Content 3-5
Атаманчук Н.М. Atamanchuk, N.М. Handmade-a method for increasing strength in students of higher education institutions 6
Бичкова С.С. Bondar, L.V., Proskurka, N.М., Boichenko, M.M. Coping strategies of adult gamers 23
Бондар Л.В., Проскурка Н.М., Бойченко М.М. Volodarska, N.D. Role of intervention group in restoration of the psychological well-being of school counselors 38
Володарська Н.Д. Hryniova, N.V. Diagnosis and correction of vitality as a component of a person's mental health 52
Гриньова Н.В. Hryniova, N.V., Kozak O. To the question of professional establishment teachers of higher education facilities 66
Гриньова Н.В., Козак О.Ю. Grys, A.M. Features of attitudes to future family life during moving into adulthood 80
Грись А.М. Grys, A.M., Homoniuk V.O. Psychological conditions of adaptation of children with special educational needs 94
Грись А.М., Гомонюк В.О. Gudinova, I.L. Psychology of a person’s life goal, and the search for a sociocultural semantic basis 114
Гудінова І.Л. Illiashenko, T.D., Zhuk T.V. The topical issues of psychological assistance to parents raising children with developmental disabilities 132
Ілляшенко Т.Д., Жук Т.В. Maksym, O.V. Specifics of value orientations of adolescents with deviant behaviour 152
Максим О.В. Maksimov, M.V. Diagnosis of the development of primary school age children’s reflection 173
Максимов М.В. Maksymova, N. Yu. Prevention of penitentiary staff’s emotional burnout 189
Максимова Н.Ю. Manilov, I.F. Psychotherapeutic travel alone: implementation features 205
Манілов І.Ф. Melnichuk, O.B. Professional intelligence and personality 220
Мельничук О.Б. Moskalenko, V.V. Determination of an individual’s socialization by the social matrix of society 246
Москаленко В.В Musiiaka, N.I. The conceptual analysis of motivation, as a personal determinant for learning, performed by G.S.Kostiuk 258
Мусіяка Н.І. Pavliuk, M.M. Socio-psychological factors of child-parent relations in quarantine 276
Павлюк М.М. Pavliuk, M. M., Darmogray, O.O. Adolescents’ social competence as the rollout of their life potential 290
Павлюк М.М., Дармограй О.О. Penkova, O.I. Psychological well-being: the theoretical analysis of the stated problem 309
Пенькова О.І. Ryabovol, T.A. Experimental study of the peculiarities of expectations from the future of graduates of secondary schools 327
Старков Д.Ю. Chaika, G.V. Cross-cultural study of psychological well-being 353
Чайка Г.В. Filonenko, L.A. Alternative forms of learning during the quarantine: a psychological aspect 385
Філоненко Л.А. Shcherbyna-Pryluka, V.M. Modern directions of research on reflection 402
Щербина-Прилука В.М. Yavorska-Vetrova, I.V. The study on relations between indicators of students’ self-attitude and self-organization in the paradigm of psychological well-being 418
Яворська-Вєтрова І.В. Yalanska, S.P. Psychological characteristics of the creative imagination development at university students 429
Яланська С.П. Ryabovol, T.А. Showing prediction of the future at different levels of organization of personality 445