Content 3
Максименко С.Д. Maksymenko S.D. Psychological lines of personality development - mechanisms of development or neoplasm? . 6-17
Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. Moral and value paradigmatic representation of psychological thought of the twentieth century. 17-24
Алєксєєва О.І. Alekseeva O.I. A practical tool for the system of psychological support for the development of competitiveness of management staff of educational organizations of state ownership 24-30
Білоконь І.В. Bilokon' I.V. Research of interpretation processes in domestic psychology 30-35
Бохонкова Ю.О., Завацький В.Ю. Bohonkova Iu.O., Zavac'kyi V.Iu. Psychological analysis of different situations of life changes in connection with the degree of their impact on human activity 35-42
Бугайова Н.М. Bugaiova N.M. Features of the development of self-destructive behavior. 42-49
Бутко В.В. Butko V.V. Key changes in the self-image of women victims of domestic violence. 49-56
Вернік О.Л. Vernik O.L. Psychological readiness in the life of the individual 56-64
Власенко І.А. Vlasenko I.A. Specifics of intrapersonal conflicts of teachers 64-71
Возна В.Ю. Vozna V.Iu. Value attitude to the professional activity of future specialists of creative professions: problems of motivational readiness 71-78
Володарська Н.Д., Мирошниченко М.М. Volodars'ka N.D., Myroshnychenko M.M. Groups as a tool for psychological assistance to adolescents. 78-85
Гейко Є.В. Geiko E.V. Functional structure of polysystem integrity of personality. 85-92
Гончаренко С.А., Кондратенко Л.О. Goncharenko S.A., Kondratenko L.O. Questions of psychological culture of teachers at the first psychological and pedagogical congresses (1906 - 1909). 92-99
Грановська О.Я. Granovs'ka O.Ia. Psychological time and age of the individual 99-104
Девіс Л.А. Devis L.A. Psychological features of the development of relationships and cooperation of children in boarding schools 104-111
Завацька Н.Є., Сербін Ю.В. Zavac'ka N.E., Serbin Iu.V. Psychological features of the formation of the personality of a modern student 111-117
Кирпенко Т.М. Kyrpenko T.M. Psychological problems of adaptation of adolescents who have experienced traumatic events 117-122
Клибанівська Т.М. Klybanivs'ka T.M. Features of value orientations of students-agrarians. 122-131
Коваль І.А. Koval' I.A. Modern approaches to changing the health paradigm. 131-137
Комар Т.В. Komar T.V. Theoretical problems of formation of professional maturity of the future specialist 143-150
Кормишев М.В. Kormyshev M.V. Features of development of goal-setting of pupils of boarding schools 150-157
Корнієнко О. В. Kornienko O. V. Individual-typological (extroverted) and factor-comparative analyzes of psychosomatic health of students-girls and boys of taras shevchenko kyiv national university 157-167
Котова Ю.В., Недайбiда Ю.П. Kotova Iu.V., Nedaibida Iu.P. Features of tolerance to personality uncertainty in decision-making under the influence of random factors at the bifurcation point 167-174
Левицька І. В. Levyc'ka I. V. Psychological factors of formation of readiness for professional activity 174-180
Летцев В.М. Letcev V.M. Primary conceptualizations of personal experience in artistic practices and humanitarian knowledge of the xix century 180-187
Лотоцька-Голуб Л.Л. Lotoc'ka-Golub L.L. Psychological features of professional burnout of doctors. 187-193
Маслюк А. М. Masliuk A. M. Features of human experience of traumatic situations 193-200
Михайлюк І.В. Myhailiuk I.V. Structural and functional model of dialogic competence of a psychologist. 200-208
Міляєва В.Р. Miliaeva V.R. Motivation of professional development as a leading determinant of the development of professional competence of managers in the field of education 208-216
Музичук О.О. Muzychuk O.O. Personal values in the semantic field of personality in the research of ukrainian psychologists. 216-222
Наконечна Н.В. Nakonechna N.V. Purposeful formation of organizational culture of a private educational institution 222-229
Нежданова Н.В. Nezhdanova N.V. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the classification and structure of professionally important qualities of the future specialist 229-236
Норчук Ю.В. Norchuk Iu.V. The essence and content of psychological readiness for professional and service activities of future servicemen as a personal education 236-244
Пенькова О.І. Pen'kova O.I. Self-esteem as a factor in the formation of the process of self-improvement of the student's personality 244-250
Перегончук Н.В. Peregonchuk N.V. Psychological features of formation of professional competence of future psychologists in the conditions of globalization of education 250-256
Перепелюк Т.Д. Perepeliuk T.D. I-concept of personality as a condition of professional development of a practical psychologist 256-261
Подкоритова Л.О. Podkorytova L.O. Application of art therapy for self-knowledge of students of the socionomic sphere. 261-268
Поладко Г.О. Poladko G.O. Pheochromocytoma dysfunction and its relationship to psychological content. 268-273
Потоцька І.С. Potoc'ka I.S. The impact of anxiety on the psychological health of students of vocational schools 273-281
Притула О. А. Prytula O. A. Psychology of crisis manager activity. 281-286
Рождественський А.Ю. Rozhdestvens'kyi A.Iu. Mediation as a form of conflict resolution. 286-289
Рождественська Т.П. Rozhdestvens'ka T.P. National consciousness of personality as a subject of psychological - pedagogical analysis 289-295
Россова М. М. Rossova M. M. Practical recommendations for psychologists, school administration and teachers on the peculiarities of the application of implicit psychological influence in the educational process 295-302
Савченко О.В. Savchenko O.V. Instrumental component of reflexive personality competence 302-311
Сердюк Л.З., Купрєєва О.І. Serdiuk L.Z., Kupreeva O.I. Personal resource of vitality of students with somatic diseases 311-317
Сердюк Л.З., Соколюк А.О. Serdiuk L.Z., Sokoliuk A.O. Psychological factors of self-determination of professional development of personality. 317-322
Сіпко Л.О. Sipko L.O. The influence of the destruction of the psyche on the behavior of the individual in society 322-327
Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. Understanding and interpretation of texts by students - future lawyers 327-336
Фатєєва М.С. Fateeva M.S. Problems of coverage of the phenomenon of orthorexia in the works of modern foreign psychologists. 336-341
Франчук О. Ю. Franchuk O. Iu. Psychodynamic approach to understanding dialogic interaction in the psychocorrectional process 341-351
Харченко Н.А. Harchenko N.A. The figure of hryhoriy kostyuk in the history of the formation of psychological thought in ukraine. 351-357
Цавалюк Т.О. Cavaliuk T.O. Intellectual feelings of junior schoolchildren: theoretical and methodological research 357-361
Шевчук І.В. Shevchuk I.V. Gender features of the midlife crisis. 361-367
Спицька Л.В. Spyc'ka L.V. The influence of socio-psychological features on their resocialization in social rehabilitation institutions. 367-373
Чиханцова О.Е. Chyhancova O.E. Positive psychotherapy as a factor in promoting the development of the individual 373-381