Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - 2018. Vol. IX. - Issue 11


Content 3-4

Балахтар В.В.  Balahtar V.V.  Socio-psychological features of self-realization as a professional and personal neoplasm of personality formation of social work specialists 5–15

Білоконь І.В.  Bilokon' I.V.  Social attitudes as a psychological component of personality 16–27

Бугайова Н.М.  Bugajova N.M.  Manipulation of consciousness in cyberspace: deadly games 28–38

Бунас А.А., Черних О.А.  Bunas A.A., Chernyh O.A.  The specifics of the control parameter as one of the components of vitality in the process of self-realization of students-psychologists 39–50

Вернік О.Л.  Vernik O.L.  Prerequisites for studying the problem of the environment in the development of personality in the works of Ukrainian psychologists of the late XX - early XXI centuries 50–60

Володарська Н.Д.  Volodars'ka N.D.  Life prospects in the formation of "image - I" of the individual in crisis situations 61–70

Гейко Є.В.  Gejko Je.V.  Integrity of the individual with affective disorders in measuring the system approach 71–84

Коваль І.А.  Koval' I.A.  Ensuring effective interaction of the doctor with the patient 85–97

Когут О.О.  Kogut O.O.  Theoretical analysis of psychological components of determining true testimony in the process of investigative actions 98–105

Кондес Т.В.  Kondes T.V.  Psychological aspects of the formation of health-preserving competencies in the system of training specialists in the socionomic profile 106–114

Мельник О.А.  Mel'nyk O.A.  Historical preconditions for the formation and development of Kyiv academic psychology 115–123

Мироненко О.С.  Myronenko O.S.  Psychological factors of formation of "I-concept" of personality 124–133

Пенькова О.І.  Pen'kova O.I.  Development of self-improvement of personality in the social environment 134–141

Подшивайлов Ф. М.  Podshyvajlov F. M.  Psychological characteristics of personality types in terms of achievement motivation 142–162

Радул І.Г.  Radul I.G.  Depression as a psychological phenomenon 163–172

Савіна М.І.  Savina M.I.  The process of integration of masculinity / femininity: the key to personal harmony 173–184

Сердюк Л.З., Завірюха В.В.  Serdjuk L.Z., Zavirjuha V.V.  Positive psychotherapy in promoting the psychological well-being of the individual 185–193

Спицька Л.В.  Spyc'ka L.V.  The problem of mental health of the individual and his affective disorders: socio-psychological dimension 194–203

Турбан В.В.  Turban V.V.  The problem of formation of the concept of "personality" in the Ukrainian psychology of the second half of the XIX - early XXI centuries 204–215

Черних Л.А.  Chernyh L.A.  Types of social adaptation of older preschoolers with special needs 215–225

Широких А. О.  Shyrokyh A. O.  Life design as a psychological category 226–238

Яворська-Вєтрова І.В.  Javors'ka-Vjetrova I.V.  Self-assessment and meaningful life orientations of student youth: analysis of empirical research 239–248

Маценко В.Ф. Macenko V.F. Psychological features of the formation of human consciousness 248–256

Павлюк М.М. Pavljuk M.M. Psychological conditions for the development of independence of the future specialist 257–271

Павлюк М.М., Архіпенко Н.М., Куницька О.О, Байрака Л.В. Pavljuk M.M., Arhipenko N.M., Kunyc'ka O.O, Bajraka L.V. Psychological features of intra-personal conflicts of students 272–280

Соловей Я.Г. Solovej Ja.G. The role of personal values ​​in the formation of a musically gifted person 281–290

Мамчур І.В. Mamchur I.V. Socio-psychological features of the formation of self-knowledge of high school students in terms of educational and play activities 291–304

Романовська Л.І. Romanovs'ka L.I. Psychological principles of organization of resource-saving social space 305–313

Склярук А. В. Skljaruk A. V. Structural and functional model of child socialization in a problem family: theoretical understanding 314–324

Старовойт І.Й. Starovojt I.J. Theoretical and methodological foundations of scientific creativity 325–335

Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. Rehabilitation and reintegration work with servicemen, participants in hostilities in social service centers: ethical aspect 336-345

Українець Л.П. Ukrai'nec' L.P. The problem of self-limitation of youth in the coordinates of modern paradigms 346–353

Чегі Т.Т. Chegi T.T. Training of specialists of the law enforcement system: features and specifics 354–362

Шевченко О.Т. Shevchenko O.T. Factors in the development of resilience in future nurses in the process of professional training 363-372

Шамич О.М. Shamych O.M. Personal potential of Paralympians' vitality 372-381

Гуд Г.О. Gud G.O. Negative experiences of young school children: psychodiagnostic context of research 381-393

Палько Т.В. Pal'ko T.V. Technological support for the development of professional reflection of teachers-students of postgraduate pedagogical education courses 393-404

Яцина О.Ф. Jacyna O.F. The structure and logic of the study of marital and family partnership and parenting practices 404-418

Блискун О.О. Blyskun О.О. Social space and social communications in the aspect of the problem of reintegration 418-432

Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. Ethical-psychological aspects of choreographic talent 433-443

Лич О.М. Lych О. The empirical study of elderly peoples’ existential situation in connection with their psychological hardiness 443-458

Іванцанич В.В. Ivantsanich Volodymir Stress resistance of student youth as a scientific-practical problem 458-469

Онопрієнко-Капустіна Н.В. Onoprienko-Kapustina N.V. Motivative factors of self-efficacy of future social service specialists 470-480

Бегеза Л.Є. Beheza L. E. Communicative competence as a factor of the doctor's professional activity 481-488

Волченко Є.Є. Volchenko Eu. Conflictological competence of the medical worker in modern society: to the statement of the problem 489-495

Чиханцова О.А. Chykhantsova O. Personal resources as a factor in the development of hardiness of the individual 496-503

Гоян І.М. Hoian I.M. Leading components and mechanisms of youth self-organization in the conditions of social change 504-508

Родченкова І.В. Rodchenkova I.V. Psychological features of meaningful life orientations of management workers 509-516

Френкель С. Frеnkel S. Socio-psychological characteristics of infected adults 517-522

Рудий-Трипольський В.О. Rudyi-Trypolskyi V.O. A systematic and integrative approach to the formation and development of professional competence of medical industry specialists 523-536

Андросович К.А. Androsovych K.A. Соціально-психологічний аналіз інтернет-середовища як засобу соціалізації обдарованої учнівської молоді 537-549

Лукашов О.О. Lukashov O.O. Model of the development process social responsibility of personality 550-557

Боярин Л.В. Boyarin L.V. Social and psychological conditions of the development of social competence of youth in a transforming society 558-568