Content 3-5
Бевз Г.М. Bevz H.M. Socio-psychological support as a direction of psychological researches: a theoretical analysis 6-15
Грись А.М., Павлюк М.М. Grys A.M., Pavlyuk M.M. The theory and practice of working with the client’s Image of I in the context of autonomy 16-24
Москаленко В.В. Moskalenko V.V. The personality study cultural-activity conception (retrospective analysis of the Ukrainian culturological school achievements) 25-35
Сердюк Л.З. Serdiuk L.Z. The relationship between self-attitude and attitudes to a partner as a factor for marriage stability 36-45
Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. Ethics and morality of a personality: a conflict, cognitive dissonance and tolerance 46-55
Музика О.Л., Гончарук О.В. Muzyka O.L., Goncharuk O.V. Abilities as personal value resources of the readaptation of women with mental disorders 56-71
Візнюк І.М. Vizniuk I.M. Somatotypes of professional programs by hypochondriacal sign according to the results of the research 72-82
Гавриловська К.П., Дем’янчук Ю.Ю. Havrylovska K.P., Demianchuk Yu.Yu. The formation of person`s hardiness (art-coaching approach) 83-90
Грейліх О.О. Greilich О. Psychological peculiarity of preschool children’s speech development 91-97
Губенко О.В. Gubenko O.V. A paradox as a principle of constructing of the creative thinking 98-102
Дембицька Н.М. Dembytska N.M. Game practices in prevention of deprivation of a children rights to a personal property 103-109
Зарембо Н.О., Масліхова М.П., Мікітіна С.В. Zarembo N.A., Maslikhova M.P., Mikitina S.V. Features of the psychological adaptation of «nautical students» to future professional activities 110-117
Іванова В.В. Ivanova V. The psychological peculiarities of the development of creative abilities of younger pupils in extracurricular activities 118-126
Кириченко В.В. Kyrychenko V.V. The development of information culture among representatives of socionomic and technonomic professions 127-136
Крицька А.М. Kritska A.M. Professional creativity activation methods 137-143
Купрєєва О.І. Kuprieieva O.I. Features the time perspectives in the area self-realization of personality 144-153
Кутішенко В.П., Патинок О.П., Сидоркін В.В. Kutishenko V.P., Patynok O.P., Sidorkin V. Religious values influence on the formation of the personality's moral and value scope 154-164
Мазяр О.В. Mazyar O.V. Personal counterpoint at the crossroads of paradigms 165-172
Малєєва Н.С. Malieieva N. S. Interposition online: features of communicative technology for resolving social conflicts in social Internet networks 173-181
Мотрук Т.О., Вертель А.В. Motruk T., Vertel A. Particular qualities of perfectionism in youth age 182-192
Музика О.О. Muzyka O.О. Axiogenesis and development of students’ self-efficacy with signs of giftedness 193-204
Никончук Н.О., Музика О.О., Загурська І.С. Nykonchuk N.O., Muzyka O.O., Zagurska I.S. Psychological obstacles in the development of the ability of elementary school students with high levels of academic achievement 205-214
Портницька Н.Ф, Портницька А.А., Савиченко О.М. Portnytska A., Portnytska N., Savichenko O. Psychological well-being of girls: age and social activity factors 215-221
Портницька Н.Ф., Савиченко О.М., Тичина І.М. Portnytska N.F., Savychenko O.M., Tychyna I.M. To the problem of maintaining mental health of children and adolescents 222-229
Портницька Н.Ф, Соложенцева М.В., Тичина І.М. Portnytska N., Solozhentseva M., Tychyna I. Psychological well-being of parants, whose children has disabilities: crisis and resources 230-237
Примачок Л.Л. Prymachok L.L. The structure of the professional competence of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation 238-250
Сухенко Я.В. Sukhenko Ya. V. Educational pathway and realization of educator's personal potential: peculiarities of interconnection 251-261
Харченко Н.А. Kharchenko N.A. The role of the psychologist in the organization of dialogic interaction of students with different types of giftedness 262-268
Чайка Г.В. Chaika G.V. Positive impacts of computer games 269-278
Чиханцова О.А. Chykhantsova O. Foreign language communication competence as a factor of personal development 279-286
Щербакова О.О. Shcherbakova О.О. Typology of the academic abilities of young children 287-293
Гусєва Н.Т. Husieva N. The notion of irractionality in scientific researches 294-303
Зеленська З.П. Zelenska Z.P. Exploring the gender differences in communication skills of primary school students 304-311
Максьом К.В. Maksom K. Features of the bullying structure in adolescence 312-318
Митрофанова С.С. Mytrofanova S.S. Professional self-identity as an element of self-consciousness of future psychologists 319-327
Місюра О.М. Misiura O.M. Internal picture of disease and the quality of life in adolescents with essential arterial hypertension 328-334
Настояща У.В. Nastoiasha U.V. Social and psychological peculiarities of professional activity of employees of state criminal and executive service of Ukraine (state criminal and executive service of Ukraine) 335-345
Сніжна М.А. Snizhna M.A The role of personal values of the visually gifted teenagers in adaptation to the educational environment 346-350
Тесленко В.М. Teslenko V. N. Prevention of professional burnout of teachers in public and private schools 351-359
Улько Н.М. Ulko N. M. Influence of life losses, on change of value meanings of psycho-traumatic personality 360-368
Федоренко Л.П. Fedorenko L.P. Psychological support for improving the effectiveness of rural school graduates professional self-determination 369-379
Чорний А.М. Chornyi A.M. Psychological peculiarities of problem-based learning usage in the vocational training system 380-391
Шевченко О.Т. Shevchenko О. Features of resilience of future nurses in working with severe somatic patients: value-motivational aspect 392-401