Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - 2019. Vol. IX. - Issue 12


Content 3-4

Бабатенко О.В. Babatenko O.V. Prevention and correction of negative functional states of food industry specialists 5-14

Близнюкова О.М., Присяжнюк О.В. Blyznjukova O.M., Prysjazhnjuk O.V. Experience in developing and using a web application in the study of the facilitation of future practical psychologists 15-25

Бугайова Н.М. Bugajova N.M. Transformation of personality in the age of digital technologies 26-35

Бурлакова І.А. Burlakova I.A. Socialization of professional health of future specialists 36-46

Вернік О.Л. Vernik O.L. Resources in the life of the individual: the psychological content of the problem 47-57

Вітомський Ю.Л., Паращенко Л.І., Наконечна Н.В. Vitoms'kyj Ju.L., Parashhenko L.I., Nakonechna N.V. Organizational conflicts and features of their resolution 58-68

Гейко Є.В. Gejko Je.V. Integrity of the individual in measuring the system approach 69-82

Гуд Г.О. Gud G.O. Psychological and pedagogical means of prevention and correction of negative experiences of junior schoolchildren 83-96

Добровольська Н.А. Dobrovol's'ka N.A. Problems of giftedness in the socio-psychological dimension 97-103

Іванова В.В., Палькова Т.В. Ivanova V.V., Pal'kova T.V. Conditions for the development of creative abilities in the transition period from preschool to primary school age 104-114

Іванцанич В.І. Ivancanych V.I. Psychological components of stress resistance of schoolchildren 115-122

Кіричевська Е.В. Kirychevs'ka E.V. Psychology of professional suitability of servicemen of nmu special purpose units 123-133

Купрєєва О.І. Kuprjejeva O.I. Psychological features of the development of communicative competence of adolescents 134-146

Мамчур І.В. Mamchur I.V. Psychological features of play activities as a means of self-knowledge of high school students 147-155

Марусинець М.М., Лемішова О.В. Marusynec' M.M., Lemishova O.V. Features of professional self-determination of adolescents in the educational environment of the school 156-163

Маценко Ж.М. Macenko Zh.M. Outstanding personologists of the ukrainian diaspora in the early to mid-twentieth century. : honoring names (stepan baliy, alexander kulchytsky) 164-176

Мельничук І.Я. Mel'nychuk I.Ja. Psychological features of the "i-concept" of adolescents studying in rural and urban schools 177-185

Міненко О.О. Minenko O.O. Psychological readiness of young people for marital and family relations 186-195

Москаленко В.В. Moskalenko V.V. Culture as a subjective synthesis of human activity and a form of world development 196-210

Музика О. Л., Загурська Е. В. Muzyka O. L., Zagurs'ka E. V. Literary gifted personality in the psychological heritage of dm ovsyanyko-kulikovsky 211-224

Мул С.А. Mul S.A. Psychological features of the decision-making process 225-232

Омелянюк С.М. Omeljanjuk S.M. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of socio-psychological narratives 233-244

Ортікова Н.В. Ortikova N.V. Determining the structural components of the model of career growth of specialists of the state employment service 245-257

Поклад І.М. Poklad I.M. Conceptual ideas about personality in the scientific achievements of domestic psychologists 258-267

Сердюк Л.З., Дубчак Г.М. Serdjuk L.Z., Dubchak G.M. Value-oriented unity as a factor of psychological compatibility of spouses 268-277

Терещук А.М. Tereshhuk A.M. The main aspects of psychological assistance to victims of military trauma 278-287

Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. Psychological picture of the world: time, space and life of the individual 288-297

Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. The concept of "personality" in terms of the theory of the history of concepts 298-306

Чегі Т.Т. Chegi T.T. The specifics of the organization of official and educational activities of cadets of higher education of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine 307-314

Чорна Н.В. Chorna N.V. Socio-psychological features of the formation of musical culture of future teachers by means of national folklore 315-326

Шамич О.М. Shamych O.M. Features of psychological assistance in self-realization of paralympians 327-335

Солодчук С.Є. Solodchuk S.Je. Modern theories of personality in the domestic scientific space 336-342

Ахтирська Ю.І. Ahtyrs'ka Ju.I. Principles of building a program for the formation of organizational culture of youth as a means of psychoprophylaxis of interpersonal conflicts 343-351

Білецький П.С. Bilec'kyj P.S. Management of educational medical and social technologies in the conditions of modernization of modern society 352-360

Завацька Н.Є., Кованда О.В. Zavac'ka N.Je., Kovanda O.V. Socio-psychological analysis of the structure of the adaptive process of adulthood and barriers to social adaptation 361-367

Шевченко Р.П. Shevchenko R.P. Topical issues of social and psychological support of servicemen 368-376

Блискун О.О. Blyskun О.О. Conceptualization of the problem of youth reintegration in the socio-psychological paradigm 376-386

Лич О.М. Lych O. The characteristics of elderly people’s hardiness at the beginning and end of old age: an empirical comparative analysis 387-403

Іванцанич В.В. V.V. Ivancanych Conceptualizatio the role of studentsʼ religious worldview in ensuring their stress resistance 404-412

Онопрієнко-Капустіна Н.В. N. V. Onoprienko-Kapustina Psychological features of self-efficiency of social services 413-426

Іваннікова Г.В. Ivannikova H.V. Theoretical and methodological problems of psychological well-being specifications 427-436

Волченко Є.Є. Volchenko Eu. Conflictological and emotional competence in the system of psychological factors of change of professional health of a medical specialist 437-445

Чиханцова О.А. O. Chykhantsova Internal factors of personal hardiness 446-454

Гоян І.М. Hoian I.M. Social psychological support of the process of youth self-organization 455-463

Родченкова І.В. Rodchenkova I.V. Social psychological features of self-actualization of employees in the field of management 464-474

Беспека Г.С. Bespeka H. Adaptive mechanisms of personification of the negative experience as a copying strategy 475-488

Опанасюк І.В. Opanasyuk I.V. The influence of artistic and symbolic images on thе development of emotional intelligence in high school age (theory and practice) 489-498

Френкель С. Frеnkel S. Cognitive dysfunctions in infected adults 499-504

Андросович К.А. Androsovych K.A. Components of socialization of gifted youth 505-518

Лукашов О.О. Lukashov O.O. Socio-psychological conditions for the development of social responsibility of the individual 519-536

Боярин Л.В. Boyarin L.V. Social-psychological and age aspects of the dynamics of youth social competence development 537-549