Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. – 2019. – Volume 11. – Issue 20


Content 3-4

Вакуліч Т.М. Vakulich, T.M. Mechanisms of victimization of personality of women 5

Варіна Г.Б. Varina, G.B. Psychological peculiarities of the sanogenic potential of rescuers working at the State Emergency Service of Ukraine 16

Войтенко О.В. Voytenko, O.V. The memory role in formation of the emotional component of creative writing 30

Hrys,A.M. Hrys,A.M. The underlying mechanisms of functioning of the self- image of socially disadvantaged minors 45

ІлляшенкоТ.Д. Illyashenko, T.D. The article speaks about developed by the author system of psychological and pedagogical assessment of development in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 56

Каткова Т.А., Прокоф’єва О.О. Katkova, T.A., Prokofieva, O.O. Development of professional- personal maturity of the future psychologist in the process of industrial practice 75

Лукашенко М.Ю. Галич Я.В. Lukashenko, M.Y., Halych Y.V. The use of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the rehabilitation system of victims of armed conflict 90

Максим О.В. Maksym, O.V. Deformation of value orientations of Internet- dependent adolescents 102

Максимов М.В., Кубанцева Н.В., Чаусова Р.Б. Maxymov, Mykola, Chausova, Romana, Kubantseva, Natalia. Influence of value orientations of modern high school students on the choice of profession 119

Максимова Н.Ю., Недибалюк О.С. Maksymova, N.Yu., Nedybaliuk, O.S. Strategies of benavior of juvenile convicts in a situation of frustration 132

Манілов І.Ф. Manilov, I.F. Personal ideal lifestyle as a psychotherapeutic construct 147

Місенг Д.В. Miseng, D. Identification and Characterization of Individual Lifestyles using Factor Analysis 159

Мозговий В.І. Mozhhovyi, V. I. Deviant behaviour of military personnel through the lens of their gender identity and broken family ties 175

Мураненко К.Ю. Muranenko, K.Yu. Psychological factors of adolescent deviant behaviour. 200

Мельничук О.Б. Melnychuk, O.B. Intellectual coaching as a developing means for professional intelligence of future specialists in the social sphere 217

Pavliuk, M.M. Pavliuk, M.M. Value measurements of self-direction of future specialists 232

Пенькова О.І. Penkova, O.I. Self-actualization as a factor of personal self- realization 245

Примак Т.Л. Primak, T.L. Effctiveness of the application of the sanogenous thinking method in correction of theemotional sphere of personality 258

Пухно С.В. Pukhno, S.V. Features of foreign students’ adaptation in the studying process at a higher educational institution of Ukraine 272

Раєвська Я.М. Raievska, Ya.M. Peculiarities of inter-professional interactions during work with children and youth 286

Рябовол Т.А. Ryabovol, T.А. Determinants of the prognostic function undevelopment in modern youth 300

Туриніна О.Л. Turinina, O.L. Criteria, indicators and evaluations of a leader’s image as a phenomenon of interpersonal interactions 315

Фалько Н.М. Falco, N.M. The cultural-educational dimension of the harmonization of space, personality: a psychological discourse 330

Шевченко С.В., Денисов І.Г. Shevchenko, S.V., Denisov, I.G. Features of the adaptation of freshmen to the teaching loads of the modern educational process of higher education 344