Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - Environmental Psychology. - 2019. Vol. VII. - Issue 47


Content 6-8

Акименко І.М. Akymenko I., Political socialization of man in modern society 9–18

Акімова Н. В. Akimova N., The problem of understanding as an important aspect of psychological welfare on the internet 19–34

Баєва К.О., Кряж І.В. Baieva K., Kriazh I., Environmental sensitivity and perceived control as fac-tors of bio-oriented activity 35–46

Борець Ю.В., Шлімакова І.І. Borets J., Shlimakova I., The conditionality of the person's viability by the environment influence 47–55

Варга В.С. Varha V., Adaptation to the school environment for children of junior school age: a description of the correction program 56–67

Вернік О.Л. Vernik O., Ecopsychological approach to the researches of wellbeing of personality: lifeactivity and environmental context 68–79

Вовчик-Блакитна О.О. Vovchyk-Blakytna O., Intergenerational interaction in the family as a resource 80–91

Волеваха І.Б. Volevakha I., The method of educational training in the preparation of psychology students to work in a business organization 92–102

Волинець Н.В. Volynets N., Comparative analysis of peculiarities of personal well-being of border guards with different official status and psychologists, social workers and social pedagogues depending on the experience of priva 103–119

Гірченко О.Л., Буковська О.О. Hirchenko O., Bukovska O., Prosocial orientation and personality behavior 120–129

Горова О.О. Horova O., Dynamics of the of value regulation of professional abilities in adolescence 130–139

Дяченко Н.А., Мунасипова-Мотяш І.А., Дубініна Д.Е. Diachenko N., Munasipova-Motiash I., Dubinina D., Relationship between psychological safety and satisfaction with women’s image of a bodi 140–152

Каменщук Т.Д. Kamenschuk T., Contents of the experimental educational and correction program of formation spatial sign-symbolic system of knowledge 153–165

Кирпенко Т.М. Kyrpenko T., The current state and prospects of studying the relationship of health and subjective well-being of personality 166–176

Кулікова А.І. Kulikova A., Temporary disability (hands or hunts, 9-12 month of rehabilitation) as a factor of changes structural components «self-image» 177–188

Мироненко О.М. Myronenko O., Subjective connection with nature as a factor of psychological well-being of person 189–196

Мусіяка Н.І. Musiiaka N., I.O. Sikorskyi: the first national concept of personal determination for learning (ecological-psychological aspect) 197–207

Павленко Г.В. Pavlenko H., Tolerance to uncertainty as a resource of psychological well-being of students 208–219

Павленко О.В. Pavlenko O., Interpretation of experience in formation of perspectives of personality 220–231

Партенадзе О.В. Partenadze O., Study request for student youth for services of the psychological service of a higher educational institution 232–247

Платковская О.В. Platkovska O., Study request for student youth for services of the psychological service of a higher educational institution 248–252

Примачок Л.Л. Prymachok L., Psychological and pedagogical essence of professional development of students of higher educational estab-lishments, which master the profession of a specialist of physical rehabilitation 252–268

Рудоміно-Дусятська О.В. ПІП в резюме англ рус Rudomino-Dusiatska O., Ecological aspects of the problem of psychological well-being 269–279

Сараева Н.М., Суханов А.А., Галиакберова И.Л. Saraeva N., Sukhanov A., Haliackberova I., On the factors of human resiliense in the region of eco-logical trouble 280–290

Скок А.Г. Skok A., The method of floating as modern psychological rehabilitation direction 291–300

Шапошнікова Ю.Г. Shaposhnikova J., Reflexive components in the professional development of practical psychologists as a subject of psychological analysis 301–313

Швалб Ю.М. Shvalb J., Psychological bases of social welfare of personality in full age 314–331

Максименко С.Д., Невмержицький В. М. Maksimenko S.D., Nevmerzhytskyi V. M. Moral - psychological resistance as a condition for a constructive personal life perspective 332–343

Our authors 344–345