Content 3
Рудницька С.Ю. Structural-procedural model of narrative construction of personality’s experience4-25
Чепелева Н. В. Structural and semantic model of experience narrative constructing in the context of personality development 26-38
Смульсон М. Л. Intellectual metacognitions and a personality experience constructing in the old age39-51
Лебединська І. В. The phenomenon of experience in the context of constructivist ideas. 52-62
Шиловська О. М. Development of reflection and decentralization as the factor in formation of primary schoolchildren interpretive processes 63-73
Зазимко О. В. Psychological characteristics of students in gaining distance learning experienc 74-88
Зарецька О. О. Methodical questions of definition of levels of formation of the persons interpretive processes 89-103
Гуцол К. В. Features of formation of narrative competence of social networks users 104-115
Колобова І. Б. The sense-bearing structure of a personality in autobiographical narratives116-132