Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 42 – 2015
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC 005.73:373
Karamushka, L.M., Shevchenko, A.M., Tereshchenko, K.V.
Organizational culture of educational organizations: the nature, structure, functions, types
Language: Ukrainian
The article analyzes the characteristics of organizational culture of educational organizations. The authors describe the content of organizational culture as a hierarchy of values, rules, norms, traditions, ceremonies and rituals that are adopted in the educational institution and respected by its staff and students. The authors discuss the basic components of organizational culture of educational organizations which include: a) 'work' (the attitudes of the participants of the educational process to work and working environment); b) 'communication' (quality of internal organizational communication); c) 'management' (the management culture); g) 'motivation and morale' (the dominant motivation and morale). From the perspective of the analytical and systemic approach the functions of the organizational culture of educational organizations include: a) socio-economic (meeting social requirements, orientation in the educational environment, definition of the priority goals and tasks, education and training of competitive graduates, etc.); b) socio-psychological (development of organizational identity, bringing together the participants of the educational process, students' adaptation to educational activities, professional and personal development, etc.). It is emphasized that the organizational culture of educational organizations can be of the following types: a) progressive that is focused on innovative tasks; b) 'conservative' that is focused on the traditional tasks.
Keywords: educational organization, organizational culture, organizational culture structure, organizational culture functions, organizational culture types.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 3-13 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.2:34.08
Baranyuk, N.I.
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Lviv
Psychological characteristics of organizational culture in law enforcement in crisis society
Language: Ukrainian
The theoretical analysis of the understanding of the concept of "organizational culture" and outlined its components in the system of law enforcement. Demonstrated convincing understanding of the fact that the development of organizational culture is one of the ways actual police reform in crisis society.
The transformation of society from one social status to another leads to the emergence of new phenomena in the economic, social and political spheres. Reforming the law enforcement agencies is in a difficult economic situation of limited financial resources. Additional funds for the rebuilding of the Interior does not stand out and probably in the future will be highlighted. So we need to find the internal capabilities and resources to exercise creativity and develop their own ways to properly police reform.
Research in Psychology suggests that the development of organizational culture and effective professional activity, law enforcement officials important to learn the scientific basis of professional direction and able to creatively apply them. Having the knowledge and professional art worker sets goals for your business and produce a strategy that defines the means to achieve them; adopt appropriate strategies chosen solution, for which he is personally responsible. Therefore, the active implementation of the system of training of professional psychological training offers effective ways to increase the effectiveness of law enforcement and is a fundamentally new form of organizational culture, professionalization and humanization training.
The organizational culture of law enforcement agencies is a unique cultural phenomenon that combines the values, goals, rules and norms of behavior and communication between officers, accepted by all, regardless of titles and positions and aims to provide a proper profession.
Keywords: organizational culture, law enforcement, personnel, professional and psychological preparation, reform, group, corporation, training.
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
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3. Gol'ev S.A. Razvitie korporativnoj kul'tury voennoj organizacii v uslovijah reformy : avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchen. stupeni kand. psihol. nauk : spec. 19.00.13 / S.A. Gol'ev ; Ros. akad. gos. sluzhby pri Prezidente RF. M., 2011. – 25 s.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 13-19 (pdf)
UDC 316.6:159.922.62
Borozentseva, T.V., Zavatskaya, N.E., Zhygarenko, I.E.
PsychologyEast-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine
The empirical investigation into socio-psychological characteristics of corporate culture of NGOs under transformations of modern society
Language: Ukrainian
The article presents the results of an empirical investigation into the social and psychological characteristics of the corporate culture of non-government organizations (NGOs) in today's society. It was found that the corporate culture of NGOs had a social character and was a hierarchy of rules, behavioral norms, traditions, ceremonies and rituals based on the organizations’ inherent value system, social partnership and social and ethical responsibility, adopted in the organization and abided by its members to promote organizations’ efficiency.
The corporate culture of NGOs differs in the content of their semantic-symbolic, value-ideological and depth levels. The authors discuss different levels of the main structural components of corporate culture of NGOs. The corporate culture of NGOs was shown to be based on the organizational and functional typologies that determine the following dimensions of the organizational situation: a leader’s type, the NGO members’ motivation type, management and relationships style, external positioning etc.
The authors also describe the social and psychological functions of corporate culture of NGOs in modern society with the identifying, evaluating and regulatory functions being the leading ones.
The cognitive, motivational, value and behavioral socio-psychological factors were shown to affect the corporate culture of NGOs.
Keywords: corporate culture, NGO, corporate culture components, social and psychological functions of corporate culture, social and psychological factors in corporate culture, corporate culture overall index.
1. Bala O.І. Principi korporativnoоji kul'turi pіdprijemstva: sutnіst' ta vidi / O.І. Bala, O.V. Mukan, R.D. Bala // Vіsnik Nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka». – 2010. – № 682. – S. 11–15.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 19-24 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Piletska, L.S.
Vasyl Stefanyk Subcarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankоvsk, Ukraine
Social and psychological analysis of organizational culture in higher education
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the organizational culture of institutions of higher education. The author analyzes the basic scientific approaches to understanding the essence of organizational culture and discusses the main types and groups of organizational culture. It is emphasized that organizational culture being an organizational and psychological environment for the organization’s employees, manifests itself at the individual, group and organizational levels as a set of norms, values, motivation, behavioral standards, management style, organizational structure and organizational and administrative procedures and affects group relations and group dynamics as well as the employees’ and organization’s performance and employees’ attitudes to the organization, work results and co-workers.
The characteristics of an effective organizational culture were shown to include harmony, interaction, team spirit, employees’ work satisfaction and pride for the work results, loyalty to the organization and readiness to meet its high standards, high quality of work, willingness to make organizational changes to meet the requirements of progress and competition despite all the difficulties and bureaucratic obstacles.
Keywords: organizational culture, institution of higher education, subculture, values, corporate spirit, student environment, socio-cultural space.
1. Abramova S.G. O ponjatii «korporativnaja kul'tura» / S.G. Abramova, I.A. Kostenchuk. – M. : Prior, 2008. – 422 s.
2. Goncharova N.E. Organizacionnaja kul'tura / N.E. Goncharova. – M. : Prior-izdat, 2007. – 206 s.
3. Groshev I.V. Organizacionnaja kul'tura / I.V. Groshev, P.V. Emel'janov, V.M. Jur'ev. – M. : JuNITI-DANA, 2008. – 288 s.
4. Daft R. L. Menedzhment. – [8-e izd.] / R.L. Daft. – SPb. : Piter. – 2009. – 800 s.
5. Karamushka L.M. Naprjamki, resursi ta umovi organіzacіjnogo rozvitku: porіvnjal'nij analіz osvіtnіh organіzacіj tradicіjnogo ta іnnovacіjnogo tipіv / L.M. Karamushka // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji : zb. naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologіji іm. G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrajini. – K. : A.S.K., 2011. – Vip. 30. – S. 161–168.
6. Karamushka L.M. Psihologіchnі osnovi upravlіnnja zmіnami v osvіtnіh organіzacіjah : [navch.-metod. posіb.] / L.M. Karamushka. – Bіla Cerkva : KOІPOPK, 2008. – 76 s.
7. Karlof B. Delovaja strategija: koncepcija, soderzhanie, simvoly / B. Karloff / [per. s angl. V. A. Pripisnov]. – M. : Jekonomika, 2001. – 248 s.
8. Karpov A.V. Organizacionnaja kul'tura v teorii i praktike otechestvennogo menedzhmenta / A.V. Karpov // Zhurnal prakticheskogo psihologa. – M. : Izd-vo MGU, 2007. – № 4. – S. 28–36.
9. Kasaev B.S. Menedzhment organizacii / B.S. Kasaev, A.V. Tebekin. Uchebnik. – M. : Akademija, 2007. – 416 s.
10. Kirillova T.V. Korporativnaja kul'tura kak neobhodimyj jelement strategii razvitija sovremennogo vuza / T.V. Kirillova // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija. – M. : Akademija, 2008. – №10. – S. 25–29.
11. Kirichenko V.V. Prognozuvannja povedіnki personalu v perіod zmіn na pіdprijemstvі / V.V. Kirichenko // Socіal'na psihologіja. – K. : NPU іm. M. Dragomanova, 2004. – №2. – S. 123–133.
12. Maksimenko A.A. Identichnost' organizacionnoj kul'tury setevyh kompanij bankovskogo sektora / A.A. Maksimenko // Upravlenie personalom. – M. : ID Upravlenie personalom, 2008. – №24 (202). – S. 48–51.
13. Sagalitdinova L.B. Organizacionnaja kul'tura : uchebnoe posobie / L.B. Sagalitdinova. – Tomsk : TMCDO, 2005. – 243 s.
14. Samoukina N.V. Jeffektivnaja motivacija personala pri minimal'nyh finansovyh zatratah / N.V. Samoukina. – M. : Vershina, 2006. – 224 s.
15. Serkіs Zh.V. Pro organіzacіjnu kul'turu zakladu osvіti / Zh.V. Serkіs // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – K. : NAPN Ukraїni, 2002. – № 9–10. –– S. 4–9.
16. Snjadanko І.І. Osoblivostі upravlіnnja organіzacіjnoju kul'turoju osvіtn'oji organіzacіji / І.І. Snjadanko // Naukovo-teoretichnij zbіrnik / za red. V.P. Kocur. – Perejaslav-Hmel'nic'kij : PP «SKD», 2008. – Vip. 16. – S. 227–230.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 24-28 (pdf)
UDC 378.091:005.73
Spitsyna, L.V., Lukomska, Yu.O.
Zaporozhzhia National University, Zaporozhzhia, Ukraine
Organizational culture type as a factor in educational institution staff’s innovative readiness
Language: Ukrainian
The article analyzes the relationship between the type of organizational culture and staff’s innovative readiness in educational institutions. To be a competitive worker one has continuously to update their knowledge, improve their professional skills and competences as well as master new technologies. Therefore it is so important for educational institutions to create appropriate conditions for training and educating children to make them ready to assimilate new knowledge and skills for innovative activities. The authors also emphasize the socio-political importance of this, as systemic reforms, in particular in education, are of vital significance for Ukraine.
The research model developed by the authors, envisages the study of teaching staff’s innovation readiness presented in all its components (motivational, cognitive, creative and activity) as the associations determined by the type of organizational culture of the educational institution. The authors also discuss the relationship between the types of organizational culture and the teaching staff’s innovative readiness in educational institutions of classic, extra-curricular and non-formal education.
Keywords: organizational culture, adhocratic culture, innovation readiness, educational institution.
1. Vlasova O.І. Socіal'na psihologіja organіzacіj ta upravlіnnja : pіdruchnik / O.І. Vlasova, Ju.V. Nikonenko. – K. : Centr uchbovoji lіteraturi, 2010. – 398 s.
2. Zakon Ukrajini «Pro osvіtu» [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu :
3. Zotov V.P. Metodologicheskij pohod k probleme nacional'nogo faktora organizacionnoj kul'tury i vzaimosvjaz' ee s trudovym povedeniem [Jelektronnyj resurs] / V.P. Zotov, A.M. Dvorovenko // Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstv. – 2014. – №4. – Rezhim dostupa :
4. Kameron K. Diagnostika i izmenenie organizacionnoj kul'tury / K. Kameron, R. Kuinn ; per. s angl. pod red. I. V. Andreevoj. – SPb. : Piter, 2001. – 320 s.
5. Karamushka L.M. Psihologіja upravlіnnja zakladami seredn'oji osvіti : monografіja / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Nіka-Centr, 2000. – 332 s.
6. Karamushka L.M. Psihologіja vіddanostі personalu organіzacіji (na materіalі bankіvs'kih struktur) : monografіja / L.M. Karamushka, І.A. Andrejeva. – K.-L'vіv : Galic'kij drukar, 2012. – 212 s.
7. Karamushka L.M. Formuvannja konkurentozdatnoї upravlіns'koji komandi (na materіalі dіjal'nostі osvіtnіh organіzacіj) : monografіja / L.M. Karamushka, O.A. Fіl'. – K. : Fіrma «ІNKOS», 2007. – 268 s.
8. Kuprijanov A.S. Rol' organizacionnoj kul'tury v kontekste menedzhmenta organizacii [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. – 2009. – №2 – S. 56–58. – Rezhim dostupa :
9. Pilipenko V.E. Jekonomicheskaja sociologija : uchebnoe posobie / [Pilipenko V.E., Gansova Je.A., Kazakov V.S. i dr.]. – K. : MAUP, 2002. – 296 s.
10.Sapegin A.G. Psihologicheskij analiz v srede Excel. Matematicheskie metody i instrumental'nye sredstva /A.G. Sapegin. – M. : Os'-89, 2005. – 144 s.
11.Serkіs Zh.V. Pro organіzacіjnu kul'turu zakladu osvіti / Zh.V. Serkіs // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2002. – № 9–10. – S. 4–9.
12.Slastenin V.A Pedagogika: innovacionnaja dejatel'nost' / V.A. Slastenin, L.S. Podymova. – M. : IChP «Izdatel'stvo Magistr», 1997. – 224 s.
13.Spіcina L.V. Doslіdzhennja organіzacіjnoji kul'turi jak chinnika efektivnogo upravlіnnja vishhim navchal'nim zakladom / L.V. Spіcina // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2006. – №5. – S. 50–58.
14.Spіcina L.V. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі resursi organіzacіjnoji kul'turi VNZ v zabezpechennі jakostі vishhoї osvіti / L.V. Spіcina// Aktual'nі problemi socіologіji, psihologіji, pedagogіki : zbіrnik naukovih prac'. – K. : Kijiv nac. un-t іm. Tarasa Shevchenka ; redkol. : V.І. Sudakov [ta іn.]. – K. : Logos, 2013. – Vip. 16. – S. 187–193.
15.Spіcina L.V. Suchasnі tendencіji psihologіchnih doslіdzhen' organіzacіjnoji kul'turi vishhih navchal'nih zakladіv / L.V. Spіcina // Vіsnik Harkіvs'kogo unіversitetu. – Serіja: psihologіja. – H., 2012. – №1032. – S. 164–169.
16.Ctemkovs'ka Ja.Є. Modeljuvannja organіzacіjnoї kul'turi zagal'noosvіtn'ogo navchal'nogo zakladu / Ja.Є. Stemkovs'ka [Elektronnij resurs] // Teorіja ta metodika upravlіnnja osvіtoju. – 2012. – № 9. – Rezhim dostupu :
17.Tkach T.V. Psihologіchnі osoblivostі іntegracіji seredn'oji ta vishhoji shkіl v umovah osvіtn'ogo kompleksu : avtoref. kand. dis. / T.V. Tkach. – K., 2002.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 29-36 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.2
Berezovska, L.I.
Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine
Investigation into risks faced by future managers and light industry technologists
Language: Ukrainian
Presence of risks and risking is an integral part and a characteristic of business. Psychologists’ research into risk is the study of individual psychological traits that have regulatory effects on the behavior of the individual in different situations of risk-taking. Entrepreneurial risk taking is a special type of businessmen’s behaviors based on the interactions of objective and subjective factors. A large number of psychological studies aimed at finding specific psychological features of the person that caused their willingness to take risks.
The author analyzes the willingness to take risks manifested by future managers and light industry technologists. Individuals with high levels of willingness to take risks were found to have the average levels of intelligence, low normative behaviors, high levels of internal tension, were inclined to anxiety, were highly sensitive, suspicious, straightforward, non-conformal, open, despotic, narcissistic, uncompromising, negativistic, and unselfish. Low willingness to take risks associated with high levels of intelligence, average normative behaviors, anxiety, average levels of inner tension, suspicion, isolation, rigidity, authoritativeness, self-confidence, rigor, skepticism and self-sacrifice.
It was found that the risk affects the individual’s need for feelings as well as the attributes such as selfishness, conservatism, aggressiveness, addiction, which in turn affect the manifestations of the risk. The respondents with high risk-taking willingness had four factors that determined its features: interpersonal interaction, volitional features, emotional and communicative features and individual characteristics.
Keywords: risk, willingness to risk, future managers, future light industry technologists, psychological characteristics, factors.
1. Bunas A.A. Shil'nіst' do riziku v sistemі osobistіsnih determіnant / A.A. Bunas. Problemi zagal'noоji ta pedagogіchnoї psihologіji : zb. nauk. pr. Іnstitutu psihologіji іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrajini. – K., 2012. – T. XІV. – Ch. 6. – S. 51–59.
2. Eliseev O.P. Praktikum po psihologii lichnosti / O.P. Eliseev – SPb., 2000. – 560 s.
3. Nasledov A.D. Matematicheskie metody psihologicheskogo issledovanija. Analiz i intepretacija dannjah : ucheb. posobie. – [3-e izd., stereotip.] / A.D. Nasledov. − SPb. : Rech', 2008. − 392 s.
4. Pachkovs'kij Ju.F. Psihologіja pіdpriєmnictva : navch. posіbnik. – [3-e vid.] / Ju.F. Pachkovs'kij. – K. : Karavela, 2012. – 416 s.
5. Pashukova T.І. Praktikum іz zagal'noji psihologіji / T.І. Pashukova, A.І. Dopіra, G.V. D'jakonov / za red. T.І. Pashukovoji. – [2-ge vid., ster.]. – K. : T-vo «Znannja», KOO, 2006. – 203 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 37-43 (pdf)
UDC 159.923:377
Voznyuk, A.V.
Glukhiv National Pedagogical University named after Oleksandre Dovzhenko, Glukhiv, Ukraine
A model of managers’ psychological training for teaching staff management in educational districts
Language: Ukrainian
The article presents a model of managers’ psychological training in pedagogical staff management in educational districts. The model is based on the understanding of the basic characteristics of managers’ psychological training in teaching staff management in educational districts as a process of formation of managers’ psychological readiness to manage pedagogical staff through managers’ awareness of their professionally important personal characteristics and values as well as through their purposeful development of professionalism. To the author’s mind, this psychological training should result in the managers’ development of psychological readiness to manage teaching staff in educational districts being a system of motives (needs and values), personal characteristics and relevant competencies (knowledge, skills, managerial experience) that ensure effective interactions with the teaching staff.
The author discusses the key factors that affect the formation of managers’ psychological readiness for the teaching staff management in educational districts as well as describes the conditions of its formation both in the system of postgraduate education and directly in educational districts.
Keywords: heads of educational institutions, teaching staff management, managers’ psychological readiness for the teaching staff management in educational districts, educational district.
1. Bondarchuk O.І. Model' psihologіchnoji pіdgotovki kerіvnikіv osvіtnіh organіzacіj do dіjal'nostі v umovah zmіn / O.І. Bondarchuk // Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Ekonomіchna psihologіja : naukovij zhurnal / za nauk. red. S.D. Maksimenka, L.M. Karamushki. – 2015. – № 1. – S. 33–42.
2. Bondarchuk O.І. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі osnovi osobistіsnogo rozvitku kerіvnikіv zagal'noosvіtnіh navchal'nih zakladіv u profesіjnіj dіjal'nostі : monografіja / O.І. Bondarchuk. – K. : Nauk. svіt, 2008. – 318 s.
3. Brjuhovec'ka O.V. Psihologіchnі umovi pіdgotovki kerіvnikіv zagal'noosvіtnіh navchal'nih zakladіv do upravlіns'kogo spіlkuvannja : avtoref. dis... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / O.V. Brjuhovec'ka ; APN Ukrajini. Centr. іn-t pіsljadiplom. ped. osvіti. – K., 2007. – 21 s.
4. Voznjuk A.V. Psihologo-organіzacіjnі osoblivostі upravlіnnja pedagogіchnimi pracіvnikami v osvіtnіh okrugah / A.V. Voznjuk // Teoretichnі і prikladnі problemi psihologіji: zb. nauk. prac' / [golova red. kolegіji zbіrnika N.Je. Zavac'ka]. – Lugans'k : Vid-vo SNU іm. V. Dalja, 2014. – № 1 (33). – S. 117–123.
5. Voznjuk A.V. Sutnіst' ta osnovnі komponenti psihologіchnoji gotovnostі kerіvnikіv osvіtnіh organіzacіj do upravlіnnja pedagogіchnimi pracіvnikami / A.V. Voznjuk // Teoretichnі і prikladnі problemi psihologіji : zb. nauk. prac' / [golova red. kolegіji zbіr. N.Je. Zavac'ka]. – Lugans'k : Vid-vo SNU іm. V. Dalja, 2012. – № 3 (29). – S. 71–79.
6. Voznjuk A.V. Chinniki formuvannja psihologіchnoji gotovnostі kerіvnikіv do upravlіnnja pedagogіchnimi pracіvnikami / A.V. Voznjuk // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji : zb. naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologіji іm. G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrajini / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksimenko (gol. red.) ta іn.]. – K. : A.S.K., 2011. – T. I : Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Socіal'na psihologіja. Ekonomіchna psihologіja / za red. S.D. Maksimenka, L.M. Karamushki. – 2011. – Vip. 31. – S. 30–35.
7. Karamushka L.M. Psihologіchnі osnovi upravlіnnja zakladami seredn'oji osvіti : dis. ... dokt. psihol. nauk : 19.00.05 «Socіal'na psihologіja; psihologіja socіal'noji roboti» / Karamushka Ljudmila Mikolajivna. – K., 2000. – 481 s.
8. Leshhenko M. Osoblivostі stanovlennja profesіjnoji kompetentnostі kerіvnika / M. Leshhenko, S. Sheverun // Gumanіtarnij vіsnik DVNZ «Perejaslav-Hmel'nic'kij derzhavnij pedagogіchnij unіversitet іmenі G.S. Skovorodi» : naukovo-teoretichnij zbіrnik. – Pedagogіka. Psihologіja. Fіlosofіja. – Perejaslav-Hmel'nic'kij, 2008. – Vip. 16. – S. 123–125.
9. Ovdіjenko І.M. Psihologіchna pіdgotovka kerіvnikіv zagal'noosvіtnіh navchal'nih zakladіv do vzajemodіji zі shkіl'noju psihologіchnoju sluzhboju : dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Ovdіjenko Іrina Mihajlіvna. – K., 2011. – 255 s.
10. Pіnchuk N.І. Zmіst і skladovі psihologіchnoji pіdgotovki kerіvnikіv ta personalu osvіtnіh organіzacіj do roboti z obdarovanimi dіt'mi v umovah pіsljadiplomnoji pedagogіchnoji osvіti / N.І. Pіnchuk // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji : zb. naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologіji іm. G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrajini / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksimenko (gol. red.) ta іn.]. – K. : A.S.K., 2012. – T. I : Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Socіal'na psihologіja. Ekonomіchna psihologіja / za red. S. D. Maksimenka, L.M. Karamushki. – 2012. – Vip. 33. – S. 90–94.
11. Prasol D.V. Psihologіchnі zasadi pіdgotovki kerіvnikіv zagal'noosvіtnіh navchal'nih zakladіv do prognostichnoji dіjal'nostі : dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Prasol Dmitro Vіktorvich. – K., 2009. – 272 s.
12. Fadejeva M.V. Psihologіchnі umovi pіdgotovki kerіvnikіv zagal'noosvіtnіh navchal'nih zakladіv do formuvannja pozitivnogo іmіdzhu osvіtn'oji organіzacіji : dis. … kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Fadejeva Marіja Volodimirіvna. – K., 2010. – 251 s.
13. Cimbal O. І. Psihologіchna pіdgotovka kerіvnikіv zakladіv osvіti do vprovadzhennja іnformacіjno-komunіkacіjnih tehnologіj / O.І. Cimbal // Narodna osvіta : elektron. nauk. fah. vid. / Kijiv. obl. іn-t pіsljadiplom. osvіti ped. kadrіv, Іn-t pedagogіki APN Ukrajini ; Mіzhnar. osvіtnіj fond іm. Jaroslava Mudrogo. – Bіla Cerkva : [b. v.], 2008. – Vipusk №3(6).
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 44-48 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.019
Zabolotna, V.O.
Kyiv State University named by Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv, Ukraine
Relationship between managerial competencies and different management styles in modern organizational leadership
Language: Ukrainian
Modern business conditions, unpredictability and suddenness of changes encourage organizations move to more flexible methods of activity, namely the transition to project oriented activities, agile methods. Qualitative changes in the labor force and the power of modern technologies lead to flattening of traditional hierarchical levels of management responsibility in organizations.These growing trends change management approaches, including style that could be most effective in specific circumstances for a certain problem or organiational activity and can have project character as well asunderstanding of competences, needed to resolve that specific problem. The article made a theoretical analysis of the phenomena of leadership and management, and analyzed approaches to competencies and management styles. The article addressed the need to combine the characteristics of management and characteristics of leadership in modern organizations in order to enhance effective interactions among employees with a variety of professional and personal characteristics. Given the current conditions of the joint activities organization it looks worthwhile to build competency models for specific managerial positions and take a strategic approach to the development of the necessary competencies in managers of the organizations. It is practically significant to study the issue of the possibility to develop competences of the management of organizations to enrich the repertoire of their leadership styles. The question of the development of individual managers’ competencies considered in the articlein accordance to relatedorganizational goals and objectives.
Keywords: leadership, managerial style, competencies, paradigm, global values, intra-relationship.
1. Adizes І. Stili menedzhmenta. Jeffektivnye i nejeffektivnye / І. Adizes. – M. : Al'pina Pablisher, 2009. – S. 200.
2. Andrushkіv B.M. Osnovi menedzhmentu / B.M. Andrushkіv, O.Je. Kuz'mіn. – L'vіv : Svіt, 1995. – 296 s.
3. Andreeva G.M. Social'naja psihologija. : uchebnik dlja vysshih uchebnyh zavedenii / G.M. Andreeva. – M. : Aspekt Press, 2001.
4. Atamanchuk G.V. Teorija gosudarstvennogo upravlenija : uchebnik / G.V. Atamanchuk. – M. : Izdatel'stvo «OmegaL», 2010. – 525 s.
5. Jeganov V.V. Іstorichnі aspekti formuvannja ponjattja stilju upravlіns'koji dіjal'nostі / V.V. Jeganov // Efektivnіst' derzhavnogo upravlіnnja : zb. nauk. pr. LRІDU NADU ; [za zag. red. A.O. Chemerisa]. – L'vіv : Vid-vo LRІDU NADU, 2006. – Vip. 10. – S. 81–90.
6. Kibanov A.Ja. Koncepcija kompetentnostnogo podhoda v upravlenii personalom : monografija / A.Ja. Kibanov, E.A. Mitrofanova, V.G. Konovalova, O.L. Chulanova. – M. : NIC INFRA-M, 2014. – 156 s.
7. Tolochek V.A. Issledovanija individual'nogo stilja dejatel'nosti / V.A. Tolochek // Voprosy psihologii. – K., 1990.
8. Filippov A.V. Rabota s kadrami : psihologicheskij aspekt / A.V. Filippov. – M. : Jekonomika, 1990. – 124 s.
9. Shanta S.P. Dejakі psihologіchnі osoblivostі stilju kerіvnictva organіzacіjeju / S.P. Shanta, T.D. Shherbanh [Elektronnij resurs] // Problemi suchasnoji psihologіji. – 2013. – Vip. 21. – S. 748–759. – Rezhim dostupu :
10. McClelland, D.C. (1973), Testing for competence rather than for intelligence, American Psychologist, 28, 1–14.
11. McClelland, D. (1976), A guide to job competence assessment. – Boston : McBer.
12. Spencer, L. (1994). Competency assessment methods: History and state of the art / L. Spencer, D. McClellandand, S. Spencer. – Boston : Hay-McBer Research Press.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 48-53 (pdf)
UDC 159.947.5:331.101.3/104
Meytarchan, S.Yu., Proskura, Yu.V.
National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine
Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Designing a questionnaire for evaluation of managers’ effectiveness in staff motivation
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the development of a questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization's personnel motivation by managers. The authors analyzed the current state of the problem of managers’ motivating influence on the staff as well as the diagnostic of managers’ capacity to manage staff and implement their staff motivating functions.
Based on the theoretical analysis of the relevant foreign and Ukrainian literature the authors compiled a questionnaire of 57 statements that illustrated certain methods and techniques of motivational impact. The respondents were asked to assess the performance of each motivating technique on the Likert scale (from -3 – ‘absolutely ineffective’ to 3 – ‘very effective’, with 0 excluded).
The investigation was conducted on a sample of 120 master students of management aged 20-23 years and master students of other technical specialties and humanities totaling the number of the respondents to 324 students of the ‘KPI’ National Technical University. The obtained data were factor analyzed using Statistika 8.0 which grouped different motivation techniques into the following types: monetary penalties, collegiality, tension creation, control-initiative, moral punishment, psychological pressure, moral encouragement and financial reward. In order to identify the most general approaches to motivating staff we carried out a secondary factor analysis of the selected scales. As a result, were identified two main motivating strategies: positive-productive and negative-destructive.
The designed questionnaire for the motivation effectiveness evaluation allows to diagnose management students’ mental representations during their studies at the institutions of higher education in order to improve their psychological training in staff motivating.
Keywords: personnel motivation, motivating influence, type of motivation, motivating strategy.
1. Evtihov O.V. Trening liderstva : monografija / O.V. Evtihov. – SPb. : Rech', 2007. – 256 s.
2. Zhuravlev A.L. Problema «chelovecheskogo» faktora v upravlenii / A.L. Zhuravlev, V.F. Rubahin // Psihologicheskie problemy social'noj reguljacii povedenija / pod red. E.V. Shorohovoj, M.I. Bobnevoj. – M. : Nauka, 1976. – 368 s.
3. Moskvichev S.G. Motivacija, dejatel'nost' i upravlenie / S.G. Moskvichev. – K.-San-Francisko, 2003. – 492 s.
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10. Leadership Dilemmas – Grid Solutions, by Robert R. Blake and Anne Adams McCanse (Formerly the Managerial Grid by Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton), Houston: Gulf Publishing Company, (Grid Figure: p.29). Copyright 1991 by Blake and Mouton, and Scientific Methods, Inc. Reproduced by permission of the owners.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 54-61 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.923.2
Pavlin, D.О.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Development of spontaneity as a mean of building a team
Language: Ukrainian
The article lightens the results of testing a forming program of development of spontaneity as a mean of building a team. It was found that spontaneity and creativity are important components of interaction between team members.The study showed that spontaneity is needed in order to cope with unexpected situations and difficulties which would inevitably arise even in the most predictable situation among the well-coordinated team. Previous studies have indicated that members of the creative team interact freely with each other, inspire each other and work together purposefully. The program of development of spontaneity was developed and approved. Elements of Playback Theatre were used as the main component of spontaneity. Playback Theatre is a theater of improvisation and spontaneity, where viewers tell their stories, and the actors play them immediately on the scene. Directions of training actors of Playback Theatre include: the development of self-reflection, emotional sensitivity, interaction skills, creativity imagination and the ability to feel and hold one selves body and voice. The forming program consists of 6 blocks and is designed for 10 sessions. Based on the findings developed forming program of the development personality’s spontaneity can be considered as an effective means of building a team. During the program there was a process of personal development, together with the obvious process of teambuilding. This program can be useful and used for a wide range of applications in different contexts, which is reflected in the recommendations on the use of forming program of development of spontaneity.
Keywords: team, spontaneity, teambuilding, development, Playback Theatre.
1. Andreev V.I. Samorazvitie menedzhera (tvorcheskoj, konkurentno sposobnoj lichnosti) / V.I. Andreev. – Kazan', 1992. – 204 s.
2. Bogojavlenskaja D.B. Psihologija tvorcheskih sposobnostej / D.B. Bogojavlenskaja. – M. : Izdat. centr «Akademija», 2002. – 320 s.
3. Bodalev A.A. Lichnost' i obshhenie / A.A. Bodalev. – M. : Progress, 2000. – 325 s.
4. Gatanov Ju.B. Kurs razvitija tvorcheskogo myshlenija / Ju.B. Gatanov. – SPb. : Imaton, 1996. – 64 s.
5. Grotovskij E. Ot Bednogo teatra k Iskusstvu-provodniku / E. Grotovskij. – M. : Artist. Rezhisser. Teatr, 2003. – 351 c.
6. Zaharova E. Spontannost' iz chulana / E. Zaharova // Nasha psihologija. – M., 2012. – S. 1–3.
7. Kalashnik T.I. Metody tvorcheskogo samovyrazhenija i artterapii v psihokorrekcionnoj rabote / T.I. Kalashnik // Metodicheskoe posobie dlja prakticheskih psihologov obrazovanija. – Odessa, 1999. – 53 s.
8. Kozlov N.I. Luchshie psihologicheskie igry i uprazhnenija / N.I. Kozlov. – Ekaterinburg, 1997. – 144 s.
9. Krichevskij R.L. Psihologija maloj gruppy: Teoreticheskij i prikladnoj aspekty / R.L. Krichevskij, E.M. Dubovskaja. – M. : MGU, 1991. – 152 s.
10. Moreno Ja. Teatr spontannosti / Ja. Moreno / per. s angl. S. Inkin ; pod red. V.V. Makarova, B.I. Hasana. – Krasnojarsk : F. Mental. zdorov'ja, 1993. – 125 s.
11. Moskalec' V.P. Osnovnij psihologіchnij zmіst ta rozvival'nij potencіal іgrovoї dіjal'nostі / V.P. Moskalec' // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2009. – №10 (125). – S. 1–9.
12. Reznik S.D. Jeffektivnaja komanda menedzhera / S.D. Reznik, V.G. Kulikov. – Rostov n/D : Feniks, 2005. – 254 s.
13. Rozhdestvenskaja N.V. Kreativnost': puti razvitija i treningi / N.V. Rozhdestvenskaja, A.V. Tolshhin. – SPb. : Rech', 2006. – 320 s.
14. Savіnov V.V. Іnteraktivnij psihologіchnij teatr jak zasіb profіlaktiki ta podolannja stresovih situacіj / V.V. Savіnov // Profіlaktika porushen' adaptacіji molodі do povsjakdennih stresіv і krizovih zhittevih situacіj : navch. posіb. / Nacіonal'na akademіja pedagogіchnih nauk Ukrajini ; Іn-t soc. ta polіt. psihologіji ; za nauk. red. T.M. Titarenko. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2011. – S. 189–208.
15. Savіnov V.V. Plejbek-teatr jak suchasna socіal'no-psihologіchna praktika / V.V. Savіnov // Programa Pershogo vseukrajins'kogo kongresu іz socіal'noї psihologіji. – K., 2010. – S. 40.
16. Salas Dzh. Igraem real'nuju zhizn' v Plejbek-teatre / Dzh. Salas ; per. s angl. M.Ju. Krivchenko. – M. : Kogito-Centr, 2009. – 160 s.
17. Tompson Lej. Sozdanie komandy / per s angl. / Lej Tompson. – M. : Vershina, 2006. – 544 s.
18. Foks Dzh. Rol' improvizacionnogo teatra v N'ju-Jorke / Dzh. Foks // Zhurnal prakticheskogo psihologa. – 2010. – №3. – S. 33–47.
19. Gesell, I. Practiced Spontaneity: Using Improv Theater Skills to Help Teams Master Change / I. Gessel // Journal for Quality & Participation. –2005. – 28.1. – P. 4–7.
20. Gonen, J.Y. The Use of Psychodrama Combined with Videotape Playback on an Inpatient Floor / J.Y. Gonen // Psychiatry. – 1971. – № 34. – R. 198–213.
21. Kipper, D.A. Spontaneity and Warming-up Process in a New Light / D.A. Kipper // Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama. – 1967. – Vol. 20. – R. 62–73.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 61-67 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Pryymuk, O.O.
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
Scientific approaches to studying professionally important qualities in a person’s professiogenesis
Language: Ukrainian
Social and economic changes that have been taking place in Ukraine place new requirements for specialists. Increasingly important for professionals becomes their ability to be a subject of their own professional development and to find the solutions of socio-economic and professional issues in a rapidly changing reality.
Currently, professionals in trade and business sectors should have professionally relevant knowledge, skills and competencies that provide for their professional flexibility and dynamism in conditions of competition, unpredictable risks, solution finding and responsibilities for it. Researching these aspects is especially relevant in the field of trade and business, including restaurant business.
The article deals with the scientific approaches to studying professionally important attributes in the system personal professiogenesis. The scientific and categorical status of the concept of professionally important qualities is specified through its contents and structure, individuals’ psychological qualities, their general and special abilities, professional knowledge, skills and competencies as well as through the impact of external and internal factors on the professional development in their individual professiogenesis. Professionally important qualities are defined as a poli-typological system that is formed under the influence of external and internal factors and determining professional efficiency at all stages of professiogenesis.
Today, due to the fact that individuals’ professionally-important attributes in the man-to-man professions remain relatively unexplored, researchers’ special attention should be placed on theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects in trade and business sectors.
Keywords: activity, professiogenesis, professionally important qualities, development, special abilities, specialist.
1. Bodrov V.A. Psihologija professional'noj dejatel'nosti. Teoreticheskie i prikladnye problemy / V.A. Bodrov. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, 2006, – 623 s.
2. Zeer Je.F. Psihologija professij [Elektronnij resurs] / Je.F. Zeer. – M. : Akademicheskij proekt ; Delovaja kniga, 2003. – 336 s. – Rezhim dostupu : 7.
3. Karamushka L.M. Psihologіja pіdgotovki majbutnіh menedzherіv do upravlіnnja zmіnami v organіzacії : monografіja / L.M. Karamushka, M.V. Moskal'ov. – K.-L'vіv : Spolom, 2011. – 216 s.
4. Klimov E.A. Obshhaja psihologija. Obshheobrazovatel'nyj kurs : ucheb. posobie / E.A. Klimov. – M. : Juniti-Dana, 2001. – 511 s.
5. Kokun O.M. Psihologіja profesіjnogo stanovlennja suchasnogo fahіvcja : monografіja / O.M. Kokun. – K. : DP «Іnform.-analіt. agentstvo», 2012. – 200 s.
6. Kolominskij N.L. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie i metodicheskie problemy sovershenstvovanija psihologicheskoj podgotovki menedzherov / N.L. Kolominskij // Personal. – 2000. – № 1 ; № 3 (prilozhenie) : Teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemi sovershenstvovanija psihologicheskoj podgotovki menedzherov. – S. 7–11.
7. Korol'chuk M.S. Teorіja і praktika profesіjnogo psihologіchnogo vіdboru : navch. posіb. dlja studentіv vishhih navchal'nih zakladіv / M.S. Korol'chuk, V.M. Krajnjuk. – K. : Nіka-Centr, 2012. – 536 s.
8. Kredencer O.V. Psihologіchnі umovi pіdgotovki pіdprijemcіv do profesіjnoji dіjal'nostі u sferі torgіvel'nogo bіznesu [Tekst] : avtoref. dis. kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.10 / O.V. Kredencer ; Іn-t psihologіji іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukrajiny. – K., 2009. – 20 s.
9. Lozhkin G.V. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemy sovershenstvovanija psihologicheskoj podgotovki menedzherov / G.V. Lozhkin, T.V. Petrovskaja // Personal. – 2000. – №1. – S. 124–128.
10. Maksimenko S.D. Metod doslіdzhennja osobistostі / S.D. Maksimenko // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2004. – №7. – S. 1–8.
11. Pіdprijemnictvo: psihologіchnі, organіzacіjnі ta ekonomіchnі aspekti : navch. posіb. / S.D. Maksimenko, A.A. Mazarakі, L.P. Kulakovs'ka, T.Ju. Kulakovs'kij. – K. : Kijiv. nac. torg.-ekon. un-t, 2012. – 720 s.
12. Praktikum po psihologii menedzhmenta i professional'noj dejatel'nosti : ucheb. posobie / M.A. Dmitrieva, G.S. Nikiforov, V.M. Snetkov i dr. ; pod red. G.S. Nikiforova, M.A. Dmitrievoj, V.M. Snetkova. – SPb. : Rech', 2007. – 448 s.
13. Tirpak І.V. Organіzacіjnі strukturi bіznesu: porjadok stvorennja і funkcіonuvannja : navch. posіb. / І.V. Tirpak, V.І. Tirpak. – Ternopіl' : Dzhura, 2008.
14. Shadrikov V.D. Problemy sistemogeneza professional'noj dejatel'nosti : monografija / V.D. Shadrikov. – M., 2012.
15. Navchal'no-naukovij centr profesіjno-tehnіchnoji osvіti Nacіonal'noji akademіji pedagogіchnih nauk Ukrajiny. Zagal'na harakteristika profesіji menedzher [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu :
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 67-72 (pdf)
UDC 316.454.52
Rempel, Zh.A.
Zaporizhzhya National University Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Social and psychological aspects of managerial communication NGO leader in team building
Language: Ukrainian
The paper presents results of a theoretical study of the psychosocial aspects of the managerial communication NGOs leader in teambuilding. It was found the place and role of NGOs leader in the process of teambuilding, the impact of the level of its communicative competence for the process.It was identified the main types of NGOs teams and their activities to the NGO: project teams; teams that are directly involved in any activity; team management.It was determined the characteristics of teams, allowing to separate them from other groups. It was identified that unity of values and orientation is the most important characteristic of a working team. It was found that teambuilding is a product specially organized communication, an important place in which plays a regulatory function. It was found that the effective implementation of the regulatory functions in teambuilding is possible while the high level of communicative competence of the NGOs leader.The paper reveals the intellectual, emotional and volitional methods of influence managerial communication NGO leader. The study established communication methods, communication skills and knowledge to help NGO leaders influence to employees in order to regulate their behavior.
Keywords: non-governmental organization, NGOs leader, managerial communication, communicative competence, team.
1. Bezrukova E.Ju. Informacionno-metodicheskoe obespechenie processa komandoobrazovanija : avtoref. dis. … na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni k.psihol.n. : 19.00.05 / E.Ju. Bezrukova.– M., 1998. – 22 s.
2. Bennis U. Teorija gruppovogo razvitija / U. Bennis, G. Shepard // Sovremennaja zarubezhnaja social'naja psihologija. – M., 1984. – S. 142–161.
3. Borozdina G.V. Psihologija delovogo obshhenija : uchebnoe posobie / G.V. Borozdina. – M. : INFRA–M, 2000. – 224 s.
4. Gojhman O.Ja. Rechevaja kommunikacija / O.Ja. Gojhman, T.M. Nadeina. – M. : Infra, 2007. – 272 s.
5. Druker P. Jeffektivnyj rukovoditel' / P. Druker. – M. : Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2012. – 240 s.
6. Zhukov Ju.M. Tehnologii komandoobrazovanija : ucheb. posob. dlja stud. vuzov / Ju.M. Zhukov, A.V. Zhuravlev, E.N. Pavlova. – M. : Aspekt Press, 2008. – 320 s.
7. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Teorija i praktika komandoobrazovanija. Sovremennaja tehnologija sozdanija komand / T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, D.F. Frolov, T.M. Grabenko ; pod red. T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneevoj. – SPb. : Rech', 2004. – 304 s.
8. Il'in E.P. Psihologija obshhenija i mezhlichnostnyh otnoshenij / E.P. Il'in. – SPb. : Piter, 2009. – 576 s. – (Serija «Mastera psihologii»).
9. Kibanov A.Ja. Upravlenie personalom: reglamentacija truda / A.Ja. Kibanov, G.A. Mamed-Zade, T.A. Rodkina. – M. : Jekzamen, 2011. – 574 s.
10. Lisina M.I. Problemy ontogeneza obshhenija / M.I. Lisina. – M. : Pedagogika, 1986.– S. 31–57.
11. Logunova M.M. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі aspekti upravlіns'koi dіjal'nostі / M.M. Logunova. – K. : Centr sprijannja іnstituc. rozv. derzh. sluzhbi, 2006. – 196 c.
12. Maksvell Dzhon S. Shef i ego komanda: Kak sozdat' komandu svoej mechty: per. s angl. / Dzh. S. Maksvell. – SPb. : Piter, 2008. – 246 s .
13. Muchnik E.R. Rukovodstvo kak faktor komandoobrazovanija : dis…. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni k.psihol.n. : 19.00.05 / E.R. Muchnik. – M., 2011. – 191 s.
14. Orban-Lembrik L.E. Psihologіja upravlіnnja : posіbnik / L.E. Orban-Lembrik. – K. : Akademvidav, 2003. – 568 s.
15. Psihologija, obrazovanie, social'naja rabota: aktual'nye i prioritetnye napravlenija issledovanij : m-ly ezhegodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov i aspirantov fakul'teta psihologii i social'noj raboty (g. Tver', 2013 g.) / pod red. T. A. Zhalagina i dr. ; Tver. gos. un-t. – Tver', 2008. – 261 s.
16. Ptuha N.I. Formirovanie upravlencheskih komand na predprijatijah sfery uslug / N.I. Ptuha, Ju.E. Vashukevich, V.V. Kushniryk. – Irkutsk : Izd-vo IrGSHA, 2009. – 188 s.
17. Smirnov Je.A. Osnovy teorii organizacii / Je.A. Smirnov. – M. : Audit : Juniti, 2009. – 375 s.
18. Upravlenie organizaciej / pod red. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumjancevoj. – M. : INFRA–M, 2000. – 668 s.
19. Fatkin L. Komandoobrazovanie v organizacii kak faktor jeffektivnosti sovmestnoj dejatel'nosti / L. Fatkin, K. Morozova // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija. – 2001. – №1. – S. 15–19.
20. Ilgen, D.R. Team Research in the 1990 s. / D.R. Ilgen, D.A. Major, J.R. Hollenbeck. – San Diego u/a/., 2008. – P. 247.
21. Richmond, V.P. Organizational Communication for Survival : Making Work, Work / V.P. Richmond, J.C. McCroskey, L.L. McCroskey. – Third Edition, 2005. – P. 59.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 73-79 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.922.2
Tkalych, M.G.
Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Employees’ gender as a factor in staff’s gender interactions in organizations
Language: Ukrainian
The article discusses the results of an empirical investigation (n = 1138) into the impact of employees’ gender on the character and main components of staff’s gender interactions in organizations: staff’s interpersonal interaction behavioral strategies, inter-subject relations with the opposite gender colleagues and gender interaction types.
It was found that: 1) male interpersonal interaction behavioral strategies were based on independence and competition, whereas women’s – on dependence and competition avoidance. However, the respondents of the both gender groups preferred constructive interaction strategies in dealing with their colleagues (dependence, communicativeness, competition avoidance); 2) males’ inter-subject relations with the women-colleagues were more harmonious than females’, the latter being characterized by high alienation and tension; 3) in their professional interactions men gave preference to their same gender colleagues thus demonstrating in-group favoritism which was less typical of women; besides, women had higher levels of conflict-distant interactions with the female gender group than with the male gender group, which suggested out-group favoritism and in-group discrimination. The investigation also found poor partnership and professional interactions between women and men, which, in our view, calls for attention of organizational psychologists.
Keywords: gender interaction, organization’s staff, gender of employees, gender interaction type, interaction behavioral strategies.
1. Bem S.L. Linzy gendera: Transformacija vzgljadov na problemu neravenstva polov / S.L. Bem. – M. : Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija (ROSSPJeN), 2004. – 336 s.
2. Gavrikova N. Gendernyj konflikt: diskriminacija zhenshhin na rabochem meste / N. Gavrikova // Social'nyj konflikt. – 2001. – №2. – S. 52–65.
3. Duhnovskij S.V. Diagnostika mezhlichnostnyh otnoshenij. Psihologicheskij praktikum / S.V. Duhnovskij. – SPb. : Rech', 2009. – 141 s.
4. Kandaurova T.I. Social'nyj stereotip zhenshhiny kak «nepolnocennogo rabotnika» / T.I. Kandaurova // Psihologija zrelosti i starenija. – 2004. – №1. – S. 82–89.
5. Karamushka L.M. Problema seksizmu v gendernіj vzajemodіji personalu organіzacіj / L.M. Karamushka, M.G. Tkalich // Gendernі pіdhodi u sferі derzhavnoї sluzhbi ta sluzhbi v organah mіscevogo samovrjaduvannja : materіali mіzhn. nauk-prakt. konf. (1 chervnja 2012 r) / za nauk. red. T.M. Litvinenko ta іn. – Luc'k : SPD, 2012. – S. 17–23.
6. Klecina I.S. Psihologija gendernyh otnoshenij: Teorija i praktika / I.S. Klecina. – SPb. : Aletejja, 2004. – 408 s.
7. Kulagina N.V. Individual'nye osobennosti vnutrilichnostnogo gendernogo konflikta u muzhchin i zhenshhin, zanjatyh v nepolotipichnoj sfere / N.V. Kulagina // Izvestija RGPU im. A.I. Gercena. – 2008. – № 82-26. – S. 75–81.
8. Oksamitna S.M. Gendernі rolі ta stereotipi / S.M. Oksamitna // Osnovi teorіji genderu. – K. : K.І.S., 2004. – S. 157–181.
9. Tkalich M.G. Doslіdzhennja gendernoji vzajemodіji personalu organіzacіj: rozrobka dіagnostichnogo іnstrumentarіju / M.G. Tkalich // Problemi suchasnoji psihologіji : zbіrnik naukovih prac' KPNU іmenі Іvana Ogіjenka ; Іnstitutu psihologіji іm. G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrajini / za red. S.D. Maksimenka. – Vip. 22. – Kam’janec'-Podіl's'kij : Aksіoma, 2013. – S. 551–565
10. Block, J. (1961) The Q-Sort Method in Personality Assessment and Psychiatric Research / J. Block. – Spring-field, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
11. Collinson, D.L. Breaking the Silence: On Men, Masculinities and Managements / D.L. Collinson, J. Hearn // Reader in Gender, work and Organization / Edited by R.J. Ely, E.G. Foldy, M.A. Scully. – Blackwell Publishing, 2003. – R. 75–86.
12. Connell, R.M. Masculinities / R.M. Connell. – Berkley, University of California press, 1995. – R. 67–92 .
13. Dovidio, J.F. Bridging intragroup processes and intergroup relations: Needing the twain to meet / J.F. Dovidio // British Journal of Social Psychology (2013), 52, 1–24
14. Elly, G.R. Theories of Gender in Organizations: New Approach to Organization Analysis and Change / Elly, G.R., Meyerson, D.E. // Research in Organization Behavior / Ed. by B.M. Staw. – 2000 (Vol. 22) Elsevier Science Incorporation, p. 103–153.
15. Holvino, E. Intersections: The Simultaneity of Race, Gender and Class in Organization Studies / E. Holvino // Gender, Work and Organization. – Vol. 17. – No. 3. – May 2010.
16. Kanter, R.M. Men and Women of the Corporation / R.M. Kanter. – N.Y. : Basic Books, 1993.
17. Kimmel, M. The Gendered Society. 5th Edition. / M. Kimmel. – Oxford University Press, 2012. – 528 p.
18. Messner, M.A. Politics of Masculinities. Men in Movements / M.A. Messner. – L. : Sage, 1997.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 80-86 (pdf)
UDC 159.99
Chernega, N.S.
Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Main stages of formulation of theoretical tenets about the contents of organizational image
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the principles of formation of organizational image. The author discusses the importance of positive image development for educational organizations, defines and characterizes the historical stages of the development of the concept of organizational image.
The main stages of organizational image development include the historical stage, the systematization stage, and the technological innovation stage.
The historical stage organizational image development is characterized by the transition from the natural, yet unconscious addressing the image in the primitive society (emergence of the first communication forms brought about the means to influence others) to the stage when different methods to influence masses in ancient Greece and Rome were used.
The systematization stage was characterized by the systematic study of mechanisms of influencing people, the emergence of image-making as a profession (initially in the USA), development of the first image-making technologies and introduction of the term ‘image’ into circulation and attempts to interpret the concept of image.
At the technological innovation step the concept of image gets new research targets and is actively studied by researchers from different fields of science (K. Boulding, W. Lippmann, O.A. Feofanov, V.M. Shepel, A.Yu. Panasyuk, D.V. Olshansky and others).
Keywords: historical stages, image of organization, factors, image, external image, internal image.
1. Velikij tlumachnij slovnik suchasnoji ukraїns'koji movy (z dod., dopov. ta CD) / [uklad. і golov. red. V.T. Busel]. – Іrpіn' : VTF «Perun», 2007. – 1736 s.
2. Karamushka L.M. Motivacіja pіdprijemnic'koji dіjal'nostі: [monografіja] / L.M. Karamushka, N.Ju. Hudjakova. – K. – L'vіv : Spolom, 2011. – 208 s.
3. Karamushka L.M. Stvorennja іmіdzhu navchal'nogo zakladu jak vazhlivij naprjamok menedzhmentu osvіti / L.M. Karamushka // Upravlіnnja suchasnimi navchal'no-vihovnimi zakladami v sistemі osvіti : m-li mіzhreg. nauk.-prakt. konf. – Zaporіzhzhja, 1996. – 140 c.
4. Korol'chuk M.S. Teorіja і praktika profesіjnogo psihologіchnogo vіdboru : [navchal'nij posіbnik dlja studentіv vishhih navchal'nih zakladіv] / M.S. Korol'chuk, V.M. Krajnjuk. – K. : El'ga ; Nіka-Centr, 2010. – 290 s.
5. Kotler F. Osnovy marketinga / F. Kotler. – SPb. : Koruna, 1994. – 697 s.
6. Maksimenko S.D. Pіdprijemnictvo: psihologіchnі, organіzacіjnі ta ekonomіchnі aspekti : navch. posіbnik / S.D. Maksimenko, A.A. Mazarakі, L.P. Kulakovs'ka, T.Ju. Kulakovs'kij. – K. : KNTEU, 2012. – 720 s.
7. Ol'shans'kij D.V. Polіtichnij PR / Dmitro Vadimovich Ol'shans'kij. – SPb. : Piter, 2003. – 544 s.
8. Panasjuk A.Ju. Formuvannja іmіdzhu: strategіja, psihotehnologіji, psihotehnіki / A.Ju. Panasjuk. – M. : Omega-L, 2007. – 266 s.
9. Romat E. Reklama : [ucheb. dlja studentov special'nosti «Marketing»]. – [3-e izd., pererab. i dop.] / E. Romat. – K. ; Har'kov : NVF «Studcentr», 2000. – 480 c.
10. Hatuncev B.N. O prirode vlasti / B.N. Hatuncev. – Saratov : Gublit, 1925. – 224 s.
11. Shepel' V.M. Іmіdzhelogіja. Jak podobatisja ljudjam / V.M. Shepel'. – M. : Narodna osvіta, 2002. – 613 c.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 87-91 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:316.6
Shandruk, S.K.
Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine
Education model of professional developoment of the practicing psychologist's personality
Language: Ukrainian
The author presents and analyzes his education model of professional training of competent psychologists whose innovation-relevant attributes have to be developed during their training at institutions of higher education. To be a good psychologist one has to develop professional creative thinking, be able of psychological and / or social thinking activity, acquire personal knowledge and develop professional skills and master essential forms, methods, means and instruments of methodological thinking.
The problem-solving and game-simulating focus of joint educational thinking of instructors and students develops in the students a dynamic system of personal knowledge that includes explicit forms (manifested in rational thinking, feelings, thoughts, reflected semantic forms) and implicit forms (transmitted by informal unconscious means in direct interpersonal contacts), the paradigmal consciousness organization and intuitive diffuse images of content, reflected ideas and a priori meanings and values, professional intellectual competences, methodological tools of universal thought communication and thinking acts.
The author argues that the actualization of human creativity is an integral part of their professional activity that internally mediates and determines professional performance. The basic psychological meaning of university graduates' creativity is their ability to apply the acquired techniques, forms, methods and tools of creative manipulation of different materials in new - production - settings, using them according to the situations to identify and resolve profession-relevant issues and problems.
Keywords: education model, practicing psychologist, thinking activities, professional development, professional training, creative thinking.
1. Vіtakul'turnij mlin: Metodologіchnij al'manah / [gol. red.-konsul't. A.V. Furman]. – K., 2005–2014. – Modulі 1–16.
2. Georgij Petrovich Shhedrovickij / G.P. Shhedro¬vic¬kij ; [pod red. P.G. Shhedrovickogo, V.L. Dani¬lovoj]. – M. : Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija (ROSSPJeN), 2010. – 600 s. : il. – (Filosofija Rossii vtoroj poloviny HH v.).
3. Gumenjuk O. Metodologіja pіznannja osvіtn'ogo vchinku v kontekstі іnnovacіjno-psihologіchnogo klіmatu / Oksana Gumenjuk // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2012. – №1. – S. 47–81.
4. Gumenjuk O.Je. Psihologіja Ja-koncepcіji : [monografіja] / Oksana Jevstahіjivna Gumenjuk. – Ternopіl' : Ekonomіchna dumka, 2002. – 186 s.
5. Gumenjuk O.Je. Teorіja і metodologіja іnnovacіjno-psihologіchnogo klіmatu zagal'noosvіtn'ogo zakladu : [monografіja] / Oksana Jevstahіjivna Gumenjuk. – Ternopіl' : Pіdruchniki і posіbniki, 2008. – 340 s.
6. Levintov A.E. Programma regional'nogo razvitija Kryma. Otchet VTK “Regional”. Po zakazu koncerna “Interkont” [Jelekt¬ronnyj resurs] / A.E. Levintov. – Rezhim dostupa : http:// www.massandra.
7. Polani M. Lichnostnoe znanie: Na puti k postkriticheskoj filosofii / M. Polani. – M. : Progress, 1985. – 432 s.
8. Romenec' V.A. Vchinkova organіzacіja kanonіchnoji psihologіji / Volodimir Romenec' / Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2000. – №2. – S. 25–56.
9. Romenec' V.A. Іstorіja psihologіji HІH – pochatku HH stolіttja: [navch. posіbn.] / Volodimir Romenec'. – K. : Libіd', 2007. – 832 s.
10. Romenec' V.A. Іstorіja psihologіji HH stolіttja : [navch. posіbn.] / V.A. Romenec', І.P. Manoha. – K. : Libіd', 1998. – 992 s.
11. Romenec' A. Predmet і principi іstoriko-psihologіchnogo doslіdzhennja / Volodimir Romenec' // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2012. – №2. – S. 6–27.
12. Furman A.V. Geneza nauki jak global'na doslіdnic'ka programa: ciklіchno-vchinkova perspektiva / Anatolіj V. Furman // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2013. – № 4. – S. 18–36.
13. Furman A.V. Іdeja profesіjnogo metodologuvannja : [monografіja] / Anatolіj Vasil'ovich Furman. – Ter¬nopіl' : Ekonomіchna dumka, 2008. – 205 s.
14. Furman A.V. Kategorіjnij profіl' naukovoji shkoli / Anatolіj V. Furman // Psihologіja і suspіl'¬stvo. – 2014. – №2. – S. 23–39.
15. Furman A.V. Metodologіchne obgruntuvannja bagatorіvnevostі paradigmal'nih doslіdzhen' u socіal'nіj psihologіji / Anatolіj V. Furman // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2012. – №4. – S. 78–125.
16. Furman A.V. Organіzacіjno-dіjal'nіsnі іgri u vishhіj shkolі : [monografіja] / Anatolіj Vasil'ovich Furman, Sergіj Kostjantinovich Shandruk. – Ternopіl' : TNEU, 2012. – 272 s.
17. Shhedrovic'kij G. Metodologіchna organіzacіja sistemno-strukturnih doslіdzhen' і rozrobok / Georgіj Shhedrovic'kij // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2004. – № 2 – S. 30–49.
18. Shhedrovic'kij G. Organіzacіjno-dіjal'nіsna gra jak nova forma organіzacіji ta metod rozvitku kolektivnoji misledіjal'nostі / Georgіj Shhedrovic'kij // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2006. – №3. – S. 58–69.
19. Shhedrovic'kij G. Shema misledіjal'nostі – sistemno-strukturna budova, znachennja і zmіst / Georgіj Shhedrovic'kij // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2005. – №4. – S. 29–39.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 92-97 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:331.101
Sheviakov, O.V., Tarasenko, A.I.
Dnipropetrovsk humanitarian university, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Prevention and correction of negative functional states in operators-metallurgists
Language: Ukrainian
The article presents a theoretical generalization of psychological support for the metal production operators’ efficiency formation and maintenance system (EFMS). The author substantiates the choice of a socio-technical system of activities as an object for psychological support and development and a conceptual variety of influence on the EFMS development. The author also put forward a concept of psychological support for EFMS development for different types of operator work and classified and determined the principles of selection and application of research and training and developing methods that can be used in psychological support. The concept under consideration is being tested on the sample of operators in the metallurgy (rolling) production. The author discusses the results of the comparative analysis of the data obtained from the operators who underwent a special psycho-regulating training.
The ultimate goal of mastering this technique is operators’ development of mental self-regulation skills to relieve symptoms of professional fatigue and emotional stress and to mobilize their internal resources to work. According to this method operators’ training is conducted in the form of hetero-training. A year-long study of the dynamics of operators’ efficiency is planned to conduct using a typical set of psychodiagnostic instruments. Analysis of the obtained results will make it possible to identify symptoms of different functional states at the beginning and end of work and if need be to take preventive measures.
Key words: psychological support, efficiency, fatigue, operators, metal production, mental self-regulation.
1. Bodrov V.A. Rabotosposobnost' cheloveka-operatora i puti ee povyshenija / V.A. Bodrov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1997. – T. 8. – S. 107–118.
2. Korol'chuk M.S. Shljahi ta zahodi psihofіzіologіchnogo zabezpechennja profesіjnoi dіjal'nostі / M.S. Korol'chuk // Materіali konferencіi UVS MVS Ukraini. – K., 1995. – S. 64–67.
3. Psihicheskaja samoreguljacija / pod red. A.K. Napreenko, K.A. Petrova. – K. : Zdorov’ja, 1995. – 237 s.
4. Ryzhov B.M. Metodika ocenki urovnja psihicheskoj naprjazhennosti u operatora / B.M. Ryzhov, V.P. Sal'nickij // Kosmicheskaja biologija i aviakosmicheskaja medicina. – 1983. – №5. – S. 83–84.
5. Funkcional'nye sostojanija i jeffektivnost' dejatel'nosti cheloveka-operatora v rezhime nepreryvnoj dejatel'nosti / pod red. L.G. Dikoj. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1997. – 291 s.
6. Shevjakov A.V. Dinamika funkcional'nogo sostojanija operatorov-metallurgov pri razlichnom kachestve displejnyh videokadrov / A.V. Shevjakov, E.G. Hashachih // Fiziologija cheloveka. – 1994. – T. 30. – № 4. – S. 76–82.
7. Psychological aspects and physiological correlates of work and fatigue / ed. by E. Simonson and P. Weiser. – N.Y., 1996. – P. 81–96.
8. Psychological stress and psychopathology / ed. by R. Neufeld. – N.Y., 1992. – P. 31–36.
9. Schultz, I.H. Das autogene training. 12 Aufl / I.H. Schultz. – Stuttgart, 1998. – P. 101–156.
10. Schwartz, G.E. Physiological patterning and emotion. Implication for the self-regulation of emotion / G.E. Schwartz // Self-modification and self-control emotional behaviour. – N.Y., London, 1992. – P. 24–32.
11. Welford, A. On humans of automation mental work conceptual model, satisfaction and training / A. Welford // Industrial and business psychology. – Vol. 15. – Copenhagen, 1991. – P. 75–91.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 98-102 (pdf)
UDC 159.922:(159.9:32)
Konovalova, O.V.
Trade and Economics College of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
Theoretical analysis of approaches to formation of motivational readiness in professiogenesis of specialists in trade sector
Language: Ukrainian
Adoption of the new standards for professional training due to Ukraine's course towards European integration envisages the development of new scientific approaches to the model of formation of future professionals’ motivational readiness in trade and economic sector and its maintenance in their professiogenesis.
The aim of the investigation was to determine the theoretical foundations and approaches to the analysis of formation of motivational readiness in professiogenesis of specialists in trade and economic sector.
The author presents the results of the analysis of the relevant scientific literature and discusses the features of and differences in the approaches to motivational readiness formation in future specialists in trade and economic sector in comparison with other professionals.
The author’s work experience suggests that the positive motivation for students’ professional choice includes their interest in the profession, their wish to work in the profession, and the desire to be useful to people and society, and to serve Ukraine.
To the author’s mind, the results of the analysis allow to draw a conclusion that the successful formation of the professional readiness motivational component of specialists in trade and economic sector both at the stage of their developing motivation for a conscious choice of the profession and at the stage of maintaining their interest in the profession during their professiogenesis must be developed by means of a specially designed program.
Keywords: student, professional orientation, needs, choice motivation, professiogenesis, readiness for profession
1. Bugrimenko A.G. Vnutrennjaja i vneshnjaja uchebnaja motivacija u studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza / A.G. Bugrimenko // Psihologicheskaja nauka i obrazovanie. – 2006. – № 4. – S. 48–54.
2. Vartanova I.I. K probleme diagnostiki motivacii / I.I. Vartanova // Vestnik MGU. – Serija 14: Psihologija. – 1998. – №2. – S. 36–42.
3. Guzіj N.V. Problema profesіogenezu fahіvcja v rakursі suchasnih teorіj profesіonalіzacіji / N.V. Guzіj // Naukovij chasopis Nacіonal'nogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu іmenі M.P. Dragomanova. – Serіja 16. Tvorcha osobistіst' uchitelja: problemi teorіji і praktiki : zbіrnik naukovih prac'. – Vip. 11 (21). – K. : Vid-vo NPU іmenі M.P. Dragomanova, 2010. – C. 3–6.
4. Zanjuk S.S. Psihologіja motivacіji / S.S. Zanjuk // Nauka і osvіta : zbіrnik prac'. – K. : Libіd', 2002. – S. 6.
5. Karamushka L.M. Tehnologіja psihologіchnoji pіdgotovki personalu organіzacіj do roboti v umovah socіal'no-ekonomіchnih zmіn (na materіalі osvіtnіh organіzacіj) / L.M. Karamushka, O.A. Fіl', G.L. Fedosova ta іn. – K. : Nauk. svіt, 2008. – 230 s.
6. Korol'chuk M.S. Teorіja і praktika profesіjnogo vіdboru / M.S. Korol'chuk, V.M. Krajnjuk. – K. : Nіka-Centr, 2006. – 536 s.
7. Kіjan A.P. Psihologіchnі osoblivostі strukturnih komponentіv gotovnostі do protidіji manіpuljativnomu vplivu u spіlkuvannі z pіdlіtkami / A.P. Kіjan // Teoretichnі і prikladnі problemi psihologії. – 2013. – № 3(32).
8. Lanovenko І.І. Psihologіchnі osnovi profesіjnoji pіdgotovki fahіvcіv-pravoznavcіv u zakladah vishhoji osvіti: realіji ta perspektivi / І.І. Lanovenko, N.O. Jevdokimova // Problemi socіal'no-psihologіchnogo suprovodu navchal'nogo procesu u vishhih zakladah osvіti. – Іrpіn', 2013. – S. 17–42.
9. Leont'jev A.M. Dіjal'nіst'. Svіdomіst'. Osobistіst' / A.M. Leont'jev. – M., 1992.
10. Maksimenko, S.D. Pіdprijemnictvo: psihologіchnі, organіzacіjnі ta ekonomіchnі aspekti : navch. posіb. / S.D. Maksimenko, A.A. Mazarakі, L.P. Kulakovs'ka, T.Ju. Kulakovs'kij. – K. : KNTEU, 2012. – S. 15.
11. Podoljak L.G. Psihologіja vishhoji shkoli : navchal'nij posіbnik / L.G. Podoljak, V.І. Jurchenko. – K. : TOV «Fіl-studіja», 2006. – 320 s.
12. Prihod'ko T.P. Teoretichnі osnovi doslіdzhennja formuvannja gotovnostі ekonomіstіv do profesіjnoji dіjal'nostі u vishhomu navchal'nomu zakladі / T.P. Prihod'ko // Nauka і osvіta. – 2013. – № 4. – S. 49–52.
13. Prjazhnikov N.S. Motivacіja trudovoji dіjal'nostі / N.S. Prjazhnikov. – M., 2008. – S. 24.
14. Semichenko V.A. Problemy motivaciji povedenija i dejatel'nosti cheloveka : [modul'nyj kurs psihologii] / V.A. Semichenko. – K. : Millennium, 2001. – S. 18.
15. Shadrikov V.D. Psihologija dejatel'nosti i sposobnosti cheloveka / V.D. Shadrikov. – M., 1996. – 226 s.
16. Javors'ka G.H Profesіogenez jak mehanіzm stanovlennja і rozvitku socіal'no-profesіjnoji zrіlostі majbutn'ogo pracіvnika mіlіcіji / G.H. Javors'ka // Nauka і osvіta : zbіrnik prac'. – 2005. – № 1. – S. 34–44.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 103-108 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:334.7
Kononets, M.O.
National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Psychology of entrepreneur’s professional morality as a new trend of psychological researches
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the psychology of entrepreneur’s professional morality. The author analyzes its place in the system of sciences and defines its object, subject and the main tasks as well as discusses its interrelations with such adjacent areas of scientific knowledge as culture, ethics, psychology and economics. The psychology of entrepreneur’s professional morality is a complex interdisciplinary knowledge encompassing the research principles, methods and findings that have been accumulated in psychology of business, psychology of morality and entrepreneur’s professional ethics.
Keywords: culture, psychology of morality, business psychology, professional ethics, entrepreneur’s professional morality.
1. Adorno T.V. Problemy filosofii morali / T.V. Adorno ; per. s nem. M.L. Hor'kova. – M. : Respublika, 2000. – 239 s.
2. Akіmova І. Socіal'na vіdpovіdal'nіst' bіznesu v Ukraїnі: bar’jeri, stimuli ta perspektivi / І. Akіmova, O. Osіnkіna. – K. : Stilos, 2007. – S. 41–44.
3. Aleksina T.A. Prikladnaja jetika : [ucheb. posob.] / T.A. Aleksina. – M. : Izd-vo RUDN, 2004. – 210 s.
4. Ball G.O. Orіjentiri suchasnogo gumanіzmu (v suspіl'nіj, osvіtnіj, psihologіchnіj sferah) / G.O. Ball. – Rіvne : Vidavec' O. Zen', 2007. – 172 s.
5. Bardier G.L. Biznes-psihologija : [monografija] / G.L. Bardier // M. : Genezis, 2002. – 412 s.
6. De Dzhordzh R.T. Delovaja jetika : [uchebnik] / R.T. De Dzhorzh ; per. s angl. R. I. Stolpera. – M. : Progress, 2002. – 486 s.
7. Emel'janov E.N. Psihologija biznesa / E.N. Emel'janov, S.E. Povarnicyna. – M. : ARMADA, 1998. – 511 s.
8. Kaneman D. Prinjatie reshenij v neopredelennosti: Pravila i predubezhdenija / D. Kaneman, P. Slovik, A. Tverski ; per. s angl. – H. : Gumanitarnyj centr, 2005. – 632 s.
9. Karamushka L.M. Motivacіja pіdpriєmnic'koji dіjal'nostі : [monografіja] / L.M. Karamushka, N.Ju. Hudjakova. – K.-L'vіv : Spolom, 2011. – 208 s.
10. Kononec' M.O. Psihologіja profesіjnoji moral'nostі pіdprijemcіv: teorіja ta suchasna praktika : [monografіja] / M.O. Kononec'. – K. : Omega-L, 2013. – 166 s.
11. Kostjuk G.S. Navchal'no-vihovnij proces і psihіchnij rozvitok osobistostі. – K. : Rad. shkola, 1989. – 608 s.
12. Kuprejchenko A.B. Problemy nravstvenno-psihologicheskoj reguljacii jekonomicheskoj aktivnosti / A.B. Kuprejchenko // Problemy jekonomicheskoj psihologii. – Tom 2 / [otv. red. A.L. Zhuravlev, A.B. Kuprejchenko]. – M. : IP RAN, 2005. – S. 17–65.
13. Maksimenko S.D. Geneza zdіjsnennja osobistostі : [nauk. monografіja] / C.D. Maksimenko. – K. : TOV «KMM», 2006. – 240 s.
14. Miller D. Kul'tura i nravstvennoe razvitie / Dzhoan Miller // Psihologija i kul'tura / pod red. D. Macumoto. – SPb. : Piter, 2003. – S. 249–278.
15. Moskalenko V.V. Pіdpriєmnictvo jak predmet doslіdzhennja ekonomіchnoji psihologіji / V.V. Moskalenko // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji. Tom 1 : Ekonomіchna psihologіja. Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Socіal'na psihologіja : zb. nauk. prac' Іnstitutu psihologіji іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. S.D. Maksimenka, L.M. Karamushki. – 2003. – Vip. 11. – S. 17–20.
16. Pachkovs'kij Ju.F. Psihologіja pіdprijemnictva : [navch. posіb.] / Ju.F. Pachkovskij. – K. : Karavela, 2006. – 408 s.
17. Petrunin Ju.Ju. Jetika biznesa : [ucheb. posob.] / Ju.Ju. Petrunin, V.K. Borisov.– [3-e izd., pererab. i dop.] .– M. : Delo, 2004. – 400 s.
18. Problemy jekomicheskoj psihologii. – Tom 2 / pod red. A. Zhuravleva, A. Kuprejchenko. – M. : IP RAN, 2005. – 644 s.
19. Psihologija nravstvennosti / [otv. red. A.L. Zhuravlev, A.V. Jurevich]. – M. : IP RAN, 2010. – 508 s.
20. Savchin M.V. Psihologіchnij analіz problemi moral'noji svіdomostі ta samosvіdomostі osobistostі / M.V. Savchin // Pedagogіka і psihologіja profesіjnoji osvіti. – 2005. – №4. – S. 115–131.
21. Filippova L.Ja. Komp'juternaja jetika. Moral'no-jeticheskie i pravove normy dlja pol'zovatelej komp'juternyh setej : [ucheb. posobie] / L.Ja. Filippova, V.S. Zeleneckij. – Har'kov : Krossroud, 2006. – 212 s.
22. Forrester K. Bіznes іz ljuds'kim oblichchjam / K. Forrester // Ukraїns'kij tizhden'. – 11–17.02.2011. – №6(171). – S. 36–37.
23. Shihirev P.N. Vozmozhna li jetika biznesa? / P.N. Shihirev // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 1997. – № 6. – C. 16–25.
24. Cheeseman, H.R. Ethics and Social Responsibility of Business / H.R. Cheeseman // Contemporary Business Law. – Englewood Gliffs. – N.J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994. – P. 135–151.
25. De Cremer, D. Social Psychology and Economics / D. De Cremer, M. Zeelenberg, J.K. Murnighan. – USA : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. – 355 p.
26. Friedman, M. The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits / M. Friedman // New York Times Magazine. – September 13, 1970. – P. 32–33.
27. Kimmel, A.J. Ethical Issues in Behavioral Research: Basic and Applied Perspectives / A.J. Kimmel. – [2nd ed.]. – UK : Blackwell Publishing, 2007. – 405 p.
28. Kahneman, D. Choies, values, and frames / D. Kahneman, A. Tversky // American Psychologist. – 1984. – V. 39. – P. 241–291.
29. Longenecker, J.G. Egoism and Independence: Entrepreneurial Ethics / J.G. Longenecker, J.A. McKinney, C.W. Moore // Organizational Dynamics. – USA : Periodical Division, American Management Association, 1998. – P. 64–72.
30. Trevino, L. K. Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How To Do It Right / L.K. Trevino, K.A. Nelson. – N.-Y. : J. Wiley & Sons, 1995. – 332 p.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 109-114 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Kredentser, O.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Research on the development of intrapreneurship in educational organizations
Language: Ukrainian
The article presents the results of research on some aspects of development of staff's entrepreneurial activities in educational institutions. The author analyzes the levels of educational organization staff's intrapreneurial characteristics that include innovation, risk-taking, creativity, independence, need for achievement (development), tunnel vision and determination, as well as the overall integral index of intrapreneurship. Most of the educational organization staff are shown to have low levels of intrapreneurship and its individual characteristics. The author discusses the correlations between the levels of staff's intrapreneurship and its individual characteristics and staff's organizational-professional (positional, educational, experiential) and socio-demographic characteristics as well as the educational organizations' characteristics. It was found that the levels of staff's intrapreneurship and its individual characteristics were influenced by staff's organizational-professional (positional, educational, experiential) and socio-demographic characteristics as well as by the educational organizations' characteristics.
Keywords: intrapreneurship, psychology of intrapreneurship, business activity, staff of educational organizations
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3. Danilenko L.І. Іnnovacіjnij osvіtnіj menedzhment : [navchal'nij posіbnik] / L.І. Danilenko. – K. : Glavnik, 2006. – 144 s.
4. Dejneka O.S. Jekonomicheskaja psihologija: social'no-politicheskie problemy / O.S. Dejneka / – SPb. : Izd-vo S.-Peterburg. un-ta, 1999. – 240 s.
5. Zav'jalova E.K. Psihologija predprinimatel'stva : [ucheb. posobie] / E.K. Zav'jalova, S.T. Posohova. – SPb. : Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2004. – 296 s.
6. Karamushka L.M. Formuvannja konkurentozdatnoї upravlіns'koji komandi (na materіalі dіjal'nostі osvіtnіh organіzacіj) : monografіja / L.M. Karamushka, O.A. Fіl'. – K. : Fіrma «ІNKOS», 2007. – 268 s.
7. Karpunin A.A. Formirovanie predprinimatel'skogo stilja povedenija nekommercheskih organizacij : diss. … kand. jekon. nauk : 08.00.05 / Karpunin Andrej Aleksandrovich. – SPb., 2005. – 164 s.
8. Kobzeva L.V. Predprinimatel'skij universitet: kak universitetu vstroit'sja v jekonomiku v novom desjatiletii [Elektronnij resurs] / L.V. Kobzeva. – Rezhim dostupu :
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10. Kredencer O.V. Іnnovacіjnіst' jak vazhliva psihologіchna harakteristika pіdpriєmnic'koji povedіnki menedzherіv osvіtnіh organіzacіj v kontekstі organіzacіjnogo rozvitku / O.V. Kredencer // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksimenko (gol. red.) ta іn.]. – Tom 1 : Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Ekonomіchna psihologіja. Socіal'na psihologіja. – Ch. 29 / za red. S.D. Maksimenka, L.M. Karamushki. – K. : A.S.K., 2011. – S. 70–78.
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12. Kredencer O.V. Sutnіst' pіdprijemnic'koї povedіnki personalu suchasnih organіzacіj ta jiji rol' v organіzacіjnomu rozvitku / O.V. Kredencer // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksimenko (gol. red.) ta іn.]. – Tom 1 : Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Ekonomіchna psihologіja. Socіal'na psihologіja. – Ch. 21–22 / za red. S.D. Maksimenka, L.M. Karamushki. – K. : Vid-vo «A.S.K.», 2010. – S. 16–21.
13. Ladanov I.D. Prakticheskij menedzhment. Psihotehnika upravlenija i samotrenirovki : uchebnoe posobie / I.D. Ladanov. – M. : Korporativnye strategi, 2004. – 496 s.
14. Lebedeva N.M. Cennosti kul'tury i razvitie obshhestva : monografija / N.M. Lebedeva, A.N. Tatarko. – M. : ID GU-VShJe, 2007. – 189 s.
15. Makarov E.V. Formirovanie kul'tury, blagoprijatstvujushhej razvitiju intraprenerstva na predprijatii / E.V. Makarov, R.V. Ljubimov // Kreativnaja jekonomika. – 2008. – №9 (21). – S. 116–120.
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17. Moskalenko V.V. Pіdprijemnictvo jak predmet doslіdzhennja ekonomіchnoї psihologіji / V.V. Moskalenko // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji. Tom. 1 : Ekonomіchna psihologіja. Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Socіal'na psihologіja : zb. naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologіji іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukrajini / za red. Maksimenka S.D., Karamushki L.M. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2003. – Vip. 11. – S. 17–20.
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20. Poznjakov V.P. Psihologicheskie otnoshenija i delovaja aktivnost' rossijskih predprinimatelej / V.P. Poznjakov. – M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2001. – 240 s.
21. Psihologіchnі zasadi organіzacіjnogo rozvitku : monografіja / za nauk. red. L.M. Karamushki. – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 206 s.
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23. Tehnologіja psihologіchnoji pіdgotovki personalu organіzacіj do roboti v umovah socіal'no-ekonomіchnih zmіn (na materіalі osvіtnіh organіzacіj) : [navchal'nij posіbnik] / za naukovoju redakcіjeju profesora L.M. Karamushki. – K. : Nauk. svіt, 2008. – 234 s.
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29. Churjumova S.F. Formirovanie i razvitie predprinimatel'skogo stilja upravlenija kak vazhnejshego faktora povishenija jeffektivnosti proizvodstva : diss. … kand. jekon. nauk : 08.00.05 / Churjumova Svetlana Fedorovna. – Kaliningrad, 2002. – 151 s.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 114-122 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Vavilova, A.S.
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Neurotic manifestations of perfectionism in situations of achievement
Language: Ukrainian
The article presents the results of research on neurotic manifestations of perfectionism in situations of achievement.
Although there are many definitions of perfectionism, most researchers define perfectionism as striving for quality performance, meeting high standards and achieving excellence in its activities. Researchers distinguish two levels of perfectionism: adaptive (constructive) and maladaptive (destructive). Maladaptive perfectionism is often associated with individuals' psychological difficulties due to high self-criticism, setting unrealistic goals and the destructive desire for perfection. The article deals with the analysis of the role of perfectionism in the development neurotic symptoms in situations of achievement due to the predominance of one of the motivational tendencies - success or failure avoidance.
The investigation was conducted on a sample of students using psychometric instruments in situations of achievement (exam taking) and in neutral situations. The investigation found that increased levels of perfectionism in situations of achievement resulted in individuals' manifesting neurotic symptoms which included anxiety, neurotic depression and asthenia. Based on the found correlations the author built a regression model to predict the individuals' neurotic manifestations in situations of achievement with the main predictors being high levels of perfectionism, predominnat failure avoidance motivation and anxiety.
Keywords: perfectionism, neurotic manifestations, achievement motivation, success, failure avoidance, maladaptation.
1. Garanjan N.G. Perfekcionizm i psihicheskie rasstrojstva (obzor zarubezhnyh jempiricheskih issledovanij) / N.G. Garanjan // Terapija psihicheskih rasstrojstv. – 2006. – № 1. – S. 23–31.
2. Garanjan N.G. Struktura perfekcionizma kak lichnostnogo faktora depressii / N.G. Garanjan, A.B. Holmogorova, T.Ju. Judeeva // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii psihiatrov. – M. : Farmedinfo, 1998. – S. 206–207.
3. Gracheva I.I. Adaptacija metodiki «Mnogomernaja shkala perfekcionizma» P. H'juitta i G. Fletta / I.I. Gracheva // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2006. – T. 27. – № 6. – S. 73–81.
4. Gracheva I.I. Uroven' perfekcionizma i soderzhanie idealov podrostkov / I.I. Gracheva // Psihologicheskie issledovanija lichnosti : sbornik rabot molodyh uchenyh. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, 2005. – S. 16–36.
5. Il'in I.P. Perfekcionizm zdorovyj i nevroticheskij: kak razvit' pervyj i izbavit'sja ot vtorogo / I.P. Il'in [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu do zhurn. :
6. Karelin A.A. Psihologicheskie testy / A.A. Karelin. – M. : VLADOS, 2002. – T. 1. – 312 s.
7. Loza O.O. Psihologіchnij analіz fenomenu perfekcіonіzmu: pіdhodi do viznachennja / O.O. Loza // Problemi zagal'noji ta pedagogіchnoji psihologіji : zb. nauk. pr. Іnstitutu psihologіji іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrajiny. – 2010. – T. HІ. – Ch. 6. – S. 213–221.
8. Horni K. Nevroticheskaja lichnost' nashego vremeni / K. Horni. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 224 s.
9. Chala O.A. Perfekcіonіzm jak determіnanta destruktivnoji konflіktnostі junactva / O.A. Chala [Elektronnij resurs] // Vіsnik psihologіji і pedagogіki : zbіrnik nauk. prac' / Pedagogіchnij іnstitut Kyjivs'kogo unіversitetu іmenі Borisa Grіnchenka ; Іnstitut psihologіji і socіal'noji pedagogіki Kyjivs'kogo unіversitetu іmenі Borisa Grіnchenka. – Vip. 8. – K., 2012. – Rezhim dostupu do zbіrnika :іrnik_nauk._prac'._ –_Vipusk_8
10. Jasnaja V.A. Perfekcionizm: istorija izuchenija i sovremennoe sostojanie problemy / V.A. Jasnaja, S.E. Enikolopov // Voprosy psihologii. – 2007. – № 4. – S. 157–167.
11. Jasnaja V.A. Sovremennye modeli perfekcionizma [Elektronnij resurs] / V.A. Jasnaja, S.N. Enikolopov // Mezhdisciplinarnyj nauchnyj psihologicheskij zhurnal «Psihologicheskie issledovanija». – 2013. – № 6. – Rezhim dostupu do zhurn. : http: //
12. Burns, D.D. The perfectionist's script for self-defeat / D.D. Burns // Psychology Todey. – November – 1980. – P. 34–52.
13. Sorotzkin, V. The quest for perfection: Avoiding quilt or avoiding shame? / V. Sorotzkin // Psychotherapy. –1985. – Vol. 22. – P. 564–571.
14. Stober, J. Worry Procrastination and perfectionism: Differentiation amount of worry, Pathological Worry. Anxiety and Depression / J. Stober, J. Joorman // Cognitive therapy and research. – 2001. – Vol. I . – P. 45–60.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 123-128 (pdf)
UDC 159.923:159.942.5
Dmytriyuk, N.S.
Eastern European National University named after Lesia Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine
Scientific and practical aspects of the deprived personality problem
Language: Ukrainian
The article is an overview of the main foreign and Ukrainian theoretical and empirical studies on scientific and practical aspects of deprivation impact on psychic development of a personality.
The author analyzes the psychotraumatic consequences of deprivation and the ways to prevent and overcome them in the personal sphere.
Making an attempt to analyze the origins of deprivation the author highlights its characteristics and types. It is shown that the socio-economic structure of the society contains the sources of different types of deprivation leading to problems in personality formation and development.
The emphasis is made on the latest research into the problem of interest and the causes of children’s deprivation.
Analyzing the role of sensual relations between the mother and child, the author showed that attraction to the mother is a vital condition that determines mental development as a key driving force in the personality renewal, socialization and self-awareness.
It was found that the development of techniques to prevent psychotraumatic effects of different types of deprivation were of paramount importance. A special deprivation prevention program should identify important psychological characteristics of the child that play a role in developing difficulties and / or abnormalities in their intellectual or personal development.
Research into the causes, characteristics and effects of different types of deprivation determines the character of preventive measures and treatment. Different types of deprivation make complex effects on people, thus the help should be also complex. The main strategy of deprivation prevention and treatment is associated with the development of an individual as a subject of their own life. People’s understanding of their own motives, acceptance of a personal responsibility for their own mental development and life can reduce their dependence on external depriving factors.
Keywords: psychic deprivation, personal development, emotional discomfort, deprivation prevention, deprivation treatment.
1. Boulbi D. Sozdanie i razrushenie jemocional'nyh svjazej / D. Boulbi. – M. : Akademicheskij Proekt, 2004. – 232 s.
2. Boulbi D. Privjazannost' / D. Boulbi. – M. : Gardariki, 2003. – 477 s.
3. Vinnikot D.V. Malen'kie deti i ih materi / D.V. Vinnikot. – M. : Klass, 1998. – 74 s.
4. Vinnikott D.V. Sem'ja i razvitie lichnosti / D.V Vinnikot. – Ekaterinburg : Litur, 2004. – 400 s.
5. Vjatkina L.A. Psihologicheskie osobennosti vospitanija detej v internatnyh uchrezhdenij. Metodicheskie rekomendacii dlja vospitatelej detskih domov i shkol-internatov / L.A. Vjatkina. – Mogilev : Smysl, 1987. – 31 s.
6. Gordeeva O.V. Izmenennye sostojanija soznanija pri sensornoj deprivacii (soobshhenie 2) / O.V. Gordeeva // Vestnik Mosk. un-ta. – Ser. 14. Psihologija. 2004. – № 2. – S. 66–82.
7. Goshovs'kij Ja.O. Stanovlennja obrazu Ja v pіdlіtkіv shkoli-іnternatu v umovah deprivacіоji bat'kіvs'kogo vplivu : dis. kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Jaroslav Oleksandrovich Goshovs'kij. – K., 1995. – 177 s.
8. Deti social'nogo riska i ih vospitanie: metodicheskij material / In-t spec. pedagogiki i psihologii Mezhdunar. un-ta sem'i i rebenka im. R.Vallenberga ; red. i [razrab.] : L.M. Shipicyna i dr. – SPb. : Rech', 2003. – 144 s.
9. Dol'to F. Na storone rebenka / F. Dol'to. – SPb. : Peterburg-HH1 vek, 1997. – 527 s.
10. Langmejer I. Psihicheskaja deprivacija v detskom vozraste / I. Langmejer, Z. Matejchek ; per. G.A. Ovsjannikova. – [izd. І-e russk.]. – Praga : ChSSR : Avicenum, 1984. – 334 s.
11. Lebedev V.I. Psihologija i psihopatologija odinochestva i gruppovoj izoljacii / V.I. Lebedev. – M. : Juniti, 2011. – 413 s.
12. Maslou A. Motivacija i lichnost' / A. Maslou. – SPb. : Evrazija, 1999. – 316s.
13. Maler M. Psihologicheskoe rozhdenie chelovecheskogo mladenca: Simbioz i individuacija / M. Maler, F. Pajn, A. Bergman. – M. : Kogito-Centr, 2011. – 413 s.
14. Sinjagina N.Ju. Psihologo-pedagogicheskaja korrekcija detsko-roditel'skih otnoshenij / N.Ju. Sinjagina. – M. : Gumanit. izd. centr VLADOS, 2001. – 96 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 128-133 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Yermash, N.M.
East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine
Socio-psychological characteristics of public authorities officers
Language: Ukrainian
In many countries the need to improve the performance of civil servants and their carrying out of state functions as well as the need for the introduction of new management techniques formed the basis of the civil service reforms. Improvement of the functioning of civil service has been largely associated with new understanding of the role of civil servants in the formation of strategic responsibilities of public authorities and application of new effective management technologies. There is an urgent need for a qualitatively new approach to the modernization of the state apparatus, the effective management of its staff, creation of a new regulatory basis and a modern system of civil servants' professional development .
Most fully the identity of a civil servant is revealed in their professional activities. In these activities civil servants seek to realize their personal and professional potentials, develop their personality, gain prestige and social recognition. The personality traits of a civil servant are a complex formation that includes their social, psychological and socio-psychological characteristics. Social properties are determined by the civil servant's social functions, his / her work characteristics (professionalism and competence, organizational skills, enterprise, etc.). The civil servant's socio-psychological characteristics are defined by his / her communication, interaction and behavioral styles (responsibility, kindness, rigor, mutual assistance and cooperation, etc.). Psychological attributes of a human are determined by his / her character (restraint, balance, fairness, honesty, integrity, etc.).
The principles of management acmeology allowed to introduce a complex of psychological methods and techniques to diagnose, develop and improve professionally important qualities of public servants.
Keywords: civil servant, activity, competence, personality, professional qualities.
1. Akmeologicheskie tehnologii lichnostno-professional'nogo razvitija gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih : sbornik statej / pod obshh. red. A.A. Derkacha. – M. : Izd.-vo RAGS, 2003. – 276 s.
2. Derkach A.A. Akmeologicheskie osnovy samoreguljacii psihicheskoj ustojchivosti rukovoditelja : monografija / A.A. Derkach, M.F. Sekach, G.S. Mihajlov. – M. : MPA, 1999. – 366 s.
3. Derkach A.A. Psihologicheskie harakteristiki gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih i ih lichnostno-professional'noe razvitie : konspekt lekcij po kursu «Psihologija professional'noj dejatel'nosti kadrov gosudarstvennoj sluzhby» / A.A. Derkach, V.G. Zazykin. – M., 1995.
4. D'jachkov V.M. Optimizacija lichnostno-professional'nogo razvitija gossluzhashhih regional'nogo upravlenija : avtoref. diss. … kand. psihol. nauk / V.M. D'jachkov. – M., 1999.
5. Lichnostno-professional'noe razvitie gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih kak objeekt psihologo-akmeologicheskogo monitoringa / pod obshh. red. A.A. Derkacha. – M. : Izd-vo RAGS, 2004. – 232 s.
6. Shadrikov V.D. Sposobnosti cheloveka / V.D. Shadrikov. – M.-Voronezh, 1997.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 133-137 (pdf)
UDC 316.61:316.356.2-053.81-058.8
Zavatsky, Yu.A.
East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine
Technologies of professional assistance in improving spouses’ subjective well-being
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals the content and main components of subjective well-being of the individual ( satisfaction with life, various positive emotions, various negative emotions and level of self-actualization). The main functions of subjective well-being were shown to include the regulatory (or adaptive) function, anticipatory function and developmental function.
Different types of individuals’ values and motivational structures were found to associate with different levels of their subjective well-being: physical, personal, social, occupational, physical (somatic) and psychological.
The formation of subjective well-being greatly depends on different institutions, the most important of which being those that ensure the socialization of the child, adolescent and adult at different levels and in different conditions of life. They create not only complexes of norms, but also personality constructs that can be referred to as a self-efficacy complex.
The author analyzes the psychological characteristics of subjective well-being of the individual and describes some technologies of spouses ‘subjective well-being improvement.
Keywords: personality, subjective well-being, social and psychological characteristics of subjective well-being.
1. Glasser U. Shkoly bez neudachnikov / U. Glasser. – M., 1991. – 184 s.
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3. Zavac'ka N.Є. Socіokul'turnі ta psihologіchnі aspekti adaptacіji osobistostі v suchasnomu socіumі : monografіja / pіd red. N.Є. Zavac'koji. – Lugans'k : SNU іm. V. Dalja, 2012. – 320 s.
4. Nosko O.P. Analіz matrimonіal'nih ujavlen' jak chinnika sub’jektivnogo blagopoluchchja molodih ljudej u shljubі / O.P. Nosko // Teoretichnі і prikladnі problemi psihologіji : zb. nauk. prac' Shіdnoukrajins'kogo nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu іmenі Volodimira Dalja. – Lugans'k : Vid-vo SNU іm. V. Dalja, 2013. – №1 (30). – S. 249–255.
5. Puchkova G.L. Subjeektivnoe blagopoluchie kak faktor samoaktualizacii lichnosti : dis. … k. psihol. nauk : 19.00.01 / Puchkova Galina Leonidovna. – Habarovsk, 2003. – 163 s.
6. Shamionov R.M. Psihologija sub#ektivnogo blagopoluchija: k razrabotke integrativnoj koncepcii / R.M. Shamionov // Mir psihologii. – 2002. – №2. – S. 143–148.
7. Diener, E. Factors predicting the subjective well-being of nations / E. Diener, M. Diener, C. Diener // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 1995. – P. 64–69.
8. Maslow, A. Toward a psychology of being / A. Maslow. – N.Y. : Van Nostrand, 1968. – 320 r.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 137-142 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.7
Zorina, V.I.
SHEI "University of Educational Management" of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Empirical research into the ideal adult image as a factor in teenager's personal development
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the results of an empirical investigation into the effects of the ideal image of the adult on the teenager's personality development. The ideal adult image as a factor in teenagers' personal development is the most personalized system structure that reflects teenagers' ideas of their ideal self in the time perspective. This ideal image consists of several components: the real Self (real), ideal Self (ideal), real adult, and ideal adult. The author describes her empirical model of the ideal adult image which consists of four factors, conventionally named as 'Slope', 'Confidence', 'Isolation' and 'Kindness'. The investigation found that the deal adult image serves as a guide in the teenagers' development. This can be described as a movement to the manifestations of openness, confidence and kindness. Teenagers are shown generally to perceive themselves as opposed to the ideal adult image in all the identified factors. Besides, the real adult image liked by teenagers is in the intermediate position. The investigation results allowed to design a special teenagers' personal development program. The author stresses the necessity of further research on the effects of the ideal adult image on teenagers' development.
Keywords: ideal image of adult, empirical factor model, factor model components, teenager's personal development, semantic space.
1. Abramenkova V.V. Podrostkovaja subkul'tura kak prostranstvo samorealizacii / V.V. Abramenkova // Voprosy psihologii. – 2008. – №1. – S. 157–189.
2. Anan'ev B.G. Psihologija i problemy chelovekoznanija : izbr. psihol. trudy / B.G Anan'eva ; pod red. A.A. Bodaleva. – M. : Voronezh, 1996. – 384 s. – (Psihologi otechestva : Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy v 70 t.).
3. Baburova I.V. Primer v vospitanii shkol'nikov : monografija / I.V. Baburova. – Smolensk. : Izd-vo SmolGU, 2007. – 320 s.
4. Bondarchuk O.І. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі osnovi osobistіsnogo rozvitku kerіvnikіv zagal'noosvіtnіh navchal'nih zakladіv u profesіjnіj dіjal'nostі : monografіja / O.І. Bondarchuk. – K. : Nauk. svіt, 2008. – 318 s.
5. Bulah І.S. Psihologіchnі osnovi osobistіsnogo zrostannja pіdlіtkіv : avtoref. dis. … na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja kand. ped. nauk / І.S.Bulah. – K. : NPU іm. M.P.Dragomanova. – 2004. – S. 1–39.
6. Vygotskij L.S. Razvitie vysshih psihicheskih funkcij / L.S. Vygotskij. – M. : Pedagogika, 1960. – 366 s.
7. Govorun T.V. Genderna psihologіja : navch. posіbnik / T.V. Govorun, O.M. Kіkіnedzhі. – K. : Akademіja, 2004. – 308 s.
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9. Dusavic'kij O.S. Teorіja rozvitku shkoljara v navchal'nіj dіjal'nostі / O.S. Dusavic'kij // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2008. – №7. – S. 1–12.
10. Karamushka L.M. Psihologіja osvіtn'ogo menedzhmentu : navch. posіbnik / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Libіd', 2004. – 424 s.
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15. Nezhins'ka O.O. Vpliv gendernih stereotipіv bat'kіv na osobistіsnij rozvitok pіdlіtka / O.O. Nezhins'ka // Aktual'nі problemi psihologіji : zb. nauk. prac' Іnstitutu psihologіji іm. G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrajini ; za red. S.D. Maksimenka, L.M. Karamushki. – K., 2014. – T. 1 : Organіzacіjna psihologіja. Ekonomіchna psihologіja. Socіal'na psihologіja / za red. S.D. Maksimenka, L. M. Karamushki. – K., 2014. – Vip. 40. – S. 143–147.
16. Petrenko V.F. Psihosemantika soznanija / V.F. Petrenko / Psihosemantika soznanija. – M. : MGU, 1998. – 208 s.
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18. Sapogova I.A. Rol' vzroslogo v lichnostnoj i professional'noj identichnosti podrostkov / I.A. Sapogova // Ezhegodnik Rossijskogo psihologicheskogo obshhestva : m-ly III Vserossijskogo s#ezda psihologov : v 8 t.). ― SPb. : Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2003. – T. 7. – S. 50–53.
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20. Serkin V.P. Metody psihosemantiki : uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vuzov / V. Serkin. – M. : Aspekt Press, 2004. – 207 s.
21. Sitnіkova N.V. Psihologіja samostverdzhennja osobistostі starshoklasnika / N.V. Sitnіkova // Psihologіja suspіl'stva. – 2008. – №2. – S. 75–103.
22. Smirnov S.D. Psihologija obraza: Problema aktivnosti psihicheskogo otrazhenija / S.D. Smirnov. – M. : Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1985. – 232 s.
23. Sobchik L. Psihologija individual'nosti: teorija i praktika psihodiagnostiki / L. Sobchik. – SPb. : Rech', 2005. – 624 s.
24. Jerikson Je. Identichnost' : junost' i krizis / Je. Jerikson ; per. s angl. A.D. Andreevoj i dr. ; obshh. red. A.V. Tolstyh. – M. : Progress, 1996. – 344 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 142-147 (pdf)
UDC 159.96
Kizima, V.V.
Institute for social and political psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Design of investigation into social and psychological ways of managing loneliness used by metropolis residents
Language: Ukrainian
Generally, the investigation is based on understanding the subjective-objective interactions between things, events, people and phenomena in the world. The article presents, to the author’s mind, the most logical definition of ‘loneliness’. The study of this phenomenon should be carried out in combination with the respondents’ subjective experiences thus focusing on peoples’ experience. The nature of loneliness and its multi-level structure are defined from the existential-phenomenological perspective.
The sample of the investigation included metropolis inhabitants. Due to the intensity of modern life the respondents demonstrated alienation from each other and from themselves, which brought to the development of loneliness. It was found that the group of metropolis residents was not uniform, although the sample included only working adults. However, the respondents can be clearly divided into two groups which can be called ‘free’ and ‘limited’, depending on whether they control their own time and space thus having better opportunities to cope with loneliness and analyze it .
The article highlights the results of a pilot study which allowed to select eight instruments out of eighteen used and to build a model for further empirical research.
Keywords: loneliness; ways of loneliness management; metropolis; level of loneliness; intensity of life, isolation; existentiality.
1. Denisova T. Ju. Odinochestvo kak jekzistencial'no-social'nyj fenomen : diss. ... kandidata filosofskih nauk : 09.00.11/ Tat'jana Jur'evna Denisova. – Novosibirsk, 2008. – 197 s.
2. Kamju A. Mif o Sizife. Jesse ob absurde / Al'ber Kamju // Sumerki bogov. – M. : Politizdat, 1989. – S. 222–319.
3. Kіzіma V.V. Samotnіst' jak socіal'no-psihologіchna kategorіja / V.V. Kіzіma // Naukovij chasopis NPU іmenі M.P. Dragomanova. Serіja №12. Psihologіchnі nauki : zb. naukovih prac'. – K. : NPU іmenі M.P. Dragomanova, 2014. – № 43(67). – S. 359–364.
4. Korchagina S.G. Genezis, vidy i projavlenija odinochestva / S.G. Korchagina. – M. : Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj institut, 2005. – 196 s.
5. Matematiki rasschitali, skol'ko vremeni sovremennye ljudi tratjat na put' do raboty [Elektronnij resurs]. – [Rezhim dostupu] :
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7. Slobodchikov I.M. Sovremennye issledovanija perezhivanija odinochestva / I.M. Slobodchikov // Psihologicheskaja nauka i obrazovanie. – 2007. – № 3. – S. 27–35.
8. Hamitov N.V. Filosofija odinochestva. Opyt vzhivanija v problemu. Odinochestvo zhenskoe i muzhskoe / N.V. Hamitov. – K. : Nauk. dumka, 1995. – 170 s.
9. Harakteristika naselennja Ukrajini [Elektronnij resurs]. – [Rezhim dostupu] :
10. Jalom I. Jekzistencial'naja psihoterapija / Irvin Jalom ; [per. s angl. T.S. Drabkinoj]. – M. : Nezavisimaja firma «Klass», 2005. – 576 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 148-153 (pdf)
UDC 159.944:37.015.3
Klybanivska, T.M.
Vinnitsia National Agrarian University, Vinnitsia, Ukraine
Dynamics of students’ adaptation to university studies from first to final year
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the dynamics of the process of students’ adaptation to studies at university. The adaptation is shown to change students’ personal attributes which can be both positive and negative. The dynamics and variability of students’ education motivation are associated with their incorrect initial professional motivation, belonging to a group of amorphous motivational structure, high maladjustment and new educational and living environment. These usually cause negative emotions of fear and failure that reduce students’ academic performance. The students’ adaptation to university studies is made up the socio-psychological, psychological and activity components.
The author analyzes the results of the investigation done using a psychodiagnostic technique and variation statistics. It was found that the third–year and graduate students had statistically significantly higher scores on the used scales than the freshmen. Success expectations in senior students were significantly lower than in other respondent groups, but the senior students’ practical experience and professional self-actualization increased their confidence.
It was shown that students’ mental states determined their mental activities shaping the character of their adaptive changes and being a psychophysiological predictor for their successful adaptation.
Keywords: adaptation, student, learning activities, highly adapted students, adaptive changes, mental activity.
1. Ball G.A. Ponjatie adaptacii i ego znachenie dlja psihologii lichnosti / G.A. Ball // Vopr. psihol. – 1989. – № 1. – S. 92–100.
2. Dikaja L.G. Psihicheskaja samoreguljacija funkcional'nogo sostojanija cheloveka (sistemno-dejatel'nostnyj podhod) / L.G. Dikaja. – M. : In-t psihologii RAN, 2003. – 318 s.
3. Kokun O.M. Optimіzacіja adaptacіjnih mozhlivostej ljudini: psihofіzіologіchnij aspekt zabezpechennja dіjal'nostі : monografіja / O.M. Kokun. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2004. – 265 s.
4. Kokun O.M. Fіzichna kul'tura і sport jak faktor pіdvishhennja adaptacіjnih mozhlivostej studentіv / O.M. Kokun // Vіsnik Tehnologіchnogo unіversitetu Podіllja. – Ch. 3. – Suspіl'no-gumanіtarnі nauki. – 2002.– №5. – S. 47–50.
5. Semichenko V.A. Psihologіchna struktura pedagogіchnoji dіjal'nostі : navch. posіb. / V.A. Semichenko. – K. : Vidavnicho-polіgrafіchnij centr «Kijivs'kij unіversitet», 2000. – Ch. 2. – 231 s.
6. Semichenko V.A. Psihicheskie sostojanija: Modul'nyj kurs dlja prepodavatelej i studentov / V.A. Semichenko. – K. : Magіstr-S, 1998. – 207 s.
7. Simaeva I.N. Adaptacija k uslovijam uchebnoj dejatel'nosti / I.N. Simaeva // Razvitie lichnosti. – 2004. – № 4. – S. 167–174.
8. Sokolova I.M. Metody issledovanija adaptacii studentov / I.M. Sokolova. – H. : HMU, 2001. – 276 s.
9. Sokolova І.M. Mehanіzmi formuvannja porushen' adaptacіji studentіv pershih rokіv navchannja / І.M. Sokolova // Psihologіja : zb. nauk. prac'. – K. : NPU іm. M.P. Dragomanova, 2001. – Vip.13. – S. 392–396.
10. Chirkov V.I. Metody ocenki psihicheskogo komponenta funkcional'nogo sostojanija v uchebnoj trudovoj dejatel'nosti / V.I. Chirkov // Metody issledovanija i diagnostiki FS i rabotosposobnosti cheloveka-operatora v jekstremal'nyh uslovijah. – M. : In-t psihologii AN SSSR,1987. – S. 16–39.
11. Shirmanova O.V. Jemocional'naja naprjazhennost' uchitelja i studenta: vzaimosvjaz' fiziologicheskih i psihologicheskih pokazatelej / O.V. Shirmanova // Psihol. zhurn. – 2002. – S. 88–99.
12. Shherbina V.A. Navchal'no-prikladna psihofіzichna pіdgotovka ta zdorov’ja studentіv : navch.-metod. posіb. / V.A. Shherbina. – K. : [b.v.], 1998. – 160 s.
13. Peverly, S.T. College adults are not good at self-regulation: A study on the relationship of self-regulation, note taking, and test taking / S.T. Peverly, K.E. Brobst, M. Graham, R. Shaw // Journal of Educational Psychology. – 2003. – Vol. 95. – № 2. – P. 335–346.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 154-158 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Kravchenko, K.V.
East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine
Socio-psychological characteristics of parents' attitudes to the child as a factor in their effective interactions
Language: Ukrainian
In the process of raising a child in a family of special importance are the parental attitudes collectively known as family education type made up of characteristics of emotional attitudes to a child, motives, values and goals of parenting, child-parents interaction style, problem solving techniques and social control. The influence of family environment on the emotional and personal characteristics, cognitive, moral and ethical development of children is of great interest not only to researchers in the field of developmental psychology and psychology of communication, but also to social psychologists.
The obtained results support the hypothesis of actively actional nature of the child's position in interacting with parents. The author analyzes the characteristics of the child's perception of their relations with parents in various types of child-parents interactions and dscribes the associations between the child's interaction behaviors and the child's perception of their relationship with parents. Children's patterns of experiencing disharmonious realtionship with parents included their experiencing trouble in a relationship with a significant adult (mother); experiencing deprivation of relations of cooperation and affiliation needs; feelings of helplessness in interacting with father; the lack of family integrity. The tactics of the child-close adult interactions in the preschool years were shown to depend on the nature of children's perception of their relationship with parents.
Keywords: preschool age, children-parents interaction, parental discipline style, interfamilial relations, socio-psychological characteristics of parents' attitudes to the child, parental position.
1. Adler A. Vospitanie detej. Vzaimodejstvie polov / A. Adler. – Rostov n/D, 1998. – 448 s.
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3. Garbuzov V.I. Nervnye deti: sovety vracha / V I. Garbuzov. – L. : Lenizdat, 1990. – 176 s.
4. Zaharov A.I. Preduprezhdenie otklonenij v povedenii rebjonka / A.I. Zaharov. – SPb. : Rech', 2000. – 224 s.
5. Krajg G. Psihologija razvitija / G. Krajg. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 988 s.
6. Muhina V.S. Vozrastnaja psihologija / V.S. Muhina. – M., 1998. – 456 s.
7. Petrovskij A.V. Deti i taktika semejnogo vospitanija / A.V. Petrovskij. – M., 1981. – 76 s.
8. Psihologija semejnyh otnoshenij s osnovami semejnogo konsul'tirovanija / [red. E.G. Siljaeva]. – M. : Akademija, 2002.
9. Spivakovskaja A.S. Psihoterapija: igra, detstvo, sem'ja / A.S. Spivakovskaja. – T. 2. – M. : Akademija, 2000. – 464 s.
10. Shvedovskaja A.A. Osobennosti realizacii razlichnyh strategij vzaimodejstvija v diadah «rebenok-mat'» / A.A. Shvedovskaja // Psiholog v detskom sadu. – 2005. – №4. – S. 54–62.
11. Jejdemiller Je. Psihologija i psihoterapija sem'i / Je. Jejdemiller, Ju. Justickis. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 656 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 159-153 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Povoroznyk, K.О.
National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Distinctive characteristics of psychological support for students’ time perspective development in the context of existential paradigm
Language: Ukrainian
Existential paradigm-based study of psychological support for the development of the individual in conditions of psychological interaction is an important area of psychological science and practice. This becomes of particular relevance in the light of time perspective as a special mechanism of human semantic self-regulation. The psychological support for time perspective development must be based on the synthesis of temporal and existential principles. It should be noted that the existential approach is not determined by a specific method or school, but by a focus on the individual in terms of his / her transcendence, panoramic vision of life and time as well as self-determination (V. Frankl, R. May, E. Dortsen , Karl Jaspers, L. Binswanger, M. Boss). This gives special importance to the strategy of psychological support for development of students’ time perspective because at this age people most vigorously try to build their lives according to their own projects. That is why it is very important for these projects to comply with their authors’ capabilities, values and desires, as well as the reality.
The article aims to study the characteristics of psychological support for students time perspective based on the existential paradigm.
The author analyzes the principles of developmental training and its key existential principles needed for the psychological support for the development of students time perspective.
Keywords: existential paradigm, existential mechanisms, semantic regulation, development, existential-analytical theory.
1. Liders A.G. Gruppovoj psihologicheskij trening so starsheklassnikami i studentami / A.G. Liders. – M., 2009. – 408 s.
2. Grecov A.G. Trening kreativnosti dlja starsheklassnikov i studentov / A. G. Grecov. – SPb., 2007. – 202 c.
3. Makshanov S. Psihologija treninga / S. Makshanov // Obrazovanie. – SPb., 1997. – 238 s.
4. Isurina I.G. Gruppovaja dinamika v treningovyh gruppah / I.G. Isurina // Zhurnal prakticheskogo psihologa. – 1998. – №1. – S. 31–34.
5. Leont'ev D.A. Lichnostnyj potencial: struktura i diagnostika / D.A. Leont'ev // Smysl. – M., 2011. – 381 s.
6. Ljengle A. Chto dvizhet chelovekom? Jekzistencial'no-analiticheskaja teorija jemocij : per. s nem. / [vstup.s t. S.V. Krivcovoj]. – [2-e izd.] / A. Ljengle. – M. : Genezis, 2009. – 235 s.
7. Bugental, J.F.T. Psychotherapy and process: The fundamentals of an existential-humanistic approach / McGraw-Hill (formely Reading, MA: Adisson-Wesley) / J.F.T. Bujental. – New York, 1987. – 64 p.
8. Forrester, F. The Essential Tillich (anthology) // University of Chicago Press / F. Forrester. – Chicago, 1999. – 271 p.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 163-167 (pdf)
UDC 159.92
Serbin, Yu.V.
East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine
Social and psychological characteristics of students’ adaptation process to the conditions of institutions of higher education
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the basic psychological mechanisms of students’ adaptation to studying at the institutions of higher education. The adaptation process has a series of stages characterized by sequential adaptation mechanisms. At the psychological level a condition produced by faulty interactions between the man and the environment can be described in terms of stress, frustration and conflict. These are closely related and can follow one after another. An individual can get out of this ‘vicious circle’ using special psychological adaptation mechanisms peculiar to each condition.
The investigation results suggest that there are two basic psychological mechanisms of adaptation to studying at institutions of higher education: the devaluation of the initial needs and the conceptualization of the secondary control of emotions. These two adaptation mechanisms have different psychological, socio-psychological and physiological contents. Thus, one can speak of two key psychological mechanisms of adaptation to studying at institutions of higher education which are fundamentally different at all levels of regulation. These levels include the psychological level (success achievement motivation or failure avoidance motivation), micro-social interactions level (satisfaction with the relationships with the direct environment of extrapunitive or intropunitive responses) as well as the psycho-physiological level (functional mobility of nervous processes and characteristics of autonomic nervous regulation).
Keywords: students, adaptation process, adaptive mechanisms, institution of higher education (humanities profile), intra-psychological adaptation type, regulation levels.
1. Aronson Je. Social'naja psihologija. Psihologicheskie zakony povedenija cheloveka v sociume / Je. Aronson, T. Uilson, R. Jejkert. – SPb. : Prajm-EVROZNAK, 2002. – 560 s.
2. Vasil'ev I.A. Motivacija i kontrol' za dejstviem / I.A. Vasil'ev, M.Sh. Magomed-Jeminov. – M. : Nauka, 1991.
3. Dorozhevec A.N. Kognitivnye mehanizmy adaptacii k krizisnym sobytijam / A.N. Dorozhevec // Zhurnal prakticheskogo psihologa. – 1998. – №4. – S. 40–48.
4. Zanjuk S.S. Motivacіjnij trenіng. Formuvannja motivacії uchbovoji dіjal'nostі u studentіv ta starshoklasnikіv / S.S. Zanjuk // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2002. – №8. – S. 31–42.
5. Kokun O.M. Analіz ponjattja adaptacіjnih mozhlivostej ljudini / O.M. Kokun // Problemi zag. ta ped. psihol. : zb. nauk. prac' Іn-tu psihol. іm. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukrajini / za red. S.D. Maksimenka. – K. : Gnozіs, 2002. – T. ІV. – Ch. 5. – S. 137–140.
6. Korzhova E.Ju. Zhiznennye situacii i strategii povedenija / E.Ju. Korzhova // Psihologicheskie problemy samorealizacii lichnosti / pod red. A.A. Krylova, L.A. Korostyljovoj. – SPb. : SPb GU, 1997. – S.75–88.
7. Larionova S.A. Social'no-psihologicheskaja adaptacija lichnosti: teoreticheskaja model' i diagnostika / S.A. Larionova. – Belgorod : BelGU, 2002. – 197 s.
8. Maklakov A.G. Lichnostnyj adaptacionnyj potencial: ego mobilizacija i prognozirovanie v jekstremal'nyh uslovijah / A.G. Maklakov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2001. – T. 22. – № 1. – S. 16–24.
9. Medvedev V.I. O probleme adaptacii / V.I. Medvedev // Komponenty adaptacionnogo processa / pod red. V.I. Medvedeva. – L. : Nauka, 1984. – S. 3–16.
10. Polivanova K.N. Psihologija vozrastnyh krizisov / K.N. Polivanova. – M. : Akademija, 2000. – 184 s.
11. Posohova S.T. Psihologija adaptirujushhejsja lichnosti / S.T. Posohova. – SPb. : RGPU im. A. I. Gercena, 2001. – 240 s.
12. Rozum S.I. Psihologija socializacii i social'noj adaptacii cheloveka / S.I. Rozum. – M. : Rech', 2006. – 366 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 168-172 (pdf)
UDC 159.953.3
Serdyuk, O.A.
Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv, Ukraine
Psychological features of memorizing hidden advertisements by the man
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the essential characteristics of hidden advertising and disinvite features of its perception by consumers as well as the Product placement impact on consumers.
The Product placement can be considered an effective advertising technology and a means for influencing consumers that activates products memorization and recognition. High development of image memory improves advertisement memorization in the Product placement format, whereas well-developed logic and mechanical memories improve memorization of interesting and attractive advertisements like interesting film plots or characters.
The author discusses different consumer attitudes to advertising technologies. Direct TV commercials were generally perceived as intrusive as opposed to the hidden advertising found in movies that was perceived by the vast majority of the consumers as non-disturbing. Despite some negative attitudes towards advertising on television, most of the respondents believed that hidden advertising influenced consumers promoting a certain lifestyle, while inclusion of ads into the storyline of the film or show helped them to orient when choosing goods and services.
The author analyzes the psychological determinants of the Product placement effectiveness compared to other types of advertising and people’s individual characteristics of advertising memorization: those with the leading mechanical memory memorization associated with the occurrence of the product, although too many different products and brands deteriorated remembering.
Keywords: advertising message, direct advertising, hidden advertising Product placement, advertising memorization, perception of advertising.
1. Berezkina O.P. Product Placement. Tehnologii skrytoj reklamy / O.P. Berezkina. – SPb. : Piter, 2009. – 208 s.
2. Eseleva A.A. Pozicija psihologa v reklame / A.A. Eseleva // Zerkalo reklamy. – 2000. – № 3. – S. 47–64.
3. Kulikova Ju. Jeffektivnye modeli Product rlacement / Ju. Kulikova [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Manujlov M.A. Psihologija reklamy / M.A. Manujlov. – M. : Gos. teh. izd-vo, 1925. – 36 s.
5. Mokshancev R.I. Psihologija reklamy : uch. posobie / [nauch. red. M.V.Udal'cova] / R.I. Mokshancev. – M. : INFRA ; Novosibirsk : Sibirskoje soglashenije, 2006. – 230 s.
6. Pen'kova E.M. Klassifikacija reklamy / E.M. Pen'kova. – M. : Progress, 1989. – 630 s.
7. Polukarov E.I. Psihologicheskije osnovy reklamy / E.I. Polukarov. – Praga, 1998. – 312 s.
8. Razumovskij B.S. Iskusstvo reklamy / B.S. Razumovskij. – Minsk : Polymja, 1984. – 112 s.
9. Chaldini Robert. Psihologija vlijanija / Robert Chaldini. – SPb. : Piter, 2001. – 190 s.
10. Janovs'kij M.І. Mehanіzmi psihologіchnogo vplyvu kіnematografіchnogo vіdeorіadu na glіadacha : avtoref. dis... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.01 / M.І. Janovs'kij ; Hark. nac. un-t іm. V.N. Karazіna. – H., 2005. – 18 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 172-177 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Toba, M.V.
East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Kyiv, Ukraine
Characteristics of the gender dimension of normative behavior
Language: Ukrainian
Gender behavior of contemporary people is full of resonances and partial losses of values and normative regulators of social behavior, whereas the so-called 'female' and 'male' behavioral patterns are characterized by modifications and transformations. Importance of socio-psychological knowledge, in particular, the gender dimension of normative behavior stems from the presence of multicultural and multinational collective subjects of group interaction that are characterized by a plurality of cultural components of sex that are manifested in social interactions between and gender variety of the representatives of different ethnic and religious subcultures and social strata.
We found gender aspects which made female students more susceptible to the influences by the majority than male students. Correlations showed that students obeyed the majority and the regulations imposed by this majority because it contributed to students' adaptation, group discipline, group performance, group cohesion and producing of rules of conduct within the group and with other groups. However there were conditions under which the regulatory impact of the group majority was ignored by the respondents: the respondents' loss of confidence in the majority, the respondents' confidence in their own right and the rejection of the norms of the majority that did not strengthen group discipline.
The factors in the formation of group norms and group incentives, or progressive norms, according to the female respondents, included: the overall success of the group members; a conflict situation; group solidarity; democratic communication and interaction style; group members' compatibility and harmony; similarity of group members' ideas, values and objectives. The male respondents singled out the following factors in the formation of group norms: group members' expertise; the group leader's expertise; the group monitor's expertise; the total failure of the group; the overall authority of the group leader. Common for the both respondent groups were the polite and friendly style of communication; the increase in cognitive, social, political and ethic activities of group members; each group member's satisfaction with group membership.
From the gender perspective one can reveal social and psychological characteristics of certain norms of different systems in which gender as a social status determines developmental opportunities in these systems. Formal norms of student groups declare a feminine model of behavior for women and a masculine model for men, while informal norms permit deviations from these models. As part of the educational space, a gender role has its distinctive features and to some extent reflects general trends in the modern social system.
Keywords: group norms, gender perspective, gender, educational environment, student group.
Burd'e P. Sociologija social'nogo prostranstva / P'er Burd'e / per. s fr. ; [obshh. red. N.A. Shmatko]. – SPb. : Aletejja ; M. : In-t jeksperim.sociologii : Aletejja, 2005. – 288 s.
Garfіnkel' G. Chto takoe jetnometodologija? per. s angl. S.P. Ban'kovskoj. Istochnik : Garfinkel H.(2002).What is Ethnomethodology? // Garfinkel, H. Ethnomethodology’s program: working out Durkheim’s aphorism / ed. A.W. Rawls. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. R. 91–99 [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu : http://www.chrome_extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/
Zdravomyslova E.A. Social'noe konstruirovanie gendera / E. Zdravomyslova // Sociologicheskij zhurnal. – 1998. – № 3–4. – S. 171–182.
Kazmirenko V.P. Social'naja psihologija organizacij / V.P. Kazmirenko. – K., 1993. – 384 s.
Karamushka L.M. Psihologіja upravlіnnja zakladami seredn'oї osvіti : monografіja / L.M. Karamushka. – K., 2000. – 323 s.
Orban-Lembrik L.E. Osnovi psihologіji upravlіnnja / L.E. Orban-Lembrik. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k, 2002. – 426 s.
Toba M.V. Gendernі aspekti pіdprijemnic'koji dіjal'nostі: socіo-psihologіchnij analіz / M.V. Toba // Psihologіja. Naukovo-populjarna gazeta. – K.-Dn., 2002. – № 4–5. – S. 14–16.
Toba M.V. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі osoblivostі viniknennja і funkcіonuvannja norm v students'kih grupah : dis. … dokt. psiholog. Nauk : spec. 19.00.05 ; Іnstitut psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni / M.V. Toba. – K., 2012. – 552 s.
Gustavson, M. Barn och ungdomar med hbtg-föräldrar och deras erfarenheter i skolan i Tyskland, Slovenien och Sverige / M. Gustavson, І. Schmitt / Delstudie Sverige // Lunds universitet, Centrum for genusvetenskap. – [Rezhim dostupu:]
Goffman, E. Gender Display / E. Goffman // Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication. – 1976. – №3. – R. 69–77.
Hirdman, Y. Genussystemet: teoretiska funderingar kring kvinnors sociala underordning / Y. Hirdman. – Rapport-99, 1988. – Uppsala : Maktutredningen.
Lorber, S. (Eds.) The Social Construction of Gender / S. Lorber, S. Farrell. – Sage Publications, 1991.
Jasvin V.A. Obrazovatel'naja sreda: ot modelirovanija k proektirovaniju / V.A. Jasvin. – M. : Smysl, 2001. – 365 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 178-182 (pdf)
UDC 316.663
Chorna, L.G.
Institute of Social and Political Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Role interactions of small group members: techniques and research methods
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the systematized techniques that can be used in the role interactions research. The criterion for the techniques selection was the role interactions structure which included the individual’s role self-concept, role behaviors and role expectations. The selected methodological tools are presented with their theoretical bases that encompass transactional analysis, cognitive psychology, symbolic interactionism, sociometry, psychodrama, and other schools in psychology. Since the role interactions are a multicomponent psychological phenomenon, it should be studied using sets of methods and tools. The author emphasizes the necessity of developing techniques to diagnose both the individual components of role interactions and the mechanisms of their functioning.
The article outlines the research on role interactions in small groups proceeding from the fact that: 1) individual determinants of role interactions in the inner space of a small group can significantly transform if compared with interpersonal communication space; 2) role interactions cover direct human behaviors in the group.
The author concludes that the best method of research on interactions in the group’s role space should be modeling of these processes, in particular through the reflection of the group’s role space by group members’ conscious choice of the roles, ascription of the roles to other people and projective role expectations. The author believes that psycho-drama techniques, in particular role games, have significant psychodiagnostic potential for the study of role interactions. Analysis of metaphorical images that reflect the distance between the group members’ roles, conditional borders of in-group interactions as well as of the group itself, can help reveal unconscious factors in role interactions. Conscious factors in small group role interactions are manifested in the small group members’ role identities and the identity of the group itself, as well as the levels of subjectivity, activity, temporal and spatial integrity.
Keywords: role, interaction, roles subject, small group, method, technique.
1. Ahverdova O.A. Praktikum po social'noj psihologii : uchebnoe posobie / O.A. Ahverdova, K.S. Gjulushanjan, V.V. Kolenkina. – M. : TC Sfera, 2006. – 336 s.
2. Gorbunova V. Psihologіja komandotvorennja: cіnnіsno-rol'ovij pіdhіd do formuvannja ta rozvitku komand : monografіja / Vіktorіja Gorbunova. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2014. – 380 s.
3. Gornostaj P.P. Lichnost' i rol': Rolevoj podhod v social'noj psihologii lichnosti / P.P. Gornostaj. – K. : Interpress LTD, 2007. – 312 s.
4. Diagnostika v art-terapii: metod «Mandala» – [2-e izd., ispr.] / pod red. A.I. Kopytina. – M. : Psihoterapija, 2009. – 144 s.
5. Duhnovskij S.V. Diagnostika mezhlichnostnyh otnoshenij. Psihologicheskij praktikum / S.V. Duhnovskij. – SPb. : Rech', 2010. – 141 s.
6. Kaloshina T.Ju. Art-terapija: metodicheskie rekomendacii / T.Ju. Kaloshina. – M. : Izd-vo Instituta terapii, 2001. – 76 s.
7. Minaeva N.S. Metody social'noj psihologii / N.S. Minaeva, D. V. Pivovarov, Je.L. Bodnar i dr. ; pod obshh. red. N.S. Minaevoj. – M. : Akademicheskij Proekt, 2007. – 351 s.
8. Nіkonova O.Ju. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі oznaki spіvzalezhnoji osobistostі: gendernij aspekt : disertacіja …nauk. st. kand. psihol. n. : spec. 19.00.05 «Socіal'na psihologіja; psihologіja socіal'noї roboti» / Olena Jurіjivna Nіkonova. – K. : Іnstitut socіal'noji ta polіtichnoji psihologіji NAPN Ukrajiny, 2012. – 218 s.
9. Orban-Lembrik L.E. Socіal'na psihologіja : pіdruchnik : u 2 kn. Kn. 2 : Socіal'na psihologіja grup. Prikladna socіal'na psihologіja / L.E. Orban–Lembrik. – K. : Libіd', 2006. – 560 s.
10. Prygunov P.Ja. Praktikum po psihologii rolevogo povedenija (dlja sotrudnikov pravoohranitel'nyh organov) / P.Ja. Prygunov. – M. : Izd-vo MPSI ; Voronezh : Izd-vo NPO «MODEK», 2003. – 256 s.
11. Test «Kto Ja?» (M. Kun, T. Makpartlend; modifikacija T. V. Rumjancevoj) [Elektronnij resurs] / Rumjanceva T.V. Psihologicheskoe konsul'tirovanie: diagnostika otnoshenij v pare. – SPb., 2006. – S. 82–103. – Rezhim dostupu: http: //
12. Fetiskin N.P. Social'no-psihologicheskaja diagnostika razvitija lichnosti i malyh grupp / N.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov, G.M. Manujlov. – M. : Izd-vo Instituta Psihoterapii, 2005. – 490 s.
13. Chorna L.G. Rol'ova іdentichnіst' starshoklasnikіv : posіbnik / Lіdіja Chorna. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2014. – 128 s.
14. Testoteka. Katalog [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu : http: // / tests/catalog
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 182-188 (pdf)
UDC 159.9075:303.833.5:316.773.4
Shevchenko, N.F.
Zaporizhzhya national University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
The ratio of phenomena "senseformation" and "interpretation" in value-semantic space
Language: Ukrainian
The article presents theoretical analysis of the phenomena of value-semantic space: sense, senseformation, interpretation, opinion, understanding, active attitude. It is revealed the features of ratio of sense and interpretation phenomena. Psychological maintenance of sense is exposed as personality meaningfulness of those or other phenomena, reports or actions, and their relation, to interests, to the necessities and vital context of personality. It is shown that senseformation is realized through the establishment of semantic relationships between object or phenomenon and unified system of vital relations governing the livelihoods of the subject. Mechanism of senseformation is the core of interpretation.
It is highlighted the characteristics of interpretation as procedures of social thinking subject and method of assigning human cognition and the surrounding world. Interpretation occurs in active relationship that is always focused on an object. It has been shown the comparison the processes of understanding and interpretation. Understanding is interpreted as achieving a certain level of identity of the text, and its conceptualization by understanding subject. Interpretation does not provide the achievement of such identity, it is more subjective than the understanding, however, and is more associated with the context in which it is carried by the subject. It is explained that understanding is defined as placing knowledge in cognitive structure of the subject and interpretation complements it, including the subject's evaluations, opinions, and views. The functions of interpretation are highlighted. The generalized function of interpretation is the achievement of confidence of personality's position. The process of interpreting is explained as determining the subject's own opinion regarding the author's position, text, and real events, people, their lives. Interpretation is determined as dynamic ability of consciousness of personality to produce ideas, which provide definiteness of vital position of personality in reality, which changes.
Keywords: sense, personal meaning, senseformation, interpretation, opinion, understanding, attitude.
1. Brudnyj A.A. Psihologicheskaja germenevtika [Tekst] / A.A. Brudnyj. – M. : Labirint, 2005. – 336 s.
2. Znakov V.V. Psihologija ponimanija: Problemy i perspektivy / V.V. Znakov. – M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologiі RAN», 2005. – 448 s.
3. Kolesov D.V. Ideologija i interpretacija / D.V. Kolesov // Razvitie lichnosti. – 2004. – №2. – S. 53–64.
4. Leont'ev D.A. Psihologija smysla: priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoj real'nosti / D.A. Leont'ev. – M. : Smysl, 2003. – 487 s.
5. Maksimenko S.D. Geneza zdіjsnennja osobistostі / S.D. Maksimenko. – K. : TOV KMM, 2006. – 250 s.
6. Problemy psihologicheskoj germenevtiki / pod red. N.V. Chepelevoj. – K. : Izd-vo Nacional'nogo pedagogicheskogo un-ta im. N.P. Dragomanova, 2009. – 382 s.
7. Rikjor P. Konflikt interpretacij / P. Rikjor. – M. : Akademicheskij proekt, 2008. – 400 s.
8. Slavskaja A.N. Lichnost' kak subjekt interpretacii / A.N. Slavskaja. – Dubna : Feniks+, 2002. – 240 s.
9. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі chinniki rozumіnnja ta іnterpretacіji osobistogo dosvіdu / [N.V. Chepeleva (red.), T.M. Titarenko, M.L. Smul'son ta іn.]. – K. : Pedagogіchna dumka, 2008. – 256 s.
10. Hajkin V.L. Aktivnost' / V.L. Hajkin. – M. : Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj in-t, 2000. – 448 s.
11. Chepeleva N.V. Vpliv іnterpretacіjnih procesіv na osobistіsne funkcіonuvannja ta rozvitok osobistostі / N.V. Chepeleva // Rozumіnnja ta іnterpretacіja zhittєvogo dosvіdu jak chinnik rozvitku osobistostі : monografіja / za red. N.V. Chepelevoji. – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – S. 7–16.
12. Chepeleva N.V. Tlumachennja osobistostі v kontekstі postneklasichnoї psihologії / N.V. Chepeleva // Rozumіnnja ta іnterpretacіja zhittєvogo dosvіdu jak chinnik rozvitku osobistostі : monografіja / za red. N.V. Chepelevoji. – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – S. 16–25.
13. Shevchenko N.F. Osobistіsnij smisl u strukturі smisloutvorjuval'noji aktivnostі osobistostі / N.F. Shevchenko // Materіali І Mіzhnarodnoji naukovo-praktichnoji konferencіji «Kognіtivnі ta emocіjno-povedіnkovі faktori povnocіnnogo funkcіonuvannja ljudini: kul'turno-іstorichnij pіdhіd». – H. : Izd-vo HNPU, 2013. – S. 33–35.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 1(42): 188-194 (pdf)