopov // Voprosy psihologii. – 2007. – № 4. – S. 157–168.


Jasnaja V.A. Sovremennye modeli perfekcionizma / V.A. Jasnaja, S.N. Enikolopov [Elektronnij resurs] // Psihologicheskie issledovanija. – 2013. – №6 (29). – Rezhim dostupu :


Bergman, A.J. Correlates with perfectionism and utility of a dual process model / A.J. Bergman, J.E. Nyland, L.R. Burns // Personality and Individual Differences. – 2007, №43(2). – Р. 389–399.


Cox, B.J.The multidimensional structure of perfectionism in clinically distressed and college student samples / B.J. Cox, M.W. Enns, I.P. Clara // Psychological Assessment. – 2002. – №14(3). – Р. 365–373.


Egan, S.J. Perfectionism as a transdiagnostic process: A clinical review / S.J. Egan, T.D. Wade, R. Shafran // Clinical Psychology Review. – 2011. – №31(2). – Р. 203–212.


Frоst, R.O. А comparison of two measures of perfeсtionism / R.O. Frоst, R.G. Hеimbеrg, C.S Hоlt., J.I. Mаttiа, A.L. // Nеubаuеr Personality and Individual Differences. – 1993. – №14(1). – Р. 119–126.


Frost, R. The dimensions of perfectionism / R. Frost, P. Marten, C. Lahart // Cogn. Ther. Res. – 1990. – V. 14. – P. 449–468.


Haase, A.M., Assessing the factor structure and composition of the positive and negative perfectionism scale in sport / A.M. Haase, H. Prapavessis // Personality and Individual Differences. – 2004. – № 36(7). – Р. 1725–1740.


Hamachek, D.E. Psychodynamics of normal and neurotic perfectionism / D.E. Hamachek // Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior. – 1978. – Vol. 15. – Р. 27–33.


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Lombardi, D.N. Perfectionism and abnormal behavior / D.N. Lombardi, M.C. Florentino, A.J. Lombardi // Journal of Individual Psychology. – 1998. – №54(1). – Р. 61–71.


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Rheaume, J. Functional and dysfunctional perfectionists: Are they different on compulsive-like behaviors? / J. Rheaume, M.H. Freeston, R. Ladouceur, C. Bouchard, L. Gallant, F. Talbot, A. Vallières // Behaviour Research and Therapy. – 2000. – № 38(2). – P. 119–128.


Slade, P.D. A dual process model of perfectionism based on reinforcement theory / P.D. Slade, R.G. Owens // Behavior Modification. – 1998. – № 22(3). – P. 372–390.


Slaney, R. The Almost Perfect Scale-Revised / R. Slaney // Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. – 2001. – V. 34. – № 3. – P. 130–145.


Sorotzkin, B. The quest for perfection: Avoiding guilt or avoiding shame? / B. Sorotzkin // Psychotherapy. – 1985. – № 22(3). – P. 564–571.


Stőber, J. The Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale revisited : More perfect with four (instead of six) dimensions / J. Stőber // Personality and Individual Differences. – 1998. – № 24(4) . – P. 481–491.


Stumpf, H. A hierarchical structural analysis of perfectionism and its relation to other personality characteristics / H. Stumpf, W.D. Parker // Personality and Individual Differences. – 2000. – № 28(5). – P. 837–852.

Terry-Short, L.A. Positive and negative perfectionism / L.A. Terry-Short, R.G. Owens, P.D. Slade, M.E. Dewey // Personality and Individual Differences. – 1995. – № 18(5). – P. 663–668.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 8-15 (pdf)


UDC 159.9.015:

Drobot, O.V.

Lviv State University of Internal Affairs of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

Properties of manager’s professional consciousness

Language: Ukrainan

This article reviews the properties of manager’s professional consciousness, ‘administrative consciousness’ that reflects and conceives professional world of managers. The following properties of manager’s administrative consciousness were described: activity, selectivity, ideological commitment, integrity, constancy and dynamicity. Sources forming the properties of manager’s professional consciousness were analyzed.

The sources of activity of administrative consciousness comprise a system of professional needs and interests realized in manager’s goals and actions and represent a condition for interaction and self-development of managers. The selectivity as a property of administrative consciousness has at its core a mechanism of its activation by professional interests containing high diagnostic potential, because they express the relevant level and dynamics of satisfying managerial needs. The system of professional beliefs as a rational basis of manager’s activity gives his consciousness the signs of constancy. Constancy of administrative consciousness is determined by professional memory and stems from mental states and properties of manager’s personality. In every professional action, administrative consciousness simultaneously displays its dynamicity and constancy properties. The manager’s ideological commitment is manifested in all spheres of public life and all managerial situations, and on the contrary, a lack thereof shows itself in the indifference for spiritual content of manager’s own actions when making managerial decisions.

In the course of satisfying the needs and pursuing professional interests, administrative consciousness of manager’s personality becomes a worldview, i.e. attains the qualities of conviction and personality’s ideological commitment.

Keywords: manager’s professional consciousness, properties of administrative consciousness, managerial interests, managerial beliefs, worldview of manager’s personality.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Drobot O.V. Psykhosemantyka upravlins'koyi svidomosti kerivnyka : monohrafiya / Ol'ha Vyacheslavivna Drobot. – Odesa : ONU im. I.I. Mechnykova ; Donets'k : TOV «Skhidnyy vydavnychyy dim», 2014. – 372 s.

2. Drobot O.V. Kategorial'naja osnova specifikacii ponjatija «Upravlencheskoe soznanie» / O.V. Drobot // Jekonomicheskaja psihologija: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee : m-ly Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii ( g. Saratov, 12–13 oktjabrja 2011 g.). – Saratov : SGSJeU, 2011. – S. 10–16.

3. Dobrynin N.F. Ob aktivnosti soznanija / N.F. Dobrynin // Problemy soznanija : m-ly simpoziuma. – M., 1966. – S. 176–184.

4. Leont'ev A.N. Dejatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost' / A.N. Leont'ev. – M. : Politizdat, 1975. – 262 s.

5. Lozhkin H.V. Ekonomichna psykholohiya : navch. posib. / Lozhkin H.V., Komarovs'ka V.L., Volyanyuk N.Yu. – [3-te vyd., pererobl. i dopovn.] – K. : VD «Profesional», 2008. – 464 s.

6. Lozhkin H.V. Osoblyvosti ta struktura ekonomichnoyi svidomosti / Lozhkin H.V., Spasyennikov V.V., Komarovs'ka V.V. // Sotsial'na psykholohiya. – 2004. – №1(3). – S. 8–16.

7. Odincov A.A. Menedzhment organizacii: Vvedenie v special'nost' : ucheb. posobie ; [2-e izd., ster.] / A.A. Odincov. – M. : IC Akademija, 2009.– 239 s.

8. Okhremenko O.R. Teoretychni pidkhody do analizu profesiynoyi kontseptosfery / O.R. Okhremenko // Visnyk Natsional'noyi akademiyi oborony Ukrayiny. – 2010.– № 2.– S. 119–123.

9. Pavlov I.P. Otvet fiziologa psihologam / I.P. Pavlov // Pavlov I.P. Poln. sobr. soch. : v 6-ti tomah. – [2-e izd.]. – T. 3. – Kn. 2.– M.-L., 1951. – S. 116–132.

10. Rubinshtejn S.L. Osnovy obshhej psihologii / S.L Rubinshtejn ; [sost. A.V. Brushlinskij, K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja].– SPb. : Piter, 2000.– 712 s.

11. Upravlenie kompaniej mozhno dovesti do avtomatizma [Jelektronnyj resurs] / S. Kabanov, B. Jakushev // IT Manager. – 2003. – № 5(11). – Rezhim dostupa : //

12. Fajol' A. Obshhee i promyshlennoe upravlenie / A. Fajol' / [per. c franc.] ; [nauchn. red. i predislovie prof. E.A. Kocherina]. – M. : Kontroling, 1992. – 111 s.

13. Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' / [gl. redakcija : L.F. Il'ichjov, P.N. Fedoseev, S.M. Kovaljov, V.G. Panov].– M.: Sovetskaja jenciklopedija, 1983.– 836 s.

14. Cimbaljuk A.A. Jekonomicheskaja teorija: Kratkij konspekt lekcij dlja studentov-inostrancev / A.A. Cimbaljuk, E.P. Danil'chenko. – Har'kov : HNAGH, 2006. – 167 c.

15. Chufarovskij Ju.V. Juridicheskaja psihologija / Ju.V. Chufarovskij. – M. : Pravo i Zakon, 1997. – 320 s.

16. Emery, F.E., Thorsrud, E. Forfm and Content in Industrial Democracy, 1969, London, Tavistock Publications ; New York, Barnes & Noble, 88 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 15-19 (pdf)


UDC 159.9:005;355.237:351.746.1

Zhuravliov, V.V.

National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

Psychological model of training of border protection bodies heads to professional and administrative activity on the psychological basis

Language: Ukrainan

Psychological model of training of heads of border protection bodies for professional and administrative activity in the conditions of organizational changes includes the following main components: psychological literacy, psychological competence and organizational culture of border protection bodies. The process of training and mastering of each of above mentioned specified components allows for the leading structure to obtain the productive level of psychological readiness for professional and administrative activity: basic (psychological literacy), professional (psychological competence), professional (organizational culture).

The essence of trainings application needs to be presented in the form of separate interconnected training modules. The peculiarity of trainings realization is that the trainer allows the group to independently carry out monitoring of the proposed problem for the purpose of approach definition / strategy for its conducting:

1) training as a particular form of education (corresponds to the basic level of training);

2) training as practice (corresponds to the basic level of training);

3) training as a form of active teaching (corresponds to the professional training standard);

4) training as a method of creating conditions for self-disclosure of participants and independent search of ways to solve their own psychological problems by themselves (corresponds to the professional level of training).

Psychological readiness of the heads in the conditions of organizational changes is a result of the heads of border protection bodies training.

Keywords: psychological model, training, psychological readiness, heads of border protection bodies.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Balabanova L. V. Upravlinnya personalom : navch. posib. / L. V. Balabanova, O. V. Sardak. – K. : VD «Profesional», 2006. – 512 s.

2. Bol'shakova A. N. Social'naja psihologija menedzhmenta : ucheb. posob. / A. N. Bol'shakova. – H. : HGAK, 2003. – 191 s.

3. Bondarchuk O. I. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni osnovy osobystisnoho rozvytku kerivnykiv zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv u profesiyniy diyal'nosti : monohrafiya / O. I. Bondarchuk. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2008. – 318 s.

4. Bondarchuk O. I. Psykholohichna kompetentnist' fakhivtsya: zmist ta osnovni pidkhody / O. I. Bondarchuk // Naukovyy visnyk Mykolayivs'koho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni V. O. Sukhomlyns'koho : zb. nauk. prats'. Seriya «Psykholohichni nauky» / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, N. O. Yevdokymovoyi. – T. 2. – Vyp. 8. – Mykolayiv : MNU imeni V. O. Sukhomlyns'koho. – 2012. – S. 30–36.

5. Vachkov I. V. Osnovy tehnologii gruppovogo treninga. Psihotehnik / V. I. Vachkov. – M. : OS''-89, 1999. – 176 s.

6. Vudkok M. Raskreposhhennyj menedzher. Dlja rukovoditelja-praktika / per. s angl. / M. Vudkok, D. Frensis. – M., 1991. – 320 s.

7. Danylenko L. I. Modernizatsiya zmistu, form ta metodiv upravlins'koyi diyal'nosti dyrektora zahal'noosvitn'oyi shkoly : monohrafiya / L. I. Danylenko. – K. : Lohos, 1998. – 140 s.

8. Deryabina H. V. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku upravlins'koho potentsialu osobystosti : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. psykhol. nauk : spets. 09.00.01 «Zahal'na psykholohiya» / H. V. Deryabina ; APN Ukrayiny. In-t psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka. – K., 2008. –17 s.

9. Il'in V. S. O koncepcii celostnosti uchebno-vospitatel'nogo processa / V. S. Il'in // Metodologicheskie osnovy uchebno-vospitatel'nogo processa. – Volgograd : VGPI, 1981. – S. 5–14.

10. Kodzhaspirova G. M. Slovar' po pedagogike / G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Ju. Kodzhaspirov. – M. : IKC «MarT», Izdatel'skij centr «MarT», 2005. – 448 s.

11. Karamushka L. M. Psykholohiya osvitn'oho menedzhmentu : navch. posib. / L. M. Karamushka. – K. : Lybid', 2004. – 424 s.

12. Karamushka L. M. Psykholohiya pidhotovky maybutnikh menedzheriv do upravlinnya zminamy v orhanizatsiyi : monohrafiya / L. M. Karamushka, M. V. Moskal'ov . – K.-L'viv : Spolom, 2011. – 216 s.

13. Karamushka L. M. Psykholohichni problemy upravlinnya zminamy v orhanizatsiyi: analiz osnovnykh pidkhodiv u zakhidniy psykholohiyi / L. M. Karamushka, O. A. Fil' // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : [zb. nauk. prats' / za red. S. M. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky] ; In-t psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny. – K., 2006. – Vyp. 17. – S. 3–11.

14. Lozhkin H. V. Psykholohiya pratsi : navch. posib. / H. V. Lozhkin, N. Yu. Volyanyuk, O. O. Soltyk. ; za zah. red. H. V. Lozhkina. – Khmel'nyts'kyy : KhNU, 2013. – 191 s.

15. Semychenko V. A. Psykholohichni problemy navchannya pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv u systemi pislyadyplomnoyi osvity / V. A. Semychenko, O. I. Bondarchuk // Rozvytok pedahohichnoyi i psykholohichnoyi nauk v Ukrayini 1992–2002 : zb. nauk. prats' do 10-richchya APN Ukrayiny / Akademiya pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrayiny. – Ch. 2 – Kharkiv : OVS, 2002. – S. 86–94.

16. Skibits'ka L. I. Orhanizatsiya pratsi menedzhera : navch. posib. / L. I. Skibits'ka. – K. : Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2010. – 360 s.

17. Fedorchuk V. M. Treninh osobystisnoho zrostannya : navch. posib. / V. M. Fedorchuk. – K. : Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2014. – 250 s.

18. Fopel' K. Psihologicheskie principy obuchenija vzroslyh. Provedenie vorkshopov: seminarov, master-klassov / K. Fopel' ; per. s nem. – K.-M. : Genezis, 2010. – 360 s.

19. Shejn Je. H. Organizacionnaja kul'tura i liderstvo / Je. H. Shejn ; per. s angl. / pod red. V. A. Spivaka. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 336 s. – (Serija «Teorija i praktika menedzhmenta»).

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 20-25 (pdf)


UDC 159.9.922

Karamushka, L.M., Tkalych, M.G.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,

Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Gender policy of the organization and its main measures: the empirical research results

Language: Ukrainan

The article presents the results of empirical research into organizations' gender policy (n = 1138) focusing on the main organizations' gender policy measures: the levels of gender discrimination in the organizations and staff's work - life balance as well as the relations of these parameters with the personal and organizational factors. The investigation which used the instruments developed by the authors, found that gender discrimination in Ukrainian organizations was generally at a moderate level. It was shown that the impact of staff's socio-demographic characteristics on their perceived gender discrimination in organizations was insignificant while the impact of staff's gender-relevant characteristics was significant. It was also found that organizational characteristics played an important role in staff's perceived gender discrimination in organizations. The overall staff's work - life balance was at the average level primarily due to staff's social contacts. The authors found statistically significant associations between the work - life balance and some of staff's socio-demographic and gender-relevant characteristics as well as between some of staff's work - life balance measures and organizational characteristics. The authors discuss the importance of development and application of special gender-oriented programs to provide psychological support for staff and promote equal employment opportunities, better work - life balance and gender equality.

Keywords: staff, organizations' gender policy, gender discrimination, work - life balance.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bem S.L. Linzy gendera: Transformacija vzgljadov na problemu neravenstva polov / Sandra Livshic Bem. – M. : Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija, 2004. – 336 s.

2. Tkalych M.H. Genderna psykholohiya : navch. posib. / M.H. Tkalych. – K. : Akademvydav, 2011. – 248 s.

3. Tkalich M.G. Social'no-psihologicheskie osobennosti ocenki balansa «rabota – zhizn'» personalom organizacij // Vesnіk Grodzenskaga dzjarzhaўnaga ўnіversіtjeta іmja Jankі Kupaly. Seryja 3. Fіlalogіja. Pedagogіka. Psіhalogіja. – 2015. – № 1(190). – S. 136–141.

4. Tkalych M.H. Psykholoho-orhanizatsiyni osoblyvosti gendernoyi polityky orhanizatsiy ta dyskryminatsiyi na robochomu mistsi // Science and Education a New Dimension: Pedagogy and Psychology, III (21), Issue: 43, 2015. – C. 87–91.

5. Allen, T.D. The Work–Family Role Interface: A Synthesis of the Research from Industrial and Organizational Psychology // Handbook of Psychology, edited by Irving B. Weiner. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pр. 698–718.

6. Frone, M.R. (2003). Work-family balance. In J.C. Quick, L.E.Tetrick (Eds.), Handbook of occupational health psychology (pp. 143–162). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

7. Kanter, R.M. Men and Women of the Corporation. – N.Y. : Basic Books, 1993.

8. Kimmel, M. The Gendered Society. 5th Edition / M. Kimmel. – Oxford University Press, 2012. – 528 p.

9. Work-Life Balance. A psychological Perspective / Edited by F. Jones, R.J. Burke, M. Westman. – New York, Psychology Press, 2008. – 320 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 26-32 (pdf)


UDC 159.92: 37015.3 ( 045)

Kot, V.G.

University of Educational Management, Kyiv, Ukraine

Psychological training as a tool in supporting professional self-realization of advertisers

Language: Ukrainan

The article discusses the content, purpose and objectives of the Programme of professional development of specialists in advertising business which aims at modifying skills, activities, strategies, constructs, properties, values and other characteristics of the individual to improve their adaptation to the requirements of the profession of advertiser.

The program is designed to make practical recommendations to increase individuals' professional level through informing the trainees about the profession-critical characteristics in advertising, measuring the trainees' levels of development of the profession-critical characteristics and finding out the trainees' characteristics that contribute to their professional self-realization.

The methodological and technological basis of the Programme is the adult learning theory. Effective education of adults is associated with the use of the basic principles adult education.

The Programme is intended for 72 hours: lectures (18 hrs.), workshops (46 hrs.) and trainees' independent work (8 hours). The Programme consists of the following four modules: Module 1. Professionally Important Qualities of Advertisers, Module 2. Heuristic Advertising, Module 3. Communication Competence, Module 4. Stress and Emotional Stability. The author illustarates the structure and content of the Programme by Module 1.

Module 1. Professionally Important Qualities of Advertisers consists of six topics:

1. Profession-critical personal characteristics.

2. Emotional and motivational characteristics of advertisers.

3. Development of assertive behavior.

4. Effective time-management in advertising.

5. Psychology of Leadership. Social influence and resistance to social influence.

6. The psychology of self-development and self-realization stimulation techniques (assertiveness, self-organization, self-hypnosis, meditation).

Keywords: self-realization, advertisers, professional education, Programme of professional development, principles and special features of adult education, training.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Hadzets'kyy B.V Systemnyy analiz navchal'nykh zanyat' u zakladakh osvity: Konspekt lektsiy / B.V. Hadzets'kyy ; Tsentr. in-t pislyadyplom. ped. osvity. – K. : Milenium, 2003. – 32 s.

2. Zakon Ukrayiny «Pro vyshchu osvitu» vid 01.07.2014 № 1556-VII [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu : 1556-18/page5

3. Kostyuchenko I.A. Psykholoho-pedahohichni chynnyky vdoskonalennya stylyu upravlins'koyi diyal'nosti pratsivnykiv yustytsiyi : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Kostyuchenko Iryna Anatoliyivna. – K., 2014. – 284 s.

4. Kot H.M. Formuvannya psykholohichnoyi kul'tury kerivnykiv zahal'noosvitnikh shkil u systemi pislyadyplomnoyi osvity : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Kot Halyna Mykolayivna. – K., 2004. – 352 s.

5. Kulish A. Praktyka PR po-ukrayins'ky. Shchodenni porady PR-pochatkivtsyam / A. Kulish. – K. : ADEF-Ukrayina, 2005. – 336 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 33-38 (pdf)


UDC 159.947.5: 331.101.3/104

Meytarchan, S.Yu.

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine

Development of the future managers' staff motivation training program

Language: Ukrainan

The article presents the results of the development and implementation of a course to train future managers to motivate staff. The training course includes the information-semantic, diagnostic and developmental components made up of mini-lectures, work with information materials, diagnostic techniques, diagnostic exercises, role and business games, individual and group work, and case studies.

The results obtained in the developmental experiment showed the effectiveness of the proposed training course. This is supported by future managers' changed views about the effectiveness of the main motivation strategies and future managers' recognition of the positive-productive strategy and increased criticism of the negative-destructive strategy. Thus, a change in the attitudes towards the positive-productive strategies for staff motivation is due to the managers' awareness of the role of the collective as an effective motivator. The managers' criticism of the negative-destructive motivation strategy entails the change in the attitudes towards all its types (tactics) of motivation. Thus, the effectiveness of the tactics of 'moral punishment' and 'psychological pressure' was questioned as was the impact of the tactics 'tension creation' and 'financial penalties'. On the bipolar control-initiative scale there was a shift towards the recognition of the effectiveness of the motivation tactic 'support for staff's Initiative'.

Keywords: staff motivation, motivation strategy, motivation type, future managers' training, training sessions, effectiveness evaluation.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Barbuto D. Oprosnik dlja opredelenija istochnikov motivacii [Elektronnyj resurs] / Dzhon Barbuto, Richard Skoll. – Rezhim dostupa :

2. Evtihov O.V. Trening liderstva : monografija / O.V. Evtihov. – SPb. : Rech', 2007. – 256 s.

3. Ivanova S.V. Motivacija na 100%: A gde zhe u nego knopka? / S.V. Ivanova. – [2-e izd.]. – M. : Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2006. – 288 s.

4. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya osvitn'oho menedzhmentu : navch. posib. / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Lybid', 2004. – 424 s.

5. Karamushka L.M. Zmist ta struktura treninhu «Psykholohiya orhanizatsiynoho rozvytku osvitnikh orhanizatsiy» / L.M. Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – K. : A.S.K., 2011. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky, 2011. – Vyp. 31. – C. 3–13.

6. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohichni osnovy upravlinnya u systemi seredn'oyi osvity : navch. posib. / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : IZMN, 1997. – 180 s.

7. Mejtarchan S.Ju. Problemy diagnostiki psihologicheskoj gotovnosti budushhih menedzherov k motivirovaniju personala / S.Ju. Mejtarchan // Novyj universitet. – Serija : Aktual'nye problemy gumanitarnyh i obshhestvennyh nauk. – Joshkar-Ola : Kollokvium, 2015. – № 5. – S. 43–49.

8. Meytarchan S.Yu. Stratehiyi motyvuvannya u diyal'nosti menedzhera orhanizatsiyi / S.Yu. Meytarchan // Visnyk Chernihivs'koho natsional'noho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni T.H.Shevchenka [Tekst]. – T. 2. – Vyp. 103 / Chernihivs'kyy natsional'nyy pedahohichnyy universytet imeni T.H. Shevchenka ; [hol. red. Nosko M.O.]. – Chernihiv : ChNPU, 2012. – 228 s. (Seriya: Psykholohichni nauky). – S. 3–5.

9. Meytarchan S.Yu. Rozrobka opytuval'nyka otsinky efektyvnosti motyvuvannya menedzherom personalu orhanizatsiyi / S.Yu. Meytarchan, Yu.V. Proskura // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. 1: Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2015. – Vyp. 42. – S. 54–61.

10. Merman Je. Motivacija personala. Instrumenty motivacii dlja uspeha organizacii / Je. Mermann ; per. s nem. – H. : Izd-vo Gumanitarnyj Centr, E.I. Vysochinova, 2007. – 184 s.

11. Meskon M. Osnovy menedzhmenta / M. Meskon, M. Al'bert , F. Hedouri. – M. : Delo, 1997. – 704 s.

12. Moljako V.A. Psihologicheskaja gotovnost' k tvorcheskomu trudu / V.A. Moljako. – K. : Znanie, 1989. – 48 s.

13. Moljako V.A. Tvorcheskaja konstruktologija (proligomeny) / V.A. Moljako. – K. : Osvita Ukrainy, 2007. – 388 s.

14. Moskvichev S.G. Motivacija, dejatel'nost' i upravlenie. – K. – San-Francisko, 2003. – 492 s.

15. Osobystisni ta sytuatyvni determinanty povedinky i diyal'nosti lyudyny / V.D. Potapova, A.V. Hordyeyeva [zah. red.]. – Donets'k : TOV «Yuho-Vostok, LTD», 2007. – 265 s.

16. Psihologicheskoe obespechenie professional'noj dejatel'nosti, teorija i praktika / pod red. G.S.Nikiforova. – SPb. : Rech', 2010. – 816 s.

17. Sidorenko E.V. Motivacionnyj trening / E.V. Sidorenko. – SPb. : Rech', 2000. – 234 s.

18. Sidorenko E.V. Trening vlijanija i protivostojanija vlijaniju / E.V. Sidorenko. – SPb. : Rech', 2001. – 256 s.

19. Stratehiyi tvorchoyi diyal'nosti: shkola V. O. Molyako / [Molyako V.O., Kovalenko A.B., Moyseyenko L.A. ta in.] ; za zah. red. V.O. Molyako. – K. : Osvita Ukrayiny, 2008. – 702 s.

20. Tekhnolohiyi roboty orhanizatsiynykh psykholohiv : [navch. posib. dlya studentiv vyshch. navch. zakl. ta slukhachiv in-tiv pislyadyplom. osvity] / za nauk. red. L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Firma «INKOS», 2005. – 366 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 38-46 (pdf)


UDC 159.922:005.32

Mushegov, O.M.

G. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The problem of self-efficacy in Ukrainian organizational psychology

Language: Ukrainan

The article describes current trends in studying self-efficacy in Ukrainian organizational psychology. The author analyzes the conceptual approach to the development of self-efficacy in educational space proposed by O.I. Bondarchuk, which treats self-efficacy as an internal psychological determinant of organizational culture of educational organizations. The author analyzes the concept of self-efficacy from different theoretical perspectives, discusses the concept of education managers' self-efficacy and its structural components as well as defines self-efficacy as a motivation-relevant measure of psychological readiness for effective management of educational organizations in conditions of social transformations.

The author also analyzes L.M. Karamushka's approach to organizational culture of educational institutions in its unity with the external and internal determinants of organizational culture of educational institutions which is the theoretical and methodological basis for studying self-efficacy in educational space.

The article also discusses contemporary trends in researching self-efficacy in organizational psychology which include expansion of the semantic field of self-efficacy as a psychological concept and analysis of self-efficacy from theoretical and experimental perspectives.

Keywords: self-efficacy, educational organizations, determination, factors, personality, organizational culture, educational organization employee.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bondarchuk O. I. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni osnovy osobystisnoho rozvytku kerivnykiv zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv u profesiyniy diyal'nosti : monohrafiya / O. I. Bondarchuk. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2008. – 318 s.

2. Bondarchuk O. I. Samoefektyvnist' kerivnyka osvitn'oyi orhanizatsiyi yak psykholohichna determinanta rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury / O. I. Bondarchuk // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S. D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – K. – Alchevs'k : LADO, 2013. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – 2013. – Vyp. 37. – C. 6–10.

3. Bondarchuk O. I. Genderni osoblyvosti samoefektyvnosti kerivnykiv osvitnikh orhanizatsiy u konteksti rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury / O. I. Bondarchuk // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S. D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – K. – Alchevs'k : LADO, 2013. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – 2013. – Vyp. 39. – C. 7–11.

4. Bondarchuk O. I. Osoblyvosti orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury osvitnikh orhanizatsiy zalezhno vid samoefektyvnosti kerivnykiv / O. I. Bondarchuk // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S. D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. 1 : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014. – Vyp. 41. – S. 13–19.

5. Bondarchuk O. I. Rol' samoefektyvnosti menedzheriv orhanizatsiy u rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury osvitnikh orhanizatsiy / O. I. Bondarchuk // Psykholohichni determinanty rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury : monohrafiya / [Elektronnyy resurs] / L. M. Karamushka, O. V. Kredentser [ta in.] ; za red. L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – S. 138–162. – Rezhym dostupu :

6. Bondarchuk O. I. Orhanizatsiyno-profesiyni osoblyvosti samoefektyvnosti kerivnykiv osvitnikh orhanizatsiy / O. I. Bondarchuk // Problemy suchasnoyi psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' Kam"yanets'-Podil's'koho nats. universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiyenka, Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny ; za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. A. Anufriyevoyi. – K. : Aksioma, 2015. – S. 57–69.

7. Bondarchuk O. I. Model' psykholohichnoyi pidhotovky kerivnykiv osvitnikh orhanizatsiy do diyal'nosti v umovakh zmin / O. I. Bondarchuk // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya ; za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2015. – № 1. – S. 33–42.

8. Ivkin V. M. Stavlennya personalu osvitnikh orhanizatsiy do zmin ta problema rozvytku typiv orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury / V. M. Ivkin // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S. D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014. – Vyp. 41. – S. 24–29.

9. Karamushka L. M. Dyzayn doslidzhennya ta diahnostychnyy instrumentariy dlya vyvchennya psykholohichnykh osoblyvostey orhanizatsiynoho rozvytku / L. M. Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. – Tom 1 : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2009. – Ch. 24. – S. 196–208.

10. Karamushka L. M. Kompleks metodyk dlya vyvchennya osoblyvostey ta determinant rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury osvitnikh orhanizatsiy / L. M. Karamushka, K. V. Tereshchenko, V. I. Lahodzins'ka, V. M. Ivkin, A. M. Shevchenko // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. – Alchevs'k : DonDTU, 2014. – T. 1. – Vyp. 40. – S. 9–15.

11. Karamushka L. M. Orhanizatsiyna kul'tura osvitnikh orhanizatsiy: zv"yazok mizh rivnem rozvytku ta «zovnishnimy» kharakterystykamy orhanizatsiyi // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S. D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014. T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014. – Vyp. 41. – S. 3–12.

12. Karamushka L. M. Orhanizatsiynyy rozvytok yak determinanta rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv / L. M. Karamushka, A. M. Shevchenko // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykholohiyi : zbirnyk naukovykh prats' / [hol. red. N. Ye. Zavats'ka]. – Luhans'k : NOULIDZh, 2014. – № 1 (33). – S. 196–205.

13. Karamushka L. M. Orhanizatsiyna kul'tura osvitnikh orhanizatsiy : zv"yazok mizh rivnem rozvytku ta chynnykamy mezo- ta makrorivnya / L. M. Karamushka [Elektronnyy resurs] // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K., 2015. – № 1. – S. 1–33. – Rezhym dostupu :

14. Kredentser O. V. Vplyv orhanizatsiynykh chynnykiv na riven' rozvytku typiv orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury zakladiv osvity / O. V. Kredentser // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S. D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014. – Vyp. 41. – S. 35–40.

15. Kredentser O. V. Chynnyky rozvytku typiv orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury zakladiv seredn'oyi osvity / O. V. Kredentser [Elektronnyy resurs] // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K., 2015. – № 1. – S. 78–87. – Rezhym dostupu :

16. Kredentser O. V. Kompleks metodyk «Doslidzhennya samoefektyvnosti pidpryyemtsiv sfery torhivli» / O. V. Kredentser, I. B. Abdullayeva // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. : A.S.K., 2011. – Vyp. 31. – S. 136–141.

17. Lysyans'ka T. M. Sutnist' i korelyaty samoefektyvnosti myslennya v maybutnikh vchyteliv / T. M. Lysyans'ka // Naukovyy chasopys NPU im. M. P. Drahomanova. Ser. 12 : Psykholohichni nauky : zb. nauk. pr. – K. : Vydavnytstvo NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova, 2004. – Vyp. 2 (26). – S. 347.

18. Luk'yanenko V. V. Naukovo-teoretychni kontseptsiyi ta pidkhody do vyvchennya problemy zdatnosti do samoefektyvnosti u zarubizhniy psykholohiyi / V. V. Luk'yanenko // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – T. Kh, ch. 8 / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K. : Hlavnyk, 2008. – C. 334–351.

19. Maksymenko S. D. Peredmova / S. D. Maksymenko [Elektronnyy resurs] // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K., 2015. – № 1. – S. 9–10. – Rezhym dostupu :

20. Prorok N. V. Samoefektyvnist' i uspishnist' profesiynoyi diyal'nosti / N. V. Prorok // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K., 2010. – T. 7 : Ekolohichna psykholohiya. – Vyp. 22. – S. 176–180.

21. Psykholohichni determinanty rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury : monohrafiya / [Elektronnyy resurs] / L. M. Karamushka, O. V. Kredentser, K. V. Tereshchenko [ta in.] ; za red. L. M. Karamushky. – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 288 s. – Rezhym dostupu :

22. Snyadanko I. I. Samoefektyvnyy pidkhid u psykholohichnomu konsul'tuvanni studentiv u konteksti pidhotovky do maybutn'oyi profesiyno-upravlins'koyi diyal'nosti / I. I. Snyadanko [Elektronnyy resurs] // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. – 2015. – № 1. – S. 131–139. – Rezhym dostupu :

23. Snyadanko I. I. Navchal'na samoefektyvnist' yak odna z umov efektyvnoyi pidhotovky studentiv tekhnichnoho universytetu do maybutn'oyi profesiynoyi diyal'nosti / I. I. Snyadanko // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. – T. 1 : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – Vyp. 39. – K. – Alchevs'k : LADO, 2013. – C. 61–67.

24. Tereshchenko K. V. Tolerantnist' personalu v konteksti rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury innovatsiynykh i tradytsiynykh zakladiv osvity / K. V. Tereshchenko [Elektronnyy resurs] // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K., 2015. – № 1. – C. 140–147. – Rezhym dostupu :

25. Bandura, A. Self-efficacy / Albert Bandura // Encyclopedia of human behavior. – 1994. – Vol. 4. – P. 71–81.

26. Bandura, A. Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning / Albert Bandura // Educational psychologist. – 1993. – Vol. 28 (2). – P. 117–148.

27. Pajares, F. Current directions in self-efficacy research / Frank Pajares // In Maehr M. &Pintrich (Eds) Advances in motivation and achievement. – Greenwich, CT : JAI Press, 1997. – P. 1–49.

28. Sherer, M. The self-efficacy scale: construction and validation / M. Sherer, J. E. Maddux, B. Mercandante, S. Prentice-Dunn, B. Jacobs, R. Rogers // Psychological reports. – 1982. – Vol. 51. – P. 663–671.

29. Urdan, T. Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents / T. Urdan, F. Pajares. – Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, 2006. – 380 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 47-53 (pdf)


UDC 159.993.3:640.43

Pryimuk, О.О.

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of psychological conditions of formation of profession-relevant attributes in future specialists

Language: Ukrainan

The article deals with the theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of psychological conditions of formation of profession-relevant attributes in future specialists in the system of personal professiogenesis. The author discusses the characteristics, structure, scientific approaches as well as future professionals’ extrinsic and intrinsic motives and polymotivation for professional training and the levels of their personal activity. Analysis of psychological conditions for the formation and development of the profession-relevant attributes allowed to identify the distinctive features of personal genesis along with a group of social and psychological attributes being the result of their personal development and inherited psycho-physiological attributes.

It has been found that the levels of development of the profession-relevant attributes associate with the levels of professional efficiency of individuals.

It has been also shown that important psychological conditions of future professionals’ training include their psychological readiness for the profession as a synthesis of closely related structural components (motivational, cognitive, emotional, creative, communicative) and consideration of their personal characteristics in their training as well as improvement of psychological support given to them during their training.

Having analyzed the relevant scientific literature, the author suggests that individuals can have developed profession-relevant attributes before they have received professional training and joined the profession. Although some profession-critical properties can be formed ‘in advance’ their development is more effective if individuals have strong motives for professional training, e.g. positive attitudes toward the future profession, need for acquiring professional knowledge and skills.

Keywords: profession-relevant attributes, formation, psychological conditions, motivation, professional training, specialist.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bodrov V.A. Psihologija professional'noj dejatel'nosti. Teoreticheskie i prikladnye problemy / V.A. Bodrov. – M. : In-t psihologii RAN, 2006. – 623 s.

2. Karamushka L.M. Tekhnolohiya psykholohichnoyi pidhotovky personalu orhanizatsiy do roboty v umovakh sotsial'no-ekonomichnykh zmin (na materiali osvitnikh orhanizatsiy) : monohrafiya / L.M. Karamushka, O.A. Fil', H.L. Fedosova ta in. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2008. – 230 s.

3. Klymenko V.V. Psykhofiziolohichni mekhanizmy praksysu lyudyny : monohrafiya / V.V. Klymenko. – K. : VD «Slovo», 2013. – 640 s.

4. Kokun O.M. Psykholohiya profesiynoho stanovlennya suchasnoho fakhivtsya : monohrafiya / O.M. Kokun. – K. : DP «Inform.-analit. ahentstvo», 2012. – 200 s.

5. Korol'chuk M.S. Teoriya i praktyka profesiynoho psykholohichnoho vidboru : [navch. posib. dlya studentiv vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladiv] / M.S. Korol'chuk, V. M. Kraynyuk. – K. : Nika-Tsentr, 2012. – 536 s.

6. Maksymenko S.D. Pidpryyemnytstvo, psykholohichni, orhanizatsiyni ta ekonomichni aspekty : [navch. posib. dlya studentiv vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladiv] / S.D. Maksymenko, A.A. Mazaraki. – K. : Kyyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t, 2012. – 720 s.

7. Savchyn M. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti efektyvnosti vykhovnykh tekhnolohiy / [nauk. red. M.V. Savchyn]. – Drohobych : Kolo, 2005. – 184 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 53-58 (pdf)


UDC 159.944:005.32

Rutyna, Yu.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine.Kamianets-Podilsk, Ukraine

Techniques to research psychological factors in civil servants' professional self-actualization.

Language: Ukrainan

The article presents three groups of techniques to diagnose the psychological factors in the professional self-actualization of civil servants. The first group includes the instruments to measure the levels of civil servants' professional self-actualization, in particular, E. Shostrom Self-actualization questionnaire. The second group is made up of the instruments aimed at studying the micro-level factors (personality characteristics) that determine the levels of civil servants' professional self-actualization, in particular the Big Five questionnaire by R.McCrae and P. Costa (adapted by A.B. Khromov). The third group includes the instruments to study the meso-level factors (organizational level factors) in civil servants' professional self-actualization (I.Ladanov 'Evaluation of Organizational Culture' questionnaire, Ch.Handy 'Organizational Culture' questionnaire, and R.Daft 'Evaluation of the Strength of Organizational Culture').

Keywords: civil servants, professional self-actualization, psychological factors in professional self-actualization, techniques to study psychological factors in professional self-actualization.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Strategija zhizni / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja. – M. : Mysl', 1991. – 299 s.

2. Anan'ev B.G. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy / B.G. Anan'ev. – M. : Pedagogika, 1980. – V 2-h tomah : T. 1. – 232 s.

3. Anisimov O S. Samootnoshenie i samoorganizacija v kontekste razvitija samosti / O.S. Anisimov. – 2011. – № 4.– S. 65–78.

4. Anciferova L.I. Psihologija samoaktualizirujushhejsja lichnosti v rabotah Abrahama Maslou / L.I. Anciferova. – 1973. – №4. – S. 173–180.

5. Aseev V.G. Motivacija povedenija i formirovanija lichnosti / V.G. Aseev. – M . : Mysl', 1976. – 158 s.

6. Gozman L.Ja. Samoaktualizacionnyj test / L.Ja. Gozman. – M. : Rossijskoe pedagogicheskoe agentstvo, 1995. – 44 s.

7. Gudimenko O.V. Samoaktualizacija kak faktor preodolenija psihologicheskih bar'erov u studentov-psihologov v processe professional'noj podgotovki : monografija / O. V. Gudimenko. – Omsk : Izd-vo OmGPU, 2009. – 151 s.

8. Daft R.L. Menedzhment / R.L. Daft ; [per. s angl.]. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 832 s.

9. Karamushka L.M. Samoaktualizatsiya menedzheriv u profesiyno-upravlins'kiy diyal'nosti (na materiali diyal'nosti komertsiynykh orhanizatsiy) : monohrafiya / L.M. Karamushka, M.H. Tkalych. – Zaporizhzhya : Prosvita, 2009. – 262 s.

10. Korostyleva L.A. Psihologija samorealizacii lichnosti: zatrudnenija v professional'noj sfere / L.A. Korostyleva. – SPb. : Rech', 2005. – 222 s.

11. Ladanov I.A. Sociokul'tura organizacii / I.A. Ladanov // Organizacionnoe povedenie : [hrestomatija] / [red.-sost. Rajgorodskij D.Ja.]. – Samara : Bahrah-M, 2006. – 260 s.

12. Markin V.N. Samost' i «sistema Ja» lichnosti : [subyektivnoe samoosushhestvlenie lichnosti] / V.N. Markin // Mir psihologii. – 2010. – № 4. – S. 25–33.

13. Markov V.N. Cena individual'nosti gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih / V.N. Markin // Mir psihologii. – 2011. – № 1. – S. 105–116.

14. Maksymenko S.D. Heneza zdiysnennya osobystosti / S.D. Maksymenko. – K. : TOV «KMM», 2006. – 240 s.

15. Maslou A. Motivacija i lichnost' / A. Maslou. – SPb. : Evrazija, 1999. – 478 s.

16. Maslou A. Novye rubezhi chelovecheskoj prirody / A. Maslou. – M. : Smysl, 1999. – 425 s.

17. Molyako V.O. Psykholohichna hotovnist' do tvorchoyi pratsi / V.O. Molyako. – K. : T-vo «Znannya» URSR, 1989. – 48 s.

18. Moskalenko O.V. Vzaimosvjaz' professional'noj samorealizacii molodezhi s processami ee samoaktualizacii, samoopredelenija i samojeffektivnosti / O.V. Moskalenko // Mir psihologii. – 2011 – № 1. –S. 193–200.

19. Pyatyfaktornyy opytuval'nyk osobystosti «Velyka pyatirka» [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu :'shaja pjatjorka

20. Selezneva E.V. Smyslovye determinanty samorealizacii: rezul'taty issledovanija smyslovyh determinantov samorealizacii sovremennogo rossijskogo studenchestva / E.V. Selezneva // Mir psihologii. – 2010. – № 4. – S. 78–91.

21. Tatenko V.A. Psihologija v sub#ektnom izmerenii : monografija / V.A. Tatenko. – K. : Prosvіta, 1996. – 404 s.

22. Tihomirova O.G. Organizacionnaja kul'tura: formirovanie, razvitie i ocenka / O.G. Tihomirova. – SPb. : ITMO, 2008. – 295 s.

23. Rodzhers K. Klientcentrirovannaja terapija / K.R. Rodzhers. – M. : Refl-buk, 1997. – 320 s.

24. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smysla / V. Frankl. – M. : Progress, 1990. – 368 s.

25. Horni K. Nevroz i lichnostnyj rost. Bor'ba za samorealizaciju / K. Horni. – SPb. : BSK, 1997 – 317 s.

26. Shostrom Je. Anti-Karnegi / Je. Shostrom. – Mn. : Popurri, 1996. – 398 s.

27. Jung K.G. Struktura lichnosti i process individuacii / K.G. Jung. – SPb. : AST, 1994. – 134 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 58-64 (pdf)


UDC 159.99

Chernega, N.S.

Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine

Views of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on formation of a positive image of institutions of higher education

Language: Ukrainan

Theoretical analysis of the relevant literature shows that Ukrainian and foreign scientists differ in their approaches to the concept of image and its formation. The article seeks the differences in views of Ukrainian and foreign researchers on the organization's image.

The Ukrainian science of late 1980-s studied image from the perspectives of propaganda, mass communication and social cognition. Today's Ukrainian researchers pay more attention to the internal image of the organization, i.e. the company's attitudes to the staff and managers. The organization's internal image is affected by the public's perception of the organization.

Unlike this, foreign scientists attach significance to the external aspect of the organization's image which is referred to as the way the organization is perceived by the society and media.

The analysis of the relevant literature suggests the importance of treating the organization's image in the unity of its internal and external images since the public perception of the educational organization can be significantly improved by the improvement of the staff's work performance thus improving the quality of education services.

The phenomenon of image has been researched in various fields of scientific knowledge which is due to the personal 'design' of all spheres of human activities.

Keywords: image, educational institution, positive image formation, domestic, foreign scientists.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Boyko A.I. Konkurentospromozhnist' osvity yak pokaznyk yiyi efektyvnosti ta yakosti [Tekst] / A.I. Boyko // Vyshcha osvita Ukrayiny. – 2008. – № 3. – S. 16–22.

2. Boduan Zh.P. Upravlenie imidzhem kompanii. Pablik rilejshnz: predmet i masterstvo; per. s franc. – M. : IMIDZh-Kontakt ; INFRA-M, 2001. – 233 s.

3. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury / L.M. Karamushka, I.I. Snyadanko. – K.-L., 2010. – S. 28.

4. Korol'chuk M.S. Teoriya i praktyka profesiynoho psykholohichnoho vidboru : [navch. posib. dlya studentiv vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladiv] / M.S. Korol'chuk, V.M. Kraynyuk. – K. : El'ha ; Nika-Tsentr, 2010. – 290 s.

5. Orban-Lembryk L.E. Psykholohiya upravlinnya / L.E. Orban-Lembryk. – K. : Akademvydav, 2003. – 568 s.

6. Perelyhina O.B. Psykholohiya imidzhu / O.B. Perelyhina. – M. : Aspekt-Pres, 2002. – 280 c.

7. Piskunova T. N. Uslovija i faktory formirovanija pozitivnogo imidzha obshheobrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdenija : avtoref. diss. … kand. psihol. nauk / T.N. Piskunova. – M., 1998. – 21 s.

8. Pochepcov G.G. PABLIK RILEJShNZ dlja professionalov / G.G. Pochepcov. – M. : Refl-buk ; K. : Vakler, 2005. – 624 s.

9. Lazarenko I.R. Formirovanie imidzha obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdenija kak upravlencheskoe novshestvo / I.R. Lazarenko [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : (24.02.09). – Zagl. s jekrana.

10. Psykholohichni determinanty rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury : monohrafiya [Elektronnyy resurs] / L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Kredentser, K.V. Tereshchenko[ta in.] ; za red. L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 288 s. – Rezhym dostupu :

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 64-68 (pdf)


UDC 159.922.1

Chernyavskaya, I.A.

G.S. Kostuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Methods to study the content and factors of professional adaptation of personnel in multinational corporations

Language: Ukrainan

Based on the analysis of the scientific literature and our own research,this article describes three groups of techniques for the diagnosis of content and factors of professional adaptation of personnel in multinational corporations. The first group includes methods for the study of the main indicators of professional adaptation (actually professional adaptation, social-psychological adaptation, satisfaction with the process of adaptation and approaches to improve the professional adaptation.) The second group includes methods for the study of "internal", psychological, factors micro level (psychological personality characteristics of staff) and meso level (organizational culture corporation) that affect the process of adaptation of professional staff in multinational corporations. And the third group includes methods for the study of "external", functional organization, micro level factors (for example, position of personnel in the organization, experience, etc.) and meso level (for example, type of organization, direction of activity, etc. ).

Keywords: mulinational corporations, staff, professional staff adaptation, factors of professional adaptation,techniques to study the content and factors of professional adaptation of personnel in multinational corporations.

Spisok ispol'zovannyh istochnikov

1. Bazarov T.Ju. Upravlenie personalom / T.Ju. Bazarov, B.L. Eremina. – M. : Akademija, 2008. – 224 s.

2. Bershova L.V. Adaptacija rabotnikov v novyh uslovijah/ L. V. Bershova // Spravochnik kadrovika. – 2001. – №6. – S.105–110.

3. Brajn I.B. Izmenenie rezul'tativnosti raboty HR-departamenta. Ljudi, strategija i proizvoditel'nost' / I.B. Brajn, A.H. Mark, U. Djejv. – M. : Vil'jams, 2007. – 304 s.

4. Volodina N. Adaptacija personala. Rossijskij opyt postroenija kompleksnoj sistemy / N. Volodina. – M. : Jeksmo, 2009. – 240 s.

5. Ganihina D.Ju. Nastavnichestvo v sisteme obuchenija i adaptacii novyh sotrudnikov / D.Ju. Ganihina // Spravochnik po upravleniju personalom. 2004. – № 5. – 180 s.

6. Djeniels D.D. Mezhdunarodnyj biznes / D.D. Djeniels, L.X. Radeba. – M. : Delo, 1994. – C. 565–701.

7. Zhidkova E.G. Ocenka kachestva obuchenija personala: podhody i kriterii / E.G. Zhidkova // Spravochnik po upravleniju personalom. – M., 2003. – №11. – S. 40–54.

8. Zotova O.I. Nekotorye aspekty social'no-psihologicheskoj adaptacii lichnosti / O.I. Zotova, I.K. Krjazheva // Psihologicheskie mehanizmy reguljacii social'nogo povedenija. – M. : Nauka, 1979. – S. 219–232.

9. Ivanova T.B. Korporativnaja kul'tura i jeffektivnost' predprijatija / T.B. Ivanova, E.A. Zhuravleva. – M., 2011. – 152 s.

10. Karamushka L.M. Dyzayn doslidzhennya ta diahnostychnyy instrumentariy dlya vyvchennya psykholohichnykh osoblyvostey orhanizatsiynoho rozvytku / L.M. Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. – T. 1: Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2009. – Ch. 24. – S. 196–208.

11. Kornelius N. HR menedzhment. Poisk, podbor, trening, adaptacija, motivacija, disciplina, jetika / N. Kornelius. – M. : Balans Biznes Buks, 2005. – 49 s.

12. Kravchenko V.O. Otsinka efektyvnosti pratsi upravlins'kykh kadriv / V.O. Kravchenko, I.F. Koshelupov // Visnyk Skhidnoukrayins'koho natsional'noho universytetu im. V. Dalya. – №11. – Luhans'k, 2006. – S. 130–137.

13. Kudashev A.R. Social'no-psihologicheskij aspekt adaptacii rukovoditelej / A.R. Kudashev // Social'naja psihologija: Teorija. Jeksperiment. Praktika. – Jaroslavl', 2000. – T. 2. – S. 127–130.

14. Mykhaylenko D.H. Rozvytok sotsial'no-psykholohichnykh metodiv upravlinnya personalom : avtoreferat dys. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.00.04 / D.H. Mykhaylenko ; NAN Ukrayiny. – Kh., 2011. – 21 s.

15. Nasledov A.D. Primenenie matematicheskih metodov v psihologii / A.D. Nasledov, S.G. Tarasov. – SPb. : Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2001. – S. 109–208.

16. Panchenko L.L. Adaptacija k professional'noj dejatel'nosti : ucheb. posob. / L.L. Panchenko. – Vladivostok : Mor. gos. un-t, 2006. – 35 s.

17. Praktikum po psihologii menedzhmenta i professional'noj dejatel'nosti / pod red. G.S. Nikiforova, M.A. Dmitrievoj, V.M. Snetkova. – SPb. : Rech', 2001. – S. 302–310.

18. Rean A.A. Psihologija adaptacii lichnosti: Analiz, teorija, praktika / A.A. Rean, A.R. Kudashev, A.A. Baranov. – M. : Prajm-Evroznak, 2006. – 479 s.

19. Cooper, H.D. Organizational Socialization: A field study into socialization success and rate / H.D Cooper, N. Anderson // International journal of selection and assessment. – 2005. – Vol. 13. – #2. – P. 116–128.

20. Costa, P.T., Jr. NEO PI-R professional manual / P.T. Costa, Jr., R.R. McCrae. – Odessa, 1992. – FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. – 180 p.

21. Denison, Daniel R. Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness / Daniel R. Denison. –1997. – 267 p.

22. Van Egeren, L.F. A cybernetic model of global personality traits. Personality and Social Psychology / L.F. Van Egeren. – Review. – 2009. – Vol. 13. – Р. 92–108.

23. Jelektronnyj resurs. – Rezhim dostupa :

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 69-74 (pdf)


UDC 316.64:316.77:316.628:339.138

Homolska, L.P.

Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv, Ukraine

Environment-friendliness of the brand as a measure of effective brand communication

Language: Ukrainan

The article presents the results of empirical research on environmental brands' impact on the effectiveness of brand communication. Analysis of the relevant literature found that brand communication is a set of social interactions (interpersonal, intergroup, mass) that influence consumers' opinions, motivations, attitudes and behaviors regarding specific companies, their products and / or services. Brand communications can be regarded effective if the brand's image promotes customers' loyalty as an attitude that dynamically develops and motivates customers to purchase and consume the brand's products / services.

The empirical research identified the types of consumers' perception of brands' environmental friendliness in brand communications and found statistically significant differences in the consumer types in relation to consumers' socio-demographic and organizational-professional characteristics. Thus, women were shown to be more focused on personal significance of environment-friendly brands than men whereas young customers focused mainly on the conventional level of brand communication or did not consider brands' environment-friendliness as a regulator of consumer behaviors. Analysis of variance found that consumers' loyalty was affected by brands' environment-friendliness as a factor in effective brand communication for food products group.

The follow-up research will focus on determining the social and psychological mechanisms of and factors in effective brand communications as well as development and testing of future managers, marketers, employees' social and psychological training programs in effective brand communications.

Keywords: brand, brand image, environment-friendliness of brand, attitude, brand communication, consumer psychology, loyalty.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Aaker D. Sozdanie sil'nyh brendov / D. Aaker. – M. : ID Grebennikova, 2003. – 440 s.

2.Andreeva G.M. Psihologija social'nogo poznanija / G.M. Andreeva. – M. : Aspekt Press, 2005. – 303 s.

3.Barabanshhikova V.A. Osnovnye napravlenija i tendencii razvitija psihologii vosprijatija / V.A. Barabanshhikova // Psihologija vosprijatija : m-ly sovetsko-norvezhskogo simpoziuma. – M. : Nauka, 1989. – S. 5–14.

4.Brovkina Ju.Ju. Social'no-psihologicheskie osnovy brend-kommunikacii : monografіja / Ju.Ju. Brovkina. – M. : Izd-vo Mosk. gumanit. un-ta, 2009. – 331 s.

5.Golech'jan N. Jeko-marketing: v chem vygoda jekologicheski blagopoluchnogo imidzha kompanii / N. Golech'jan // Korporativnaja imidzhelogija. – 2008. – №2 (3). – S. 50–55.

6.L'ovochkina A.M. Pryntsypy pozytyvnosti i konstruktyvnosti ta ekolohichnosti yak bazovi pryntsypy ekolohichnoyi psykholohiyi / A.M. L'ovochkina // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny ; za red. S.D. Maksymenka. – K., 2010. – T. 7. – Vyp. 24. – S. 160–166.

7.Mozer K. Psihologija marketinga i reklamy / K. Mozer. – X. : Gumanitarnyj centr, 2004. – 380 s.

8.Palamarchuk O.M. Ekolohichno oriyentovana pidpryyemnyts'ka diyal'nist' u suchasnomu sviti: psykholohichni aspekty : monohrafiya / O.M. Palamarchuk. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2014. – 400 s.

9.Skrebets' V.O. Ekolohichna psykholohiya u viddalenykh naslidkakh ekotekhnohennoyi katastrofy : monohrafiya / V.O. Skrebets'. – K. : Slovo, 2004. – 440 s.

10.Fel'ser G. Psihologija potrebitelej i reklama / G. Fel'ser. – X. : Gumanitarnyj centr, 2009. – 704 s.

11.Folomeeva T.V. Lojal'nost' potrebitelej kak social'naja ustanovka / T.V. Folomeeva, F.N. Vinokurov // Psihologicheskie issledovanija. – 2012. – T. 5. – № 23. – S. 5. [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu :

12.Harash A.U. Vosprijatie cheloveka kak vozdejstvie na ego povedenie // Psihologija mezhlichnostnogo poznanija / A.U. Harash. – M. : Pedagogika, 1981. – S. 25–42.

13.Sharkov F.I. Magija brenda: Brending kak marketingovaja kommunikacija / F.I. Sharkov. – M. : Al'fa-Press, 2006. – 266 s.

14.Shvalb Yu.M. Ekoloho-psykholohichni chynnyky suchasnoho sposobu zhyttya : kol. monohrafiya ; za nauk red. Yu.M. Shvalba / Yu.M. Shvalb, O.L. Vernik, O.M. Harnets', A.M. L'ovochkina ta in. – K. : Ped. dumka, 2008. – 276 s.

15.Brand communication / The Cambridge Business English Dictionary Cambridge University Press. [Elektronnij resurs] / Rezhim dostupu :

16.Gabay, J. Brand Psychology: Consumer Perceptions, Corporate Reputations / Jonathan Gabay. – UK : Kogan Page, 2015. – 440 р.

17.Oliver, R.L. Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer / R.L. Oliver. – [2 ed.] – New York : Routledge, 2010. – 544 р.

18.Reichheld, F.F. The one number you need to grow / F.F. Reichheld // Harvard Business Review. – 2003, – Vol. 81 – №. 12. – Р. 46–54.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 75-81 (pdf)


UDC 159.944:37

Drozdova, Yu.V.

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Analysis of comprehensive testing of future trading business professionals' psychological self-determination regulation training course

Language: Ukrainan

The article presents a comparative analysis of the testing of a complex psychological self-determination regulation training course for future trading business professionals. Due to the lack of research into the psychological conditions of future professionals' self-determination in trading business the author focused on the development and testing of a special future trading business professionals' self-determination development course.

The pre- and post-training comparative analyses of the experimental and control groups made up of university graduates and freshmen found significant improvements in the experimental groups' professional self-determination after the training program due to a significant reduction in the number of the respondents with low levels of the emotional-motivational component of professional self-determination which proved the effectiveness of the comprehensive professional self-determination development course. It was found that by far more university graduates had high levels of the emotional-motivational component than the freshmen and by half fewer university graduates than freshmen had low levels of the emotional-motivational component of the professional self-determination before and after the course (every sixth graduate student and every third freshmen). However, relatively large proportions of the students with low levels of professional self-determination in both groups suggested difficulties in students' professional self-determination which could be overcome by students' taking the psychological self-regulation development training course during their university studies.

Keywords: testing, psychological training course, development, self-determination, freshmen, graduates, entrepreneurship in trading business.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel


Anan'ev B.G. O problemah sovremennogo chelovekoznanija / B.G. Anan'ev. – M. : Nauka, 1997. – 380 s.


Bodrov V.A. Psihologija professional'noj prig odnosti / V. A. Bodrov – M. : PERSJe, 2001. – 511 s.


Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya pidhotovky maybutnikh menedzheriv do upravlinnya zminamy v orhanizatsiyi : monohrafiya / L.M. Karamushka, M.V. Moskal'ov. – K.-L'viv : Spolom, 2011 – 216 s.


Karamushka L.M. Motyvatsiya pidpryyemnyts'koyi diyal'nosti : monohrafiya / L.M. Karamushka, N.Yu. Khudyakova. – K.-L'viv : Spolom, 2011. – 208 s.


Klymenko V.V. Psykhofiziolohichni mekhanizmy praksysu lyudyny : monohrafiya / V.V. Klymenko. – K. : VD «Slovo», 2013. – 640 s.


Klimov E.A. Psihologija professional'nogo samoopredelenija / E.A. Klimov.– Rostov n/D : Feniks, 1996. – 512 s.


Korol'chuk M.S. Psykhofiziolohiya diyal'nosti : [pidruchnyk dlya studentiv vyshch. navch. zakladiv]. – K. : El'ha ; Nika-Tsentr, 2012. – 400 s.


Kraynyuk V.M. Psykholohiya steresostiykosti / V.M. Krpaynyuk. – K. : Nika-tsentr, 2009. – 406 s.


Maksymenko S. D. Metod doslidzhennya osobystosti / S. D. Maksymenko // Praktychna psykholohiya ta sotsial'na robota. – 2004. – №7. – S. 1–8.


Maksymenko S.D. Pro predmet ekonomichnoyi psykholohiyi ta yiyi mistse v systemi pidhotovky fakhivtsiv v Ukrayini / S.D. Maksymenko, L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Kredentser // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 1 : Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenko, L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Milenium, 2003. – Vyp. 11. – S. 3–9.


Myronets' S.M. Nehatyvni psykhichni stany ryatuval'nykiv v umovakh vynyknennya nadzvychaynykh sytuatsiy : monohrafiya / S.M. Myronets', O.V. Timchenko. – K. : Avhust Treyd, 2007. – 168 s.


Pidpryyemnytstvo: psykholohichni, orhanizatsiyni ta ekonomichni aspekty : navch. posib. / S.D. Maksymenko, A.A. Mazaraki , L.P. Kulakovs'ka, T.Yu. Kulakovs'kyy. – K. : Kyyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t, 2012. – 720 s.

Timchenko O.V. Profesiynyy stres pratsivnykiv orhaniv vnutrishnikh sprav Ukrayiny (kontseptualizatsiya, prohnozuvannya, diahnostyka ta korektsiya) : dys…. d-ra psykhol. nauk : 19.00.06 / O.V. Timchenko. – Kh. : Nats. un-t vnutrish. sprav, 2003. – 427 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 81-85 (pdf)


UDC 159.9:316.476:338.48

Zhovner, V.Yu.

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Scientific approaches to the study of the competitiveness of tourism business professionals

Language: Ukrainan

The competitiveness of the tourism industry depends on external economic, organizational, technical and internal psychological conditions of formation, production and sales of high quality tourism product that meets the needs of consumers. It is achieved both by the competitive advantages of some external and internal characteristics of tourist companies and by their interactions and the availability of qualified human resources.

Tourist companies' efficiency largely depends on the availability of skilled personnel who can work productively, efficiently, responsibly to meet the requirements of work processes in accordance with the growing demands of today.

Analysis of the relevant literature shows that the problem of tourism business specialists' competitiveness is interdisciplinary which asks for an integrated approach to its study and the identification of the economic and psychological areas of research. However, most researchers have not paid much attention to the psychological factors that could contribute to the improvement of the tourism business professionals' competitiveness. Due to the fact that the psychological conditions of development of future specialists' competitiveness in tourism business have not been adequately investigated the author necessitates the formation of a new approach to their studying.

Keywords: scientific approaches, competitiveness, personality, tourism business specialists, conditions, development.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Ahafonova L.H. Vyznachennya konkurentospromozhnosti turystychnoho produktu / L.H. Ahafonova // Stratehiya rozvytku turystychnoyi industriyi ta hromads'koho kharchuvannya: Materialy mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi (25–26 zhovtnya 2006 r., m. Kyyiv) / [vidp. red. A.A. Mazaraki]. – K. : KNTEU, 2000. – S. 430–434.

2. Havrylyuk S.P. Zovnishni faktory vplyvu na konkurentospromozhnist' turystychnykh pidpryyemstv / S.P. Havrylyuk // Stratehiya rozvytku turystychnoyi industriyi ta hromads'koho kharchuvannya : m-ly Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. (25–26 zhovtnya 2000 r., m. Kyyiv). – K., 2000. – S. 186–189.

3. Halahan L.V. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku konkurentozdatnosti bezrobitnykh maybutnikh pidpryyemtsiv : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.10 / Halahan Larysa Volodymyrivna ; nauk. ker. Fil' O. A. ; In-t psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / L.V. Halahan. – K., 2013. – 342 s.

4. Harmider L.D. Faktory rozvytku kadrovoho potentsialu torhovel'noho pidpryyemstva / L.D. Harmider // Stalyy rozvytok ekonomiky. – 2013. – №1. – S. 92–96.

5. Hlevats'ka N.M. Konkurentospromozhnist' robochoyi syly rehionu: metodolohiya ta napryamy zabezpechennya : avtoref. dys. kand. ekon. nauk 08.09.01 – demohrafiya, ekonomika pratsi, sotsial'na ekonomika i polityka / N.M. Hlevats'ka. – K., 2006. – 22 s.

6. Zabavina K.Yu. Formuvannya ta rozvytok kadrovoho potentsialu v systemi derzhavnoho rehulyuvannya : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. ekon. nauk : spets. 08.00.03 / K.Yu. Zabavina. – Donets'k, 2012. – 20 s.

7. Karamushka L.M. Tekhnolohiya formuvannya konkurentozdatnoyi komandy / L.M. Karamushka, O.A. Fil' // Tekhnolohiyi roboty orhanizatsiynykh psykholohiv : [navch. posib. dlya studentiv vyshch. navch. zakl. ta slukhachiv in-tiv pislyadyplom. osvity] / za nauk. red. L.M. Karamushky. – K. : INKOS, 2005 – S. 85–110.

8. Korol'chuk M. S. Psykhofiziolohiya diyal'nosti : [pidruchnyk dlya studentiv vyshch. navch. zakladiv] / M.S. Korol'chuk. – K. : El'ha ; Nika – Tsentr, 2015. – 400 s.

9. Mazaraki A. A. Pidpryyemnytstvo: psykholohichni, orhanizatsiyni ta ekonomichni aspekty : navch. posib. / S.D. Maksymenko, A.A. Mazaraki , L.P. Kulakovs'ka, T.Yu. Kulakovs'kyy. – K. : Kyyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t, 2012. – 720 s.

10. Mykhaylichenko H.I. Innovatsiynyy rozvytok turyzmu : monohrafiya / H.I. Mykhaylichenko. – K. : KNTEU, 2012. – 608 s.

11. Tkachenko T.I. Stalyy rozvytok turyzmu: teoriya, metodolohiya, realiyi biznesu : monohrafiya / T.I. Tkachenko. – K. : Kyyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t, 2009. – 463 s.

12. Stratehichnyy rozvytok turystychnoho biznesu : monohrafiya / [Tkachenko T.I., Mel'nychenko S.V., Boyko M.H. ta in.] / za red. A.A. Mazaraki. – K. : KNTEU, 2010. – 569 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 86-91 (pdf)


UDC 159.942.3

Korolchuk, V.M.

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Methodological approaches to diagnosing effects of psycho-traumatic factors on entrepreneurs

Language: Ukrainan

There are different psycho-diagnostic methods to measure the impact of stressful factors on entrepreneurs and to predict their resistance to stress. Some methods focus on entrepreneurs' psychological and physiological characteristics, other take into account the complexity of psychological diagnosis of occupational stress and measure its levels by direct and indirect indicators.

Researchers also use different methodological approaches to diagnosing entrepreneurs' reactions to stress and to assessing the impact of stressors on them as well as entrepreneurs’ stress-coping behaviors.

Due to the complexity of psychological diagnosis of occupational stress, its levels are determined by its direct and indirect indicators.

There are two groups of methods for studying entrepreneurs’ reactions to stress, effects of stressors on entrepreneurs and their stress-coping strategies: the methods that focus on stress and those that focus on stress manifestations during the post-traumatic period.

The most widely used foreign approaches to assessing the impact of stress on entrepreneurs can be divided into structural, assessing and methodological methods. These approaches, however, use common criteria for measuring stressful events which include their reality, intensity, controllability, desirability and subjective perception.

Keywords: diagnosis, assessment, occupational stress, prognosis, stressors, personality, entrepreneur.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel


Ababkov V.A. Adaptacija k stressu. Osnovy teorii, diagnostiki, terapii / V. A. Ababkov, M. Perre. – SPb. : Rech', 2004. – 166 s.


Anan'ev B.G. O problemah sovremennogo chelovekoznanija / B. G. Anan'ev. – SPb. : Piter, 2001. – 272 s.


Bodrov V.A. Psihologija professional'noj prigodnosti / V.A. Bodrov. – M. : PERSJe, 2001. – 511 s.


Karamushka L.M. Motyvatsiya pidpryyemnyts'koyi diyal'nosti : monohrafiya / L.M. Karamushka, N.Yu. Khudyakova. – K.-L'viv : Spolom, 2011. – 206 s.


Korol'chuk M.S. Teoriya i praktyka profesiynoho vidboru / M.S. Korol'chuk, V.M. Kraynyuk. – K. : Nika-Tsentr, 2010. – 536 s.


Kraynyuk V.M. Psykholohiya stresostiykosti osobystosti : monohrafiya / V. M. Kraynyuk. – K. : Nika-Tsentr, 2007. – 432 s


Kredentser, O.V. Teoretychnyy analiz psykholohichnykh osnov pidpryyemstva / O.V. Kredentser // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. – Tom 1: Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za nauk. red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Milenium, 2005. – Ch. 14. – S. 23–28.


Maksymenko S.D. Teoriya i praktyka psykholoho-pedahohichnoho doslidzhennya / S.D. Maksymenko. – K. : NDSh, 1990. – 239 s.


Myronets' S.M. Nehatyvni psykhichni stany ryatuval'nykiv v umovakh nadzvychaynoyi sytuatsiyi : monohrafiya / S.M. Myronets', O.V. Timchenko. – K. : Konsul'tant, 2008. – 232 s.


Pachkovs'kyy Yu.F. Psykholohiya pidpryyemnytstva : navch. posib. / Yu.F. Pachkovs'kyy. – K. : Karavela, 2007. – 416 s.


Pidpryyemnytstvo: psykholohichni, orhanizatsiyni ta ekonomichni aspekty : navch. posib. / S.D. Maksymenko, A.A. Mazaraki, L.P. Kulakovs'ka, T.Yu. Kulakovs'kyy. – K. : Kyyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t, 2012. – 720 s.


Psihologija professional'noj dejatel'nosti : kollektiv. monografija / pod red. G.V. Teljatnikova, S.L. Len'kova. – Tver' : Tver. gos. un-t, 2002. – 124 s.


Psihologija professional'noj podgotovki / pod red. G.S. Nikiforova. – SPb : SpbGU, 1993. – S.101–136.


Psihologija psihicheskih sostojanij : sb. statej / pod. red. prof. A.O. Prohorova. – Kazan' : Izd-vo «Centr innovacionnyh tehnologij», 2002. – Vyp. 4 – S. 387–399.

Shherbatyh Ju.V. Psihologija stressa i metody ego korrekcii / Ju.V. Shherbatyh. – M., 2005. – 255 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 92-96 (pdf)


UDC 005.32

Gumenyuk, O.G.

Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

Psychological analysis of personality theories of leadership

Language: Ukrainan

The article deals with personality theories of leadership including the heroic theory (J. Dowd, E. Jennings, T. Carlyle, G. Lebon, S. Siegel, G. Tarde, etc.) which treats leadership as an innate capacity, i.e leaders are born, not trained; the psychoanalytic theory (A. Adler, T. Adorno, W. Bullitt, E. Erickson, G. Lassuel, S. Freud, E. Fromm et al.) which associates the leader with a father and leadership with a masculine role and sexuality; the traits theory (J. Bernard, B. Binham, E. Bogardus, S. Kilbourn, T. Newcomb, E. Fleming, E. Hunter et al.) whose proponents believe that a leader is made by a set of certain psychological qualities and attributes (traits); the charismatic leader theory (M. Arthur, W. Bass, C. Klein, J. Cotter, R. Trice, M. Hunter, R. Jose et al.) understands leadership as an impact on other people by personal appeal that finds support and recognition from the others; the five-factor theory (A. John, P. Costa, R. McKra, L. Pervin et al.) which considers leadership in the context of individual attributes and relevant behaviors aimed at achieving certain goals.

To the author's mind, the five-factor theory of leadership is the most promising approach to studying personality traits of efficient leaders. From this perspective the author analyzes the roles of various forms of non-academic (practical, social, emotional) intelligence in effective management and, using different diagnostic techniques, seeks to find out the associations between personality traits and leadership. Although the psychological analysis of personality theories is very important for understanding the nature of leadership, it is not fully adequate without studying individuals' social behaviors, social situations, interpersonal relationships and social groups. The author's followup research may focus on these factors' role in leadership.

Keywords: leader, leadership, heroic theory, psychoanalytic theory, traits theory, charismatic leadership theory, leader's ethical orientation, five-factor theory of personal traits.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bass, B. Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations / Bernard M. Bass. – State University of New York, 1985. – 87 р.

2. McGregor, D. The Human Nature of Leadership // American Journal of Nurs. – 1969. – № 69. – P. 55–67.

3. Andrijanchenko E.G. Teoreticheskij analiz problemy liderstva v zarubezhnoj social'noj psihologii / E.G. Andrijanchenko // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2012. – №10. – S. 256–261.

4. Bendas T.V. Psihologija liderstva : ucheb. posob. / Tat'jana Vladimirovna Bendas. – SPb. : Piter, 2009. – 447 s.

5. Karlejl' T. Geroi, pochitanie geroev i geroicheskoe v istorii : monografija / Tomas Karlejl'. – M. : Respublika, 1994. – 865 s.

6. Krichevskij R.L. Psihologija liderstva : ucheb. posob. / Robert L'vovich Krichevskij. – M. : Statut, 2007. – 541 s.

7. Kudrjashova E.V. Lider i liderstvo: Issledovanie liderstva v sovremennoj zapadnoj obshhestvenno-politicheskoj mysli / Elena Vladimirovna Kudrjashova. – Arhangel'sk : Izd-vo PMPU, 1996. – 256 s.

8. Lebon G. Psihologija narodov i mass / Gustav Lebon. – M. : Akademicheskij prospekt, 2011. – 238 s.

9. Psihologija sovremennogo liderstva: amerikanskie issledovanija / pod red. Dzh. P. Kandzhemi, K. Dzh. Koval'ski, T.N. Ushakovoj ; per. s angl. ; A.A. Aleksandrova. – M. : Kogito-centr, 2007. – S. 198–211.

10. Pugachev V.P. Rukovodstvo personalom organizacii : ucheb. / Vasilij Pavlovich Pugachev. – M. : Aspekt-Press, 2002. – 279 s. – Serija «Upravlenie personalom».

11.Tard G. Mnenie i tolpa / Gabrijel' Tard // Psihologija tolp. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN ; Izd-vo KSP+, 1999. – 416 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 97-103 (pdf)


UDC 316.6:159.922.62

Zhigarenko, I.Ye., Zavatski, Yu.A., Zavatski, V.Yu.

East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine

The system of social and psychological factors in secondary socialization of the individual

Language: Ukrainan

The article presents the results of a comprehensive study on individuals' resocialization in conditions of social isolation, based on individuals' adaptive capacity, the type of perpetrated crime and imprisonment regime. In scientific literature resocialization is considered as the process of formation of the individual as a member of society using a system of educational, social, psychological, legal, organizational and other means to return the individual to normal life free of law offence.

The authors note that in conditions of social isolation, resocialization should be a continuous psycho-educational process done by correctional facilities to bring about changes in inmates' consciousness, feelings and behaviors. Resocialization in conditions of social isolation has the rehabilitation and reintegration stages with their substages. Rehabilitation involves individuals' adjustment to the norms and rules of society, while reintegration is characterized by individuals' recognition and acceptance of norms and rules of life.

Resocialization is a comprehensive process based on inmates' positive motivation, correctional facility-leaving rituals, support for inmates' resocialization, and resocialization monitoring.

The main psychological factors that contribute to individuals' resocialization in conditions of social isolation include both personality-relevant characteristics (intelligence, positive character traits, world outlook, legal awareness and moral qualities, education, adaptability) and characteristics of the correctional facility (organization of educational and work processes, administration's attitudes toward inmates, inmates' interpersonal relationships, inmates' relationships with friends and families outside the facility).

Keywords: individual, resocialization, social adaptation, social isolation, personality-oriented approach.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Ball H.O. Fenomen vyboru v konteksti sotsial'noyi povedinky / H. O. Ball // Sotsial'na psykholohiya. – 2005. – № 1 (9). – C. 3–13.

2. Hoshovs'kyy Ya.O. Resotsializatsiya depryvovanoyi osobystosti v osvitnikh zakladakh zakrytoho typu / Ya.O. Hoshovs'kyy // Problemy zah. ta ped. psykhol. : zb. nauk. prats' In-tu psykhol. im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K. : Milenium, 2003. – T. V. – Ch. 5. – S. 105–109.

3. Maksymenko S.D. Psykholohiya v sotsial'niy ta pedahohichniy praktytsi / S.D. Maksymenko. – K. : Nauk. dumka, 1999. – 216 s.

4. Maksymova N.Yu. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni aspekty problemy humanizatsiyi sudochynstva ta kryminal'no-vykonavchoyi systemy / N.Yu. Maksymova. – K. : ZAT «VIPOL», 2005. – 100 s.

5. Moskalenko V.V. Socializacija lichnosti / V.V. Moskalenko. – K. : Vishha shk., 1986. – 200 s.

6. Nalchadzhjan A.A. Lichnost': gruppovaja socializacija i psihicheskaja adaptacija / A.A. Nalchadzhjan. – Erevan : Izd-vo AN Armjanskoj SSR, 1988. – 284 s.

7. Semichenko V.A. Psihologija lichnosti / V.A. Semichenko. – K. : Izd-vo Eshke O. M., 2001. – 427 s.

8. Tsyba V.T. Kontury systemnoyi sotsial'noyi psykholohiyi / V.T. Tsyba // Sotsial'na psykholohiya. – 2003. – № 1. – S. 27–39.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 104-107 (pdf)


UDC 159.942.5:331.108.644.7

Zhurba, A.M.

East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine

Analysis of the concept of personal destruction in the scientific literature

Language: Ukrainan

The article analyzes the results of the theoretical analysis of the concept of personal destruction in the scientific literature. The personal destructions are referred to in the relevant literature as the pathological process of personality destruction. The personal destructions include the elements of the human psyche which put up barriers in contacts with others thus impeding the achievement of goals. The main types of destructive personality changes, among others, include pathological deformation of personal needs and motives, destructive changes in character and temperament, behavioral dysfunctions, dysfunctional interpersonal relations, as well as inadequate self-esteem. Personal destructions can be partial and deep, temporary (transient) followed by the restoration of all structural components of personality, and progressive (irreversible) followed by personal defects. Personal destructions may be the result of individuals' autodestructive behaviors and / or purposeful external influence and / or the result of stressful and crisis situations, including disabilities.

The factors and conditions that affect both the holistic development of the individual and his / her individual characteristics include 1) pathological states which can not be overcome by individuals single-handedly due to fast and dramatic social changes accompanied by chnges in individual, group and societal values, political and cultural disorientations; 2) formation of psychological defenses that inhibit the development of individuals making them inadequate. Among the manifestations of personal destruction researchers distinguish aggression, stereotyping, rigidity, inadequate social assessments, suicidal personal development and suicidal behaviors.

Keywords: personality, personal destructions, autodestructions, aggression, rigidity, social-psychological interventions.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Ageev V.S. Mezhgruppovoe vzaimodejstvie: Social'no-psihologicheskie problemy / V.S. Ageev. – M. : MGU,1990. – 239 s.

2. Bovt' O.B. Problemy doslidzhennya indyvidual'no-psykholohichnykh yakostey osobystosti yak viktymohennykh chynnykiv / O.B. Bovt' // Materialy I Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. (1–15 lyst. 2004 r.). – T. 52 : Psykholohiya. – Dn. : Nauka i osvita, 2004. – S. 40–43.

3. Bjeron R. Agressija / R. Bjeron, D. Richardson ; [per. s angl. S. Malenevskaja]. – [2-e izd., mezhdunar.]. – SPb. : Piter, 2001. – 352 s.

4. Hornostay P.P. Psykholohichni osnovy rol'ovoyi reabilitatsiyi / P.P. Hornostay // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykhol. : zb. nauk. prats' SNU im. V. Dalya. – Luhans'k : SNU im. V. Dalya, 2002. – № 2 (4). – S. 84–88.

5. Hrys' A.M. Deformatsiya sotsial'noyi identychnosti yak kryteriy dezadaptatsiyi osobystosti / A.M. Hrys' // Problemy zah. ta ped. psykhol. : zb. nauk. prats' In-tu psykhol. im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka. – K., 2007. – T. IKh. – Ch. 7. – S. 7–15.

6. Demina L.D. Psihicheskoe zdorov'e i zashhitnye mehanizmy lichnosti / L.D. Demina, I.A. Ral'nikova. – Barnaul : Izd-vo Altajskogo gos. un-ta, 2000. – 123 s.

7. Didenko O.I. Psykholohichnyy portret osoby: dosvid ta problemy / O.I. Didenko // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykhol. : zb. nauk. prats' SNU im. V. Dalya. – Luhans'k : SNU im. V. Dalya, 2004. – № 2 (7). – S. 23–28.

8. Klymenko V.V. Normy rozvytku hlybynnykh psykhichnykh yavyshch / V.V. Klymenko // Naukovi zapysky In-tu psykhol. im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. akad. S. D. Maksymenka. – K. : Nora-print, 2004. – Vyp. 24. – S. 141–156.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 107-110 (pdf)


UDC 159.923.33:378.046-021.68-051

Karamushka, T.V.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Training Course 'Formation of Post-graduate Students' Readiness for Professional Career Making': content, structure, main interactive techniques

Language: Ukrainan

The article discusses the aims, objectives, structure and content of the training course in formation of post-graduate students' readiness for career making.

The author analyzes five training sessions that cover the content of professional career and its role in the life of the individual; features of post-graduate students' career-making and career types; content and structure of post-graduate students' readiness for career-making; social and psychological factors in and conditions of formation of post-graduate students' readiness for career-making; the impact of organizational-professional and socio-demographic factors on the development of post-graduate students' readiness for career-making. The article reveals the content of each training unit within the training sessions (informational, diagnostic and interventive-developmental).

The interactive techniques used in the training sessions include incomplete sentences, team-work, cross-group discussions, mini-lectures, brainstorms, case-studies, role plays, creative home-work, etc.). The author analyzes some examples of creative home-work that can be used in the training.

Keywords: post-graduate student, career, post-graduate students' readiness for career-making, training, training sessions, interactive techniques.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bondarchuk O.I. Profesiyna kar"yera kerivnykiv shkil: psykholohichnyy aspekt / O.I. Bondarchuk // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 1: Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Psykholohiya upravlinnya. Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny. – K. : Milenium, 2002. – Chast. 6. – S. 86–89.

2. Bondarevs'ka I.O. Navchal'na prohrama treninhovoyi formy «Kar"yera i sim"ya: genderna identychnist' zhinok-menedzheriv» / I.O. Bondarevs'ka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 1: Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Psykholohiya upravlinnya. Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2008. – Chast. 21–22. – S. 57–62.

3. Karamushka T.V. Kompleks metodyk dlya doslidzhennya sotsial'no-psykholohichnykh chynnykiv formuvannya hotovnosti aspirantiv do zdiysnennya profesiynoyi kar"yery / T.V.Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – K. - Alchevs'k : DonDTU, 2014. – T. 1. – Vyp. 40. – S. 139–136.

4. Karamushka T.V. Profesiyna kar"yera osobystosti: sutnist' osnovni vydy i funktsiyi / T.V. Karamushka // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' Skhidnoukrayins'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni Volodymyra Dalya. – Luhans'k : NOULIDZh, 2015. – № 1. – C. 181–190.

5. Karamushka T.V Typy profesiynoyi kar"yery aspirantiv / T.V. Karamushka // Problemy suchasnoyi psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny i Kam"yanets'-Podil's'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiyenka (vklyuchenoho do mizhnarodnoyi naukovometrychnoyi bazy Index Copernicus). – K., 2015. – Vyp. 27. – S. 182–197.

6. Karpov A.V. Refleksivnost' kak psihicheskoe svojstvo i metodika ee opredelenija / A.V. Karpov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2003. – T. 24. – № 5. – S. 45–56.

7. Mogilevkin E.A. Kar'ernyj rost: diagnostika, tehnologija, trening : monografija / E.A. Mogilevkin. – SPb. : Rech', 2007. – 336 s.

8. Praktikum po psihologii professional'noj dejatel'nosti i menedzhmenta : ucheb. posobie / pod red. G.S. Nikiforova, M.A. Dmitrievoj, V.M. Snetkova. – [2-e izd.]. – SPb. : Izd-vo S-Peterb. un-ta, 2001. – 240 s.

9. Tihomirova O.G. Organizacionnaja kul'tura: formirovanie, razvitie i ocenka / O.G. Tihomirova. – SPb. : ITMO, 2008. – S. 28–136.

10. Shevchenko N.F. Shlyakh do profesiynoyi kar"yery : nauk.-prakt. posib. / N.F. Shevchenko, M.V. Suryakova. – Zaporizhzhya : Zaporiz'kyy natsional'nyy universytet, 2009. – 72 s.

11. Shchotka O.P. Profesiyna kar"yera ta praktyka yiyi rozvytku v orhanizatsiyakh osvity / O.P. Shchotka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 1: Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Psykholohiya upravlinnya. Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Milenium, 2002. – S. 89–83.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 111-117 (pdf)


UDC 159.923.2

Mykhailyshyn, U.B.

East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine

Psycho-social problems of formation and preservation of youth's value system in educational interaction

Language: Ukrainan

The article analyzes the social and psychological problems of the formation and preservation of youth's value system in educational interaction. It is shown that the theories of group values preservation can be considered from the perspectives of management psychology, work psychology, social psychology and psychology of the masses depending on the types and structures of social communities, groups and associations. The author discusses the mechanisms of group values preservation, change and rejection.

The factors that contribute to the preservation youth's values in educational interaction are shown to be the group members' overall efficiency, friendly atmosphere, group cohesion, group members' satisfaction with their group membership, their professional experience, etc. The factors in the group values development include some group members' inclination to yield under the pressure of the majority as well as the prestige of the group's minority.

This influence can be mediated by particular challenges faced by the group and the ways of their solution. The mechanisms of group values' stabilization appear to be the group members' conformity, compatibility, harmony and unity. The impact of the group's minority is shown to be a factor in the group's development which promotes the group members' cognitive, social and moral activities. It is shown that the group members' professional experience, as a factor in values development, is characterized by the levels of the group members' psychological preparedness to join the student-student and student-teacher communications, the group members' self-awareness, self-organization, self-control, the abilities to perceive and evaluate other people, to reproduce and display the social and psychological reality, to organize joint activities, and to set goals and achieve them.

Keywords: personality, values, youth, group, educational interaction.

Spysok vykoristanykh dzherel


Asch, S. Studies of independence and conformity / S. Asch // Psychol. Monogr, 1956. – V. 70. – № 9. – Р. 112–129.


Zaleska, M. Climat des relations interpersonelles et polarization des attitudes dans les groups / M. Zaleska. – Unpublished paper, Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale de I’Universite. – Paris, 1978. – Р. 68–72.


Kruglanski, A.W. Majority and minority influence: A judgmental process analysis / A.W. Kruglanski, D.M. Mackie // European review of social psychology. – Chichester, UK : Wiley, 1990. – Vol. 1. – Р. 229–261.


Moscovici, S. Studies in social influence : III. Majority vs. minority influence in a group / S. Moscovici, E. Lage // European journal of Social psychology. – 1976. – № 6. – Р. 149–174.


Mackie, D.M. Systematic and non systematic processing of majority and minority persuasive communications / D.M. Mackie // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 1987. – № 53. – Р. 41–52.


Moscovici, S. Studies on social influence ; V. Minority influence and conversion behavior in a perceptual task / S. Moscovici, B. Personnaz // Journal of ExperimentalSocial Psychology. – 1980. – № 16. – Р. 270–282.


Turner, J.C. Social categorization and the self-concept: A social cognitive theory of group behavior / J.C. Turner // In E. Lawler (ed.). Advances in group processes. – Greenwich, Conn. : JAI Press, 1985. – Vol. 2. – Р. 77–122.

Sherif, M. An Outline of Social Psychology / M. Sherif, C. Sherif. – New York : Harper &Row, 1956. – Р. 212–227.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 117-120 (pdf)


UDC 159.9.072: 616

Onishchenko, N.V.

National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Analysis of the achievements in organization and provision of psychological assistance to victims in emergencies

Language: Ukrainan

The article presents the results of an analysis of the current state of psychological services in general and emergency psychological services in particular. It is noted that the problem of finding optimal ways, methods and means of providing the necessary psychological help to people became important at the very emergence of psychology as a science. The concept of psychological assistance was introduced primarily to address psychological problems of individuals. Psychological services came into being with the development of experimental psychology followed by the development of psychological testing and mental hygiene movement. The beginning of the XXth century saw the introduction of counseling, and in 1940s the United States became the home of the Rogers’ non-directive psychotherapy. It is noted that before the WW2 there was the institution of religious care and social workers which can be considered as a prototype of the modern emergency psychological assistance.

In line with the current trends in the psychological services that provide assistance to the affected population, there is an intense application of the Program of Actions as part of civil defense and psychosocial support for victims at all stages of emergency situations in various countries of Europe and America. The modern emergency psychological service was first established in Russia in 1999. Ukraine was next to create the emergency psychological services. Despite the considerable work that has been done in that area, the system of emergency psychological assistance in Ukraine is far from being perfect.

Keywords: emergency psychological assistance, victim, emergency.

Spysok vykoristanykh dzherel

1. Bordik I.V. Jekstrennaja psihologicheskaja pomoshh' postradavshim v chrezvychajnyh situacijah [Tekst] / I.V. Bordik, T.Ju. Matafonova. – M. : Vodolej-Saut, 2009. – 480 s.

2. Bondarenko A.F. Psihologicheskaja pomoshh': teorija i praktika [Tekst] / A.F. Bondarenko. – M. : Klass, 2001. – 336 s.

3. Ljashenko A.I. Praktika uchastija psihologov MSPP v rabote po okazaniju jekstrennoj psihologicheskoj pomoshhi [Tekst] / A.I. Ljashenko, S.V. Tiunov, V.N. Shatilo / pod. red. V.V. Rubcova, S.B. Malyh. – M. : Psihologicheskij institut RAO, 2007. – S. 199–205.

4. Mjalkovskaja O.V. Rol' i mesto psihologo-psihiatricheskoj sluzhby «gorjachaja linija» pri chrezvychajnyh situacijah [Tekst] / O.V. Mjalkovskaja // Psihiatrija ChS / pod red. Dmitrievoj T.B. – M. : GNC SSP im. V.P. Serbskogo, 2003. – S. 78–81.

5. Onyshhenko N.V. Ekstrena psyhologіchna dopomoga postrazhdalym v umovah nadzvychajnoji situacіji: teoretichni ta prykladnі aspekty : monografіja [Tekst] / N.V. Onyshhenko. – Harkіv : Pravo, 2014. – 584 s.

6. Romanova E.S. Rabota psihologa na telefone doverija [Tekst] : metodicheskoe posobie / E.S. Romanova. – M. : MGPU, 2001. – 69 s.

7. Fedunina N.Ju. Jekstrennaja psihologicheskaja pomoshh': zakony zhanra [Tekst] / N.Ju. Fedunina // Moskovskij psihoterapevticheskij zhurnal (teoretiko-analiticheskoe izdanie). Special'nyj vypusk : Jekstrennaja psihologicheskaja pomoshh'. – M., 2006. – №4 (51). – S. 6–25.

8. Maxwell, H. An outline of psychotherapy for medical students and practitioners / Maxwell H. (ed). – Bristol : Wright, 1986.

9. Adams, R.E. Alcohol use, mental health status and psychological well-being 2 years after the World Trade Center attacks in New York City / Adams, R.E., Boscarino, J.A., Galea, S. // American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. – 2006. – №32. – 203–224.

10. Inter-agency Standing Committee (IASC). IASC guidelines on mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings. – Geneva, Switzerland : IASC, 2007.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 121-125 (pdf)


UDC 316.42

Rudska, M.I.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

A set of instruments to study psychological characteristics of socially active youth

Language: Ukrainan

The article deals with the content and structure of social activity of young people as a characteristic of young people's way of life which reflects their conscious focus on their activities and behaviors to change or support social environment, on active participation in social institutions according to the needs, interests, goals, and ideals of society and youth.

The author analyzes the basic social activities of young people and reveals the system of psychological characteristics of socially active young people.

The instruments to diagnose the psychological characteristics of socially active youth can be divided into two groups. Group 1 includes an open-end questionnaire to study youth's understanding of the nature, roles and main types of social activity, as well as the factors that promote or hinder the development of youth's social activities in Ukraine and psychological conditions for their development, while Group 2 is made up of the instruments to measure the levels of the following psychological characteristics of socially active youth: the leadership component, value-motivational component, emotional-regulative component, and communicative component.

Keywords: youth, social activity of youth, types of youth's social activities, psychological characteristics of socially active youth.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Andreeva Ju. V fokuse – molodezhnyj aktivizm / Ju. Andreeva. – Ul'janovsk : IC Ul'janov. gos. un-ta, 2007. – S. 76–80.

2. Bandura A. Teorija social'nogo nauchenija / A. Bandura. – SPb. : Evrazija, 2000. – 320 s.

3. Bezpal'ko O.V. Rozvytok sotsial'noyi aktyvnosti osobystosti u dytyachomu ob"yednanni / O.V. Bezpal'ko // Visnyk psykholohiyi i pedahohiky : zb. nauk. pr. – Vyp. 8. – 2012. – S. 3–16.

4. Borisova T.S. Aktivnost' i iniciativnost' kak osnova formirovanija social'noj otvetstvennosti uchashhejsja molodezhi / T.S. Borisova // Vestnik TGPU. – 2011. – Vyp. 1(103). – S. 131–136.

5. Kul'pedinova M. Vovlechenie molodezhi v obshhestvennuju praktiku kak prioritet gosudarstvennoj molodezhnoj politiki : sb. nauchnyh statej / M. Kul'pedinova, G. Nikolaev. – M. : FGU «GosNII sem'i i vospitanija», 2006. – 92 s.

6. Vodop'janova N.Je. Psihodiagnostika stressa / N.Je. Vodop'janova. – SPb., 2009. – S. 251–260.

7. Hrabovs'ka S.L. Sotsial'na aktyvnist' v protsesi sotsializatsiyi osobystosti / S.L. Hrabovs'ka, S.M. Choliy : zb. nauk. pr. Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny ; za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – T. KhII. – Chast. 1. – K., 2010. – S. 171–181.

8. Georgienko V. Molodezhnaja politika dlja chajnikov / V. Georgienko. – Odessa, 2007. – 26 s.

9. Fromm Je. Avtoritarnaja lichnost'. Teorii lichnosti v zapadnoevropejskoj i amerikanskoj psihologii / Je. Fromm. – Samara, 1996. – S. 263–294.

10. Zajceva A. Spektakuljarnye formy protesta v sovremennoj Rossii: mezhdu iskusstvom i social'noj terapiej / A. Zajceva // Neprikosnovennyj zapas. – 2010. – № 4(72). – S. 47–69.

11. Zdravomyslova E. Paradigmy zapadnoj sociologii obshhestvennyh dvizhenij / E. Zdravomyslova – SPb. : Nauka, 1993. – 172 s.

12. Zinevich O.A. Potrebnost' studentov v sozdanii novyh molodezhnyh ob#edinenij / O.A. Zinevich // Innovacionnoe razvitie i kadrovyj potencial molodezhnoj i social'noj sfery : m-ly Mezhdun. nauch.-prakt. konf. (Sankt-Peterburg, 21–23 nojabrja 2013 g.) / pod red. G.V. Kovalevoj. – SPb. : FGBOUVPO «SPGUTD», 2013. – S. 116–117.

13. Kovaleva A. Sociologija molodezhi: Teoreticheskie voprosy / A. Kovaleva, V. Lukov. – M. : Socium, 1999. – 351 s.

14. Luk'janova V.A. Metodicheskoe posobie po sozdaniju i organizacii raboty Studencheskogo Dobrovol'cheskogo Agentstva v uchebnom zavedenii: opyt, kotorym mozhno vospol'zovat'sja / V.A. Luk'janova, S.R. Mihajlova. – SPb. : «Mul'tiProdzhektSistemServis», 2011. – 76 s.

15. Rajgorodskij D.Ja. Prakticheskaja psihodiagnostika: Metodiki i testy : ucheb. posobie / D.Ja. Rajgorodskij. – Samara : ID «Bahrah», 1998. – 672 s.

16. Radul V.V. Sotsial'na aktyvnist' u strukturi sotsial'noyi zrilosti (teoretyko-metodolohichnyy aspekt) : monohrafiya / V.V. Radul ; Kirovohrad. derzh. ped. un-t im. V. Vynnychenka. – Kirovohrad : Imeks-LTD, 2011. – 255 s.

17.Rajgorodskij D.Ja. Teorii lichnosti v zapadnoevropejskoj i amerikanskoj psihologii / D.Ja. Rajgorodskij. – Samara, 1996. – S. 467–477.

18. Teterskij S.V. Social'nye iniciativy detej i molodezhi: podderzhka obshhestva i gosudarstva : monografija / S.V. Teterskij. – M. : REGLANT, 2003. – 214 s.

19.Fetiskin N.P. Social'no-psihologicheskaja diagnostika razvitija lichnosti i malyh grupp / N.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov, G.M. Manujlov. – M. : Izd-vo In-ta psihoterapii, 2002. – S. 69–86.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 125-129 (pdf)


UDC 159.92:316.6

Serdukova, I.M.

Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhail Kotsyubynsky, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Theoretical analysis of studying the problem of social adaptation in Ukrainian psychological literature

Language: Ukrainan

Individuals’ social adaptation is one of the important problems of modern science. Comparative analysis of the investigations into the problem of adaptation in various sciences has found that it remains poorly investigated in social psychology.

In Ukrainian scientific literature the problem of social adaptation has received some of the researchers\attention. However, there are many different approaches to understanding the nature of social adaptation. Although the concept of social adaptation has been analyzed by many scientists, there are few investigations in Ukrainian social psychology dedicated to its content, characteristics, factors and components.

To study effectively social adaptation researchers first need to clarify the content and nature of such key concepts as adaptation, social adaptation, social and psychological adaptation, as well as their use in scientific and psychological literature.

Ukrainian psychological literature analyzes three aspects of social adaptation: adaptation as a process, adaptability (ability to adapt), and adeptness as a result of the process of adaptation. Besides, along with the general concept of social adaptation, the concept of social-psychological adaptation has become quite popular.

Analyses of the nature of social-psychological adaptation in terms of different scientific schools and approaches have made it possible to define the social-psychological adaptation as a complex dialectical process of individual-environment interactions creating an optimal combination of goals and values of the individual and the environment and leading to the realization of personal potential in different situations characterized by emotional stability. Socio-psychological adaptation is referred to as the individual’s active use of strategies and ways of situation control which is influenced by the individual and/or other individual / group of individuals who mutually adapt and create a single adaptive space.

Keywords: individual, entity, social psychology, social adaptation, social and psychological adaptation, adaptability, adaptness, adaptive potential.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Akimenko A.K. Ponjatie o adaptacii, ee kriterijah i mehanizmah adaptacionnogo processa / A.K. Akimenko // Adaptacija lichnosti v sovremennom mire : Mezhvuz. sb. nauch. tr. – Saratov : IC «Nauka», 2011. − Vyp. 3. − S. 5–18.

2. Anan'ev B.G. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy : v 2 t. / B.G. Anan'ev ; pod red. A.A. Bodaleva i dr. – M. : Pedagogika, 1980.

3. Andreeva G.M. Social'naja psihologija / G.M. Andreeva. − M. : Aspekt Press, 2004. − 366 s.

4. Ball G.A. Ponjatie adaptacii i ego znachenie dlja psihologii lichnosti / G.A. Ball // Voprosy psihologii. – 1989. − № 1. – S. 92–100.

5. Berezin F.B. Psihicheskaja i psihofiziologicheskaja adaptacija cheloveka / F.B. Berezin. – L. : Nauka, 1988. – 270 s.

6. Vygotskij L.S. Psihologija / L.S. Vygotskij. − M. : Izd-vo JeKSMO-Press, 2002. − 1008 s.

7. Zhmyrikov A.N. Diagnostika social'no-psihologicheskoj adaptirovannosti lichnosti v uslovijah dejatel'nosti i obshhenija : diss…. kand. psihol. nauk / A.N. Zhmyrikov. − M. : AON, 1989. – 249 s.

8. Zav'jalova E.K. Psihologicheskie mehanizmy social'noj adaptacii cheloveka / E.K. Zav'jalova // Vestnik Baltijskoj pedagogicheskoj akademii. − SPb., 2001. − Vyp. 40. − S. 55–60.

9. Krjazheva I.K. Social'no-psihologicheskie faktory adaptirovannosti lichnosti : diss. … kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.05 / I. K. Krjazheva. − M., 1980. − 159 s.

10. Larionova S.A. Social'no-psihologicheskaja adaptacija lichnosti: teoreticheskaja model' i diagnostika / S.A. Larionova. − Belgorod, 2002. − 200 s.

11. Leont'ev A.N. Problemy razvitija psihiki / Aleksej Nikolaevich Leont'ev. – M. : Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1981. – 584 s.

12. Maklakov A.G. Lichnostnyj adaptacionnyj potencial: ego mobilizacija i prognozirovanie v jekstremal'nyh uslovijah / A.G. Maklakov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2001. – T. 22. – № 1. – S. 16–24.

13. Miloslavova I.A. Ponjatie i struktura social'noj adaptacii : avtoref. diss. ... kand. filos. nauk / I.A. Miloslavova. − L., 1974. − 24 s.

14. Moroz O.H. Profesiyna adaptatsiya molodoho vchytelya / O.H. Moroz. – K., 1980. − 94 s.

15. Nalchadzhjan A.A. Psihologicheskaja adaptacija: mehanizmy i strategii [Tekst] / A.A. Nalchadzhjan. – M. : Jeksmo, 2010. − 368 s.

16. Petrovskij A.V. Osnovy teoreticheskoj psihologii / Artur Vladimirovich Petrovskij, Mihail Grigor'evich Jaroshevskij. − M. : INFRA-M, 1998. − 528 s.

17. Petrovskij V.A. Psihologija neadaptivnoj aktivnosti / Vadim Arturovich Petrovskij. – M. : ROU, 1992. – 223 s.

18. Posohova S.T. Psihologija adaptirujushhejsja lichnosti / S.T. Posohova. − SPb. : Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gercena, 2001. − 241 s.

19. Rean A.A. Psihologija adaptacii lichnosti [Tekst] / A.A. Rean, A.R. Kudashev, A.A. Baranov. // Psihologija adaptacii lichnosti. Analiz. Teorija. Praktika. − SPb. : Prajm-EVROZNAK, 2006. − 479 s.

20. Romm M.V. Adaptacija lichnosti v sociume: teoretiko-metodologicheskij aspekt / M.V. Romm. – Novosibirsk : Nauka, 2002. – 275 s.

21. Rubinshtejn S.L. Problemy obshhej psihologii / S.L. Rubinshtejn ; [otv. red. E. V. Shorohova]. − M. : Pedagogika, 1976. − 416 s.

22. Sviridov N.A. Social'naja adaptacija lichnosti v trudovom kollektive / N.A. Sviridov. – L., 1974.

23. Semichenko V.A. Psihologija social'nyh otnoshenij / V.A. Semichenko. – K. : Magіstr-S, 1999. − 167 s.

24. Skubij M.I. Social'nye problemy adaptacii sel'skih uchitelej: dis. ...kand. filosof. nauk / M.I. Skubij. − Novosibirsk, 1975. − 198 s.

25. Furman A.V. Psykholohiya osobystisnoyi adaptovanosti / A.V. Furman. – Ternopil' : Ekonomichna dumka, 2003. − 128 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 130-136 (pdf)


UDC 159.922.7:316.6

Spytska, L.V.

Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Social-psychosocial assessment of the impact of adverse conditions of socialization on juvenile delinquent behaviors

Language: Ukrainan

This article deals with delinquent behavior as an integral concept which reflects various manifestations of social, psychological or complex distress of personality and disharmonize the individual's interactions with themselves, others, society, the nearest regardless of the sources, nature and manifestations. It was found that this behavior is largely typical of minors, as their 'awkward' age is characterized by a decreased adaptive capacity which launches psychological mechanisms (motivational sphere conflicts, emotional dysfunctions, cognitive difficulties, etc.) that deform subjective relationships and generate internal and external difficulties.

The socialization of minors was shown to go through a number of conditions which include targeted education, training and casual social impacts in the minors' activities and contacts. The process of socialization may have some difficulties: uncontrolled social impacts may lead to maladjustment followed by delinquent behaviors. Criminal behaviors are closely related to the following social and psychological factors that contribute to the formation of individuals' maladjustment: poorly organized education that leads to antisocial orientation and motivation; misunderstanding of social roles which leads to the role denial or misunderstanding of its social significance; impaired communication system (few social contacts, belonging to deviant groups, inability to meet the needs of self-assertion and / or emotional contact, etc.); adopted rules of antisocial behaviors etc.; poor social control due to family ineffectiveness, educational and other organizations, and law enforcement agencies; social adaptation as a result of migration and urbanization.

Keywords: minor, socialization, adaptation, maladjustment, delinquent behavior, intervention.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(43): 136-139 (pdf)