Content 3-5
Вольнова Л. М. Revealing of features of troublesome teen’s behavior as a basis for deviant behavior prevention 6-14
Гладій Г. І. Fundamentals of the thought processes of deviant youth in modern Ukraine 15-21
Грись А. М. Psychological mechanisms of self-image functioning of persons with different types of character 22-30
Данильченко Т. В. Social and psychological training as means of subjective social well-being improvement 31-40
Дуркалевич І. В. Socio-cultural factor as agression determinant of adolescents from labour migrant families 40-51
Дьоміна Г. А. Communication skills of the future specialists of social sphere working with deviants 52-59
Красілова Ю. М. Features of motivational sphere of juvenile offenders 60-70
Лєскова Л. Ф. The issue of professional person′s socialization in the system of social work management 71-79
Литвинчук Л. М. Methods of music therapy as a method of adaptive ability improving for drug addicts 79-88
Максим О. В. Features of maladjusted children’s adaptation to social and cultural environment 88-96
Максимова Н. Ю. Parents’ divorce as a factor of child’s deviant behaviour 97-105
Манілов І. Ф. Complex suggestive correction of adolescents deviant behavior 105-116
Мельничук О. Б. Intellectual component of professional training of future social sphere specialists for their work with deviants 117-124
Мельничук Т. І. Features of the economic socialization of children in the foster families 125-134
Меркулова Ю. В. Mediation features during conciliation negotiations in a legal conflict 134-142
Мицько В. М. Semantic and statistic analysis of «violence» lexem using by web-site’s users 143-151
Мірошниченко О. М. Organization of social, educational and psychological work with juveniles having conflicts with the law 152-159
Недибалюк О. С. Determination of resocialization potential of juvenile offenders 160-170
Некіз Т. А. Prevention of psychologists’ emotional burnout at working with deviant teenagers 171-178
Новікова К. М. Role of psychological attitudes in deviant behavior development 179-187
Павлюк М. М. The phenomenon of self-dependence in the context of adaptive processes 187-197
Попелюшко Р. П. Features of psychological rehabilitation of combatants with means of natural recreation 198-207
Прахова С. А. Psychological nature, content and structure of the phenomenon of frustration 207-216
Ростомова Л. М., Яковенко С. І. The phenomenon of hatred and formation of tolerance in relations between children 217-227
Рябовол Т. А. Psychological trauma as a determinant of disorders in the structure of empathy mechanism 228-237
Cинишина В. М. Rehabilitation of perticipants of the ATO using methods of psychological help 237-246
Соломка Е. Т., Михайлишин У. Б. Psychological characteristics of Internet addiction in early adolescence 247-256
Старков Д. Ю. Psychogenic factors and neutralization techniques for chemical addicts’ craving to consumption of psychoactive substances 265-267
Старова Ю. В. Methodological recommendations for psychological support of tourism business manager training 268-276
Терещук А. Д. Study of features of affective organization of behavior of children with mental retardation 267-284
Ткач Б. М. Deviant behavior: evolutionary-neuropsychological approach 284-294
Товстокора Ю. В. Legitimization of «Other as somebody different» in the communicative space of communities: constructing of a new identity 295-304 295-304
Тягур В. М. Usage of Georg Kerschensteiner’s ideas for development of modern school students’ personalities 304-314
Тягур Л. М. Sand-play as a method of positive influence on mental development of preschool aged children 315-324
Угрин О. Г. Gender peculiarities of persons with different levels of readiness to professional self-fulfillment 324-331
Уханова А. І. Parental involvement as a factor of mental health of Ukrainian adolescents (rus) 332-347
Федоровічева О. Л. Psychological drama resources in the context of adaptation of relocated children with help of geography lessons 347-355
Хомчук О. П. Theoretical substantiation of the forming experiment for adolescents’ self-confidence development 355-363
Чопик С. В. The role of the level of aspiration for personality adaptation in society 363-371
Широка А. О., Кузьо І. М., Кубай І. А., Франчук А. О. The peculiarities of homeless and neglected children’s intellect 372-383
Щербина-Прилука В. М., Шикуленко А. В. Some aspects of harmonization of emotional sphere of adolescents with deviant behavior (eng.) 384-393
Our Authors 394-397