Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - 2017. Vol. II. - Issue 10


Content 3

Чепелева Н.В. Theoretical and methodological foundations of create of the normative model of discursive personality self-designing 4-19

Рудницкая С.Ю. Prototext as the basis of «Self-text» in narrative applications of personality’s self-designing20-37

Зазимко О.В. Narrativization of replicative forms of everyday culture as a means of constructing life stories in youth38-51

Лебединська І.В. Personal self-designing and problem of the rationality52-63

Зарецька О.О. Sources of individual discourse of self-designing (based on survey by questionnaire)64-81

Шиловська О.М. Features of application of discursive practices of self-design in the younger school age 82-93

Березко І.В. Technologies of persons self-designing during oncological diseases94-108

Коваленко-Кобилянська І.Г. Theoretical approaches to the scientific research of intelligence in gerontogenesis109-120

Кресан О.Д. Reflection of personality’s experience and perception of life events in oral and written narrations121-134

Мещеряков Д.С. Theoretical approaches to the problems of subjectness and subjectness activity135-154

Гудінова І. Л. Meme as a model textual Internet form in the context of self- designing of personality155-166

Гуцол К.В. Theoretical and methodological foundations of study of personality’s narrative competence167-185

Галунзовский И.С. Types of games in virtual space: the psychological-hermeneutic approach186-199

Колярова В.О. Mental map of body awareness by personalities capable of self-designing200-213