Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - 2020. Vol. VI. - Issue 17


Content 3-4

Івашкевич Е.З., Хупавцева Н.О. Ivashkevych E., Hupavtseva N. Prevention and correction of negative functional states of food industry specialists 5-15

Кремінський Б.Г., Колебошин С.В. Kreminskyi B.G., Koleboshyn S.V. Experience in developing and using a web application in the study of the facilitation of future practical psychologists 16-24

Москаленко В.В. Moskalenko V.V. Transformation of personality in the age of digital technologies 25-32

Музика О.Л. Muzyka O. L. Socialization of professional health of future specialists 33-46

Сердюк Л.З. Serdyuk L.Z. Resources in the life of the individual: the psychological content of the problem 47-53

Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. Organizational conflicts and features of their resolution 54-62

Василькевич Я.З., Дереча А.А. Vasylkevych Y. Z., Derecha A. A. Integrity of the individual in measuring the system approach 63-69

Виноградова В.Є. Vynohradova V. Psychological and pedagogical means of prevention and correction of negative experiences of junior schoolchildren 70-76

Володарська Н.Д. Volodarska N.D. Problems of giftedness in the socio-psychological dimension 77-83

Гавриловська К.П., Дем’янчук Ю.Ю. Havrylovska K.P., Demianchuk Yu.Yu. Conditions for the development of creative abilities in the transition period from preschool to primary school age 84-90

Гурлєва Т.С., Журавльова Н.Ю. Hurlyeva T.S., Zhuravliova N.U. Psychological components of stress resistance of schoolchildren 91-105

Завязун Т.В. Zaviazun T.V. Psychology of professional suitability of servicemen of nmu special purpose units 106-112

Івашкевич Е.Е., Терновик Н.А. Ivashkevych E, Ternovyk N. Psychological features of the development of communicative competence of adolescents 113-122

Кіричевська Е.В. Kirychevska E.W. Psychological features of play activities as a means of self-knowledge of high school students 123-128

Кордунова Н.О., Дмитріюк Н.С. Kordunova N.O., Dmitriuk N.S. Features of professional self-determination of adolescents in the educational environment of the school 129-138

Краєва О.А., Компанієць М.В. Kraieva O.A., Kompaniiets M.V. Outstanding personologists of the ukrainian diaspora in the early to mid-twentieth century. : honoring names (stepan baliy, alexander kulchytsky) 139-146

Кривцова Н.В. Kryvtsova N.V. Psychological features of the "i-concept" of adolescents studying in rural and urban schools 147-166

Купрєєва О.І. Kupreeva O.I. Psychological readiness of young people for marital and family relations 167-176

Левус Н.І., Липецька М.Л. Levus N. І., Lypetska M. L. Culture as a subjective synthesis of human activity and a form of world development 177-188

Мазяр О.В. Mazyar O.V. Literary gifted personality in the psychological heritage of dm ovsyanyko-kulikovsky 189-195

Мусіяка Н.І. Musiiaka N.I. Psychological features of the decision-making process 196-202

Никончук Н.О.  Nykonchuk N.O.  Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of socio-psychological narratives 203-216

Пенькова О.І. Penkova O.I. Determining the structural components of the model of career growth of specialists of the state employment service 217-223

Рудюк О.В. Rudiuk O.W.  Conceptual ideas about personality in the scientific achievements of domestic psychologists 224-233

Чиханцова О.А. Chikhantsova O. Value-oriented unity as a factor of psychological compatibility of spouses 234-241

Яворська-Вєтрова І.В. Yavorska-Vetrova I.V. The main aspects of psychological assistance to victims of military trauma 242-249

Вольгемут І.А. Wohlgemuth I. A. Psychological picture of the world: time, space and life of the individual 250-257

Демків В.Г. Demkiv V.H. The concept of "personality" in terms of the theory of the history of concepts 258-266

Зозуля І.М. Zozulia I.M. The specifics of the organization of official and educational activities of cadets of higher education of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine 267-276

Паламарчук М.Є. Palamarchuk E.M. The experience of socially stigmatized group interaction as a condition of perception change the ideas about its members 277-289

Шмарова Н.В. Shmarova N.V. Psychological features of infuence of ekonomic deprivation on frustration of potential migrants: factor type 290-302